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Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?
本单元的中心话题是pen pals。主要语言功能项目是talk about countries, cities and languages。语法结构为 Where…from; Where…live and what language…speak。先以Activity1复习语言与国家的配对练习入手,Activity2a, 2b一个综合的听力训练来展示学生的听力能力,并以听力内容为基础,通过Activity2c中假设的两人对话操练来培养学生的交流能力,同时也引导学生多沟通与多交流。Activity3a是一篇email形式的阅读文章,并有相关问题由学生在阅读后进行回答Activity3b 是根据提供的信息进行填空的写作练习,Activity3c是一篇模仿写作,让学生给自己的笔友写一封关于本人信息的email。我在各课时教学中设计各种各样的小活动,通过Discussion,Classifying,Guessing等不同方式让学生掌握本单元的知识点,用学会的知识与外国的笔友自如的交谈是学习本单元的目的。 二、教学目标分析 1、语言目标 a. 重点词汇:
Countries: Canada, China, France, Japan, the United States, Singapore,
Australia, The United Kingdom, Paris.
Cities: Sydney, New York, Toronto, Toyo, London Languages: English, French, Japanese, Chinese.
b. 重点句型: -Where…from? -She’s/He’s from…
-Where does…live? -She/He lives in …
-What language does she /he speak? -She/He speaks ….
a. 培养学生在文段中寻找信息的能力;
b. 学会用英文给笔友写回信,简单介绍个人情况; c. 通过有效地小组合作,培养学生合作能力及团队精神。
d. 在连惯的听说读写活动中,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力 , 使学生能熟练运用新句型来谈论年龄和日期。
通过学习本单元的内容,使学生学会用各种方式与世界各国朋友交流。 4、德育目标
了解世界,了解不同地区的人文风俗;学会理解和尊重异国文化。 三、单元重难点分析
重点: 1. 谈论国籍、民族及其语言。
2. 询问并回答人们的住处。
难点: 1. 含from的where引导的特殊疑问句及其回答
2. 含live的where引导的特殊疑问句及其回答
为了能较好地实现既定的教学目标,结合本单元教学内容和学生的学习规律,将本单元授课时定为四课时。 Period 1 Section A 1a—2d Period 2 Section A 3a—Section B2c Period 3 Section B 3a---3c
Period 4 Summing up Section A and B and the grammar. 五、教学过程设计
The First Period
Teaching aims:
1.Learn to express the main countries and cities. 2.Know something about the countries. 3.Master where- sentence structure. Key points:
1. Words: pen pal, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, the United states, Singapore,
the United Kingdom, country, Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo world
2.Sentences: -Where is your pen pal from? -He’s from Australia.
-Where does he live? - He lives in Paris -Where is John’s pen pal from ?
Teaching aids:
Some cards with cities and countries. Teaching procedures: Step 1.Lead—in (1a&2a)
First greet the students. Then teacher begins the topic with the Spring Festival. Do you have a nice Spring Festival? Do you go to many places? I do. Then use the fresh pictures through computer to teach the students names of countries, cities. Divide the students into groups, then show the flags and pictures, let them guess the names of countries and cites. At last finish 2a on page2. 通过这个环节,教师完成本单元的新单词的导入,通过提供给学生每个国家的地图,让学生猜出国家名称及相应的城市,学生能有意识的记忆国家及城市的名称,并为整节课任务的完成奠定最基本的词汇基础。在看图片时学生能够做到精神集中,并能激发学生的学习兴趣。
①Teacher says: I goes to many places during the Spring Festival, so I have many pen pals from different countries. One of my pen pals is Sandy. She is from the UK. She lives in London. Ask the students: Do you have a pen pal? Some say yes, some say no. Then go on with “Where is she/he from?” and “Where does she/he live? Ask some students to stand up and practice with teacher.
②With these sentence structures, ask students to practice them in pairs. ③Make a Survey to understand your classmates better. Name
Country City
拓展学生的视野, 激发他们的兴趣。在完成任务的过程中运用where…from和where…live引导的特殊疑问句, 综合运用目标语言, 询问并回答人们的国籍和住处。
Step3.Listening comprehension(1b,2b&2c)
After practice, do a lot of listening exercises. Finish 1b on page 1 and 2b & 2c on page 2.在口头练习的基础上,在他们熟练掌握本课时句型以后再做这些听力应该是不难了,这样可以增加他们学习英语的信心。并且这些听力材料的设计也是层层递进,由易到难,充分考虑到了学生的层次,起到了很好的巩固作用。 Step4.Homework Revise Section A1a—2d
Make a similar dialogue about pen pals
The Second Period
Teaching aims:
1. Go on to learn the countries and cities. 2. Master where- sentence structure.
3. Learn the new sentence structure: -What language does she/he speak ? - He/She speaks… Key points:
1. Words: language, Japanese, French, in English. 2. Sentences: -What language do they speak?
-What language does she /he speak ? -She/He speaks ……
Teaching aids:
Some cards with cities and countries. Teaching procedures: Step1.Revision (Brain Storm)
Use fresh maps of some countries, let the students say the names of these countries as quickly as possible.用这样一个小小的游戏,既复习了上一课时的单词又活跃了课堂的气氛,也为这一节课新知识的教授作好了衔接。使新课的导入自然又轻松。
Step2.Lead—in (3a&SectionB1)
The teacher says we have known the names of these countries, but do you know what languages do people speak in these countries? Let’s look at the map and guess. Then do a matching exercise to consolidate the knowledge. At last do 3a and sectionA1.通过一系列的活动,让学生知道那个国家讲什么语言,学会说这些语言的单词,为下面的任务做准备。
Step3.Listening comprehension (SectionB2a&2b)
Do some listening exercise to review what we learned before.通过这个听力练习,巩固前面所学的知识,也为下一步的学习举了一个范例,相当于一小步导入。 Step4. Practice(3b&SectionB2c) Choose your favorite pen pal and say something about him or her. Classroom activities: 1. Teacher shows the power point to students and introduces the new structures. Name: Gender/Sex: Be from: Born: Live: Language: Like: Maria Female Canada On 29th July, 1990 Toronto English and French Dancing, basketball, English, thrillers, Family: No brothers or sisters My pen pal is Maria. She is from Canada. She is Canadian. She lives in Toronto. She speaks English and French. She likes dancing, basketball, English and thrillers. She has no brothers and sisters.
2.Teacher shows the information of pen pals from different countries to students and asks them to choose their favorite pen pals, then Ss introduce their own pen pals. The structures::My pen pal's name is... He/she is from.... He/She lives in... He/She speaks…. He/She likes…. 3.Discuss with your deskmate.
4.Make a survey about the information about other students' pen pals, including their names, ages, nationalities, countries, cities, languages,
likes and dislikes. Step5.Homework
1. Revise Section A3a—SectionB2c
2. Write a short passage about your friend’s pen pal according to the survey.
The Third Period
Teaching aims: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Listen 2a , 2b
learn a letter and write answers to the question Make an information card. Write an email to your pen pal.
