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Unit 1Text: Environmental Engineering
smelter ['smelt?(r)]n.熔炉;冶金厂,冶炼者
aqueduct ['?kwid?kt]n. 渠;水管
dysentery ['dis?n?teri]n. 痢疾
cholera ['k?l?r?]n. 霍乱
typhoid ['taif?id]n. 伤寒;a.伤寒的
sulfur dioxide ['s?lf?] [dai'?ksaid]二氧化硫
nitrogen oxide ['naitr?d??n] ['?ksaid]氮氧化物
carbon dioxide ['kɑ:b?n][dai'?ksaid]二氧化碳
arable ['?r?bl] a. 可耕的n. 耕地
agrarian [?'gr??ri?n] a. 土地的;农民的;农业的
urbanization ['a:banaizeijan] n. 城市化
harmony ['hɑ:m?ni]n. 协调,一致
environmental disturbance [in?vai?r?n'mentl][dis't?:b?ns]环境破坏
aquatic life [?'kw?tik] [laif]水生物
discharge [dis't?ɑ:d?]v. 排出n.排出物
Unit 1 Text: Environmental Engineering
What Is This Book About?
The objective of this book is to introduce engineering and science students to the interdisciplinary study of environmental problems:their causes,why they are of concern,and how we can control them. The book includes:
?Description of what is meant by environment and by environmental systems
?Information on the basis causes of environmental disturbances
?Basis scientific knowledge necessary to understand the nature of environmental problems and to be able to quantify them
?Current state of the technology environmental control in its application to water,air and pollution problems
?Considerable gaps in our current scientific knowledge of understanding and controlling many of the complex interactions between human activities and nature
?Many environmental problems which could be eliminated or reduced by the application of current technology ,but which are not dealt with because of society's lack of will to do so,or in many instances because of a lack of resources to do so.
Some Important Definitions
Where they are first used in this book,definitions are introduced in block form, as shown here,or printed in bold type.
Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us; that which we can see,hear,touch,smell,and taste.
System,according to Webster's dictionary0', is defined as "a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unit or organic whole; as,a solar system,irrigation
system,supply system,the world or universe" .
Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical,chemical,or biological characteristics of the air,water,or land that can harmfully affect the health,survival,or activities of humans or other living organisms.
When the goal of improving environmental quality is taken to be improving human well-being,the word "environment" broadens to include all kinds of social,economic,and cultural aspects. Such broadness is unworkable in many real situations and impractical in a textbook designed for a one semester course. Our examination of environmental problems is therefore limited by our definition of "environment"
Interaction of Systems
A number of different environmental problems are associated with water, air, or land systems. Many of these problems will apply only within one of these systems,justifying the breakdown into these categories. Such a classification is also useful for easier comprehension of related problems within one system. Moreover,it is sensible because,for managerial and administrative reasons?,such subfields as air pollution, water supply, wastewater disposal, and solid waste disposal are often dealt with separately by governmental agencies.
Unfortunately, many important environmental problems are not confined to an air, water,or land system,but involve interactions between systems. A current example is the
acid rain problem stemming from the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases into the atmosphere from the stacks of generating stations?,smelters,and automobile exhausts. These gases are then transported by air currents over wide regions. Rainfall "washes them out",creating acid rain which is harmful to aquatic life,forests,and agricultural crops. Two examples of interaction between systems that cause major environmental disturbances are presented-the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a global problem, and the acid rain problem,normally of regional nature.
Environmental Disturbances
Many major improvements to our standard of living can be attributed to the application of science and technology. A few examples are noted here. Can you think of others?
科学技术的发展,提高了人们的生活水平,在这举几个例子,你能想到其它例子吗??The production of more and better quality food
?The creation of housing as protection from extremes from climates and as living space ?建造了许多可以躲避极端气候以及可以作为生存空间的房屋
?The building of fast and reliable means of transportation
?The invention of various systems of communication
?The invention of machines to replace human or animal power
?The supply of safe water and the disposal of wastes
?The elimination of many infectious diseases
?The elimination of most water-borne diseases in the developed world through improved water technology
?The availability of leisure time through greater productivity,providing the opportunity for cultural and recreational activities
?The protection from the worst effects of natural disasters such as floods, droughts, earthquakes,and volcanic eruptions.
