综合教程1 - 课后答案 - (1-8完整版)

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Unit One

College English

Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action

▆ Working with Words and Expressions

1. Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be very familiar with. Now work in pairs and make sentences with each of them to see if you have really mastered their usages. You are encouraged to consult a dictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages.

▆ Sample sentences for reference:

1) Do you think the government will deliver on their election promises?

2) I need to polish (up) my French now because I’m going to France next summer. 3) Details of the competition are available from our head office.

4) Many people choose to go by car rather than by bus, but I prefer the latter. 5) Please file this letter (away), Miss Smith.

6) Today his company continues to thrive in spite of severe competition. 7) She undertook responsibility for the changes he made in the article.

8) A career advisor can offer you sound and practical suggestions on how to make career decision.

9) A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.

10) He perceived a subtle (微妙的;细微的) change in her manner when he met her the second time.

11) Over the years, I have accumulated hundreds of books.

12) He has multiplied his fortune many times within a short period of two years.

2. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.

▆ Answers: 1) compromise 2) self-induced 3) steered 4) frame

5) demonstrated 6) employ 7) promote 8) impressed 9) contribution 10) deliberately 11) financial

12) economic

3. In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.

▆ Answers:

1) makes a point of 2) refresh my memory 3) lead to 4) at hand 5) working out 6) under pressure 7) Last but not least 8) took, down 9) In addition to 10) were involved in 11) in other words 12) pointed out 13) pay off

4. Fill in the blanks with words listed in the box below. Change the form where necessary. Then rearrange the given letters to form two words related to college life and complete the final sentence with the two words.

▆ Answers: 1) scored 2) scheduled 3) assigned 4) motivate 5) crucial 6) promote 7) performed 8) debate 9) scanned 10) devised 11) advocated 12) clarify 13) priorities 14) compromised 15) context 16) undertook

17) academic excellence

▆ Increasing Your Word Power

1. The same word can perform different roles and functions as different parts of speech. Listed in the box below are some of these words. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box. Make sure that your sentences are grammatically correct.

▆ Answers:

1) principal / major 2) top 3) major 4) top

5) principal 6) major 7) schedule

8) advocate / have advocated 9) top

10) approach 11) blame

12) major / principal 13) advocate 14) schedule 15) blame

16) approaching 17) pressure 18) pace

19) pressured 20) pace

2. In this unit there are many words and phrases that are similar in meaning. Find out those pairs of words and phrases and put them down in the space provided.

▆ Answers: reveal disclose

tentative (questions) possible (questions) achieve attain super-achiever straight-A student steer toward point toward be caught be trapped

3. In this unit the verb set is collocated with priorities, timetables, and standards. Try to fill in as many nouns as possible that can go with set in the space provided. If you are not sure of some collocations, consult a dictionary. Then make sentences of your own using the collocations in the space provided.

▆ Answers for reference:

set priorities / timetables / standards / an exam / an alarm / an example / a price /a record / limits

1) Who is going to set (the questions for) the exam this time?

2) She forgot to set her alarm last night: that was why she overslept. 3) Her heroic behavior sets a good example for us to follow.

4) We had to compromise and finally the price was set at $1,000.

5) We were all pleased to know that Liu Xiang had set a world record in the 110-meter hurdles. 6) The government has set strict limits on pay increases.

4. Did you notice the suffixes -ion, -ation, -ly in words such as education, expectation, deliberately in this unit? The suffixes -ion, -ation can be put after many verbs to form nouns, and -ly can be added to many adjectives to form adverbs. Listed in the box below are some nouns and adverbs with suffixes -ion, -ation, -ly you have come across in this unit. Write down their corresponding verb and adjective forms in the space provided.

▆ Answers:

Nouns with –ion/ation Verbs Adverbs with -ly Adjectives anticipation anticipate concisely concise association associate deliberately deliberate contribution contribute effectively effective edition edit equally equal

expectation expect immediately immediate frustration frustrate presumably presumable participation participate psychologically psychological revision revise ultimately ultimate

Task 1: Complete each of the following sentences with a proper noun with suffixes -ion, -ation listed above.

▆ Answers: 1) edition 2) revisions 3) contribution 4) anticipation 5) frustration 6) participation 7) association 8) expectations

Task 2: Correct the mistakes in the following paragraph, paying special attention to the use of adjectives and adverbs. Underline the mistakes and write down your corrections in the space below. If you think there is no mistake, write “No Mistake”.

▆ Answers: 1) No mistake 2) especially 3) necessary 4) frequently 5) No mistake 6) easy

7) No mistake 8) individual 9) many 10) highly 11) apparent 12) remarkable 13) probably 14) No mistake


Task 1: Decide which one is correct by crossing out the wrong one.

▆ Answers for reference:

1) People go to university to increase their knowledge. 2) The family were at table when the telephone rang. 3) There is a Jack Robinson waiting to see you in the hall.

4) We are striving for a world with no poverty, no hurt and no hatred. 5) The Olympic Games for 2016 will be held in Rio de Janeiro.

Task 2: Insert an appropriate article in each blank, using ? to stand for ZERO article:

▆ Answers: 1) the 2) an 3) ? 4) a 5) the

6) the 7) the 8) a 9) a 10) a

11) the 12) the 13) ? 14) the

15) the

16) a 17) ? 18) the 19) the 20) a


Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.

▆ Answers: 1) academic 2) priorities 3) conducted 4) principles 5) begin 6) priority

7) compromised 8) addition 9) filing 10) Speaking 11) formula

12) Participation / Participating 13) based 14) least 15) way 16) pressure


Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.

▆ Answers for reference:

1) The judge asked the reporters not to disclose the name of the victim. 2) The teacher took pains to make sure that we all understood what he said.

3) Recently the school conducted a survey among those students who have attained academic excellence.

4) He said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to confirm his acceptance by writing us a letter.

5) George studies very hard. He wants to make the most of his chance to learn. 6) We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’re busy.

7) It’s about time that someone spoke up for these basic truths / facts.

8) You should be working instead of lying there in bed at this time of the day. 9) I’ll jot down some notes while he’s speaking.

10) I can’t carry the suitcase on my own; it’s too heavy.

Theme-Related Writing

1. Write an essay in about 100–120 words based on your discussion in Optional Classroom Activities. You can take either of the following titles: 1) I like to study on my own 2) I like to study in a group

2. If you didn’t do Task 3 in Optional Classroom Activities you can write an essay of around 120 words on the following topic. College Is Not an Ivory Tower

▆ Sample Essays for Task 1: I like to study on my own

Many of my classmates like to study together. However, I always like to study on my own, with good reasons. First, I feel that I can concentrate better when I study alone. When I have to work together with other people, I often get distracted and more often than not, I end up chatting with them without completing the task at hand. Second, when I study on my own, I can work at my own pace, choosing to spend more time on certain difficult sections and less time on less challenging parts. I can also check my class notes or reference books whenever I feel the need to. One final good advantage of studying alone is that unlike group work, self study is not restricted by time and space. In other words, if I feel like studying, I can do so at any time and anywhere. (146 words)

I like to study in a group

According to a recent study, students who study together by discussing homework and problems usually score higher than those who work on their own. I am happy to hear that because I like to study in a group. I think we can reinforce our understanding of what we have learned in class by asking each other questions. Besides, it is always enjoyable working with someone else. A discussion on questions we don’t understand very well will help clear up any possible confusion. Last but not least, we should not ignore the importance of cooperation in our society. Working with others helps develop our team spirit, which has become essential in this modern world of ours. After all, two heads are always better than one. (125 words)

▆ Sample Essay for Task 2: College Is Not an Ivory Tower

People often say that college is an ivory tower and life on campus is cut off from the harsh realities of the real world. College may have been an ivory tower before, but it is not so any more. We college students are under various kinds of pressure. First of all, most of us are burdened

with a heavy tuition fee, which keeps on increasing every year. So some of us have to work over ten hours every week. Life for those who can get financial help from their parents is not easy either, as they very often have to follow their parents’ advice and take a major they don’t like. Finally those who are about to graduate suffer from a different kind of pressure: hunting for a job. It is no longer easy for a college student to get a decently paid job these days. (134 words)

