
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:01:18 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载


初升高自主招生英语辅导材料8套 英语自主招生辅导材料(一)

一、 词汇拓展

1. We’re having difficulty recruiting enough properly qualified staff. 2. He left the government to become her most formidable rival. 3. They led a life of luxury, in a huge house in the countryside. 4. Imagination and hard work are the ingredients of success. 5. If we exclude uncompleted projects from the calculations, the total spent is still more

than 15 billion dollars

6. He was fined for exceeding the speed limit. 7. It was revealed that he had been in prison twice before. 8. He descended slowly from the railway carriage.

These ideas descend from those of the ancient philosophers. 9. I learned a tremendous amount of knowledge in a short time. 10. I think the fact that he is working with amateurs really frustrated him.

I can’t understand this. I just get frustrated with it. 11. English comedians find it difficult to conquer the hearts of the local people. 12. She seemed reluctant to join in the discussion. 13. They spoke good Spanish and promised to interpret for me. 14. I didn’t get a single world of gratitude for all my trouble. 15. Let us resume where we left off. 16. Tyson knocked his opponent out in the first around 17. Fear of change is the greatest obstacle to progress. 18. If medical supplies are short, children will be given priority. 19. Sue says she seen Jurassic Park twenty times, but I’m sure she’s exaggerating. 20. It is comfortable to live in the place because it is equipped with modern facilities. 二、 完形填空:

All of my students I taught at Saint Mary’s School in Morris, Minnesota were dear to me, but Mark was one in a million. His happy-to-be-alive attitude made even his occasional naughtiness 21 .

Mark talked 22 in class. I had to remind him again and again that talking without 23 was unacceptable. What impressed me so much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving, “Thank you for correcting me, Madam!” I didn’t know what to make of it at first, but before long I became 24 hearing it many times a day. However, one morning my patience was 25 when Mark talked once too often. I warned Mark, “If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth 26 !” It wasn’t ten seconds later when Chuck blurted out(脱口说出), “Mark is talking again.” I hadn’t asked any of the students to help me 27 Mark, but since I had stated the 28

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in front of the class, I had to act on it.

Taking out a roll of masking tape from the drawer of my desk, I walked to Mark’s desk, 29 two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his mouth. I then returned to the 30 of the room.

As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing, he winked at me naughtily. That he did so funnily! I started 31 . The entire class 32 as I walked back to Mark’s desk, 33 the tape, and shrugged my shoulders. His first words were, “Thank you for 34 me, Madam!”

Several years passed until one cold rainy day when my father broke the news to me that Mark was killed in Vietnam War, I broke down and cried in my heart, “Mark, I would give all the masking tape in the world 35 you could talk to me!” 21. A. delightful 22. A. happily immediately 23. A. hesitation

B. unbearable of B. working out B. firmly B. view B. tore off B. centre

C. accustomed to C. going out C. shut

D. fond of D.


24. A. curious about 25. A. growing out out 26. A. close 27. A. watch

C. cut into C. entrance C. complaining C. froze

D. took out D. front D. criticizing D.


D. closely D. inform D. evidence

B. criticize

C. overlook C. punishment

B. permission

C. delay



B. attractive B. constantly

C. striking C. quickly

D. annoying D.

28. A. opinion 29. A. put up 30. A . back

31. A. laughing 32. A. disturbed

33. A. stuck

34. A. praising 35. A. as if

B. screaming B. protected B. recovered B. correcting B. in case

C. removed C. encouraging C. if only

D. fastenedD. hurting D. even if



Today, we complete our story about the influential English writer William Shakespeare. He wrote

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plays and poems during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, which remain very popular today.

During earlier times, people would probably have learned several ancient Roman and Greek plays. It was not unusual for writers to produce more current versions of these works. For example, in Shakespeare’s play “The Comedy of Errors”, Shakespeare borrowed certain details from the ancient Roman writer Plautus. For his play “Macbeth”, Shakespeare most likely used a work on Scottish history by Raphael Holinshed for information. Shakespeare might have borrowed from other writers, but the intensity(强度)of his imagination and language made the plays his own. While many plays by other writers of his time have been forgotten, Shakespeare and his art live on.

Shakespeare was also influenced by the world around him. He described the sights and sounds of London in his plays. His works include observations about political struggles, the fear of diseases, and the popular language of the city’s tradesmen. Shakespeare’s knowledge of the English countryside is also clear. His works include descriptions of deep forests, local flowers, and the ancient popular traditions of rural people.

It would be impossible to list all of the ways in which Shakespeare’s works have influenced the world culture. But the first and greatest example would be his great influence on the English language. During his time, the English language was changing. Many new words from other languages were being added. Shakespeare used his sharp mind and poetic inventiveness to create hundreds of new words and rework old ones. For example, he created the noun forms of “critic”, “mountaineer” and “eyeball”. Many common expressions in English come from his plays, including “pomp and circumstance(装腔作势)” from “Othello”, “full circle(绕圈子地)” from “King Lear”, etc. The list of cultural creations influenced by Shakespeare is almost endless. From paintings to television to music and dance, Shakespeare was well represented. Shakespeare’s plays have been translated into every major language in the world.

Shakespeare became a well-known writer during a golden age of theater. His years of hard work paid off.

36. From the passage, we can see that ________.

A. Shakespeare was hard-working when he was a student

B. many of Shakespeare’s works were influenced by earlier writings C. the experience of living in London had no effect on Shakespeare’s works D. Shakespeare became rich later because of the popularity of his works A. Because there were so few people writing plays in his time. B. Because he produced too many works that nobody else could do. C. Because his works were rich in imagination and language. D. Because he was a rich and influential person of his time. 38. Shakespeare’s greatest influence should be on . A. paintings B. television

C. the English language D. music and dance

37. Why could Shakespeare’s works survive his time?

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39. The passage is mainly about .

A. an introduction to Shakespeare’s life and his works B. the main features and styles of Shakespeare’s plays C. Shakespeare’s greatest influence on the world culture. D. how culture influenced Shakespeare and he influenced culture.


