2014年中小企业融资外文翻译文献 - 图文

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文献标题:Financing in SMEs: Case of the Baltic States(中小企业融资:以波罗的海国家为例)

国外作者:Ramona Rupeika-Apoga

文献出处:《Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences》,2014, 150:116-125 字数统计:英文2177单词,11410字符;中文3954汉字


Financing in SMEs: Case of the Baltic States

Abstract Access to finance represents one of the most significant challenges for SMEs’ entrepreneurs. To ensure SMEs creation, existence and growth it is vitally important to understand the financing needs of SMEs and entrepreneurs, the main obstacles to finance availability and accessibility. The study indicates the difficulties in SMEs financing for the three Baltic States and provides the governments and other stakeholders with a tool to understand SMEs’ financing needs. The study results highlight importance of alternative resources of external financing for small developing countries such as the Baltic ones and the need to support the design and evaluation of policy measures and to monitor the implications of financial reforms on SMEs’ access to finance.

Keywords: SMEs financing, access to finance, alternative finance recourses, the Baltic States


2008-2009 financial crises has effected availability of external financing for SMEs more dramatically than large enterprises, in the form of higher interest rates, shortened maturities and increased request for collateral. As a result nowadays access to finance represents one of the most significant challenges for SMEs’ entrepreneurs. In the Baltic States SMEs form the largest part of companies, providing the majority

of jobs. Nevertheless, SMEs commonly follow “niche strategies,” using high product quality, flexibility, and responsiveness to customer needs as a means of competing with large-scale mass producers (see, for example, Hallberg, 2000 and Snodgrass, 1996), many researchers have highlighted the shortage of financial resources and access to finance as one of the main barriers to SMEs innovation capacity. Baltic companies find difficult to obtain commercial bank financing, especially long-term loans, for a number of reasons, including lack of collateral, difficulties in proving creditworthiness, small cash flows, inadequate credit history, high risk premiums, underdeveloped bank-borrower relationships and high transaction costs.

Over the past two decades, the Baltic exchanges have strived to address their clients’ needs by employing the latest developments and innovations, and in taking the lead in reforming the securities market. This process has been accelerated by integrating with one of the world’s largest exchange operator and technology supplier across six continents, NASDAQ OMX Group. Altogether, above eighty companies are listed on two Baltic equities lists, which had a market cap of around EUR 5.8 billion in July 2013. The biggest equity market is in Lithuania, then in Estonia and the smallest in Latvia. For SMEs the equity market is more available than the bond market. Unfortunately, the choice of making company shares available for public purchase is in most cases only possible for already well known and with good reputation as well with high growth potential ones. Only in such cases companies can attract investors and to raise public interest. There are strict entry requirements imposed on companies wishing to go ahead with this process. Nevertheless such small listed company quantity and market cap shows that capital market availability is even more problematic than banking loans.

2.Literature Review And Hypotheses

2.1.Access to finance as a challenge for SMEs’ existence

Over 2007-2010 in most countries, SMEs faced more severe credit conditions that did large enterprises, in the form of higher interest rates, shortened maturities and increased request for collateral (OECD, 2012). After a slight improvement in 2010,

credit conditions tightened in most countries in 2011, possibly triggered by an increased awareness of risk on the part of lending institutions. In the Euro area, trends in nominal interest rates reflected tensions on sovereign debt, which increased at the end of 2011, as the interest rate on national debt is usually a lower threshold for the cost of financing in the remaining sectors. A broad range of studies based on various surveys have highlighted that access to finance is one of the main challenges in the way of companies’ growth and development, especially in the case of small and medium enterprises (Peachey, 2004; Beck, 2006; Beck, 2008; ECB, 2012). Numerous studies that use firm-level survey data demonstrate that access to finance and the cost of credit pose barriers to SME financing (Scholtens, 1999; Schiffer, 2001; Galindo, 2003; IADB, 2004; Beck, 2006(a); Beck, 2006 (b)). Similar results were found also in other studies: access to credit is one of the biggest constraints for SMEs in Colombia (Stephanou, 2008); lack of access to finance together with management, labour skills and regulation are the main constraints to growth of SMEs in the UK (Binks, 1997); inability to raise external finance in Slovenia is one of the main obstacles for the SME sector underdevelopment (Hutchinson, 2006); lack to access of external finance is one of the main problems in most of Central and Eastern Europe (Anderson, 1997; Budina, 2000; Gros, 2000; Konings, 2003).

Conducted literature and surveys review shows that importance of access to finance significantly differs by country development level, business environment and economic prospects.

H1: Access to finance is one of the main challenges for SMEs to doing business in the Baltic States

2.2.Alternative finance resources

When a company wants to raise money, one of its first decisions is whether to do so by bank lending or by issuing bonds and shares. In the 20th century, most company finance, apart from share issues was raised by bank loans. But since about 1980 there has been an ongoing trend for disintermediation, where large and credit worthy companies have found they effectively have to pay out less in interest if they borrow from the capital markets rather than banks. The tendency for companies to borrow

from capital markets instead of banks has been especially strong in the US, whereas in Europe the most popular external resources of finances are bank loans, bank overdrafts, trade credits, when other resources as securities, venture capital and other funds are seldom used.