With these improvements,however,have come disturbing side effects,such as lost arable land,disappearing forests,environmental pollution,and new organisms resistant to controls.Many effects originally considered to be just nuisances are now recognized as potential threats to nature and to humans. In an agrarian society, people lived essentially in harmony with mature,raising food,gathering firewood,and making clothing and tools from the land. The wastes from animals and humans were returned to the soil as fertilizer. Few, if any, problems of water,land,or air pollution occurred.
The cities of ancient times, particularly those of the Roman Empire?, had systems to supply water and to dispose of wastes. The aqueducts supplying the ancient city of Rome
(population about 1 million)with safe water from the Cloaca Maxima?,the best known and
one of the earliest sewers to be built, are examples of such systems. The municipal technology
of ancient cities seems to have been forgotten for marry centuries by those who built cities
throughout Europe. Water supply and waste disposal were neglected,resulting in many
outbreaks of dysentery, cholera, typhoid, and other waterborne diseases. Until the middle of
the nineteenth century,it was not realized that improper wastes disposal polluted water
supplies with disease-carrying organisms. The industrial revolution in nineteenth-century
Britain,Europe,and North America aggravated the environmental problems since it brought
increased urbanization with the industrialization. Both phenomena,urbanization and
industrialization,were and are fundamental causes of water and air pollution which the cities
of that time were unable to handle.
Rapid advances in technology for the treatment of water and the partial treatment of wastewater took place in the developed countries over the next few decades. This led to a
dramatic decrease'in the incidence of waterborne diseases?. Note that all wastes discharge
into the environment,and thus pollute our water,air,and land systems.
S elected from "Henry,Gray W- Heinke- Environmental Science and Engineering,Prentice-Hall nternational Editions, Pretice. Hall Englewood Cliffs, N J MSA, 1989"
Unit 2 Text: Historical Overview of Hazardous
Substance Disposal in the USA
overview ['?uv??vju:] n. 综述,概要
hazardous ['h?z?d?s] a.危险的,危害的
contaminated [k?n't?mineitid] a. 被污染的
enactment [i'n?ktm?nt]n. 颁布,法令
manufacturing facilities [?m?nju'f?kt??ri?] [f?'silitiz]工厂,企业
by-products 副产品
impounding [im'paundi?]a. 积水的、蓄水的
resin ['rezin] n. 树脂
fouled with 被……弄脏
aquifer ['?kw?f?] n. 蓄水层
literature ['lit?r?t??]n. 文献
makeshift ['meik??ift] n.权宜之计,临时措施;a.权宜的,临时的
excavation [?eksk?'vei??n]n. 挖掘,发掘
percolation [?p?:k?'lei??n] n. 渗透,地面渗入
porous ['p?:r?s] a. 多孔的,能渗透的
sewer ['s?u?,'sju?]污水管,下水道
unregulated dumps [?n'regjuleitid] [d?mps] 乱堆放
proximity [pr?k'simiti] n. 接近,近似
skin rashes [skin][r??]皮疹
paralysis [p?'r?lisis] n. 闭塞,瘫痪
birth defects [b?:θ] ['di:fekts] 先天不足
legislation [?led?is'lei??n]n. 立法;法规
Hazardous substance disposal practices in the United States have traveled full circle. Prior to 1978 there were few if any regulations regarding the disposal of these materials. Improper disposal of many of these chemicals resulted in health problems for many citizens, contaminated water supplies,and destruction of wildlife. With the enactment of the Resource Conversation and Recovery Act(RCRA)(i)of 1978, manufacturing facilities now have an obligation to account for all waste materials that are generated by the facility. Implementation of RCRA has been slow.
From the very early industrial period in the United States,which started about 1920, until several years after the Second World War, there was little concern for the proper methods of disposal of waste materials that were generated as by-products during manufacturing processes. Up until the 1960's it was quite common to find fresh water rivers and streams fouled with waste chemicals from manufacturing,salt water from oil production wells and waste acids from steel mill activities. Virtually every conceivable Waste oil, solvent,or resin waste could be found in the rivers. The laws of the time were either non-existent or not enforced. The literature has many examples of health problems of individuals as well as destruction of fish and wildlife habitat. Many other cases occurred that were not reported in the literature.
