陕西省2014届高三寒假作业 英语9Word版含答案

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第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 1.houses A. nurses B. horses C. pulses D. causes 2. moonlight A. loose B. goods C. bookstore D. wooden 3. devoted A. escaped B. amazed C. founded D. remained 4. exactly A. express B. expect C. except D. example 5. tease A. stead B. peaceful C. sweat D. breath 第二节 情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两个为多余选项。

M: Mary, have you ever been to the Great Wall?

W: No, actually I’ve never been there. 6 M: Would you like to go to the Great Wall?

W: 7 I’ve been waiting for it so long.

M: All right. We’ll go by bus. Can you get ready by seven thirty?

W: That’s OK. I’ll try to make it. Do you think I should ask the hotel to pack me a lunch?

M: 8 There’s a very good restaurant nearby. Oh, it is likely to be windy on the wall at this time of year.

W: 9 Shall I take a coat with me? M: Yes, you’d better take a coat or a sweater. W: You are careful. 10

M: No, I’ve got a digital camera. I’ll take it then. Well, I’ll be off now. I’ve got to see about the arrangements.

W: OK. See you then.

A. No, I think there’s no need. B. Sorry, but I am terribly busy.

C. Yes, I’m glad to. I think that’s a good idea. D. Shall I bring a camera with me? E. But I’ve heard much about it. F. Is that so?

G. I don’t think so.

第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


11. Everything comes with price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.

A. a, a B. the, / C. the, a D. a, / 12. —Pity that I haven’t got a ticket for the concert tonight. —It doesn’t matter. I’m sure it ___________ on TV. A. will be broadcast B. will broadcast

C. has been broadcast D. is being broadcast

13. What we all know is that the old scientist, ____ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties. A. for whom B. for him C. for whose D. for which 14. —Are you free this evening, Li Ming?

—Sorry, I’ve promised to have Mary’s radio repaired ____ for her help with my English. A. in need B. in return C. in turn D. in fact

15. Many lifestyle patterns do great harm to health _____ they actually speed up the weakening of the human body. A. so / that B. so / which C. such/ that D. such / which 16. —He, as a senior three student now, seldom goes to the cinema. —____________! A. Neither do I B. Neither am I C. So do I D. So am I 17. I’m very tired now, but _________ I must finish the work today. A. somewhat B. sometime C. anyhow D. anywhere

18. —You should have helped Tom work out his task yesterday. I am disappointed. —_____that you’ve got your facts straight. He didn’t need my help. A. I don’t think B. I am sure C. There was no doubt D. I agree

19. The rare species which are in danger of disappearing should _______ more attention from us human beings.

A. worth B. search C. deserve D. pay

20. —I haven’t got the reference book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subject next month. —Don’t worry. You______ have it by Friday.

A. could B. shall C. must D. may 21. It was so noisy that I could not _______ to my homework at all!.

A. set down B. sit down C. settle down D. lie down

22. Barbara is easy to recognize, as she’s the only one of the girls who _____ school uniform. A. wear B. wears C. wore D. have worn

23. It took me a long time before I was able to fully understand what they __ for me. A. had done B. did C. would do D. were doing 24. Helping others is a habit, _______ you can learn even at an early age. A. it B. that C. what D. one

25. The mother as well as her two daughters ____ to the theatre with some friends this evening. A. are going B. were going C. is going D. was going 第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I was at the post office early that morning finding myself standing in a line that zigzagged(曲折前进) its way. I had never seen so many people there. The line 26 extremely slowly. I turned upset, then annoyed .The longer it took, the 27 I became. When I 28 got to the counter—I concluded my business rudely and walked quickly past the line.

\get to the exit. I was worried I was going to be late 31 to my dentist appointment. As I headed into the parking lot, a woman was coming across the lot in my 32 . I noticed that she was also in a bad emotion and she looked as if she could breathe 33 . I

recognized myself and it wasn't 34. Had I looked like that? Her body language said that she was having a really 35 day. My anger melted away. I wished I could give her a hug but I was a 36 . So I did what I could before she went past me—I 37. In a second everything changed. I could 38 that she was a little shocked, then somewhat 39. Then her face softened. I saw her pace 40 and she smiled back at me as we passed each other. I 41 to smile all the way to my car. Wow, I thought. Look what a simple smile can do. Now I use that 42 on an everyday basis ,letting it 43 me that when I am fighting the world , or see someone else in that position,I can try a smile. More often than not, the energy of the moment 44 with that one little gesture. The smile makes the day become new again, 45 a bright face toward the activities that are yet to come. 26. A. walked B. dropped C. reduced D. moved 27. A. worse B. better C. happier D. angrier

