南京大学英语二层次U1-3自测题 - 图文

更新时间:2023-10-06 11:02:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


第 1 题:There will be a _____ show tonight in the hall. A.fashion C.furnishment B.feature D.fiction

第 2 题:______ means the raising of children and all the responsibilities and activities that are involved in it. A.Literating C.Breeding B.Parenting D.Bringing

第 3 题:He was once an _____ artist and was very popular at that time. A.desirable C.remote B.destructive D.accomplished

第 4 题:In societies with strong family ______ people tend to live longer. A.ribbon C.binds B.force D.bonds

第 5 题:Betty _____ her parents very much and her parents also treasure her. A.admits C.applies B.advances D.adores

第 6 题:They had a fierce _____ on the advantages and disadvantages of students' doing part-time jobs last week. A.debate C.conflict B.clash D.contest 第 7 题:Because of its geographical position, Germany's ______ on the situation in Easten Europe is rather different from Britain's. A.perspective C.performance B.determination D.pursuit

第 8 题:Even if what you learn is not ______ for your life, the skills of learning will be something you cherish forever. A.critic C.initial B.critical D.scarce

第 9 题:You must become ______ and supportive of others.. A.noticeable C.patient B.tolerant D.specific

第 10 题:When I proposed a new ______ topic to my Ph.D. advisor, he said that he didn't fully agree with me. A.article C.paper B.dissertation D.term 第 11 题:The advantage of this system is its _____ so that people can decide for themselves what they want to do. A.capability C.workability B.passion D.flexibility

第 12 题:Steve Jobs said when you are in college, your ______ will create many dots. A.patience C.motives B.motion D.passion

第 13 题:Your mother and I have no ______ for your grades. A.expectations C.illusions B.wishes D.ambitions

第 14 题:There is some wonderful ______ in these old manuscripts. A.writing C.balancing B.teaching D.calligraphy 第 15 题:The fuel is ______ by a shower of sparks.

A.indicated C.initiated B.ignored D.ignited

第 16 题:Do not eat these kinds of food _____ so as not to make you fat. A.excessively C.comfortably B.continuously D.calmly

第 17 题:His _____ techniques in playing the piano have earned him thunderous applauses. A.generous C.general B.gorgeous D.peculiar

第 18 题:The car slowed down to go around the _____ in the road. A.lines C.curves B.bends D.turns

第 19 题:For college students, doing a part-time job will _____ a great influence on their personality and life. A.exert C.spell B.secure D.share 第 20 题:Not all students work well under _____. A.shock C.consideration B.pressure D.trouble

第 21 题:James was _____ because he had his wallet stolen. A.frightened C.update B.nervous D.upset

第 22 题:He has won _____ for China in the Olympic Games for several times. A.honor C.transition B.competition D.transformation第 23 题:The child _____ going to bed in the dark. A.scares C.dreads B.inquires D.requires

第 24 题:The farmers _____ that their crops were the best in the country. A.devoted C.devoured B.bragged D.gathered 第 25 题:Shoes made of ______ leather are more expensive. A.artificial C.genuine B.soft D.truly

第 26 题:Being _____ to others or to yourself--which one is more difficult? A.sincere C.secure B.similar D.steady

第 27 题:The fact that they reacted so differently was a reflection of their different _____.

A.permission C.passion B.feature D.personality

第 28 题:England brought on their _____ player when one of them was injured. A.substance C.replacement B.substitute D.package 第 29 题:Struggling for survival is human being's _____. A.response C.instinct B.impulse D.consciousness

第 30 题:After the argument the boys decided to _____ and forget. A.foretell C.recommend B.forgive D.reinforce

第 31 题:Whatever decisions that ______ you, you must take control of your life. A.find C.challenge B.confront D.assure 第 32 题:Travelling at a height of 30,000 feet,far above the clouds is an _____ experience. A.experimental C.exhilarating B.explosive D.ideal

第 33 题:I _____ friendship very much because I believe that true friendship is worth more than money. A.venture C.treasure B.calculate D.propose

第 34 题:We should give him the _____ of explaining what happened. A.copyright C.reputation B.position D.opportunity 第 35 题:He _____ that the temperature had risen. A.obliged C.observed B.proposed D.provided

第 36 题:My mother worked as a domestic three jobs at a time because she didn't want to be on ______. A.benefits C.help B.soupport D.welfare 第 37 题:That space has been _____ for a new hospital. A.accumulated C.alleged B.allocated D.involved

第 38 题:She did her studies in Botany at Ferguson College way back when girls hardly ______ into the field of science. A.risked C.endangered B.ventured D.adventured

第 39 题:Only very _____ children manage to fill up a money-box. A.naughty C.thrifty B.suspicious D.surprised 第 40 题:The leaves of most trees are _____. A.synthetic C.systematic B.symmetrical D.symbolic




