更新时间:2023-11-10 06:59:02 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载
1,2.1 Why are girls not as good at math and science?
Girls don't do as well at maths and science as boys.
There are several reasons for this.The first and most important reason is that they aren't encouraged to play with toys that build up interest in math and science problems and that build skills for problem solving or understanding how things work. Girls are encouraged to play with toys that help foster language and human relations skills. As a result,they can grow up not knowing how an engine works or how to build a model from directions. Second, studies have shown that teachers don't expect girls to be good at math.
Even female math and science teachers pay more attention to boys in class and call on boys more often. Because teachers don't expect girls to excel, they don't try very hard, and soon girls are far behind boys in these studies. Finally, girls don't have many role models to look up to。
Not very many math and science teachers are women, especially in the later grades. When the media picture mathematicians and scientists, they usually picture men. As a result, girls aren't inspired to choose these fields as careers.
In summary, several factors work together at home, in schools, and in society at large to send a subtle message to girls. Girls almost always get the message. As a result, few girls excel at maths and science. 女孩们不在数学和科学方面做不如男孩子。
鼓励女孩玩玩具,有助于培养学生的语言和人际关系技巧。那样,他们长大后不知道引擎如何工作或如何构建一个模型的方向。第二,研究表明,老师不希望女孩擅长数学。 即使女性的数学和科学教师更注重课堂上经常叫男孩。研究发现因为老师不希望女孩优秀,很少的数学和科学教师是女性,特别是在高年级中。当媒体提到数学家和科学家,他们通常看到是男人。结果,女孩不被鼓舞的选择这些领域的职业。
Prime Minister's message for Chinese New Year
I want to send my very best wishes to everyone celebrating the Chinese New Year, here in Britain, in China and all around the world. This is a very special year for Britain and China. Britain was the first western country to recognize the People’s Republic of China, and this year, we celebrate the fortieth anniversary of full diplomatic ties. Indeed, today, Britain’s ties with China are deeper and broader than at anytime in our history. Our trade continues to expand rapidly, with Britain remaining the most open economy in Europe for Chinese investment. There are more Chinese students studying in the UK and more British students in China than ever before. There are even two giant Chinese pandas in Edinburgh zoo -- a great attraction, with people from all over the world going to see them. And of course there are Chinese communities here in Britain making an incredible contribution to our country -- from business to culture, from science to local government, everyday showcasing the values of hard work, enterprise and community that make this country what it is. I hope that in this Olympic year for Britain, we can not only build on the success of the Beijing games, but also use the opportunity of the games to open up new areas of our relationship, taking advantages of the ways in which our two economies increasingly complement each other and the growing conversations between our governments and our peoples about the kind of society we want to be and the kind of world we want to see. I wish you good fortune and hope that this year of the dragon can be a year of success for China, for Britain and for us all. Gong xi facai !
US vice president’s speech at Fudan University
Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. I appreciate your kind words of introduction. And we are delighted to be here today. My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China.
We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University. We thank you for the honor, and we bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.
I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university. I am told the standards are extremely demanding here, and a degree from Fudan University signifies years of hard work and discipline.
I congratulate each one of you on your achievement, and I commend your teachers for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan University.
Olliva: Nokia, for centuries, is a name of a town in the middle of Finland where the company was established 135 years ago. So the town gave name to the company. First it was a paper-making company. Then it produced cables. From cable we entered electronics which enabled us to move into the telecommunications industry and now we specialize in mobile phone production.
Olliva: I always would like to say there are two things: a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck. 主持人:您真的非常谦虚!
Olliva: But on a more serious note, I think we got a concept that we followed very consistently. First, we want to concentrate on telecommunications, especially mobile phone communications. Secondly, we believe, what e world. I am happy that our choice was right.
Olliva: I think leader of a company must give employees a very clear direction especially in time of the difficulties, to talk with them openly about the problems and a
ve chosen, the mobile communication, will be a very strong growth area all over th
bout solutions. We are able to create a family feeling and create a kind of togetherness which is very rewarding.