H2: The importance of alternative financing for the Baltic States is growing


3.1.Research Goal

In this study the author aims to highlight importance of alternative funds as a source of external financing for the Baltic States SMEs. The research indicates the difficulties in SMEs financing and provides the governments and other stakeholders with a tool to understand SMEs’ financing needs that helps to improve the access to financing for companies and to support the design and evaluation of policy measures and to monitor the implications of financial reforms on SMEs’ access to finance.

During development of the paper the generally accepted qualitative and quantitative methods of economic research were used including comparative analysis and synthesis, graphical illustration methods.

3.2.Sample and Data Collection

The analysis conducted in this paper is based on data and statistics provided mainly by the Baltic States Central banks, Venture Capital funds and grants programmes, by certain empirical studies and by the World economic forum data base.

3.3.Analyses and Results

Survey on the access to finance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the euro area conducted by ECB has highlighted that in 2013 “Access to finance” was second ranked most pressing problem faced by SMEs in the Euro Area (16%), with a wide divergence across countries, with similar results in previous years (see Fig 1).

On the high side, 32% of the SMEs in Greece, 23% in Spain and 20% in Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands mentioned access to finance as the most pressing problem, compared with around 8% of the SMEs in Germany and Austria on the low side (see Fig. 2).

Finding customers is the main concern for euro area SMEs (24% of euro area SMEs), whereas availability of skilled staff or experienced managers (14%) and cost of production or labour were mentioned as other very important obstacles for doing business.

Across euro area countries, when asked how pressing “access to finance” is as a problem in their current situation, a very large percentage of firms in Greece (61%), Spain and Italy (both 50%) and, to a lesser extent, Portugal (40%) reported that this is a very pressing problem (scale 7-10), while the corresponding percentage in Germany

and Belgium is around 30% and in Finland it drops to 24%. At the same time, 55% of firms in Finland, 45% in Belgium, and 43% in Germany and Austria considered access to finance a not pressing problem (scale 1-3) (ECB, 2013).

In accordance with SME Finance forum data, access to finance is the major problem for ? of all SMEs in Latvia and Lithuania (see table1) and mostly companies are using loans (about 20% of all companies) or overdrafts (about 10% ). Almost half of the companies have stated that they don’t need credit and companies that received loans had gotten them from private commercial banks (about 80%).

Table 1 Access to finance as major/ severe barrier in the Baltic States SMEs (SME Finance forum data)

Access to finance as major/ severe barrier Nr of Enterprises Latvia 27% 120 071 Lithuania 25% 210 916 Estonia 10% 75 637 The results of the conducted analysis support H1- Access to finance is one of the main challenges for SMEs to doing business in the Baltic States as well in Europe and that importance of access to finance significantly differs on country development level, business environment and economic prospects.

In table 2 the author reflected her personal knowledge of financial resources availability in the Baltic markets. The summary is general, and of course shifts in both directions are possible.

Table 2 Access to finance for new and small/ unknown companies

Amounts (EUR) <10 000 <50 000 <100 000 < 1 mln. Bank loans Without With collateral collateral + Securities FF(family and friends) Grants Business angels Venture capital funds + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Availability of financial funds strongly depends on company development level, the bigger and familiar you are the broader choices you have. What is important, that for new companies alternative funds are more available: business angels, venture capital funds, different government support programs and seed funding. This field for Baltic States is rather new, but it’s new also for other countries as a result all countries (more or less) are in the same conditions and as showed previous analysis the Baltic States so far showed rather good results and hopefully this market segment

will be the way for Baltic states to become innovative driven economies.

Analysing availability of financial services in the Baltic States in general, the author concluded that in Estonia companies and individuals have better access than in Latvia and Lithuania, ranking Estonia in 43 place (2012), within 45 best countries, at the same level as Slovak Republic and Czech Republic, and not far from Japan’s and Israel’s levels. Whereas Latvia’s and Lithuania’s positions are 65 and 74 respectively, placing Latvia at the same level as Jamaica and Colombia, and for Lithuania - Uganda and Zambia. Whereas access to finance is significantly better in Estonia, the affordability of financial services is rather similar in the all Baltic countries, placing Latvia and Estonia in 58 and 59 places out of 144 countries, and Lithuania in 73rd place. By evaluating the positions of the Baltic States in the world countries ranks, Latvia shows an improved affordability of financial services when compared with access to services, whereas in Estonia the situation is opposite, as for Lithuania in both determinants situation is the same.

Conducted analysis supports H2 by emphasising the importance of alternative financing for the Baltic States.


Conducted empirical analysis proves that SMEs’ access to finance in the Baltic States is one of the major obstacles to doing business in the Baltic States as well as in the rest of Europe and availability of alternative financing for the Baltic States is improving. As a result H1 (access to finance is one of the main challenges for SMEs to doing business in the Baltic States) and H2 (the importance of alternative financing for the Baltic States is growing) are fully supported.