Key points:
1. Words: any, dislike, dislike
2. Sentences: -Does she have any brothers and sisters ?
-Where is she from?
-Is that from your new pen pal?
-I like going to the movies and playing sports. -Can you write to me soon?
Teaching aids:
Some cards with cities and countries. Teaching procedures: Step1.Revision
Revise the names of the countries, cities and languages by fill in a form.通过这个复习目的在于让学生牢牢掌握,因为这些词汇很难,要不停反复地记。 Step2. Reading (3a)
1. The students open the books, turn to Page 5 and read the first letter. After that, the students answer six simple questions.
2. The students read after the tape and go on asking and answering some more questions in pairs. 通过这一步的练习,作好热身运动,为下面更多内容的阅读作好准备。 Step3. Pairwork (3b)
1. The students read the letters that the teacher gives them and then choose one pen
pal they like.
2.The partner asks the student some questions about the pen pal’s letter and then help the partner to fill in “ID card of my partner’s pen pal.”
ID card of my partner’s pen pal Name: __________ _ Age: ____________ From: __________ _ Languages: _______________________ ____ Like: _______________________________ _ Favorite: __________________________ ___ 3. Do a report. My partner’s name is __________. His new pen pal’s name is __________. He is _______ years old. He is from __________. He lives in ___________. At school, he likes ______________. His favorite ___________ is __________________… I think he can be my partner’s pen pal. Do you think so?
4. Finish 3b in page 5. Step 4.Big Task (3c)
School new term just begins, would you like to write an e-mail to your pen pal? Write about yourself and something about your school.
这一步是全单元的重心所在,全面所有的工作都是为了现在所作的努力,学生掌握的如何也可以从这里看出,所以我们可以给予学生充足的时间,让他们在课堂上慢慢写,这样如果在写作过程中出现错误,我们也可以及时给于他们纠正。 Dear friend,
I have received your e-mail, and I want to be your pen pal.
I I think I can be your good friend. I hope to get your letter soon.
Yours, Step5 Homework
1. Write to your pen pal to talk about yourself. 2. Try your best to send it.
The Fourth Period
Teaching aims:
1. 2.
Review the all words. Describe classmates.
Key points: 1. Key word check
Imagine and describe the new students
2. Just for Fun! Teaching aids: Some pictures.
Teaching procedures: Step1.Revision
1. 2.
Free talk with the learnt sentences. Check homework
Step2. Presentation
1. Learn all the sentences in this unit.
-Where are you from? -where is your pen pal from?
2. Review all the main structures and countries, cities and languages by pictures. Step3. Practice
1. 2. 3.
Practice all the main sentences in this unit in class. Ask Ss to act out their own dialogues. Correct the mistakes.
Step4. Consolidation
1. 2.
Make some exercises.
Give more words in Just For Fun!
Mars –火星 Martian---火星人,语言类 Step5.Homework:
1. 2.
Review the whole unit. Preview next unit.
Unit 2 Where’s the post office?
一、 单元教材分析:
句和Is there…?句型等。通过本单元的学习,学生不仅要进一步掌握方位介词的用法和一些建筑物的名称,并用要学会阐述某一场所中各个建筑物之间的位置关系;同时能够利用地图向他人介绍自己所居住的社区,并能够识别简单的路线图。并培养学生在实际生活中辨别方向的能力,养成热心助人的确品质。 二、教学目标分析 1、认知目标
* post office, hotel, video arcade, bank, park, supermarket, street, pay phone, avenue * new, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy * left, right, next to, across from, near, between
2). 语言目标
* Is there a bank near here ? Yes, there’s a bank on Center Street. * Where’s the supermarket ? It’s next to the library.
* Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood ? Yes, it’s on Bridge Street on the right.
* Where 引导的特殊疑问句 * 肯定陈述 * 表示方位的介词 3).语言功能
2、能力目标 1. 2. 3.
培养学生在生活中辨别方向的能力以及向他人介绍处所的能力。 能够设计自己理想的居住环境。
通过学习本单元的内容,使学生在实际生活中能够识别方向,差养成乐于助人的好习惯。 三、学生学情分析
学生在上学期已经学过词汇:big, small, old, new,
句型: Where is…? It’s in / on / under/…
四、教学重难点 1.重点:
1).表方位的介词:near、across from、next to、between、on 2).问路与指路的基本语句 2.难点:
1).本单元词汇量较大( 生词表中列出44个单词,9条短语;课文中还有一些
2).个别句子有一定难度,如: Is there a big supermarket near where you live?
Turn left off the busy First Avenue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets and small parks.
There is a small house with an interesting garden.
Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. 五、课时安排: 五个课时. 六、教学过程设计:
The First Period
Step 1: Warming up 1. Greeting
First wish the class have a happy, healthy new year. 2. Warming up
What do you do during the Spring Festival? Step 2 Presentation 1. Leading-in
For example: (say to myself)
I go to Nanping Park. I go down the Shanhu Avenue, There is a hotel, a bank, two pay phones and so. Turn left and go straight to the Jiefang Street. It’s on my right. Draw a picture and write down some places on the blackboard as I am talking. 2. Teaching the new words.
Post office, video arcade, pay phone, bank, supermarket, hotel, library, street, straight,
turn, left, right Step 3: Practice
1. Ask students to act out about turn left/right. (each team every time, at last only one who wins gets a award.) 2. Section A 1a reading
Ask Ss to read the places and match the words with the pictures. 3. Guess the place where I am. For example:
I am standing here. (point to the picture) Go down Bridge Street and turn left at the first crossing. Go along Fifth Avenue. It’s on my right. It’s next to library. Where am I going?
Show them in the screen.
4. Ask Ss to follow the conversation above and complete the conversation.
5. Have the line in the classroom as the street and desks as the buildings and practice the conversation above.
(1). Teacher tells four students each time to act out, others judge if they walk in the
street correctly.
(2) Ask Ss to judge “wrong” or “right”. 6. Section A 1b listening
Play the recorder, ask Ss to circle the place they hear on the picture in 1a.
7. Pairwork: Have Ss ask and answer the question following 1c about other places in picture.
Step 4: Homework 1. 2.
Hotel Post office supermarket ShangHu Street A School Video arcade bank Copy the words in 1a.
pay phone According to the map,make a conversation like 1c. Jiefang treet library New park 11
Step 5: Classwork: Translation: 1. 2.
图书馆在超市的对面。 公园在银行的旁边。 3. 超市在第五大街上。
4. 投币电话在电子游戏中心和超市之间。
The Second Period
Step 1: Revision
Revise the words of 1a using the following pictures.
Sixth Avenue
Step 2: Presentation
1. Teach these words using the pictures:
across from, next to, between…and, on
2. Help them make sentences with these words. The hotel is across from the bank.
The cinema is between the hotel and the library. Video arcade is next to the supermarket. Step 3: Practice 1. Section 2a reading
Get the students to read the sentences in the box first. Then match each sentence with one of the pictures.