The Answers to Unit 2

Enhance Your Language Awareness Section A Useful Expressions Useful Expressions from Text A Chinese Equivalences don’t know whether to laugh or cry 哭笑不得 it is no use doing… 做……是没有用的 to a certain extent 在某种程度上

have a great advantage over sb. 比某人有优势 cannot afford to do sth. 负担不起……

go to the opposite extreme 走到另一个极端 let alone 更别说

be fond of doing sth. 喜欢做…… it is a pity (that) 遗憾……

in my personal opinion 我个人认为 be similar to… 与……相似 It is worth doing 值得做……

Useful Expressions from Text B Chinese Equivalences

have great trouble with… 做……很吃力 try at all costs to do sth. 不惜任何代价做……

rid them of their fear and dislike of books 消除他们对书本的厌恶和恐惧心理 do sth. for pleasure 出于乐趣而做…… mean every word of it 说话算数

(I) Working with Words and Expressions

1. If Jane is not here in 10 minutes, we’ll assume that she isn’t coming and we won’t wait for her any longer.

2. The case was fully argued before an agreement was reached.

3. They claimed that they have discovered a cure for the disease, but this has not yet been proved.

4. Some Chinese words have no equivalents in English.

5. The rights of the individual are perhaps the most important rights in society. 6. If you want my person opinion, i don’t think you should go there. 7. The train leaves at about half past eight---8:32, to be precise.

8. After years of hard work, she became qualified as a doctor last year. 9. Her new novel is based on her adventures in Africa.

10. The house is too small for a family of five; furthermore, it is in a bad condition. 11. Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.

12. She promised solemnly that she would not say about it anymore.

2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently

3. (1) fond of (2) is…related to (3) find out (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid… of (8) cleared up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone

(13) In his hurry (14) It’s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth

(II) Increasing Your Word Power

1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) d

2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3.

nouns Chinese meanings

conqueror 征服者胜利者

environmentalist 环境保护主义者 industrialist 工业家实业家 journalist 新闻记者报人 laborer 听力劳动者工人 logician 逻辑学家 magician 魔术师变戏法的人 mathematician 数学家 murderer 谋杀犯凶手 survivor 幸存者生还者

1. logician 2. magician 3.mathematician 4. Journalist 5.industrialist 6.environmentalist 7. laborer 8.murderer 9.conqueror 10.survivor (III) Grammar Task 1:

(1) would/should (2) should/would (3) might (4) would (5) must (6) can’t (7) should would (8) must

Task 2:

(1) The expedition might have reached the top of the mountain now.

(2) If there should be any change in the schedule, please let me know in time. (3) Passengers must check in 45 minutes prior to flight departure. (4) Hurry up. It would be a pity to miss the concert.

(5) The man standing in the distance can’t be Mr.li, for he left for New York yesterday afternoon. (IV) Cloze

(1) doubt (2) efficient (3) where (4) advantage (5) afford (6) claim (7) fluently (8) qualified (9) extent (10) ridiculous (11) perfect (12) as (13) because (14) individual

(V) Translation 1. Translate the sentences

(1) The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk.

(2) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie.

(3) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better.

(4) Can you take a look at the engine to see what’s wrong.

(5) Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word. (6) We have passed all the relevant information on to the police.

(7) There/ It is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won’t answer. (8) It was a mistake on Jim’s part to sign the contract without reading it carefully. (9) They refused to provide us with all the information we need.

(10) This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago. (11) The film is based on a play by/ of Shakespeare.

(12) If you have a good command/ mastery of English and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job/ in job-hunting.

Section C Theme-Related Writing

Write a passage in about 100–120 words, taking either of the following titles: 1) Why I like to learn English 2) Why I hate to learn English

▆ Sample essay One Why I like to learn English

I have learned English for about seven years. I should say that I am highly motivated to master English. First of all, learning English is useful, as it is becoming a world language and people from different countries often communicate with one another in English. If I am good at English, it will be much easier for me to communicate with them. Secondly, I like traveling a lot. A good mastery of English will make things much easier for me when traveling around the world. Finally, I like literature a lot. If I am very good at English, I can read great works by Shakespeare and Dickens and many other English writers instead of reading the translated versions.

▆ Sample essay Two

Why I hate to learn English

I have learned English for about seven years. I should say the more I learn English, the more I hate it. First of all, learning English is boring. I have to memorize many new words or rely on a dictionary to frequently check unknown words. Doing so wastes a lot of my precious time. Secondly, I don’t understand why we have to learn a foreign language. I don’t want to go abroad and I can always find a job that doesn’t need English in China. Finally, I can always read translated versions of the books I want to read. So, if I don’t have to learn English, I would rather use the time I spend on English to do things I like.

Unit 3 Parents and Children

Enhance Your Language Awareness

Words in Action

2 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Completethe following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.

1) There was a(n) awkward moment when she didn’t know whether to shake his hand or kiss his cheek.

2) She breathed a sigh of relief when she found out she had passed her exam. 3) Parents should really take extra care of their babies as many accidents actually occur at home.

4) The government has two options; to reduce spending or to increase tax. 5) The following program contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.

6) When the doctor told her that it was only a minor case, she released her husband’s arm.

7) The woman felt panicky and she spoke almost without pausing for breath. 8) The policeman blew his whistle and the protesters scattered in all directions. 9) He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole.

10) Don’t wipe your nose on your sleeve, kid — that’s what your handkerchief’s for!

11) I took my son to the zoo as a birthday treat.

12) As I recall, it was you who suggested this idea in the first place.

3 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use

them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.

1) In just a few days he became well acquainted with all his new classmates. 2) Jane has locked herself up in her room for the whole day. She took us by surprise when she came out with her hair dyed red.

3) Let’s sit down quietly and gather our thoughts first before the discussion. 4) To my surprise, the stranger turned out to be an old friend of my mother’s. 5) Seeing Jim wearing a funny hat, Maggie tried hard to fight back adesire to laugh.

6) Don’t hang up on me — I need to talk to you.

7) After quarrelling with his step-father, Colin ran away and hasn’t been heard of ever since.

8) They’ve hired someone to take care of the children for a week.

9) When I asked him how he was doing, he hemmed and hawed before telling me that he had just lost his job.

10) Once a very shy boy from a small mountainous village, he turned into a competent engineer in a matter of six years.

11) The newspaper refused to keep the facts from the public.

12) As we sat on the beach soaking up the sunshine, she started to tell me her childhood stories.

Increasing Your Word Power

1 Complete the multiple choice exercise by choosing the right answer.

1) All the following verbs can form acceptable collocations with the noun RELATIONSHIP except ________.

a. make b. create c. acknowledged. deepen e. build

2) All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with the noun RELATIONSHIP except ________. a. close b. mutual c. intimated. potential e. fluent

3) All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with the noun PANIC except ________.

a. blind b. sudden c. sturdyd. growing e. total

4) All the following verbs can go with the noun PANIC except ________. a. feel b. cause c. created. spread e. throw

5) All the following verbs can go with the noun RELIEF except ________. a. seek b. create c. experienced. express e. offer

6) All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with the noun RELIEF except ________.

a. deep b. sheer c. temporary d. desperate e. obvious

7) All the following verbs can go with the noun MEMORY except ________. a. lose b. arouse c. refresh d. survive e. cherish

8) All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with the noun MEMORY except ________.

a. early b. sociable c. lasting d. fond e. vivid

2 Many words in English can be used both as nouns and as verbs. Complete all the sentences using either the noun form or the verb form of the words given in the box. Change the form where necessary.

1) Please focus your minds on the following problem.