Availability of financial funds strongly depends on company development level, the bigger and familiar you are the broader choices you have. What is important, that for new companies alternative resources: business angels, venture capital funds, different government support programs and seed funding are more available than bank loans. This field for the Baltic States is rather new, but it’s new also for other countries as a result all countries (more or less) are in the same conditions and

hopefully this market segment will be the way for the Baltic states to become innovative driven economies.

The Baltic States Governments responded to the global financial crisis and its effects on SME financing with a variety of instruments. The most popular measure was loan guarantee programmes, which expanded substantially over 2007-2011. Furthermore, new elements were added to these programmes, or new instruments were created outside of the traditional guarantee programmes. Other public instruments to enhance SME finance included direct loans, micro loans, export guarantees, and support for risk capital (equity) either in the form of co-financing or tax credits for investors.



摘要 获得融资是中小企业企业家面临的最大挑战之一。为了确保中小企业的创建、生存和增长,了解中小企业和企业家的融资需求,以及资金可用性和可取性的主要障碍,显得至关重要。这项研究表明, 三个波罗的海国家的中小企业存在融资困难,并向政府和其他利益相关者提供了解中小企业融资需求的工具。研究结果强调了诸如波罗的海等小发展中国家的外部融资替代资源的重要性,以及需要支持政策措施的设计和评估,并监测金融改革对中小企业融资渠道的影响。

关键词:中小企业融资,融资渠道,替代融资资源,波罗的海国家 1.简介

与大企业相比,2008-2009年的金融危机以较高利率、缩短到期日及增加抵押品的形式,对中小企业外部融资的有效性的影响更为显著。因此,现在获得融资是中小企业企业家面临的最大挑战之一。在波罗的海国家, 中小企业是公司的最大组成部分, 提供了大部分的就业机会。然而,中小型企业通常遵循“利基


在过去20年中, 波罗的海交易所一直致力于利用不断更新的发展和改革来解决客户的需求,并率先改革证券市场。波罗的海交易所通过与全球最大的交易所运营商和跨越六大洲的技术供应商之一的纳斯达克OMX集团进行整合,加快了这一进程。总共有八十家公司在两个波罗的海股票清单上上市,其中在2013年7月的市值约为58亿欧元。最大的股票市场在立陶宛, 然后在爱沙尼亚,最小的在拉脱维亚。对于中小企业而言,股票市场比债券市场更为有效。不幸的是,在大多数情况下,只有众所周知的、拥有良好的信誉且增长潜力高的中小企业才有可能选择公开发行股票以供公众购买。只有在这种情况下,公司才能吸引投资者并提高公众利益。对于希望继续进行这一过程的公司,有严格的准入要求。然而,如此小的上市公司数量和市场上限表明, 资本市场的可用性甚至比银行贷款更成问题。



在大多数国家,2007-2010年,与大型企业相比,中小企业面临更为严峻的信贷条件,被要求较高利率、缩短到期日及增加抵押品( 经济合作与发展组织,2012)。2010年略有改善之后,2011年大部分国家的信贷状况收紧,这可能是由于借贷机构对风险意识的提高而引发的。在欧元区,名义利率的趋势反映出主权债务的紧张局面,由于国债利率通常是其余部门融资成本的一个较低门槛,因此在2011年底有所增加。以各种调查为基础的广泛研究表明, 获得融资是公司成长和发展的主要挑战之一, 特别是在中小企业(皮奇,2004;贝克,2006; 贝克,2008;欧洲央行,2012)。使用企业级调查数据的大量研究表明,获得融资和信贷成本构成了中小企业融资的障碍(肖突尼斯,1999;希弗, 2001;加林多,



假设1:获得融资是中小企业在波罗的海国家开展业务的主要挑战之一 2.2.替代财务资源

当一家公司想要筹集资金时,它的第一个决定是,是否通过银行贷款或发行债券和股票。二十世纪以来,大多数公司的融资, 除了股票发行都是由银行贷款筹集的。但是自1980年以来,一直存在着金融脱媒的持续趋势,大型信贷公司已经发现,如果他们从资本市场而不是银行借款,他们实际上只需要付出较少的利息。在美国,公司从资本市场而不是银行借款的趋势尤其强劲,而在欧洲,最受欢迎的外部资金来源是银行贷款、银行透支、贸易信贷,其他资源如证券、风险投资和其他基金则很少使用。

假设2:波罗的海国家的替代融资的重要性正在增加 3.方法







欧洲央行进行的关于欧元区中小企业融资情况调查显示,2013年,“获得融资”是欧元区中小企业面临的第二大紧迫问题(16%),各国之间的差异很大, 往年也有类似的结果 (见图1)。

图.1 国家对欧元区中小企业面临的最紧迫问题的贡献, 国家对被调查者百分比的贡献 (欧洲央行, 2013)

在高的地方,希腊32%的中小企业,西班牙23% 的中小企业,爱尔兰中小企业、意大利、荷兰20% 的中小企业,都提到获得融资是最紧迫的问题, 相比之下,偏低的地方,只有德国和奥地利8%的中小企业有提到 (见图 2)。

图.2 中小企业获得融资是欧元区最紧迫的问题,被调查者的百分比 (欧洲央行, 统计数据仓库)


