北外 专升本 大学英语

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1、When he was questioned about the missing disk, he firmly _______ that he had seen it.(1.04)( ) A.denied B.refused C.disputed D.rejected

标准答案:A 2、As a working mother I don't have time to play with my son everyday. Most of my friends would say _______.(1.04)( ) A.same B.the same C.a same D.of same


3、Since she has never been in such a dangerous situation before, her _______ was understandable.(1.04)( ) A.eagerness B.calmness C.strength D.fear


4、After the test, a special prize was _______ to the chief designer of the new product.(1.04)( ) A.deserved B.reserved C.warded D.rewarded


5、From the earliest time, it was _______ knowledge to the Peruvians that a white liquid would come out a rubber tree.(1.04)( ) A.right B.common C.ready D.ordinary


6、We couldn't help _______ doubtful about his honesty after he had lied so many times before.(1.04)( ) A.being B.be

C.to be D.to being


7、It was difficult to guess what her _______ to the news would be.(1.04)( ) A.impression B.reaction C.comment D.opinion


8、If you put too many potatoes in that bag, it will _______.(1.04)( ) A.separate B.crack C.burst D.collapse


9、After a sleepless night, he _______ a new proposal.(1.04)( ) A.took up with B.broke up with C.put up with D.came up with


10、_______ years of enormous government support, few urban public transportation systems run at a profit.(1.04)( ) A.Based on B.Due to C.Because of D.In spite of


11、Shakespeare compared the world ______ a stage.(1.04)( ) A.with B.to C.for D.as


12、All foreign merchants were made to pay heavy _______ on the goods they sold and bought.(1.04)( )

A.weights B.prices C.tasks D.duties


13、In sales, shops may say “Thousands of items at half-price\such a drastic reduction.(1.04)( ) A.ready B.handy C.affordable D.available


14、Nice words may win friends, but only one's good personality and credit can hold _______.(1.04)( ) A.it B.that C.those D.them


15、He came all the way to China for promoting friendship _______ for making money.(1.04)( ) A.much than B.more than C.better than D.rather than

标准答案:D 16、The professor was surprised at the full _______ and began his lecture with enthusiasm.(1.04)( ) A.attendance B.audience C.appearance D.presence


17、I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _______ when judging my examination.(1.04)( ) A.regard B.counting

C.account D.observation


18、He was afraid he would have to _______ her invitation to the party.(1.04)( ) A.refresh B.refuse C.ignore D.decline


19、_______ he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.(1.04)( ) A.As soon as B.As well as C.So far as D.So long as

标准答案:D 20、_______ you were busy, I wouldn't have bothered you with my questions.(1.04)( ) A.Realized B.As I realized C.I had realized D.Had I realized

标准答案:D 21、In the desert, even a small cup of water may be a _______ of life or death.(1.04)( ) A.fact B.thing C.matter D.business


22、That was such a serious matter that I had no choice but _______ the police.(1.04)( ) A.called in B.calling in C.call in D.to call in


23、I need to rent a larger apartment. Do you know of any _______ ones in this neighborhood?(1.04)( )

A.blank B.vacant C.open D.free


24、The _______ bridge was built in 1700 and rebuilt 20 years ago.(1.04)( ) A.beautiful white stone B.white beautiful stone C.beautiful stone white D.white stone beautiful


25、_______ to the question of drinks, I think orange juice will be enough.(1.04)( ) A.As B.Due

C.According D.Up


26、His film career began after the war, __________ he had already appeared in the films before that.(1.04)( ) A.even B.except C.although D.despite


27、Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man __________ it is for a woman.(1.04)( ) A.as B.than C.that D.when


28、When he entered the classroom, he found __________.(1.04)( ) A.reading her English B.her reading English C.her English reading D.reading English of hers


29、The traffic was heavy; otherwise I __________ here 50 minutes sooner.(1.04)( )

A.would be B.should be C.had been

D.would have been


30、It was essential that the application forms __________ back before the deadlines.(1.04)( )

A.must be sent B.would be sent C.be sent D.were sent


31、A news report is usually very short, __________ when it is about something very important.(1.04)( ) A.besides B.apart from C.except D.except for


32、Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe __________ by the judge.(1.04)( ) A.crisis B.sentence C.crime D.service


33、The price system works primarily __________ balancing the decisions of consumers and producers.(1.04)( ) A.to B.from C.by D.out of