2. Section A 2b listening and understanding First read the words in the box together.
library bank across from
Video arcade next to supermarket hotel between and cinema 12
Play the recording twice for the students to write down the words they hear. Play again, let the class know these conversations: ---Where is …? --- It is … ---Is there a …? ---Yes, … 3.
Section A 2c oral practice
Let the students look at the picture of Page 1. Ask and answer in pairs (or in a T-S way)
Then ask several students to repeat some of their conversations for the class. Step 4 Homework 1. 2.
Copy and master the sentences in 2b. Finish sentences in 2b Step 5 Classwork 1. Choose the best answer:
(1). My best friend sits next _____ me. A. to B. on C. in D. beside (2). Is _____ a bank near the library?
A. have B. There C. has D. there (3). ---Is there a bike in the supermarket? ---_______.
A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, there isn’t D. Yes, there is 2. Translation:
(1). 附近有一个公园吗?是的,在旅馆和邮局之间有一个。 (2). 公用电话在哪里?在学校的对边。
The Third Period
Step 1: Revision 1. 2.
Using a map of our school to revise the words of 2b. Revise the conversation: ---Where is the …? ---It is ….
book shop 13
bank Jiefang Street supermarket my school East Street New Park post office Step 2 Presentation
1. Say: The post office, bank, supermarket are in my school’s neighborhood. I am at school. I want to go to the bank. How can I get there?
Teach the students to describe directions using the following: go/ walk straight, turn left /right, on the left /right, go /walk down the street
Fore example: Go straight and turn right. It’s on the Jiefang street. It’s on the left. The bank is next to the supermarket. 2. Practice:
Ask the students to practice more description of directions. Make sure they learn it well.
Step 3 Practice 1. Section A 3a reading
Have the students read the conversation together.
Ask one of the students to put the conversation into Chinese. Remind the students of the expressions in the table.
Draw the route pointed by Nancy and find out the position where Nancy and Paul are standing.
2. Section A 3b writing
Tell the class these three pairs are in the picture above and find them in it. The first pair is on the corner of the New Street. The second pair is across from the first. The third pair is on the corner of the Bride Street.
Ask the students to have a discussion first and then make sentences after the model
of 3a. Step 4 Game
Practice using the target language: ---Is it + position + place? ---Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Let students look at the picture of P1 Ask and give directions in groups of four. Step 5 Homework 1. 2.
Stabilities of the words.
Make the sentences according the picture in 1a. Step 6 Classwork
1. Complete the conversation
A: Excuse me, Is there a bank ____(1) the neighborhood?
B: Yes. Just _____(2) straight and ______(3) left. It’s down the Second Avenue _____(4) the right. It’s next _____ (5) a post office. A: ____(6) there a supermarket near it? B: Yes. It’s _____(7)from the bank. A: Thank you very much. B: You’re ______(8) 2. Make a sentence.
(1). the, neighborhood, is, a, post, office, in, there
__________________________________________________? (2). next, the, to, it, is, library
____________________________________________? (3). bank, is, a, pay, there, the, park, between, phone, and, the ________________________________________________________
The Fourth Period
Step 1: Revision 1. 2.
Revise the conversation of Section A 3a Make sure they can use these phrase correctly. go/walk straight, turn left /right, on the right /left Step 2 Presentation
1. Teach the following description words by the picture of Section B 1a. big /small, clean /dirty, busy /quiet/ noisy, new /old 2. Section B 1a Read the words aloud. Say each word’s meaning.
Then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures. Step 3 Practice Section B 1b
First, read the dialogue together.
Second, work in pairs according to the model.
Ask some students to present their dialogues for the class. Step 4 Listening 1. 1a.
Check answer. (shorten) 2.
Play it again. This time draw a map of Micheal’s neighborhood in the box. Step 5 Pairwork
1. Let students show the maps of their family houses. Then tell their partners where they live.
2. Ask one or two students to talk about their family locations in class, the other students draw maps of their families. 3. Check if the maps are correct. Step 6. Reading
1. Reading the passage by themselves and find out the new words or the points they can’t understand.
The new words: garden district, take a walk, through, pass, beginning tour. 2. Read the passage together. Ask them to circle the description words.
Read after the tape and then read it together. Step 7. Homework 1. 2.
Use the old words to describe your own house complete the passage in 3b
Play the recording the first time, ask students to circle the places they hear in
Step 8. Classwork
1. Write the following forms
(1). dirty(opposite) (2). beginning (v) (3). tour(job) (4). pass (past form) (5). old(opposite) (6). visit (gernous) 2. Change into English
1.玩得高兴 2. 在长椅上 3. 一家古老的旅馆 4. 在你住的附近 5. 一条繁忙的街道 6. 散步 3. Written
Describe your neighborhood and draw a map of it
The Fifth Period
Step 1:Check
Check the students’ dialogues and maps. Step 2 Reading and writing
1. Students look at the picture of 3b. Ask them to describe the picture. 2. Let students read the passage of 3b and fill in the blanks. Show the correct answers (shorten) 3. If necessary, explain some difficult points:
have fun =have a good time busy be busy v-ing sth or with sth enjoy sth, enjoy v-ing sth, enjoy oneself if Step 3 Revision Shelf check 1
1. Read aloud together
Then talk about their meaning one by one Find out their opposite of the words in 1 2. Reading and drawing
Have the students read the e-mail by themselves. Find out the new words in the passage.
Words: airport, pass, arrive, yours taxi
Phrase: take a taxi, turn left, on your right, go through Try to understand the meaning of the e-mail
Get the students to draw the route from the airport to Mike’s house.
Check answers.
Ask the students to read e-mail together. Step 4 Just for fun
Read the dialogue in two halves. Question: who breaks the mobile phone? Step 5 Homework
Do the study guide in Yunnan
Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
本单元是Go for it七年级上册中第八单元“When is your birthday?”。单元的核心话题是谈论日期,课文始终围绕这一主题展开,我们要学习序数词的构成以及运用序数词表示日期的方法;学会运用 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期;学习名词所有格 ( ‘s 所有格 ) 的构成和使用。语言知识和语言技能部分主要是围绕核心话题时设计安排了许 多听、说、读、写的任务活动,来不断丰富巩固这一话题的词汇及习惯短语。我将灵活运用这些活动,并将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合。 二、教学目标分析
本单元总体目标 :
通过本单元的学习让学生掌握所学目标语言;学会日期 ( 年、月、日 ) 的表达法;在互动的交流中理解生日更多的含义并学会谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日:学会自己安排作息时间。
根据《英语课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合本单元的教材内容,我按认知目标、能力目标、德育目标三方面将本单元的教学目标细化: 1、认知目标
1.语音: 在日常生活中做到语音、语调基本正确、自然、流畅。 2.词汇: 掌握 1----12 月份的表达, 序数词 1----31的表达, speech contest, party, school trip, School Day, are festival, music,etc.
3. 日常交际用语: - When is your birthday? - My birthday is… - How old are you?
