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THIS Agreement effective on the 16th day of June, between _____ a corporation organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, hereinafter called “Party A”, and ______, a company organized under the laws of the Republic of Peru, hereinafter called “Party B”.


鉴于乙方希望获得使用上述技术协助的许可权利,以及以生产、使用和销售合同产品为目的的持续的技术协助的权利; 鉴于乙方希望使用甲方所有的下述商标: 据此,双方就下列内容达成一致:

WHEREAS. Party A possesses proprietary technical information including designs. Techniques, processes, formulas, skills and other data useful in the manufacture and marketing of certain products; and

WHEREAS, Party B desires to acquire the right and license to use the aforesaid

technical assistance, and the right to receive continuing technical assistance for the purpose of manufacturing, using and selling such products; and

WHEREAS. Party B desires to use the following trademarks owned by Party A. NOW. THEREFORE, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows:




In the present contract, the term PRODUCTS shall be interpreted as the Party A-Series. Family of vehicles released for left hand drive application and the term

“Licensed Products” is meant to included all components as improved, added to or modified, which now form or may hereafter form an integral part of the Licensed product(s).

Party B shall identify Licensed Products as being made under License from Party A. The form and location of such identification shall be approved by Party A.


Party B has requested permission to use the above mentioned trademarks upon goods made by itself, and Party A is willing to grant such permission on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.


Party A hereby grants to Party B the exclusive right to use in the Republic of Peru the Trademarks Party A; only on PRODUCTS made by Party B; provided, however, that such exclusive right applies only to the use of the trademarks in connection with the PRODUCTS and the parties understand that the trademarks may be used by others, but not on the PRODUCTS. This license is personal to Party B and shall not be assignable to anyone else.


Party B agrees and undertakes to use the above mentioned trademarks strictly on accordance with the instructions and directions of Party A and in conformity with the process and methods of manufacture given directly by Party A to Party B as technical assistance, so that the PRODUCTS on which the trademarks will be used by Party B shall conform to the standards and specifications established by Party A and be uniform in quality with the PRODUCTS on which Party A uses the said trademarks.



Party B recognizes Party A’s ownership of and title to the said trademarks and will not at any time do or suffer to be done any act or thing which will any way impair the rights of Party A in and to said trademarks. Party A through any of its officers or agents shall have the right at any time during business hours to inspect Party B’s factory and any PRODUCTS manufactured by Party B under the licensed trademarks and to the extent necessary to protect the said trademark, the right to reject for sale any such PRODUCTS, after complying with the provisions of Section C of this agreement, which in the judgment of Party A are not of quality to that of similar PRODUCTS manufactured and sold by Party A under the said trademarks.


Party B agrees and undertakes to use the aforementioned trademarks strictly on accordance with the legal requirements in ______and to use such markings in

connection therewith as may be required by the applicable ______law and any other pertinent legal provisions. The manner in using with said Party A trademarks on the PRODUCTS will be submitted to Party A for its approval prior to being used as a product graphic on the PRODUCTS.


1.甲方向乙方提供如下两套资料,其中一套应是可复制的; a) 由甲方所拥有的为支持秘鲁生产产品型号的全部组装用图纸;

b) i. 对于包含甲方自外部供应商所获得的部分许可证产品部件,甲方提供依其供应商所制作的图纸和/或规格,但应依从于由供应商对于图纸用的限制条件。

ii.对于供应部件,甲方应提供外观尺寸,性能特性,设计参数以及其他甲方可能开发的为使乙方在______得到相同规格的供应部件的相关信息。 Party A will furnish, one of which will be reproducible:

a. All drawings for assembly in the possession of Party A to support the specific models to be produced in Peru.

b. i. With respect to components contained in Licensed Products which are obtained by Party A from outside suppliers, Party A will furnish such drawings and/or

specifications as are made available by Party A suppliers and as are required but

subject, however, to any omitations placed upon the use of such drawings by supplier.

ii. For supplier components, Party A will supply physical such other information Party A may have developed regarding such supplier components in order to permit Party B to source components of equivalent specifications in Peru.

iii.甲方对于任何外部供应商不愿向乙方提供技术资料的后果不承担责任。 c) 材料和依甲方的设计获得规格生产全部零件所需规格; d) 工具及设备图纸,其应依甲方先可能存档只为限。

iii. Party A shall not be liable for the unwillingness of any outside supplier to provide technical documentation for use by Party B.

c. Material and manufacturing specifications for all parts produced to the design and specifications of Party A.

d. Tooling and equipment drawings such as may be available in the files of Party A.

2.技术资料和专有技术将依甲方所使用的标准生产技术为准;所有图纸均以原有国家语言和度量制为准;全部资料度量制式转换为公式的责任和费用由乙方承担。 The technical documentation and know-how will be supplied in accordance with the standard manufacturing techniques used by Party A. All drawings will be in the language and dimensions of the country of origin. Any conversion to metric dimensions will be the responsibility and cost of Party B.


For the term of this agreement and commencing with a date mutually agreed upon for each Licensed Product, Party A undertakes to release to Party B details of major improvement engineering changes made by Party A to the licensed Product.


Party A will provide or arrange for training at appropriate factories of Party A or its subsidiarism, affiliates or licensees such of Party B personnel for such periods of time and per terms as may be mutually agreed upon.

