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General Motors Corporation GM Global APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning Worldwide Purchasing October 2002 Revision 2 October 2002 GM 1927


This Reference Manual represents the collaborative efforts of a GM worldwide team engaged to develop a GM Common APQP process. Prior to this, each General Motors Supplier Quality

organization facilitated the implementation of the APQP process using divisional and regional specific methodologies.

The global team harmonized and standardized the various divisional and regional APQP processes and developed this GM APQP Manual (GM1927). This manual defines GM’s common global product quality planning requirements that are necessary to develop and implement an APQP process for a product or service. It is intended as a standard to provide the Supplier Quality Engineer, and the supplier, a common format from which to proceed with all steps of APQP.

This document is the second revision to the initial release and has been updated to reflect the most recent requirements set by General Motors for all Global Suppliers. As part of this update, a Revision History section has been added to provide a brief description of the October 2002 changes.

Approvals for this revision are as follows:

M. Wolf M. Moretti Worldwide Purchasing Latin American Operations Supplier Quality Supplier Quality

T.Nejman M. Aldea Powertrain Asian Pacific Operations Supplier Quality Supplier Quality

W. Kraatz M. Sch?enleber North American Vehicle Operations European Operations Supplier Quality Supplier Quality


October 2002

GM 1927

Table of Contents

Preface…………………………………………………………………………..I Table of Contents …………………………………………..………..….……..II Manual Content Explanation …………………………………..………..…....IV Customer Monitored/Supplier Monitored Matrix ………………...……….…..V APQP Process Model Flow ……………………………………………….…..VI Revision History……………………………………………………………...VII

APQP Task Definitions

Task 1: Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting …………………….………........1 Task 2: Technical Reviews ……………… ……………………………….……...3 Task 3: Risk Assessment & Sourcing…………………………………………….5 Task 4: Supplier Program Reviews …………………………………….………...7 Task 5: Timing Charts/Open Issues …………………………………………….12 Task 6: Feasibility & Manufacturing Assessment Letters ……………………...13 Task 7: Flow Chart ……………………………………………………….……..15 Task 8: DFMEA ………………………………………………………………...16 Task 9: Design Reviews ………………………………………………………..18 Task 10: Gage, Tool & Equipment Reviews ...…………………………………20 Task 11: GP-11 Pre-prototype & Prototype Material...……………………..…..23 Task 12: PFMEA Development………………………………………………....25 Task 13: Control Plan …………………………………………………………..27 Task 14: GP-12 Early Production Containment …………………………….....29 Task 15: PPAP ……………………………………………………………….....31 Task 16: Run @ Rate (GP-9) …………………………………………………..33 Task 17: Lessons Learned ………………………………………………….......36


Appendix 1—Document Usage Guidelines by Global Region…………..…..38

GM 1927-1 GM 1927-2 GM 1927-3 GM 1927-4 GM 1927-5 GM 1927-6 GM 1927-7 GM 1927-10 GM 1927-12 GM 1927-13 APQP Project Plan APQP Timing Chart

Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements (SOR) Required Quality Information Letter APQP Open Issues Form

Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting Checklist WWP APQP Assessment

Lessons Learned Process Overview Lessons Learned Criteria Checklist Technical Review Checklist


October 2002 GM 1927

Appendix 1—GM 1927 Documents (continued)

GM 1927-14 GM 1927-15 GM 1927-16 GM 1927-17 GM 1927-18 GM 1927-19 GM 1927-20 GM 1927-21 M

GM 1927-22M M

GM 1927-23M M

GM 1927-24M M

GM 1927-25M M

GM 1927-26M GM 1927-27 GM 1927-28

APQP Kick-Off Meeting Checklist APQP Kick-Off Meeting Presentation Process Control Plan Audit Worksheet GM & Supplier Program Contact List Typical Stakeholders Meeting Agenda Manufacturing Feasibility Letters Process Capability Over Time RPN Reduction Summary Chart Program Management RASIC Directed Buy Checklist Supplier Program Reviews

Subcontractor Program Status Matrix Subcontractor Detailed Status Matrix Fixture Design Matrix

Global Powertrain PFMEA Risk Ranking Form

Note: M indicates documents specific to suppliers of Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies

Appendix 2—?Complex Systems/Sub-assembly APQP Management…………….40


Appendix 3—Glossary of Terms…………………………………………………..44

October 2002


GM 1927

Manual Content Explanation

Each section is referenced by a task number and includes the following:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Task name Task Owner(s)

Task Timing (approximate) Task Description

Deliverables upon completion of the specific task Customer(s) for the deliverables

Necessary Inputs to complete the specific task including source for each input

Listing of Resources—this includes people of organizations involved in completing the task Methodology—brief description of the task and purpose

SQE Responsibilities—brief description of actions required Supplier Responsibilities—brief description of actions required References and additional information.


The Appendices contain all GM specific APQP forms and documents that are to be used throughout the implementation of the APQP process. Directions for specific application of each form or document are explained in APQP Task Definitions 1 through 17.

Document Procurement

GM Global APQP

All specific GM APQP forms and documents referenced in this GM Global APQP manual

(GM 1927) are contained in this document and can be copied for use. This manual and all documents can also be obtained through GM’s SupplyPower at

GM General Procedures (GPs)

All GM General Procedures (GPs) referenced can be obtained by contacting Boise Cascade Office Products at 1-888-216-0371, Fax 1-888-216-0603.

AIAG Documents

All AIAG specific documents referenced can be obtained by contacting AIAG at 01-248-358-3003. Documents can also be ordered by accessing the web at In Europe contact Carwin Ltd at 44-1708-861333.

Note to Suppliers:

This manual is intended to be comprehensive and ―all-encompassing‖; however, certain circumstances will prompt questions. If you have any questions regarding any part of this manual you are encouraged to contact your respective Supplier Quality Engineer.

October 2002


GM 1927

Customer vs. Supplier Monitored APQP

The following matrix describes the responsibility differences between “Customer-Monitored” and “Supplier-Monitored” APQP. Suppliers are responsible for carrying out all the “R” activities shown in the supplier column of the matrix, whether or not their parts are designated as customer or supplier-monitored APQP. If a part is designated as customer-monitored APQP, a GM representative may monitor and approve the APQP activities.

Customer Monitored Supplier Monitored APQP APQP APQP Activity Supplier GM Supplier GM 1 Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting. 2 Technical Reviews 3 WWP APQP Assessment & Sourcing 4 Supplier Gate Reviews 5 Timing Charts/Open Issues 6 Feasibility & Manufacturing Assessment Letters 7 Flow Chart 8 DFMEA (1 – Supplier Design Responsible, 2 – GM Design Responsible) 9 Design Review (1 – Supplier Design Responsible, 2 – GM Design Responsible) 10 Gage, Tool and Equipment Review 11 GP-11 12 PFMEA Development 13 Control Plan 14 GP-12 15 PPAP 16 Run @ Rate (GP-9) 17 Lessons Learned

N/A S N/A R R R R R (1) S (2) R (1) S (2) R R R R R R R R R R R A A A A A S (1) R (2) A A A A A A A I N/A S N/A R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R I A I I* I* I I A I* I* I* A A I

R Responsible (GM or Supplier)

A Approve - GM approves deliverables

S Support completion of deliverables (GM or Supplier) I Inform – GM reviews deliverables at discretion of SQE C Consult

N/A Not Applicable May be reviewed by GM as part of PPAP (Depending on submission level)


October 2002


GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Top Flow Down

STEP I: STEP II: Pre-sourcing Activity Plan and Define Program A. Buyer conducts Commodity A.

SQE schedules APQP kick-off

Sorucing Strategy Meeting1


B. Purchasing sends out RFQ B.

SQE hosts APQP kick-off meeting4

C. Buyer conducts Technical reviews2

C. Supplier provides updated draft of

D. Buyer/SQE/Engineer conduct

Timing chart5, Open Issues5

WWP APQP Assessment

Process flow chart7,




control plan13

, etc.

? Supplier Quality SOR in RFQ D. Initial Design9

and Gage, Tooling

? Lessons learned added to RFQ17

and Equipment reviews10

? WWP APQP Assessment3


Initial Timing chart5

? Sourcing Recommendation3

list5, Open issues , Process flow chart712? Preliminary Timing chart5

, Process

and Control plan13


flow chart7, PFMEA12

and Control ?

Schedule dates for required


workshops (KCDS)9

? Team Feasibility commitment6


Updated Lessons Learned17

STEP V: STEP VI: Product and Process Feedback, Assessment Validation and Corrective Action A. SQE conducts advanced PPAP15

A. Supplier performs GP-8 and

and tool shop reviews10

updates control plan


B. SQE reviews and statuses PPAP

B. GP-12 is completed



C. Lessons learned captured and

C. Run@Rate16

(GP-9) is performed

DFMEA/PFMEA are updated17

D. Gate Review #44

is conducted

D. APQP is concluded

? PPAP15 and Run@Rate16

? Updated control plan13

? Feasibility Letter #36



updated with

? Updated Timing chart5

and Open

lessons learned

Issues list5

October 2002

STEP III: STEP IV: Product Design and Process Design and Development Development A. SQE attends design reviews and

A. SQE attends design reviews9


conducts scheduled workshops9

promotes lessons learned17

B. SQE reviews gage, tool &

B. SQE reviews gage and tool

equipment concept10


C. SQE reviews prototype draft of

C. SQE guides update of post-process flow chart7, PFMEA12


prototype Process flow chart7

Control Plan13


, Control plan13

D. GP-11 plan approved by

D. SQE reviews error proofing & RPN

appropriate GM department11

reduction plans12

E. Gate Review #24

is conducted

E. GP-11 parts, modules and systems

? Updated Process flow chart7



PFMEA12, and Control plan13

? Gage, tooling & equipment

F. Risk Assessment3

updated by SQE


G. Gate Review #34

is conducted

? Feasibility Letter #16

? Updated Process flow chart7

? Updated Timing chart5

& Open


, Control plan13

issues list5

chart5, Timing

and Open issues list5

? Completed gage & tool designs10

? Feasibility letter #26

? GP-12 plan14

? Updated WWP APQP Assessment3

xnumber = Indication of corresponding APQP Task Number VI

GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Revision History October 2002

Tasks 1-17

Task 1

Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting—name revised from Key Stakeholders Meeting to Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting to align with Global Sourcing process naming. ADVP&R Cover Sheet added to Deliverables if required per the SOR.

Task 2

Technical Reviews—―Under Necessary Inputs‖ eliminated redundant listing requirements that are included in the Required Quality Information form GM 1927-4 that is part of the RFQ package.