Other waste materials were dumped haphazardly in makeshift excavations either at the factory side or throughout the country side. Because of ignorance and lack of economic incentives to do so,the factories made no attempt to prevent contamination of underground water supplies by the chemicals that were disposed of. In fact, knowledgeable scientists of the time accepted land irrigation and percolation into the porous underground formations as methods of waste treatment. Although these treatment methods may have been intended for non-hazardous materials,they were employed for hazardous materials as well. Again, there were no governmental regulations protecting the underground aquifers from these practices.
The problem of disposal of hazardous chemicals did not improve with the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? in 1966. The first task of the new agency was to clean up rivers and streams. Unfortunately,no one in power in the government at the time had insight into the problems that were to be created by the new agency.
The EPA was quite successful in those early days in the enforcement of the many water pollution laws that evolved. As the practice of the dumping of hazardous materials into the rivers and streams was eliminated,those same materials created other disposal problems.
Many of the chemicals saved from the sewer were either worthless or of such a low value as to render recovery uneconomical. In some cases,recovery was technically impossible. As a result, the waste chemicals were disposed of by any convenient method. The makeshift dumps sites were expanded. Because there were no regulations regarding disposal,persons with no technical expertise entered into the business of waste disposal. The profits were high because these individuals did not treat the chemicals. In most cases,the waste materials were transported to impounding areas located on privately owned land.
The factories that generated the waste felt secure in the belief that the waste transporter was disposing of the materials in an acceptable manner. In most cases,this was not a correct assumption.
The unregulated dumps grew both in size and complexity. When the dumps were in close proximity to populated areas or public water supplies, a series of problems begin to
develop. Citizens in the vicinity of some of the dumps began to experience adverse health problems such as skin rashes, paralysis, cancer, and birth defects. In some cases, these problems have been attributed to contamination from the chemicals.
Because of these concerns, the United States Congress enacted a new legislation that dealt with the issues of disposal of hazardous wastes. This was the Resource Conversation and Recovery Act of 1978. The purpose of the Act was to allow regulation of hazardous substance disposal. As a result, industries that generated large quantities of these waste materials now had to ensure that the materials were disposed of in the a manner that was safe for the environment.
Many of the improper dumps that were created prior to the RCRA legislation were created by persons with little or no financial resources. As a result,the cleanup of the old sides has been taken over by the government under legislation. As of this time,the results of these clean up efforts have been ineffective.
Because of the abuses and problems of the past regulations have been enacted that force American industry to be responsible for hazardous waste disposal. The problems were brought about by a lack of economic incentives to the industrial community. The problems were compounded by the inexperience and lack of insight by elected governmental officials and the governmental agencies charged with the task of regulation. Although sufficient legislation is now in place to solve the problem of hazardous waste disposal,it is unlikely that a true solution will be achieved for 20 years or longer. Only through interaction between industry, scientists,and government regulators will true solutions be finally realized?.
Selected from "Clifford E. Geroge,Proceedings of Inter. Conf. On Environ, and Chem- Eng.,1992"
Unit 3 Text: Energy Exploration and Environment
mortality [moi'taeliti] n. 致命性
biological [baia'lodsiks] a. 生物的,生物学的
relief well 减压井
shell fisheries 大陆架渔场
fouling [faulii}] n.污物,脏东西
intertidal 潮间的
refinery [ri'fainari] n.炼油厂;精炼厂
photochemical 光化学的
hydrocarbon 烃;碳氢化合物
hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢
acidification [sesidifi'keijan] n. 变酸,酸化
effluent ['efluant] a. 流出的n. 废液、污水
phenol ['fi:nol] n. 苯酚
ammonia [Vmounia] n.氨水
methane ['mi:0ein] n.甲烷;沼气
as with 如同…..一样,正如……的情况一样
brine [brain] n. 海水;盐水
liquefied natural gas 液化天然气
cargo ['ka:gou] n货物;船货
leachate ['li:tjeit] n. 沥滤液
siltation ['silteijan] n. 淤积、淤塞
nuclear warfare 核战争
mine tailings 矿山废渣
pipeline 管路
hydroelectric ['haidroui'lekrik] a. 水电的;水力发电的
2大陆架是大陆向海洋的自然延伸,是陆地的一部分。又叫“陆棚”或“大陆浅滩”。它是指环绕大陆的浅海地带。它的范围自海岸线起,向海洋方面延伸,直到海底坡度显著增加的陆架坡折处为止。陆架坡折处的水深在20~550米间,平均为130米,也有把200米等深线作为陆架下限的。大陆架平均坡度为0~0.7,宽度不等,在数公里至1500公里间。全球大陆架总面积为2710万平方公里,约占海洋总面积的7.5 9/6。陆架地形一般较为平坦,但也有小的丘陵、盆地和沟谷;上面除局部基岩裸露外,大部分地区被泥砂等沉积物所覆盖。大陆架是大陆的自然延伸,原为海岸平原,后因海面上升之后,才沉溺于水下,成为浅海。
Environmental Impacts of Oil
During oil exploration ,either onshore or offshore, there is a risk of blowout should control of the well be lost. This can lead to severe and prolonged oil spills,which are harmful to the marine environment. The 1979 Ixtoc blowout in the Gulf of Mexico? is an example. Regaining control of a blowout can take considerable time and often requires drilling a relief well to interrupt the oil flow. This problem is particularly severe in northern climates,where ice formation and movement may seriously impede or even prevent drilling of relief wells.