28. A. finally B. hurriedly C. luckily D. unfortunately 29. A. busy B. calm C. pushy D. puzzled 30. A. changes B. excuses C sense D. room 31. A. getting B. leading C. contributing D. applying 32. A. view B. direction C. mind D. dream 33. A. fire B. air C. excitement D. peace 34. A. difficult B. false C. pretty D. available 35. A. regular B. long C. relaxing D. rough 36. A. stranger B. patient C. boss D. clerk 37. A. signed B. smiled C. nodded D. paused 38. A. declare B. tell C. admire D. accept

39. A. sad B. natural C. severe D. confused 40. A. quickened B. bent C. slowed D. tightened 41. A. continued B. began C. remembered D. wished 42. A. hobby B. expression C. attitude D. confidence 43. A. warn B. promise C. remind D. encourage 44. A. fills B. stores C. changes D. works 45. A. washing B. turning C. seeing D. clearing

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



If you want to know how crazy people can be about their pets, you might remember that Helmsley left $12 million to her little Maltese dog when she died last year.

The dog's name is Trouble. And apparendy Trouble is still alive. Of course, I would hang on,too, if someone left me $12 million. Look! Top-shelf dog food, soft pillows everywhere, drivers walking me in nice leafy parks. I would live to be 110 in dog years.

The dog's story is still fresh in my mind the other night when I leave a steak house after a superb meal. Then I notice a woman carrying a small bag out of the door behind me.

Once outside, she walks over to where a man is holding a tiny dog hke it's a baby. The dog

looks like a Maltese, too, barking and annoying, with a cute haircut,

And now I am treated to an absolute astonishing sight. Because now the woman reaches into the bag and begins pulling out little pieces of meat, which she puts on a plastic spoon and feeds to the dog.

This is no cheap steak house. It's actually, way out of my league --I'm there only because it's a special occasion. I can tell you this: if I walked out of the place with any leftover steak, it sure wouldn't go to a dog. Not at those prices.

So now the woman is Spoon-feeding the dog and the man is just standing there, holding this dog and looking as if this is the most normal thing in the world. And the dog is calmly chewing these pieces of steak as if he's a little king. And this dog is in no hurry. He's having a great time. A few minutes go by, and now the dog finishes all of his steak. At this point, I hear the woman say to the man \might go back in there to get more steak for the dog.

Watching all this, I'm afraid I'm going to shout, \pricey steak to that little dog? Did you see what our American life is like today? We're all going to be eating dog food if this keeps up!\

46. Why would the author live to be 110 in dog years? A.Because he is always in poor health and falls ill.

B.Because a Maltese dog lives longer than a human being. C.Because his grandparents left him a large sum of money. D.Because he thinks the dog is treated extremely well. 47. What is the story mainly about?

A.An American family's happy life.

B.A Maltese dog getting $12 million from its owner. C.A New Yorker spending $ 8 billion for a few banks. D.A pet dog being fed with expensive food.

48. The underlined sentence \ A.the restaurant is too expensive for the author B.the author hates the dog being taken there

C.the superb restaurant is about to be out of service D.the dog doesn't belong to the author's group


An “apple polisher” is one who gives gifts to win friendship or special treatment. It is not exactly a bribe(贿赂), but is close to it.

All sorts of people are apple polishers, including politicians and people in high offices—just about everybody. Oliver Cromwell, the great English leader, offered many gifts to win the support of George Fox and his party, but failed.

There are other phrases meaning the same thing as “apple-polishing”—“soft-soaping” or “buttering-up”. A gift is just one way to “soft-soap” somebody, or to “butter him up”. Another that is just as effective is flattery, giving someone high praise—telling him how good he looks, or how well he speaks, or how talented and wise he is.

Endless are the ways of flattery. Who does not love to hear it? Only an unusual man can resist the thrill of being told how wonderful he is. In truth, flattery is good medicine for most of us, who

get so little of it.

We need it to be more sure of ourselves. It cannot hurt unless we get carried away by it. But if we just lap it up for its food value and nourishment, as a cat laps up milk, then we can still remain true to ourselves.