Task 3

WWP APQP Assessment & Sourcing—Name revised from Risk Assessment to WWP APQP Assessment. Clarifications made for suppliers of Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies.

Task 4

Supplier Gate Reviews—name revised from Supplier Program Reviews to Supplier Gate Reviews to correlate with the terms used in the APQP tracking system. Referenced made

pertaining to Directed Buys. Task numbers referenced next to requirements due at each of the 4 Gate Reviews.

Task 5

Timing Chart and APQP Open Issues List—minor name revision and other minor clerical revision.

Task 6

Feasibility and Manufacturing Assessment Letters—―Deliverables‖ section, clarified AIAG APQP and Control Plan Manual Appendix E as source for the Team Feasibility Commitment

Task 7

Process Flow Charts—revised name from Develop, review and update Process Flow Charts to Process Flow Charts.

Task 8

DFMEA—Task Owner revised from GM Design/Release Engineer to Design responsible engineer. Replaced GM Design/Release Engineer with Design responsible engineer through the task write-up. ―Necessary Input‖ section added Requirements as stated in SOR/SSTS/CTS and Key Product Characteristics (if already identified)

Task 9

Design Reviews—revised name from Conduct Design Reviews to Design Reviews. Supplier

Responsibility section, included requirement for GM W3059 and GM W3116. Additional Information section, added GM W 3050, GM W 3116, ITEZ1401 Procedure for ITDC.

Task 10

Gage, Tooling and Equipment Reviews—revised name from Conduct Gage, Tooling and Equipment Reviews to Gage, Tooling and Equipment Reviews. Functional Test Requirement included in each section. Supplier Responsibilities section, minor revisions including requirement for completing the AIAG APQP New Equipment Checklist (A-3). PED 114 manual added to Additional Information section.

Task 11

GP-11 Pre-Prototype and Prototype—Clarified task write-up and included GP-11 GM 1820 document form numbers in the Additional Information section.

Task 12

PFMEA—revised name from PFMEA Development to PFMEA. Included the usage of the Global Powertrain PFMEA Risk Ranking Chart GM 1927-28. Additional Information section, added the Global Powertrain PFMEA Risk Ranking Chart GM 1927-28

Task 13

Control Plans—Necessary Inputs section added Special Characteristics and Lessons Learned. SQE Responsibilities section, revised requirements.

Task 14 Early Production Containment (GP-12)—minor revisions

October 2002


GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Revision History October 2002

Tasks 1-17 continued

Task 15

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)—revised name from Production Part Approval PPAP to Production Part Approval Process (PPAP. Methodology section, removed requirement of a specific number of parts for subcomponents necessary for PPAP. Removed Directed Buy PPAP date

statements. Additional Information added Engineering Source Approval for Functional Performance GM-E364

Task 16

GP-9 Run @ Rate—revised name from Conduct GP-9 Run @ Rate to GP-9 Run @ Rate. Updated the Task write-up to include the GP-9 June 2001 required forms. Significant clarifications in each section.

Task 17

Lessons Learned—revised name from Lessons Learned Communication & Update to Lessons Learned. Included the required use of the GM Lessons Learned website.

Suffixed Documents

GM 1927-1

APQP Project Plan

Revised to correlate with program development terms

GM 1927-2

APQP Timing Chart

Header information added, required elements grouped with sub-headings

GM 1927-3

Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements (SOR)

Sections clarified, redundant listings of procedures and requirements removed. Section 3 identifies GM procedures and reference documents

GM 1927-4

Required Quality Information

Reordered requirements and grouped under sub headings

GM 1927-5

Open Issues

Three type categories added

GM 1927-6

Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting Checklist

Minor revisions

GM 1927-7

WWP APQP Assessment

Name revised plus minor wording revisions

GM 1927-8

Timing and Feasibility

Form removed

GM 1927-9

Serial Tooling/Checking Equipment

Form removed

GM 1927-10

Lessons Learned Process Overview

Revised to incorporate the Global Lessons Learned web system

GM 1927-11

Global Lessons Learned & Implementation Process

Form removed

GM 1927-12

Commodity Criteria Checklist

Form removed

GM 1927-13

Technical Review Checklist Guidelines

Minor revisions

GM 1927-14

APQP Kick-Off Checklist

Minor revisions, TS 16949 direction added

GM 1927-15

APQP Kick-Off Meeting Presentation

Revised to correlate to the APQP web overview

October 2002


GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Revision History October 2002

Suffixed Documents continued

GM 1927-16

Process Control Plan Audit Worksheet

GM 1927-17

GM and Supplier Program Contacts

GM 1927-18

Typical Agenda Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting

GM 1927-19

Supplier Manufacturing Assessment Letters

GM 1927-20

Process Capability Over Time

GM 1927-21

RPN Reduction Summary Chart M

GM 1927-22 Program Management RASIC


GM 1927-23 Directed Buy/Directed Source



GM 1927-24 Supplier Program Review Flow


GM 1927-25 Subcontractor Program Status



GM 1927-26

Subcontractor Detailed Status Matrix

GM 9727-27

Fixture Design Matrix

GM 1927-28 Global Powertrain PFMEA Risk Ranking Form


Appendix 1

Document Usage Guidelines by Global Region

Appendix 2

Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies APQP Management Plan

Appendix 3 Glossary of Terms

October 2002

Checklist revised to correlate with the GP-9 Run @ Rate procedure June 2001 form GM 1962-B.

Functional positions added

Name revised to correlate with revisions in corporate processes

Model year revised on form letters

Example removed from body of form

No changes

Form to be used as an example

Required signatures revised


Name revised to correlate with direction in Appendix 2 for Suppliers of Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies

Revised to correlate with corporate development process nomenclature for build events

New form

New form for suppliers of Powertrain components

Updated to include addition of two forms, GM 1927-27 and GM 1927-28. Removed five forms, GM 1927-8, GM 1927-9, GM 1927-11, GM 1927-12 and GM 1927-24M

Name revised. The term ―module‖ replaced with Complex System/Sub-assembly. Format revised to focus on the Tier 1 supplier responsibilities to manage the APQP process for all subcontractor suppliers. The Tier 1 supplier has the responsibility to drive adherence to the Global APQP requirements including specific requirements focused on complex systems/sub-assemblies.

Terms added

IX 10

GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:


Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting Buyer. SQE participates in meeting. Pre-Sourcing

Task Name:

Task Owner:


Task Timing:

Task Description: The purpose of the Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting is to involve all GM stakeholders in

the Advanced Purchasing process on a particular commodity package to develop and

understand the sourcing process, content, timing, and strategy to ensure that the RFQ-package contains all information needed to receive comparable quotes. It is intended that these

meetings be conducted on all commodities identified for early sourcing by the platform. Key Stakeholders meet to review key program information and timing as referenced in the Advanced Purchasing ―Typical Agenda‖ (GM1927-18)



? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Generic functional requirements for inclusion into the Engineering SOR

List of Critical and Non-Critical Commodities that the Supplier shall prepare and obtain GM approval for the ADVP&R Cover Sheet if required per the SOR.

Agreement by stakeholders on process, content, timing and strategy of the sourcing package

Guidelines and expectations for Supplier Workshops (technical design issues /timing, team members, questionnaire, etc.) Target date for Technical Reviews

Communication Strategy - process to be used to communicate information to Key Stakeholders ?

Program Management RASIC GM1927-22M for specific commodity APQP Open Issues List (GM1927-5)

Purchasing*, Engineering*, Supplier Quality*, Marketing, PC&L and any additional functional groups as appropriate

* Mandatory participation as Key Stakeholders

Customer for Deliverables:

Necessary Inputs:

Technical documents (BOM, SOR, SSTS/CTS etc.) ADV Process Tasks and Deliverables

Creativity Team Bidders List (enhanced quality metrics) Lessons Learned on previous programs Program related information

Source of Input: Engineer Engineer Buyer


Key Stakeholders (ref. GM1927-18)


Purchasing, Supplier Quality, Engineering


? The Commodity Sourcing Strategy meeting date is identified on the Sourcing Program Plan.

? Buyer sends invitation to appropriate Key Stakeholders identified for specific component/commodity/system. ? The buyer conducts the meeting (typical agenda GM1927-18).

? Key Stakeholders discuss and review program information and timing. ? Each Stakeholder discusses pertinent requirements:

? Review of Engineering requirements in technical documents ? upplier Quality Statement of Requirements ? Warranty and IPTV requirements

? Key Stakeholders Review potential bidders list to restrict Request for Quotation (RFQ) distribution to suppliers meeting GM criteria, and to identify suppliers that need to be visited for conducting Potential Supplier Assessments (PSA) or Sourcing Team Evaluation Process (STEP) visits.

October 2002 1 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

1 continued

Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting

Task Name:

Methodology: (continued) ? Supplier Workshops for technical design issues are planned (if applicable):

? Questions are developed for the Supplier Workshops and dates are established.

? A core group (sub-group of Stakeholders) is defined that will: Attend Supplier Workshops, summarize

results and refine functional requirements based on workshop findings.

? Key Stakeholders discuss and agree on the process, content, timing and strategy of the sourcing package. ? The buyer clarifies the timing of each step in the AP Sourcing process and what is expected from each Stakeholder. Action items are also reviewed.

SQE Responsibility:

? Participate in the meeting.

? Clarify the role of the SQE in the sourcing process.

? Review the requirements stated in the SQ SOR with the other Stakeholders. ? Obtain knowledge of what is being sourced (functional aspects of part). ? Obtain knowledge of timing (sourcing and program).

? Confirm ―Make or Purchase‖ (MOP) coding has been done for modules/integrated packages (Should accompany SOR).

? Inquire about any sequencing plans.

? Reviews suppliers on Creativity Team Bid List and corresponding performance with enhanced metrics. ? Identify suppliers that will require‖ Business Case‖ Action Plans due to performance problems. ? Provide SQ questions to be included in the Pre-Workshop questionnaire.

? Provide an overview of the GM Global Lessons Learned web site process using the GM 1927-10 and

communicate Lessons Learned information obtained from the GM Global Lessons Learned web site for the specific commodity.

? MUnderstand the Complex System/Sub-assembly and system requirements and verify with the engineer or buyer that the Program Management RASIC for the specific commodity (similar to GM 1927-22M) will be included in the RFQ.

? Verify with the buyer that the roles and responsibilities have been clearly defined for any directed buy parts; complete the GM 1927-23M if applicable and ensure the completed form does not contradict any Purchasing contracts. ? Utilize the Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting Checklist GM1927-6 as appropriate (recommended). ? Start the APQP Open Issues list (GM1927-5) with any items that need to be addressed. Consideration should be given to missing technical information, decisions on modularity, etc. ? Understand Functional / End of Line Test requirements

Additional Information: Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements GM1927-3 Required Quality Information GM1927-4 Open Issues list GM1927-5

Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting Checklist GM1927-6 Lessons Learned Process Overview GM1927-10 Typical Agenda Stakeholders Meeting GM1927-18 ?