One of our biggest fears nowadays is that our kids might some day get lost in a “sea of technology” rather than experiencing the natural world. Fear-producing TV and computer games are leading to a serious disconnection between kids and the great outdoors, which will change the wild places of the world, its creatures and human health for the worse, unless adults get working on child’s play.

Each of us has a place in nature we go sometimes, even if it was torn down. We cannot be the last generation to have that place. At this rate, kids who miss the sense of wonder outdoors will not grow up to be protectors of natural landscapes. “If the decline in parks use continues across North America, who will defend parks against encroachment(蚕食)?” asks Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods.

Without having a nature experience, kids, can turn out just fine, but they are missing out a huge enrichment of their lives. That applies to everything from their physical health and mental health, to stress levels, creativity and cognitive(认知的)skills. Experts predict modern kids will have poorer health than their parents — and they say a lack of outside play is surely part of it; research suggests that kids do better academically in schools with a nature component and that play in nature fosters(培养)leadership by the smartest, not by the toughest. Even a tiny outdoor experience can create wonder in a child. The three-year-old turning over his first rock realizes he is not alone in the world. A clump of trees on the roadside can be the whole universe in his eyes. We really need to value that more.

Kids are not to blame. They are over-protected and frightened. It is dangerous out there from time to time, but repetitive stress from computers is replacing breaking an arm as a childhood rite of passage(通过仪式).

Everyone, from developers, to schools and outdoorsy citizens, should help regain for our kids some of the freedom and joy of exploring, taking friendship in fields and woods that strengthen love, respect and need for landscape. As parents, we should devote some of our energies to taking our kids into nature. This could yet be our greatest cause.

40. According to the passage, children without experiencing nature will _________. A. be less healthy both physically and mentally D. change wild places and creatures for the better

41. According to the author, children’s breaking an arm is _________. A. the fault on the part of their parents

B. keep a high sense of wonder C. be over-protected by their parents

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B. the result of their own carelessness in play C. the natural experience in their growing up D. the effect of their repetitive stress from computers

42. In writing this passage, the author mainly intends to _________. A. blame children for getting lost in computer games

B. show his concern about children’s lack of experience in nature C. encourage children to protect parks from encroachment D. inspire children to keep the sense of wonder about things around 答案 21-25 ABBCD 26-30 CACBD 31-35 ADCBC 36-39BCCD 40-42 ACB

初升高自主招生英语辅导材料8套 第(5)页



1. Luke’s destructive behavior caused his parents great distress. 2. My father was no longer prospering in business. 3. Domestic flights go from Terminal 1. 4. I always tried to remain neutral when they started arguing. 5. Owing to lack of confidence in economy, a crisis seems inevitable. 6. Environmentalists and loggers are on a collision course, with no compromise in sight. 7. Our government has taken measures to reduce the likelihood of disease. 8. We encountered a serious setback when two members of the expedition were injured. 9. Wanda’s whole life has been oriented around the children. 10. There weren’t enough beds, but the matter was resolved by George sleeping on the sofa. After the divorce she resolved never to marry again. 11. The US has sought to isolate Cuba both economically and politically. Young mothers often feel isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. 12. I wish you’d stop interfering--- you’ve caused enough problems already.

Anxiety can interfere with children’s performance at school.

13. Complete disarmament(裁军)was the ultimate goal of the conference. 14. Haven’t you got a decent pair of shoes?

Decent citizens have nothing to fear from this legislation(法规). 15. The external walls were in need of repair.

China will not tolerate any external interference in its affairs. 16. Hearing her practice the violin is torture. 17. The discussions stimulated a free exchange of ideas. An inspiring teacher can stimulate students to succeed. 18. Thirty people died in the blast.

We had to blast our way through 50 meters of solid rock. 19. The President was given a hostile reception by a crowd of angry farmers. 20. The program will generate a lot of new jobs.


This is the story of two lovers, who finally got married. Both of them were romantic at first, 21 on the walk of life, problems, quarrels, profession came into their life. One day, she finally decided “I want to break up”. “Why?” he asked. “I am 22 .” she answered.

He kept silent the whole night, seemingly in deep 23 . finally he asked, “What can I do to 24 your mind?”

Looking into his eyes she said, “Answer my question. If you can 25 my heart, I will change my mind. Let’s say, I want a flower 26 on the face of a mountain cliff (悬崖), we both are sure that picking the flower will cause your 27 . will you do it for me?”

He said, “I will give you my 28 tomorrow.”

She woke up the next morning, found him gone, and saw a piece of paper on her bed, which 29 “My dear, I would not pick that flower for you, the 30 are …”

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“When you use the computer you always 31 the software, and you cry in front of the screen. I have to save my fingers so that I can help to restore the 32 . You always leave the house keys behind, thus I have to save my 33 to rush home to open the door for you. You love traveling but always lose your way in a (n) 34 city. I have to save my eyes to show you the way. You always 35 at the computer, and that will do nothing good for your eyes. I have to save my eyes 36 when we grow old, I can help to clip your nails and help to remove those 37 white hairs.”

“Thus, my dear, unless I am sure that there is someone who loves you 38 I do … I could not pick that flower yet, and die …”

That’s life, and 39 . flowers, and romantic moments are only used and appear on the 40 of the relationship. Under all this, the pillar of true love stands. 21.A.but B.and C.or D.so 22.A.lonely B.shamed C.tired D.worried 23.A.space B.thought C.shade D.impression 24.A.speak B.change C.blow D.keep 25.A.represent B.expand C.admit D.convince 26.A.growing B.falling C.living D.waiting 27.A.attention B.satisfaction C.interest D.death 28.A.agreement B.answer C.announcement D.judgment 29.A.writes B.informs C.prints D.goes 30.A.meanings B.messages C.reasons D.purposes 31.A.turn up B.put up C.use up D.mess up 32.A.structures B.programs C.balance D.position 33.A.legs B.patience C.energy D.dollars 34.A.ancient B.new C.modern D.underground 35.A.shout B.jump C.knock D.stare 36.A.as if B.now that C.so that D.in case 37.A.annoying B.enjoyable C.dusty D.amusing 38.A.less than B.rather than C.more than D.other than 39.A.determination B.love C.progress D.power 40.A.surface B.way C.principle D.nature


Antidepressant(抗忧郁) drugs such as Prozac were viewed in the early 1900's as wonder pills that would remove depressive blues for good. But in the past five years, growing scientific evidence has shown these drugs work for only a minority of people. And now a research journal says that these antidepressants can make many patients' depression worse. This alarming suggestion centres on the very chemical that is targeted by antidepressants-serotonin (血清素). Drugs such as Prozac are known as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors ( or SSRIs). Their aim is to increase the level of this ‘feel-good' chemical in the brain.