Sometimes, however, flattery will get you nothing from one who has had too much of it. A good example is the famous 12th century legend of King Canute of Denmark and England. The king got tired of listening to endless sickening flattery of his courtiers(朝臣). They overpraised him to the skies, as a man of limitless might.

He decided to teach them a lesson. He took them to the seashore and sat down. Then he ordered the waves to stop coming in. The tide was too busy to listen to him. The king was satisfied. This might show his followers how weak his power was and how empty their flattery. 49. Which of the following activities has nothing to do with “apple-polishing”? A.A boy tells his girlfriend how pretty she looks.

B.An employee tells her boss how good he is at management. C.A knight is said to be of limitless power by his followers. D.A teacher praises her students for their talent and wisdom. 50. What does the writer want to prove with Cromwell’s example?

A.Everybody can be an apple-polisher. B.Cromwell was not a good apple-polisher.

C.George Fox and his party were not apple-polishers. D.There are people who don’t like being apple-polished.

51. Which of the following statements about flattery is true according to the author? A.Too much flattery can carry us away.

B.Flattery is too empty to do people any good.

C.Flattery can get you nothing but excessive(过度的) pride. D.Flattery is one of the ways to apple-polish people.

52. Why did King Canute of Denmark and England take his followers to the seashore?

A.Because he was sick of his normal life.

B.Because he disliked being overpraised any more. C.Because he wanted them to realize how wise he was.

D.Because he wanted them to see how weak he was as a king.


It’s a common belief that over time, pet owners start to look like their animals, and vice versa. Now conies the terrifying news that cats look up to their owners as role models and copy their behavior.

Next time you reach for your fridge, think twice. If Kitty is watching, she is likely to overeat as well.

What is your cat’s IQ?

In a new study from the University of Messina, it turns out that indoor cats who live closely to their owners “mirror” the lives of their caregivers. They sleep at the same time, eat at the same time, and can even become more or less social depending on the behavior of their owners.

“Cats are intelligent animals with a long memory, ”Jane Brunt, the executive director of the CATalyst Council, told Discovery News. “They watch and learn from us, noting the patterns of our actions. as evidenced by knowing where their food is kept and what time to expect to be fed, how to open the cupboard door that’s been improperly closed, and where their feeding and toileting areas fife. ”Because cats copy our habits, if you spend a lot of time raiding(搜刮)the

fridge, your cat will return to its food bowl for that midnight snack, too. According to the study, this explains why “human and cat overweight rates often seem to match. ”So. if you felt guilty about leaving your precious kitty at home while you go to work, now you call feel even worse:You fife making your cat fat!

There’s no word if drinking green tea and making sure you go to Yoga will benefit your cat, but based on the study. it sounds like sticking to a healthy eating and sleeping schedule is best for both of you.

There’s a lot we can learn from our cats in return. “When they sit on our laps softly purring with rhythmic breathing and half-closed eyes. the sense of peace and calm that comes over us is like a private 1esson in inner meditation. ”Brant said. Sure. But cats don’t have to sit in rush hour traffic for an hour a day or worry about their in-laws. They’re probably pretty good at remaining calm.

So, according to science。even though we assumed that cats were not close to us all these years, it turns out they fife in fact learning from us and looking up to us. Scary, huh? 53. According to the passage. which of the following is NOT true?

A. Cats can copy humans’ schedule. B. Humans can learn from cats in some way. C. Cats are smart and have fl long memory D. Green tea and Yoga can benefit cats. 54. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 5 refer to? A. Humans’ keeping searching the fridge. B. Cats’ going to their owners for food.

C. Cats’ copying humans’ habit of looking for food. D. Humans’ leaving cats home while working. 55. What can we learn from our cats?

A. To remain calm. B. To be able to copy. C. To stay proud. D. To look up to friends. 56. The best title for the passage could be .

A. Your Cat Can Bring You Pleasure B. You Are Copying Your Cat

C. You Can Make Your Cat Social D. Your Cat Is Copying Your Habit


Why Laughter Matters

Although most people believe that laughter is one of the nature’s great treatments for a whole range of mental and physical diseases, it is still a serious scientific subject that researchers are trying to figure out.

“Laughter above all else is a social thing,” says Baltimore neuroscientist, Robert Provine, who has studied laughter for decades. “All laughter groups laugh ‘ha-ha-ha’ basically the same way. Whether you speak Mandarin, French or English, everyone will understand laughter. There is a pattern generator(发生器) in our brain that produces this sound.”

