八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a

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Unit 10

Unit 10 Section A 1a-1c

一 课型:Listen and say

二 目标:1. Learn the new words and the phrases 2. Learn to repeat ‘If ----I am going to do ------’ 三 方法:Listen and say 四 教学过程

Task 1 Language practice 1 check : 翻译下列单词和短语

(1)跟汤姆和露西一块去聚会 ——————— (8) be late ------------ (2)穿牛仔裤去聚餐 ----------- (9) study for the test ------ (3)乘公共汽车 ---------------- (10) help me to orange it -------------- (4) stay at home _-------- (11) too easy --------------------- (5) 让你进来-------------- (12) make some ----------------- (6 )Play party games ---------- (13) 一半同学 ---------------

(7) 玩得很愉快 ----------------- Task 2

(1)Work in pairs practice like 1c

参考句型 A I think I will go to see you tomorrow B If you do it I will be happy (2) free talk

Give the students some tome to have a free talk They can talk with any climates At last the students report their talking Task 3 listening practice 1b 2a and 2b Task 4 目标达成

(1)If you go to the party ,you will ______(过得很愉快)

(2) _____ you are going to wear Jeans to the party ,the teachers will not let you in .

(3) What ______(发生) if we have the party tomorrow ? (4) What is Mark going to ________(组织)? Task 5 work in pairs

Example A : When is a good time to have party ?


B : Let 's have it today .

A : If we have it today , half the class won’t come .

Task 5 Examination : choose the right answer 1 ______you are late ,our teacher will be angry

A When B If C What D Where 2 We ______go on a picnic ,if it _____ rain tomorrow A don’t , isn’t B ,don’t stop C shall .doesn’t D aren’t , doesn’t 3 If you do it , you will _____ a great time A have B had C has D will have 4 Let's ____ to the school together.

A to go B goes C go D going 5 If don’t do it , I ________ do it ,too .

A don’t B am not C won’t D am going to 二 完成下列句子

1 I think I am going to _____ (去聚会)with Tom

2 I think I am going to _______(乘公共汔车) to the party 3 If you do it , you’ll____________________(过得很愉快)

4 _________ (将会发生什么) if they watch a video at the party Task 6 探究性作业 小组讨论 如果今周放假,你会去干什么

Unit 5 Section A 2a-2d)

学习目标(Teaching goals):

1、知识目标:掌握本课出现的新词汇和学校联欢会通知中出现的条件状语从句。 2、技能目标:1).了解参加晚会的一些基本常识。 2).掌握条件状语从句和情态动词should的用法,发表自己的观点,谈论事情的结果 3、学习重点难点:(Important and difficult points): 条件状语从句中的“主将从现”现象,即主句为将来时态时,它所引导的条件状语从句使用一般现在时表达将来的意味,这时主句和从句所表达的时态在意义上仍然保持一致。 4.学习方法指导:个体活动,小组讨论代表展示 一、 学习过程 Task one 知识回顾 重点短语和句型:

1.玩得高兴 6.. 迟到 2. 太早 7.为考试而学习 3.拿走 8.帮我组织


4.打扫 9.玩聚会游戏


10.让某人进入 11.我想我要呆在家里。如果你那样做会感到很遗憾。


Task two课前预习

1. 在本课中找出take away, clean-up 和flower 等词,大胆猜测其含义,记忆它们并分别用它们造句。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2.你一定参加过班级岁末联欢会吧!你觉着参加聚会应该遵守哪些规定呢?动动脑子,试着尽可能多地列举在下面。(参考句型:Don’t?/Please?/We should/shouldn’t?) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3.再想想,如果你违背了以上列举的聚会规定,会有什么后果呢?请对应写出。 (参考句型:If I do,?/If I don’t?,?)

_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4.现在自学3a,看看有哪些规定和后果你没有想到,对上两项进行补充学习。 5.认真听录音,读熟3a,划出重要知识点并写下你的难点。

______________________________________________________________________ 6.汉译英,相信你一定会写出以下知识点。

1). 岁末联欢会 _______________ 2). 学校聚会的规定 ________________ 3). 穿牛仔裤 _______________ 4). 把食物带到聚会上 _______________ 5). 把它拿走 _______________ 6). 要求某人做某事 ________________

7). 在聚会期间 ______________ 8). 如果我这样做,将会发生什么事?



打算写在下面。越多越好!(参考句型:If I go to ?,I’ll?)



_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8. 通过预习,你还有哪些疑问?请写在下面。

_____________________________________________________________________ Task three学习过程: 1.Check something useful in “Preparation” and talk about the rules for your school parties.

2.Read the notice from the school principal in 3a.Then fill in the blanks 3. Look at the rules in activity 3a and make other conversations .

4. Add some more items to the poster.Then talk about what you will do if you go to the project 当堂检测:


1、If you stay at home, you (be)sorry.

2. If I see him again, I ________ (tell) him what you said.

3.If the train ________ (be) on time, it will be here in ten minutes. 4.If you want to pass, you _________ (have to) study hard.

5.What _________ (happen) if they don’t agree with each other? 句型转换

1.You bring food to the party. The teachers will take it away.(用if 连成主从复合句)

2. If they have the party today, half the class won’t come.(划线提问)

if they have party today?

3.如果你让他们进来会发生什么? What will if you them ? 4.我妈妈拿走了我的收音机。 My

mother my .