- I’m …
4.话题: Talk about date. 2、能力目标
在连惯的听说读写活动中,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力 , 使学生能熟练运用新句型来谈论年龄和日期。 3、德育目标
热爱生命,孝敬父母的思想教育。 三、学生学情分析
引导学生采用Role-playing & Comparing的学习策略,学习一些新的词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在师-生,生-生,小组的练习过程中,学会表达日期。同时,教师应从学生的生活经验和兴趣出发,在课堂教学中应设计任务型教学活动,体现以学生为主体的教学活动,让学生在完成各项任务的过程中自主学习语言,提高综合运用语言能力。在这一课中,我们可以根据情况设计一些实际操作演示的活动, 教唱生日歌,月份歌,让学生自己带日历,问同学生日,提高学生的参与兴趣。 四、教学策略
1 、提问引入法通过提问,集体,分组,分行回答 , 或学生逐个回答的形式开展教学,检查和巩固新旧知识。
2 、交际功能法通过集体,分组,两人,个人操练等形式,达到交际的目的。 教学模式和教师特色
针对本课的内容,我采用了五步教学法:第一步:热身 -- 激活旧知识,创设轻松活跃的课堂气氛。第二步:呈现 -- 呈现新内容,感知旧内容;第三步:操练 -- 用多种方式操练新知识;第四步:巩固 -- 通过游戏,听力练习和笔头
练习相结合的方式,巩固新知识。第五步:应用 -- 布置任务性活动,让学生在用中学,在乐中学,学了就用。同时坚持“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则,在课堂教学的不同环节教师扮演自身作为“设计者,研究者,组织者,促进者,协调者”的角色。所以本课时以任务型教学为主,融合直观教学法,情景教学法和交际教学法,培养学生口语交际能力,培养学生观察能力、英语思维能力和动手能力。 五、教学重难点
根据对教材和学生的学情分析,本课时确定的重难点如下: 重点:When引导的特殊疑问句的构成和使用。 难点:学习序数词的构成和日期的表达法。 五、课时安排: 四个课时. 六、教学过程设计:
The First Period
Teaching aims:
1. Learn new words: animals—tiger, koala bear, elephant, dolphin, panda, lion,
penguin, giraffe description words—cute, fun, smart.
2. Listen and check(√) the animals.
3. Practice the conversation: describe animals Teaching methods:
listen and say, read and write
Teaching procedures: Step 1 Presentation (1a)
1. We are going to learn the names of some more animals.
2. Show the animals on the map of the zoo → point to the animals and say the names →let students read the words → match the words with the animals in the picture → practice the words (read and write) Step 2 Listening practice (1b) 1.
Point to the animals in 1a and ask students to say the names→ play the
recording of the conversation twice → check(√) the names of animals Step 3 Pair work (1c)
Practice the conversations using the description words. A: Let’s see the lions.
B: Why do you want to see the lions? A: Because they’re cute. Step 4 Consolidation Free talk
Ask students to present their conversations to the class. Step 5 Summary
Words and conversations Step 6 Homework
Remember the words and conversations. 教后一得:
The Second Period
Teaching aims: 1.
Listening practice:
Write the names of the animals.
Oral practice: Ask and answer questions about animals. Grammar focus:
Teaching difficulty: difference between the words very and kind of. Teaching methods: listen and say Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision
Can you say the names of the animals? Ask some students to say and two students to write on the blackboard. Step 2 Free talk
Make a conversation in pairs, talking about animals.
Step 3 Presentation (2a)
1. Do you want to go to the zoo? Julia and Henry are talking about the animals in the zoo. 2. Let’s listen together.
3. Play the recording twice →students write in the names of the animals →draw a line between animals and adjectives Step 4 Listening practice (2b)
Hear the recording again →complete the conversations with the words given →tell the words: very & kind of ( They always come just before the adjectives in the sentences. Look at the cartoons under 2b. We can make sure. Another example: if we are familiar with percentages, we might use the following scale to help explain their meaning:
0% 50% 95% not kind of very) Step 5 Pair work(2c)
1. Practice the target language.
2. Ask and answer questions with the given words. Step 6 Consolidation
Ask some pairs to act out the conversations. Step 7 Summary
Grammar Focus Step 8 homework:
Practice the target languages.
The Third Period
Teaching aims:
1. Say the names of the countries on the maps. 2. Talk about where the animals come from. Game: Bingo.
Key points:
Countries: China, Australia, South Africa, Japan, Brazil.
Animals: lions, pandas, koala bears, dolphins, elephants, giraffes. Teaching methods:
Use the geography knowledge to match the countries and animals; play the game—bingo. Teaching aids:
Tape, recorder, maps, use coins, paper chips or scraps of paper as markers. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Revision: free talk
Work in pairs, describing the animals. Step 2 Presentation
1. We have known many more animals. Do you want to know where the animals are from?
2. Let’s look at the maps and say the names of the countries (show the maps). 3.
Point to the maps and ask students to say the names → point to the animals in 3a and ask students to name them →ask: Where are the animals from? → Let the students draw a line between each animal and the country. Step 3 Pair work (3b)
Practice the conversation: Where are lions from? They’re from Africa. (Use the animals and countries in activity 3a.) Step 4 Game: Bingo (4) 1.
Read the countries and the animals in the box→ write nine words from
the box on the bingo board→ listen to the tape→ cross out(X)the words you hear(You can place a marker on each word. →say “bingo” when you get arrow of Xs or cover three boxes in a row. 2.
According to the game, we can consolidate the animals and countries.
Step 5 Summary
We have practices where the animals are from. Remember the countries and their animals.
Step 6 Homework
Ask and answer questions.
The Fourth Period
Teaching aims:
1. Remember the description words: ugly, intelligent, friendly, cute, shy. 2. Listening practice
3. Oral practice: talk about animals. Key points:
Intelligent, friendly, cute, shy. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Revision
-Why do you want to see lions? -Because they’re cute. Step 2 Presentation
1. We have learned some description words such as scary, interesting, small, cute, exciting.
2. We’ll learn four description words this class: ugly, intelligent, friendly, shy. 3. Teach the new words. Step 3 Exercise
1. Match the words and the animals
2. Look the pictures in 1 →ask a student to say the names of animals →read the eight adjectives →match the adjectives with the animals in the picture →write the letter of the animals on the line
(Perhaps students have different opinions.) Step 4 Listening practice 1 (2a)
1. Tony and Maria want to the zoo. What animals do they like and why? Let’s listen to the tape.
2. Play the recording twice →students circle the description words in 1 →correct the answers
Step 5 Listening practice 2 (2b)
Play the recording again →write the animals each person talks about and the words they say →check the answers Step 6 Pair work (3)
Work in pairs →ask some pairs to act Step 7 Summary
We’ve know more description words. Step 8 Homework
Remember the adjectives. 教后一得:
The Fifth Period
Teaching aims:
1. Remember the words and expressions: grass, sleep, during, at night, leaf, him, give,
guess, meat, relax, lazy.
