English writing (week 3)

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Problems I found in reviewing your writing


Drafting a TitleSuggestions for Titling an Essay: A title should not restate the assignment or the thesis statement. Write the title in the middle of the first line. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words (including words following hyphens in compound words) except articles, coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, nor, for), short preposition (fewer than five letters) and the ‘to’ in infinitives. If the word falls after a colon or semicolon, it is also need to be capitalized no matter whether it is an article or conjunction.

1. 2. 3.


Exercise 1 Change the following phrases and sentences into titles, using the appropriate form:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

my first visit to the palace museum answers the people without a country rules to abide by dickens and david copperfield what can the artist do in the world of today? what reform means to china? the myth of “the analects of confucius” the english-speaking people in quebec management: a new theory

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

My First Visit to the Palace Museum The People Without a Country Rules to Abide By Dickens and David Copperfield What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today? What Reform Means to China? The Myth of “the Analects of Confucius” The English-Speaking People in Quebec Management: A New Theory


Exercises for Drafting a TitleExercise 2 This is a link to the webpage of Reader’s Digest, an American magazine, on which, you may find a table of titles. Discover the features of English title.


Features of English title Noun phrase (frequent in academic writing) Verb phrase (persuasive function) Direct question (don’t forget the quotation mark) Simple sentence (always in present tense, especially the news)


Exercise 3 Point out the problems of the follow titles


Low Carbon Life Low carbon life is a new concept in today’s society that people frequently talk about. It requires us to reduce the use of energy and change the lifestyle that may degenerate the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon oxide …This title is too general; the readers do not know which aspect of low carbon life the writer focuses on.


Going Meatless One Day a Week Can Greatly Benefit Your Health and Our Environment What is Meatless Monday you ask? Created as a public health awareness program in association with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for a Livable Future, its goal is to get people to forgo meat one day a week. The benefits (read the full list of benefits here ) are numerous. From limiting your cancer risk to reducing your carbon footprint, the small change of skipping meat on Mondays (or any other day of the week) can go a long way.

Too long


Stick to TEM4 Writing CriteriaDon’t apply the CET4 and CET6 writing modes to your TEM4 and TEM8 writing.


Sample of CET4 WritingDirection: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay ent

itled Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourist? You should write at Least 120 words following the outline given below: 名校校园正成为旅游点 校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同 我认为……


Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourist? Nowadays more and more people take a fancy to visiting universities instead of well-know mountains, lakes or historical sites because of their unique and beautiful scenery. However, this hot issue has caused nationwide concern, giving up to different views among the general public. Some people hold the opinion that it is a good thing. They maintain that in this way universities can make profits so as to solve the financial problems, and that the tourists can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery of the time – honored universities but also feel the profound academic atmosphere, both of which they can never experience elsewhere. But others may not agree. They argue that tourism will have a negative effect on universities. Tourism will inevitably do harm to the natural beauty and quietness of the university campus as well as the academic seriousness. As far as I am concerned, the two views are reconcilable. We can schedule the tours during holidays for those who want to come for a sightseeing tour. In this way, we can not only cater to the tourists’ interest but also maintain the quietness of universities.


If the Writing Is for TEM4…Some famous universities are becoming tourist attractions. Some people worry that too many tourists may interfere the teaching activities of these universities or damage the historic sites, while others don’t think so. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Universities? You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.


If the Writing Is for TEM8…Currently, many reputable universities open their campus to tourists. It causes the concern that tourism may greatly interfere the teaching activities in these universities and break the quietness of the campus and even damage the cultural relics. However, some people hold different opinion that the universities should open their campus, letting more people to share their beautiful scenery. What’s more, the profound academic atmosphere may motive the young visitors’ desire to study. Do you agree or disagree with their opinions? You are to write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic: The influence of Campus tourism on the universities. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.




Paragraph Development

P.39 Assignment 1 Group 1 She (the battered woman) doesn’t want to divorce because she still believe the relation can be mended. Group 2 The symptoms of a deadly disease are horrific. Group 3 Chinese students tend to be silent and passive in class.


Assignment 3 (1) Minor details are missing. They do not know why their kids are so absorbed in the virtual world, sitting in front of a screen 8 to13 hours a day, isolating themselves from friends and family members. Maybe the advancing technology makes the picture more real, more detailed and more beautiful than the real world; maybe they find more fun in it than in sports and gathering with friends. The adults also show great worry that long hours in video game will have negative impacts on their study, social life and even personality development.


(2) Examples need to be added in. The victims of the Philippines hostage incident who were just ordinary citizens rarely venturing their lives might not have anticipated that they would be killed by an ex-police officer who was mad for his dismiss…Zhao Yun, one of the five Tiger Generals of Kingdom of Su, was depicted as a brave warrior in The Romance of Three Kingdoms. The legend says never did the hundreds of battles leave a scar on his body, but he died of natural cause – a very common but not lethal disease.


Chapter 5 Development in Time OrderIn telling a narrative, a writer organizes the story according to the time. This organizational pattern is called chronological order/time order.


Answers to the questions on p.524. d a → f : cause and effect b → c: cause and effect c → e: turning

birth eight nine


Answers to the questions on p.524. Lincoln’s childhood is unpleasant. He was born in Kentucky , but when his was eight years old, his father lost most of his land. So his family had to move to Indiana where they spent the first winter in a house with only three walls; the fourth side was open for a fire. His mother died when he was nine years old, but soon his father remarried. Persuaded by his second wife, Lincoln’s father sent his son to school, but unfortunately, the school where he was studying soon closed.



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The last sentence “after that scary experience, I have never gone camping again, and I do not think I ever will” is the topic sentence. Because he did not want to ruin the story. If the readers know the result which is revealed in the topic sentence, the readers may lose the interest in reading the anecdote. It is coherent and unified. The author just narrates one story in a chronological order. The ranger warned us the bears → set off with only a flashlight →heard noises →set up camp →the batteries in the flashlight were going dead →hear noise → remember the warning →the batteries had gone dead → run → jumped in the car and took off → never returned gone camping again