Program Management RASIC GM example 1927-22M

October 2002 2 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 2

Task Name:

Technical Review

Buyer, SQE participates in meeting. Pre-Sourcing

Task Owner:

Task Timing:


Source of Input: Engineer SQE Supplier Supplier Supplier

SupplierBuyer Buyer

Task Description: The Technical Review is a meeting attended by the supplier, buyer, engineer, and SQE, with representation from other affected organizations. The purpose of the meeting is to review quotations to insure that all requirements in the RFQ-package have been understood and that the supplier has potential to produce parts meeting GM expectations (any item related to the manufacturability of the part, including timing, design, manufacturing capability, packaging, etc.).

Deliverables: ? Identification of suppliers that are capable and should continue in the sourcing process ? Initial WWP APQP Risk Assessment GM1927-7 for appropriate suppliers ? Updated APQP Open Issues List GM1927-5

Buyer, SQE, Engineer

Customer for Deliverables:

Necessary Inputs: Technical documents

Supplier’s Quality History

ADVP&R Cover Sheet GM 1829 (if required by SOR) Preliminary SFMEA / DFMEA Block Diagram Required Quality Information GM 1927-4 Prototype plan ? Inputs for Complex Systems/Subassemblies ?List of Directed Buys ?

Carryover part contact list

Resources: Purchasing, Engineering, Supplier Quality, Supplier


? The buyer invites potential suppliers to Technical Review Meetings.

? Supplier addresses topics related to timing, design capability (if applicable), manufacturability of the part as

designed, quality processes, packaging, and transportation.

? Supplier addresses the specific quality topics listed in the Required Quality Information letter GM1927-4. ? Supplier provides Team Feasibility Commitment (QS-9000 requirement per ? SQE reviews expectations relative to Lessons Learned. (GM 1927-10)

? At the conclusion of the Technical Review, the Buyer, SQE and Engineer complete the WWP APQP

Assessment GM1927-7.

SQE Responsibility:

? Prior to the meeting review specific documents provided in the supplier’s quote and prepare questions. ? Ask questions relative to quality and any issues related to the manufacturability of the component/system. ? Ask questions pertaining to the supplier’s responses to items requested in the quality portion of the RFQ


? Provide a five-minute overview of the Lessons Learned process. ? Participate in the WWP APQP Assessment GM1927-7.

? Complete the Technical Review Checklist GM1927-13. (recommended) ? Ensure the supplier understands the Supplier Quality SOR (recommended). ? This is required prior to signing the Sourcing Recommendation form.

October 2002 3 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 2 continued

Task Name: Technical Review

? Update the APQP Open Issues List GM1927-5 with concerns related to the supplier’s ability to meet the quality


? Finalize plans for needed supplier visits (PSA or STEP for new suppliers)

Note: If a technical review is not held, the SQE should review the Quality information submitted as part of the

supplier’s quote, prior to performing the WWP APQP Assessment. Input should be obtained from the buyer and GM engineer.

Supplier Responsibilities:

? Supplier must provide the ―Required Quality Information‖ (GM1927-4) together with their quote. ? At the technical review, the supplier is expected to review the following information:

1. Preliminary timing charts. Supplier will highlight any concerns relative to tooling / testing that may impact

providing a quality process/part on time.

2. Review of the manufacturing facility. Where is it located? How long has it been in operation? What

modifications to the facility would be required to support the RFQ volumes?

3. The time frame of the last review by a General Motors SQE (please specify type of review conducted). 4. Preliminary process flow diagrams. (Including any special assembly techniques, test methods, and Containment procedures used)

5. Plans in place to meet the IPTV targets.

6. Capability studies on similar parts, along with plans for error proofing, data analysis, and record keeping

must be included in plan

7. AIAG APQP Appendix E-Team Feasibility Commitment

8. Manpower resource commitment to ensure successful completion of program; proper skills and training to

perform the necessary tasks.

9. Provide evidence from previous project to demonstrate experience on the new product. Additional Information: Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements (GM1927-3) Required Quality Information letter (GM1927-4) APQP Open Issues List (GM1927-5) WWP APQP Assessment (GM1927-7)

Lessons Learned Process Overview (GM1927-10)

October 2002 4 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name:

Task Owner:

Task Timing:

Task Description:


WWP APQP Assessment & Sourcing

Buyer Sourcing Recommendation / SQE and Buyer WWP APQP Assessment Initial WWP APQP Assessment as input to the sourcing recommendation

Second WWP APQP Assessment in the Prototype/Validation Vehicle timeframe


The WWP APQP Assessment is a tool to assess the potential for problems early in the vehicle development process and to determine which parts and/or suppliers will require additional focus. It is intended that the assessment be conducted on all new parts / suppliers. A supplier is selected by a quality assured sourcing decision, approved by all Key Stakeholders.


Completed WWP APQP Assessment GM1927-7 for each part including Complex Systems/Subassemblies

? Initial assessment will be available for review at sourcing meeting

? WWP APQP Assessment indicating the level of GM involvement in the APQP process ? Supplier selected with SQ or designates signature on the sourcing recommendation form.

Customer for Deliverables: Supplier Quality, Purchasing, Engineering

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: Technical documents Engineer Design stability Engineer Supplier’s technical capability Supplier/Engineer Supplier’s manufacturing process capability on similar parts Supplier/SQE Supplier’s past quality history and performance reports SQE/Supplier Supplier’s manufacturing site information Supplier/Buyer Supplier’s sub-contractor plan Supplier/Buyer QS-9000 status Supplier/Buyer/SQE Preliminary DFMEA, PFMEA, and Flow Diagram Supplier/SQE Historical program management experience by supplier SQE (Launch history, lessons learned, etc.) ? Understanding of Complex System/Sub-assembly Supplier/SQE/ Buyer/Engineer Complexity of management structure Buyer Regional SQ support availability SQE Capacity of system Supplier/Buyer/SQE Customer Impact of part Engineer/SQE Supplier Assessment (PSA, QSA, STEP, etc.) SQE/Team

Resources: Purchasing, Supplier Quality, Engineering and Supplier.

Methodology: ? The first WWP APQP assessment is conducted prior to the Sourcing decision.

If a Technical Review is held, the assessment should be conducted directly following this review. The Buyer, SQE and Engineer evaluate the information presented throughout the sourcing process by the supplier and evaluate that information as it applies to the questions on the assessment form.

If the buyer does not conduct a Technical Review, the SQE has the responsibility to contact the Buyer and Engineer for their joint input in completing the risk assessment.

October 2002 5 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 3 continued

Task Name: WWP APQP Assessment & Sourcing

Methodology (Continued)

? The WWP APQP Assessment must be updated at least once prior to the last Gate Review #3 build event. ? The cross-functional sourcing team agrees to select the supplier with the best qualifications. ?

For Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies: ? The supplier completes an assessment of all tiered suppliers manufacturing capabilities using the WWP

APQP Assessment GM 1927-7 or equivalent. ?? For sub-components not sourced, the supplier should provide a detailed sourcing plan to the SQE.

?? The SQE reviews the list of assessed sub components to determine if the supplier has appropriate

resources assigned to support the program.

SQE Responsibility:

? Lead the initial WWP APQP Assessment process at the time of the technical review. ? Work jointly with the Sourcing Team to identify activities and actions required to eliminate or reduce risk

identified on the WWP APQP Assessment document. ? Sign sourcing recommendation for selected supplier.

? Determine the appropriate level of APQP follow-up and Run @ Rate based on the WWP APQP Assessment

? >21 - (A) assessed commodities/parts will have customer-monitored APQP and Run @ Rate ? 0 to 20 - (B and C) assessed commodities/parts can be either customer or supplier-monitored for APQP or Run @ Rate (discretion of SQE / Division)

? Update the WWP APQP Assessment prior to Gate Review #3

? Adjust APQP and Run @ Rate plan based on changes in the assessment level.

Supplier Responsibilities:

Provide all necessary data required prior to sourcing. (See necessary inputs)

Additional Information:

WWP APQP Assessment GM1927-7

October 2002 6 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 4

Task Name:

Supplier Gate Reviews

SQE for Kick-off Meeting, Supplier for remaining meetings Four reviews as shown on APQP Project Plan

Task Owner:


Task Timing:

Task Description: The purpose of the Supplier Gate Reviews is to review the progress of items according to the

APQP Project Plan (GM1927-1) and track the status and progress of items listed on the APQP Timing Chart (GM1927-2). The reviews are also intended to review the APQP Open Issues list (GM1927-5) and identify any additional GM and supplier issues that require resolution. These review meetings are intended as an APQP team review of the part and process development and to capture the learnings from each build event. The first review is coordinated by the GM SQE for all customer-monitored APQP parts. For parts that are supplier monitored APQP, the supplier is expected to conduct gate reviews internally.


? Updated APQP Timing Chart (GM1927-2) ? Updated APQP Open Issues List (GM1927-5)

? Completed APQP Kick-off Meeting Checklist (GM1927-14) ? GM & Supplier APQP Contact List completed (GM-1927-17)

? Supplier Process Capability (GM1927-20) and RPN Reduction Plan (GM1927-21)

Additional Deliverables for Suppliers of Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies (reference GM 1927 Appendix 2): ? Directed Buy/Directed Sourced Checklist (GM 1927-23M) Applicable if not in RFQ ? Subcontractor Program Status Matrix (GM 1927-25M) ? Subcontractor Detailed Status Matrix (GM 1927-26M)

Customer for Deliverables: SQE, Buyer, Engineer, Readiness Coordinator, Manufacturing as appropriate.

