《初中英语九UNIT12 SECTION B》教学中的互联网搜索教案 - 图文

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《初中英语九UNIT12 SECTION B》教学中的互联网搜索教案

【教案背景】2010年8月,我有幸来到上海世博会,参观了多个国家场馆,目睹了现代科技的神奇。亲身感受到不同国家风情习俗的美妙。12月,我教学Unit 12 Section B时,正是“customs”话题。学习谈论不同国家的文化习俗。为了更好地引起学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的积极性,有效地教学本课的语言知识,培养学生掌握语言技能,探究认识世界的能力。于是我将上海世博会作为主线贯穿课堂教学,进行一系列的听、说活动。 【教学课题】初中英语九UNIT12 SECTION B

【教材分析】本单位以“Customs”为话题,谈论不同国家的不同文化习俗,渗透跨文化交际意识,使学生了解不同的文化习俗和不同的礼仪。该活题能激起学生的好奇心,调动学生世界学习英语的积极性,培养他们主动探究、认识世界的能力。 本单位的核心语言项目是“Tell what you are supposed to do ”,围绕“Customs”话题,从Section A 的“Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time”,本节课Section B(1-2c) “Talk about table manners in different countries,”再到拓展阅读的“You’re supposed to write quickly”,自始至终贯穿着“谈论礼仪、文化、习俗”这一条主线。涉及不同国家的多种习俗,包括美国、日本、墨西哥、朝鲜、瑞士、秘鲁、哥伦比亚、中国、法国等国人们第一次见面的礼仪习俗、餐桌礼仪。 【教学目标】


1、 能谈论不同国家的餐桌礼仪。

2、 熟练运用“be supposed to +do”句型及重点词组。 情感目标:

1、学会比较不同文化的差异,提高人际交往猜能力。 2、通过Pair work和Group work等活动,学会合作交流,了解礼仪习俗在生活中的重要性和必要性。

3、了解不同地方的礼仪习俗知识,增进人与人之间的交往。 文化意识目标

通过学习各个国家的不同礼仪,了解各种场合下的不同表述和表现,并学会用得体的语言进行表述,培养跨文化交际的意识。 学习策略目标


2、认知策略:利用分析、比较、推理及归纳等方法分析问题、解决问题,在听的过程中,学会借助情景和上下文抓关键词。 【教学重难点】

1、深入了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪。 2、写出自己国家的餐桌礼仪。

3、重点词汇:Wipe napkin stick rude point manner table manners make a noise. 4、重点句型:You’re not supposed to eat with your hands; You are supposed to wipe you napkin;It’s rude to? ;It’s polite to?。 【教学方法】

引导、听、说、练,合作探究,辅助多媒体课件、网络搜索。 【教学准备】教师课前网络搜索有关世界各国的风俗习惯和餐桌礼仪资料。学生分组进行网络搜索有关世界各国的风俗习惯和餐桌礼仪资料,并进行分类整理、比较、记忆,准备小组

展示和竞赛。 【教学过程】

< Go For It > Grade9 Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands Section B (1—2c)

(Before class T ask Ss to surf the Internet to collect something about the table manners around the world. T surf the Internet to get a lot of information about this period teaching, then make PPT for teaching)

Step 1 Warming up

Play an English song with video (Better City, Better Life ---the theme song of ShanghaiEXPO) for students to enjoy .And talk with Ss about the song and Shanghai EXPO http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/913832.html

Step 2 Revision

T: Shanghai EXPO provide us a greet chance to know more about the world. People from different countries get together in Shanghai EXPO. We know Different countries have different customs. And they greet in different ways when they meet for the first time.

What are they supposed to do when they meet for the first time?Different countrieshave different customs.shake handskissbow

So we are supposed to greet the foreign friends politely. It’s polite to greet them in their ways of greeting when we meet them in Shanghai EXPO Garden. What are they supposed to do when they meet for the first time? (T show pictures of Shanghai EXPO Garden with different pavilions)

Ss look at the pictures and revise using “People in…are supposed to bow/shake hands/kiss… “We are supposed to bow/shake hands/kiss with them when we meet them.”