2. Be able to read and write about animals.
3. Theme task and teaching difficulty: write a description. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision
Ask some questions: Where are the lions from? Where are the pandas from?
Where are the koala bears from? Where are the elephants from?
Step 2 Presentation
1. Can you describe the animals? Look at 3a.
2. Ask students to read the descriptions →match them with the animals →check the answers.
Step 3 Exercise
Learn new words: grass, leaves, meat, sleep, relax, lazy →look at the animal lion in 3a →fill in the blanks →check the answers. Step 4 Writing and reading practice (3c)
Write a description like the one in3b →do a sample(Choose an animal’s name and write on the blackboard.): Koala bears →write about any animal →ask students to read in pairs.
Step 5 Group work: Guess
Ask students to get into groups of four →take turns reading from 3c →other students guess what animals. Step 6 Summary
We’ve practiced reading and writing about animals. Step 7 Homework: Recite some passages about animals. 教后一得:
The Sixth Period
Teaching aims:
Have a revision about Unit 2, including words and target languages. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Key word check (1)
Read the words →check all the words Step 2 Build vocabulary (2)
Ask students to enter five words in their vocab-builder on p108 →practice the words in pairs
Step 3 Writing practice (3)
Look at the example →let students read →write a similar description of the animal—koala bear, doing it individually →read it in groups.
Step 4 writing practice (4)
Tell students to draw two animals →write a description Step 5 Just for fun
1. Practice the target language.
2. Ask two students to read the conversations →ask: Do you think the baby chimp is cute? Step 6 Practice
Practice the target language.
Step 7 Summary Step 8 Homework 教后一得:
Unit 4 I want to be an actor.
本单元的中心话题是“jobs”,谈论自己或他人的职业,谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业,并陈述原因。通过“What do you do?”,“what do you want to be?”,“Where do you work?”分步教学,以任务型教学为主线,着重培养学生获得英语基础知识和运用语言进行交际的能力。从教材编排看,Section A 为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习。 通过生动的图画呈现真实的语言场景,帮助学生掌握基础的语言项目;Section B主要通过听力、阅读及写作练习,使学生能对已学过的目标句型运用自如,创造性的活用所学语言进行课堂活动。 二、教学目标 1.语言目标
词汇:doctor, actor, reporter, police office, waiter, band clerk, sales assistant, student,
dangerous, boring, interesting, difficult, exciting, busy, fun 句式:What does he do? He’s a waiter. What do you want to be? I want to be an actor.
Where does she work? She works at a bank.
1. 能够谈论工作种类及地点 2. 能够介绍他人及自己目前的工作
3. 能够表达自己将来想从事的职业并陈述原因 3. 情感目标
通过本节课的学习,使学生能树立远大的理想和生活目标,并为实现自己的人生价值而努力学习,引导他们在互助合作的氛围中理解、合作、宽容和尊重别人;通过了解各种职业的特点,使学生更加懂得学习文化科学知识的重要性和必要性,从而增强他们的学习自觉性。 三、重点难点
四、课时安排 课时 1 Section A 基本语言项目Know the names of the 听说课 1a-Grammer 的介绍及简单different jobs Focus 2 操练 读写课 范围 目标 任务 课型 Section A 巩固基本词汇Riddles: Guess the job. 3a-4 及语法练习,笔头落实基本内容 3 Section B 扩展新的语言Class Top 10 Occupation 听说课 1a-2c 点,深化任务教List. 学 4
Section B 深化理解目标Write 28
your own 阅读写
3a-4 5 语言,综合运用 newspaper want ad. 作课 综合活动课 Selfcheck 总结和完善任Can you get the job? 务,增强综合运用能力
搜集并自学与职业、工作场合有关的单词;搜集各类招聘广告。 六、程序设计
The First Period
Module 1
Step 1 Brainstorming
1. 课前已经要求同学们搜集并学习与职业有关
Jobs 的词
Doctor Actor Reporter …… 比看哪
Step 2 Free Talk
明这些单词,教师加以补充。此活动达到学生间相互学习的目的,锻炼了口语表达能力,加深对单词的理解和记忆,为下一步学习做好准备工作。 Module 2 Step 1 Lead-in
分练习。指导学生运用She/He is a/an …句型进行表达。 Step 2. Listening
1. Pre-listening
向学生指出图中三个不同职业的人物,提出问题: What does he/she do?
帮助学生回答: He/She is a/an …… 2. While-listening
1b部分听力题。 3. Post-listening
Step 3. Practice
Step 4 Listening 1. Pre-listening
What is he/she doing?
What does he/she do? / What’s his/her job? 2. While-listening
播放第一遍录音时,学生只需用心听;播放第二遍时将三副图画排序。 3. Post-listening
给出听力的正确答案。教师将完整的听力材料呈现给学生,学生朗读。 Step 5 Listening 1. Pre-listening
通过上一步呈现的听力材料,向学生解释“wants to be”,进一步熟练
2. While-listening
Step 6 Practice
1. 带领学生朗读2c部分对话,直至能熟练掌握下来。
2. 根据2b部分表格,两人一组进行问答。 Module 3
Step 1 Grammar Focus
通过该部分呈现的语法点,进一步对所学内容进行重点练习。 Step 2 Exercise
设计简单的练习题对本节课的内容进行回顾和巩固。例如: 1. A: What do you do?
B: ____________________. (我是一名记者。) 2. A: _____________________? B: I want to be an actor. 3. A: What does he do?
B: ______________________. (他是一个学生。) 4. A: ______________________? B: He wants to be a bank clerk.
Step 3. Check Step 4 Homework
1. 了解家人的职业及工作地点,完成下列表格。 Relation mother
2. 依据所填表格,准备在班级范围内作出报告。
The Second Period
Module 1 Step 1 Revision
1. 复习Grammar Focus部分句型,检查掌握情况。
2. 查看作业中表格的完成情况,两人一组进行问答对话,教师从中发
3. 依据表格中place一栏,进一步提出问题: Where does he/she work?
job nurse place hospital Wants to be reporter
Step 2 Practice
引领学生大面积的进行随意性的对话问答 A: What do you do?
B: I’m a student. What does your father do?
C: He is a bank clerk. Where does your mother work? D: She works in a hospital. What does your sister want to be? E: …… Module 2 Step 1 Lead-in
1. 以图片或幻灯形式出现3a部分的五个人物和五个地点,确认学生已
2. 以小组为单位描述五种职业的特点,并在班上做出简短的report,教
Step 2 Guess the jobs
1. 教师向每小组发放一份关于职业特征的描述,竞赛看哪个小组最先
2. 教师通过幻灯或卡片形式呈现出3a部分五种职业描述,带领学生逐
Step 3 Match
Step 4 Ask and answer
仿照3b部分使用3a中的材料进行两人一组的口语问答。 Step 5 Game
1. 学生可以画出一个正在工作的人物简笔画,其他学生进行各种猜
2. 该活动也可以是通过动作进行暗示,其他学生做出猜测。
可以用到的句型: Do you work in a hospital? Does she work late? 具体操作可参考课本4部分。 Module 3 Step 1 Writing
仿照3a,在小卡片上写出自己的职业描述,在班上进行展示,看谁写得既快又准确,教师将卡片收集整理。 Step 2 Homework
列举几种自己喜欢或不喜欢的职业,并试着说明理由,填入下表。 Want to be
The Third Period
Module 1 Step 1 Review
1. 通过图片或幻灯复习有关职业名称和工作地点的单词。 2. 使用上节课教师收集的职业描述小卡片进行竞猜比赛,由一位学
朗读卡片内容,其他学生竞猜。此活动可以锻炼学生的口语听力能力。 Step 2 Practice
1. 教师出示Section B中1a部分职业图片,学生依次写出相对应的单词,并写
2. 依据Section A中所学内容,独立编写一段对话.