Necessary Inputs: Program timing for key events

Detailed timing for tools, facilities, etc. Lessons Learned Checklist (GM1927-12) APQP Open Issues List (GM1927-5) APQP Timing Chart (GM1927-2)

Source of Input: Engineer/Buyer Supplier SQE

Supplier/SQE Supplier/SQE


Buyer, Engineer, SQE, Readiness Coordinator, Manufacturing as appropriate

Methodology: ? Supplier Gate Review #1 (APQP Kick-off Meeting) This meeting should occur within 30 days of the supplier receiving formal notification of the business award. The meeting contains both instructions to the supplier, and report out by the supplier. The SQE uses the instructional portion of the meeting to relay GM’s expectations relative to APQP and the timing of the program. The supplier is expected to give updates on the following:

? APQP Kick-off Meeting Checklist (GM1927-14) GM 1927 Task 4 ? GM & Supplier Program Contacts (GM1927-17) GM 1927 Task 4 ? APQP Open Issues list (GM1927-5) GM 1927 Task 5 ? APQP Timing Chart (GM1927-2) GM 1927 Task 5

? AIAG Appendix E - Team Feasibility Commitment GM 1927 Task 6 ? Initial Process Flow Chart GM 1927 Task 7

? DFMEA status / AIAG APQP DFMEA checklist (A-1) GM 1927 Task 8 ? Initial PFMEA / AIAG APQP PFMEA checklist (A-7) GM 1927 Task 12

October 2002 7 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 4 continued

Task Name:

Supplier Gate Reviews

Methodology Supplier Gate Review #1 (APQP Kick-off Meeting): (continued)

? Initial Control Plan / AIAG APQP Control Plan checklist (A-8) GM 1927 Task 13 ? Preliminary Run @ Rate Plan GM 1927 Task 16 ? Lessons Learned(GM1927-10)

? Facilities plan for Greenfield/Brownfield/Transplant manufacturing sites; plan to include any affected

subcontractors facilities

? Management plan for all tiered suppliers including a Spill Management Plan ?

APQP Program Management requirements for suppliers of Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies (reference GM 1927 Appendix 2): ? ? WWP APQP Assessment GM 1927-7 or equivalent for all subcomponents sourced ? ? Subcontractor Program Status Matrix (GM1927-25M)

? ?Directed Buy/Directed Source Checklist (GM1927-23M) as applicable if not included in the RFQ


Supplier Gate Review #2

This meeting occurs during the timeframe of GM’s Beta / Integration Vehicle Build. The meeting should occur at least 2 weeks prior to a scheduled Quality Valve or Build Readiness Review. The SQE provides feedback relative to program timing. The supplier is expected to provide updates on the following: ? APQP Open Issues List (GM1927-5) GM 1927 Task 5 ? APQP Timing Chart (GM1927-2) GM 1927 Task 5 ? Review identified build concerns

? Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Design (GM1927-19 Letter #2) GM 1927 Task 6

? Process Flow Chart review including AIAG APQP Process Flow Checklist (A-6) GM 1927 Task 7 ? AIAG APQP Design Information Checklist (A-2) GM 1927 Task 9

? DFMEA status plus AIAG APQP DFMEA Checklist (A-1) GM 1927 Task 8 ? Gage concept review status GM 1927 Task 10

? Facilities/Equipment/Serial Tooling update including AIAG APQP New Equipment Checklist (A-3)

GM 1927-10

? PFMEA review including AIAG APQP PFMEA Checklist (A-7) GM 1927 Task 12 ? Establish initial RPN Reduction Plan baseline (GM1927-21) GM 1927 Task 12 ? GP-11 Prototype Part Approval Status GM 1927 Task 11

? Process capability data gained from early builds (GM1927-20)

? Control Plan review including AIAG APQP Control Plan Checklist (A-8) GM 1927 Task 13 ? Run @ Rate planned capacity analysis GM 1927 Task 16 ? Lessons Learned GM 1927 Task 17

? Facilities plan for Greenfield/Brownfield/Transplant manufacturing sites; plan to include any affected

subcontractors facilities

? Directed Buy/Directed Source Checklist changes, if applicable (GM1927-23M) ? Management plan for all tiered suppliers including a Spill Management Plan


APQP Program Management requirements for suppliers of Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies reference GM 1927 Appendix 2):

? ? WWP APQP Assessment GM 1927-7 or equivalent for any sub components sourced since the last

review. GM 1927 Appendix 2

? ? Updated Subcontractor Program Status Matrix (GM1927-25M) GM 1927 Appendix 2 ? ? Subcontractor Detailed Status Matrix (GM1927-26M) GM 1927 Appendix 2

*?SQE may request above information for specific high risk subcontractors as needed

October 2002 8 GM 1927

Task Number:

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

4 continued

Task Name: Supplier Gate Reviews

? Supplier Gate Review #3

This meeting occurs during the timeframe of GM’s Gamma / Validation Vehicle Build. The meeting should occur at least 2 weeks prior to a scheduled Quality Valve or Build Readiness Review. The SQE provides feedback relative to program timing and provides a risk assessment update. The supplier is expected to give updates on the following:

? APQP Open Issues List (GM1927-5) GM 1927 Task 5 ? APQP Timing Chart (GM1927-2) GM 1927 Task 5 ? Review identified build concerns GM 1927 Task 5

? Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Prototype (GM1927-19 Letter #3) GM 1927 Task 6 ? Capability concerns based on historical data and proposed design ? Design review status GM 1927 Task 9

? Progress of Facility/Equipment/Tooling/Fixtures/Gages GM 1927 Task 10

? Tooling update including AIAG APQP New Equipment Checklist (A-3) GM 1927 Task 10 ? GP-11 GM 1927 Task 11

? Directed Buy checklist changes, if applicable (GM1927-23M)

? Management plan for all tiered suppliers including a Spill Management Plan

? Facilities plan for Greenfield/Brownfield/Transplant manufacturing sites; plan to include any affected

subcontractors facilities

? PFMEA review including AIAG APQP PFMEA Checklist (A-7) GM 1927 Task 12 ? RPN Reduction Plans and progress from baseline (GM1927-21) GM 1927 Task 12

? Control Plan review including AIAG APQP Control Plan Checklist (A-8) GM 1927 Task 13 ? Process Control Plan Audit Worksheet review (GM1927-16) GM 1927 Task 13 ? Run @ Rate capacity status GM 1927 Task 16 ? Lessons Learned GM 1927 Task 17 ? GP-12 Plan GM 1927 Task 14


APQP Program Management requirements for suppliers of Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies (reference GM 1927 Appendix 2): ? M WWP APQP Assessment GM 1927-7 or equivalent for any sub components sourced since the last

review. GM 1927 Appendix 2

? ?Subcontractor Program Status Matrix (GM1927-25M) ? ?Subcontractor Detailed Status Matrix (GM1927-26M)

? ?Directed Buy/Directed Sourced Check list (GM1927-23M) (not to conflict with the Purchasing ? ?All functional build issues related to Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies and sub-components

identified during prototype builds must be reviewed and documented

*?SQE may request the above information for specific high risk subcontractors as needed


Supplier Gate Review #4 This meeting should be conducted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to GM’s Production / Plant Vehicle Quality Valve Review. The SQE provides feedback relative to program timing. The supplier is expected to give updates on the following:

? APQP Open Issues List (GM 1927-5) GM 1927 Task 5

? APQP Timing Chart updates (GM 1927-2) GM 1927 Task 5 ? Review identified build concerns GM 1927 Task 5

? Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Manufacturing Process Capability and Production Readiness

(GM1927-19 Letter #4) GM 1927 Task 6

? AIAG APQP Design Information Checklist (A-2) GM 1927 Task 9

? Process Flow Chart review including AIAG APQP Process Flow Checklist (A-6) GM 1927 Task 7

October 2002 9 GM 1927

Task Number:

Task Name: Supplier Gate Reviews

? Supplier Gate Review #4 (continued)

? DFMEA status including AIAG APQP DFMEA Checklist (A-1) GM 1927 Task 8

? Tooling status including AIAG APQP New Equipment Checklist (A-3) GM 1927 Task 10 ? Gage and Fixture status, Gage Approval and Gage R&R GM 1927 Task 10 & 16 ? PFMEA status including AIAG APQP PFMEA Checklist (A-7) GM 1927 Task 12 ? Supplier’s Process Capability with respect to the design tolerances ? RPN Reduction Plans (GM1927-21) GM 1927 Task 12

? Control Plan review including AIAG APQP Control Plan Checklist (A-8) GM 1927 Task 13 ? GP-12 Plan GM 1927 Task 14

? PPAP status update GM 1927 Task 15

? Run @ Rate status update GM 1927 Task 16 ? Lessons Learned GM 1927 Task 17

? Management plan for all tiered suppliers including a Spill Management Plan

? Facilities plan for Greenfield/Brownfield/Transplant manufacturing sites; plan to include any affected

subcontractors facilities


APQP Program Management requirements for suppliers of Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies (reference GM 1927 Appendix 2): ? M WWP APQP Assessment GM 1927-7 or equivalent for any sub components sourced since the last

review. GM 1927 Appendix 2

? ? Subcontractor Program Status Matrix (GM1927-25M) ? ? Subcontractor Detailed Status Matrix (GM1927-26M)

*?SQE may request the above information for specific high risk subcontractors as needed

SQE Responsibility:

? Use APQP Kick-off Meeting Presentation (GM1927-15) to provide overview of Global APQP.

? Prepare the GM & Supplier APQP Contact Checklist (GM1927-17) with names of GM contacts; forward to the

supplier to obtain names for their team.

? Provide program timing information at all reviews.

? Review APQP Kick-off Meeting Checklist (GM1927-14) (if applicable by SQ region).

? Review Lessons Learned experience at the APQP Kick-off Meeting to re-emphasize discussion from the

Technical Review reference GM1927-10

? Throughout the program, ensure Lessons Learned are being documented by the supplier in the appropriate

FMEA (design, process, system) and in the APQP Open Issues List (GM 1927-5)

? Confirm that the supplier’s process capability and RPN reduction plans will satisfy design and zero PPM


? Drive supplier developed action plans whenever the Manufacturing Assessment Letters (GM1927-19) indicate


? Identify and communicate key timing and program issues to GM management.

? ? Supplier Quality Engineers, if assigned to a specific sub-component, should participate in all four Supplier

Program Reviews.

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

4 continued

October 2002 10 GM 1927

Task Number:

Task Name: Supplier Gate Reviews

Supplier Responsibility:

? Complete and review all items listed above.

? Provide names for the GM & Supplier APQP Contact Checklist (GM1927-17) and distribute the completed list

to the APQP team.

? Fill out the APQP Kick-off Meeting Checklist (GM1927-14) prior to the APQP Kick-off Meeting. ? Lead activities relating to Gate Review #2, #3 & #4

? Ensure that all Timing Charts are adhered to and any necessary recovery plans are comprehensive and protect

program timing and objectives.

? Complete appropriate documentation in advance of Program Reviews.

? ?Suppliers of Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies must ensure that subcontractors participate in Supplier Gate

Reviews, as necessary.