But the new research, published in the journal Frontiers In Evolutionary Psychology, points out that serotonin is like a chemical Swiss Army knife, performing a very wide range of jobs in the brain and body. And when we start changing serotonin levels purposely, it may cause a wide range of unwanted effects. These can include digestive problems and even early deaths in older

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people, according to the study's lead researcher Paul Andrews. \cautious about use of these drugs,\says Andrews, an assistant professor of evolutionary psychology at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.

Previous research has suggested that the drugs provide little benefit for most people with mild depression, and actively help only a few of the most severely depressed. Famous psychologist Irving Kirsch has found that for many patients, SSRIs are no more effective than a placebo pill. A research in 2010 0n Danish children found a small, but significant, increase in the risk of heart problems among babies whose mothers had used SSRIs in early pregnancy(怀孕). The key to understanding these side-effects is serotonin, says Andrews. Serotonin is also the reason why patients can often end up feeling still more depressed after they have finished a course of SSRI drugs. He argues that SSRI antidepressants disturb the brain, leaving the patient an even greater depression than before.

\long use, when a patient stops taking SSRIs, the brain will lower its levels of serotonin production,\he says, adding that it also changes the way receptors in the brain respond to serotonin, making the brain less sensitive to the chemical. These changes are believed to be temporary, but studies indicate that the effects may continue for up to two years.

Most disturbingly of all, Andrews' review features three recent studies which, he says ,show that elderly antidepressant users are more likely to die earlier than non-users, even after taking other important variables into account. One study, published in the British Medical Journal last year, found patients given SSRIs were more than 4 per cent more likely to die in the next year than those not on the drugs.

\. \and when you disturb these things, you can expect that it is going to cause some harm. \

Stafford Lightman, professor of medicine at the University of Bristol, and a leading UK expert in brain chemicals and hormones, says Andrews' review highlights some important problems, yet it should also be taken with a pinch of salt. \companies do,\.“'Drug companies selectively present all the positives in their research, while this search selectively presents all the negatives that can be found. Nevertheless, Andrews' study is useful in that it is always worth pointing out that there is a downside to any medicine. \Professor Lightman adds that there is still a great deal we don't know about SSRIs-not least what they actually do in our brains.

When it comes to understanding why the drugs work only for a limited part of patients, U. S. scientists think they might now have the answer. They think that in many depressed patients, it's not only the lack of feel-good serotonin causing their depression, but also a failure in the area of the brain that produces new cells throughout our lives. This area, the hippocampus, is also responsible for regulating mood and memory. Research suggests that in patients whose hippocampus has lost the ability to produce new cells, SSRIs do not bring any benefit.

41. According to paragraph 2, serotonin, like a chemical Swiss Army knife, can . A. make many patients' depression worse B. cause a wide range of unwanted effects C. affect human body and brain in various ways D.provide little benefit for most depressed people. 42. We can learn from the text that . A. the number of patients with depression has decreased

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B. antidepressants can benefit people with mild depression C. people have realized that Prozac cannot be used to treat depression D. antidepressants may increase the risk of early death in older people 43.In Stafford Lightman's opinion, . A. drug companies don't know the negative effect of antidepressants B. Andrews focused on different things from the drug companies C. scientists have found what SSRIs do in the brain D. Andrews' research has no medical value 44. Which of the following is TRUE about SSRIs? A. They are used to increase the \ medical in the brain. B. They can work even when the hippocampus can't produce new cells. C. They create a risk of heart problems in pregnant women. D. They are responsible for controlling mood and memory. 45. What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 6? A. Andrews' review might not be completely true. . B. Andrews need to do more research to support his viewpoint. C. Andrew doesn't consider drug companies' interests. D. Andrews has found one of the disadvantages of the medicine. 46. What is the text mainly about? A. The aim of drug companies. B. The function of SSRIs. C. The side-effects of antidepressants. D. The cause of depression. 答案

21—25 ACBBD 26—30 ADBDC 31—35 DBABD 36—40 CACBA 41—45 CDBAAC

初升高自主招生英语辅导材料8套 第(9)页


一、 词汇拓展

21. In her leisure time she visits museums and galleries Take the leaflets home and read them at your leisure 22. Plastic window frames are more durable than wood. 23. I dropped the plate and it smashed. Larry smashed his fist down on the table. 24. Be careful. The floor’s very slippery. Once you start taking soft drugs you’re on the slippery slope to becoming an addict. 25. Exercise really can help you withstand stresses and strains more easily 26. “ Who cooked the meal? “Well it was a joint effort really.”

Jackie and Ben came to a joint decision as to where they would live. 27. In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment. More haste, less speed. 28. People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still infect others. Lucy’s enthusiasm soon infected the rest of the class. 29. I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $12,500. 30. 61 countries severely restrict women's rights to abortion

31. Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy? 52 Next week, health ministers gather in Amsterdam to talk about a strategy for controlling malaria.

