高中英语提分必做 完形填空 含答案详解

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(2014届河南省郑州市第四中学高三上学期第三次调考)My name is Margaret. I have been a professional 16 for twenty years. I’m always 17 how sorrow and pain can bring such wonderful gifts as wisdom, patience and love. 18 , we often get so caught up in the daily necessities and routines that we 19 the very things that can bring us 20 and teach us many valuable lessons.

I was hired to 21 a very special lady. I was to prepare meals for her, make sure she took her medicine 22 , do light housekeeping, and provide transportation to and from the market and her doctor’s appointments. All of these 23 were important and necessary so that she could remain 24 . Our focus was just that - 25 her to remain living independently.

It was on a cold rainy night. She turned her little head and smelt her pillow after she had 26 got into bed. I observed tears running from her eyes. She said, “It’s been such a long time since I’ve had 27 sheets; I love the 28 of fresh clean sheets. I couldn’t 29 the sheets myself anymore. Thank you so much for changing my sheets. ”

Such a simple 30 as smelling clean sheets brought such great joy to her life. That was the day I 31 unconditional care. The next day we sat down and 32 what was important to her, what she liked, and how she had done things all these years. I never knew how much I would enjoy and learn from her 33 her life experiences with me. She was the sunshine in my life.

I’m so 34 for the lessons I have learned - the lessons I almost 35 because I forgot to slow down to look and see the beauty that was right in front of me. 16.A. teacher B. doctor

C. coach D. caregiver 17.A. worried B. confused

C. amazed D. interested 18.A. However B. Therefore

C. Besides D. Though 19.A. value B. admire

C. acquire D. ignore 20.A. wisdom B. joy

C. knowledge D. wealth 21.A. care for B. look for

C. call up D. pick up 22.A. constantly B. happily

C. properly D. immediately 23.A. lessons B. tasks

C. meals D. gifts 24.A. calm B. confident

C. comfortable D. independent 25.A. helping B. forcing

C. persuading D. advising 26.A. also B. even

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C. still D. just 27.A. new B. clean

C. expensive D. beautiful 28.A. style B. size

C. smell D. color 29.A. make B. repair

C. change D. buy 30.A. pleasure B. success

C. offer D. desire 31.A. needed B. learned

C. took D. got 32.A. dealt with B. took up

C. carried out D. talked about 33.A. sharing B. comparing

C. discussing D. recalling 34.A. famous B. sorry

C. anxious D. thankful 35.A. accepted B. missed

C. understood D. gained 【文章大意】本文讲述了我在照顾一位老人的时候,发现一份干净的床单就让这位老人非常开心。于是就和老人有了很多的交流,从她那里知道了在生活中我们应该停下来,看看周围美丽的景色。而不是一直在赶路,忽视了身边最美好的事物。

16.D 根据文章第二段可知我被雇佣来照顾一位老妇人。说明我是照顾人的caregiver,故选D项。

17.C worried担心的;confused困惑的;amazed惊讶的;interested感兴趣的。痛苦和悲伤给给人带来如此多的好的东西,如耐心,爱心和聪明的思想。这样的事情让我非常惊讶。故选C项。

18.A However然而;Therefore因此;Besides而且;Though尽管。然而我们经常被陷在了日常事务之中以至于我们经常忽略能够给我们带来快乐的事物,故选A项。

19.D value珍惜;admire钦佩;acquire获得;ignore忽视。我们经常被陷在了日常事务之中以至于我们经常忽略能够给我们带来快乐的事物,故选D项。

20.B wisdom聪明才智;joy快乐;knowledge知识;wealth财富。我们经常被陷在了日常事务之中以至于我们经常忽略能够给我们带来快乐的事物,故选B项。

21.A care for照顾;look for寻找;call up召集;pick up捡起等。我被雇佣来照顾一个很特殊的老妇人,故选A项。

22.C constantly不断地;happily开心地;properly恰当地,合理地;immediately立刻。我给她准备饭菜,保证她合理服药,故选C项。

23.B lessons课程,教训;tasks任务;meals饭菜;gifts礼物。本句是指上句提及的我要为她做的所有这些任务都是很必要和重要的,能让她保持独立,不依靠他人,故选B项。 24.D calm冷静的confident自信的;comfortable舒适的;independent独立的。根据下句remain living independently.可知我的帮助能够让她保持独立,故选D项。

25.A helping帮助;forcing强迫;persuading说服;advising建议。我们的中心任务就是帮助她独立生活,故选A项。

26.D also也;even甚至;still仍然;just只是,仅仅。她只是刚刚上床,就转头在闻枕头

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28.C style风格;size尺寸;smell味道;color颜色。根据28空后的of fresh clean sheets可知我帮助她换了新的干净的床单,她非常喜欢上面的味道,故选C项。 29.C她告诉我说她自己不能换床单,所以谢谢我帮助她,故选C项。

30.A pleasure快乐;success成功;offer提议;desire欲望。就像闻干净的床单这样一件很简单的快乐的事情能够给他的生活带来如此巨大的快乐。故A项正确,故选A项。 31.B就是在那一天我学会了无条件的爱,因为老人的快乐是如此的简单,故选B项。 32.D dealt with处理;took up占据;carried out执行;talked about谈论。第二天我们坐在一起谈论对她来说最重要的事情,故选D项。

33.A sharing分享;comparing比较;discussing讨论;recalling回忆。本题是一个固定搭配share sth. with sb.与某人分享某事.她和我分享她的生活经历。给我带来了很大的影响,故选A项。

34.D famous著名的;sorry悲伤的;anxious焦虑的;thankful感激的.对于我所得到的这个教训我非常感激,故选D项。

35.B accepted接受;missed错过;understood理解;gained赢得.这是一个我几乎错过的教训,因为我忘记了要停下来看看就在自己眼前的美丽的事物,故选B项。 2

(2014届湖北省黄冈中学等三校高三11月联考)A flock of wild ducks were flying in formation, heading south for the winter. They formed a beautiful V in the sky, and were admired by everyone who saw them from below.

One day, Wally, one of the wild ducks in the formation, spotted something on the ground. It was a barnyard with a flock of _ 16 ducks who lived on the farm. They were waddling around on the ground, quacking merrily and eating _ 17 that was thrown on the ground for them every day. Wally liked what he saw. \he thought to himself. “And all this flying is very tiring. I'd like to just 18 around for a while.”

So after thinking it over a while, Wally left the formation of wild ducks, made a sharp __19 , and 20 for the barnyard. He landed _ 21 the tame ducks, and began to waddle around and quack 22 . He also started eating corn. The formation of wild ducks continued their journey South, but Wally didn't care. “I’ll __ 23 them when they come back North in a few months,” he said to himself.

Several months went by and __24 enough, Wally looked up and spotted the flock of wild ducks in formation, heading north. They looked beautiful up there. And Wally was tired of the 25 . It was muddy and 26 he waddled, there was nothing but duck doo. “It's time to leave.” said Wally.

So Wally _ 27 his wings furiously and tried to get airborne. But he had gained some 28 from all his corn-eating, and he hadn't exercised his wings much either. He finally 29 the ground, but he was flying too _ 30 and slammed into the side of the barn. He fell to the ground with a thud and said to himself, “Oh, well, I’ll just wait until they fly __31 in a few months. Then I'll rejoin them and become a wild duck again.”

When the flock flew overhead once more, Wally again tried to 32 himself out of the barnyard. But he simply didn’t have the strength. Every winter and every spring, he saw his wild duck friends flying overhead, and they would 33 to him. But his attempts to leave

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were all 34 . Eventually Wally no longer paid any attention to the wild ducks flying overhead. He hardly even noticed them. He had 35 , become a barnyard duck. 16.A. tame B. ugly

C. beautiful D. wild 17.A. food B. grain

C. corn D. vegetable 18.A. rest B. waddle

C. walk D. fly 19.A. turn B. dive

C. land D. circle 20.A. hurried B. looked

C. left D. headed 21.A. between B. among

C. behind D. within 22.A. loudly B. sadly

C. merrily D. eagerly 23.A. see B. recognize

C. leave D. rejoin 24.A. strange B. lucky

C. sure D. natural 25.A. barnyard B. corn

C. waddling D. quacking 26.A. every day B. every time

C. everywhere D. nowhere 27.A. flapped B. spread

C. removed D. opened 28.A. strength B. skills

C. friends D. weight 29.A. got off B. got to

C. got up D. got back 30.A. slowly B. fast

C. high D. low 31.A. back B. south

C. north D. overhead 32.A. lift B. fly

C. struggle D. rise 33.A. call out B. come back

C. come over D. call back 34.A. in return B. in need

C. in vain D. in place 35.A. after all B. above all

C. therefore D. however


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地面上的人抬头仰望,无不赞叹。队伍中的野鸭沃利看到一群农场养的家鸭在摇摆着走来走去,欢快地嘎嘎叫着,啄食着人们每天撒在地上喂它们的谷物。也想享受悠闲的生活,于是脱离了鸭群。最终,沃利不再去关注那些头顶飞过的野鸭群,甚至对他们视而不见。他终究变成了一只家鸭。这个故事告诉我们“生于忧患,死于安乐”的道理。 16.A根据ducks who lived on the farm可知,是家养的鸭子,且根据第三段“the tame ducks”可知,用tame。tame驯服的;ugly丑陋的;beautiful漂亮的;wild野蛮的。故选A项。 17.C根据后面的 “to have some of that corn” 可知,撒在地上的是corn,grain谷物;corn玉米。故选C项。

18.B根据“They were waddling around on the ground...all this flying is very tiring”可知,Wally觉得长途飞行太累,想悠闲的在地上散步, waddle摇摇摆摆地走。故选B项。 19.B made a sharp ____ Wally是从空中俯冲而下,dive俯冲;circle盘旋。故选B项。 20.D head for前往,A匆忙;B寻找;C离开;D前往。故选D项。 21.B He landed _ the tame ducks他降落在家鸭之间,故选B项。 22.C根据第二段“quacking merrily”可知,用merrily,loudly大声地;sadly悲伤地;merrily开心地;eagerly急切地。故选C项。

23.D I’ll ____ them when they come back North in a few months等他们几个月后回来时,我再加入他们的队伍。recognize认出;rejoin重新加入。故选D项。 24.C几个月过去了,Wally确信地看着天空。故选C项。 25.A根据第三段“ for the barnyard”可知,Wally厌倦了场院里的生活,barnyard场院; waddling鸭子摇摆地走;quacking发出嘎嘎声。故选A项。

26.C Wally厌倦了场院里的生活,那里满是泥泞,所到之处都是鸭屎。故选C项。

27.A So Wally _ ___ his wings furiously Wally猛烈地拍打着翅膀,flapped拍打;spread伸展;removed移除;opened打开。故选A项。 28.D But he had gained some __ from all his corn-eating但是他已经长胖了,strength力量;skills技能;weight体重。故选D项。

29.A 根据but he was flying too可知,他飞起来了,got off离开;got to到达;got up起床;got back返回。故选A项。

30.D but he was flying too _ __ and slammed into the side of the barn但是飞的太低,突然撞在了谷仓的另一边上。故选D项。 31.B I'll just wait until they fly ___ in a few months根据前文可知,野鸭群往北飞了,Wally决定等到鸭群再往南飞时再归队。overhead在头顶上。故选B项。 32.A Wally again tried to _ __ himself out of the barnyard沃利再次想离开谷仓,lift举起,抬起;struggle挣扎。故选A项。 33.A they would ___ to him他们会向Wally叫喊,call out叫喊;come back回来;come over过来;call back回电话。故选A项。

34.C But his attempts to leave were all .但是他的尝试都是徒劳的。in return作为回报;in need需要;in vain徒劳;in place到位。故选C项。

35.A 他最终成了一只家鸭。after all毕竟,终究;above all最重要的是;therefore因此;however然而。故选A项。 3

(2014届黑龙江省双鸭山一中高三上学期期中) The new science of spending comes to a surprising conclusion .How we use our money may 16 as much or more than how much we’ve got it.

