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1. Well prepared and confident, Tim appeared___ by all the media attention.

B. unimpeachable

D. uncommitted

2. The impact of computer has been ____ to that of the printing press.

B. eliminated

D. resembled

3. The 16 century decorative style is____ in that parts of human, animal and plant

forms are

A. fantastic

C. characterized D. obsolescent

4. The inquest, which had dragged on, with adjournments, until April 7, finally had to be content to

B. confirmation

C. suspension D. penalty

5. A. congregated C. procured D. constituted


A. transferred B. stipulated

C. extenuated 7. B. inflexible C. reciprocal

D. redundant

8. He was ____ to be the real writer of the two epic poems.

A. contemplated B. conformed

9. B. horrified

C. inspired D. diminished

10. By implication, we learned that____ and the repetition of identical experiences were a weakness and

A. identification

C. credential D. unification

11. During the presidential election campaign, strategies and ____ are both crucial for public debates.

B. participation

D. perspective

12. A. performances C. strategies D. speculations

13. The spreading scandalous rumors his reputation as a fierce warrior


trustful leader.

B. abraded

D. destroyed

14. ’s sudden death. A. hysterical

C. inimitable D. unchecked

15. ’s deeds in battle.

A. venerated C. exaggerated D. approved


A. fallacious B. untenable 17.

D. boisterous

18. A profound frightful stillness spread over the city. Suddenly shrieks were heard in the



B. supernatural

D. occult

19. While he was in Naples

there had opened a new chapter in the history of Anglesey’s B. constant C. consistent D. incessant

20. ’s imagination, which resulted in an exploration into the nearby woods.

D. provoked

21. Of all the refugees resettled since the first humanitarian of the year, we have taken in

A. impetus B. inspiration C. catalyst 22.

The original estimate for the reconstruction of the Treasury offices was %750,00 but it is expected

A. surpassed B. surmounted C. overrun


D. evaluated

24. A. incentive B. incitement

D. provocation

25. A. insidious B. sinister

D. sententious

26. We can ____ our two small businesses into a larger one for further development.

C. extend 27. The workers’ A. dissertation C. catastrophe D. connotation

28. The accelerated growth of public employment ___ the dramatic expansion of budgets and

B. equals C. revolves D. involves

29. There’s no use ___over mistakes made in the past. You should pluck up

courage to face the


D. waiving

30. There was a periods of ___ prior to their divorce, during which she went for a trip around the world

A. strangeness C. transmigration D. frivolity


The announcement was so___ that I couldn’ A. concocted B. admonished

C. distracted 32. A. piled up C. sorted out

D. drew from

33. All the cases can be considered within the ____ of the existing rules.

D. faction

34. He failed the exam because none of his answers were ____ to the questions asked.


B. omniscient C. referential D. elusive

35. As one of the greatest soloists in the world,

A. auditory B. visual

C. sensory 36. A. compilation

C. culmination D. innovation

37. On the ground, liquid hydrogen must be stored in large stainless steel tanks with double walls filled

B. velocity C. sufficiency D. elasticity

38. A. sublimates

C. compliments D. advocates

39. The crude typewriter on display in this museum is the _____ of the elaborate machines in use today.

B. proximity

D. regeneration

40. Her feeling of exuberance was so

that all the other patients were soon smiling and


A. repulsive C. effusive D. penetrating


A. stiff

C. fickle 42.

A. impromptu B. cohesion

C. propulsion 43. ’s discontent. It is imperative that the government should

B. implication C. abstraction D. verification 44. All families are very diverse, so there can really be no one single set of questions that

will family folklore form all families.

B. surmise

D. snatch


A. irrepressible B. voluble

C. bizarre 46. A. used up

C. forced up D. conjured up

47. Autism is a total lack of language, a lack of responsiveness to people , and peculiar speech B. localized C. occasional D. uncommon


A. subtlety B. diversity

D. distinction

49. Bessie’ A. in contrast to B. in defense of

C. in connection with 50. A. placidity C. calm

D. serenity

51. A. responsive B. delusive D. deliberate

52. speculations are dangerous;

we must lighten our spirits by emphasizing more

A. skeptical C. pessimistic D. hygienic



A. refined B. judicious D. factitious


A. elusive B. vulnerable C. subtle 55. The rising surplus made from higher___ was either passed onto the retailer or snatched by


material suppliers.