不管是陆地上的还是海岸上的石油开采,在开采的过程中,都有油井失去控制发生井喷的风险。这可能导致严重的、长时间的漏油,这对海洋环境是有害的。举一个例子,1979年墨西哥海湾Ixtoc 油井原油泄漏。重新控制井喷需要相当长的时间,往往需要钻孔减压井来阻断石油的溢流,这个问题在北方地区的气候条件下尤其严重,在这样的气候条件下,冰的形成和冰的运动可能会严重的妨碍甚至是阻止减压井的钻探。
Oil spills may result in mortality to birds and contamination of shorelines,resulting in severe biological effects on intertidal and near-shore organisms, including valuable shell fisheries. There may also be fouling of vessels,nets,and harbor facilities,requiring expensive cleanup. The impact of oil on the open ocean environment is more difficult to assess,but it is likely that the spill will have some effect on fisheries and,in general,on organisms present in the ocean surface waters. The issue of oil pollution has been reviewed in a number of texts.
Exploration,production,and transmission activities may have a profound effect on life styles in remote areas. For example, in northern Canada and Alaska?, people are not well equipped to withstand the social pressures of modern industrial life.
There is also a risk of spillage during oil production and collection on land prior to its
transmission to petroleum refineries. At these refineries there is a potential for emission of hydrocarbons, sulfur oxides, which can cause lake acidification and human respiratory problems, hydrogen sulfide, which is highly toxic and odorous, carbon dioxide, which may lead to the "greenhouse effect"?,oxides of nitrogen,which cause photochemical smog and acidification,and some odorous substances. Refineries also generate liquid effluents which may contain hydrocarbons,phenols,ammonia,and other toxic substances.
石油运输到炼油厂之前,在生产和采集过程中也有可能发生泄漏。在这些炼油厂有可能排放碳氢化合物,硫氧化物, 这些化合物可造成湖泊酸化和人体呼吸系统问题,硫化氢是剧毒物质而且还有臭味,二氧化碳可能导致"温室效应" ,氮氧化物,造成光化学烟雾和酸化,还有一些带有气味的物质. 炼油厂产生的废液中也可能含有碳氢化合物,酚,氨,和其它有毒物质。
Oil is transported both by tanker and by pipeline in very large quantities,and neither of these is immune from causing environmental pollution. In fact, there have been several impressive oil tanker accidents resulting in widespread contamination of coastal regions. The effects are generally similar to those of blowouts discussed early. Oil releases from pipelines are usually less severe because the oil is more easily controlled,although there may be fouling of agricultural land leading to loss of productivity.
