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共200题,正确1题,整卷得分1分,随机得分:0 一. 选择题(本大题共200小题)

1.In crashing a task, you would focus on: A. As many tasks as possible B. Non-critical tasks

C. Accelerating performance of tasks on critical path D. Accelerate performance by minimizing cost

赶工一个任务时,你应该关注: A 尽可能多的任务。

B 非关键任务。

C 加速执行关键路径上的任务。 D 通过成本最低化加速执行任务。 正确答案: C

2.'I cannot test the software until I code the software.' This expression describes which of the following dependencies? A. Discretionary B. Soft

C. Preferential

D. Mandatory or hard

“在对软件编码前我不能进行软件测试。”这句话说明了哪种依赖关系? A 随意的 B 软逻辑关系 C 优先

D 强制或硬逻辑关系 正确答案: D

3.Which of the following formulas provides the most accurate result for computing activity duration?

A. AD = Work quantity / Production rate B. AD = Work quantity / Number of resources C. AD = Production rate / Work quantity

D. AD = (Production rate)(Work quantity) / Number of resources 以下哪个公式能最准确的计算活动历时? A AD(活动历时)=工作数量/生产率 B AD=工作数量/资源数量 C AD=生产率/工作数量

D AD=生产率 x 工作数量/资源数量 正确答案: A

4.Resource leveling:

A. deals with the effective use of resources through the scheduling of the project to B. minimize the resource time.

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C. typically tends to have no effect on the duration of the activities

D. tends to increase the original project completion date

E. is parallel working for decreasing the project completion date 资源平衡:

A 通过对项目进行进度计划编制,使资源时间最小化,有效的利用资源。 B 通常对活动历时没有影响。 C 可能增加原来的项目工期。

D 为了减少项目工期采用的平行工作法。 正确答案: C

5.Which one of the following is NOT a trade-off decision that must be made in the development of the project plan?

A. Whether to use skilled or unskilled laborers

B. The amount of profit vendors should make versus the profit other vendors have received in the past.

C. Manufacturing in-house or sub-contracting out the work D. The importance of cost versus quality.

以下哪一项不是在编制项目计划时必须做出的权衡决策? A. 使用熟练还是不熟练的劳动力

B. 比较供货方应该获得的利润和其他供货方以前收到的利润 C. 自造还是把工作承包给分包商 D. 成本/质量的重要性

正确答案: B

6.The most important role of PM in a Matrix organization is A. Communication B. Integration C. Negotiating

D. Leadership

项目经理在矩阵组织中的最重要的作用是? A 沟通 B 整合 C 谈判 D 领导

正确答案: B

7.When a process is in control, what do you want to do to the process? A. The process should not be adjusted.

B. The process may be adjusted for continuous improvement. C. The process should be always adjusted for continuous quality. D. The process should be regularly adjusted.

当一个过程处于控制之中,你相对此过程作什么? A. 不应该调整该过程。

B. 可以调整该过程达到连续改进。

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为了连续改进质量应该不断调整该过程。 应该定期调整该过程。 正确答案: A

8.Your company has started a development project for a public sector. There are extenuating

circumstances revolving around the project site, where it may destroy thousands of acres inhibited

by hundreds of wildlife species. You company has long supported the environment and has offered

its name to non-profit groups to support the environmental movement. You are the project manager and are confronted by one of the non-profit environmental group leader’s regarding your

company’s involvement in managing this “environmentally destructive” project. How should you react to the environmental leader’s questions?

A. Only answer questions regarding the project work, otherwise you should say “no comment”.

B. Speak out in opposition to your company’s involvement with this project.

C. State that you are the project manager on the project and are not qualified to answer any environmental questions regarding the project; then refer them to the public relations office for any further answers.

D. Admit that you are the project manager and try to handle all of the questions that you can.

你的公司已经开始某公共部门的一个开发项目。由于项目所在地周边的一些情有可原的情 况,可能要破坏数百种野生物种的数千亩家园。你的公司长期以来就支持环境问题,并且加 入非盈利小组支持政府的环境运动。你是项目经理,现在面临非盈利小组的一领导关于你公 司参与管理这个“破患环境”的项目的质问。你对此质问应该做何反应?

A. 只回答针对项目工作的问题,否则回答“无可奉告”。 B. 维护公司参与改项目的立场

C. 声明你是项目经理,没有资格回答关于该项目的任何环境问题。然后告诉他们如有 进一步的问题请项公关部咨询。

D. 承认你是项目经理,处理你能回答的所有问题。

正确答案: C

9.During planning you sit down and estimate the time needed for each task and total them to come up with the project estimate. This duration is what you commit to complete the project. What is wrong with the scenario?