A. management B. establishment C. motivation 56.

Stamp duty on share transactions is prohibitively high for the newcomer with less than 500 to invest

A. investment B. interest

57. Cold and exhaustion at length forced the Indians to make for the shore under cover of darkness,

B. performance C. circumstance D. designation

58. It will be noted that to say that a person acted upon a rule is not to

assert anything about the

A. creativity B. illusion D. condemnation

59. It might well be that the foundations of the

new field would be laid, and never before had such

A. indoctrinated

C. conditioned D. exceeded

60. Taste and temperament in fact play a great part in life, and there are many instances of ____ in diet

A. curiosity

C. cuisine D. reduction

61. The general grant takes account of the cost of local services and has been ___ increased each year

B. reluctantly C. admittedly D. comprehensively

62. The whole tiny oasis was roofed, as if by a rainbow, with an almost ____ aura of loving care, and

A. plausible B. exclusive D. objectionable

63. Fixed to such a stand, the drill can be brought to the job with great ____, while pressure is increased

A. exception B. prospect C. executive

64. Because so many different languages have____ words to English, the spelling of English words is

C. presented D. identifiable

A. aspiration B. assertion

66. ____ evidence is sometimes sufficient to establish a fact or to raise a presumption of the truth of a

A. Superficial C. Perfunctory D. Extraordinary

67. On his return to the council meeting attired in the mayoral robes, and after taking the oath of office ,

A. confirmed B. accorded to D. reserved for

68. However her own behavior, she

should avoid living with, or near, people who clearly

A. exclusive C. injurious D. unsanitary



B. intent C. involved D. negligible

70. In a dignity with his rank he deports himself in public as if high rank automatically

B. connoted C. confirmed D. conversed

71. War being over and victory in hand they decided to the memory of their leader by

erecting a statue.

A. perplex

C. maximize D. initiate


’s prosperity.

A. system C. denomination D. symbol

73. Institutions like universities should indoctrinate young people the morals and values generally

accepted by the society.

A. transplant

B. cultivate D. develop

74. The last of the old man’a parentless teenager.

A. exaggerated

B. extensive C. accumulated 75. Martin Luther King was a leader of the movement of civil rights and an advocator of non-violence,

A. adherent C. indefinite D. incompatible

76. The people throughout the world are willing to work

towards, and fight for, if necessary, the

B. illustration

C. illumination D. execution

77. B. plausible C. constructive

D. exploitable

78. B. variety C. resignation D. lament

B. friendly consultation C. far-reaching significance 80. Instead of trying to _____ the conditions and the historical circumstances which have created them,

you talk as if the difficulties you experienced are more or less created by the people of

the host A. aim at C. deal with D. banter with

81. Wishes to know the unknown, control the uncontrollable

and bring order to chaos are basically

B. attitudes C. assets D. effects

82. By ___ their language and much of their aboriginal ritual structure, the Rio Grande Pueblos have

been able to maintain their culture and identity for more than 3000 years, despite their nominal conversion to Catholicism.

A. preventing B. provoking D. conserving


A. attached C. collaborated D. tied

84. The Karam of Papua New Guinea use different criteria for their animal classifications, for they


A. depart…from C. prevent…from

D. protect…from

’s aroused great concern among his colleagues.

B. hostile C. violent D. abominable

86. Tylor’s definition of culture focuses on beliefs and behavior that people acquire not through

biological _____ but by growing up in

a particular society where they are exposed to a specific B. inheritance C. legacy D. heritage

87. On Election Day Roosevelt won a convincing through predictable victory, defeating the ____ by

more than 7,000,000 votes.

A. elect

B. elector D. candidate


s mind in some countries.

A. hover

B. grip C. control 89. As for the two Disney Worlds, they are usually dismissed as “plastic” worlds of make-believe for the

B. worldly-wise C. happy-go-lucky D. ill-advised

90. By viewing life’s various peaks in terms of physiology we can easily get the feeling that we are part

of a giant ___ plan.

A. cut-and-dried B. will-o’-the-wisp

C. ducks-and-drakes 91. A. handed over

C. handed out D. handed around

92. A. manipulate

C. sway D. manage

93. She studies many magazines and books about fashion, entertaining and correct social behavior as

A. fashionable

C. graceful D. elegant

94. American role remains essential in the grain trade and it had to be played with increasing subtlety

A. sophistry C. wisdom D. innocence

95. The self-image is a your entire personality,

your behavior and even your

circumstances are built.

A. property B. proposition D. pillar


Earth, of the atmosphere and of the oceans has been and is actively made fit and comfortable by the presence of life itself.