34、In another month’s time, Professor Lee __________ in this university for exactly 30 years.(1.04)( ) A.will teach

B.will have been teaching C.will have taught D.will be teaching


35、Children are very curious __________.(1.04)( ) A.at heart B.in person C.on purpose D.by nature


36、__________ they are inexperienced, they have done a considerably good job.(1.04)( ) A.Now that B.Given that

C.On condition that D.In case


37、I’d like to take this opportunity to __________ a warm welcome to all those present.(1.04)( ) A.depress B.impress C.extend D.intend

标准答案:C 38、Mary __________ back home if she had known that her husband would go to the station with the car to meet her.(1.04)( ) A.mustn’t have walked B.wouldn’t have walked C.couldn’t have walked D.shouldn’t have walked


39、I regret that a __________ engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.(1.04)( ) A.last

B.previous C.before D.foregoing


40、We must give up this new plan because we are __________ funds.(1.04)( )

A.lack in B.lack

C.lacking of D.lacking


41、We’ve all heard of Thomas Edison, __________ who invented the electric light and many other things.(1.04)( ) A.man B.the man C.a man D.the men


42、It wasn’t such a good dinner __________ she had promised us.(1.04)( ) A.that B.which C.as D.what


43、When the fire was put out, we saw that the house __________.(1.04)( ) A.was damaged

B.was being damaged C.has been damaged D.had been damaged


44、Children who are over-protected by their parents may become __________.(1.04)( ) A.hurt B.damaged C.spoiled D.harmed


45、Readers will find that a library’s collection of books usually ________ two categories: fiction and non-fiction.(1.04)( ) A.runs into B.turns into C..divides into D.falls into


46、A recent __________ in corporate organization is to reduce the number of levels of management.(1.04)( ) A.trend B.tend C.bend D.blend


47、Education is a lifelong experience that starts long __________ the start of school.(1.04)( ) A.after B.before C.past D.since


48、Finding out information on the latest scientific breakthroughs has been becoming easy for anyone with Internet __________.(1.04)( ) A.path B.entry C.access D.admission


49、His work is so good that I __________ it.(1.04)( ) A.hardly need to edit B.hardly need edit to C.need hardly to edit D.need to hardly edit


50、The car won’t start because the battery has __________.(1.04)( ) A.run down B.run over C.run up D.run off


51、What __________ would happen if the director knew you felt that way?(1.04)( ) A.do you suppose

B.you suppose C.will you suppose D.you would suppose


52、Don’t forget to bring the dictionary to class tomorrow. --- I __________.(1.04)( ) A.don’t B.can’t C.haven’t D.won’t

标准答案:D 53、__________ whether he is right or wrong, we have to follow his decisions.(1.04)( ) A.Considering that B.Given that C.Regardless of D.In case of


54、Yesterday the president and general manager __________ to make a speech at the meeting.(1.04)( ) A.has been asked B.have been asked C.was asked D.were asked


55、Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he __________ our chairman now.(1.04)( ) A.would be

B.must have been C.has been D.were

标准答案:A 56、The leaves from the trees fell onto the lake and ________ on the surface.(1.04)( ) A.flowed B.floated C.flew D.fried


57、Can you please ________ me a favor by turning off that radio?(1.04)( ) A.say B.have C.do D.give


58、I wish I _____ busy yesterday; I could have helped you with the problem.(1.04)( A.were not B.not had been C.was not

D.had not been


59、John went to town yesterday and had his bike _____ there.(1.04)( ) A.to repair B.repaired C.repairing D.repair


60、I’m in no _____ this evening to listen to his silly jokes.(1.04)( ) A.mood B.feeling C.attitude D.opinion


61、I know nothing about _____ in the army.(1.04)( ) A.she working B.for her to work C.her having worked

D.her having been worked


62、This picture reminds me _____ the time we spent together in New York(1.04)( A.of B.in C.for D.to

) ) 标准答案:A

63、We are not on very good _____ with the people next door.(1.04)( ) A.friendship;relations ;will;terms


64、Nothing can stop me from _____ my ambition.(1.04)( ) A.reaching B.completing C.achieving D.obtaining


65、_____ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it.(1.04)( ) A.Even though B.Unless C.As long as D.However


66、He couldn’t lie convincingly enough to take a child _____.(1.04)( ) A.in B.down C.away D.up