Environmental Impacts of Natural Gas
It is readily apparent that these impacts are considerably less severe than those of oil. Generally, the impact of releases of natural gas (methane) into the environment is minor,provided that there is no accompanying fire or explosion. The methane tends to dissipate rapidly into the atmosphere,having little adverse environmental effect. ? 人们通常认为天然气对环境造成的影响不如石油造成的影响大。一般,天然气释放到环境中的影响较小,不会伴随着火灾和爆炸。甲烷通常会快速的消散到大气中,对环境几乎没有负面的影响。
Again,there is a risk of emission of hydrocarbons during blowouts,but probably more severe is the risk of hydrogen sulfide emissions during exploration and production. Hydrogen sulfide,which normally accompanies natural gas in petroleum reservoirs,is highly toxic. The usual procedure is to remove the hydrogen sulfide from the methane at a "gas plant" close to the well. Repeatedly,gas plant malfunctions have resulted in severe H2S emission,requiring rapid evacuation of large areas downwind. As with oil,there is an impact from the disposal of brine and drilling chemicals. Also,construction of gas pipelines can be disruptive and may be particularly difficult in the permafrost regions.
One area of increasing concern is the possibility of severe accidents occurring as a result of transportation of liquefied natural gas. It is not economical to transport gaseous natural gas by tanker; liquefaction greatly increases the energy density of the cargo, permitting more to be carried per voyage. These cargoes must be maintained at very low
temperatures,i. e. , below the boiling point of natural gas,or at elevated pressures. If the containing vessel fails, there will be emission of the liquid methane, which then evaporates very rapidly, creating a highly hazardous condition in which fire and explosion are likely.
Environmental Impact of Coal
Normally,coal is recovered by one of two processes. In strip mining,coal which lies close to the surface is removed by earth-moving equipment,the overburden of soil being removed and stored for later replacement. The area can then be filled in and revegetated after the removal of the coal. In mining for deeper deposits with substantial quantities of sulfur and metal compounds which have remained inert in their subsurface environment throughout geological times,exposure of the mined minerals to oxygen and water initiates a series of reactions, particularly oxidation and dissolution,which were previously not achievable. The result is the formation of oxides of sulfur (and hence sulfuric acid), metal solutions, phenols, and various other compounds, many of which are environmentally harmful. Coal piles and slag heaps thus can generate considerable quantities of these substances,and the leachate must be controlled and prevented from entering surface waters or groundwaters.
The generation of electricity from coal involves a loss of approximately two-thirds of the energy,in the form of waste heat,from the generating plant. The waste heat is dissipated through both the fuel gases and the cooling water. Discharge of the cooling water can result in "thermal pollution" of the local aquatic environment; for example,a lake or river may be subjected to an unusual temperature rise. Most serious are situations in which a river is subjected to repeated heating by several power plants. Under conditions of low flow, and especially during the summer,the temperature of the water may rise beyond limits tolerable to aquatic life and fish mortality may result. In such cases,the use of air as a cooling medium is preferable,although it is generally more expensive.
Environmental Impacts of Hydroelectric Development
Of all the forms of energy production, hydroelectric power is probably the least environmentally disruptive,in the sense that there are rarely any chemical effects- The major
effects result from changes to the local region arising from submergence of land, loss of animal habitat,and changes in local hydrology,for example,alteration of flow characteristics of rivers and groundwater. In some cases, there may be severe siltation problems. Increasingly, remote hydroelectric sites are being sought, often in wilderness areas with a sparse population of individuals who rely on trapping and a simple life style. To them,the loss of their land or the disruption of their life style can be devastating.
在所有的能源中,水电可能是对环境破坏最小的一种能源。几乎没有化学方面的影响。主要会导致土地的淹没,动物栖息地的丧失,当地水文地质的变化,例如,河流和地下水流动特征的改变。在某些情况下,可能会有严重的泥沙淤积问题. 现在人们越来越多的去寻找偏僻遥远的水力发电地点,常常是在人烟稀少的,主要依赖诱捕和以一种简朴的生活方式生存的地区。对他们来说,失去土地或打乱了他们的生活方式可能是毁灭性的.
Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Power
Paramount is the question of environmental contamination by radionuclides as a result of mining, accidents involving discharge of fuel, failure of the nuclear reactor system, or contamination from spent fuel. In the minds of many,the nuclear power issue is intimately, but irrationally, linked with the horrors of Hiroshima?, Nagasaki?, and nuclear warfare in general. No other environmental issue has developed such widespread concern.
Except for the 1986 explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear station in the Ukraine?, the remaining few nuclear power plant accidents,like the Three Mile Island reactor? breakdown in Pennsylvania? in 1979,have all resulted in very minor releases of radioactive material and no recorded deaths.