32. Today’s the first time I’ve ventured out of doors since my illness. Nobody ventured to say a word. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 33. I had to wear long sleeves to stop myself scratching. Hong Kong's manufacturing industry did not start from scratch in the post-war period. 34. Beijing has begun to pursue its regional interests more forcefully. Lane didn’t dare to pursue the matter too far 35. A lot of those children have been deprived of a normal home life. 36. Sue’s very nice, but she does tend to dominate the conversation. Education issues dominated the election campaign. 37. The flavor of most foods can be enhanced by good cooking. 38. Some people say that's why the dinosaurs went extinct. 39. I’m in a dilemma about this job offer. 40. Juan accepted his destiny without complaint. 二、 完形填空:

初升高自主招生英语辅导材料8套 第(10)页

My name is Amy. I’m a 25-year-old graduate student who likes yoga, home-decorating shows and eating spoonfuls of peanut butter 21 from the jar. Oh yeah, and I’m an iPhone addict.

I wasn’t always an addict. In fact, for many years I told myself I didn’t want a 22 cellphone. They seemed like too much work, always beeping, ringing and 23 attention. I was 24 content with my simple antique (古董,此处指旧手机), and I didn’t expect to change my mind any time soon.

However, about a year ago, I found myself envious of all those proud iPhone owners, cradling their shiny new phones and 25 all their friends. I started listening secretly to conversations about “iPhone apps”, feeling like a 26 listening to a language I couldn’t speak.

Eventually I couldn’t 27 my iPhone instinct (本能) any longer, and I welcomed my new iPhone into my life.

To my surprise, I suddenly found myself with a whole new circle of friends. They 28 my iPhone-related inquiries when my other friends couldn’t, and didn’t 29 when I bragged about (吹嘘) all the things little Eloise (yes, I named her) could do.

However, I realized I had a problem when one day I found myself Google-mapping my way to my mailbox, which happens to be right outside my front door.

When I 30 the past few months, I couldn’t believe I didn’t see this coming. All the 31 signs were there. Eloise slept right beside me and was the first thing I 32 in the morning. I 33 my e-mail about 20 times a day. I also experienced 34 when I left poor Eloise in the change room at the gym. 35 she beeped and needed my response? Okay, so I was addicted to my iPhone.

I decided 36 had to be done. But, as I quickly realized, iPhones are like 37 and not easy to quit.

Then, while taking the bus to work one day, I was 38 forced to quit—at least 39 . When I reached into my purse to grab Eloise, (to refer to my e-mail for only the seventh time that morning), I found her 40 by fever. She was so hot that I dropped her immediately back into my bag. When I picked her up again, she was gone. 21. A. straight B. excitedly C. hurriedly D. randomly 22. A. faithful B. fancy C. fragile D. curious 23. A. demanding B. attempting C. rejecting D. paying 24. A. partly B. frequently C. perfectly D. gradually 25. A. showing them off to B. impressing them on C. discussing them with D. recommending them to

26. A. farmer B. tourist C. native D. worker 27. A. inspect B. submit C. ignore D. confirm

28. A. turned down B. laughed at C. comment on D. responded to 29. A. roll their eyes B. open their mouths C. wave their hands D. nod their heads 30. A. rest on B. reflect upon C. settle down D. concentrate on 31. A. funny B. guilty C. warning D. positive 32. A. dream of B. came across C. glanced through D. reached for 33. A. checked B. wrote C. delivered D. deleted

34. A. happiness B. anxiety C. starvation D. disappointment

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35. A. How when 36. A. nothing 37. A. cigarettes 38. A. instantly 39. A. permanently 40. A. drowned

B. How about C. What if D. In case B. anything C. everything D. something B. coffee C. books D. milk B. unexpectedly C.completely D. surprisingly B. unwillingly C. temporarily D. accidentally B. removed C. exploded D. overcome


“I was only thirteen when four of my team members and I were chosen by my swim coach to train with the Chinese National Team. The following piece shows how that experience has influenced me.”

The night before I left for China, my mother called me into her room. I entered not knowing what to expect. I sat down at the end of her very neatly-made bed, opposite the bedroom table on which she kept a Ming-style vase illustrated in great detail. She told me that my great-grandmother was still living in the surroundings of Beijing. Her name was Ren Li Ling and she was 97 years old. This was the first time I had ever heard of her.

The dragon on the vase snaked through the flowers and vines(藤蔓)as my mother said, “Pu Pu, look at me. You need to hear this so that when you go to China you will understand. You must keep this knowledge in your heart.”

She told me a story about my grandfather, Ren Li Ling's son, who left Beijing to go to college in Taiwan. She told me how the Chinese civil war kept him away from his mother for fifty years, so neither of them even knew that the other was alive. No one from Taiwan could visit, write, or call anyone in mainland. All lines of communication were cut off.

She told me of my grandfather's devotion to his own children, and how difficult it was for him to send his daughter to America for her education, fearing that same separation. He gave my mother all that he could give — nineteen years of love and fifty years of savings. I learned how my mother, through means only available in this country, would finally be able to unite my great-grandmother with my grandfather again. The dragon curled around the vase, connecting the separate vines. For a fleeting second, I felt it was present in my mother's room. It was all very strange, yet very clear. I began to understand that this trip to China was not just for me; it was for my mother, and her father, and his mother. Now, I had not only a future, but more significantly, a past. I saw the world with new eyes.

And so I went to China and met my great-grandmother. My great-aunt picked me up at the training center, and we rode in a taxi through the crowded city. The noise of the taxi and the city united into a deep roar. We finally stopped in front of a narrow street lined on either side with small one-level houses. As we made our way to a house like all the others, I drew the stares of many people in the street. My great-aunt led me through a rotting(朽烂的)doorway into a room with a furnace(炉子), table, and a rocking chair where an old woman wearing gloves sat facing the doorway, covered with a worn brown blanket. I walked over and immediately embraced this frail woman as if I had known her all my life. My limited, broken Chinese wasn't up to expressing my complicated feelings. And even though I couldn't completely understand what she was saying in her thick Beijing accent, I knew — the same way I knew what my mother had been trying to tell me before I left. Her joy shone through her toothless smile. She wouldn't let go of my hand. I haltingly(结结巴巴地)asked her how she had managed to live such a long life. She answered in

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words I will never forget, “Hope has kept me alive. I have lived this long because I wanted to see my son before I died.”