Additional Information: Appendix 1 Document Usage Matrix APQP Project Plan (GM1927-1) APQP Timing Chart (GM1927-2) APQP Open Issues list (GM1927-5)

Lessons Learned Process Overview (GM1927-10) APQP Kick-off Meeting Checklist (GM1927-14) APQP Kick-off Meeting Presentation (GM1927-15) GM & Supplier Program Contact list (GM1927-17) Process Control Plan Audit Worksheet (GM1927-16) Supplier Manufacturing Assessment Letters (GM1927-19) Process Capability Over Time (GM1927-20) RPN Reduction Summary Chart (GM1927-21)

AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan manual checklists A-1 through A-8 ?

Directed Buy/Directed Source Check List (GM1927-23M) ?

Subcontractor Program Status Matrix (GM1927-25M) ?

Subcontractor Detailed Status Matrix (GM1927-26M)

Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies APQP Management Plan (GM 1927 Appendix 2)

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

4 continued

October 2002 11 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:


Timing Chart and APQP Open Issues List Supplier

Reviewed at APQP Gate Reviews and throughout the program

Task Name:

Task Owner:


Source of Input:

SQE/Supplier/Engineer Supplier

Task Timing:

Task Description: A detailed review of all timing charts and concerns is conducted periodically to ensure that

program deliverables are executed on schedule. These reviews are conducted on GM

monitored parts tracked using the APQP process. For supplier monitored APQP, the supplier reviews and updates the Timing Chart and Open Issues List throughout the APQP process.


? APQP Timing Chart GM1927-2 and updates as appropriate ? APQP Open Issues list GM1927-5 and updates as appropriate

Customer for Deliverables:

Supplier Quality Engineer

Necessary Inputs: Open issues Detail timing for tools, facilities, gages etc.


Supplier, SQE, Engineer, or other members of the program team as appropriate


? Supplier provides a high level timing chart (reference GM1927-2) to SQE for review at all Gate Reviews. ? Supplier updates timing chart on an ongoing-basis as timing changes occur. ? Supplier and SQE communicate concerns and issues on an ongoing-basis.

? Supplier updates the APQP Open Issues list GM1927-5 and reviews with SQE at all Gate Reviews. ? Supplier leads activity to maintain program timing schedule to a successful PPAP and Run @ Rate.

?? Sub-component milestones shall be pulled ahead by 6 weeks to support GM program timing.

? Review the APQP Timing Chart and APQP Open Issues List at all supplier Gate Reviews at a minimum. ? Drive supplier to develop recovery plans on issues impacting timing or quality. ? Identify and communicate key timing and program issues with GM management.

Supplier Responsibility:

? Create and maintain an APQP Timing Chart and APQP Open Issues List.

? Maintain additional detail behind each high level APQP Timing Chart item. Additional detail must be tied to

high level chart to ensure timing is updated automatically.

? Review the APQP Timing Chart and APQP Open Issues List at all Gate Reviews. ? Maintain detailed planning to complete each program timing event on schedule.

? Develop recovery plans on issues impacting timing and drive the plan to stay on time for the program. ? Identify and communicate any changes to SQE; supplier must utilize APQP Open Issues list to capture all

issues, including lessons learned.

? Identify and communicate key timing and program issues with SQE.

? The intent of the APQP Timing Chart (GM1927-2) and the APQP Open Issues List (GM1927-5) is to provide

an example of how this information can be documented. An alternate format may be used as long as it contains the same information, as a minimum.

Additional Information:

APQP Timing Chart (GM1927-2) APQP Open Issues list (GM1927-5)

October 2002 12 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:


Feasibility and Manufacturing Assessment Letters Supplier

Task Name:

Task Owner:


Task Timing:

AIAG APQP and Control Plan Manual Appendix E—Team Feasibility Commitment–prior to Sourcing

Feasibility/Manufacturing Assessment letters–times indicated below for each letter

Task Description: Four times during the program, the Supplier evaluates their status and issues a letter:

? To address and communicate issues to General Motors relative to the manufacturability of

the part at specific stages in the program.

? To facilitate dialog and surface issues within the supplier’s organization.


? AIAG APQP and Control Plan Manual Appendix E - Team Feasibility Commitment

(reference QS-9000

? Supplier Feasibility / Manufacturing Assessment Letters GM1927-19

Customer for Deliverables: Buyer, Supplier Quality Engineer, Engineer

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: Existing APQP Open issues SQE/Supplier/Engineer Detail timing for tools, facilities, etc. Supplier Historical performance data (PR/R’s, internal scrap reports, etc.) Supplier Projected tool capability (Ppk) Supplier Projected tool capacity Supplier

Resources: Supplier, Supplier Quality Engineer, Engineer


Supplier shall furnish the following letters to GM.

? AIAG APQP and Control Plan Manual Appendix E - Team Feasibility Commitment (reference QS-9000 This document (considered Letter 1) is provided to the buyer prior to the sourcing decision. It is the supplier’s

initial assessment of the manufacturing feasibility of the proposed design. ?

Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Design (GM1927-19 Letter 2) In support of Supplier Gate Review #2, the supplier should submit this letter to the SQE one week prior to the gate review date. However, the letter must be available to the SQE no later than the day of the Supplier Gate Review. A review of the design, DFMEA, DFM, error-proofing features in the design, and historical

performance of similar designs should be conducted to determine the manufacturability of the design, prior to submission of the letter. The letter must be signed by the Supplier’s Chief Engineer and Manufacturing Plant Manager.

Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Prototype (GM1927-19 Letter 3)

In support of Supplier Gate Review #3, the supplier should submit this letter to the SQE one week prior to the program review date. However, the letter must be available to the SQE no later than the day of the Supplier Gate Review. In this assessment, the design is reviewed against the prototype manufacturer’s concerns, PR/R

performance, open issues from the previous assessment, and design changes. The letter must be signed by the Supplier’s Chief Engineer and Manufacturing Plant Manager.


October 2002 13 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 6 continued

Task Name: Feasibility and Manufacturing Assessment Letters

? Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Manufacturing Process Capability and Production (GM1927-19

Letter 4)

At Gate review #4, the supplier submits this letter to the SQE. This letter documents the supplier’s formal transfer of responsibility from the supplier’s engineering organization to the supplier’s manufacturing

organization. The letter should clearly state whether the process flow, process procedures, and tooling are 100% production intent. If the process is not ready, the letter must indicate what actions are necessary, who is responsible, and the implementation dates. The letter must be signed by the Supplier’s Chief Engineer and Manufacturing Plant Manager.


For complex systems/subassemblies the Tier 1 is also responsible to obtain the Supplier Manufacturing Assessment letters from the subcontractors. These Sub contractor documents shall be maintained on file for review by the Supplier Quality Engineer as requested.

SQE Responsibility:

? Review the feasibility letters from the supplier.

? Identify and communicate concerns to the supplier where corrective actions need further development. ? Identify and communicate any design/engineering concerns to the responsible Design Engineer. ? Forward any commercial issues to the buyer for evaluation and resolution.

? Identify and communicate key timing and program issues with GM management. ? ?Review Subcontractor feasibility letters as appropriate.

Supplier Responsibility:

? Submit the Team Feasibility Commitment (considered letter 1) as part of the initial quote package to GM


? Submit the Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Design (Letter 2) to the SQE and GM Engineer. ? Submit the Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Prototype (Letter 3) to the SQE and GM Engineer.

? Submit the Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Manufacturing Process Capability and Production (Letter 4)

to the SQE and GM Engineer.

? Document issues on the APQP Open Issues List.

? Develop and lead activities to resolve critical issues and drive to maintain program timing for GM program


? ?Maintain Subcontractor letters on file; forward to Supplier Quality Engineer when requested.

Additional Information: AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan manual Appendix E—APQP Team Feasibility

Commitment form (Letter 1)

Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Design (GM1927-19 Letter 2) Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Prototype (GM1927-19 Letter 3)

Supplier Manufacturing Assessment of Manufacturing Process Capability and Production (GM1927-19 Letter 4) APQP Open Issues List (GM1927-5)

October 2002 14 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name:

Task Owner:

Task Timing:

Task Description:

Deliverables: ? ? ? 7

Process Flow Charts Supplier

Initial chart–prior to sourcing Prototype chart–GP-11 timeframe Production chart–PPAP submission

Supplier develops, updates and reviews flow chart with SQE. The purpose of flow chart is to provide a logical pictorial representation of the process flow that can be used as the foundation for PFMEA’s, control plans, work station layouts, etc.

Process Flow Chart ?

Process Flow Chart depicting the Complex System/Sub-assembly production system ?

Process Flow Chart depicting sub component production system


Customer for Deliverables: Supplier Quality Engineer

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: Information on each step of the process Supplier

Resources: Supplier, SQE


? Supplier develops a high-level flow chart as part of bid package requirement.

? Supplier updates flow chart to reflect prototype process and presents updated chart to the SQE. ? Supplier updates flow chart to reflect production process and presents updated chart to the SQE. ? Supplier communicates any changes on an ongoing-basis.

SQE Responsibility:

? Review the preliminary process flow chart prior to sourcing to determine if supplier may have omitted some key


? Review the prototype flow chart to ensure identification of inspection and rework operations.

? Review the production flow chart for completeness and continue with a comparison to the production line:

? Walk the manufacturing line to ensure the chart is representative of the process and includes all receiving,

storage, production, inspection, rework, packaging, labeling, and shipping. ? Ensure the flow chart can be linked to the PFMEA and control plan.

Supplier Responsibility:

? Create a preliminary process flow chart using a similar process.

? Create and maintain a prototype flow chart that represents the prototype manufacturing process. Ensure there is

identification for inspection and rework operations.

? Update the prototype process flow to represent the actual production process. ? Ensure the process flow chart is linked to the PFMEA and control plan.

? Document all items in the flow chart with the respective nomenclature (store, move, inspect, correct, etc.) ? Identify and communicate any changes to SQE.

Additional Information: AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan manual Process Flow Chart checklist A-6

October 2002 15 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 10 continued

Task Name: Gage, Tooling and Equipment Reviews

SQE Responsibility:

? Review plans and timing to obtain gages, tools and equipment and functional test in line with program targets

for parts, PPAP and Run @ Rate. Also verify that supplier is working to complete the following activities at appropriate times: ? Designs

? Purchase orders issued ? Construction and buy-off

? Review timing and plans according to activities shown in the following flow diagram:

Order rawmaterialtoolingMeasuring1stpartToolingdevelopmentTooling ManufacturingManuf.1st partsAdjustmentloops (3)CapabilityworkToolingengineering25Pu0%Get pictures showing progress...Gage ManufacturingEstablish cross-functional projectteamApproved part from toolApprovedcapabilityPPAP & R@RRamp-upOrder Part Raw materialSerialproductionDesign ofManuf.layoutOrderEquip.CriteriaforapprovalInstallationof equipmentValidation ofinprocesscontrolsVerification ofcapacityManufacturing of equipmentTraining of Maintenance & OperatorsApprovedcontrolsApprovedcapacityR@RProduction of BufferEnsure spare parts supportPlan for preventative maintenance ?

