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班级:________ 姓名:_________ 分数:_________

一、 找出不同类的一项。(5分)

( ) 1. A. likes B. study C. goes D. wants ( ) 2. A. singing B. doing C. swimming D. shall ( ) 3. A. puzzles B. Chinese C. maths D. music ( ) 4. A. he B. she C. them D. we ( ) 5. A. tomorrow B. today C. tonight D. week 二、 英汉互译。(14分)

1. at home _________ 2. fly kites _________ 3. do kung fu ________ 4. climb mountains _______ 5. 看电视 __________ 6. 去远足 ___________ 7. 踢足球 ___________ 8. 直走 ______________ 9. 步行 _____________ 10.去旅行 _____________ 11. 好主意 ___________ 12.slow down___________ 13. by subway _________ 14. 聚会 _____________ 三、 单项选择。(15分)

( ) 1._____ an interesting film!

A. How B. What C. Who D. Which ( ) 2.The park is ___ to the bookstore. A. next B. front C. behind D. far ( ) 3.Where ___ the boy want to go?

A. is B. are C. do D. does

( ) 4.What _____ your mother going to do next week? A. am B. is C. are D. do ( ) 5.I’m going _____ some pictures.

A. draw B. to draw C. drawing D. drew

( ) 6.We are going to visit our grandparents _______. A. yesterday B. last week C.tomorrow D. now ( ) 7. They ___ going to buy some books.

A. am B. is C. are D. do ( ) 8. Amy is going to ______ a film.

A. see B. seeing C. sees D. to see ( ) 9. ---_______ are you going?

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---Next week.

A. When B. Where C. What D. Which ( )10. I like ______ football.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays ( )11. ____ Amy like flying kites?

A. Is B. Does C. Are D. Do ( )12. He _____ at sea.

A. work B. working C. works D. to work ( )13. He goes to school _____ bike.

A. in B. on C. by D. to ( )14. My sister _____ a student.

A. is B. have C. are D. do ( )15. We should _____ hard at school.

A. studies B. study C. studied D. studying 四、 连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。(10分)

1. post, where, is, the, office (?)

_____________________________________________ 2. I, how, can, to, go, the, museum (?)

_____________________________________________ 3. going, grandparents, visit, I’m, my, to (.)

_____________________________________________ 4. have, pen, I, a, pal.

_____________________________________________ 5. at, she, university, works, a (.)


五、 句型转换。(10分)

1. My mother is a cleaner.(划线提问)

What _____ your mother _______?

2. He likes doing kung fu and swimming .(划线提问)


3. My best friend is Lily.(改为一般疑问句)

____ Lily _______ best friend?

4. You can get there by subway.(划线提问)

_____ can ____ get there?

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5. She is going to climb mountains tomorrow.(否定句) She ______ going to climb mountains ___________.

六、 按要求选择恰当的英语用语。(10分)

( ) 1. 你想知道别人怎样去上学,要说:_____ ( ) 2. 问别人自己怎样才能到公园,要说:______ ( ) 3. 打扰别人时,要说:______

( ) 4. 请求别人帮忙时,你要说:________ ( ) 5. 对方要去旅行时,你应说:________

( ) 6. 向别人打听邮局在哪儿时,你说:_______ ( ) 7. 问别人今天打算干什么时,你说:_______

( ) 8. 确认那是不是对方的自行车时,你说:_______ ( ) 9. 遇到黄灯时,我们应该:________ ( ) 10. 让别人等你时,可以说:_________ a. Can you help me? b. How do you come to school? c. Have a good time! d. Excuse me. e. Is this your bike? f. How can I get to the park? g. Excuse me. Where is the post office? h. What are you going to do today? i. Wait for me.

j. Slow down and wait!

七、 改错。(10分)

( ) 1. I like read stories. __________ A B C D

( ) 2. What are you going to do last week? ___________ A B C D

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( ) 3. My aunt is going to making mooncakes. ________ A B C D

( ) 4. What a interesting film! ____________ A B C D

( ) 5. Does he lives in Sydney? ____________ A B C D 八、 按要求做题。(14分) A. 先给下面的对话排序。(4分)

( ) Boy: What are you going to buy? ( ) Mum: I’m going at half past two.

( ) Boy: Mum, where are you going this afternoon? ( ) Mum: I’m going to the supermarket. ( ) Boy: When are you going?

( ) Mum: I’m going to buy some food. ( ) Boy: Can I go with you?

( ) Mum: Sure. Let’s go together after lunch. B. 根据对话内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)

( ) 1.The mother is going to the supermarket. ( ) 2.The mother is going to buy some fruits. ( ) 3.The mother is going at half past two.

( ) 4.The boy doesn’t want to go to the supermarket. ( ) 5.The mother will go to the supermarket by herself. 九、 写作。(12分)

请以“My Family”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文。


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