Unit5 Section B (3a-3c)

学习目标:Listen to the tape, learn to talk about consequences with “if” 自主学习:

一、自学达标(启动任务): Look at Section B Part 1 and learn by themselves, after a while close the books and write down the phrases: 高兴的 环游世界 去上大学 赚许多钱 著名 得到教育 二、合作探究 (渐进性主题任务) :


Ⅰ) Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Use the words above. What words does the soccer agent talk about?

What words do the parents talk about?

Ⅱ) Listen again and fill in the blanks:

(1) If Michael joins the Lions, she’ll become a great _____ _____. (2) If Michael become a Lion, she’ll _____ _____the world. (3) And if Michael work really hard, she’ll be______.

(4) If Michael become a professional soccer player, she’ll never go

______ ________.

(5) If Michael doesn’t do this now, she’ll never ____ _____. Ⅲ) Work in pairs (ask and answer) (每个小组要确定参加一种俱乐部)

For example: What will you do if you join the piano club? A:What will you?????? if you??????? B:If I ??????? I will ????????? 三、拓展提升 (挑战任务) : 选择几个生活话题,让小组之间展开辩论(支持与反对)。比如我成大富翁了,有钱了?? 四,当堂检测: 单选

1.—Tom, if you_____ so many mistakes again, you’ll lose your job. A. will make B. made C. make D. can make

2. If it ____ sunny tomorrow, I_____ fishing in South Lake.

A. is; go B. will be; go C. is; will go D. will be; will go 3. If he____ harder, he will catch up with us soon.

A. study B. studies C. will study D. studied 4. China is very_____ the Great Wall and pandas.

A. famous as B. famous for C. ready to D. ready for 5. We won’t go to the park if it_______ tomorrow.

A. rains B. will rain C. is raining D. rain

6. Miss Read is in Tokyo at the moment. She will come back____ next month.

A. some times B. some time C. sometimes D. sometime 7. All of us will be happy ____ you can come with us. A. while B. if C. but D. or

8. If you don’t go to the meeting tomorrow,________.

A. he will; too B. he won’t; either C. he does; too D. he doesn’t; either 9. I’ll give a ticket to you if I_____ two tomorrow. A. get B. will get C. got D. is getting 10. I____ her the answer if she_______ me. A. can tell; will ask B. will tell; will ask C. would tell; ask D. will tell; asks


11. If I eat ______ food, I’ll be very fat.

A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too 12. If the phone_____, can you answer it?

A. rings B. is ringing C. will ring D. rang 13. If I____ free tomorrow, I’ll go to the cinema.

A. will be B. shall be C. is going to be D.am

14. Will you _____come to the party, if you have time next weel? A. able to B. can C. be able to D. be able.

Unit 5 Section B (1a—3c)


1. 学习谈论因果关系. 2,做出决定是否做某事. 二.重点难点

1. 学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。 2. if 引导的条件状语从句。 教学过程

Task1 Reading

1.Teacher :Do you want to be an athlete ?If you become an athlete,what will happen ? Now let’s read the article in 3a .First you should read it and underline the important expressions.

2.Read it again .And this time you should read it carefully and then complete the chart:

Reasons for becoming a professional Reasons against becoming a professional athlete athlete You can make a lot of money People will follow you where Task2 Writing

Do you think Michael in activity 2a decided to become a soccer player?. Complete this letter from Michael to the soccer team agent Mr Brown. Decide if he joined the Lions or not. Dear Mr Brown, I have decided that I



then read your letter to your partners. Task3 Writing

Write about your own plans using sentences with “if” and “will”.Choose two things and write about both. Task4 Groupwork

Write a story with your group on a piece of paper.The first person begins the story with the words”I think I am going to”The other people in the group add sentences with the word “if”.Pass the paper around the circle twice.Then read the story. Step 5 Homework

SB Page 39 , Selfcheck Part 2.

Unit 5 Self Check

一、 启动任务 Have a dictation 看谁写的好 Each group have a dictation, they write 15 words by themselves, then check with other, and choose the best group.

二、 渐进性主体任务 Task 1 看谁做得对又快

Students read the words of 1 and fill in the blanks on their own in 3 minutes, and check the answers in group, each group choose the best one. Students make their own sentences with the words, and show their sentences with their partners. Task 2

Students complete the sentences using their own ideas in 5 minutes. Then ask some students to show their sentences.

1、 If I get up late tomorrow,__________________. 2、 If I don’t finish my homework,________________. 3、 If I eat too much lunch,____________________.

4、 If I don’t get enough exercise,___________________. 5、 If I am a good cook,___________________________. 6、 If I watch too much TV,__________________________. 7、 If I don’t help others,__________________________. Just for fun: Students read the conversation, answer the question: What is wrong with brown hair on an alian? 三、 练习检测 用所给词语的适当形式或时态填空。

improve explain come true care for go climbing 1.The teacher asked him to _______________why he was late. 2.We ___________________if we have time next Sunday.

3.He gave us some advice on how to_______________ our English.

4.They want to do something to _________________wild animals in danger. 5.I think your dream ______________________ in the future.



( )1.I was doing the same job _____ and I really feel tired. A. all time B. all the time C. the all time

( )2. Don’t bring food to the party. If you do, the teacher will ________ . A. take them away B. take it away C. take away it ( )3.We got closer to the teacher _______ hear what he was saying. A. so that B. that C. in order to ( )4.Frank _____ to see his grandma if he _____ free tomorrow. A. will come ; will be B. comes ; is C. will come ; is

( )5.If you don’t study English all the time, you’ll have a difficult time ______ it in the future.

A. studying B. to study C. to studying