Review plans and progress until SOP, as appropriate.

? Confirm that timing is on schedule to meet program requirements.

? Confirm that gage agrees with functional part usage, complies with GD&T, and includes measurement of

KPCs and PQCs.

? Ensure gage instructions are available at the manufacturing operation.

? Ensure suppliers are aware of GM 1925 Fixture Standards or requirements applicable to the region. ? Verify integrity of gage fixture for fit and function and gage R&R (reference MSA AIAG) ? Evaluate Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) report to ensure gage accuracy. ? Ensure part changes are incorporated into gages and tooling.

October 2002 21 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 10 continued

Task Name: Gage, Tooling and Equipment Reviews

Supplier Responsibility:

? Review all timing and inform GM SQE about any changes from original project timing. ? Design, build and obtain certification of gages and validation of tooling and equipment.

? Lead reviews with GM relative to the design, build and certification of the gage(s), tooling, equipment and

Functional testing. Preferably coordinated with Gate Reviews.

? Inform GM about any design and process changes regarding e.g. (see PPAP):

? New or modified tools, rearrangement of existing tooling or equipment

? Product and process changes impacting fit, form, function, performance and durability of saleable product. ? Test/inspection methods ? New Facilities

? Before tools can be grained, dimensional verification is required by GM (verify with SQE on regional


? Ensure tooling and equipment comprehends design, tolerances will produce parts to process capability


? Ensure PFMEA has been comprehended and incorporated into tooling and equipment design. ? Ensure GD&T scheme is incorporated in design and build of gages & tooling ? Complete the AIAG APQP New Equipment Checklist (A-3)

Additional Information: AIAG Measurement Systems Analysis Manual GM1925 General Motors Fixture Standards PED 114 Manual

October 2002 22 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name:

Task Owner:

Task Timing:

Task Description: 11

GP-11 Pre-Prototype and Prototype Supplier

GP-11 plan–by Gate Review # 2

GP-11 requirements-prior to the any prototype material required date



The purpose of the GP-11 activity is to assemble and test production intent parts, assembly systems and vehicles for design and assembly validation. Part approval at GP-11 will ensure part problems are identified and corrected in order to minimize the impact of part variation upon design evaluation, manufacturing, and assembly. The GP-11 activity encompasses the suppliers’ Analysis/Development/Validation (ADV) plans. The specific type of GP-11 requirements will be listed in the SOR (i.e., GP-11, GP-11 ADV Design Validation [GP-11 ADV-DV] and / or GP-11 ADV Product Validation [GP-11 ADV-PV]). The suppliers’ validation plan and DFMEA requires approval by the GM Validation Engineer.

? Serialized parts with GP-11 documentation

? Approved DFMEA and GP-11 ADV-DV and/or GP-11 ADV-PV plan for commodities specified in the SOR

Customer for Deliverables: Supplier Quality, Engineering

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: Inspection data Supplier DFMEA Supplier ADVP&R form Supplier Flow Chart - Preliminary Supplier PFMEA - Preliminary Supplier Control Plan - Preliminary Supplier

Resources: Supplier, Engineer, GM Validation Engineer, SQE


? Pre-prototype and prototype parts are made to GM authorized drawings, templates, models, and/or other

engineering design records.

? Parts are numerically serialized and referenced to test/inspection results.

? A complete characteristic inspection is performed on three (3) parts, unless different quantities are specified by

the procuring division.

? A key product characteristic (KPC) inspection is required on all parts for any KPC identified in the design


? A material certification is obtained to provide evidence of compliance to GM product specifications. ? A GP-11 warrant is completed for each part number and shipment to GM.

? Design and/or Product validation (ADV-DV and/or ADV-PV) is required when specified in the Statement of

Requirements (SOR).

? The ADV-DV and/or ADV-PV plans and results are submitted to the GM Validation Engineer for approval

prior to shipment.

? Suppliers’ submission requirement will be specified by the procuring division in the prototype purchase order.

Reference GP-11, section 2.0 for submission requirements when not specified

? Suppliers must ensure that all subcontractors follow the requirements defined in GP-11

October 2002 23 GM 1927

Task Number:

Task Name: GP-11 Pre-prototype and Prototype

Methodology continued: ? Functional and build issues identified during the Prototype Builds should be documented on the Open Issues list

(GM 1927-5) when the production supplier or subcontractor is the manufacturer of the Prototype parts.

SQE Responsibility:

? Verify the suppliers’ understanding of GP-11 and any regional specific requirements.

? Assist, as required, in the review of documentation defined by the submission requirements identified in the

prototype purchase order.

? Assist per regional guidelines, in the resolution of supplier quality issues identified during GP-11 inspection and

prototype builds.

Supplier Responsibility:

? Adhere to requirements specified in the SOR for GP-11, GP-11 ADV-DV and/or GP-11 ADV-PV.

? Develop a GP-11, GP-11 ADV-DV, and/or GP-11 ADV-PV plan and ensure the following is comprehended:

? Confirm with the GM engineer the engineering change level required for manufacturing confirm with the

GM engineer the specific measurement/inspection requirements

? Identify the (type) of checking fixture that will be used i.e. CMM holding fixture, or completed gage. ? Ship parts and documentation as specified in GP-11 unless otherwise specified by the procuring division.

? If parts do not meet design requirements, contact the GM engineer to review non-conformances. Reference GP-11 section 1-1.

? Prior to submission, complete the GM 1826-2 and obtain the GM Validation engineers’ signature.

? Revise the flow chart, PFMEA, and control plan as problems are identified throughout GP-11 and the prototype


? Update the APQP Open Issues List, (GM-1927-5) as items are identified throughout the Prototype build


? Apply GP-11 requirements to all Subcontractors

Additional Information:

APQP Open Issues list (GM1927-5)

GP-11, General Motors Procedure for Suppliers of Material for Pre-prototype and Prototype (GM 1820) General Motors Warrant of Material for Pre-Prototype and Prototype Builds (GM 1826-1) General Motors GP-11 Corrective Action Plan (GM 1826-2) General Motors GP-11 Explanation of Content (GM 1829)

? Cover Sheet (GM 1829-1)

? ADV Plan and Report (GM 1829-2) GP-11 Handbook-Opel

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

11 continued

October 2002 24 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name:

Task Owner:

Task Timing:

Task Description:

12 PFMEA Supplier

Initial draft–prior to sourcing

Updates prior to prototype and PPAP Updates after lessons learned RPN Reduction-Ongoing


The purpose of the PFMEA is to assure that potential failure modes of the process have been considered and addressed to reduce risk of defects through RPN reduction strategy. It is a living document that must be developed for every new part with emphasis on continuous risk reduction.



? RPN Reduction Summary (GM 1927-21) as required

Customer for Deliverables: Supplier Quality, Supplier

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: DFMEA Engineer/Supplier Lessons learned from previous programs Supplier/SQE Process Flow chart Supplier Warranty data Engineer/SQE PR/Rs on similar parts Supplier/SQE Supplier Performance Report Supplier/SQE Supplier’s manufacturing process capability on similar parts Supplier Error proofing techniques Supplier/SQE Global Powertrain PFMEA Risk Ranking Chart (GM 1927-28) SQE ?

DFM / DFA Workshop results Engineers/SQE/Asm.Plant

Resources: Supplier Quality, Engineering and Supplier, *Assembly Plant


DFMEA (KPC/PQCs) Teamwork to: Clearly identify PFMEA Continue with work 1. Bring Lessons where in the process Warranty to reduce risk (high Learned into flow the prevention Marketing RPNs, KCCs/PQCs) FMEA format of error occurence 2. Determine RPNs and defect outflow Prior model EWOs and identify KCCs will be addressed Build concerns/ PRRs Current SQE launch & problem reflection Revise with new Lessons Learned APQP SQE and from validation and Supplier input prototype pre-builds

GM Lessons Learned shared with supplier October 2002 25 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 12 continued

Task Name: PFMEA

Methodology: continued

? The PFMEA is reviewed and updated as necessary each time a design change is made or a processing change is

implemented. Any and all potential areas for failure are included in the PFMEA and appropriate corrective actions implemented.

? The PFMEA RPN Reduction Summary should be adhered to in the categorization of risk, establishment of a top

ten list, development of recommended actions, and updated on a monthly basis to monitor progress as required.

SQE Responsibility:

? Attend initial PFMEA development team meeting, provide GM data (Warranty, PR/Rs, Lessons learned, etc.),

and discuss PFMEA methodology.

? Monitor progression of PFMEA development and confirm participation of multiple cross-functional team


? Review RPN Reduction Summary Plans (GM 1927-21), and monitor progress at each Gate review as required. ? Ensure that action plans have been adequately defined for high RPNs. ? MEnsure supplier has completed PFMEA reviews with subcontractors

Supplier Responsibilities:

? Initiate PFMEA prior to sourcing as part of the bid package. This preliminary PFMEA should include critical

error prevention and error detection ideas and consider any lessons learned from previous programs.

? Drive simple and inexpensive mistake/error proof devices into the process to help prevent and detect errors. ? Prepare PFMEA with input from a multi-disciplinary team (Assembly, Manufacturing, Materials, Quality,

Service, Suppliers, etc.) and identify KCCs for use in control plan.

? ?Develop System FMEA with manufacturing, engineering, suppliers, and SQEs

? Ensure that the current process controls and results of the recommended actions on the PFMEA are listed on the

control plan.

? If the process, material, or manufacturing location changes, revise the PFMEA and re-evaluate the affect on

severity, occurrence, and detection.

? Develop and implement RPN reduction plans, and strive to continuously reduce RPNs through the use of error

occurrence prevention and defect outflow detection.

Additional Information: AIAG Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Reference Manual

AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan manual Process FMEA Checklist A-7 RPN Reduction Summary Chart (GM1927-21)

Global Powertrain PFMEA Risk Ranking Chart GM 1927-28

October 2002 26 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name:

Task Owner:

Task Timing:

Task Description: 13

Control Plans Supplier

Initial draft prior to Sourcing

Updates prior to prototype and PPAP Updates parallel PFMEA changes

The purpose of the control plan is to aid in the manufacture of quality products according to customer requirements. At a minimum, it shall define the method being used to control all KPCs/PQCs and KCCs for parts being built for vehicle builds, Powertrain, and service

applications. It may be developed using the control plan format referenced in the AIAG APQP Manual.