A. presentation B. conception D. posture


A. estate

B. mansion C. pagoda B. alterative C. fortunate D. felicitous

99. A. efficient B. ornate

D. affluent

100. A. discolor C. context D. content

101. He was a verse dramatist and the first since the 17thhis art to the medium of the stage.


A. rehearse B. discipline D. mount


A. peculiarity B. normality D. departure

103. The critic Dorothy Parker wrote that

play which emotion from hope to


A. covered the whole area of C. went a long way towards

D. brought into full play

104. A. engaged in C. enchanted with D. obsessed with

105. It is not morally right to

look down upon the are as intelligent as the


A. suburban residents

C. illiterate masses D. unsophisticated populace

106. It is enough, if not too much to say there was a great and dreadful war in the Middle East, and

B. remained terrible C. remained abhorrent D. remained merciless

107. It was a land where civilization had reached its height, corruption its depth, and cunning

A. distinguishable B. distinguished

C. distinct 108. A. satires

C. sarcasm D. ironies

109. He ____ his considerable bulk ( i.e. body) between me and the window, so that I could not see


A. imposed C. bolstered D. foisted


A. deviate B. relinquish

C. precede 111. Joan of Arc refused to ____ her statements even though she knew she would be burned at the

stake as a witch.

A. deplete C. persist D. sustain


A. elusory B. solitary D. complimentary


The consequences of the establishment of the colonies were a rapid and careless depletion of

A. compelled B. unfailing D. remediable

114. Since there was soon to be a

general election, the Prime Minister decided that a change of

A. transition

C. aspiration D. cohesion

B. iterate

C. implement D. reinstate

116. Experienced employers recognize that business students who can____ different points of view

are ultimately more effective as managers than are the brilliant and original students who adhere

A. discredit C. impose

D. disregard

117. A. in a sense B. in retrospect C. in perspective



A. descendant B. ascent D. hibernation


A. blurted B. depreciated

D. misused

B. accede C. consort D. denounce

121. One of the major aims of the air force was the complete _____ of all means of transportation by

bombing of rail lines and terminals.

A. renovation B. amplification

C. demarcation B. forge C. diverge

D. expatiate

123. It’ A. impeachment C. incomplete D. incentive


A. concede B. pervert D. defer

125. This contract does not my being employed

by others at the same time that I am

working for you.

A. magnify C. prelude D. dispose

126. The judge said he would from sending her to prison, on the condition that she

promised not to steal again.

A. deviate B. constrain C. tolerate

127. Many of Bernard Malamud’s novels depict life as A. an infinite C. an ardent

D. a dreary

128. A. creditable B. reproachful

D. equitable

129. Communism is not a mere party doctrine of the working class, but a theory compassing the

B. to the full

C. at random D. with freedom


A. cluster C. adapt D. magnify


A. deflates B. demonstrates C. accentuates 132. The special prosecutor determined that the though inept, had not

intentionally set out to

A. aggravate B. assuage D. harness

133. Students of the Berry School for Mountain Children helped pay for their education by doing

A. resulted in B. began with

C. paid for of the factories upon the neighborhood lowered the value of the real estate.

C. plunder D. rampage

135. A. reclaim C. renounce D. condemn

136. The most typical feature of the Moon’s surface is its profusion of craters, the largest of which

are more than one hundred miles in diameter.


A. profundity B. proliferation

D. fanciful

faith in his success.

B. pervasive C. superficial D. fanciful

138. Maria Callas became one of the world’s most widely known opera singers because of her

musical talent, acting ability, and fiery disposition.

A. temper B. constitution C. reputation synonyms DISPOSITION, TEMPERAMENT, TEMPER, CHARACTER, PERSONALITY mean the dominant quality or qualities distinguishing a person or group. implies customary moods and attitude toward the life around one <a cheerful disposition>. implies a pattern of innate

characteristics associated with one's specific physical and nervous organization <an artistic

temperament>. implies the qualities acquired through experience that determine how a person or group meets difficulties or handles situations <a resilient temper>. CHARACTER applies to the

aggregate of moral qualities by which a person is judged apart from intelligence, competence, or special

talents <strength of character>. PERSONALITY applies to an aggregate of qualities that distinguish one as a person <a somber personality>.

139. A. revealed

C. demonstrated D. signed

B. impetuous C. imperative

D. imposing

141. A. contradiction B. conflict D. competition


A. ambiguity B. paradox

C. antithesis 143. That village would hold_____ rites and ceremony each year to invoke the gods’ blessing for the

B. mysterious C. mythical D. mystified


A. primitive B. primary C. prime 145. During the Mass, all the prayers knelt down to pray to the _____ for peace and harmony in the


A. Omnipresent B. Omnifarious C. Omnivorous 146. Social Darwinism was a _____ of Darwin’s evolutionary ideas which constituted the dominant

intellectual paradigm of the time.