2) She has constant fears that her husband will abandon(抛弃)her and the kids. 3) The focus of recent research has been on environmental issues. 4) Her father died of a heart attack when there was no one else at home. 5) She fears that the child may have got a blood problem. 6) This kind of disease attacks the central nervous system.

7) She paid frequent visits to her parents and they were so happy to see her every time she visited them.

8) The blind man touched the elephant’s ear and concluded that the elephant is in the shape of a huge fan.

9) My long chat with my mother over the phone every day has relieved a lot of my stress.

10) He has got a strange skin problem. Even a light touch on his face hurts. 11) The colour of the curtains and the paint on the wall do not match. 12) My husband often chats with me over dinner so I know very well what is happening at his workplace.

13) The young couple are a perfect match.

14) Experts fear that the disease will spread far and wide.

3 Did you notice the suffixes -y, -able in words such as panicky and portable in this unit? The suffix -able can be added to a noun or a verb

to form an adjective, and -y can be put after a noun to form an

adjective. Now form adjectives by adding -y or -able to the words given in the table and write down the Chinese meaning for each adjective.

Nouns/Verbs Suffixes Adjectives Chinese Meanings faultfaulty有错误的;有缺点的;不完善的 guiltguilty有罪的;有过失的 handhandy 手边的;方便的 panicpanicky惊恐的;易恐慌的 pickpicky吹毛求疵的;爱挑剔的

adapt-y/-ableadaptable能适应新环境的;适应性强的 imagineimaginable可想象的;想得到的

portportable便于携带的;轻便的 predictpredictable可预言的;可预料的 relyreliable可靠的;可信赖的

Complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have thusformed.

1) He pleaded guilty to charges of theft (盗窃) and robbery in court. 2) I’m sure she’ll cope with the changes very well; she’s very adaptable. 3) Keep your pills handy just in case you feel carsick.

4) The doctor tried every means imaginable to save the patient, but invain. 5) Considering the great disparity (悬殊)in strength between the twoteams, the result is predictable .

6) Many people feel panicky when speaking before the public.

7) If the product you bought turns out to be faulty , you may request arepair or a replacement.

8) He is such a picky eater that he won’t eat anything but fresh vegetable. 9) He’s not very reliable . You’d better not count on him to help you out. 10) A portable computer is a computer designed to be easily moved from one location to another. Grammar in Context

Observe the following sentences from both Text A and Text B, paying special attention to the use of the past perfective aspect of the verb. Then do the following two tasks.

Task 1: Combine each pair of sentences into one by making use of the past perfect aspect of the verb.

1) a. We rushed to the railway station. b. We found the train left already.

We rushed to the railway station, but found the train had left.

2) a. I learnt some English at high school in China.

b. I became an English Major at an American college after I finished highschool in China.

Before I became an English major at an American college, I had learnt someEnglish at high school in China.

3) a. I got to the cinema by bike.

b. Kathy got there even earlier and picked up the tickets.

Kathy had already picked up the tickets by the time I got to the cinema by bike.

4) a. I shut the door.

b. Immediately afterwards the telephone rang.

No sooner had I shut the door than the telephone rang. or: I had no sooner shut the door than the telephone rang.

5) a. The teacher explained the theory in detail. b. Then the students understood.

The students did not understand until the teacher had explained the theory indetail.

Task 2: A theft happened in a company last Saturday. John, the person who was onduty, was telling a friend what had happened. Imagine you are John andyour partner his friend. Tell him what happened using the following clues.You need to add what is missing and make use of the past perfect aspect ofverbs whenever necessary to indicate the sequence of the events.

Before I left the office at 5 o’clock, I had locked the office door. When I passed bythe office an hour later, 1) I saw the door open. I felt a bit surprised, so I stoppedand went in to take a look. When I saw the mess in the office, I knew 2) the office had been broken into. I took a quick look around and found that

3) quite a few things had been stolen. I called the police immediately. By the time the police arrived, my boss and my colleagues 4) had already come back to the office. Tom said that 5) the 200 dollars he had locked in his drawer was gone. Dylan’s

camera, which he 6) had just bought, was also gone. My boss suffered the heaviest loss.7) A few computers in the office had been stolen. The police searched the office, but

were unable to find any clues. Cloze

Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.

My mother and I always enjoyed our chat together under a pine tree in the park. At our recent (1) meeting, however, her pale face took me by surprise (2). I asked her what was wrong, and her sad / solemn (3) look and silence made me believe that she was keeping (4) something bad from me. Apparently, something serious was disturbing (5) her. At first, she remained silent. Finally, after my persistent inquiries (6), she could not hold it any longer and admitted (7)

to me that she had a very serious heart disease. It suddenly occurred (8) to me that three years ago, she had heart surgery (9) but her condition did not improve

afterwards and now there were hardly any options (10) left. I reached over and wrapped my arms tightly (11) around my mother and cried. As we sat there that cool April afternoon soaking (12) up the sun and smelling the fresh scent (13) of the grass, I had one wish in my heart that I could have more gatherings (14) with

my mother in the days to come. Translation

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressionsgiven in brackets.

1) 我们是好朋友,可他居然将这么大的一件事瞒着我,实在令我吃惊。(keepsth. from, take sb. by surprise)

We are good friends; however, he kept such an important matter from me, whichtook me by surprise.

2) 在毕业典礼(commencement)上,她感到喉头哽咽,但她仍然忍住了泪水。(a lump in one’s throat, fight back)

At the commencement, she felt a lump in her throat but fought back her tears.

3) 汤姆昨晚和我聊天,他告诉我他的病已经得到控制,不需做外科手术。(chatwith, under control)

Tom chatted with me last night. He told me that his disease had been broughtunder control, and there was no need for surgery.

4) 听说她的车驶离了公路,她的父母担心得要命。(run off, be worried sick)

Her parents were worried sick when they knew that she had run off the highway.

5) 她满面愁容,不知有何心事。(on one’s mind)

She looks very worried; I wonder what’s on her mind.

6) 他是个害羞和安静的男孩,在走上讲台叙述自己的经历之前,他悄悄地坐在

礼堂(auditorium)的一角整理着思绪。(gather one’s thoughts)

He is a shy and silent boy. Before he went onto the stage to share his experiences,he sat quietly in a corner of the auditorium, gathering his thoughts.

7) 在乐队干了几年后,他又做回了独立音乐人(solo musician),于是他的事业

又回到了原点。(come full circle, career)

After several years of working in a band, he has now gone back to being a solomusician, so his career has come full circle.

8) 自己的儿子长成了一个能干的生意人,他总算放心了。(turn into, to one’s relief)

To his relief his son has turned into a capable businessman.

Unit 4 Growing up


1. 1) terrify

a) Flying terrifies my mother-in-law. That is why she has never visited me.

b) The thought of dying of kidney cancer terrified him. 2) Civilized

a) Such brutal acts should not be allowed in civilized countries. b) We aim to create an orderly, civilized and harmonious society. 3) Shelter

a) I am really grateful to you for providing me food and shelter.

b) After the earthquake, millions fled the country to seek shelter elsewhere. 4) Frustrated

a) He felt very frustrated to learn that he failed in the final exam.

b) Exhausted and frustrated, they decided to stop the search for the missing dog in the forest.

5) Drag

a) He got up and dragged his chair towards the table.

b) Every time we went shopping together, Jane would drag her daughter along. 6) Independent

a) Going away to college has made me much more independent. b) Students should learn to be independent of their teachers. 2.(p.109) 1) b 2) h 3) g 4) e 5) d 6) c 7) a 8) f

3. (p.109-110)

Ater only a few years of marriage, Kaven and John bagan to grow apart.

2) When Janet was out with her date late at night, her parents would stay up until she returned home.

3) Some parents are rather protective. They want to have a tight rein on their children. 4) She bought a mobile phone for her teenage son so that she can get hold of him anytime she wants.