第 41 题:But the time has come for you to be in the driver's seat. A.但是现在到了该你自己掌舵的时候了。 B.但是你自己坐在驾驶室的时候到了。 C.但是现在该你自己开车了。 第 42 题:Grades are just silly letters that vain people brag about, and lazy people dread. A.分数只是很愚蠢的字母,会使人变得虚荣,使懒惰的人害怕。 B.分数就像信件一样让不成功的人吹嘘自己,懒散的人为之害怕。 C.成绩只不过是虚荣者用以吹嘘、慵懒者恐惧的无聊数字而已。

第 43 题:Give people the benefit of the doubt; don't stereotype and always forgive. A.请相信人们是无辜的;不要墨守成规,要原谅别人。



第 44 题:I felt a tingling sensation that directly touched my heart. A.我感到一阵激动,直达内心深处。。 B.我感到一种触动我心脏的感觉。

C.我感到一种直接触动我心灵的感觉。 第 45 题:I remember my daughter of three following us around every weekend to get building supplies.

A.我记得我三个女儿中的一个跟在我们后面去买家庭日常用品。 B.记得三岁的你每个周末都跟着我们去买建筑材料。


第 46 题:You put up with that boring period without a fuss, happily eating hamburgers in the car and singing with Barney until you fell asleep.




第 47 题:Your sister adores you and looks up to you as her role model. A.妹妹崇拜你,看着你,把你当成她的模特。 B.妹妹欣赏你,仰视看你时就像看一个模特。 C.妹妹很爱你、敬重你,并把你当成她的榜样。

第 48 题:There is nothing we wish more than that your bond will continue as you grow older, and that you will care for each other throughout your lives.

A.我们没别的希望,只希望你们的这种纽带关系一直持续到老,并且要互相关心。 B.随着年龄的增长,我们希望没有什么比你们的关系更重要的了,要互相关心。


第 49 题:I did that to show you things are rarely black and white, and a problem can always be looked at from different perspectives.

A.我这么做就是想让你知道:很多事情不是“非黑即白”,看一个问题总是有很多角度。 B.我那样做是向你表明事物很少是黑白兼有,问题总是要从不同方面来解决。 C.我那样做是向你说明事物很少是黑白颠倒的,但要从不同角度对待问题。

第 50 题:I have come to learn this isn’t just flexibility but is supportive of critical thinking.

A.我来了之后才知道,这不只是灵活性,但也是对批判性思考的支持。 B.来到这里才学到,不仅仅要能伸能屈,而且要维持批判性思维。


第 51 题:Enjoy picking your dots, and be assured one day you will find your calling, and connect a gorgeous curve through the dots.


B.尽兴地选择你的点吧,你要相信有一天你会找到自己的人生使命,勾勒出来一条美丽的曲线。 C.尽快地捡起你的点吧,肯定有一天你会找到自己的电话呼叫,连起一条美丽的曲线。 第 52 题:Exert yourself in classes, but don’t let pressure upset you. A.在班级里要尽力,但不要让压力使你沮丧。 B.在教室里要表现自己,但不要让压力压垮你。 C.在功课上要尽力,但不要给自己太多压力。 第 53 题:College friends will be the best in your life because they are not only physically closer than your family but the bonds will be strong as you gain independence and enter adulthood together.




第 54 题:Sometimes I am taken advantage of by dishonest people but that loss is nothing compared to what I have gained from being open.

A.有时我被某些不诚信之辈占据优势,但是那种损失与我的所得是不能相比的。 B.有时某些不诚信之辈也会欺骗我,但是以诚待人让我得到的远远超过我失去的。


第 55 题:So please treasure your college years –...evolve yourself into a bi-cultural talent and be bold to experiment, learn and grow through your successes and challenges. A.所以,在你的大学时光里淘金吧,......使自己成为两种文化的达人,不断尝试,从成功和挑战之中学习并成长。



正确答案:ACCAB ACCAC BCCBC 第3部分:理解(每题1分)

第 56 题:According to \with Benjamin Carson\what was true about the author's mother?

A.She was a role model of her neighborhood. B.She worked very hard.

C.She worked in the Goodwill. D.She was a good cook.

第 57 题:According to \extremely______ because she saved every dime and every nickle in her life. A.pathetic B.smart

C.attractive D.thrifty

58 题:According to \’s greatest wish for his two daughters?

A.They should assist each other in their studies and lives. B.The elder one should be the younger one’s role model.

C.They should go on developing a close relationship and take care of each other. D.They should often get together to confide in with each other.

第 59 题:According to \in college in the author's opinion?

A.The ability that students gain to learn new subjects. B.The way in which masters inspire students.

C.The content which teachers teach in each course. D.The method of critical thinking.

第 60 题:According to \daughter on taking courses in college?

A.She should follow Steve Jobs’ example and choose courses like calligraphy. B.She should take those courses that she has a keen interest in.