My fellow team members must have wondered how two people separated by three generations could be so close. Before this trip, I would have wondered the same thing. And even now, I can't quite explain it. We were as different as two people can be; some 85 years and 8,000 miles apart. We came from two entirely different cultures; yet we were connected by a common heritage(传统).

I stayed for dinner which was cooked in a black iron wok(锅)over the furnace. The meal was lavish(过分丰盛的), prepared in my honor. As I began to eat, with my great-grandmother beside me, I felt the dragon was present. But this time, the feeling didn't pass; the dragon had become a part of me.

My great-grandmother passed away last year at the age of 100. With her highest hopes and wildest dreams fulfilled, I know she died happy.

41. The writer’s mother called him into her room to ___________________. A. prepare him for the trip and warn him against possible problems B. remind him of his origin

C. ask him to look for his great-grandmother D. share with him the story of her childhood

42. The dragon is mentioned several times in the passage because __________________. A. the vase with the dragon on it is very valuable and beautiful B. it stands for the blood running in every Chinese C. it is a sign of the writer’s devotion to his birthplace

D. the writer’s mother hoped the writer would be as strong as a dragon

43. How old was the writer’s mother when she was sent to America for her education. A. 13 B. 16 C. 19 D. 20 44. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

A. The writer’s grandfather was afraid of a war when sending his daughter to America. B. The hope to see her son again kept the writer’s great-grandmother alive for this long. C. It was within the writer’s expectation that he could be so close to his great-grandmother. D. The writer’s great-grandmother was reunited with her son before she died. 45. Which is the best title for the text?

A. We Share the Same Heritage. B. Love from My Great-grandmother. C. A Story from My Mother. D. An Unforgettable Training Trip. 答案

21-25 ABACA 26-30 BCDAB 31-35 CDABC 36-40 DABCD 56-60 BBCDA

初升高自主招生英语辅导材料8套 第(13)页



1. The old system must be reformed as soon as possible________ some honest people can’t fully show off their abilities.

A. which B. that C. where D. what

2. A few years ago, My Heart Will Go On was a popular song among young people, __________ were often heard singing it at parties. A. who B. which C. they D. that

3. There are some technologies for safe drinking water that ____ to be used to find long-term solutions to the problems the world is facing. A. are being developed B. have been developed C. is being developed D. has been developed

4. --- I’ll ask the teacher about the attributive clause. I’m very puzzled about it. --- That’s just _____ most of our classmates have doubt. A. what B. why C. where D. how 5. --- I want to persuade Marie to take part in the activity.

--- It is out of the question. You ______ not change her mind,because she is stubborn. A. can B. would C. should D. may

6. Many experts hold the view ______ teachers’ development is ______ the key to better education lies.

A. which; where B. which; in which C. that; where D. that; in which 7. We need a (n) _______ team leader who can really motivate the members to work harder. A. considerable B. cautious C. dynamic D. conventional 8. --- What do you suppose ______ her look so upset? --- ______ by her boyfriend again.

A. made; She was misunderstood B. had made; Having been misunderstood C. has made; Being misunderstood D. made; Misunderstood

9. Your composition_______ beautifully. Is it the one I saw you write yesterday? A. is read B. was read C. reads D. read 10. --- Have you seen Mike these days?

--- Yes. I saw him the day before yesterday. In fact, I ______ him for three years. A. didn’t see B. haven’t seen C. hadn’t seen D. don’t see 11. --- How do you find the movie The Cove?

--- _______sad. It _______ a bloody picture of dolphins being killed.

A. Looks; presents B. Looking; presents C. Looks; presented D. Looked; presented 12. Is it true _____ the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here?

A. when B. that when C. whenever D. That

13. It is the first time that smoking control ______into China’s national economic and social development.

A. is put B. will be put C. was put D. has been put 14. They notice that plants don’t grow well _______ is much shade. A. where B. which C. where there D. there

15. According to the newly-made traffic regulation, whoever drives through red light _____be fined at

least 200 dollars. A. shall B. may C. would D. should 16. When chatting with her on the mobile phone, the battery _______ dead suddenly. A. went B. came C. remained D. changed

17. If you _______ carry with you the belief that all you do is right, it’s none of my business. A. should B. may C. can D. must

18. Our planet has gone through too many wars. ______there never be another world war! A. Must B. Can C. May D. Will 19. ---The task is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can make it? --- ____my partner have a try? I think she is the right person to do it. A. Will B. Might C. Should D. Shall

20. The director requested the flexible approach some engineers refused to adopt _ into practice

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at once.

A. should put B. to be put C. be put D. of being put

21. Mrs. Jones ______ twice as much for the dress had the salesman insisted, for she really loved its

color and style.

A. would pay B. should pay C. would have paid D. should have paid 22. Our former maths teacher moved to Beijing last year, or he _____ us.

A. will still teach B. would still have taught C. would still be teaching D. still taught 23. What if you _____ to send an essay with your application? Would you have been rejected? A. forget B. would forget C. had forgotten D. should forget 24. It is said that about 60% of housewives have a brand ________before entering the store. A. in mind B. on sale C. in possession D. on purpose

25. Growing up in a tough environment, the brothers went_________ thick and thin together. A. over B. across C. with D. through

26. I would appreciate ________, frankly speaking, if the goods could be delivered as soon as

possible. A. that B. this C. it D. one 27. So absorbed in his work ____________that not a sound ___________.

A. was the president; did she dare to make B. was the president; dared she to make C. the president was; she dared make D. the president was; she did dare to make 28. --- You haven’t been to Xi’an, have you? --- ___________. How ____________!

A. Yes, I have; I wish B. Yes, I haven’t; I wish it C. No, I have; I wish to D. No, I haven’t; I wish to 29. --- ______________the doctor was murdered?

--- It was in the art gallery_________ famous paintings were on display. A. Where it was that; that B. Where it was that; where C. Where was it that; where D. Where was it that; that

30. The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life _______some trees waving in the howling wind.

A. were B. being C. was D. to be

31. David got well-prepared for the university interview, for he couldn’t risk the good opportunity _______.

A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost

32. Scientists have created the world’s smallest “snowman”, ______ about a fifth of the width of a

human hair. A. measures B. measuring C. measured D. to measure 33. ______ in the leg made it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual. A. Being injured B. To be injured C. Having injured D. Injured 34. --- Why do you look so upset?