Money spent on experiences, rather than material goods, 17 more happiness. 第5页 共38页

Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning to 18 $1 million under your bed .What would you do 19 that cash?

The money will probably make you think about one thing 20 all else---- yourself. A large amount of research reveals that money 21 our selfish sides. We will 22 much on what that money can do for us alone. Perhaps you are imagining buying a faster car, or even a new house.

But studies show that 23 goods often fail to deliver 24 happiness. Fortunately, our ongoing research 25 many ways to get more happiness from every dollar you spend .Changing how you spend money can increase your happiness.

But making these 26 needs to challenge some of our ideas of spending. It’s hard not to 27 buying a house as a wise investment. But research shows it brings very little happiness. A study in the United States found that homeowners, on average, were no happier than 28 . So, working hard to save money for a house might not be such a good idea 29 it means spending less time with your families and friends.

And dozens of studies show that people get more happiness from buying 30 than material things. Experimental purchases—such as trips, concerts and special meals –are more 31 connected to our sense of self. And experiences come with one more 32 . They tend to bring us 33 to other people, but more often, material things are enjoyed 34 . So social contacts are important to 35 mental and physical health. 16.A. present B. matter

C. appear D. equal 17.A. leads to B. breaks out

C. holds on D. brings along 18.A. keep B. own

C. discover D. count 19.A. to B. with

C. about D. for 20.A. above B. below

C. before D. after 21.A. shows B. explains

C. proves D. designs 22.A. depend B. concentrate

C. take D. look 23.A. mental B. material

C. beautiful D. clever 24.A. outgoing B. lasting

C. willing D. exciting 25.A. invites B. offers

C. prefers D. follows 26.A. changes B. plans

C. decisions D. mistakes 27.A. know B. view

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C. dream D. judge 28.A. buyers B. sellers

C. builders D. renters 29.A. if B. how

C. unless D. though 30.A. houses B. cars

C. experiences D. health 31.A. clearly B. hardly

C. generally D. deeply 32.A. advantage B. conclusion

C. purpose D. identity 33.A. familiar B. close

C. proper D. native 34.A. completely B. worldwide

C. secretly D. alone 35.A. gain B. damage

C. improve D. build


16. B present 呈现;matter重要;appear似乎;equal和…相等。关于消费的研究得出了一个令人震惊的结论。我们管理手中财富的能力与我们赚钱的能力的(重要)相仿或更加(重要)选B项。

17. D leads to导致;breaks out爆发;holds on别挂断;brings along带来。花在经历上的钱比花在物质商品上的钱带来更多的快乐,选D项。

18. C keep保持;own拥有;discover发现;count数。想象一下你明天早上起床,发现床下面有100万,选C项。

19. B你会怎么处理这笔钱,do with“处理“,选 B项。

20. A above在..上面;below在…下面;before 在…前面;after在…后面。从后面的句子: A large amount of research reveals that money 21 our selfish sides. 可知钱会让我们考虑一件事高于其他任何东西,就是你自己,选A项。

21. A shows展示;explains解释;proves证明;designs设计。研究表明钱显示了我们自私的一面,选A项。

22. B depend依赖;concentrate集中; take拿;look看。我们专注更多的是钱可以为我们一个人做什么,选B项。

23. B mental精神的;material物质的;beautiful美丽的;clever聪明的。从后面的句子:Fortunately ,our ongoing research 25 many ways to get more happiness from every dollar you spend .可知物质的东西不能带来持久的快乐,选B项。 24. B outgoing 外向;lasting持久的;willing愿意的;exciting兴奋的。物质的东西不能带来持久的快乐,选B项。 25. B invites邀请; offers提供;prefers 更喜欢;follows跟随。从后面的句子:Changing how you spend money can increase your happiness.可知我们的研究提供更多的花钱可以带来快乐的方式,选B项。

26. A changes改变;plans计划;decisions 决定;mistakes错误。从前面的句子:Changing how you spend money can increase your happiness.可知做出这样的改变,需要挑战我们的习

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27. B know知道;view看待;dream做梦;judge判断。很难不把买个房子作为投资,选B项。

28. D buyers购买者;sellers销售者;builders建筑者;renters租房者。自己有房的人没有租房子的人快乐,选D项。

29. A if如果;how怎样;unless除非;though虽然。如果这意味着和家人朋友的时间短了,那么努力挣钱买房不是个好的选择,选A项。

30. C houses房子;cars汽车;experiences经历;health健康。从后面的句子:Experimental purchases—such as trips ,concerts and special meals –are more 31 connected to our sense of self.可知人们的购物经历比物质的东西带来更多的快乐,选C项。 31. D clearly很清楚;hardly几乎不;generally一般;deeply深地,。实验性的购物—旅游,音乐会和特殊的饭局都是和我们的自我有更加深的联系,选D项。 32. A advantage优点;conclusion结论;purpose目的;identity身份。从后面的句子They tend to bring us 33 to other people ,可知经历给我们带来另外一个优点,选A项。

33. B familiar更熟悉;close密切的;proper适当的;native当地的,本族的。经历使我们和别人更加紧密,选B项。

34. D completely 完全;worldwide世界范围的;secretly 秘密地;alone单独地。物质的财富是单独享受的选D项。

35. C gain获得;damage破坏;improve提高;build建立。所以社会联系是对提高精神和身体健康重要的,选C项。 4

(2014届山东师大附中高三第三次模拟)One day I visited an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was expecting a quiet 16 of the splendid artwork.

A young 17 viewing the paintings ahead of me 18 nonstop between themselves. I watched them a moment and decided the lady was doing all the talking. I admired the man’s 19 for putting up with her 20 stream of words. 21 by their noise, I moved on. I met them several times as I moved 22 the various rooms of art, Each time I heard her continuous flow of words, I moved away 23 . I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a 24 when the couple approached the 25 . Before they left, the man 26 into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He 27 it into a long sick and then 28 his way into the coatroom to get his wife’s jacket. “He′s a 29 man.” The clerk at the counter said. “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age, during his recovery, he made a promise his life wouldn’t change. So, as before, he and his wife come in 30 there is a new art show.” “But what does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He can’t see.”

“Can’t see? You’re 31 . He sees a lot, More than you and I do,” the clerk said, “His wife 32 each painting so he can see it in his head.”

I learned something about patience, 33 and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without 34 and the courage of a husband who would not 35 blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away, their arms intertwined. 16.A. view B. touch

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C. wander D. scenery 17.A. lady B. man

C. couple D. clerk 18.A. yelled B. argued

C. screamed D. chatted 19.A. attempt B. patience

C. wisdom D. independence 20.A. vivid B. constant

C. casual D. exciting 21.A. Adopted B. Adapted

C. Conducted D. Disturbed 22.A. towards B. to

C. through D. from 23.A. anxiously B. slowly

C. quickly D. sensibly 24.A. comment B. decision

C. purchase D. profit 25.A. entrance B. queue

C. front D. exit 26.A. plugged B. reached

C. held D. bent 27.A. lengthened B. made

C. brought D. broadened 28.A. led B. found

C. forced D. tapped 29.A. brave B. rough

C. smart D. generous 39.A. wherever B. whatever

C. whenever D. whichever 31.A. wrong B. silly

C. equal D. unique 32.A. describes B. draws

C. shows D. decorates 33.A. kindness B. courage

C. enthusiasm D. pride 34.A. support B. expectation

C. sight D. confidence 35.A. allow B. hope

C. get D. Cause


16.A view观点,视角;touch 联系,触摸;wander徘徊;scenery风景。作者想找个安静的视角欣赏美丽的艺术作品,故选A项。

17.C lady女士;man 男子;couple夫妇;clerk职员。从后面的句子“I was standing at the

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counter of the museum gift shop making a 24 when the couple approached the 25 .”可知在作者前面是一对夫妇在欣赏画,故选C项。 18.D yelled叫喊;argued 争论;screamed尖叫;chatted聊天。从后面的句子“I watched them a moment and decided the lady was doing all the talking.”可知这对夫妇在不停的聊天,故选D。

19.B attempt 试图;patience耐心;wisdom智慧;independence独立。从后面的“putting up with her 20 stream of words.”可知作者佩服这个男子的耐心可以忍受妻子的滔滔不绝的话,故选B项。

20.B vivid生动的;constant连续的; casual随意的; exciting令人兴奋的。从前面的the lady was doing all the talking.可知这个女士在不停的说,故选B项。

21.D Adopted 收养,采纳;Adapted适应;Conducted指导,教授;Disturbed打扰。从前面的“I was looking forward to a quiet 16 of the splendid artwork.”可知作者喜欢安静,被打扰了,故选D项。

22.C towards 朝着;to到…;through通过;from 从…。作者在通过几个艺术大厅的时候又遇到这对夫妇,故选C项。

23.C anxiously 焦虑地; slowly慢地;quickly快地;sensibly明智地,理智地。句意是:每次我听到她不停的说话,我就迅速的走开了,故选C项。

24.C comment评论;decision决定;purchase购买;profit利益。从前面的“I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop”可知作者在博物馆的礼品柜买东西,故选C项。 25.D entrance入口;queue排队;front前面; exit 出口。从后面的句子“Before they left, the man 26 into his pocket and pulled out a white object.”可知这对夫妇是靠近出口,故选D项。

