完整公司劳动合同书 英文版

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完整公司劳动合同书 英文版


The Labor Contract


Name of Party B (Employee):


ID No.

完整公司劳动合同书 英文版

According to Labor Law of PRC and relevant regulations, through consultation on the basis of equality, Party A and Party B voluntarily sign the contract.

Article 1: Term of the Labor Contract

Term of the contract

Valid period of the contract is from to among which both parties agree to adopt months as the probation period.

Article 2: Work Content

1. By the requirement of Party A, Party B undertakes the position of signed to specify index and requirements of Party A.

2. If needed, the Party A can alter the Party B's job or position through consultation between

with Party A.

Article 3: Working Protection, Working Condition and Job Training

1. Party A shall provide labor conditions of safety and health complied with national

stipulations for party B ; reasonably equip with fundamental working tools necessary for working ; distribute labor protection products on schedule as the requirements of the position and the nation; implement special labor protection for women labors and underage labors; offer health examination on schedule for labors who work with occupational hazard.

2. Party A shall be responsible for providing with education and training on political thought,

occupational ethics, professional skills, safely producing and labor disciplines.

3. Party B works not exceeding 8 hours a day and 44 hours a week and enjoys rest and holidays

as stipulated by the nation. Rest time is conducted as regulated by party A and the State.

4. Party B shall strictly abide by the articles of association of the work, keep safety, prevent

accident .

Article 4: Labor Payment, Social Security and Welfare

1. Party A should pay Party B monthly salary according to national, municipal government and

company’s relevant requirement, as well as Party B’s position, which should not lower than local minimum wage standard.

2. Party A can give reward to Party B according to the relevant provisions of the state and the

unit due to the outstanding contributions of Party B.

完整公司劳动合同书 英文版

3. As stipulated by central government and autonomous region government, party A shall pay a

part of social security fee, covering unemployment, pension; Party A keeps the custody of insurance, and return to Party B when she leave. If Party B leave the position due to the default, Party B has the right to withhold the insurance document until Party B fully compensate all losses .

Article 5: Labor Disciplines

1. Party A shall set up and improve the internal regulations and labor disciplines according to

the laws, supervise Party B according to laws.

2. Party B shall strictly abide by the regulations formulated by Party A, and subject to Party A’s


Clause 6: Alteration , Dissolution, Suspension and Renewal of Contract

1. Both parties could change the contract after agreement if any of the following is found:

1) On mutual consent on the change of the line of production or business scope of Party A;

2) The laws, regulations and policies as stipulated before have been changed;

3) The force majeure or a major change in the objective circumstance takes place by the time of

signing the contract and the contract cannot be executed.

2. If any of the following is found to Party B, Party A is entitled to cancel the contract.

1) Party B is proved not meet the conditions of employment during the probation period.

2) Party B seriously violates labor disciplines or the rules and regulations made by Party A.

3) Party B makes serious mistakes or engages in malpractice for selfish end which is resulting

great losses to Party A.

4) Party B makes serious bad influence on the society and the company due to criminal action

of Party B.

3. Party B has the right of informing Party A of terminating the contract at any time in the following case.

1) party B notices Party A of terminating the contract in written form 30 days ahead;

2) In the probation period;

3) Confirmed by relevant national department, labor safety and health conditions provided by

party A are so poor that party B’s safety and health are seriously harmed;

4) Party A shall not pay remuneration, social insurance and welfare against the contract;

5) Party A goes gainst the contract and threaten the legal rights of B ;

完整公司劳动合同书 英文版

6) Party B is admitted to higher study institutions at her own expense.

4. The contract shall be terminated in any of following cases.

1) The contract is expired;

2) Party B meets the requirements of retirement.

3) Party B died in contract period;

4) The circumstances contributing to the termination of the labor contract agreed by both sides

turn up.

5. When the contact is expired, due to party A’s demand, it may be continued upon the agreement of party B through negotiation between the two parties.

6. The procedures of termination and continuousness of the contract shall be gone through within 30 days from the date of contract expiration. This contract will be automatically continued if no any formality were conducted and the labor relationship also exists.

Article 7: Scope for Breach of the Contract

The contact shall be legally bound by law upon sign. The party which one violates the contract shall assume the liabilities; causes loss to the other party shall compensate for the other party according to relevant regulations. The scope for breach of the contract should include the following case except for the the above clauses:

1. party B cannot do part time jobs for any other companies without the consent of party A

during the Contract period;

2. Party B cannot leak out the commercial secrets;

3. Party B should strictly obey labor disciplines and regulations stipulated party A;

4. All the achievements and products of Party B shall be owned by both sides during the

working period. Party B shall not make activities such as transfer, sell, or profit-making without permission.

5. Party A can not interfere with the personal freedom of Party b.

Article 8: Any associated matters need to supplement or alter shall be settled by both parties in written form.

Article 9: This contract is in duplicate and each party holds one. Both copies have equal legal effect. The contract takes into effect once the two parties sign and seal.

完整公司劳动合同书 英文版

Party A(seal): Legal representative: (Seal)

Date: Feb.18,2013

Party B (signature):

Date: Feb.18,2013