A. travesty B. pervasion C. burlesque

147. A. medieval C. medium

D. median

148. A. well-chosen

B. rightly-behaved D. clearly-articulated

149. The____ of classical literature brought about the great change in the minds of the populace in

th B. survival C. reversal D. retrieval

150. I looked strange, not to say dangerous, hatless, dew-soaked, ______ with yellow mud, and

holding, as if it were a baby or a bomb, a little tin pail of sand.


A. smudged B. smutted

D. smirched

151. A. astronautic

C. astronomical D. astrological

B. remembered to C. reminded of D. remarked on


A. well-done B. well-defined

D. well-groomed


B. going back on one’s word C. going over in one’s mind

D. coming from one’s mind

155. India used to follow strictly thesystem in which there was always a wall of separation

B. social right C. social curtsey D. social ceremony


by superstition.

A. conferred B. condoled D. conduced


Some young writers will deliberately Whitman’s style of poetic creations to achieve

B. immerse C. immune D. impart

158. I am convinced that this liberty

had the sense of guilt in many people and

A. exterminated C. deleted D. effaced


never come to anything.

A. derogatory B. derisive D. despicable


A. proofread B. reproved C. reaffirmed 161. We all wanted to go tomorrow, but she had to be

and annoying B. funny and irritating C.

fussy and disquieting 162. A. debate

C. conflict D. confrontation

163. visit.

A. vacated

C. removed D. retreated

164. The driver tried to the accident by bringing his car to a sudden stop, but because of brake B. divert C. revert

D. shun

165. by all fifty states. A. authorized B. dictated

D. committed

166. the other. A. compromise C. antagonism D. emulation


The Center for Disease Control reported that the epidemic of the foot-and-mouth disease shows

no signs of.

A. lessening B. recurring C. relieving


her extreme slenderness and invited all attention at the party.

B. travestied C. disfigured D. distorted

169. The city is ___ with corruption scandals which have undermined many people’s faith in the city

A. insane C. reckless D. unscrupulous

170. As we study the ______ aspects of this disease, we must not overlook the psychological


A. pathetic B. evasive D. deductive

171. Those who, in the early part of the 20 century, campaigned for women’s right to vote in

political elections were among the first_____ in Britain.

A. humanists

B. anthropologists C. philanthropists 172. The removal of American political support appeared to have _____ the downfall of the Marcos


A. regulated C. provoked

D. relinquished

B. gravity C. framework D. agenda

174. Father worked in the same job for 30 years, and he had been in _____ since he stopped


A. denomination

B. accession D. conviction

175. Because the damage to his car had been______, Michael decided he wouldn’t bother to repot

the matter to his insurance company.

A. illegible

B. eligible C. incongruous 176. It is widely acknowledged that the enthusiasm of its

personnel is the ______ and life of any

B. purport C. epitome D. prototype

177. A. incarnation C. stipultaion D. deviation

178. Knowing she needed to have a solid majority for the budget to pass, the mayor telephoned all

B. elicit C. incur D. denounce

179. He was_____ of any personal desire for gain in his endeavor to secure improvement in the


A. fictitious B. furnished

C. devious 180. He said he’

A. casualty B. reinforced D. obsession

181. Nobody minded when Professor Renior’

s lectures wandered away from the official theme; his

A. exaggerations C. allusions D. conceptions

182. We are hoping for a large sale of our new product because the new car design _____ all the

latest safety features.

A. illuminates

B. scrutinizes C. simulates

183. After numerous experiments, nutritionists have found that there is more ______ in cocoa than

B. subsistence C. substance

D. fragrance

184. A. anguish C. trauma D. delinquency



B. remnant C. remains D. vestige

186. in prison.

A. degrades B. aborts

D. preaches

187. Many educators tried to put pupils of similar abilities in the same class because they believe

A. diverse B. mingled C. motley

B. glamorous C. facetious D. ludicrous


A. nullification C. imposition D. misdeed

190. Even though she knew she would be burned at the stake as a witch, Joan of Arc refused to

A. rebuff B. debase

D. release

B. hypothesis C. morality D. mentality

192. aims of the society.

A. intractable B. incomparable C. treacherous 193.

A. overt B. expository D. precarious

194. Before agreeing to reduce

American military forces in Europe, the president that

A. claimed

C. highlighted D. approved

of slavery throughout his entire life.

B. authority C. prosecution D. providence

196. The speaker dwelt on that point for several minutes, and the audience were annoyed and bored

by his

A. dexterous B. incisive C. pervasive 197. With the help of science and technology, motorways have largely

ordinary roads for

long-distance travel.

A. invalidated B. abridged

D. intersected

198. approach rather than shock anyone.

A. dogmatic C. pragmatic D. authentic