26.B plugged插;reached伸出;held 拿;bent弯曲。句意是:这个男子把受伸进口袋,拿出一个白色的东西,故选B项。

27.A lengthened加长;made使得;brought 带来;broadened变宽。句意是:把这个白色的东西拉长成长棍子,故选A项。

28.D led 带领;found发现;forced强迫;tapped拍。从后面的句子“Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age.During his recovery, he made a promise his life wouldn't change.”可知这个男子是个盲人,用这个拐杖是敲击地面,探路的,故选D项。 29.A brave勇敢的;rough粗略的;smart 聪明的;generous大方的。从后面的解释, “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age.”可知他是勇敢的人,故选A项。 30.C wherever无论什么地方;whatever无论什么;whenever无论何时;whichever无论哪个。句意是:每次有新的艺术展,他和妻子都会来,故选C项。 31.A wrong错误的;silly愚蠢的;equal平等的;unique独特的。从后面的“He sees a lot.More than you and I do,”可知作者说他看不见是错的,故选A项。

32.A describes描述;draws画画;shows展示;decorates装饰。从后面的句子“I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without 34 and the courage of a'' husband ”可知是妻子给丈夫描述图画,故选A项。

33.B kindness 善良;courage勇气;enthusiasm热情;pride 骄傲。从前面的句子:\a 29 man, \.\d give up if we were blinded at such a young age.可知作者学到勇气,耐心和爱,故选B项。

34.C support支持;expectation期望;sight情境,视力;confidence自信。前面说这个男的是盲人,是没有视力的,故选C项。

35.A allow允许;hope希望;get 得到;cause使得。从前面的句子“During his recovery, he

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made a promise his life wouldn't change.”可知这个丈夫不允许失明改变他的生活,故选A项。 5

(2014届辽宁省抚顺二中高三上学期期中)The survey about childhood in the Third World shows that the struggle for survival is long and hard. But in the rich world, children can 16 from a different kind of poverty — of the spirit. 17 , one Western country alone now sees 14, 000 attempted suicides ( 自杀 ) every year by children under 15, and one child 18 five needs psychiatric (心理上的) advice.

There are many good things about 19 in the Third World. Take the close and constant relation between children and their parents, relatives and neighbors for example. In the West, the very nature of work puts distance between 20 and children. But in most Third World villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices. 21 , the child sees mother and father, relations and neighbors working 22 and often shares in that work..

A child 23 in this way learns his or her role through joining in the community's 24 : helping to dig or build, look after animals or babies -- rather than 25 playing with water and sand in kindergarten, keeping pets 26 playing with dolls.

These children may grow up with a less oppressive sense of space and time than the 27 children. Their sense of days and time has a lot to do with the change of seasons and positions of the sun or the moon in the sky. Children in the rich world, 28 , are provided with a watch as one of the 29 signs of growing up, so that they can 30 along with their parents about being late for school times, meal times, bed times, the times of TV shows…

Third World children do not usually 31 to stay indoors, still less in high-rise apartments. Instead of dangerous roads, \off the grass\signs and \speak to strangers\ 32 to study and play. Parents can see their children outside rather than observe them 33 from ten floors up.

34 , twelve million children under five still die every year through hunger and disease. But childhood in the Third World is not all 35 . 16.A. come B. survive

C. suffer D. learn 17.A. As usual B. In fact

C. For instance D. In other words 18.A. in B. by

C. to D. under

19.A. childhood B. poverty

C. spirit D. survival 20.A. neighbors B. fathers

C. adults D. relatives 21.A. Anyhow B. Instead

C. However D. Still 22.A. away B. alone C. nearby D. along 23.A. working B. living through

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C. playing D. growing up 24.A. fun B. life C. study D. work 25.A. by B. through

C. from D. with 26.A. or B. but

C. and D. so 27.A. Western B. good

C. poor D. Eastern

28.A. at any moment B. at the same time

C. on the other hand D. on the whole 29.A. easiest B. quickest

C. happiest D. earliest 30.A. care B. worry

C. hurry D. fear 31.A. dare B. expect

C. have D. require 32.A. freedom B. danger

C. disappointment D. control 33.A. eagerly B. anxiously

C. impatiently D. proudly 34.A. Above all B. In the end

C. Of course D. What's more 35.A. poor B. good

C. rich D. bad 【文章大意】本文将第三世界的孩子与西方国家的孩子的童年时代作了对比,阐述了各自的优点和缺点。


17.C在富裕的世界里孩子们在遭受着不同的贫困即:精神。例如:仅仅一个西方国家每年就有就见证了十五岁以下的孩子有14000的自杀未遂。As usual 像往常一样;For instance例如;In fact 实际上;In other words换句话说。根据空后内容可知此处应表示举例说明,故选C项。

18.A五个孩子中就有一个需要心理上的开导。根据固定短语:one in + 数字…中的一个,几分之一,所以A正确.

19.A在第三世界有许多关于童年的美好的事情。根据文章开头第一段第一句话The survey about childhood in the Third World shows that 表明本文是关于第三世界的孩子的童年的调查,所以A正确。

20.C在西方工作的本质就把距离摆在了成年人和孩子之间。根据下文But in most Third World villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices是举例说明孩子和家长之间的距离,所以C正确。 21.B但是在第三世界的村子里爸爸和妈妈不是每天去几英里之外去上班,而是孩子看见爸爸,妈妈和亲戚邻居们在附近工作。根据前后两句之间的关系可以判定是做对比, Anyhow 无论如何;However然而;Instead 反而;Still仍然,所以C正确。

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22.C而是孩子看见爸爸,妈妈和亲戚邻居们在附近工作。away远;alone 独自一人;nearby附近;along 沿着。根据句意C正确。 23.D一个通过这种方式长大的孩子通过加入社区的工作了解了他或她所起的作用。根据下一段第一句的开头部分可以推断出D正确。 24.D一个通过这种方式长大的孩子通过加入社区的工作了解了他或她所起的作用。根据冒号后面的内容可知是“工作”。如果选择A项,则需要用复数形式,所以D正确。 25.B帮助挖或建,照顾动物或婴儿——而不是在幼儿园玩水玩沙,养宠物或者玩玩具娃娃。根据前线索through joining in the community's ,可以判断是通过through,所以B正确。 26.A帮助挖或建,照顾动物或婴儿——而不是在幼儿园玩水玩沙,养宠物或者玩玩具娃娃。根据句意是或者,所以A正确。 27.A这些孩子长大们可能会比西方的孩子有更少的空间和时间的压迫感。本文是将第三世界的孩子与“西方”国家的孩子的童年时代进行对比,前半句是说第三世界的孩子,因此这里选D项。

28.C at any moment 在任何时候;at the same time同时;on the other hand 但是,表转折;on the whole大体上,根据前后句可以判断出是进行对比。on the other hand“另一方面,但是 ”所以C正确。


30.A所以,他们能关心和父母一起在学校的时间,吃饭的时间,睡觉时间晚,电视节目时间去掉句中的along with their parents这一修饰语,就比较容易理解了。so that后面跟的是结果状语从句,care about 关心,在意,所以A正确。

31.C第三世界的孩子们不必经常呆在室内,更不必说在高楼里了,根据后面to do sth.,构成短语have to do sth 不得不,非得;don’t have to意为“不必”,相当于needn’t,所以C正确。

32.A通常会有学习和玩的自由的感觉。根据前面children do not usually 31 to stay indoors 和Instead of dangerous roads, \off the grass\signs and \speak to strangers\前面提到他们不必一直守在家中,由此可判断他们有学习和玩耍的“自由”。下一句的前半句也提供了暗示。


34.C当然了,每年仍然有十二亿五岁以下的儿童遭受着饥饿和疾病。Above all 首先,最重要的是;In the end最后;Of course当然了;What's more而且,根据后面的but表转折关系,根据句意所以C正确。 35.D但是第三世界的孩子们也不完全的糟糕。本文叙述第三世界国家孩子的童年时代也有许多好处,再结合本句中的but一词可知表示肯定意义。所以D正确。 6


A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was treated as the apple of their eyes.

One morning, when the boy was around two years old, the husband saw a 16 bottle open. He was 17 for work, so he 18 the wife to cap the bottle and put it in the cupboard. The mother, 19 in the kitchen, totally 20 the matter.

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The boy saw the bottle and 21 went to it and, fascinated with its color, drank it all. It 22 to be a poisonous medicine meant 23 adults in small dosages. When the child fell down, the mother 24 hurried him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was shocked; she was 25 . How would she 26 her husband?

When the 27 father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four words. What do you think those four words were? The husband just said, \ 28 You Darling\ 29 .

Yet, the father did the very right thing. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no 30 in finding fault with the mother. 31 , if only he had taken time to put the bottle away, this would not have happened. No point in attaching 32 . She had also lost her only child. What she 33 at that moment was comfort and sympathy from the husband. That is what he 34 her. Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or who’s to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know and miss out on the 35 in human relationships we could receive by giving each other support. 16.A. medicine B. milk

C. juice D. beer 17.A. early B. soon

C. late D. punctual 18.A. asked B. demanded

C. begged D. forced 19.A. concerned B. enjoyed

C. fixed D. occupied 20.A. remembered B. reminded

C. forgot D. recalled 21.A. carefully B. playfully

C. personally D. physically 22.A. occurred B. happened

C. used D. seemed 23.A. to B. for

C. by D. with 24.A. finally B. nearly

C. possibly D. immediately 25.A. terrified B. encouraged

C. embarrassed D. touched 26.A. face B. scold

C. call D. inform 27.A. kind-hearted B. broad-minded

C. heart-broken D. good-natured 28.A. Miss B. Hate

C. Support D. Love 29.A. acceptable B. respectable

C. unexpected D. understandable 30.A. point B. wonder

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C. use D. need 31.A. Instead B. However

C. Therefore D. Besides 32.A. praise B. sadness

C. blame D. insult 33.A. thought B. needed

C. required D. learnt 34.A. gave B. owed

C. treated D. left 35.A. peace B. warmth

C. coldness D. balance


16. A一天早晨当孩子大约两岁大的时候,这个丈夫看到了一个药瓶敞着,根据后线索It to be a poisonous medicine m,故选A项。 17. C由于他上班晚了,所以他就让妻子把瓶子盖上盖放到壁橱里。early 早;soon很快;late 晚;punctual准时的,根据句意可知选C项。 18. A由于他上班晚了,所以他就让妻子把瓶子盖上盖放到壁橱里。asked请求;demanded 要求;begged乞求;forced迫使,根据语境自己没有时间所让妻子做,故选A项。