There have been cases of undesirably high exposure of miners to radioactive materials, both in the mine and in mineral processing. Also,mine tailings may contain residual but low-level radioactivity, and in some cases these tailings have not been disposed of in the proper manner.
There is much concern about the issue of disposing of or reprocessing spent fuel. This fuel is highly radioactive and will remain so for centuries. Processing the fuel to ensure that this and future generations are secure from exposure is a considerable technological challenge, but possibly an even greater sociopolitical challenge. A worrisome aspect is the possibility of terrorism resulting from a small group of individuals obtaining quantities of radioactive material.
As with the generation of electricity from coal, there may be a thermal effect on local
water used for cooling purposes.
Selected from J. Glynn
Henry,Gray W. Ileinke. Environmental Science and Engineering, Prentice-Hall International Editions,Pretice. Hall Englezvood Cliffs,NJ,USA, 7989"
Unit 4 Text: Environmental Analysis
qualitative [kwoli'teitiv] a.定性的
quantitative ['kwontiteitiv] a. 定量的
speciation ['spii/i'eijan] n. 物种形式
characterization [kgeriktarai'zei/an] n. 表征,性能描写
toxicological [toksi'kolad3ik] a.毒物学的,毒理学的
defacing [di'feisir)] n. 磨损;损伤外观
esthetic depreciation 美感下降
unpleasant odors 难闻气味
in question 上述的,所讨论的
methodology [jmeOa'doladsi] n. 方法论
impact analysis 影响分析
philosophical [fib'sofikal] a. 哲学的,理性的;自然科学研究的
discernible [di'sanibl] a. 可鉴别的,可识别的
authenticity [o:0an'tisiti] n. 可靠性
heterogeneity ['hetaroud3ini:ti] n. 不均匀性,多相性
trace levels 痕量
airborne ['eaboin] a. 生物鉴定,活体鉴定
time-consuming 耗时的
bioassay [baiou'assei] n. 生物鉴定,活体鉴定
compliance [kam'plaians] n. 符合,一致
dose-response 用量(剂量)响应
Environmental analysis involves the performance of chemical,physical,and biological measurements in an environmental system. This system may involve either the natural or the polluted environment,although the term "environmental analysis"is increasingly used to refer only to situations in which measurements are made of pollutants.
Normally, four types of measurements are made: qualitative analysis to identify the species present; quantitative analysis to determine how much of the species is present; speciation or characterization to establish details of chemical form and the manner in which the pollutant is actually present (such as being adsorbed onto the surface of a
particle); and impact analysis in which measurements are made for t he specific purpose of determining the extent to which an environmental impact is produced by the pollutants in question.
The overall objective of environmental analysis is to obtain information about both natural and pollutant species present in the environment so as to make a realistic assessment of their probable behavior. In the case of pollutants,this involves assessment of their actual or potential environmental impact,which may be manifest in several ways. Thus,a pollutant species may present a toxicological hazard to plants or animals. It may also cause contamination of resources (such as air, water, and soil)so that they cannot be utilized for other purposes. The effects of pollutants on materials,especially building materials,may be another area of concern and one which is often very visible and displeasing (for example, the defacing of ancient statues by sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere) . A further area of environmental impact involves esthetic depreciation such as reduced visibility,dirty skies,and unpleasant odors. Finally,it is important to recognize that an environmental impact may not always be discernible by normal human perception so that detection may require sophisticated chemical or physical analysis?.
In order to provide a meaningful description of the general field of environmental analysis,this field may be considered from three points of view;the basic concepts underlying the reasons for and choice of the analyses which are normally performed; the available techniques and methodology commonly used; and the curre nt status of capabilities in environmental analysis.
Some of the philosophical concepts which form the bases for environmental analyses are as follows.
Purpose. Collection and analysis of an environmental sample may be undertaken for the purpose of research or monitoring,or as a spot check. A spot check analysis is used to obtain rapid information about the approximate extent or nature of an environmental problem.
Authenticity. Whatever the information being sought,it is vitally important to obtain an authentic sample which represents the particular system being investigated. In fact, the ability to obtain an authentic sample is probably one of the most difficult aspects of
any environmental analysis due to the considerable complexity and heterogeneity of most environmental systems.