Step3: Presentation

T: Shanghai EXPO makes better city and better life. It also makes people around the world get together .We make friends with people from different countries. It’s a good chance for us to exchange different culture and different customs with each other. Table manner is one of the most important customs, too. . It’s necessary for us to introduce our traditional table manners to our foreign friends. What do you know about the table manners in our country?

chopsticksChinese Table Manners

Chinese Table Manners Chinese Table MannersMore Chinese Table MannersWe should eat with our chopsticks.

While looking at the pictures and talking with students teach new words and phrases Ss learn We are supposed to eat with chopsticks

We are not supposed to eat with hands.It’s polite to pick up the bowl of rice.(It’s rude to talk with your mouth full. It’s polite to pick food for guests at table. We aren’t supposed to stick your chopsticks into your rice.

We’re not supposed to point at others with your chopsticks while talking. We’re not supposed to wipe your mouth with hands. We’re not supposed to make noise while eating The old are supposed to eat first …) What other table manners in China?We shouldn’t point atothers while eating the meals.We aren’t supposed tomake noise while eatingthe meals.We are supposed toeat quietlyatthe table.It’s rude totalk with your mouth full.It’s rude towipeour mouths withour hands after meals.It’s polite to pick food forguests at table.

T: I visited the Shanghai EXPO in this summer holiday.

Before I went to Shanghai EXPO, I got something Chinese ready .One is about our table manners. --- a video about Chinese table manners. This is what I want to show and tell our foreign friends first. Because to people foodstuff is all-important, eating comes first. Let’s see what else are we supposed to do at table in China. T:Show: movie (Chinese table manners)


After watching the movie, Ss learn more about Chinese table culture about choosing seats ,making a toast at the dinner

Knowing about the table manners around the world is very helpful for making foreign. Friends and knowing better about the world.

Step4: listening

T: In Shanghai EXPO, I made a Japanese friend called Satoshi and an American friend called Steve.

Steve Satoshi

.We became good friends and talked a lot with each other. Steve was going to Japan to be an exchange student. So Satoshi was telling him about the table manners in Japan. .I have recorder ed something. Do you want to know about Japanese table manners?

Table Mannersin Japan生鱼片寿司sushi Japanesetraditional foodsashimi;sliced raw fish;味增汤misosoup L

Let’s listen and number the picture in the order in 2a( Section B.P97) 2


2a Listening

Listen and match these sentence parts.

1.You aren’t supposed to… d. eat or drink while walking down the street.

2.It’s polite…

a. to make noise while eating noodles.

3.It’s rude…

b. to stick your chopsticks into your food.

4.You shouldn’t…

c. point at anyone with your chopsticks.

Can you tell us something about Steve?

1.Where will Steve go tomorrow?

He will go to Japan tomorrow.

2. How does he feel? He feels excited and nervous. 3. What’s the matter? He doesn’t know how to use chopsticks very well and how to behave at the dinner table.

4. Why are people supposed to make noise when

they are eating in Japan? It shows you like the food. 5. Who is allowed to talk at dinner table in Japan?Maybe only parents are allowed to talk at dinner

table in Japan.

Check the answers. Then ask Ss to listen again and match the sentences in 2b. Imitate and practice the conversation

2bStep5: Pairwork

1 Imitate and practice the conversation.

2 compare the table manners in Japan with that in China

T: Are they the same or different from our table manners? Can you compare theirs with ours? Let student A act as a Chinese and B act as a Japanese. A: We’re supposed to use chopsticks while eating in China B: In Japan, We’re supposed to use chopsticks, too. A: It’s rude for us to make noise while eating in China.

B: It’s polite for us to make noise while eating noodles in Japan. A:? B:?

In Japan, you should not eat or drink while walking down the street, and you are supposed to make noise while eating noodles. It shows that you like the food. It is rude to stick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldn’t point at anyone with your chopsticks

In Japan, you are not supposed to eat or drink while walking down the street.

Step6: Show and memory challenge

1 T:During my visit to different country pavilions in the EXPO Garden , I tasted different food with traditional tastes from different countries


And I also collect some printed paper with instructions on traditional food and notes about eating culture and table manners , I felt they were interesting .It’s also helpful for us to know better about the world .Would you like to have a look? OK, let me show you.