? Control Plan

Customer for Deliverables: Supplier Quality, Supplier

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: Control plans on similar components Supplier Process Flow Chart Supplier PFMEA Supplier Special Characteristics Supplier/Engineer Lessons Learned SQE/Engineer/Supplier

Resources: Supplier and SQE


? Supplier develops a preliminary control plan using an existing control plan on a similar part. This first version

of the control plan is then submitted with the quality portion of the supplier’s bid package.

? Supplier develops a prototype control plan using the preliminary control plan as a foundation. The control plan

is to reflect the process in place to produce pre-prototype and prototype parts and is to be updated as changes are made to the process.

? The supplier develops a pre-launch control plan (GP12) and production control plan using the preliminary

control plan as a foundation. The PFMEA and statistical data are used to determine which steps require

additional controls. The pre-launch control plan does not need to be a separate document from the production control plan. Pre-launch controls can be documented on the production control plan as long as they are clearly identified as such.

SQE Responsibility: ? Verify that the supplier used the PFMEA and statistical data to determine what controls are necessary. ? Verify the control plan is linked to the PFMEA and the Process flow chart.

? Verify that the control plan covers each phase of the process, including receiving, in-process operations,

packaging, labeling and shipping.

? Verify that any re-work processes are documented and controlled in the control plan. ? Verify that the supplier updates the control plan as solutions to open issues are identified. ? Verify that pre-launch issues have been incorporated into the production control plan.

October 2002 27 GM 1927

Task Number:

Task Name: Control Plans

SQE Responsibility: continued

? Walk the production floor and verify that the controls listed on the plan are in place and being used. Complete

the Process Control Plan Audit Checklist GM1927-16 as part of the audit of the production process.

Supplier Responsibility:

? Develop a preliminary control plan using an existing control plan on a similar part; submit this document as part

of your quotation to GM.

? Develop a prototype control plan to support production of GP-11 parts; use this experience in the development

of the production control plan.

? Ensure the control plan is linked to the PFMEA and process flow chart.

? Develop a pre-launch control plan (see Task 14) for use on the first production parts shipped to assembly plants.

Use the pre-launch control plan to validate the effectiveness of the production control plan. ? Identify and communicate any changes to SQE.

? Update the control plan as solutions to open issues are implemented. ? ?Manufacturing review of control plan.

? ?Extend control plan to include installation at assembly plant if supplier is responsible for installation.

Additional Information: Process Control Plan Audit Worksheet (GM1927-16)

AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan manual including Control Plan Checklist A-8

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

13 continued

October 2002 28 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name:

Task Owner:

Task Timing:

Task Description: 14

Early Production Containment (GP-12) Supplier

GP-12 control plan review at PPAP

GP-12 containment during timeframe specified by GM customer

The purpose of GP-12 is to establish a containment plan during start-up and acceleration, so that any quality issues are quickly identified at the supplier’s facility and not at the GM

customer’s facility. This procedure applies to all new and changed parts that require PPAP for start-up or acceleration. The containment plan is referred to as the Pre-Launch Control Plan and is developed in the control plan format referenced in the AIAG APQP Manual.


Deliverables: Early Production Containment Plan Customer for Deliverables: GM Manufacturing or Assembly Facility, Supplier Quality, Purchasing

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: Prototype & Production Control Plan Supplier GP-12 timetable GM Customer

Resources: Supplier, SQE, Assembly Plant


? Supplier follows the GP-12 procedure:

? Identification of the person responsible for the containment process. ? Development of a pre-launch control plan.

? Prompt containment when non-conformances are discovered.

? Use of the Early Production Containment Plan for the time specified by GM.

? Use of green dots (signed by a designated senior management representative) on shipping labels to designate compliance.

SQE Responsibility:

? Review the supplier’s containment process and pre-launch control plan at PPAP. ? Verify any PR/R, prototype or pilot issues are addressed by the containment process. ? Verify that high RPNs, KPC's, and PQC's are addressed by the pre-launch control plan.

? Verify that the supplier used the PFMEA and statistical data to determine what additional controls were

necessary. (short term capability data on actual process or long term capability data on similar processes) ? Provide GP-12 timing to supplier (varies by program).

? Review supplier’s initial GP-12 data to assess compliance to process intent.

Supplier Responsibility:

? Develop an early production containment plan as specified in GP-12. ? Develop and implement a pre-launch control plan.

? Insure that all non-conformances are contained within the facility.

? Root Cause any non-conformances found by GM manufacturing locations and implement additional checking

provisions must be added to the pre-launch checklist.

October 2002 29 GM 1927

Task Number:

Task Name: Early Production Containment (GP-12)

Supplier Responsibility (continued)

? Continue with GP-12 processes in accordance with the procedure; do not exit the process before the exit criteria

has been met.

? Identify and communicate any changes to SQE.

? Require compliance to GP-12 from all subcontractors. This will result in subcontractors pulling ahead GP-12 in order to allow the Tier 1 to support GP12 timing.

? Manage GP-12 activities with sub-contractors; maintain records of GP12 data for sub-contractors.

Additional Information: AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan manual AIAG Production Part Approval Process Manual

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

14 continued

October 2002 30 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name:

Task Owner:

Task Timing:

Task Description: 15

Production Part Approval (PPAP) SQE/Part Approval Activity Prior to PPAP Submit Date

The purpose of production part approval is to determine if all customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly understood by the supplier and that the process has the potential to produce product meeting these requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate.

? PPAP status of all parts for all programs



Customer for Deliverables: Purchasing, Engineering, Supplier Quality, VLE Teams, Assembly Plants Manufacturing Plants, ?Production Control & Logistics

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: Design Records of Saleable Product Supplier Engineering Change Document Engineer/Supplier Customer Engineering Approval (GM364), if required Supplier Design FMEA Engineer/Supplier Process Flow Diagrams Supplier Process FMEA Supplier Dimensional Results Supplier Material, Performance Test Results Supplier Initial Process Study Supplier Measurement Systems Analysis Studies Supplier Qualified Laboratory Documentation Supplier Control Plan (Pre-Launch Control Plan GP-12, plus Production Control Plan) Supplier Part Submission Warrant Supplier Appearance Approval Report (AAR), if applicable Supplier Bulk Material Requirements Checklist (for bulk material only) Supplier Sample Product Supplier Master Sample Supplier Checking Aids Supplier Records of Compliance Supplier Resources: Purchasing, Supplier Quality, Product Engineering, Material Engineering, Validation Engineering,

Dimensional Management, Part Approval Laboratory, Appearance Laboratory, Paint Engineering


? Buyer purchases or contracts part and establishes initial PPAP submission date and enters date into GPS. ? Submission level is verified, quantity of samples determined, and samples requested. ? PPAP submission date is confirmed with the supplier and GQTS updated as required.

? Supplier submits PPAP package according to AIAG PPAP requirements for the appropriate submission level on

the date agreed to by the Buyer/Readiness/SQE

? GM Part Approval Activity reviews the submission and determines the PPAP status in accordance with the

AIAG PPAP manual and inputs the PPAP status into the GQTS system. ? Supplier is notified of part status

? Supplier is authorized to ship material to schedule if PPAP submission is not Reject status. If Reject status,

supplier must correct deficiencies and receive approval prior to shipment of material.

October 2002 31 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 15 continued

Task Name: Production Part Approval (PPAP)

SQE/Part Approval Activity Responsibility:

? Determine submission level and number of samples to review. ? Drive adherence to PPAP submission date.

? Ensure any special documentation is provided and reviewed with PPAP package. ? Determine part status in accordance with the AIAG PPAP manual.

? Review Interim PPAP submissions as appropriate and confirm the Interim PPAP classification per the AIAG

PPAP manual.

? Ensure adequate recovery plans are provided for interim part approval. ? Follow up on interim status until full PPAP is achieved. ? Resolve reject part status issues.

Supplier Responsibility: ? Accurately complete the Production Part Submission Warrant and provide with PPAP package. ? Provide additional detail to ensure the reason for submission is clearly defined and understood.

? Provide Appearance Approval Report (AAR) for parts with color, grain and gloss or textiles per PPAP level


? Provide two sample parts per cavity or quantity agreed to and retain master sample at supplier location per

PPAP level requested.

? Provide design record and detail drawings per PPAP level requested.

? Provide engineering change documents that show changes included in part but not specified on the drawing per

PPAP level requested.

? Provide dimensional data showing results of part checked per PPAP level requested. ? Provide check aids upon request.

? Provide material, performance and durability test results as specified on design record or provide material lab

approval with PPAP package per PPAP level requested.

? Provide Process Flow Diagram, PFMEA, Process Control Plan and GP-12 plan per PPAP level requested. ? Provide capability studies per PPAP level requested.

? Provide measurement system studies per PPAP level requested.

? Provide GM-E364 with appropriate GM Engineer signature where Engineering approval is specified on the

drawing or design record.

? Provide scope of laboratory accreditation per PPAP level requested.

? Obtain approval from GM for deviations. Deviations shall be documented on the GM1411.

? Provide GM1411 with SQE signature for any part submitted for interim approval. Provide any other

appropriate signature dependent on issue as required on the GM1411.

? The supplier shall document containment plans until the SQE is satisfied process capability has been achieved. ? Provide any supporting documentation upon request by GM.

Additional Information: AIAG Production Part Approval Process manual AIAG Statistical Process Control manual

AIAG Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) manual

AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan manual AIAG Potential Failure Mode and Effects manual AIAG Quality System Requirements (QS-9000) GM Interim Recovery Worksheet GM-1411

Engineering Source Approval for Functional Performance GM-E364

October 2002 32 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name:

Task Owner:

Task Timing:

Task Description:


Run @ Rate GP-9 Supplier


Eight (8) weeks prior to the Start of Production / Start of Acceleration (based on region) Run @ Rate verifies that the supplier’s actual manufacturing process, while operating under normal operating conditions and under total customer requirement, is capable of producing components that simultaneously meet:

1. GM’s on-going quality requirements, as stated in the Production Part Approval

Process (PPAP)

2. Daily Contracted Capacity within one production day 3. GM’s daily volume requirement (LCR/MCR)

It also verifies other elements of systems readiness to ensure that potential start up problems are addressed.

? Completed Run @ Rate for each part documenting that the process meets all requirements for quality and tooled capacity.


Customer for Deliverables: Supplier Quality and Purchasing

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: PPAP documentation Supplier GM’s daily requirement (LCR) Buyer Supplier’s Quoted Tool Capacity Supplier & Buyer (contract) Planned & unplanned downtime record Supplier Written confirmation of quality, capacity and delivery Supplier for all sub-components Resources: SQE, Buyer, Engineer, and Supplier

Methodology: (refer to Run at Rate diagram at end of the task) ? Buyer establishes the contracted capacity (QTC) based on GM’s daily requirement (LCR) and the supplier’s


? The supplier prepares a Run @ Rate plan and presents the plan at the APQP Kick-off meeting. The Run @ Rate

Plan must address the final product and all sub-components.

