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Key to Model Test One

Part I (略)


8. treatments for brain diseases 9. an alternative existed 10. non-animal techniques Part III 11-15 CBDAD 16-20 BACBC 21-25 ACADC 26-30 CBBDA 31-35 CBCDB 36. adressed 37. accomplish 38. excessively 39. deal 40. integrated 41. connected 42. serial 43. interpersonal

44. Young workers spend more time than older workers socializing via their devices or

entertaining themselves online

45. compared to just 34% for those between ages 41 and 65

46. which translates to a 1.5% loss of total employee productivity across an organization Part IV 47-51 MCLON 52-56 DBFGA 57-61 ABDBC 62-66 CBDAC

Part V 67-71 DABCA 72-76 CDBAD 77-81 CBADC 82-86 ABDAC Part VI 87. should you lend any money to him

88. It doesn’t matter what you do

89. she woud have acted differently/ in a different way 90. the more concern we should draw to its safety 91. holding a big paper box

Key to Model Test Two

Part I (略)


8. librarians and professors 9. low expectations for librarians 10. ask for help Part III 11-15 CBDAC 16-20 CACBA 21-25 ADDAC 26-30 ABBDA 31-35 ABABD 36. concept 37. Lifestyle 38. wealthy 39. income 40. struggle 41. criminal 42. issues 43. handle

44. how to keep a coin in their pocket and will spend their money on the first thing they

see 45. to earn money by doing odd jobs around the neighborhood such as looking after babies 46. to earn money until they are old enough to get a job Part IV 47-51 GFAKC 52-56 JDHOM 57-61 ABDBC 62-66 CBDAC

Part V 67-71 DADBC 72-76 ADBCD 77-81 BDCBA 82-86 CDACB Part VI 87. cheating in examination/that she cheated in examination

88. No sooner had I lit the candle than/Hardly had I lit the candle when 89. instead of cutting the costs of production

90. only to be told that she couldn’t come by then 91. derives pleasure from helping others

Key to Model Test Three

Part I (略)


8. less subjective 9. contributes 10. a basis for performance pay

Part III 11-15 BDADD 16-20 CCBAB 21-25 DCACA 26-30 CDBCA 31-35 DBCCA

36. revealed 37. seniors 38. suicides 39. conclude 40. responsible 41. severe 42. supervised 43. However

44. hardliners are making an effort to for a united front to lay down common rules to be

strictly enforced

45. but experts and educators fear that such attitudes might result in complete resistance from the children

46. if no excessive drinking attitudes are established early, and supported by school


Part IV 47-51 ACKNO 52-56 DEJLI 57-61 CBDAC 62-66 ADCBC

Part V 67-71 BDDCA 72-76 ABDCD 77-81 BDAAB 82-86 BCADD Part VI 87. was wrongly accused/charged

88. Whatever/No matter what the reaction to the birth of a child 89. turned a deaf ear to our warnings

90. would have been here

91. they stand a better chance of avoiding divorce

Key to Model Test Four

Part I (略)


8. too much expected 9. the experience of raising kids 10. purpose and meaning in their lives

Part III 11-15 ADCBD 16-20 ABBBC 21-25 DBCAD 26-30 BDBCC 31-35 ACCDC 36. rank 37. including 38. reach 39. exciting 40. prizes 41. artistic 42. considered 43. impression

44. However, this is because many Americans have different attitudes toward authority that

may exist in other areas of the world

45. It is vital to renmember that it is the person’s ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself

46. so that the work of the business can progress in the most effective manner possible Part IV 47-51 OFKGI 52-56 BNCAH 57-61 DABBC 62-66 CDABD

Part V 67-71 CADAB 72-76 CBBCA 77-81 BBADA 82-86 CCADA Part VI 87. either on your own or with others

88. Once you have research the true price of a product/the goods 89. However/Nomatter how long I live here

90. on which/when my friends held a birthday party for me 91. When it comes to energy security

Key to Model Test Five

Part I (略)


8. the diversity 9. a successful outcome 10. earn associate degrees

Part III 11-15 DBDCC 16-20 DACDC 21-25 ABAAC 26-30 CACBA 31-35 CBADB 36. underatand 37. taste 38. means 39. cookies 40. Except 41. typically 42. immigrants 43. countries

44. That’s why you can find almost every kind of ethnic food in America 45. But the American version doesn’t taste quite like the original