5) I did not follow my parents’ advice, and I ended up in trouble. Checking Your Comprehension P110

1) They learned the necessary survival skills such as hunting, fishing and keeping house and then got married and built their own new home near their parents’.

2) The basic needs of the human beings are still the same: we still need to learn all the survival skills.

3) Physically they mature earlier, but there is so much more to learn in today’s world that it takes them longer to get ready to become independent. This mismatch between physical maturity and mental immaturity makes them frustrated,restless and rebellious.

4) They would sit up waiting for her and they were angry with her. 2.(P110-111)

1) Man’s basic needs are still the same. Despite all the developments they have made, human beings still have to learn the basic survival sills. In this sense, Man hasn’t really changed much.

2) We mature earlier physically, but we become mature much later as social beings----we are unable to be independent and survive on our own in the modern world until much later.

3) I was scared of them being annoyed with me, so I used to try and be in on time, but sometimes I just wasn’t able to get back home in time.

4) The strange thing is , I was the one who got into trouble despite my parents’ strict control. My friends, whose parents had less control over them, all turned out to be fine.

3.(P111) Similarities:

1) We need to learn all the survival skills we need.

2) Basic skills such as starting a family, house-keeping and looking after our family are similar in both societies.


In the primitive society, people had to learn how to hunt or fish, which may not be essential in modern society.

2) In the primitive society, people, in their early teens, would be ready to marry and set up house usually near their family in the village they knew. In the modern society, according to the author, we need to learn much more skills in order to be on our own. Therefore, we stay longer with our parents and it seems that we take longer to become independent.

Enhance Your Language Awareness

Words in Action

Working with Words and Expressions

1 Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be very familiar with. Now work in pairs and make sentences with each of them to see if you have really mastered their usages. You are encouraged to consult a dictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages.

1) When the father learned about his son’s school performance, he beamed with satisfaction. 2) How do people celebrate New Year’s Day in your country?

3) What are you complaining about? You have already got everything you want. 4) There were 24 people enrolled in the French class.

5) The children panicked when they saw the serious look on the teacher’s face. 6) When I turned off the TV, all my three kids protested. 7) He is too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.

8) George is very ambitious about his future though he is just a teenager. 9) My son is very good at figures, and he plans to take up Mathematics as his major. 10) He got very frustrated when he learned that he had failed the exam again.

11) Being a very possessive father, he felt very unhappy when he learned his daughter was going to get married.

12) How can you keep your children at home for the whole week? Of course, they will get restless.

2 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.

1) She finds herself in conflict with her parents over her future career. 2) The two parties finally overcame their differences on the matter of interest rate (利率).

3) Some strange customs have survived from earlier times.

4) Please let us know if you can attend the meeting scheduled (事先安排) for the coming Thursday.

5) She frowned with displeasure as she was reading her son’s school report. 6) Students are likely to let their minds wander if the teacher’s lectures are dull and boring.

7) I always feel so guilty about not visiting my parents more often, but I do have lots of things to cope with every day.

8) The local farmers sustained heavy losses during the flood season.

9) The next morning we all went out to survey the damage caused by the fire. 10) The sudden appearance of a tiger from the woods terrified us all. 11) International students are required to carry medical insurance as a condition of enrollment (注册).

12) Adapting to a new culture is no easy task because there are lots of cultural differences to overcome.

3 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercises. Change the form where necessary.

1) The old man was sick of having arguments all the time with his wife. 2) “You really can’t imagine what I have gone through,” Mary said, choking

back her tears.

Complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have thusformed.

1) There has been an increasing awareness that care of the elderly hasbecome a social problem.

2) We need encouragement from each other in order to complete sucha huge project.

3) With so many caregivers around her, the old woman feels a sense ofsecurity and calmness.

4) To ensure competitiveness in market, the company spares no effortto improve the quality of its products.

5) We are very proud of the accomplishments that we have made overthe past few years.

6) If you want to see the director, you need to make a(n) appointmentwith him first. 7) When travelling abroad, you should make necessary adjustments tothe cultural differences.

8) Take your time and think about it twice so as to avoid impulsivenessin your decision.

9) A series of clinical trials (临床试验) are conducted to test theeffectiveness of the newly developed medicine.

10) There have been significant technological developments in thiscountry in the last two decades. Grammar in Context

Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention tothe italicized parts. Reflect on the grammatical function of the present participles,and group them into different types.

1) a. Adverbial of time: 2, 4, 6 2) b. Adverbial of reason: 9, 10 3) c. Adverbial of result: 8

4) d. Adverbial of accompanying circumstances: 1, 3, 5, 7

Task 1: Rewrite the following sentences using a present participle clause.

1) He sat silent in the corner. He was reading his favorite novel.

He sat silent in the corner, reading his favorite novel.

2) When she saw the traffic light turn green, she quickly crossed the road.

Seeing the traffic light turn green, she quickly crossed the road.

3) As he has engaged in the research for many years, he is quite familiar withthe topic.

Having engaged in the research for many years, he is quite familiar with the topic.

4) He didn’t know where the supermarket was, so he went up to the policemanto ask for directions.

Not knowing where the supermarket was, he went up to the policeman to ask fordirections.

5) A new economic stimulus plan is said to be unveiled, and it leads to a surgein the stock market.

A new economic stimulus plan is said to be unveiled, leading to a surge in the stockmarket.

Task 2: Rewrite the following sentences to avoid ambiguity or danglingconstructions.

1) Opening the window, a butterfly flew into my study.

Opening the window, I saw a butterfly flying into my study. Or: When I opened the window, a butterfly flew into my study.

2) Weighing almost 100 pounds, he lifted up the stone with one arm.

Weighing almost 100 pounds, the stone was lifted up by him with one arm. Or: Although the stone weighed almost 100 pounds, he lifted it up with one arm.

3) Idling about all day and indulging in games, the teacher flunked (使…不及格) the student in the final exam.

Idling about all day and indulging in games, the student was flunked by theteacher in the final exam.

4) Having lived in the small county for thirty years, everything is familiar to the old man.

Having lived in the small county for thirty years, the old man is familiar witheverything.

5) Having received the Nobel Prize in literature, the media bombarded (向…连

续提问) Mo Yan with questions of various types.

Having received the Nobel Prize in literature, Mo Yan was bombarded withquestions of various types from the media.


Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letterof each is given.

Being a good boss has never been easy for me. The most difficult part is not about work, but about dealing (1) with relationships at the workplace. As each and every employee in my company is significant (2) to its development, I need to give enough attention (3) and care to everyone and to be approachable to all. At the start of the business, I encountered difficult situations and I was unsure what the best way was to handle them. For example, when an employee made a mistake, I hesitated about whether to scold (4) him or her. Would I appear to be an impatient (5) boss to my employees if I did so? Would they continue to make mistakes if I was too lenient? Sometimes, I had to settle (6) disputes among the employees if they did not see eye to eye with each other on some tasks. This too was difficult. Should I blame (7) any party or should I defend (8) anyone? How would I bring them to see their differences and find solutions without hurting (9) each other? Sometimes I also encountered (10) difficult employees who seemed to feel miserable (11) whatever I did for them. Life has never been easy, but I have learned the ropes along the way. The essential principle is to treat the employees sincerely (12), appreciate their contributions to the company and reward them accordingly. My employees are happy to have me as their boss, and are offering me all the assistance (13) they could. They have great enthusiasm (14) for their work and have contributed significantly to the company’s development. Translation

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.

1) 直起身来,脚要跟上音乐拍子。(straighten up, keep time to)

Straighten up! Your feet should keep time to the rhythm of the music.

2) 如果周末你们要去看电影,把我也算上。(count in)

If you’re going to the movie this weekend, count me in.

3) 我今天早上没吃早饭就走了,因为我得赶时间。(in a hurry)

I had to go without breakfast this morning as I was in a hurry.