? The SQE and supplier confirm the accuracy of the contracted capacity and compare this number to the GM

planned daily rate or Lean Capacity Rate (LCR).

? Using the Run @ Rate plan, WWP APQP Assessment and other knowledge about the parts and supplier, the

SQE determines if the Run @ Rate is required.

? If a Run @ Rate is not required, the SQE statuses the parts as exempt and obtains required approval ? If a Run @ Rate is required, the SQE determines whether it should be customer or supplier monitored. ? Supplier performs a capacity analysis and presents the results at Gate Review #2 and any updates at Gate

Review #3.

? Prior to the Run @ Rate, the supplier must confirm the reliability of their subcontractors. Written confirmation

from all subcontractors of actual quality, capacity and delivery performance must be provided.

? For supplier monitored Run @ Rates, the supplier conducts the Run @ Rate on the day indicated in the Run @

Rate plan. Any changes to this date must be communicated to the SQE. Upon completion of the run, the supplier submits the results to the SQE.

October 2002 33 GM 1927

Task Number:

Task Name: GP-9 Run @ Rate

Methodology: (continued)

? For customer-monitored Run @ Rates, the supplier confirms the Run @ Rate date with the SQE. The supplier

shall keep the SQE apprised of any tooling changes that may affect the Run @ Rate date.

? The supplier conducts preliminary runs and/or simulations and completes the required paperwork prior to the

actual run date.

? GM evaluates the data and provides a Run @ Rate status.

? If the Run @ Rate status is not ―Pass‖, the supplier must update the APQP Open Issues List.

? For suppliers of Compelx Systems/Sub-assemblies:?SQE may decide to participate in sub-component

Run @ Rate, as appropriate.

? ?Preliminary Run @ Rate should be conducted as a PPAP run. Open issues and concerns should also be

identified at this time.

? ?To effectively conduct a Build Inline Sequence Run @ Rate, a simulated or actual broadcast is required from

the assembly plant depending on availability.

? ?Run @ Rate for Build Inline Sequence commodities must confirm supplier ability to meet assembly plant line

rate utilizing line broadcasts.

? ? Run @ Rates for Complex Systems/Sub-Assemblies should be GM monitored.

SQE Responsibility:

? Based on the WWP APQP Assessment, determine if the Run @ Rate should be customer or supplier monitored

and communicate this decision to the supplier.

? Evaluate the supplier’s Run @ Rate plan at the APQP Kick-off meeting.

? Review supplier’s capacity analysis results at Gate Reviews #2 and #3 to determine if planning is appropriate. ? Confirm that the QTC is accurate and is greater than or equal to GM’s daily requirement (LCR). If there is a

discrepancy, contact the buyer.

? Attend Run @ Rates designated as customer monitored. Review documentation, subcontractor requirements,

constraint operations as required, and manufacturing process.

? Ensure utilization of gage(s) as stated in supplier process flow chart and control plan ? Status customer-monitored Run @ Rates in appropriate regional database. ? Communicate results to Buyer and management as appropriate.

Supplier Responsibilities:

? Develop a Run @ Rate plan and provide to the SQE at the APQP kick-off meeting.

? Confirm with the SQE that the QTC is accurate and is greater than or equal to GM’s daily requirement (LCR). ? Perform capacity analysis and present results at Gate Review #2 and any updates at Gate Review #3. The

capacity analysis must show satisfactory results prior to ordering tooling and equipment.

? Conduct preliminary Run @ Rates and/or simulations prior to the planned Run @ Rate to confirm readiness. ? Complete verifications for all subcontractors.

? Conduct Run @ Rates on all parts requiring a Run @ Rate.

? Complete worksheets contained in GP9 for all Run @ Rates and forward to the SQE. ? Status supplier-monitored Run @ Rates in appropriate system.

Additional Information: GP-9 General Motors Run @ Rate Procedure GM-1960

Note: The GP-9 Run @ Rate procedure was revised in 2001 and is being gradually implemented. In the interim, both the 1995 and 2001 versions will be utilized concurrently. Suppliers may continue to use the 1995 version of GP-9 Run @ Rate until instructed to begin using the 2001 version.

October 2002


GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

16 continued

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name: Is Run @ Rate Required? 16 continued GP-9 Run @ Rate

Run @ Rate Methodology

Yes Customer Or Supplier Monitored? Customer Supplier confirms Run @ Rate date with SQE Supplier conducts capacity analysis and reviews results with SQE. No Supplier SQE statuses Run @ Rate as exempt Supplier conducts Run @ Rate Supplier conducts practice Run @ Rate and/or simulations. Supplier Quality and Purchasing Director approve exemption Supplier completes paperwork, submits to SQE or enters to GM database END Supplier conducts Run @ Rate with SQE present. Yes SQE statuses Run @ Rate SQE statuses Run @ Rate Is Run @ Rate Status ―Pass‖? No Supplier updates APQP open issues list with Run @ Rate issue October 2002 35 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number:

Task Name:

Task Owner:

Task Timing:

Task Description:


Lessons Learned Supplier

Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting through Launch


Lessons learned that have been compiled from other programs and placed in the GM Global Lessons Learned Process database are to be reviewed as they relate to the current part and program. The purpose is to maximize the knowledge gained from previous programs and not revisit the same quality or design issues.


? Updated Lessons Learned website that includes knowledge gained from this program.

Customer for Deliverables: SQ, Engineering, PDT (Product Development Team), Supplier

Necessary Inputs: Source of Input: Existing Lessons Learned for same commodity SQE/Lessons Learned website Engineering Knowledge for commodities Engineer Process knowledge for same commodity SQE / Regional Databases Resources: SQE, Engineering, Lessons Learned website


? Initial Lessons Learned Review (Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting): The SQE performs a search

within the Lessons Learned website to review the corporate Lessons Learned. The SQE shares this information at the Key Stakeholders meeting. The SQE should ensure a copy is provided to the buyer for inclusion in the RFQ package. The direction for the supplier is to use the information during the development of the DFMEA (as required) and the PFMEA.

? Lessons Learned Update (Technical Review): SQE provides an overview to suppliers on the lessons learned

process and how it fits into APQP. (GM1927-10)

? Lessons Learned Update (Kick-off Meeting): SQE reviews any additional information that has been obtained

on lessons learned from local or regional databases. Supplier reviews the Lessons Learned website query. Open issues relative to the Lessons Learned are incorporated into the APQP Open Issues List.

? Lessons Learned Update (Gate Review 2): Supplier reviews solutions to issues identified in the Kick-off

meeting and new items added to the list after the beta build.

? Lessons Learned Update (Gate Review 3): Supplier reviews solutions to issues identified on the APQP Open

Issues list and new items added to the list after the prototype build. As solutions are identified, the DFMEA, PFMEA, Flow Chart, and Control Plan are updated and reviewed by the supplier.

? Lessons Learned Update (Gate Review 4): Supplier reviews solutions to issues identified on the APQP Open

Issues List and new items added to the list after the PPAP and Run @ Rate attempts. As solutions are identified, the DFMEA, PFMEA, Flow Chart, and Control Plan are updated and reviewed by the supplier.

? Lessons Learned Update (Post Launch Review): Supplier reviews solutions to issues identified on the APQP

Open Issues List and new items added to the list during the launch. As solutions are identified, the DFMEA, PFMEA, Flow Chart, and Control Plan are updated and reviewed by the supplier.

October 2002 36 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Task Number: 17 continued

Task Name: Lessons Learned

SQE Responsibility: ? Query the GM Global Lessons Learned website for the specific commodity. ? Provide Lessons Learned to the Buyer for inclusion into the RFQ package.

? Review the Lessons Learned at the APQP Kick-off meeting, as well as, any additional information that has been

obtained from regional lessons learned databases.

? Ensure the Lessons Learned database is updated after each Supplier Gate Review; there are four (4) required

reviews during the APQP process.

Supplier Responsibilities:

? Supplier is responsible to support the Lessons Learned process and provide information at each of the Supplier

Gate Reviews during the APQP process.

Additional Information: Lessons Learned Process Overview (GM1927-10) Global Lessons Learned website

October 2002 37 GM 1927

October 2002 Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Appendix 1

Document Usage Guidelines by Global Region

38 GM 1927

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Appendix 1

Document Usage Guidelines by Global Region


=Examples =Included in RFQ =Mandatory

R T F =Recommended =Template =Reference

GMNA GMAP GM LAAM T M I I (1) M R M R R R R R R E M R R R R R R M(3) Document GME T M I I (1) M R M R R M(2) R R R E M R R R E R F R R M(3) GM1927-1 APQP Project Plan T T GM1927-2 APQP Timing Chart M M GM1927-3 Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements I I (SOR) GM1927-4 Required Quality Information I (1) I (1) GM1927-5 APQP Open Issues M M GM1927-6 Commodity Sourcing Strategy Meeting R R Checklist GM1927-7 WWP APQP Assessment M M GM1927-10 Lessons Learned Process Overview R R GM1927-13 Technical Review Checklist R R GM1927-14 APQP Kick-Off Meeting Checklist R R GM1927-15 APQP Kick-Off Meeting Presentation R R GM1927-16 Process Control Plan Audit Worksheet R R GM1927-17 GM and Supplier Program Contacts R R GM1927-18 Typical Agenda Commodity Sourcing E E Strategy Meeting GM1927-19 Supplier Manufacturing Assessment Letters M M GM1927-20 Process Capability Over Time R R GM1927-21 RPN Reduction Summary Chart R R ?R E R GM1927-22M Program Management RASIC ?R R GM1927-23M Directed Buy/Directed Source Checklist ?R R GM1927-25M Subcontractor Program Status Matrix ?R R GM1927-26M Subcontractor Detailed Status Matrix GM1927-27 Fixture Design Matrix R GM1927-28 Global Powertrain PFMEA Risk Ranking M(3) M(3) Form (1) Advanced Purchasing RFQs only (3) Powertrain Specific Suppliers (2) Customer Monitored APQP only ?

Documents related specifically to Complex System/Sub-assemblies

Documents Removed: GM 1927-8 GM 1927-9 GM 1927-11 GM 1927-12 GM 1927-24M

October 2002 39 GM 1927

October 2002 Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

Global Process

Appendix 2


Complex Systems/Sub-assemblies APQP Management Plan

40 GM 1927

