Book7 Unit5 Reading Keep it up,XieLei导学案

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Book 7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad

Keep it up, Xie Lei Chinese student fitting in well

Teaching aims:

1.To improve the ability of scanning and skimming a text.

2. To know something about the studying in a foreign country, including the advantages and disadvantages.

3.To learn to grasp the important information. Step I: words and phrases

1.祖国n. ________ 2.签证n._________ 3.演讲,讲课n. /v.________ 4.资格,资历n.________ 5.学校的,学术的adj.______ 6.n.代替者;代用品v.用......代替________7.需要,需求n._______ 8.文章;散文________9.承认,确认,答谢v._________

10.反驳v.__________ 11.自主的adj.___________ 12.事业n.__________ 1.适应______________________ 2.相适应;相融合_____________________ 3.保持优秀成绩;继续干下去____________ 4.就……而言____________ 5.忙着做某事_________________ Step II: Warming up

1.Do you want to go abroad for a further study?

2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?

Step III:Fast reading

1.Answer the following questions

(1) Where do you think this passage is from? (2) Who is Xie Lei?

2 .Match the main idea to each paragraph.

Para.1____Para.2____Para.3____Para.4____Para.5____Para.6____Para.7____ A. The general introduction to Xie Lei and her study


B. The advantages of living with a host family.

C. Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, is studying in a foreign country--London. D. Xie Lei is getting used to the Western University’s way of learning. E.. The newspaper will follow Xie Lei’s progress in later editions. F. The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London.

G. Xie Lei feels much more at home in England now and is living an active life. Step IV:Detailed reading Para 1:

1. How long has Xie Lei been in England?

2. What was Xie Lei's feeling when she got the visa? Para 2:

1. What is Xie Lei in England for?

2. Why is she doing a preparation course first? Para 3:

Why did she feel like a child when she first arrived in England?

Para 4:

Why did Xie Lei choose to live with a host family? A. She felt lonely being away from her parents. B. She couldn’t afford to live in student apartments. C. There were other college students in a host family.

D. It was better for her to learn about the new culture and make her life easy. Para 5:

Why did she get an E in her essay? Para 6:


Why has Xie Lei decided to join a few clubs?

Step V :Discussion: 1.what are the benefits of doing a preparation course 1. to get used to a whole new ____________.

2. to learn how to __________ Western academic requirements of living with a host family 1. to learn more about _____________ .

2. to ask my host family___ ____and it's a ___to have a________ to be with. of having a tutor 1. to explain about why you cannot _____what other people had said without ___________them.

2. Even encourage you to ________ the authors. 2.The difficulties at the university 1.learning to read ________ texts and ________what you had read. 2. giving one’s own ______ and_____ it. of a new way of life 1.finding a __________ between study and a ________________. 2.making new __________. Step VI:Summary

Fill in the blanks according to the passage.

Xie Lei _______ a plane for London six months ago to complete a business ___________. She is now halfway through the __________ year. At the beginning, she had to learn almost everything again. She lives with a ____ family, which gives her the__________ to learn more about the ________ in her new country.

She wrote her first ______ to her______, but she only got an E. Now she feels much more _________ and is going to join a few _____ in order to have a _______ between study and a social life. We wish Xie lei all the best in her new _________.



I. Complete the following sentences with proper words. 1.Linda was strongly r____________ for such a senior position. 2. The sports car is carefully designed for maximum _________ (舒适). 3. This is just the d______ of my speech, but what do you think of it? 4. Jamie refused to a___________ that he was defeated.

5. The speaker had got confused, and started _____________ (反驳) himself. 6. Lia ran her eyes over her notes before giving the l________.

7. We need to beat Japan to ensure the____________ (资格) for the World Cup finals. 8. I love this university with its __________(学术的) atmosphere. 9. He came here on a tourist ____ (签证but it has expired (到期). 10. Each of the U. S. states has a(n) ____________ (自治的) government. II.Important sentences:



2.你得适应一种全新的生活方式,在一开始的时候会占去你的全部精力。 _____________________________________________________________

3. 有的房东家也许会住着其他大学生,跟这样的人家住在一起会给她提供机会,更好的了解新的文化。

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. 他认为,别人的想法并不是最重要的。

_____________________________________________________________ 5. 他想要知道的是我所想的是什么,这倒把我弄糊涂了,因为该文作者知道的比我多得多。

_________________________________________________________________ 6. 谢蕾告诉我她在英国现在感觉自在多了,并且开始时看起来很陌生的许多事情现在看来已很正常了。

_____________________________________________________________________ 7. 我一直忙于学习,以至于我没有时间去参与社会活动。