--- ________, I had to take over his work. A. His being away B. He was away C. He had been away D. He being away

35. Some people tried to separate our country by taking illegal action, which didn't exactly

______ racial harmony.

A. make it B.make for C.make out D. make up 36. The plan ______just because people were unwilling to cooperate.

A. put down B.pulled down C.turned down D.broke down

37. Compared with the other players on the team, that footballer was short. But his speed ________ his small size.

A. compensated for B. headed for C. applied for D. pushed for

38. The Chinese government will keep updating information about H7N9 bird flu in a transparent

manner, and _______ public concerns in a timely manner. A. subscribe to B. respond to C. contribute to D. adjust to 39. ---Dad, I have been appointed as manager of our company, but I am worried about it. --- Why worry? Increased responsibility can ____ your best qualities.

A. bring in B. bring about C. bring up D. bring out 40. ______ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.

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A. However a serious problem B. what a serious problem C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem

41. When _____word came that the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature had been awarded to Mo Yan, _______ internationally known author, China went into a national celebration. A. a; the B. 不填; an C. the; the D. the; an

42. Word power section should be taken seriously because of the benefits _______ can have on the vocabulary of the students. A. this B. that C. it D. one 43. --- Sorry, I can’t chat with you. I ______ on my history paper.

--- History paper? I thought you ______ it. A. am working; have finished B. have been working; would finish C. am working; had finished D. have been working; are finishing 44. --- Congratulations on your success in completing the experiment.

--- This is really the result we expected to see ______ after so much hard work. A. achieved B. achieve C. achieving D. to achieve

45. After the tragedy happened, a question puzzled the public _______ the middle-aged man killed such a little baby in a cruel way. A. when B. whether C. how D. why

46. The medical school plans to provide more training for nurses in large hospitals and make nursing services _______ to households and communities.

A. accessible B. adaptable C. preferable D. flexible 47. --- Due to the situation _______ our control, the performance had to be cancelled. --- What a pity! I was looking forward to it. A. without B. beyond C. against D. within

48. A British official said that _______ this impractical policy could be changed, the future for Britain was indeed dark. A if B. when C. unless D. until 49. --- To get a slim figure, Fanny has tried many ways, but in vain. --- So now she is reduced _______ anything for supper. A. not to eat B. not to eating C. to not eating D. to not eat 50. ---What’s wrong with you? You looked worried.

---Oh, I was wondering how I could _________ to the little children.

A. get across B. show off C. hold back D. work out

51. Nowadays, employers not only pay attention to graduates’ academic qualifications but also their _______. A. statuses B. bonuses C. virtues D. vacancies

52. Whether you like it or not, we live in a society _______ exchanging presents is an important

part of communication. A. which B. that C. when D. where 53. A witness reported seeing a man driving his car crazily as if _______. A. drinking B. drink C. drunk D. to drink 54. It is not like Jack to be unfriendly, so he _______ you when you called. A. would not have seen B. should not have seen C. must not have seen D. need not have seen

55. I can’t land a job because I do not have any work experience. But how can I gain experience if nobody wants to hire me? Isn’t it _______? A. a catch-22 B. a feet of clay C. a piece of cake D. the salt of the earth 56. _______, the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him.

A. Wanting the job very much B. Although wanting the job badly C. Though he wanted the job very much D. He wanted the job badly

57. ___want to devote their whole life to their career should go __there are various career opportunities.

A. Whoever; where B. Those who; where C. Whoever; in which D. Those who; in which

58. Mr Smith always arrives at his office ______ at 8 o’clock, not a minute early or late. A. flexibly B. punctually C. fluently D. approximately 59. ________, I believe, and you will find him very outgoing.

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A. Having a talk with Tom B. Given a talk with Tom C. One talk with Tom D. If you have a talk with Tom 60. --- Do we offer him the job? --- ______ You’re the boss. A. It’s your call. B. After you. C. Why not? D. It’s great. 61. --- Sorry, it's already 6 o’clock. I have to be off for an appointment. ---OK. ________.

A. It couldn’t be better B. You really have me there C. Let’s call it a day D. Take your time

62. Everything was placed exactly ________ he wanted it for cooking the big meal. A. while B. where C. when D. though 63. ---It’s said that Mr Wang had his drivers license revoked because of drunk driving. ---_________.

A. So what? B. By all means C. Serve him right D. It couldn’t be more unfair

64. Everyone can receive education. That’s to say, education is taken as a right rather than a(an) ____.

A. advantage B. privilege C. emergency D. inspiration 65. ---How about buying Tim a mobile phone ? After all, he isn’t a boy any more.

---I think it’s necessary, for we sometimes want to make sure if he _____ home for dinner. A. will come B. comes C. has come D. would come

66. China is home to many famous historic sites, one of which, _______ the 14th century, exhibits fine

examples of the architecture of that time.

A. dates from B. dates back to C. dated from D. dating back to 67. They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of ________ carried out in their work. A. which B. what C. that D. them

68. Beijing is addressing air pollution on _______ larger scale and with more investment to

ensure _______ blue skies than it did for the Olympics. A. a; 不填; B. a; the C. the; the D. the; 不填;


69. The 2 Summer Youth Olympic Games, _______ athletes between the ages of 14 and 18, will be held in Nanjing in 2014.

A. promoting B. featuring C. confirming D. ensuring 70. --- _______ the woman with the baby come over? We have a seat here.

--- Thank you, sir. Actually I do have my seat here. But my baby likes to look out of the


A. Would B. Shall C. Must D. May 71. --- You have made a promise to go with me to Nanjing. So why aren’t you getting ready? --- But I ________ that you wanted me to start at once. A. haven’t realized

B. hadn’t realized

C. didn’t realize

D. don’t realize

72. --- Steven, where did you come across the famous novelist from England?