Olliva: I think first of all, this is a very descriptive slogan of what we want to achieve. We want to develop our products that is user-friendly and easy to use. I think the customers are the very basis of the success of a company. So what we are trying to do is to produce the most suitable products for our customers. 主持人:这几年中国的手机市场发展非常迅速,那么诺基亚对于发展中国市场有什么的打算呢? Olliva: We enjoy a good market share in China with the annual income of about $179 million . More importantly, we established our factories here very early. We plan to export phones to all over the world from China. We hope Nokia can play a very active role in developing Chinese market.
诺基亚在过去一百年以来呢,它是一个小镇子,就是在芬兰的中部地区,135年以前,我们的公司就是建在这个小镇上。所以我们便用了这个小镇的名字。最初我们是一个造纸公司,然后我们生产电缆,后来逐渐发展进入电子行业,我们现在已经成长为今天的电信公司,而且包括移动电话。那么大家现在都知道这不是日本的产品,是芬兰的产品。 奥利拉:
我总是愿意说有两件事:一方面是非常勤奋的工作,另外一方面是有点运气。 奥利拉:
但是严肃一点应该这样说,我们有一种理念,我们始终一贯遵循这种理念。第一,我们愿意将重点放在电信系统,特别是移动通讯方面,我们把其他一些业务甩掉了,我们一直在这样做。第二,我们深信不疑的是我们选定的终身重点,即移动通讯,是高增长点领域,在整个世界都是如此,我觉得我们是对的,而且我们也非常高兴这样做了。90年代,我们的业务高速增长,但是我们从没料到我们会如此成功,变得如此强大。 奥利拉:
我们曾经处于非常困难的时期,特别是80年代末和90年代初。但重要的一点是,我们给员工一个非常清醒的,非常明晰的方向,向他开诚布公地讲我们的问题,讲解决问题的方案。所以我作为领导花了很多时间同我们这些员工来讨论如何走出困境,也就是甩掉其他业务,集中经营电信的做法,从而给员工新的希望走出困境。当时我觉得每个人都做出了积极的反映。正是如此,我们创造了一种大家庭的气氛,在解决问题的时候让大家产生凝聚力,这种做法确实得到很好的回报。 奥利拉:
用起来较为容易,按键容易使用,而且用户键面设计也是一目了然。这是我们第一个努力 奥利拉:
喜欢喝咖啡的朋友对星巴克咖啡公司一定不会陌生。这家起源于美国西雅图的公司是全球著名特式咖啡零售商。他们有近9000间分店遍布世界。2000年星巴克来到了中国,如今它已经出现在中国很多城市的街头巷尾了。今天我们请到了星巴克公司的董事长Howard Schultz先生,他正好到中国来出差。很高兴您能参加我们的节目,Schultz先生
If you love coffee,you can’t be strange to Starbucks,a leading global coffee retailer that originates from Seattle,the United States, with some 9000 coffee houses around the globe.It came to China in 2000,and now its stores can be found in corners of many Chinese cities.Today we have Howard Schultz,the Chairman of Starbuck with us as he is on the trip to China .Nice to have you here Mr.Schultz.
EU-China relationship
ladies and gentemen, dear friends,
It is my pleasure to be here today to tell you something about the European Union and its relations with China.
The EU is a union of 25 independent states based on the European Communities and founded to enchance political, economic and social cooperation, fomerly known as the European Communitiy or the European Economic Community.
Now the 25 member states are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The EU covers an area of four million square kilometers, nearly half the size of China. Its total population is 454,400,000, the world’s third largest after China and India, and accounts for some 7% of the total world population.
The euro is the name of the single European currency that was put into circulation on 1 January, 2002. The euro has replaced the old national currencies in 12 European Union countries so far. Having a single currency makes it easier to travel and to compare prices, and it provides a stable environment for European business, stimulating growth and competitiveness.
Until recently, the GDP of the EU was more than USD 10 trillion, as a whole similar to that of its main competitor, the United States. The total volume of the economy and the total volume of trade account for 25% and 35% of the world total.
豫组42号《中共河南省委组织部 共青团河南省委关于进一步03-08
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