解学生学习中的难点和不足之处,以便加以强调讲解。 Module 2 Step 1 Lead in 1. Free talk
Don’t want to be Reason
学生出示课后作业中完成的表格,先以小组为单位进行个人report show,
I want to be a/an …… Because it’s a/an …… job. I don’t want to be a/an ….. Because it’s a/an ……job.
2. 在学生表达过程中,教师可以把report中呈现的形容词写到黑板上。 3. 由学生教授自己report中出现的形容词,教师可以帮助学生用各种表情
4. 最后可以由教师带领朗读单词,进一步对新词汇解释说明。 Step 2 Practice
1. 要求学生完成Section B中1a部分习题。 2. 确定正确答案。
3. 朗读1b部分句子,参考1a图画自己编写句子,教师检查。 Step 3 Listening 1. Pre-listening
指导学生注意2a部分题目要求并认读三个英文名字。 2. While-listening
播放第一遍录音,引导学生全面了解这篇对话的内容。 播放第二遍录音,学生可以完成2a部分题目要求。 3. Post-listening 确定正确答案。
Step 4 Class Top 10 Occupation List
1. 以小组为单位讨论各自理想的职业并说明理由,由组长记录,从中选出
一个理由最充分的top occupation。
2. 各组组长在班上做出report,陈述本组意见,全班同学集体做出记录。此
3. 由教师宣布结果,评出 “Class top 10 occupation list”。 Module 3
Step 1 Selfcheck
Step 2 Homework
The Fourth Period
Module 1 Step 1 Free Talk
在男生、女生之间进行依次口语大比赛。例如当一位男生说: I want to be a reporter. Because it’s an interesting job. 女生必须说出相反意见: I don’t want to be a reporter. Because it’s a busy job. 在限定时间内不能做出回答者失败。 Step 2 Show time
1. 从自身能力或好恶出发,说明自己为什么喜欢或不喜欢某种职业。教
师可以给出例句: I want to work with children. I like speaking English. I like to work at school. So I’m an English teacher.
2. 学生仿照例句在小组内展开讨论。教师给予必要的指导。 3. 鼓励学生争取自己的show time,向大家展示出色的英语风采。 Module 2 Step 1 Reading 1. Pre-reading
在阅读3a部分前,提示学生思考招聘广告的书写包括哪几个部分,三篇 广告分别代表什么职业。 2. While-reading
在阅读过程中,要求学生标识出文中的难点,并完成填空练习。 3. Post-reading
Step 2 Practice
1. 提示学生参考题中图片,完成3b部分练习 2. 确定正确答案 3. 学生朗读短文内容。 Step 3 Writing your own want ad
1. 要求学生仿照3a和3b部分写出一篇自己的招聘广告。 2. 以小组为单位讨论各自的写作成果,互相检查错误。
3. 在组内选出较好的一份在班级展示,可以张贴在教室英语角上。 Step 4 Guessing Game
1. 此项活动在各排学生之间展开。每排选出一名学生,同时对某一名学生
2. 学生可以仿照课本4部分对话进行提问,看哪位同学最先猜出答案,为
Module 3 Step 1 Summary
Step 2 Homework
1. 写一篇命题招聘广告,教师指定内容。 2. 搜集报纸、杂志上的招聘广告,中英文均可。
The Fifth Period
Module 1 Step 1 Review
. 四人一小组教学selfcheck中1部分的单词,相互纠正发音,检查单词的
拼写。 Step2 Free talk
一个句式。 Module 2
Step 1 Vocab-builder
1. 本单元在学习过程中,学生不可避免的运用到许多课本不曾出现的新单
2. 以组为单位相互教学单词,组长汇总。
3. 各组汇总结果在班上展示,由组长带领大家一起学习,这也是英语课外
知识拓展的一个重要表现。 Step 2 Reading 1. Pre-reading
阅读3a部分前,向学生提出几个问题: What is an “international school”?
What language should the teachers speak? Why?
2. While-reading
阅读过程中要求学生将难点划出来,并试着填写表格。 3. Post-reading
学生提问难点,其他学生给予解答,教师补充。给出问题正确答案并核对表格答案。教师带领朗读短文,鼓励学生就短文内容提出问题,其他学生做出回答,锻炼学生口语表达能力。 Step 3 Writing
1. 指导学生阅读3b部分题目要求。
2. 学生独立完成该部分的写作。写一封应聘信, 要求在国际儿童学校工作, 在信中充分发掘自己的长处。
3. 在小组内互相进行纠错改正,教师选出例文在班上展示。
Step 4 Can you get the job?
名同学担任招聘人,其他学生为应聘者,充分发挥自己优秀的口语表达能力,看谁找到的工作最多,招聘的人数最多,最后选出最佳招聘者和最佳应聘者,由教师给予鼓励表扬。 Step 5 Homework
2. 完成本课节所对应的练习。
Unit 5 I’m watching TV.
本单元以“What are you doing?”引出话题:谈论人们正在做什么?使学生
Section A:听说为主,感受语言,运用基础语言( 通过听、看图确定或描述人物的动作 )重点掌握和运用What are you doing? What’s he/she doing? 和Is Nancy doing homework?及其答语等句型。
Section B: 强调知识拓展,重视读写,设置了要求运用所学语言完成的各种任务,使学生能够对上述已学的目标句型运用自如,培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力。
Self-check:是词汇知识的评价,语言运用能力的评价。包括四个部分,对本单元所学词汇的检测、添加生词、看图描述,最后在Just for Fun小幽默中轻松愉快地结束本单元。 二、教学目标分析
根据《英语课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合本单元的教材内容,我按认知目标、能力目标、德育目标三方面将本单元的教学目标细化: 1.
语法:了解并掌握现在进行时的用法 词汇:
交际用语:① What are you / they doing ? I'm / We're/ They're watching TV. ② What’s he /she doing ? He / She is doing homework. ③ Is he/ she watching TV? Yes, he/ she is. No, he/ she isn't. 2.
① 能用现在进行时的各种形式进行准确的描述和表达正在发生的动作。 ② 通过情景中的操练,培养学生的发散思维能力,激发学生的想象力,培养学生的语言交际能力。
③ 能够用自己在本单元中所学的语言内容与笔友进行对话与通信。 3.