--- Believe it or not, it was in the supermarket ________ we went shopping last Sunday. A. which B. that C. there D. where 答案

1-5 CAACA 6-10 CCCCC 11-15 ABDCA 16-20 ADCDC 21-25 CCCAD 26-30 CADCB 31-35 DBADB

36-40 DABDC 41-45 BCCAD 46-50 ABCCA 51-55 CDCBA 56-60 CBBCA 61-65 CBCBA 66-70 DDABA 71-72 CD

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1. Both companies are involved in the joint development of a new medium-sized car. a joint effort

a permanently damaged knee joint Something is out of joint in our society. 2. About 11 judges made up the jury of the case.

The jury is still out on the overall impact of the programme on the budget. 3. Ministers must appear before parliament regularly and justify their actions. While you are in the danger of being attacked, nothing justifies murdering another human being.

4. The police appealed to witnesses to come forward after a woman was kidnapped. 5. Shaw got a heavy sentence for the theft and languished in jail for fifteen years. Local manufacturing industry began to languish gradually for lack of government support. 6. The government has promised to legislate against racial and sexual discrimination. The government has promised to bring in/introduce new legislation to combat cyber crimes. 7. The hotel offers various leisure facilities such as a swimming pool and sauna. The leisure industry

Take the leaflets home and read them at your leisure. 8. The car is liable to overheat on long trips. You're more liable to injury when doing sports if you don't get regular exercise. Whoever is found trespassing is liable to a maximum fine of $100. 9. literal meaning/sense/interpretation literal translation literal-minded I said I felt like quitting, but I didn't mean it literally. You shouldn’t just take the passage literally. You are expected to read between lines. 10. People who drop litter can be fined in some cities. a litter of kittens Littering everywhere casually is bad manners.

Recent business news has been littered with stories of companies failing. 11. lodge a complaint/protest/appeal The refugees were lodged in a deserted garage. John lodged with a family in Los Angles when he first started work. 12. He made a large fortune and could lead a life of luxury for the rest of his life. A comfortable bed to sleep in is a luxury that we take for granted. 13. The photo shows bacteria magnified to 1000 times their actual size. The dry summer has magnified the problem of water shortages. 14. As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion. 15. You will be asked to perform some standard manoeuvres during your driving test. diplomatic manoeuvres on manoeuvres They didn’t left us much room for manoeuvre. 16. The college has established an effective student support mechanism. ESM

17. He mediates for half an hour every morning. He lay in bed, meditating on what had happened.

Silently they meditated revenge. Try to set aside half an hour for meditation. 18. They weighed up the relative merits of the four candidates. 19. Thousands were forced to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of work. The country has a large seasonal migrant population, who work on the coffee and cotton

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plantations for part of the year.

20. It's a miracle that nobody was killed in the crash. work/perform miracles a miracle drug/cure 二、完形填空:

1: The term “quality of life” is difficult to define. It 21 a very wide scope, such as living environment, health, employment, food, family life, friends, education, material possessions, leisure, 22 and so son. Generally speaking, the quality of life, especially as seen as by the individuals, is meaningful in 23 of the degree to which these various areas of life are available or provide satisfaction to the individuals.

As activity carried out as one thinks fit during one’s spare time, leisure has the following 24 : relaxation, recreation and entertainment, and personal development. The importance of these varies according to the nature of one’s job and one’s life style. Thus, people who need to exert much energy in their work will find relaxation most 25 in leisure. Those with better education and in professional occupations may 26 more to seek recreation and personal development (e.g., 27 of skills and hobbies) in leisure.

The specific use of leisure varies from individual to individual. Even the same leisure activity may be used differently by different individuals. Thus, the following are possible uses of television watching, a popular leisure activity: a change of experience to provide “ 28 ” from the stress and strain of work; to learn more about what is happening in one’s environment; to provide an opportunity for understanding oneself by comparing other people’s life experiences as portrayed in the programs. 29 leisure is basically self-determined, one is able to take to one’s interests and preferences and get 30 in an activity in ways that will bring enjoyment and satisfaction. 21. A. consists B. constitutes C. covers D. composes 22. A. reservation B. recognition C. excursion D. recreation 23. A. terms B. direction C. place D. means 24. A. operations B. definition C. functions D. identification 25. A. preferable B. desirable C. rational D. feasible 26. A. tend B. choose C. oblige D. prefer 27. A. nutrition B. training C. promotion D. cultivation 28. A. separation B. escape C. isolation D. flight 29. A. Therefore B. Since C. Although D. Whether 30. A. involved B. employed C. participated D. attended 2. A. general F. Similarly B. perform G. picking up C. detail H. Consequently D. focusing I. ability E. familiar J. maintain There is no doubt that people and even highly educated adults vary greatly in the speed and efficiency of their reading. Some proceed very slowly throughout; others dash along too quickly and then have to go back. Poor readers in particular may lack the ___31___ to vary their pace in reading. A great reader can move at great speed through the text of a novel or ___32___ light reading materials. He may be able to skim a page, ___33___ a word or two here and there, and gain a ___34___ idea what the text is about without really reading it. In reading more difficult materials, with the intension of taking in the whole of it, he proceeds more slowly, but even then he will vary his pace, ___35___ on the key words and passages and pass more quickly over the

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remainder. A less efficient reader, however, tends to ___36___ the same speed whatever materials he reads. ___37___, even light reading materials require special concentration at difficult points.

A type of reading which requires careful attention to ___38___ is proofreading (校对), in which the reader, in order to detect misprints in a sample print, has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads. This is extremely difficult for most people, since they are accustomed to overlooking such details. In fact, extreme practice is required to __39___ this task efficiently and it can be done only by reading very slowly, and by paying comparatively little attention to the general meaning on the text.