19. D这个妈妈,由于在厨房里忙着。concerned担心的,关心的;enjoyed 喜欢;fixed 固定的; occupied忙的,根据后面关键词in,构成短语:be occupied in 忙于做某事,再加上语境,故选D项。

20. C这个妈妈,由于在厨房里忙着,把这个事忘了。remembered 记得;reminded 提醒;forgot 忘记;recalled回忆,根据语境所以选C项。 21. B小男孩看到药瓶走过去,被鲜艳的颜色吸引了就喝了它。carefully认真地;playfully 爱玩地;personally个人地;physically物理地,身体地,爱玩是孩子的天性,故选B项。 22. B它碰巧是一个毒药瓶,小剂量对于成年人都有毒。occurred 发生;happened发生,碰巧 ; used 使用;seemed好像,根据语境可知选B项。

23. B小剂量对于成年人都有毒。把握关键词:meant,改成短语:be meant for sb. 被打算用于,故选B项。

24. D当孩子倒下的时候,妈妈赶紧把孩子立刻送往医院。finally最后,最终;nearly 将近,几乎;possibly可能;immediately立刻,根据语境当然选D项。

25. A在医院里孩子死了,妈妈震惊了,害怕了。terrified 害怕的;encouraged受鼓励;embarrassed 尴尬;touched感动,触动,根据语境选A项。

26. A她该怎么面对他的丈夫呢? face面对;scold责备;call打电话;inform通知,根据语境故选A项。

27. C当心碎的丈夫来到医院的时候, kind-hearted 好心的;broad-minded 心胸宽广的;heart-broken 伤心的; good-natured心地善良的,根据语境故选C项。

28. D丈夫说:亲爱的,我爱你。Miss 思念;Hate 憎恨;Support 支持;Love爱,根据下文内容,故选D项。

29. C这完全出乎意料。acceptable 可以接受的;respectable尊敬的;unexpected 出乎意料的;understandable不标准的,根据句意选C项。 30. A再挑这个妈妈的毛病没有意义。根据固定句型:there is no point in doing …做某事没有意义。根据前面语境,孩子怎么也是唤不回生命了,再去指责妈妈已经没有了意义,故选A

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31. D而且,如果他把药瓶收起来,这样的悲剧也不会发生了。Instead 而是;However 然而;Therefore 因此;Besides而且,根据前句再去指责妈妈已经没有意义,根据后句自己也有责任,所以应该是递进关系,故选D项。

32. C再去责备没有意义。praise 赞扬;sadness伤心;blame责备;insult侮辱,根据语境当然是责备 ,所以C正确。

33. B在那一刻她需要的是来自丈夫的安慰和怜爱。thought想,认为;needed需要;required要求;learnt学会,根据语境选B项。

34. A那是他应该给予她的。gave 给予;owed欠;treated对待;left离开,根据语境妻子需要安慰,当然是丈夫应该给予的,故选A项。

35. B无论是在工作中还是在人际关系中,我们知道和错过了我们能够给予彼此的温暖。peace和平;warmth 温暖;coldness冷酷;balance平衡,根据语境和上下文当然是选B项。 7

(2014届吉林大学附属中学高三上学期第一次摸底考试)That cold January night, I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco. There I was, walking home at one in the morning after a tiring 16 at the theatre. With opening night only a week away, I was 17 learning my lines. I was having trouble 18 my part-time job at the bank and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought seriously 19 giving up both acting and San Francisco. 20 had become too much for me.

As I walked down 21 streets under tall buildings, I felt very 22 and cold. I began running, both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were still out except a few sad-looking homeless people under blankets.

About a block from my apartment, I heard a sound behind me. I turned 23 , half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. 24 I saw was a shining streetlight. 25 , the noise had made me nervous, so I started to run fast. Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I realize what the noise had been. It had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk.

26 I wasn’t cold or tired anymore. I ran out of the door and back to 27 I’d heard the noise. 28 I searched the sidewalk anxiously for fifteen minutes, my wallet was nowhere to be found.

Just as I was about 29 the search, I heard the garbage truck pull up to the sidewalk next to me. When a voice 30 from the inside. “Alisa Camacho?” I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know my name? The door opened, and out jumped a small red-haired man with an 31 look in his eyes. “Is this what you’re looking for?” he asked, 32 a small square shape.

It was nearly 3 a. m. by the time I got into bed. I 33 get much sleep that night, but I had gotten my wallet back. I 34 had gotten back some enjoyment of city life. I realized that the city couldn’t be a bad place 35 people were willing to help each other. 16.A. exercise B. work

C. practice D. training 17.A. still B. already

C. yet D. only 18.A. to deal with B. to handle with

C. handling with D. dealing with

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19.A. of B. about

C. over D. out 20.A. City life B. Country life

C. School life D. Modern life 21.A. busy B. crowded

C. noisy D. empty 22.A. proud B. confident

C. small D. excited 23.A. fast B. immediately

C. rapidly D. quickly 24.A. All which B. All

C. That D. Which 25.A. Therefore B. Still

C. Consequently D. Subsequently 26.A. Suddenly B. Gradually

C. Absolutely D. Exactly 27.A. which B. that

C. where D. what 28.A. Even if B. Although

C. As if D. As though 29.A. to give in B. giving in

C. to give up D. giving up 30.A. called B. calling

C. was called D. to call 31.A. amusing B. amazing

C. amazed D. amused 32.A. to hold up B. holding up

C. to hold on D. holding on 33.A. couldn’t B. wouldn’t

C. didn’t D. shouldn’t 34.A. still B. already

C. also D. certainly 35.A. as far as B. as well as

C. as soon as D. as long as


16.C从下文With opening night only a week away,可知作者在剧院排练,practice强调提高技巧的训练,而exercise强调习题,故选C项。

17.A从前句内容可知离首映只有几周时间了,作者台词还没记住,所以用still“仍然”表示作者无奈和沮丧的心情。故选A项。 18.D固定短语have trouble doing sth “做某事有困难”,故排除A、D选项。 deal with“处理;对付”,而handle是及物动词,不和介词连用,故选D项。

19.B Think of “想起,认为”;think about “考虑”; think over“仔细考虑”;think out“想出”。

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从语境可知作者在想放弃,所以用think about,故选B项。

20.A由文章末段….had gotten back some enjoyment of city life可以判断作者打算放弃都市生活,故选A项。

21.D busy忙碌的,繁忙的;crowded拥挤的;noisy吵闹的;empty空寂的,空的。根据下文The street was empty,故选D项。

22.C proud骄傲的;confident自信的;small小的;excited激动的。从文章叙述可知此时作者心情沮丧,在空荡荡的大街上,自然会感到自己的渺小,无助。故选C项。

23.D fast强调运动着的物体速度快,而quickly指动作的迅速发生;rapidly强调短期内发生,由语境可知作者听到声音后是迅速转身去看,所以应该用quickly,故选D项。

24.B代从结构可以判断此句缺少主语,I saw是省略关系代词的定语从句, all 后面不能用which引导的定语从句;而that 和which 前没有先行词,由此判断选B项。

25.B Therefore因此;Still仍然;Consequently因此;Subsequently随后,后来。根据上下文可知尽管作者回头没看到想象的坏人,可是声音还是让他紧张害怕,故选B项。

26.A Suddenly突然;Gradually逐渐地;Absolutely绝对地;Exactly确切地。从上文可知作者身心疲倦,而看到钱包丢了的时候,立即跑回大街上去找,所以用suddenly表示状况的迅速转变,故选A项。


28.B Even if即使;Although虽然;As if仿佛;As though仿佛,好像。从上下文可知此处是转折关系,尽管我找了15分钟,我的钱包还是没有找到,而even if 含有假设的意味,故选B项。

29.C give in 让步;give up放弃。固定短语be about to do “正要做某事”,根据语境可知作者找不到钱包,正打算放弃,故选C项。


31.D amusing滑稽可笑的;amazing令人惊讶的;amazed感到惊讶的;amused逗乐的,觉得好笑的。从语境可知开车的人看着作者的惊讶,觉得很好笑,故选D项。

32.B hold up 举起; hold on 坚持。从语境可知此时开车人一边问,一边举着钱包,而由语法结构判断只有现在分词短语可以表示伴随状况,再根据词意可知选B项。



35.D as far as远至,据;as well as和……一样好;as soon as一……就;as long as只要。根据语境可知作者认为如果人们彼此帮助,城市也不是冷漠无情的,而是一个很好的居住地,故选D项。 8

(2014届辽宁省五校协作体高三上学期期初考试)It was a very cold evening. The old man’s beard was almost icy. He was waiting for a __16__ across the river. The wait seemed __17__. The old man sat on the ground waiting for quite a long time.

__18__, he saw several horsemen coming. He watched them silently and let the first one pass by without even asking. Another passed by,and then another, till the last rider came near the old man. The old man caught the rider’s __19__ and said, “Sir, would you __20__ giving me a ride to the other side?”

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___21_ his horse, the rider replied, “Of course not.” But it was so cold that the old man’s body was almost __22__. He could not get __23__ the ground. The horseman helped the old man onto his horse. He took the old man not just across the river, __24__ to the old man’s home.

As they __25 _ the old man’s house, the horseman asked, “Sir, you let several other riders pass by without even asking. Then I __26__ and you asked me for a ride at once. Why? __27__I had said ‘no’ and left you there?”

The old man looked the rider straight in the eye, and said, “I looked ___28_ the eyes of the other riders. I quickly saw that they didn’t __29__. It would be __30__ even asking them for a ride. But in your eye I saw __31__. I knew that you would help me.”

The words __32__ the rider deeply. “Thank you for what you’ve said,” he told the old man. “I hope I will never leave others __33__ simply because I’m busy, and every American citizen does __34__ in my heart.”