① 有明确的学习目的,能认识到学习英语的目的在于交流,敢于用英语进行
② 通过小组竞赛激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的参与意识,竞争意识与合作意识,使学生获得成功的喜悦。 4.
③能够在学习之后进行有效得复习,善于整理与归纳,找寻记忆的规律。 5.文化意识目标:①了解西方人是如何表达或描述正在进行的动作。 ② 巩固书信的表达方式。 三、学生学情分析 1.学生特点分析
中学生心理学研究指出,初中阶段是智力发展的关键年龄,学生的观察能力,记忆能力和想象能力迅速发展,从年龄特点来看,初中学生好动、好奇、好表现,从生理特点来看,学生好动,注意力易分散,爱发表见解,希望得到老师的表扬,所以要抓住这些特点:一方面要运用直观生动的形象,形式多样的教学方法和学生能广泛的、积极主动参与的学习方式,定能激发学生兴趣,有效地培养学生能力,促进学生的个性发展;另一方面要创造条件和机会,让学生发表见解,发挥学生学习的主动性。 2.知识结构
1 、提问引入法通过提问,集体,分组,分行回答 , 或学生逐个回答的形式开展教学,检查和巩固新旧知识。
2 、交际功能法通过集体,分组,两人,个人操练等形式,达到交际的目的。 教学模式和教师特色
针对本课的内容,我采用了五步教学法:第一步:热身 -- 激活旧知识,创设轻松活跃的课堂气氛。第二步:呈现 -- 呈现新内容,感知旧内容;第三步:操练 -- 用多种方式操练新知识;第四步:巩固 -- 通过游戏,听力练习和笔头练习相结合的方式,巩固新知识。第五步:应用 -- 布置任务性活动,让学生在用中学,在乐中学,学了就用。同时坚持“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则,在课堂教学的不同环节教师扮演自身作为“设计者,研究者,组织者,促进者,协调者”的角色。所以本课时以任务型教学为主,融合直观教学法,情景教学法和交际教学法,培养学生口语交际能力,培养学生观察能力、英语思维能力和动手能力。 五、教学重难点 教学重点、难点
根据新课标要求和本课在教材中所处的地位与作来确定本课的重点为: 重点: ① 掌握好重点句型: What are you doing ? What’s he / she doing ? Is Nancy doing homework ? ② 现在进行时的用法 根据学生实际,确定本课的难点是:
难点: ① 现在进行时中现在分词的结构及读音,能在交际中准确地运用现在
② 如何用所学句型进行综合运用,尤其在写作中,要注意写作内容的
三个课时. 六、教学过程设计:
The First Period
Step 1. Flash and presentation:
Ss watch a flash “Are you eating”. Then they sing with it. T: Yes. They’re eating. And are you eating? Ss: No, we aren’t.
T: What are you doing, then? Ss: We’re having an English class.
(Flash 5-1) T: Are they having an English class, too? Ss: No, they aren’t. They’re cleaning. T: What’s he doing? S1: He’s reading a book. T: And is this boy reading, too? S2: No, he isn’t. He’s doing homework. T: What’s this man doing? S3: He’s talking on the phone. T: What about the boy? S4: He’s watching TV. T: Yes, he’s watching a TV show. T: Are they watching TV, too? S5: No. They’re eating dinner. T: What’s the woman doing? S6: She’s shopping. T: What are they doing? S7: They’re swimming. T: What’s the girl doing? S8: She’s taking photos. T: So what’s in her hand? Ss: It’s a camera.
Step 2. Chant:
What are you doing? I’m learning, you are teaching. What are you doing? I’m listening, you are speaking. What are you doing? I’m writing, you are drawing. What are you doing? I’m singing, you are dancing. Step 3. Challenge:
T: Choose and ask and answer about the pictures.
(Ss choose one of their favorite animals and there will be a picture, then they ask and answer in pairs. Using: what’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s …) Step 4. Tasks: (Flash 5-1):
1a: Match the words with the activities. Then Ss ask and answer in pairs.
1b: Listen and tell what different people are doing. Write numbers from 1a. Show them the conversations and read them.
1c: Pair work. Ask and answer questions according to the pictures in 1a. Step 5. Game:
1. Show an action, ask: What am I doing?
2. Get the student who gives the right answer to show an action, too and ask the others: What am I doing. Step 6. Exercises: (Flash 5-1)
Finish the exercises and check them in class. Step 7. Homework:
Recite the new words and finish off exercise books.
The Second Period
Step 1 Game and revision:
T: What’s the boy doing in this picture? Ss: He’s watching TV. T: Is this girl watching TV, too? Ss: No. She’s dancing.
T: Well, she’s my cousin. She’s lovely. She’s doing many things. And I’ll show you
the pictures very quickly and try to guess what she’s doing. Work in pairs, ask: Is she…? Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t. She’s… Step 2. Game and practice: Flash 5-2:
T: Look at this girl, her name is Mary. Can you guess what she’s doing? S1: Is she doing homework? (Show the whole picture)
S2: No, she isn’t. She’s playing with a bird.
Get Ss to ask and answer in pairs about other pictures. Step 3. Tasks:
1. T: What’s Steve doing, do you know? Ss: …
T: Listen and tell me what he’s doing. (Ss listen and answer the two questions in 2a.)
2b: Put the questions and answers in order to make a conversation. Then Ss read the conversation together.
3a: Write the correct numbers of the pictures next to the conversations. Ss read the conversations and make their own conversations.
4: Pairwork: Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Then cover the questions and say what’s happening in the pictures. Then show the correct answers and Ss read and retell the whole story. Step 4. Homework:
Ss finish off their exercise book as the homework.
The Third Period
Step 1. Free talk and revision:
T: What are we doing?
Ss: We’re having an English class. T: What do you want to do? S1: I want to … S2: But I want to…
T: What’s your deskmate want to do?
S3: I think he wants to …
T: But work must come first, right. We must have the class carefully. By the way, where are we having the class?
Ss: We are having the class in the classroom. T: Look at this picture. Where are they eating dinner? Ss: They’re eating dinner in the restaurant. T: Look at this picture. Who can ask a question? S4: Where is he taking the money?
S5: He’s taking the money from Bank of China. Look at this picture. Where are they living?
S6: They are living in the apartments. Look! Where are they shopping? S7: They’re shopping at the mall. Where are they reading?
S8: They’re reading in the library. Where are they playing basketball? S9: They’re playing basketball at school. Where is she swimming? S10: She’s swimming at the pool. Step 2. Tasks:
Section B: 1a: Look at the pictures and complete the chart.
1b: Pairwork: Look at the chart in 1a. then ask and answer questions. 2a: Listen and write the places in the chart. 2b: Listen again and write the activities in the chart. Step 3 Chant:
School, school, at school, we’re learning English. Home, home, at home, you’re watching TV. Library, library, in the library, they’re reading books. Mall, mall, at the mall, you and she are shopping. Pool, pool, in the pool, you and I are swimming. Hotel, hotel, in the hotel, you, he and I are eating. Park, park, in the park, they’re playing games. School, school, at school, we’re having a good time. Step 4. Tasks:
Flash 5-4: 3a: Read the letter from Mike to his pen pal. Underline the activities and
circle the places. Then read the letter again and number the photos 1-4.
