英语分类词集:身体部位the human body
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The Human Body
The Body
1. face:the front part of the head between the forehead and the chin 2. mouth:the opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc.; the
area inside the head behind this opening
3. chin:the part of the face below the mouth and above the neck 4. neck:the part of the body between the head and the shoulders 5. shoulder:either of the two parts of the body between the top of
each arm and the neck
6. arm:either of the two long parts that stick out from the top of the
body and connect the shoulders to the hands
7. upper arm 上臂:The section of an arm from the elbow to the
8. elbow 肘部:the joint between the upper and lower parts of the
arm where it bends in the middle
9. forearm 前臂:the part of the arm between the elbow and the wrist 10. armpit 腋窝:the part of the body under the arm where it joins the
11. back:the part of the human body that is on the opposite side to
the chest, between the neck and the tops of the legs; the part of an animal's body that corresponds to this
12. chest:the top part of the front of the body, between the neck and
the stomach
13. waist:the area around the middle of the body between the ribs
and the hips, often narrower than the areas above and below 14. abdomen 腹部:the part of the body below the chest that
contains the stomach, bowels, etc.
15. buttocks ['b?t?k]半边臀部:either of the two round soft parts at
the top of a person's legs
16. hip 臀部:the area at either side of the body between the top of
the leg and the waist; the joint at the top of the leg
17. leg:one of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the
body - countable
18. thigh:the top part of the leg between the knee and the hip 19. knee:the joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg
where it bends in the middle 20. calf 小腿:
the back part of the leg between the ankle and the knee - countable
The Hand
1. wrist 手腕:
2. knuckle /(k)-nu-ckle/指节:any of the joints in the fingers,
especially those connecting the fingers to the rest of the hand - countable
3. fingernail:the thin hard layer that covers the outer tip of each
4. thumb:the short thick finger at the side of the hand, slightly apart
from the other four
5. (index)finger:the finger next to the thumb
6. middle finger:the longest finger in the middle of each hand 7. ring finger:the finger next to the smallest one, especially on the
left hand, on which a wedding ring is traditionally worn 8. little finger:the smallest finger of the hand
9. palm:the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the
10. lunula lu-nu-la 甲半月,小太阳:The white area at the base of a
The Head
1. hair
2. part (头发的)分份儿 3. forehead 4. sideburn 鬓角 5. ear 6. cheek 7. nose
8. nostril ['n?stril] 鼻孔 9. jaw 下巴
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