4) 他们要求更多的电力供应,我们应该满足他们的需要,减轻他们的压力。(request, release)

They have made a request for more electricity supplies, which we should satisfy inorder to release them from the pressure they are under.

5) 他们将酒瓶传了一圈,每人喝了一口后,就向森林深处走去。(make the rounds, set out for)

They made the rounds with the wine bottle; each took a gulp and then they set outfor the forest.

6) 我的电视机坏了,我马上在网上订购了一台新的。商店会派人送货上门。(break down, deliver)

My TV set broke down and I immediately ordered a new one online and the shop isgoing to have it delivered to the door.

7) 当他意识到毫无希望时,微笑从脸上逐渐消失了。(fade)

When he realized that there would be no hope at all, the smile faded from his face.

8) 像他这么一个一向温文尔雅的人居然如此粗鲁地打断我们。我们都无法相信地看着他。(interrupt, in disbelief)

We stared at him in disbelief, astonished that someone as gentle as he was couldhave interrupted us so rudely.

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Unit 8 Gender Differences

Words in Action

2 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.

1) Some of the government officials have become hooked on power and money. 2) Male and female differences are regarded as cultural differences by some sociologists.

3) Mr. Smith works in that office block facing north. 4) We have barely enough money to last the weekend.

5) Eye-witnesses claimed that Jim whipped the horse up to 16 times. 6) I felt they hadn’t treated me fairly though they claimed that they treated everyone alike.

7) I can’t tolerate your bad manners any longer.

8) While his interest in these sports began to wane, a passion for rugby developed. 9) I sent them another check of $5000 so as to balance their bank accounts. 10) Only 13 percent of the straight-A students are female. 11) Do relatives of yours still live and work in that city? 12) He is a faithful follower of his home football team.

13) Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the bus.

3 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.

1) After trudging through the snow for 30 minutes we finally found our way to the remote inn.

2) There were too many customers at the hairdresser’s (发廊) that day and I almost finished reading a short novel before I was able to take my turn . 3) At the discussion session the girls were so much interested in the topic that the boys could barely get the floor.

4) John was not eager for classroom learning, but he hungered for adventures in the rain forest of South America.

5) The old man has been trying very hard to hang on to his status as chairman of the board of directors (董事会).

6) These trials are simply taking far too long and the public’s interest in them is waning.

7) Though the doctor has repeatedly told him to give up smoking, he is still hooked on it.

8) She gave away all her money to the poor before she died.

9) I’ve talked to him on the phone but I’ve never actually met him face to face. 10) She poured her heart out to me yesterday and admitted that she had even thought of committing suicide (自杀).

11) When she felt she could trust me, she began to open up.

12) Only after many hours of fierce fighting did we begin to get the upper hand. 13) He was flooded with letters of congratulations after he won the gold medal.

3) Compared with growing up in primitive societies, growing up in today’s world is in some ways harder.

4) When I first settled into teaching in this small town, I felt very awkward, for my neighbors wanted to know everything about me.

5) The boys would give anything / the world to meet that football star. 6) Tom rushed into the room when Jane and I were in the midst

of a conversation.

7) It’s true that his father is a world-famous movie star, but Jack became famous in his own right .

8) We didn’t plan it like that but it worked out very well.

9) At first he found it extremely hard to fit in with his colleagues at the new company.

10) When I was in my teens, I gradually grew apart from my parents, only to realize how wrong I was in my later years.

11) I’m sorry to hear that you’re suffering from a severe cold. No wonder you did not turn up at the party yesterday.

12) It is not a healthy habit staying up too late.

13) I was annoyed with my mother’s tight control over me and ended up shouting at her one day.

14) The boy was scared of his mother because she would always scold(责怪) him if he did anything wrong.

15) Because of my carelessness, I soon found myself in trouble again and then I realized that what my mother had said was right.

16) He is not a very responsible person. For instance , he promised to come to our meeting, but never even responded when we invited him.

● Increasing Your Word Power

1 The words listed in the following box can be used to describe either a teenager or a parent. Go over each word carefully and then choose the right word to complete each sentence.

1) He is a very possessive father. He says “no” to all his daughter’s boyfriends. 2) A(n) over-protective parent usually weakens his / her child’s belief in his / her ability to solve his / her own problems.

3) Are you a(n) frustrated parent whose teenager always makes angry scenes when you try to get him or her to “just DO something”?

4) His possessive mother wants him to ring her 3 times a day at least to keep her informed of what he does at school.

5) It is often the case that in a family one parent is usually slightly lenient /

strict and the other is slightly strict / lenient .

6) Teenagers are rather rebellious as they often prefer to be on their own and refuse to listen to their parents.

7) Don’t blame him: he’s just a(n) frustrated teenager who feels that he is unable to find his position in life.

8) Don’t blame him for not wanting to stay at home. He is just a restless teenager longing for adventure.

9) She used to be a(n) stubborn teenager who thought that whatever she believed was correct.

2 Match the verbs in the box with the nouns below so that they form correct collocations. If you are in doubt, consult a dictionary. Put the verbs in the space provided and each verb is to be used only once. Then write down six sentences of your own using the collocations.

1) survey the damage 2) sustain dents 3) attend a meeting 4) terrify somebody 5) wrap presents 6) recall an event

Write down your own sentences here.

1) After surveying the damage, we concluded that it was caused by animals. 2) His car sustained dents when it hit the road block. 3) The teachers will attend our meeting this afternoon. 4) The stern expression on his face terrified me. 5) Please wrap the presents carefully.

6) When he recalled what happened ten years ago, he still couldn’t help feeling sorry.

3 Did you notice the suffixes -ize, -ify in words such as realize, terrify in this unit? The suffixes -ize, -ify can be added to nouns or adjectives to form verbs. Now form verbs by adding -ize or -ify to the words given in the table and write down the Chinese meaning for each verb.

Nouns / Adjectives SuffixesVerbsChinese Meanings

beauty beautify 使美起来;美化 just justify 证明…正当;证明…无罪 modern modernize 使现代化

popular popularize 使大众化;普及,推广 pure purify 使纯净;提纯 simple -ize/-ifysimplify 简化;使简易 symbol symbolize 作为…的象征,标志 test testify 作证,证明;表明 theory theorize 使理论化;从理论上说明

4 Complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have thusformed.

1) The procedures have been simplified so that users can operate the system easily.

2) The flower baskets and paintings helped to beautify the church. 3) The pursuit of good ends does not justify the employment of bad means. 4) He decided to testify on behalf of the accused man before the jury(陪审团). 5) It is much easier to theorize about a solution than to actually put it into practice.

6) The government is making efforts to popularize solar energy industry in response to national energy shortage.

7) Research has shown that certain green plants can purify indoor air and regulate humidity.

8) Many people deeply sympathized with the victims of the disaster and donated whatever they could to help them out.

9) In religion and art, an eagle stands for freedom and strength, while a dove symbolizes peace and purity.

10) The company has made massive investments in modernizing its assembly line(生产线).

Grammar in Context

Task 1: Discuss with a partner and explain whether the highlighted verbs below have different meanings when used transitively or intransitively.

1) a. I survived my last years of high school until finally I turned eighteen. (Para. 9, Text A)

b. Thousands of people were killed in the disaster, but he survived. a.: vt.; b.: vi., with the same meaning: “did not die”

2) a. And so when strangers asked me if I was Doctor Eppley’s son, I replied emphatically, … (Para. 4, Text A)

b. I wrote him a letter telling him that I would pay him a visit, and he replied that he would be glad to see me again. a.: vi. meaning “respond in words” b.: vt. meaning “write back”

3) a. And I can manage quite well on my own. (Para. 4, Text A)

b. He had been managing the business for six years before it made a profit. a.: vi. meaning “succeed in dealing with sth.” b.: vt. meaning “be in control or in charge of”

4) a. I was sixteen years old and the neighbors still called me “Doctor Eppley’sson.” (Para. 3, Text A)

b. I’ve got to call at the bank to get some cash.

a.: vt. meaning “say or consider that (sb. or sth.) is (sth.)” b.: vi. meaning “pay a brief visit”

Task 2: Read the sentences below and decide whether each one contains an error in the use of transitive or intransitive verbs. Put a tick (√) before the sentence that is correct. Put a cross (×) before the incorrect sentence and make corrections in the space given below. ×1. The couple argued each other right after they got married and refused

to make up.