With that, Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the US, turned his horse around and made his __24__ back to the White House. 16.A. help B. ride

C. trip D. drive 17.A. useful B. boring

C. fortunate D. endless 18.A. Gradually B. Finally

C. Sadly D. Surprisingly 19.A .eyes B. hand

C. back D. face

20.A. like B. think

C. offer D. mind 21.A. Speeding B. Riding

C. Stopping D. Leaving 22.A. shocked B. stuck C. frozen D. injured 23.A. down B. on

C. in D. off

24.A. only B. but

C. so D. then 25.A. neared B. visited

C. passed D. missed 26.A. came on B. came in

C. came up D. came out 27.A. Even if B. What if

C. As if D. Only if 28.A. out B. for

C. into D. up 29.A. try B. wait

C. ask D. care 30.A. useless B. risky

C. dangerous D. foolish

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31.A. bravery B. loyalty

C. ambition D. kindness 32.A. attracted B. comforted

C. touched D. occupied 33.A. alone B. out

C. away D. over 34.A. desire B. live

C. count D. advance 35.A. choice B. living

C. mind D. way 【文章大意】本文讲述了一位老人在等待着别人带他过河,他连续放过了前面几个骑马的人,而是请求最后一个人帮助他。因为他从对方的眼睛里看到了善良。这个人就是美国总统杰斐逊。作者通过这个故事告诉我们杰斐逊的高贵品质。

16.B 根据20空后的giving me a ride可知这位老人在等着别人带他过河。Give sb. a ride顺路带某人,故选B项。

17.D 根据下文for quite a long time可知他等了很久。故选D项。

18.B Gradually逐渐地;Finally最后;Sadly悲哀地;Surprisingly惊讶地。最后他看见几个骑马的人走了过来,故选B项。

19.A 根据31空前的in your eye可知老人看的是对方的眼睛。故选A项。

20.D mind doing sth.介意做某事;老人向对方提出了请求。你介意顺路带我去对面吗?故选D项。

21.C Speeding。听见他这样说,那个人停下来对他说:当然不介意了,故选C项。

22.C shocked震惊的;stuck滞留,卡住;frozen冻僵的;injured受伤的。根据文章第一句It was a very cold evening可知天气很冷,故选C项。

23.D Get off走开,离开;本句是指他冻僵了,无法从地上站起来。考查了get off的引申的含义。

24.B Not only....but also...不但...而且...;那个人不但带着老人过了河还送老人回家了,故选B项。

25.A neared靠近;visited参观;passed经过;missed错过。当他们靠近老人的家的时候....,故选A项

26.C came on加油;came in进来;came up出现;came out出版;开花。那人很困惑,老人没请求别人,只是在他出现的时候,提出请求,故选C项。

27.B Even if即使;What if要是...又如何;As if似乎;Only if只要。要是我拒绝你,让你还在那里,你会怎么办呢?故选B项。

28.C look into...注视着…;仔细看,考察;老人仔细看了其他的骑马的人的眼,故选C项。 29.D 老人很快发现那些人根本不在意,也不关心,故选D项。

30.A. useless无用的;risky冒险的;dangerous危险的;foolish愚蠢的。及时向他们提出请求也没有用,因为他们不关心别人,故选A项。

31.D bravery勇敢;loyalty忠诚;ambition雄心;kindness善良。老人在杰斐逊的眼睛里看到了善良,所以才提出请求,故选D项。

32.C attracted吸引;comforted安慰;touched打动;occupied占据。老人的这些话深深地打动了杰斐逊,故选C项。

33.A Leave alone不理睬,不管,不打扰;我永远不会因为自己忙,就不理睬别人,故选A项。

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34.C desire 想要;live生活;count重要;advance进步。美国的每个人在杰斐逊的心里都非常重要,故选C项。。

35.D Make one’s way to…前往…;本句指杰斐逊动身回到白宫去了。故选D项。 9


Are supermarkets designed to persuade us to buy more? When you enter a supermarket, the manager knows 16 than you do how you will behave — which 17 you will walk, where you will 18 , what will make you 19 one product rather than another. When customers go into a shop, they 20 look to their left 21 move towards the right. So supermarket entrances are usually on the left of the building, and the arrangement is to take shoppers 22 the store, aisle after aisle, from left to right. Then shoppers will pay attention to all the 23 . Fresh fruit and 24 are displayed near supermarket entrances. This gives the 25 that only healthy food is sold in the shop. 26 foods that everyone buys, like sugar and tea are put near each other. They are kept in different aisles so customers are taken past other attractive foods 27 they find what they want. In this way, shoppers are 28 to buy products that they do not really 29 .

People walk quickly through 30 aisles, but they move more slowly in wide aisles and give more attention to the products. One best-selling 31 for products is at the end of aisles, because shoppers 32 to turn into the next aisles.

Sweets are often placed at children’s 33 level at the checkout. While parents are waiting to pay, children 34 the sweets and put them in the trolley.

Customers buy more when shelves are 35 than when they are half empty because they feel there is something wrong with those products that are there. 16.A. sooner B. better

C. more D. less 17.A. side B. approach

C. place D. way 18.A. go B. look

C. stop D. stand 19.A. buy B. enjoy

C. see D. prefer 20.A. naturally B. simply

C. easily D. hurriedly 21.A. or B. then

C. but D. and 22.A. into B. along

C. around D. through 23.A. prices B. signs

C. shelves D. products 24.A. wines B. vegetables

C. sweets D. meat 25.A. impression B. effect

C. thought D. expression

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26.A. Fresh B. Important

C. Fast D. Basic 27.A. when B. unless

C. before D. until 28.A. invited B. encouraged

C. willing D. ready 29.A. use B. know

C. need D. like 30.A. narrow B. short

C. high D. long 31.A. case B. point

C. example D. position 32.A. slow down B. hurry up

C. walk down D. come up 33.A. hand B. eye

C. head D. height 34.A. pay for B. care for

C. look for D. reach for 35.A. low B. neat

C. full D. high



17.D approach方法。本句是指超市经理了解你会走向哪个方向,故选D项。

18.B前一句指经理指代你会走向什么方法,本句指他知道你会看那里,故选B项。 19.A顾客来到超市,当然是要购买东西,故A正确。BCD三项不符合逻辑关系。

20.A 副词辨析。naturally自然地;simply仅仅;easily容易;hurriedly匆忙地。当顾客走进一家商店,他们很自然地朝左边看,但是却走向右边。这就是为什么很多超市的入口处都在左边而不是右边的原因,故选A项。


22.C Take sb around….带着某人四处参观….;超市的安排就是让顾客们四处参观,购买物品,故选C项。。

23.D prices价格;signs标志;shelves货架;products产品。顾客们在超市里当然是注意到超市里的所有的商品,D项正确。这也正是超市里这样安排的目的。

24.B前面的Fresh fruit说明本空要填的名词与之是一类的,故B项符合上下文。指新鲜的蔬菜水果被摆放在一起。

25.A impression印象;effect影响;thought想法;expression表情。超市把新鲜的蔬菜水果放在入口处的附近,就是想给顾客留下一个这家超市出售的产品都是新鲜的印象,故选A项。 26.D Fresh新鲜的;Important重要的;Fast迅速的;Basic基本的。通过下文的like sugar and tea可知糖和茶之类的产品都是人们生活必需的基本日用品。故选D项。

27.C when当…时;unless除非,如果…不…;before在…前;until直到…才;在他们买

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到自己想要的东西之前超市里的这些安排都在暗暗地带领着顾客逛着超市。故选C项。 28.B be encouraged to do sth被鼓励做某事;在商店里,顾客都是被鼓励着购买自己实际上并不需要的东西。其余三项语义不搭配。

29.C 根据上文描述可知超市里很多安排的目的就是让顾客购买很多他们并不需要的东西,故选C项。

30.A 根据they move more slowly in wide aisles可知上下文之间存在着对比关系,这里使用narrow(窄的)与wide相对应,故选A项。

31.D case案件;point点;example例子;position位置.货物卖得最好的位置就是在通道的尽头,因为顾客都会在那里慢下来转向另外一个通道。选D项。

32.A slow down变慢;hurry up快点;walk down步行;come up出现;货物卖得最好的位置就是在通道的尽头,因为顾客都会在那里慢下来转向另外一个通道。这里的slow down符合上下文。

33.B 在收银的地方摆放着很多的糖果,这些糖果的位置通常都是和孩子的眼睛一样的高度。目的在于吸引孩子购买这些糖果,故选B项。

34.D pay for付钱;care for关心;look for寻找;reach for伸手去拿。本句是指糖果的位置和孩子的眼睛差不多高,便于孩子伸手去拿这些糖果,故选D项。

35.C 根据下句中的half empty可知这里是指货架是满的,与货架是半空着的对比,故选C项。 10


A group of frogs was traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a pit(坑). All the other frogs gathered around it and watched as the two frogs tried to jump out. The pit was very deep and it looked as if there was no way 16 , so they started yelling at the two frogs to 17 . \pit is too deep. You will die,\they said together. When the 18 frogs kept trying, the crowd yelled 19 . After a while, one of the frogs believed what the others were saying, and fell down and 20 .

But 21 , the second frog kept jumping hard 22 the negative remarks of those that kept yelling at her to accept the 23 and just die. Finally, with one big leap, she 24 it out of the pit!

In fact, the second frog was 25 and unable to hear what the others had been saying. She thought they had been 26 her on the entire time they were yelling! What she had 27 considered as encouragement 28 her to try harder and succeed. And that made all the 29 !

With a positive 30 and being deaf to others' opinions, the second frog reached her goals by using such 31 as encouragement, instead of being 32 by others like the first frog, who failed to develop her 33 to struggle for survival. 34 , when we overcome others' criticism or 35 comments, we can do anything we set our minds to, just as the second frog did. 16.A. away B. out

C. on D. over 17.A. give up B. give out

C. drop out D. drop in 18.A. lost B. missed

C. trapped D. tired

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19.A. higher B. louder

C. clearer D. bigger 20.A. died B. stopped

C. rested D. watched 21.A. obviously B. disappointingly

C. undoubtedly D. amazingly 22.A. besides B. for

C. despite D. except 23.A. problem B. life

C. chance D. fate 24.A. made B. jumped

C. took D. saved 25.A. dumb B. Deaf

C. lame D. blind 26.A. calling B. Holding

C. cheering D. pushing 27.A. mistakenly B. Brightly

C. roughly D. perfectly 28.A. let B. attracted

C. inspired D. kept 29.A. result B. Difference

C. achievement D. progress 30.A. expression B.Emotion

C. soul D. attitude 31.A. possibility B. certainty

C. cruelty D. negativity 32.A. influenced B. Threatened

C. suspected D. advised 33.A. energy B. spirit

C. potential D. mood 34.A. However B. Thus

C. Finally D. Actually 35.A. surprising B. annoying

C. discouraging D. confusing


16. B前面说坑很深,用and连接前后表意思一致,,所以应该是看起来好像没办法跳出来。away表距离;out出来;on上去;over过去。故选B项。

17. A根据后面判断,他们冲着两个青蛙喊是让他们放弃。give up放弃;give out分发、公布、发出;drop out 退出,脱离;drop in顺便拜访。故选A项。

18. C这里应该是被困在深坑里的青蛙。lost丢失的;missed想念、错过;trapped被困的;tired疲倦的。故选C项。

19. B当两只青蛙一直在那里跳的时候,青蛙们喊得声音应该是更大了。higher更高;louder

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更响;clearer更清楚; bigger更大。故选B项。