A. The team did not create the estimate and estimating takes too long using that method. B. The team did not create the estimate and a network diagram was not used.

C. The estimate is too long and should be created by management

D. The project estimate should be the same as the customer’s required completion date

在进行计划编制时,你坐下来对每项任务所需的时间进行估算,这些时间的总和就是项目估 算。这个历时就是你承诺完成项目的时间。以上描述有什么错误? A. 项目小组没有参与估算,而且这种方法耗时太长。

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B. 项目小组没有参与估算,而且没有使用网络图。 C. 估算时间太久,应该有管理层完成。

D. 项目估算应该和客户要求的完工日期吻合。

正确答案: B

10.“cost of quality” is a project management concept that includes cost of; A. B. C. D.

exceeding requirements changes to the requirements

ensuring conformance to requirements the quality control requirements

“质量成本”是一个项目管理概念,它包括下列哪项所需的成本? A. 超过要求 B. 要求变更

C. 保证符合要求 D. 质量控制要求

正确答案: C

11.Mr. Huang is a project manager for a small company. Recently he was preparing a tough

competition proposal. He knows that the calculated costs are too high and so does his supervisor, Miss Liu. Miss Liu suggests to Mr. Huang to cut the costs by 15% to win the bidding. By doing so, the company will not make a profit. What is the ethical thing that Mr. Huang should do? A. Huang tells Liu that he has difficulty in reducing the price below cost but wants to discuss ways to reduce the bid price.

B. Huang thinks that if he reduces the cost, the company will win the business and hopefully can pickup additional revenue from project changes. C. Submit the proposal at the current cost calculation.

D. Let the marketing people decide. 黄先生是一个小公司的项目经理。最近他正在准备一个竞争十分激烈的建议书。他知道计算 出的成本太高,他的主管刘小姐也明白。刘小姐建议黄先生降低成本的 15%以便能竞标成 功。但是这样做,公司就不会盈利。从道德角度来说,黄先生应该怎么办? A. 告诉刘小姐他很难把成本降得低于价格,但是他想探讨降低竞标价格的方法。 B. 认为如果他降低成本,公司就会赢得业务,并有希望从项目变更中获取其它的收 入。

C. 采用目前的成本计算提交建议书 D. 让市场营销人员决定

正确答案: A

12.Which of the following is considered a conflict of interest? A. Discussing your project with a friend.

B. Starting to working for a competitor just after resigning your position.

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C. A modest gift to you from a company that you have done business with for years. D. Use your company’s affiliation to promote your own business. 以下哪项被认为是利益冲突? A. 和朋友谈论你的项目

B. 刚从你目前公司辞职就开始为竞争对手工作 C. 接受有多年业务往来的公司的一个小礼物 D. 利用公司的关系促进你自己的业务

正确答案: D

13.Your are the project manager in a project where you should buy many off-the-shelf parts. For some parts that are being designed now, the project sponsor indicated a certain vendor and asked

you to release a purchase order to the vendor. The cost of the vendor does not meet your cost and

the requirements. What should you do?

A. Release the purchase order as requested. B. Refuse the sponsor’s request.

C. Withhold the purchase order until the budget and requirements are reviewed for the purpose.

D. Make a purchase order to specify less expensive parts that are believed to be required for the project product.

你是一个需要购买许多标准部件的项目的项目经理。就某些正在设计的部件,项目发起人建 议某供货商,然后让你给他发送一个采购订单。但是供货商的成本不能符合你的成本和要求。 你应该怎么办?

A. 按要求发出采购订单 B. 拒绝项目发起人的请求

C. 保留采购订单直到预算和要求已经经过审核

D. 填写采购订单,定购项目产品所需的更便宜的部件。

正确答案: C

14.The principal sources of project failure are-

A. Lack of a projectized or strong matrix structure, poor scope definition, and lack of a project plan

B. Lack of commitment or support by top management, disharmony on the project team, and lack of leadership by the project manager

C. Poorly identified customer needs, a geographically dispersed project team, and little communication with the customer until the project is delivered

D. Organizational factors, poorly identified customer needs, inadequately specified project

requirements, and poor planning and control


A 缺少项目型或强矩阵结构,范围定义不充分,缺少项目计划

B 没有高层管理的承诺和支持,项目小组不和谐,项目经理领导不力

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