Laughing is our first way of communicating. Babies laugh long before they speak. No one teaches them how to laugh. They just do. People may laugh at a prank(恶作剧) on April Fools’ day. But surprisingly, only 10 to 15 percent of laughter is the result of someone making a joke. Laughter is mostly about social responses rather to a joke. Deaf people laugh without hearing and people on cell phones laugh without seeing, showing that laughter isn’t dependent on single sense but on social interactions.

And laughter is not just a people thing. Chimps tickle(挠痒) each other and even laugh when another chimp pretends to tickle them.

Jaak Panksepp, a Bowling Green University Psychology professor, studies rats that laugh when he tickles them. It turns out rats love to be tickled—they return again and again to the hands of researchers tickling them.

By studying rats, scientists can figure out what’s going on in the brain during laughter. Northwestern University biomedical engineering professor, Jeffrey Burgdorf has found that

laughter in rats produces a chemical that acts as an antidepressant(抗抑郁药). He thinks the same thing probably happens in humans, too. This would give doctors a new chemical target to develop drugs that can fight depression.

Even so, laughter itself has not been proved to be the best medicine, experts said. Margaret Stuber, a professor at University of California, studied whether laugher helped patients. She found that distraction(分心) and mood improvement helped, but she could not find a benefit of laughter alone.

“No study has shown that laughter produces a direct health benefit,” Provine said, largely because it’s hard to separate laughter from just feeling good. But he thinks it doesn’t really matter: “Isn’t the fact that laughter feels good when you do it enough?” 57. The most important finding of Robert Provine’s research is that ______. A. laughter makes a person feel good B. laughter depends on different senses C. laughter is a quality people are born with

D. laughter is a social response shared by all creatures

58. According to the passage, scientists studied rats in order to find ______. A. if they can laugh B. if they like laughing

C. what laughter in rats produces D. how rats react while being tickled 59. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Patients will recover if they laugh enough.

B. Laughter is a means of communication as well as language.

C. A new medicine has been developed based on the laughter research. D. Scientists can know what is happening in a human brain when he laughs. 60. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

A. P1 P2 CP B. CP P3 P1 Sp C C. P1 CP P2 D. Sp2 Sp1 P2 P3 Sp C CP P1 P2 Sp2 Sp1 C C

CP: Central point P: Point Sp: Sub-point(次要点) C: Conclusion 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


A. Establish your independence as early as possible. B. Remember that your mind is yours alone. C. Learn to work with your parents. D. Identify your fear factor.

E. Learn how to avoid being controlled by anger. F. Ask yourself if your parent is a perfectionist. 61. Often a controlling parent is a perfectionist, driving you always to be the best you can and getting angry or upset over grades that are less perfect, no matter how hard you work for them, or finding faults with tasks you take on around the home. There is nothing wrong with doing a job right, but it seems like no matter how hard you work on it, it’s never perfect. In other words, do you ever just receive praise from that parent, or is it always justified with a “but?”or “except?”. 62. It can only be controlled if you allow it to be. Controlling behaviors are eventually the controller’s attempt to meet his or her own needs. If the controlling parent demands good grades, don’t do poorly. You are the strong one when you find ways to meet his or her needs and yours, without allowing them to get into your mind. They can force you to pretend to be something you are not, but they can’t change who you actually are 63. Most controlling parents are simply afraid that you will fail without their intervention because they feel it necessary to involve themselves in your life. If you can discover what seems to calm your parents, you will make your own life much easier. For example, if a note from your teacher telling them you haven’t turned in the homework will put you into trouble, do turn in the homework. It’s pretty simple but really—do what your parents want you to do, and they will be less intrusive in your life.. 64. Some parents control their family with anger. They really lose their temper, lose all self-control, and the result is no discussion. People are afraid to voice an opinion contrary to the angry parents because they fear what will happen. This is how anger is used to control you. If you can talk to the parents, ask for the 3-minute-rule approach. Using this approach allows everyone to be heard and also provides some “cooling off” time, which can help manage conflicts. 65.

If you are very smart, you will study hard in school and give yourself lots of opinions for change. Even if you go to school locally, it’s suggested that you try to live in the dormitories, or any place other than your parents’ home. Get a job and help with your own living expenses. The sooner you get out from under the shadow of a controlling parent, the sooner the parent will recognize you “Declaration of Independence”.