20. A过了一会儿,其中一只认为它们说得对,应该是就倒下来死了。died死;stopped停下来;rested休息;watched观看。故选A项。

21. D从but一词判断是另一只青蛙不认可它们的喊叫。obviously明显地;disappointingly令人失望地;undoubtedly毫不怀疑地;amazingly令人惊奇地。故选D项。 22. C前后对比可知,另一只不管别的青蛙怎么喊就是一直跳。Besides除了…还有;for为了、因为; despite尽管;except除了…。(整体去除部分)。故选C项。

23. D这里应该是劝她任命吧。problem问题;life生活;chance机会;fate命运。故选D项。 24. A终于,用一大跳她跳出了深坑。make it表示做成; jumped 跳;took out 拿出;saved挽救。故选A项。

25. B从后面解释说她听不到可知是聋子。dumb哑的;deaf聋;lame瘸;blind瞎。故选B项。

26. C她认为他们在给她加油助威所以一直跳。calling打电话、喊;holding抓;cheering 加油;pushing推。故选C项。

27. A她误认为是鼓励,而实际上前面是让他们听天由命。mistakenly 错误地;brightly明亮地;roughly大约;perfectly完美地。故选A项。

28. C她认为的鼓励在激励她一直跳。let让;attracted吸引;inspired激励;kept一直。故选C项。

29. B前后两只青蛙对待他人的意见的反应的差异导致了结果大相径庭。 make a difference产生差异。result结果;difference差异;achievement成就;progress进步。故选B项。 30. D用了积极的态度以及对他人的态度听不进使得第二只青蛙达到了目标。 expression表达; emotion感情; soul心灵;attitude态度。故选D项。 31. D把否定当作鼓励。possibility可能;certainty确定;cruelty残酷; negativity消极否定。故选D项。

32. A没有像第一只青蛙那样受影响。influenced影响;threatened威胁;suspected怀疑;advised建议。故选A项。

33. C第一只青蛙没有开发出自己的潜能为了生存而奋斗。energy能量;spirit精神;potential潜能;mood情绪。故选C项。

34. B通过这个寓言告诉我们一个道理。所以因此的意思在这里更合适。However但是;Thus因此;Finally最后;Actually事实上。故选B项。

35. D当我们克服了别人的批评或令人困惑不解的评价时,我们就能做我们想做的任何事情。surprising令人惊奇的;annoying令人恼火的;discouraging令人灰心丧气的;confusing令人困惑不解的。故选D项。 11

(2014届黑龙江省大庆铁人中学高三上学期期中)Do you know some people who just have all the luck? They seem to get all the 16 and you ask yourself: “Why don’t I get 17 ? Why don’t I get a great education?” But the real reason why most people are successful or lucky is that they’ve learned how to 18 themselves in a place so they can be lucky. They’ve learned how to, in a way, 19 their own luck!

I’m not 20 about dishonest or illegal ways. I’m talking about hard, 21 work. But successful people work smart. They keep improving and making the most of their abilities. Yet they also learn to 22 for help in things they themselves are not that good 23 doing. So we not only must make the most of our own special strengths, we must also learn our 24 and weaknesses.

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A man recently got his lucky big break. Everyone said, “That guy’s so lucky!” But that man created his own luck 25 by arriving at the office early. He apologized and 26 when he was wrong. He even shared the credit and reward with others 27 he had done much of the work. He was never satisfied just to get 28 and do average work. He always 29 the extra effort to do his very best.

We have to work hard and do what it 30 to be on the way to luck and success when it comes. 31 , we’ll miss it because we aren’t ready. You never know when the right opportunity will come your way, and when the right, important person is watching your excellent 32 and work. That’s when you’ll get your lucky break! But when you put your life in Jesus Christ’s 33 , the right important person is always 34 you and all that you do. Then he will 35 and bless your life in many ways as you do your very best to please him in everything every day. 16.A. qualifications B. occupations

C. breaks D. licenses 17.A. comfortable B. lucky

C. happy D. important 18.A. put B. pray

C. send D. expect 19.A. control B. invent

C. create D. meet 20.A. thinking B. teaching

C. talking D. calling 21.A. practical B. honest

C. meaningful D. adequate 22.A. trap B. appreciate

C. charge D. ask 23.A. at B. with

C. through D. from 24.A. pressures B. limits

C. strengths D. abilities 25.A. always B. sometimes

C. seldom D. never 26.A. admitted B. promised

C. realized D. conveyed 27.A. because B. when

C. so D. before 28.A. after B. by

C. behind D. over 29.A. raised B. explored

C. found D. made 30.A. obtain B. affords

C. takes D. adapts 31.A. Therefore B. Otherwise

C. However D. Anyway

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32.A. approach B. administration

C. attitude D. action 33.A. hands B. places

C. homes D. minds 34.A. catching B. adopting

C. affecting D. watching 35.A. decorate B. cheer

C. reward D. value


16.C上句“Do you know some people who just have all the luck?”暗示“有些人总是吉星高照”,所以此处指“他们似乎占尽了机缘”。这里用break表示 “运气”。第三段第一句句末的break也有暗示。qualification资格,条件;occupation工作,职业;license批准,许可,执照。故选C项。

17.B lucky幸运的,侥幸的,吉利的。你会问自己:“为什么我没有这种好运气呢?”前文的have all the luck和下文的“But the real reason why most people are successful or lucky is that...”也有暗示。故选B项。

18.A put themselves in a place“使他们自己处于有运气的地方”。成语“设身处地”可译为:put oneself in other’s position。故选A项。

19.C create创造,创作,创建。第三段的第三句“But that man created his own luck...”有暗示。在某种程度上,他们(那些成功的人们)学会了如何“创造”自己的好运。故选C项。 20.C talk about谈论。下句“I’m talking about hard,honest work”有暗示。故选C项。 21.B practical实际的,实践的,实用的;adequate充分的,适当的,胜任的;meaningful有目的的,有意义的;honest诚实的,可靠的,直率的。前句“I’m not talking about dishonest or illegal ways”暗示此处应填honest。故选B项。

22.D下句中的“they themselves are not good at doing”表明这里填ask,短语ask for help表示“寻求帮助”。故选D项。

23.A习惯搭配be good at表示“擅长”。然而,对自己不擅长的事情,他们学会了向别人求助。故选A项。

24.B limit局限,界限,限度;pressure压力;strength力量,优点;ability能力,才智”前句说“我们不仅要充分地发 挥自己的特长”, 因此本句是说“我们还必须知道自己的局限和弱点”。our limits and weaknesses 对应our own special strength。故选B项。

25.A always总是,一直,表示频度非常高。由语境“那个人靠总是早早地来到办公室创造了自己的好运”可知,这里应选always。而不是“偶尔、很少、从不”早到办公室。故选A项。 26.A realize认识到,了解;promise允诺,答应;admit承认;convey运输,表达。根据空后的“when he was wrong”(当他犯错误的时候)可推断,他勇于“承认”(admit)错误。故选A项。


28.B get by混过,凑合,勉强应付。get over克服,忍受,痊愈。他永不满足于仅仅做普通的工作,不会得过且过,他总是追求尽善尽美。故选B项。

29.D make the extra effort“付出额外的努力”。名词effort总是与make搭配。故选D项。

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30.C take花费;afford买得起,承担得起;obtain获得,得到;adapt(使)适应。句式it takes...to do sth.表示“做某事需要……”。我们必须努力工作,尽一切努力走到运气和成功降临的路上。故选C项。

31.B otherwise否则,要不然,引出相反的结果。否则,我们就会因为没有准备好而错失良机。故选B项。

32.C approach途径,方式,方法;administration管理,经营,支配;action行动,活动,行为;attitude态度,看法。你从不会知道适当的机遇何时来临,那个关键的人物何时注视着你出色的态度和表现。故选C项。

33.A短语in the hands of sb./in sb.’ s hands表示“命运掌握在某人的手中”。如果你让自己的生活处于上帝的掌控之中……故选A项。

34.D watch保护,留心,注视;adopt采用,采纳,收养;affect影响;catch逮住,捉住,抓住,追上。重要的人物(上帝)一直在注视你和你所做的事情。本段第二句中“when the right,important person is watching your...”部分有暗示。故选D项。

35.C 根据下句bless your life in many ways可推测本空填reward“报酬,报答,奖赏,报偿”。你时时、事事都尽力使他(上帝)愉悦,上帝就会用很多方式(好运气)来奖赏你。故选C项。 12


Today we spent the morning going through our personal belongings .We were looking for items to __ 16 for free at a local park. Not just any items but things people really 17 . Our aim was not to find things we no longer 18 but things we use every day that would be 19 to others.

We packed these things 20 boxes and added some small toys. We added a list of local addresses and phone numbers of local 21 agencies. Inside the boxes a simple letter was placed. It 22 : “Please take these items and know that your life is important. 23 are difficult but these days will pass. We share what we have believing that it will matter. Use the food to nurture your 24 ; use the blankets to stay warm. Be safe and know that the human 25 can overcome anything. Do not hold your head 26 for having a need to stay warm. Someday please do the same when you can.”

This kind 27 was not because the phone rang or for any reason. It was 28 because it was the right to do. We have often seen 29 people at the park where we left the belongings. I 30 that my wife had put her favorite green coat into one of the boxes. I asked if she was 31 about it and she just replied that it had a hood (兜帽) . Her answer told me why it is I who love her. She liked the coat but knew the hood could 32 someone from the rain.