You’re not supposed totalk at the table.×In the United States, you’re not supposed to eat with your hands.In Peru

In Brazil, you should wipeyour mouth with your napkinevery time you take a drink.

In Korea, the youngest personis supposed to start eating first.×

(Indians eat with right hands.they think right hands are clean.)

(Westerns can’t make noise while using forks and knives. They aren’t supposed to open the mouths while eating.)

2 T: What else do you know about the table manners around the world I think you have got a lot of information with the help of the Internet It’s time for you to show yours to others.

Students show and share what they have collected about table manners from the Internet in groups .Students try to remember as much as possible.

Table Manners around the world

Then Ss have a memory challenge to see who can say the most about the table manners around the world.

3 Ss do T or F exercise and then try to write a passage about the table manners in some


“T”or “F”or “I don’t know”TFFFT1.In the United States, you’re not supposed to eat with your hands.2.In Peru, you are not supposed to talk at the table.3.In China, you’re not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.4.In Korea, the youngest person is supposed to start eating first.5.In Brazil, you should wipe your mouthwith your napkin every time you take adrink. Writing an e-mail about the table manners in Japan.( Show as a sample)

Imagine you are Steve, an exchange student studying in Japan. You are to email your friends about the table manners in Japan.

Subject: Table Manners! From: Steve Here are some things that you need to know about table manners when you visit Japan. First of all, you should remember: Blowing your nose in public, and especially at the table, is considered bad manner. It is considered good manner to empty your dishes to the last grain of rice. Talking about toilet related and similarly disappetizing topics during or before a meal is not appreciated by most people. Unlike in some other parts of East Asia, it is considered bad manner to burp. After finishing eating, try to place all your dishes in the same way as they were at the start of the meal. This includes replacing the lid of dishes which came with a lid and replacing your chopsticks on the chopstick holder or into their paper slip, if applicable. Writing about table manners in China

Subject: Table Manners! From: Yanfei Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork, but that’s only superficial. Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough. The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you’re in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes. The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings. If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all. Perhaps one of the things that surprise a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests. In formal dinners, there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks. This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate. People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. When you have had enough, just say so. Or you will always overeat! Step7 Homework:

1. Write a passage about the table manners in China \\Japan\\.USA...(choose one country)

2. Surf the Internet to get some information about the table manners in France ( get ready for 3a in Section B)




二、“我”在世博园向外国友人介绍中国餐桌礼仪。 三、“我”在世博园听日本和美国朋友的关于日本餐桌礼仪的对话,让学生了解日本的餐桌礼仪。

四、向学生介绍“我”在世博园品尝世界各国特色食品时,了解到的不同国度的餐桌礼仪。 以上设计将复习旧知,讲授新课,巩固新知,巧妙地融合于“我游世博园”的一系列活动中。有效地运用网络资源和教材中的听力材料及阅读材料,达到了学科知识和信息技术的完美整合。创设情景,激发了学生的学习积极性,开阔了学生的视野,为学生打开了一扇了解世界的窗口。同时,促进了学生的合作探究,使学生既掌握了新知,又在掌握新知的过程中受到了礼仪教育,起到了润物无声的效果。

二、“我”在世博园向外国友人介绍中国餐桌礼仪。 三、“我”在世博园听日本和美国朋友的关于日本餐桌礼仪的对话,让学生了解日本的餐桌礼仪。

四、向学生介绍“我”在世博园品尝世界各国特色食品时,了解到的不同国度的餐桌礼仪。 以上设计将复习旧知,讲授新课,巩固新知,巧妙地融合于“我游世博园”的一系列活动中。有效地运用网络资源和教材中的听力材料及阅读材料,达到了学科知识和信息技术的完美整合。创设情景,激发了学生的学习积极性,开阔了学生的视野,为学生打开了一扇了解世界的窗口。同时,促进了学生的合作探究,使学生既掌握了新知,又在掌握新知的过程中受到了礼仪教育,起到了润物无声的效果。

