小学英语北师大版一起四上《unit 2 I like Bobby》word教案(15)

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课题 Unit 2 I like Bobby 课复习、 课 8课时 型 前进 时 1 Learn the words: lion tiger panda fox 双2 Say the basic sentences: Do you know him? 教 基 Do you like him? Does he she know you? 目3 let’ chant 学 标 过 程 能询问某人是否认识或喜欢他人: 力重点 目Do you know him/her?Yes,I do. 标 难点 Do you like him? Yes, I do. I like him a lot. Does he/she know you/me? No, he/she doesn’t. 道1 能以正确的方式询问某人是否认识或喜欢他人: 德2 培养学生了解个种动物 情 感目标 教具 Tape recorder, V.C.R 学具 Word cards VCD Second period 备 注 一、Getting the students ready for class. 融词汇教学于会话教学二、Greeting: 中,避免枯燥的词汇记1) Good morning boys and girls. 忆,同时有利于学生对单2) How are you today? 词、会话的理解 教 三、 Teaching: 学 1) Present the flashcards for this Unit. Hold 过 up the flashcard for tiger. Model the word and 程 have the children repeat it after you. 2) Now present the question form, Do you like tigers? Write the question the board and explain its meaning. Read the question aloud, point the words as you do so. Have the children repeat the question. 3) now review the two answer 进行全班教学后,适时转