Who knows where these gifts of sympathy will 33 ? How many uses can a blanket serve 34 what it was designed to do? We never go back and see what happens. It is unimportant. The right things will find the right people and that is all that 35 . 16.A. put off B. put up

C. give away D. give up 17.A. needed B. collected

C. produced D. searched 18.A. accepted B. wanted

C. carried D. bought

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19.A. wonderful B. beautiful

C. hopeful D. useful 20.A. around B. upon

C. into D. above 21.A working B. parking

C. delivering D. helping 22.A. spoke B. read

C. marked D. indicated 23.A. Ways B. Problems

C. Times D. Situations 24.A. body B. mind

C. brain D. figure 25.A. imagination B. spirit

C. health D. wisdom 26.A. forward B. aside

C. around D. down 27.A. attempt B. manner

C. act D. habit 28.A. suddenly B. simply

C. strangely D. usually 29.A. aimless B. homeless

C. childless D. friendless 30.A. believed B. dreamed

C. approved D. noticed 31.A. sure B. sad

C. worried D. anxious 32.A. separate B. prevent

C. shelter D. hold 33.A. affect B. go

C. use D. help 34.A. other than B. rather than

C. more than D. better than 35.A. attains B. counts

C. moves D. contains


16. C put off 推迟;put up张贴;give away赠送,泄漏;give up放弃,我们在找一些东西可以在当地的公园免费的赠送,选C项。

17. A needed需要;collected收集;produced生产;searched搜寻,不是任何的东西,而是人们真正需要的,选A项。

18.B accepted接受; wanted想要;carried携带;bought买,我们的目标不是找我们不想要的东西,选B项。

19.D wonderful精彩的;beautiful 美丽的;hopeful有希望的;useful有用的,而是我们每天都用的,对别人也是有用的东西,选D项。

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20.C around在…周围;upon一…就;into进入;above在…上面,我把这些东西放进盒子里面,选C项。

21.D working工作;parking停车;delivering送,发表;helping帮助,我加入了一些当地的地址和援助机构的地址,选D项。

22.B spoke说话;read读;marked标志;indicated暗示,在盒子里面有一封简单的信,信上写到…,用read,选B项。 23.C Ways方式;Problems问题;Times时间;Situations形势,从后面的句子but these days will pass.可知困难的时光会过去的,选C项。

24.A body身体;mind思维;brain大脑;figure数字,人影,用食物给身体增加营养,选A项。

25.B imagination想象力;spirit 精神;health健康;wisdom明智,人类的精神可以克服一切,选B项。

26.D forward向前;aside在…一边;around在周围;down向下,不要因为需要东西保暖而低下头,选D项。

27.C attempt尝试,试图,B. manner方式,方法,C. act行为,D. habit习惯,这个善举不是因为电话铃响了,或是其他什么原因,选C

28.B suddenly突然;simply简单地;strangely奇怪地;usually通常,只是因为应该这么做,选B项。

29.B aimless漫无目标地;homeless无家可归的;childless没有孩子的;friendless没有朋友的,我们经常在公园里面看见无家可归的人,选B项。

30.D believed相信;dreamed 梦想;approved同意;noticed注意,我注意到我的妻子把她最喜欢的绿色的外套放在盒子里面,选D项。

31. A sure确定;sad难过的;worried担心的;anxious焦虑的,我问她是否能够确定,选A项。

32.C separate分离;prevent阻止;shelter庇护;hold持有,她知道风帽可以保护人们不受雨淋,选C项。

33. B affect影响;go去;use用;help帮助,谁知道这些同情的礼物会去往什么地方,选B项。

34.A other than除了; rather than而不是;more than不仅仅,非常;better than好于,除了毯子本来的用途,他们还可以用作什么?选A项。

35.B attains获得;counts重要,数数;moves移动;contains装,容纳,适当的人得到适当的东西,这是最重要的,选B项。 13.


We live in a fast-paced and anxiety-filled world that oftentimes seems to shift beneath our feet. Thus we are sometimes affected by fears or anxiety impacting our life. For as long as I could remember I had struggled with anxiety. After I left university, I made friends with a Moroccan woman at work. One day she invited me to 16 her and her family back home. I wanted to, but I would have to travel there 17 and I knew we would be in a very rural area. How would I cope with my 18 ?

Then one day it 19 to me that I had a life to live. I could choose to let anxiety 20 me or I could go to Morocco and 21 something different. I was 23 years old and had never been out of the UK alone. The journey to Morocco 22 something inside me. I managed to cope with my anxiety. The sense of 23 was overwhelming and still to this

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day when I get afraid of going somewhere alone, I remember how 24 it felt when I arrived in Morocco.

Upon arrival I was so 25 for the generous welcome I received. My friend’s family had arranged a welcome party. The people were so loving toward me. As a moment of 26 felt in a faraway village, this reminded me that I was “good enough”, which helped to 27 my anxiety.

Waking up the next day, in the morning light, I saw the area where we were. I was 28 by how rural it was – and the realization that these people had very few 29 .

In the days afterwards, I traveled around Morocco. We went to Marrakesh and 30 the Atlas mountains. We had the most amazing food – lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

At the end of my 31 something inside me had changed. I realized I had not felt anxious for nearly two weeks.

Experiencing a different culture far away from home helped me to realize what is important in life, what really 32 , and with that my anxiety 33 . When I returned home I was much more active in 34 my anxiety. Working with people, helping them 35 their anxiety, is how I can share the love I found in Morocco. 16.A. send B. consult C. call D. visit 17.A. alone B. soon C. free D. safe 18.A. work B. curiosity C. homesickness D. worries 19.A. appeared B. hit C. struck D. occurred 20.A. impress B. control

C. reach D. persuade 21.A. enjoy B. experience C. take D. experiment 22.A. changed B. moved

C. supported D. impressed 23.A. achievement B. fear

C. disappointment D. embarrassment 24.A. good B. ashamed C. afraid D. proud 25.A. sorry B. confused C. confident D. thankful 26.A. doubt B. luck

C. love D. surprise 27.A. improve B. hold C. protect D. reduce 28.A. inspired B. moved

C. pleased D. shocked 29.A. lands B. difficulties C. resources D. friends 30.A. discovered B. explored

C. examined D. recognized 31.A. opportunity B. rush

C. stay D. life 32.A. rules B. exists C. matters D. hurts 33.A. disappeared B. expanded

C. remained D. removed 34.A. expressing B. challenging

C. forgetting D. remembering

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35.A. drop B. notice

C. pass D. overcome

【文章大意】本文的作者一直都很焦虑,对于生活有太多的担忧,不能乐观地面对一切。在一次去Morocco的旅行之中学会了通过分析爱来克服焦虑和担忧。告诉我们如果想克服人生中的困难,最重要的是心中有爱。 16.D send派,送;consult咨询;call打电话,召集;visit参观,访问。根据下文我到Morocco可知本句是指有一天这个朋友邀请我去看望她。故选D项。 17.A alone独自;soon很快,迅速;free自由的;safe安全的。根据下文29空前I get afraid of going somewhere alone可知我不得不独自一个人去Morocco看望朋友。故选A项。 18.D work工作;curiosity好奇;homesickness想家;worries担忧。我不得不独自一人去那里。而且我知道那是一个很荒凉的农村地区,我怎么才能处理好自己的担忧呢?故选D项。

19.D sth occur to sb某人突然想起某事;有一天我突然想起,我要过自己的生活。本句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that引导的主语从句。故选D项。

20.B impress留下深刻印象;control控制;reach到达;persuade说服。我可以选择让焦虑控制自己或者我去Morocco体验一下不一样的东西。故选B项。

21.B enjoy享受;experience体验;take拿走,花费;experiment实验(名词)。我可以选择让焦虑控制自己或者我去Morocco体验一下不一样的东西。故选B项。

22.A change改变;move移动,感动;support支持;impress给……留下印象。本句是指去Morocco的这次旅行改变了我内心深处的一些东西。故选A项。

23.A achievement成就;fear恐惧;disappointment失望;embarrassment尴尬。我成功地处理了自己内心深处的恐惧,这种成就感是对我的震撼十分巨大,直到今天我们仍然能够感觉到。故选A项。 24.A good好的;ashamed害羞的;afraid害怕的;proud自豪的。我还记得当我到了Morocco的时候,我得感觉是多么得棒!故选A项。

25.D sorry难过的;confused困惑的;confident自信的;thankful感激的。固定搭配be thankful for…对…感到感激;本句是指当我到达Morocco的时候,有很多人对我的到来表示热烈欢迎,对此我十分感激。故选D项。

26.C doubt怀疑;luck运气;love爱;surprise惊讶。有如此多的人来欢迎我,对我来说这是一个充满了爱的时刻。故选C项。

27.D improve提高,改善;hold拿住,握住;protect保护;reduce减少。人们对我的欢迎让我感觉很好,这有助于我减少自己的焦虑please。故选D项。

28.D inspire鼓舞,鼓励;move感动;使……开心;shock使……震惊。第二天早上当我醒来的时候,我看见了自己所在的地方,被这个地区的荒凉惊呆了。这个地方实在是太荒凉了。故选D项。

29.C land土地;difficulty困难;resource资源;friend朋友。看到这个地方很荒凉,而且当地人可以利用的资源真少。故选C项。

30.B discover发现;explore探索;examine检查;recognize认出;在接下来的几天里我们游遍了Morocco,还去探索了Atlas山脉,吃了很多的鱼和水果之类的食物。故选B项。 31.C opportunity机会;rush匆忙;stay逗留;life生活。我在Morocco逗留的最后几天里,我内心深处的一些东西已经发matter生了改变。故选C项。

32.C rule统治;exist存在;重要,有关系hurt;伤害。体验一种远离故乡的文化帮助我意识到生活中最重要的是什么,有关系的是什么。明白了这一切,我内心深处的焦虑消失不见了。故选C项。

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33.A disappear消失;expand扩张;remain保持,仍然;remove去除。体验一种远离故乡的文化帮助我意识到生活中最重要的是什么,有关系的是什么。明白了这一切,我内心深处的焦虑消失不见了。故选A项。

34.B express表达;challenge挑战;forget忘记;remember记得。当我回到家乡以后,我更加积极地挑战自己的焦虑,让自己更加能够克服自己的焦虑,积极地面对人生。故选B项。

35.D drop下落;notice注意到;pass通过;overcome克服。和人们在一起帮助他们克服困难是我学会如何分享在Morocco学会的爱的最好方法。故选D项。 14


Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her three-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new baby. They found out that it was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael 16 to his sister in Mommy’s tummy(肚子). He was building a bond of love with his little sister before he even met her.

The pregnancy progressed 17 for Karen. In time, the labor pains came. Soon it was every five minutes ... every minute. But something serious 18 during delivery. Finally, Michael’s little sister was born. But she was in serious 19 . With siren(警报) howling in the night, the ambulance 20 the infant(婴儿) to the Intensive Care unit at St. Mary’s Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee.

21 inched by. The little girl got worse. The doctors told the parents, “There is very little hope.” Karen and her husband contacted a local cemetery (墓地) about a burial plot. They had 22 a special room in their home for the new baby — now they planned a funeral.

After two weeks in Intensive Care, it looked as if a funeral would come 23 the week was over. Michael, kept begging his parents to let him see his sister, “I want to sing to her,” he said. Kids were never 24 in Intensive Care. But Karen made up her mind to take Michael 25 they liked it or not. If he didn’t see his sister now, he may never see her alive.

She 26 him in an oversized suit and 27 him into ICU. He looked like a walking laundry basket, but the head nurse 28 him as a child, “Get that kid out of here now!” The mother rose up strong in Karen, and the usually 29 lady glared steel-eyed right into the head nurse’s face, saying in a 30 tone of voice, “He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!” Karen towed Michael to his sister’s bedside. He gazed at the tiny baby 31 the battle to live. And he began to sing. 32 the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sang:

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray…” 33 the baby girl responded. The pulse rate began to 34 down and became steady.