(argued with each other)

×?2. The accident was happened right at this spot.

(The accident happened …)

×??3. Tommy went to the party and he really enjoyed.

(enjoyed it)

√??4. John really has green fingers. He grows a variety of beautiful flowers

in his garden.

√??5. Your mother is critically ill. She may not be able to survive this winter.

?×?6. The boy did not like the new maid. He shouted her every time she tried to touch him.

(shouted at)

?√?7. Can you imagine that Jack called me a thief? ?√?8. It is quite late now; let me walk you to the bus stop. Cloze

Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.

When I was a child, I was really proud of having a father who was a well respected

doctor. I beamed (1) whenever my teachers said that I was set to become an honorable (2) man like my father. However, all this changed when I grew into a teenager. I felt awkward (3) that everybody around me only remembered me as Dr. Song’s son. I protested (4) and told them that I would prefer to stand on my own two feet. However, my complaints (5) were never taken seriously and I continued to hear compliments (6) about me, which were really meant for my father. I then grew very stubborn (7) and even refused to call my father “Dad.” Although my father frowned (8) whenever I called him “Lao Song,” my attitude towards him, as I now recall (9), did not change until I had a car accident one day. I hit a young man’s car and panicked (10) as he threatened to beat me up when I told him I had no car insurance (11). When I got off my car and surveyed (12) the damage, I could not help groaning (13). Out of fear, I told him “I’m Dr. Song’s son.” At this, a sign of recognition (14) lit up his face; he smiled and forgave me. What could have been a very difficult situation turned out to befine just because I was Dr. Song’s son. How thankful I felt towards my father. Translation

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.

1) 很多老师不赞同这种做法。(frown on)

Many teachers frowned on this practice.

2) 当我想从草地上穿过去的时候,有位老人在旁边怒视着我。(glare at)

An old man glared at me when I was trying to cut across the lawn.

3) 当我提到我的父亲时,她的脸上露出了认出我的笑容。(recognition)

When I mentioned my father, she showed a smile of recognition on her face.

4) 我的大孩子比较听话, 而小的那个非常倔。我现在还常回想起小的孩子在中学

毕业后是如何执意要出国读书的。(whereas, stubborn, recall)

My firstborn was quite obedient, whereas my younger child was very stubborn. I can still recall now how the younger child insisted on going abroad to study after he finished his secondary school.

5) 当海啸(tsunami)袭来时,许多东南亚国家遭受了巨大的损失。(sustain)

Countries in South East Asia sustained great losses when the tsunami struck the area.

6) 每当做母亲的拿弟弟跟哥哥作比较,弟弟就要抗议。(compare with, protest)

Every time the mother tries to compare the younger brother with his elder brother, the younger one will protest.

7) 当他初到这个新学校的时候,发现自己与其他同学格格不入。(fit in with)

He found himself unable to fit in with his classmates when he first came to this school.

8) 她脸上气急败坏的表情实在把我吓坏了。我再也不敢说个不字。(terrify)

The fury on her face terrified me. I dared not say no to her again.

9) 怪不得你最后闯出祸来,原来你从来不听你父母的管教。(no wonder, end up in trouble)

No wonder you ended up in trouble. You never followed your parents’ advice.

10) 他花了整整两年的时间才慢慢适应了这个新环境。(adapt to)

It took him two years to adapt to the new environment.

Unit 5 Knowing Yourself

Enhance Your Language Awareness

Words in Action

Working with Words and Expressions

1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.

1) The film reveals the complicated social relations during the 1970’s. 2) His mother criticized him for behaving badly towards the guest. 3) He is a competent doctor and can handle his patients very efficiently. 4) His teachings have influenced the lives of millions. 5) OK, I’ve done everything you asked. Now are you satisfied?

6) Though small in size, this press (出版社) produces many entertaining and educational books for children every year.

7) If he dies without making a will (遗嘱), his closest relative will inherit the house. 8) Whatever you say will not affect my decision; so it’s no use arguing with me. 9) The whole world is now confronted with the problem of terrorism (恐怖主义). 10)The escaped criminal offered no resistance when the police caught up with him. 11)Being an introvert, I felt quite isolated during the first few weeks of college life. 12) Since we have only two professors of psychology, we have to restrict the number of students on this course.

13) Though she answered all the questions, she was not optimistic about the result of the exam.

14) Don’t be so selfish ; let us share your books.

15) Don’t mention that she has put on weight; she is rather sensitive about it.

2 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.

1) The chairman of the Science Club summed up the meeting by repeating the main points discussed.

2) We hope that our research will have an impact on the environment, especially the quality of air in cities.

3) I know you are still angry with John but please be polite when you respond his questions.

4) Reading books and travelling across the country can surely expand your horizons. 5) My lecture today falls into three sections.

6) Listen to her voice, you can hear her professional training at work.

7) During the examination period, I would like to shut myself off from everything and just focus on my studies.

8) I did so badly in my last two tests that I feel I am no longer in control of my studies.

9) I want to live a happy life, free from problems and worries, but it is just so difficult.

10) Unless you are in good shape physically, you will not be able to climb the Great Wall.

3 The underlined words in the short text below are incorrectly used. Read thetext carefully and replace each of them with a word given in the box. The firstcorrect answer is already given.

Kathy is a 1) combination. Not only is she good in her studies, she is also a top swimmer and someone who plays the piano well. The 2) growth of her talents, in study and in sports, makes her a popular student in school. Although she is already so good, she still tries to

3) vary ways to improve herself. One 4) individual example is that she reads all kinds of books and does not 5) dominateherself to only one type. The topics of her books 6) spread from social subjects such as health, education, and environment to science and technology. Kathy thinks that reading can 7) restrict her knowledge and help her a lot in her 8) opportunity as a good individual. She is persistent and never gets tired of learning.

In terms of personality, Kathy is kind and helpful. She is not proud at all; nor does she isolate herself. In fact, she likes the 9) element of her friends and often goes out with them

to watch a movie or just to be with them. When talking to her friends, Kathy does not 10) seek the conversation. Instead, everyone has an equal 11) availability to speak. When any of her friends has a problem, whether it is academic or emotional, she will definitely help them. In short, Kathy is a pleasant and positive person. 1) high-achiever 2) combination 3) seek

4) specific 5) restrict 6) vary 7) expand 8) growth 9) company 10) dominate 11) opportunity

Increasing Your Word Power

1 Select from among the adjectives in the box and produce as many appropriatecollocations as you can with the target nouns in the following sentences. Someof the adjectives may be used more than once.

1) When a person is angry, he / she may speak using aggressive / sarcastic / harsh / negative words.

2) If you are standing on top of a mountain, what you see could be described as a(n) magical / mystical view.

3) Because my mother does not like my boyfriend, she has a(n) negative / critical opinion of him.

4) Mary is such a nice girl. She has a(n) magical / outgoing / optimistic personality. 5) Professor White has been described as a highly intellectual scholar who has published a lot in his field.

2 Complete the following sentences by choosing a most suitable adverb fromamong those given in the box.

1) He is always sleeping in class. Evidently , he is not interested in this subject. 2) This is not a group activity. Therefore, you will have to do the exercise individually .

3) If you are not absolutely sure of what happened, you should not say that you know everything about the accident.

4) My good friend is consistently /evidently / absolutely good in his work. For the past ten years, he has never made a single mistake.