第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在横线上写出对应单词的正确、完整形式,每空只写一词。

66.The better I know him, the more I (钦佩,佩服)him.

67.He is mentally ill and can’t be (对?负责)for his actions.

68. The bus was so full that one more passenger could not have ________ (挤) in. 69. The survey team carried out over 200 ________ (面试) with retired people. 70. A home does not consist in the quality of its architecture and ________ (装饰).

71. We’re ________ (扩大) the production scale to produce more and better computers. 72. I turned round looking at the man and the woman ________ (生气地).

73. He bought her a diamond ring on their tenth wedding ________ (周年纪念). 74. If you ________ (犹豫) too long, you will miss the opportunity.

75. This maybe a sign that people are increasingly getting their movies off the ________ (因特网).

第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线(__),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;


The winter holiday is coming, which made me excited. I have been looking forward at relaxing myself. I’d like to go skating, climb mountains and see several movie. I think I can play the basketball with my classmates. How a wonderful time I’ll have during the winter holiday! However, my parents think different. They don’t want me go out. They are afraid I’ll be knocked down by a truck, fallen off a tree, or fight with others. Besides, they are afraid I will lose my way. I hate being treated like a bird keeping in a cage. To get more freedom, so I will try to persuade them.

第三节 书面表达(满分30分)

现在,学生的零花钱越来越多,但是乱花钱现象很严重。下面是你应某晚报教育在线栏目之约针对学生的零用钱(pocket money)的消费方向,对你市某中学的高中和初中的部分学生进行问卷调查所得出数据。请你用英文写一篇调查报告,反映调查结果,并呼吁中学生应树立正确的消费观。

注意:1、书信中不必一一列举具体数字,只要抓住主要问题和数据说明的问题即可; 2、开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3、词数120左右。

Dear Editor,

Recently a survey has been carried out to find out how middle school students spend their pocket money.

参考答案: 语音知识: DACDB 补全对话: ECAFD




大意匹配: FBCEA


admire; responsible; squeezed; interviews; decoration; enlarging; angrily; anniversary; hesitate; Internet 短文改错:

The winter holiday is coming, which made me excited. I have been looking forward at

makes to

relaxing myself. I’d like to go skating, climb mountains and see several movie. I think I can play movies

the basketball with my classmates. How a wonderful time I’ll have during the winter holiday!

the What

However, my parents think different. They don’t want me ∧ go out. They are afraid I’ll be differently to

knocked down by a truck, fallen off a tree, or fight with others. Besides, they are afraid I will lose fall

my way. I hate being treated like a bird keeping in a cage. To get more freedom, so I will try to kept so persuade them.


Possible Version: Dear Editor,

Recently a survey has been carried out to find out how middle school students spend their pocket money.

In this survey, both junior students and senior students spend most their money on books , snacks and playing games , still some money goes to clothes , banks , sports , and so on. The survey shows that about 44% of seniors prefer books to snacks (37% )and playing games (31% ). On the other hand, only 32% of juniors spend their pocket money buying books, while over a half buy snacks and 44% spend in playing games. Both seniors and juniors would not waste too much money on clothes or put it in banks.

I think a lot of snacks will not only make us put on weight but also do harm to our health. In addition , if we play games without limit, we ' 11 lose much precious time , which results in low grades. Furthermore, the money is hard-earned. I hope we students value our money as well as our time.

the What

However, my parents think different. They don’t want me ∧ go out. They are afraid I’ll be differently to

knocked down by a truck, fallen off a tree, or fight with others. Besides, they are afraid I will lose fall

my way. I hate being treated like a bird keeping in a cage. To get more freedom, so I will try to kept so persuade them.


Possible Version: Dear Editor,

Recently a survey has been carried out to find out how middle school students spend their pocket money.

In this survey, both junior students and senior students spend most their money on books , snacks and playing games , still some money goes to clothes , banks , sports , and so on. The survey shows that about 44% of seniors prefer books to snacks (37% )and playing games (31% ). On the other hand, only 32% of juniors spend their pocket money buying books, while over a half buy snacks and 44% spend in playing games. Both seniors and juniors would not waste too much money on clothes or put it in banks.

I think a lot of snacks will not only make us put on weight but also do harm to our health. In addition , if we play games without limit, we ' 11 lose much precious time , which results in low grades. Furthermore, the money is hard-earned. I hope we students value our money as well as our time.