3b: Fill in the blanks, then read it. Then Ss cover the passage and talk about the picture.
Step 5 Watch and retell:
Watch a video. Ss try to remember everything in the video and then retell: … is/are…
at the party.
Step 6. Exercises:
Flash 5-4: Ss finish off the exercises in class and check the answers. Step 7. Homework:
1. Learn the dialogues and useful expression by heart. 2. Write a passage “Ann’s Birthday Party”
Unit 6 It’s raining
本单元的中心话题诗谈论天气。整个单元的内容围绕天气展开听、说、读、写的活动。通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握描述天气的基本词汇及对天气的提问,学会准确的表达自己对某中天气的喜好并说明原因,学会坐天气预报,学会叙述在不同的天气背景下做什么。通过以上活动,使学生能够在实践中体会到学习英语的乐趣,更积极地运用目标语言,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用所学语言的能力。 教学目标:
A 学习重点词汇:raining, sunny, cloudy, snowing, windy, hot, cool, warm, humid和部分现在分词。
B 掌握描绘天气状态的形容词及现在分词,并学会其特殊疑问句、一般疑问句的用法及回答。
C 学会描述人们在各种天气里的感受。 能力目标
A 学会谈论自己对不同天气的喜好及原因 B 学会叙述在不同天气里所做的事情。
C 学会通过询问天气展开话题,提高与人的交流的能力。 情感目标
通过实践让学生体验在生活中运用英语的乐趣,并通过小组活动谈论彼此的观点。通过展示个人的特长,培养学生互相合作、互相学习的团队精神。 教学重点、难点:
A 学习并掌握词汇:raining, sunny, cloudy, snowing, windy, hot, cool, warm, humid.
B 熟练掌握现在进行时的用法。
C 学会表达对不同天气的不同态度及原因。 难点
学会描述人们在不同天气里所做的各种活动。 课时安排:
第一课时 Section A 1a—1c 第二课时 Section A 2a—1c 第三课时 Section B 1a—2c 第四课时 Section B 3a—4 第五课时 Self check
The First Period
教师:准备世界地图、表格及天气预报录音带 学生:了解一些天气知识 教学设计: Step 1. New words.
1. Present the new words. T: Let’s look at the pictures.
( show students the blackboard drawing of a sunny day) T: what’s this? S: It’s the sun.
T: We can say, “ It’s sunny today.” Read after me, “ sunny, s-u-n-n-y, sunny.” Ss: s-u-n-n-y sunny.
(Show students the blackboard drawing of a rainy day.) T: What’s this? S: It’s rain.
T: We can say “ It’s rainy today.” Read after me, “ rainy, r-a-i-n-y rainy” Ss: r-a-i-n-y rainy
(Teach the other words, such as “ snowy, windy, cloudy” in the same way.) T: Let’s look at all the pictures. ( Show students all the blackboard drawings.) T: These words are about weather, Read after me, “weather, w-e-a-t-h-e-r weather”. Ss: w-e-a-t-h-e-r weather. 2.
T: let’s play a game. Guess the weather. (Ask two students to come to the front. One points at the picture on the blackboard, the other faces the students and guesses the weather with the drill “ Is it….?” Sa: Is it sunny?
Ss: No. Sa: Is it snowy? Ss: Yes, it’s snowy.
(Ask more students to practice.) Step 2. New drills. 1.
Present the new drills “ How is the weather? It’s…”. T: Look at the pictures and answer my questions. ( Show students the picture of a sunny day.)
T: How is the weather: S1: Sunny.
T: Yes, it’s sunny. How is the weather? S2: It’s snowy. Practice the new words.
T: “ How is the weather?” in another way we can say, “ What’s the
weather like?”
(Ask another four students to practice, and then write down the drills “How is
the weather?”, What’s the weather like?” on the blackboard)
Practice the drills.
T: Let’s do chain drill like this. Sa: How is the weather?
( The teacher points at the “ rainy” picture.) Sb: It’s rainy. How is the weather?”
( The teache points at the “snowy” picture.) Sc: It’s snowy.
( Then ask some more students to practice.)
Do 1a.
T: Let’s look at 1a, match the words with the pictures. ( Ask students to match the words with the pictures.)
T: Check the answer.
Step 3. Listening. 1.
Present the new drill “ How is the weather in…?” (Show students a picture of New York. The weather is sunny.)
T: Can you tell the name of the city? S1: Yes. It’s New York.
T: How’s the weather in New York? S2: It’s sunny.
(Show students the pictures of the other cities like “ Tokyo, Paris, London”, and then practice the drill “ How is the weather in …?/What’s the weather like in …?”.)
S1: What’s the weather like in London? S2: It’s…
( Ask some pairs to practice like this.)
Do 1b.
(Show students the pictures of these cities, “ Beijing, Moscow, Toronto, Boston,
T: Please look at these pictures. Can you tell me the names of then? Ss: They are Beijing, Shanghai…
T: This is Moscow. Read after me, “Mosow” Ss: Moscow.
( Teach the other words, “ Toronto, Boston” in the same way.)
T: Now let’s look at 1b, listen and write these city names in the boxed above. ( Play the recording and then check the answers by asking students to make conversations.)
S1: What’s the weather like in Beijing? S2: It’s sunny.
S1: How’s the weather in Toronto? S2: …
T: Work in pairs. 3.
Practice the drill. Ask and answer like the model. Model:
A: How’s the weather in Moscow? B: It’s… How’s the weather in Toronto? A: It’s…
( Ask two more pairs to practice.) T: Now work in pairs and fill in the chart.
( One student has Chart A and the other has Chart B.) Chart A How’s the weather in …? City New York Weather wind cloudy
Chart B How’s the weather in …?
London sunny
City Tokyo rainy windy Paris Weather snowy cloudy 4.
Listening practice.
T: Now let’s look at 1b, listen and write these city names in the boxes above. (Play the recording and then check the answers.) Step 4. Task
T: Now work in groups of six. Let’s listen to the weather report, try to write down
the different weather in six cities. At last, have the weather report. (The teacher plays the recording for students.)
1. Students listen to the weather report and write the different weather in six cities.
2. Some students draw the weather signs on the map and one student has a weather report..
3. Ask students to have the weather report and choose which group is the best and who is the best weather reporter.
T: Read the model below and report like this.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Here is the weather report. Today is Thursday! Beijing is sunny. Shanghai is cloudy and windy. Guangzhou is rainy. This is today’s weather report. Thank you for listening to our weather report. Step 5. Homework.
Make a survey about the weather you, your father and mother like. Sunny Cloudy Windy Rainy Snowy Yourself Father Mother 2)
Each student listens to the weather report tomorrow and then writes down more
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