5) I spent most of the money that my father gave me in the first few weeks at the university. Consequently, I had very little towards the end of the semester and had to borrow from friends.

6) Throwing a party is tiring both mentally / physically and physically / mentally ; the host / hostess has to think of what to prepare, make the necessary preparations, and make sure that everybody feels welcome.

7) As far as I know, Dr Zhou is probably / absolutely the best heart doctor in this province.

8) Xiaohui is one of the most motivated students I know. She does everything eagerly and enthusiastically.

9) A strong person will not be easily influenced by the environment.

10) Normally, he is very quiet and mild but today he is so aggressive and violent.

3 Did you notice the suffixes -ity/ty, -ic/ical in words such as loyalty, reality,optimistic, mythical in this unit? The suffixes -ity/ty can be added to manyadjectives to form nouns, and -ic/ical can be put after many nouns to formadjectives. Change the words given in brackets into nouns or adjectives, andthen fill them into the blanks.

1) This job requires a person to have the following personality (personal) traits: sensitivity (sensitive) and loyalty(loyal).

2) His mysterious disappearance added to the complexity (complex) of the incident.

3) Mutuality (Mutual) of respect is vital in sustaining a lifetime friendship. 4) It was obvious that the project leader’s stupidity (stupid) was the cause of failure.

5) The robbers were able to plan their robbery of him due to the regularity (regular) of his visits to the same bank.

6) The readability (readable) of your writing relies on avoiding common spelling and grammatical (grammar) errors.

7) Generally, romantic (romance) poems depend on subjective imagination, while realistic (reality) poems focus on objective portrayal.

8) Too much stress may lead to biological (biology) and psychological (psychology) disorders.

9) The social phenomenon can be analyzed

from historical (history), economic (economy) and political (politics) points of view. 10) The paper conducts a systematic (system) and logical (logic) research on how to enhance college students’ language competence. Grammar in Context

Study the following sentences that appear in this unit and reflect on the gradableadjectives or adverbs in comparative forms. And then do the following two tasks.

Task 2: Talk in pairs about the following themes by way of making comparisons,using as many adjectives / adverbs as you can think of in their comparativeand superlative degrees.


Cities (Hints: Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, etc.)

It is much colder in winter in Beijing than in Shanghai. It is colder in winter in Shanghai than in Guangzhou. Of all the three cities, Beijing is the coldest city in winter.


Sports (Hints: football, basketball, surfing, etc.)

Among the three sports, I like football the best. Surfing also sounds interesting, but it takes a lot more training to be able to do it than the other two sports.


Writers (Hints: Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, etc.)

I know Lu Xun better than the other writers. Lu Xun is one of the most famous writers in China and he is a modern writer. Shakespeare is famous, but I think his plays are the most difficult to read.


Films (Hints: The Sound of Music, Gone with the Wind, The Pianist, etc.)

I think Gone with the Wind is very interesting, but it is the longest movie among the three. The Sound of Music is the lightest among the three and I like it much more than I do The Pianist.


Universities (Hints: Tsinghua University, Peking University, the university where

you are studying now, etc.)

Peking University and Tsinghua University are the two most famous universities in China. They are also among the best universities in the world. As far as I know, Peking University is better known for its arts courses and Tsinghua is better known for its science courses.


Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letterof each is given.

When a person is born, he / she has a set of personalities that make him / her different from others. Psychologists believe that colors are sometimes a good way to indicate (1) how a person behaves and the way he / she responds (2) to things that are happening to him / her. They can also represent / reflect (3) personality traits. Nonetheless, we cannot be absolutely (4) sure about a person’s characteristics by just looking at his / her preference (5) for certain colors. Therefore, we should not be harsh (6) and critical towards a person just because he / she likes a specific (7) color that does not represent some positive traits (8) or characteristics. Psychologists also believe that everyone can develop or change his / her personality. For example, if an individual (9) wants to correct his / her negative traits such as his / her immature (10) behavior, he / she has to make an effort (11) to do so. He / She has to be persistent (12) and keep working hard to ensure that he / she can achieve (13) his / her goal. Therefore, if a person is determined, he / she can change the traits he / she inherits (14) from his / her parents. The important thing is to change for the better and not for the worse. Translation

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressionsgiven in brackets.

1) 威廉非常喜欢那女孩子,所以他尽力讨好她,并且很有信心可以赢得她的


William likes the girl a lot so he tries very hard to impress her and is optimistic that he will win her heart.

2) 他有创造性,对未来也有很好的判断力,可就是喜欢秘而不宣。(creative; vision; keep sth. to oneself)

He is very creative and has a good vision of the future, but he likes to keep things to himself.

3) 他们来自一个贫穷的小山村,那里的人们远离现代文明。(shut off)

They came from a poor village where people were shut off from modern civilization.

4) 我们要努力工作,争取达到我们所订下的目标。(achieve the goals; make an / the effort)

We must work hard and make an effort to achieve the goals that we have set.

5) 我们应该满足于我们所拥有的一切,不该对周围的事情太吹毛求疵。(be content with; critical)

We should learn to be content with all that we have and should not be too critical about things around us.

6) 他们经常代表学校参加辩论比赛; 今晚我们将聚会庆祝他们的成功。 (represent; throw a party)

They often represent our school in debating competitions; tonight we will throw a party to celebrate their success.

7) 通过读书,他不仅开阔了视野,而且学会了不断完善自己的人格。(expand one’s horizons;improve)

Through reading, not only has he expanded his horizon, he has also learned to keep improving his character.

8) 为把那个女孩从火中救出,两名警察牺牲了他们的生命。(sacrifice)

Two policemen sacrificed their lives in order to save that girl from the fire.

9) 稳定的、无冲突的夫妻关系对家庭中的孩子有好处。(stable, conflict)

A stable relationship without conflicts between husband and wife benefits the children in the family.

10) 不要抱怨命运,尽可能好地享受自己的生活。(fate, make the best of)

Don’t complain about your fate and make the best of your life.

Unit 6 Civility and Good Manners

Words in Action

2 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the

following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.

1) The car crash wasn’t an accident; it was a(n) deliberate attempt to kill him! 2) She became cautious when she was led into a(n) deserted side street. 3) The government would be unwise to ignore the growing dissatisfaction with its economic policies.

4) She adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay. 5) After years of neglect , the museum is open to the public again. 6) When marchers gathered on a third day of protest, violence broke out and buildings were burned.

7) Due to the depression, our share of the market has decreased sharply this year. 8) He has a very good memory and can still remember every incident that happened 20 years ago in great detail.

9) Don’t ask me; follow your instincts and do what you think is right. 10) One swing of the axe is enough to fell(砍倒) the tree.

11) She refused to confront the inescapable fact that she would have to sell the house.

12) I was too sleepy to be aware how cold it was.

3 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.

1) The incident seems to show the company in a bad light . 2) Could we take a walk? I feel like having a little exercise.

3) Cooped up in a small dark cell, the prisoner hasn’t seen daylight for five years. 4) We’d better get rid of these boxes of yours — they are taking up / take up too much space.

5) The village is far away from the town, tucked away behind the hills. 6) He is a nice person. I’ve never seen him get annoyed or lose his temper . 7) Being afraid that he was going to tell the newspapers, the company offered him ?,1000 to shut him up .

8) They lay side by side on the grass, not talking, just looking into thesky and enjoying the gentle spring breeze.

9) Our application was rejected, but the council didn’t give a good reason for its decision.

10) It is reported that youth crime has been on the rise in recent years. 11) Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind. 12) Summers in the south of France are for the most part dry and sunny.

Increasing Your Word Power

1 Many words in English can be used both as nouns and as verbs. Use either thenoun form or the verb form of the words given in the box below to complete allthe sentences. Change the form where necessary.

1) I have nothing but scorn for people who are cruel to animals. 2) We all breathed a sigh of relief when we heard they were safe.

