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Unit 2

Part One Grammar and Structure Section A: Multiple Choice

1-5 CDBAD 6-10 DADAB 11-15 DBAAA 16-20 ADCAD 21-25 DDCBD 26-30 CCAAD

Section B: I.

1. If he had booked tickets in the way I told him 2. this act would have been passed much earlier 3. if I had not been interrupted 4. he wouldn?t have had the food. 5. If Liu Xiang had not hurt his foot, II.

1. it was uncertain whether he would come 2. it is no use that you always help him 3. It turned out that

4. it cannot be denied that

5. that we should keep the balance of nature

Part Two Vocabulary and Expression I.

1. postponed 2. unfounded 3. behave 4. nationality 5. doubtful 6. immensely 7. attendance 8. nonsense 9. surrounded 10. refresh II. 1 applauded 2 revolted 3 sported 4 urged 5 extending 6 roused 7 collided 8 postponed 9 executed 10 betrayed III. 1 in 2 for 3 up 4 into 5 up 6 to 7 down 8 into 9 in 10 in IV. 1-10: DCABC, BACDC

Part III. Translation 1. sad to say

2. to revolt against 3. to cut down 4. on the stage 5. screen career 6. talking movie 7. silent movie

8. to come down in the world

9. unfounded rumor

10. to walk into sunset with sb. 11. 尽管如此 12. 衣衫褴褛 13. 永久地 14. 燕尾服

15. 有些,在某种程度上 16. 故意地,有意地 17. 对…失去信心 18. 绊,绊倒;出错

19. 更富有,更成功;飞黄腾达 20. 捏造,虚构,编造

21. 劳动阶层更有可能为反抗权势的某个人物喝彩。 22. 他的决心之大甚至在好莱坞明星中也十分少见。

23. 离开喧嚣忙碌的城市生活,来到宁静的乡村,是一种令人愉快的解脱。 24. 显然公务要比私事优先考虑。

25. 令人遗憾的是,他没能抵挡住金钱的诱惑,参与了非法勾当。 26. 他这样一个小人物,是如何进入董事会的? 27. Finding a babysitter for Saturday evening 28. Do remind me of the date of the next meeting 29. regarded her as the brightest of their children 30. far more extraordinary than initially believed 31. postpone going to France 32. to revolt against authority

Unit 4

Part One Grammar and Structure Section A: Multiple Choice

1-5.CDCDB 6-10.BABCD 11-15.ADCDA 16-20.DABCA 21-25.BBDDA 26-30.CDABA

Section B I. 答案:

1. He earns twice as much as he used to. 2. It is ten times louder than another.

3. My command of English is not half so good as yours. 4. This river is three times the depth of that one.

II. 答案

1. rather than for your friend

2. rather than leaving it till tomorrow.

3. what he had eaten rather than what he had drunk

4. work rather than remain idle.

5. rather than got his friend into trouble.

Part Two Vocabulary and Expression I.

1. Telecommunications 2. transmission 3. investment 4. intensive 5. reliable 6. disposal 7. strategic 8. specialize 9. insure 10. rusting II. 1 boosted 2 lagged 3 access 4 condense 5 stuck 6 desperate 7 weighed 8 disposal 9 persist 10 scratched III. 1 over 2 over 3 from 4 on 5 behind 6 into 7 with 8 in 9 in 10 from IV. 1-10: BACAA, ADACB

Part III. Translation 1. to be stuck with 2. to leap lover 3. to date from

4. over the next decade 5. a matter of debate 6. take steps

7. per person income 8. at one?s disposal 9. to remain in contact 10. to keep pace with 11. 在某种意义上 12. 国外投资 13. 推进,推行 14. 起主要作用

15. 仅触及表面;浅尝辄止 16. 拿出;提供 17. 一跃而名列前茅

18. 由某人负责;由某人处理 19. 年度收益

20. 进入,接触到,利用,使用

21. 毋庸争辩,通信技术将是区分输赢的关键因素。

22. 俄罗斯经济陷入低迷,几乎没有资金来着手解决最基本的问题。 23. 对于无线电话服务商来说,没有任何地方的业务比拉丁美洲更好了。 24. 那些开创了新技术的大学正面临着严重的经济压力。

25. 据报道,这位病人因患一种罕见的皮肤病,正在接受治疗。

26. 当然,不参加罢工的工人在离开工厂的时候可能会有被袭击的危险。

27. come up with new methods of increasing the world?s food supply 28. give it an advantage over its competitors

29. as compared to other ships crossing the Atlantic 30. a matter of morality, not of ability

31. you?ve got at the length and breadth of what happened 32. whether you can make full use of every positive factor

Unit 5

Part One Grammar and Structure Section A 参考答案

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C

11.B 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.B 30.A Section B I. 答案

1. We might as well finish the cake

2. I might as well wait a while before calling

3. You might as well get one copy in the bookstore. 4. we might as well cancel this outdoor activity.

II. 答案

1.The new system is not so effective as they had expected. 2. She is not so simple as to believe him.

3. Being ignorant is not so shameful as being unwilling to learn. 4. It is not so easy as you think.

Part Two Vocabulary and Expression I.

1. solitary 2. dictate 3. inadequate 4. observation 5. reliance 6 . inspiration 7. slippery 8. simplify 9. underestimate 10. overcharge II. 1 cast 2 venture 3 crept 4 dictates 5 stretched 6 length 7 sealed 8 observed 9 apologized 10 improved III. 1 by 2 on 3 in 4 of 5 out 6 forth 7 up 8 at 9 at 10 up IV. 1-10:ACCBA, BADBA

Part III. Translation

1. to cast out

2. to set forth/out/off 3. to settle down 4. for the time being 5. high priest 6. to strike out 7. in case 8. to sum up 9. to head off 10. to tear apart 11. 故意,特意

12. 对…给予高度评价 13. 找到,找出 14. (使)挤压,(使)拥塞;支持 15. 长久地,详尽地;最终,终于 16. 只好,还是…为好 17. 冒险

18. 尽管困难重重 19. 切碎

20. 在…基础上,根据

21. 独处的灵感是诗人和哲学家最宝贵的东西。 22. 毫无疑问,寂寞因自愿而得到升华。

23. 自我意识越强,就越不需要周围有其他的人。 24. 若与别人同住,他们的小别会使你感到耳目一新。 25. 马丁决定离开这家公司去当作家,独闯新路。 26. 篮球队将放弃任何不能适应该队风格的球员。 27. by recent count

28. no one grows fat at one sitting

29. sealing oneself up from the outside world 30. One?s career may rise and fall 31. made a journey of 700 miles

32. was found (to be) cheating on an exam

Unit 8

Part One 语法综合练习1

I. 单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)

1-5 ADADA 6-10 AACAB 11-15 BBAAB 26-20 CBCBA

II. 多项选择填空题 21. the , all 22. a, Some ( 23. Each, the