Hilary Smith belonged to a good family.But by the age of twenty, he had spent all the money the good old family had.He then had some trouble with the bank and was put in prison.He escaped from the prison and ran to Australia without delay. Hilary did not like Australia did Australia did not like Hilary.What.he could do seemed to be one of two things: die or work.Then he remembered that he was not alone in the world.He had an aunt. She was his father's only sister, but his father used to say she brought no glory to the family.Hilary, of course, tried to discover what she had done.It seemed that she had failed to marry a nobleman.Instead, she had chosen a husband who was connected with \.Of course as soon as she became \.Later on, Mr Parks died and left her a lot of money; but that did not bring her back to life in her brother's opinion. Hilary discovered his aunt's address.Fortunately she remained faithful and honest to him even after she fell ill.So Hilary's star shone again, and soon he moved into her house and lived as comfortably as a sailor who had just reached harbour.He had only about a sixpence in his pocket. One thing was soon clear: his aunt was seriously ill, and nothing could cure her illness.Hilary was very worried.Fate had found a home for him, and was now going to throw him out of it.There was only one thing that could save him: her will. \she said, \I have made one.That was when I was a girl and had not much money.I left all my money to some religious people.\ \. His aunt shook her head.\.When I finally had a lot of money I found 1 had no relations.\ On the next day he went to the public library and examined a book of law.It told him what he already believed.When a woman is married, an earlier will loses its value.A new will must be made.If no new will is made, the money goes to the nearest illation.Hilary knew that he was his aunt's only relation.His future was safe. After a few months had passed, Hilary's problems became serious.He badly needed money.He had expensive tastes, and owed a lot of money to shopkeepers.They trusted him because his aunt was rich; but the debt was terrible. Unfortunately his aunt did not want to discuss money matters at all.In the end they had a quarrel about the small amount of ten pounds.Hilary was not very angry.He began to wonder about a new problem.Was it kind to want his aunt to live.any longer? Was it not better for her to die now? While he was considering what to do, his aunt told him that she was going to send for her lawyer.So she was going to make a new will, Hilary thought.She might leave all her money to someone else.Soon he reached a clear decision.He must do a great kindness to the poor old woman. One night when the old servant who had been nursing his aunt went: off, he doubled the

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The story spread over the ship. Mr. Kelada was laughed at badly. But Mrs. Ramsay went to her room with a headache.

Next morning I got up and began to shave. Suddenly there was some sound and I saw a letter pushed under the door. I picked it up and saw it was to Mr. Kelada. I handed it to him.

He took from the envelope a hundred-dollar bill. I looked at him smiling: “Were the pearls real?”

“Yes. If I had a pretty wife I shouldn’t let her spend a year in New York while I stayed in Japan,” said he. At that moment I didn’t dislike Mr. Kelada.

36. The reason why Mr. Kelada was disliked by many people was that he______.

A. cared for no one else B. felt so good with himself C. pretended to be learned D. cheated people with lies 37. According to the passage, Mr. Ramsay______.

A. had earned a good wealth B. dressed his wife in a proper way C. had special interest in pearls D. intended to teach Kelada a lesson

38. “That chain you’re wearing will never be worth a cent less than it is now” means______.

A. the value of the chain is sure to go up B. the value of the chain is going down C. the chain is worth no more than a cent D. the chain is just worth nothing at all 39. Mrs. Ramsay was unwilling to show her pearls because she knew______.

A. they were worthless imitation B. they would be made fun of C. they were really too expensive D. they would soon lose the value 40. It was very______ of Mr. Kelada not to tell the truth.

A. careless B. impolite C. cruel D. thoughtful

41. We can infer from the passage that Mrs. Ramsay’s pearl chain might be bought by______.

A. herself B. her husband C. her lover D. Mr. Kelada 四、翻译:




36-41 BDACDC

With the development of society, man’s demand water is increasing, but the water resources which are available for human is sharply declining. The deterioration of ecosystem brought about by the water crisis poses a great threat to the human existence. How to make use of the water resources effectively and promote the sustainable development and conservation of water resources has become an urgent problem that faces all the countries in the world.

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1. A small group of demonstrators staged a peaceful protest outside the UN Headquarters. Thousands of people blocked the street, protesting against the new legislation. without protest

Although he has been arrested and investigated for some time, he is still protesting his innocence.

2. She hopes her editorial will provoke readers into thinking seriously about the issue. The condition of holding summit meeting is that Japan should stop provoking the Chinese people.

3. Migrant peasants’ living and working conditions have received much publicity over the last few years.

The Government has launched a publicity campaign to win support from the citizens. 4. Students should pursue their own interests with determination, as well as do their school work. They will pursue the matter further until they have found satisfactory results. 5. Fluency in three languages qualifies her for work in the European Parliament. If the French team wins, it will qualify for a place in the finals tomorrow. 6. Her boyfriend’s letter filled her with rage and disappointment. In a rage fly into a rage

7. She is so stubborn and self-centered that it's impossible to have a rational conversation with him.

8. He recalled that his parents and he would go fishing together on Saturdays when he was young. Both countries recalled their ambassadors in protest against each other’s actions. Many consumers insisted that their cars should be recalled due to an engine fault. 9. The possibility remains that the two theories may be reconciled with each other. After ten years of silence, he was finally reconciled with his family. 10. Our company is small. We're having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff. Most of the men in the village were recruited with the intention of defending their motherland. 11. To ensure food safety, the government introduced strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food.

The discoveries of the research indicate that people sweat to regulate their body heat. 12. Don’t get worried. There are a number of possible remedies to this problem. an excellent remedy for sore throats beyond/past/without remedy

13. Only negotiations can resolve the dispute over the boundaries between the two countries. After the divorce she resolved never to marry again. 14. There are hopes that the conflict can be resolved without resort to violence. a seaside resort Strike action should be regarded as a last resort, when all attempts to negotiate have failed. 15. The children had been indoors all day, and were getting restless. After staying in Marseille for a few weeks, I grew restless and decided to move on. 16. On hearing the bad news, she could barely restrain herself from breaking down in public. 17. To protect the environment, the tourist attraction needs to restrict the number of tourists. I'm restricting myself to two cigarettes a day to keep healthy. 18. The recommended retail price is £9.99. the retail business

19. The army was forced to retreat from the front after suffering heavy losses. 初升高自主招生英语辅导材料8套 第(32)页