3) I respect his views, although I do not agree with them. 4) The park was overgrown and littered from years of neglect . 5) Qualified staff are leaving and standards are declining .

6) Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks. 7) Feed plants and they grow, neglect them and they suffer.

8) The first signs of economic decline didn’t become visible until acouple of months later.

9) One swing of the hammer was all it took to drive the nail throughthe board. 10) Investment levels have fallen, while the number of business failureshas risen . 11) Many of us are not happy with the recent sharp rise in gas price. 12) We’ve had a decrease in the number of students enrolling in theschool. 13) His voice was warm with friendship and respect .

14) I lay on my back, listening to the sound of the wind sighing in thetrees. 15) By exercising often, you can decrease your chance of developingheart disease. 16) She sat on the edge of the table, swinging her legs.

2 Complete the following sentences with “behaviour”, “manners”, or both. Changethe form where necessary.

1) It’s not good manners to stare at people. 2) Her lack of manners is quite appalling. 3) He had his jail term cut for good behaviour. 4) Didn’t your parents teach you any manners?

5) I’m sorry, I was forgetting my manners. Can I offer you a drink? 6) Animals in zoos often display disturbed behaviour.

7) Parents can influence the behaviour / manners of their children. 8) He attacked the food as quickly as decent table manners allowed. 9) He could at least have had the manners to answer my letter. 10) The headmaster does not tolerate bad behaviour / manners.

All the words in the following table can form acceptable collocations with thetarget words in italics. Cross out the word that is not similar in meaning fromthe rest in every group.

1) proper 2) due 3) utmost 4) grudgingrespect 1) apologetic 2) sheepish 3) rueful 4) reassuringsmile

1) colloquial2) offensive 3) strong 4) crude language

1) insolent2) soothing 3) cheerful 4) fruity voice

1) lax 2) carefree 3) casual 4) ambivalent attitudes 1) obscene 2) rude 3) theatrical 4) defiant gesture

4 Did you notice the suffixes -ful, -less in words that you have come across fromUnits 1–6, such as harmful, dreadful, joyless, restless? Both suffixes can beadded to nouns or verbs to form adjectives. When added to nouns, -ful canmean “full of” or “having the quality of”, such as careful; while -less can mean“without” or “not having the quality of”, such as careless. In this case, -ful canbe understood as the opposite of -less. But when added to verbs, -ful can mean“apt to, able to; accustomed to”, such as forgetful, while -less can mean “cannotbe -ed”, such as countless.

Now complete the following table by adding -ful and -less to the words. Somewords can be combined with only one of the prefixes. Consult a dictionary ifnecessary.

Nouns / Verbs Adjectives with -fulAdjectives with -less count—— countless doubtdoubtful doubtless eventeventful eventless forgetforgetful —— fruitfruitful fruitless hopehopeful hopeless mercymerciful merciless peacepeaceful peaceless powerpowerful powerless thoughtthoughtful thoughtless

Translate the following into English, using the words you have thus formed.

1) 一个轻率的决定a thoughtless decision 2) 一位多产的作家a fruitful writer 3) 一位仁慈的老人a merciful old man 4) 一个强大的国家a powerful nation 5) 一个和平的解决方案a peaceful solution 6) 一次令人愉快的聚会a delightful party

7) 一个健忘的人a forgetful man 8) 一个多事的年代an eventful age 9) 一个充满希望的未来a hopeful future 10) 一次毫无结果的调查a fruitless investigation

Grammar in Context

Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention tothe WITH phrase. Reflect on the grammatical function of the WITH phrase in eachsentence and then do the following two tasks.

1) The other boy suddenly stood up and with a quick, deliberate swing of hischubby arm threw a spadeful of sand at Larry. (Para. 1, Text A)

Adverbial of manner

2) He stood with his legs spread apart, rocking a little, looking at Morton withutter scorn. (Para. 16, Text A)

Adverbial of accompanying circumstances; adverbial of manner

3) He walked awkwardly, almost limping with self-consciousness, to thesandbox. (Para. 17, Text A)

Adverbial of cause

4) With all the dignity she could summon, she pulled Larry’s sandy, perspiringlittle hand, while Morton pulled the other. (Para. 18, Text A)

Adverbial of accompanying circumstances

5) Slowly and with head high she walked with her husband and the child out ofthe playground. (Para. 18, Text A)

Adverbial of manner

Task 1: Combine each pair of sentences into one containing a phrase introducedby WITH.

1) a. She was holding the baby. b. She was very careful with the baby.

She was holding the baby with great care.

2) a. His chin was cupped in his hands. b. He looked at his mother sitting opposite him.

With (his) chin cupped in (his) hands, he looked at his mother sitting opposite him.

3) a. A truck screamed down the pathway.

b. Its headlights were flashing and its horn was blaring.

A truck screamed down the pathway, with (its) headlights flashing and (its) hornblaring.

4) a. The teacher entered the classroom.

b. There was a cup in his hand and a textbook under his arm.

The teacher entered the classroom, with (a / his) cup in (his) hand and (a / his)textbook under (his) arm.

5) a. The children stepped into the museum. b. Their eyes were wide open out of curiosity.

The children stepped into the museum, with their eyes wide open out of curiosity.

Task 2: Translate the following into English, using WITH phrase where possible.

1) 她喜欢闭着眼睛听音乐。

She likes listening to music with (her) eyes closed.

2) 他向我挥手告别,眼里噙满泪水。

He waved me goodbye, with eyes filled with tears.

3) 游客在导游的带领下向海边走去。

With the guide leading the way, the tourists walked towards the seaside.

4) 第一轮谈判结束,双方未能达成任何协议。

The first round of negotiations ended, with no agreements reached between thetwo sides.

5) 说话的时候嘴里塞满食物是一种不好的餐桌礼仪。

It is bad table manners to talk with (the / one’s) mouth full of food.


Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letterof each is given.

In recent years, there seems to be a rise in disrespectful behaviour displayedespecially by the younger generation. Peace and harmony will be instantlydisrupted the moment an individual is seen as discourteous in particulartowards the older generation. Due to this, parents, teachers, community leadersconstantly talk about respect to their children, students and residents. Thereare indeed many ways or alternatives (1) to inculcate respect. This passage willdiscuss three significant ones.

First of all, a conducive learning environment is crucial in inculcating the valueof respect to children especially in our current (2) society where etiquette andrespect appear to be in decline (3). Adults are good role models for children intheir growing years. For example, if parents treat their elderly in a very rude (4)manner, there is a great likelihood that the children too will be disrespectful (5) totheir grandparents or they may ignore (6) their grandparents. And the reversecan be true too.

Second, being respectful is about being sincere in our actions and gestures (7).That means not only should we practice them in our everyday lives, but weshould also do so with conviction instead of out of sheer (8) obligation. AlbertEinstein once said “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is thegarbage man or the president of the university.” If we can be true and sincere tothe people we interact with, we will have treated them courteously (9).

Third, the media (10) plays a crucial role in spreading (11) the message ofrespect. There seems to be a trend (12) in television where some sections (13)of programmes treat impoliteness or lax (14) attitudes about manners in a lightheartedway. If this is not addressed, the situation may get worse.

In summary, respect is one important aspect of civility that we must embraceand practice so that we may remain humane. In addition, we should notcontinue to be ignorant (15) but take appropriate actions to stop this slide inmoral values. Translation

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given inbrackets.

1) 没有别的选择,你所能做的就是调整自身适应新环境。(alternative, adjust)

There’s no other alternative, all you can do is to adjust yourself to the newenvironment.

2) 对绝大多数人而言,财富和名望对建立幸福感没多大促进作用。 (contribute to, a sense of well-being)

For most people, wealth and fame does / do not contribute much to creatinga sense of well-being.

3) 房子已经很长一段时间没有人住,家具上都有了一层厚厚的灰尘。 (deserted, a layer of)

The house has been deserted for a long time and there is a thick layer of duston the furniture.