Detection limits.A statement of the detection limits which can be attained by the analytical method being employed must always be included in providing the results of any environmental analysis. This is because considerable confusion exists about the meaning of a "zero" level of concentration. In fact,it is probably never possible to state that none of the atoms or molecules of the species in question are present so that no true zero exists.
Precision and accuracy. In reporting an environmental analysis it is also necessary to specify the precision and accuracy associated with the measurements. Thus, many environmental measurements involve comparison of results obtained in different systems or under different conditions (of temperature, time, pollutant concentration, and so on)in the same system so that it is necessary to establish whether two numbers which are different are in fact indicative of different conditions.
State of matter. In making an environmental analysis it is necessary to designate the physical form of the species being analyzed. Most simply,this involves the actual state of matter in which the species exists (whether it is solid, liquid, or gas) since many species (both inorganic and organic)may exist concurrently in different states. For example,certain organic gases can exist either as gases or adsorbed onto the surface of solid particles, and the analytical procedures employed for determination of each form are quite different.
Element/compound distinction. One of the most strongly emphasized aspects of environmental analysis involves the distinction between a chemical element and the chemical compound in which that element exists. It is appropriate to establish the chemical form in which a given element exists in an environmental sample rather than simply to specify the fact that the element is present at a given concentration. While such a concept is philosophically acceptable, analytical methodology has not reached the stage where specification of inorganic compounds present at trace levels can readily be achieved.
Particle surfaces. Where pollutant species are present in or associated with a condensed phase,it is sometimes necessary to establish whether the pollutant is part of the bulk system or present on its surface. Such a consideration is particularly meaningful since material
present on the surface of an airborne particle,for example,comes into immediate contact with the external environment, whereas that which is distributed uniformly throughout the particle is effectively present at a much lower concentration and can exert a much lower chemical intensity at the particle surface. Since airborne particles can be inhaled, surface predominance can result in high localized concentrations of chemical species at the points of particle deposition in the lung?.
Availability. While not one of the analyses normally performed by analytical chemists, determination of the availability of a chemical species is often necessary? . To exert a meaningful environmental effect,a pollutant species must almost always enter solution. For instance,toxic compounds associated with airborne particles must be dissolved by lung fluids before either a local or systemic effect can be produced. Thus,laboratory-scale simulation? of the availability characteristics of a chemical species can provide a necessary link between its presence and its eventual impact.
Environmental effect. The final link in the analytical/environmental effects chain involves determination of the actual environmental effect produced. In most cases, this involves some form of biological measurement or bioassay which determines the toxicological effect upon a biological organism. Due to the expense, complexity, and time-consuming nature of bioassays, it is usual to substitute a chemical analysis for purposes of monitoring toxicological effects, and in setting standards for compliance. In doing so, however, it is necessary to establish a socalled dose response relationship between the level of one or more pollutant species and the degree of toxic impact.
环境效应。分析和环境共同最终产生的效果涉及到实际产生的环境效应的确定。在大多数情况下,包括生物测量和生物鉴定的某些形式决定对生物体的毒性效应。由于费用、复杂性和生物鉴定耗时的特性使得在监测毒性效应的时候通常取消化学分析。然而,这样做就有必要在一个或更多污染物与毒性效应程度之间建立用量响应关系。Selected from "McGraw-Hill,Encyclopedia of Environmental Science,2"1 Edition,
McGraw-Hill Boo. Company,N.J. USA,198ff' PART 2 AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL
Unit 5 Text:Type and Sources of Air Pollutants [ 1 ]
aldehyde ['geldihaid] n. 醛,乙醛asbestos [zez'bestos]] n. 石棉
beryllium [be'riljam] n. 铍
cadmium ['kasdmiam] n. 镉
herbicide ['haibisaid] n. 除草剂
peroxyacylnitrates 硝酸过氧化乙酰类
pesticide ['pestisaid] n. 杀虫剂,农药
primary air pollutant 一次大气污染物
secondary air pollutant 二次大气污染物
stagnation [stasg'neifan] n. 停滞,迟钝,萧条
tritium ['triti?m]n. 氚,超重氢
北京市城区氮氧化物的47 %来自汽车尾气,因此治理汽车尾气刻不容缓。
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