“Keep on singing, Michael.” encouraged Karen. “You never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away…”As Michael sang to his sister, the baby's breath became as smooth as a kitten’s purr.

“Keep on singing, Michael.” “The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping…” Michael’s little sister relaxed as rest, healing rest, seemed to sweep over her.

Funeral plans were 35 . The next day — the very next day — the little girl was well

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enough to go home!

The medical staff just called it a miracle. Karen called it a miracle of God’s love! 16.A. talked B. sang

C. played D. whispered 17.A. quietly B. peacefully

C. hopefully D. normally 18.A. arose B. raised

C. rose D. aroused 19.A. situation B. place

C. condition D. position 20.A. took B. sent

C. carried D. rushed 21.A. The years B. The months

C. The weeks D. The days 22.A. fixed up B. made up

C. built up D. set up 23.A. until B. before

C. after D. when 24.A. asked B. allowed

C. admitted D. acquired 25.A. no matter B. even if

C. whether D. as if 26.A. put B. dressed

C. wore D. fit 27.A. marched B. forced

C. hid D. followed 28.A. required B. replied

C. recognized D. regarded

29.A. warm-hearted B. well-managed

C. mild-mannered D. cold-blooded 30.A. firm B. strong

C. hard D. tough 31.A. losing B. lost

C. to lose D. having lost 32.A. In B. On

C. At D. With 33.A. Finally B. Instantly

C. Patiently D. Interestingly 34.A. calm B. quiet

C. slow D. fast 35.A. erased B. scratched

C. abandoned D. switched


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16.B联系上文,一个三岁的孩子是还不会什么正式语言的结合下文I want to sing to her。唱儿歌给他的妹妹听,故选B项。

17.D quietly安静地;peacefully 平静地;hopefully怀有希望地;normally正常地。结合下文可知凯伦的怀孕过程很正常,故选D项。

18.A arise不及物动词,出现、产生;rise不及物动词,升起升高;raise 及物动词,增加的意思。Arouse唤醒鼓励。根据题意,但是分娩过程中并发症产生了,故选A项。

19.C B、D项容易排除。condition一般指个体的情况;situation指整体情况。结合题意,这里指的是婴儿个人的情况。故选C项。



22.A 结合上下文,他们不可能在家建造一个房间,应该是提前准备了一个房间,故选A项,固定、安排。

23.B before在……之前。结合上下文可知句意为,看起来在本周结束前就要举行葬礼,选B项。

24.B admit同意进入,允许进入,常与to连用;allow泛指“一般的同意,允许”;ask要求;acquire获得。结合上下文可知重症护理室一般是不许小孩进去的。故选B项。

25.C no matter不论怎样;even if即使/虽然;whether是否 常和or连用;as if好像。结合上文可知句意为,不管他们是否喜欢,她都要带米希尔进去。选C项。

26.B put放;dress给……穿衣;wear穿着;fit适合。结合句意可知选B项,她给他穿了一件大好消毒服。

27.A march使……前进;force强迫、督促;hide藏;follow跟随。根据题意她让他进入重症护理病房。选A项。

28.C require要求;reply回答;recognize认出;egard看待。根据下文可知句意为,但是护士长认出了他是一个孩子。选C项。

29.C warm-hearted热心肠的;well-managed管理得好的;mild-mannered温柔的;cold-blooded冷血的。结合上下文可知句意为,这位一向温文尔雅的女士狠狠地盯住护士长的脸。选C项。

30.A firm坚固的;strong强壮的;hard困难的、努力地;tough坚韧的、结实的。根据题意,她的嘴抿成一条线。这里表示的是凯伦坚定地决心,故选A项。 31.A作状语时,动名词多表示正在发生的伴随的动作,过去分词表示发生过的被动的动作、不定式表示将要发生的具体的动作,现在分词的完成时态表示现在已经完成的动作。根据题意可知the battle to live为前面谓语的伴随动作,故选A项。

32.A In在某个 范围内;On在某个表面;At在一点;With用某种具体工具。结合下文可知题意为,在一个三岁孩子来自纯净心灵的歌声里,米歇尔唱到,选A项。

33.B Finally最终;Instantly马上;Patiently耐心地;Interestingly有趣地。结合下文可知句意为,马上这个小女孩有了反映,故选B项。

34.A calm平静的,一般指情绪动作等;quiet 安静的,指没有声音;slow 慢的;fast快速的。结合上下文可知句意,脉搏变得平静而稳定了。故选A项。

35.C erase擦除;scratch抓伤;abandon抛弃;switch开关。结合上下文可知句意为,举行葬礼取消了。选B项。

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How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, impolite waiter, rude boss, or an insensitive employee 16 your day?

One day I was in a taxi and we headed 17 the airport. We were driving in the 18 lane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his 19 , slide sideways, and at the very last moment our car stopped and 20 the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car looked around and started 21 at us.

My taxi driver just 22 and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really 23 . So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!”

This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call “The Law of the Garbage Truck”. He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of 24 , full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage 25 up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on 26 . Don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.

Believe me. You’ll be 27 . Don’t take their garbage and 28 it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets. Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with 29 . The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what’s 30 in your life. Roy Baumeister, a psychology researcher from Florida State University, found in his extensive research that you 31 bad things more often than good things in your life. You store the bad memories more easily, and you 32 them more frequently.

So, Love the people who treat you right. Ignore the ones who don’t. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you 33 it!

When you follow “The Law of the Garbage Truck”, you take back control of your life. You make room for the good by 34 go of the bad. Have a Garbage-Free Day! Have a marvelous, garbage-free day! The seeds you plant today 35 the harvest you reap tomorrow.

16.A. enrich B. Ruin

C. spare D. obtain 17.A. through B. to

C. in D. for 18.A. latter B. right

C. opposite D. free 19.A. brakes B. door

C. window D. seat 20.A. knocked B. overtook

C. missed D. lost 21.A. laughing B. throwing

C. glancing D. yelling 22.A. wondered B. smiled

C. ignored D. guessed 23.A. friendly B. angry

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C. tired D. disappointed 24.A. expectation B. Passengers

C. garbage D. goods 25.A. turns B. Pushes

C. holds D. piles 26.A. roads B. Children

C. you D. dustbin 27.A. upset B. Happier

C. pitiful D. frightened 28.A. spread B. Share

C. explain D. contribute 29.A. surprise B. Pleasure

C. doubt D. regrets 30.A. funny B. Important

C. strange D. embarrassing 31.A. remember B. Forget

C. value D. appreciate 32.A. enjoy B. Exchange

C. recall D.imagine 33.A. inspire B. Take

C. mend D. notice 34.A. letting B. Consisting

C. making D. dreaming 35.A. distinguish B. Deserve

C. deliver D. determine

【文章大意】本文叙述了作者乘坐出租车时发生的事情,通过出租车司机的一番话,阐明一个道理:记住美好的,忘却不愉快的,专注重要的;对待生活的态度决定生活的状态。 16.B下文叙述的是出租车司机的豁达和睿智:不要让那些满腹怒气骂骂咧咧的人影响自己的心情,做自己该做的事情。作者设问“你会让……等人毁坏你一天的心情吗”以引起下文。ruin毁坏;enrich丰富;spare抽出、腾出;obtain获得。均与下文语境不合。故B项正确。 17.D head for前往。介词for表示方向。类似的短语还有leave for. 故D项正确。

18.B latter后者;right正确的;右边的;opposite相反的;对面的;free有空的;免费的;自由的;作者乘坐的出租车应该是在“正确的”车道上行驶。作者提及此事是为了衬托下文小车司机的无礼。故选择B项。 19.A一辆小车突然从路旁停车位驶出,出租车司机只得猛踩“刹车”。故选择brakes(车刹),A项正确。常理可知“门窗、座位”不合题意。

20.C knock敲;overtake超过、超越;miss错过;思念;lose遗失。出租车司机紧急刹车、向傍边猛打方向,才避免了与小车相撞。miss错过;未击中。故C项正确。 21.D从下文作者不理解出租车司机的友善举动可推断,此处应该是小车司机无礼。laugh at嘲笑;throw sth. at sb: 将某物向某人砸过去; glance at: 看一眼;yell at sb. 对某人吼叫。故选择D项。

22.B此处显示出租车司机的大度,对着对方“微笑、挥手”,丝毫没有因为小车司机有错且无礼以及差点发生的严重后果而生气,反而主动示好。wonder想知道、纳闷;guess猜测; ignore: 不理、忽略。不合语境。故选择B项。

第37页 共38页


24.C expectation期望、期待;passenger乘客;garbage垃圾;goods货物。前一句提到“垃圾车定律”。这里及后文是对该定律的解释:许多人就像垃圾车,满腹沮丧、愤怒、失望等垃圾,垃圾满了就要倾倒。故选C项。

25.D turn up出现;push推;hold up延误;pile up堆积。垃圾堆积起来就需要找地方倾倒。pile up堆积。故D项正确。

26.C road道路;child儿童;you你;dustbin垃圾箱。这些满腹“垃圾”的人有时会将不良情绪倾泻到他们碰到的任何人身上。本题选择you,泛指任何人。故C项正确。 27.B upset难过的;happy快乐的、幸福的;pitiful可怜的;frightened害怕的。 作者说,相信他说的话,你就会“快乐一些”。故选择B项。 28.A不要接受别人倾倒的“垃圾”并转倒给其他人。spread sth. to sb.将某事传给某人;share sth. with sb.与某人分享某物。故选择 A项。

29.D surprise惊讶;pleasure乐趣;doubt疑虑;regret后悔。如果不接受别人的“垃圾”并转倒给其他人,你就不会因轻率冲动而后悔。人生苦短,每天早晨从“后悔”中醒来是难以承受之重。故选择D项。

30.B funny有趣的;important重要的;strange奇怪的;embarrassing令人尴尬的。能否成功的标志在于你能否迅速忘却不快而专注于“重要”的人生目标。故选择B 项。

31.A remember记得;forget忘记;value重视;appreciate欣赏、感激。后句说到人们更容易储存不好的记忆,所以此处说的是人们更经常“记住”的是糟糕的事情。故A项正确。 32.C enjoy享受、喜爱;exchange交换;recall记起、回忆起;imagine想象。人们更容易储存不好的记忆,自然也更容易“回想”起不好的记忆。故选择C项。

33.B inspire激励;take接受、参加;mend修补、修正;notice注意到、看到。生活中你的努力只占一层,九层取决于你的生活态度。此处take意为“接受”。故B项正确。

34.A let让;允许;consist包括、包含;make制造;dream梦想、希望。只有“忘却”不好的,才能为美好的东西在心中留下位置。let go of sth. 放弃;忘却。故A项正确。


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