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Unit 3 A day out


1. 识别国外著名城市及景点。

2. 通过简单对话与同伴交流自己的假期旅游计划。 [活动方案]

Activity I Read the letters(P31)

一、了解一下世界名胜古迹并写出他们属于哪个国家和城市。 国家 城市 the White House the Eiffel Tower

the River Seine the Opera House

the Harbour Bridge the Great Wall 二、列出八个反身代词:


want to exercise keep fit enjoy ourselves go past a house with a garden climb a hill take care take a boat trip be made of come on 四、在完成上面练习以后,请你思考下列问题。 1. come on 的不同意思

2. need to do 的用法


3. 写出enjoy oneself 同义词组

4. be going to +动词原形 与 will +动词原形的区别

Activity II

Task1:听Hobo 与Eddie 的对话,回答问题。 Is Eddie really going to climb the hill? What is he going to do?


Task3: 阅读39页A 部分的明信片并与正确的图片配对。回答: Who sent the first postcard?

Which country is the White House in? What other foreign countries do you know? Task4: 听Amy 与Simon 的对话,回答问题: Which city in the USA does Simon want to go to? Task5: Pair work with desk mates

A: Which ________country do you want to visit, Simon? B: I want to visit_________.

A: Which _____ __do you want to go to? B: I want to go to ________. A: How will you go there? B : I can ____________.

A: _______ do you want to go there? B: Because ___________________.

A: I hope you will enjoy yourselves./have a good time there. [检测反馈]



1. Eddie, you’re a little fat. What about e_________ with us everyday? 2. I don’t think Eddie is good at c________ the hills. 3. The new P___________ of the USA is Barack Obama. 4. Boys and girls, let’s enjoy o____________ tonight.

5. Every day I go __________(路过)a book shop on the way home.

6. You should be careful with the food if you want to keep________(health). 二、用所给词的适当形式填空:

1. The White House is a beautiful ________(build) with a big garden. 2. The students ________ (take) a boat trip yesterday. 3. He goes running every day _________(keep) fit. 4. Thank you for __________ (send) me the nice postcard. 5. He needs __________ (look after) his little brother at home. 6. I wrote an ____________(invite) letter to my friend.

【巩固提升】 一、单项选择

( ) 1. She needs ________more exercise.

A. takes B. to take C. take D. taking

( ) 2. We enjoyed ________ at your birthday party.

A. we B. us C. our D. ourselves ( ) 3. I bought a big house ______a small garden.

A. has B. have C. to h ave D. with ( ) 4. Let’s go shopping,_________?

A. shall we B. shall you C. will you D. won’t you ( ) 5.It’s hot in the room. Keep the window________.

A. open B. opened C. close D. Closed

( ) 6.The swimming pool in our school is as _______as this one.


A. big B. biger C. bigger D. the biggest 二、汉译英


____________________________________________________ _ 2.来吧!让我们享受享受。

____________________________________________________ _ 3.我乘船旅行经过著名的港湾大桥。

____________________________________________________ _ 4.美国总统住在白宫里。

____________________________________________________ _ 5.这是一个有一个漂亮花园的大房子。

____________________________________________________ _ 6.我坐在赛纳河边的咖啡店里。

____________________________________________________ _ 7.他邀请我参加他的生日晚会。

____________________________________________________ _ 8.这座桥是由钢铁制成的。

____________________________________________________ _ 9.Tom没有我高。

____________________________________________________ _ 10.那条河有多宽?

____________________________________________________ _