46. Many people eat too many of these unhealthy snacks while others prefer more healthy eating habits

Part IV 47-51 NFOGA 52-56 MCLJI 57-61 CABAC 62-66 BCDDA

Part V 67-71 DBACA 72-76 DBCBD 77-81 CDBDA 82-86 BCADC Part VI 87. Seen from space

88. did he overcharge me

89. stopped to rest on a big stone by the side of the path 90. will not lose contact with the outside world 91. would have had a chance to survive

Key to Model Test Six

Part I (略)


8. future gains 9. social network 10. combined

Part III 11-15 CCAAD 16-20 DDBDC 21-25 BABBA 26-30 ADCAA 31-35 CCCBA 36. Grab 37. stomach 38. looses 39. extensive 40. aspects 41. lines 42. interesting 43. stored

44. The same seed if used many times, can help you link and relate a lot of things 45. More the number of books you read, your mind will open up like never before

46. Within no time you start speaking English or any language fluently with your friends or other people

Part IV 47-51 DFNOA 52-56 CEBKI 57-61 CDDBA 62-66 BACDA

Part V 67-71 ADDBB 72-76 ABCBC 77-81 DCCAB 82-86 ACDCB

Part VI 87. rather than communicate face to face/make a face-to-face communication 88. it is not easy to adapt to a new environment

89. What always confuses/puzzles me; What always makes me confused/puzzled 90. attempts to eacape being fined

91. must have made a great effort to lose weight

Key to Model Test Seven

Part I (略)


8. de-centralized 9. placeness 10. round-the-clock location (for work and play) Part III 11-15 ADBBA 16-20 CBCBC 21-25 DABDA 26-30 BCDBD 31-35 CBDAC 36. decades 37. notion 38. further 39. suffers 40. benefit 41. estimated 42. specialist 43. recommand

44. Not many years ago, back pain patients were put to baed, sometimes for weeks or months

45. if you stay in bed, your muscle strength can decline by as much as three percent per


46. A lot of attention has recently been paid to possible links between depression and back


Part IV 47-51 CDEMO 52-56 GNFKI

57-61 DDBAC 62-66 BCABD

Part V 67-71 BABAC 72-76 DCCAC 77-81 BCDAB 82-86 DABCA Part VI 87. needn’t have done

88. China tops the list of instant noodle demands 89. result from human activities 90. one fo the best steps you can take 91. when the telephone rang

Key to Model Test Eight

Part I (略)


8. intellectual and social capital 9. degree completion 10. richer ones

Part III 11-15 DCBDC 16-20 CABDC 21-25 CBDBD 26-30 CABCA 31-35 DACDC 36. appear 37. slightly 38. thin-obsessed 39. attractive 40. advertised 41. minimum 42. represents 43. encouraging

44. we know that trying to maintain super thin status can be very difficult

45. and may be very harmful to young girls attempting to drop weight to unrealistic and

unhealthy goals 46. some designers are now willing to take better care of their models, who through their

work, enrich designers Part IV 47-51 JFKOL 52-56 GCMHI 57-61 BCDDC 62-66 DDBDC

Part V 67-71 DBCBA 72-76 DCDAC 77-81 ADBDA 82-86 BDBAC Part VI 87. impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine 88. how he had trouble repairing the machine

89. have they undergone/endured tremendous hardship in the travel 90. climate change could have/lead to diastrous consequences 91. falling export rates would have an impact on the economy


I 写作(15%)106.5分

II 快速阅读 (10%)71分

1%(7.1分)/题 题号1-10

III 听力理解(35%)248.5分

(1) 短对话和长对话 1%(7.1分)/题 题号11-35 (25%)177.5分 (2) 复合式听写填单词部分 0.5%(3.55分)/题 题号36-43 (4%)28.4分 (3) 复合式听写填句子部分 2% (14.2分)/题 题号44-46 (6%)42.6分

IV 阅读理解 (25%)177.5分

(1) 深度阅读(选词填空)(5%)35.5分

0.5%(3.55分)/题 题号47-56 (2)传统阅读理解 (20%)142分

2% (14.2分)/题 V 完形填空 (10%) 71分

0.5%(3.55分)/题 VI 短句翻译 (5%) 35.5分

1% (7.1分)/题

题号57-66 题号67-86 题号 87-91