67、This _____ girl is Mary’s cousin.(1.04)( ) A.pretty little Swedish B.Swedish little pretty C.Swedish pretty little D.little pretty Swedish


68、It never _____ my mind that he might refuse the request.(1.04)( ) A.passed B.filled C.occurred D.crossed


69、For parents, one of the problems _____ by rising prices is the continual demand for more pocket money.(1.04)( )

A.given B.posed C.provided D.forced


70、The man over there is _____ our principal.(1.04)( ) A.no other but B.no other than C.no one than D.none other than


71、If you are under 18, you are not _____ to join this club.(1.04)( ) A.legitimate B.legible C.eligible D.permissive


72、The second-hand car Patrick bought was almost new; _____, it was in excellent condition.(1.04)( ) A.nevertheless B.however C.but D.besides


73、John _____ to the library until his cousin reminded him it would shut at six.(1.04)( ) A.went

B.didn’t go C.hasn’t gone D.would go


74、What a mess! This room needs _____ up.(1.04)( ) A.to be cleaned B.being cleaned C.having cleaned D.to have cleaned


75、Mary reminded me _____ late for the meeting.(1.04)( )

A.do not be B.will not be C.would not be D.not to be


76、All of us enjoyed ______ with the famous actor.(1.04)( ) A.to talk

B.to have talked C.talking D.talked


77、______ I was not sleepy, I went to bed early.(1.04)( ) A.Even though B.Because C.However

D.Due to the fact that

标准答案:A 78、______ no one has any further questions, the meeting will be adjourned.(1.04)( ) A.Providing by B.Providing with C.Provided that D.Provided with

标准答案:C 79、The art museum, _____, has an excellent collection of modern paintings.(1.04)( ) A.for an instance B.for instance C.for the instance D.such an instance


80、_______ an excellent library, the university has a fine computer lab for the students.(1.04)( )

A.In addition to B.As well C.Except D.Except for


81、Since the road is wet this morning, _____ last night.(1.04)( ) A.it must rain

B.it must be raining C.it must have rained

D.it must have been rained


82、Water ______ if the temperature goes below zero degree centigrade.(1.04)( ) A.will have frozen B.froze

C.would be freezing D.freezes


83、If I had enough time now, I ________ to my parents.(1.04)( ) A.will write B.would write

C.would have written D.will be writing


84、It is raining. I wish it ________ .(1.04)( ) A.will stop B.stops

C.would stop D.is stopping


85、When she came in from the rainstorm, she looked as if she _______ a shower with her clothes on.(1.04)( ) A.had taken B.took

C.was taking D.would take

标准答案:A 86、I remember ________ the Alps for the first time. The sight was impressive.(1.04)( ) A.seen

B.to have seen C.to see D.seeing


87、We are accustomed to _______ with the window open.(1.04)( )

A.sleeping B.sleep C.have slept D.be sleeping


88、Analysts say that it _______ to start a venture in China, where Motorola has a strong marketing position.(1.04)( ) A.makes sense B.shows off C.means ill D.takes risks


89、We are glad that he will never show up. __________, what should we say to him?(1.04)( )

A.Were he comes

B.Were he to be coming C.Were he to come D.Were he come


90、The matter settled, we decided to __________ to the next program on the agenda.(1.04)( ) A.succeed B.proceed C.concede D.recede


91、In the 1950s and 60s, __________ any need for automobiles to be fuel efficient, since gasoline was plentiful and cheap.(1.04)( ) A.hardly there was

B.when hardly there was C.there was hardly

D.when there was hardly


92、During the flood of 1927, the Red Cross, operating out of emergency headquarters in Mississippi, set up shelters for the homeless.(1.04)( ) A.testing B.ready

C.favorable D.temporary


93、The same thing, ____________ in war time, would amount to disaster.(1.04)( ) A.happened B.happening C.has happened D.to happen


94、Some teenagers are so crazy about video games that they play them for as many hours as possible __________.(1.04)( ) A.on end B.on purpose C.for good D.for long

标准答案:A 95、In sales, shops may say “1,000 items at half-price” when only a few are ____________ at such a drastic reduction.(1.04)( ) A.ready B.handy C.affordable D.available


96、The ___________ was built in 1700 and rebuilt 20 years ago.(1.04)( ) A.beautiful white stone bridge B.white beautiful stone bridge C.beautiful stone white bridge D.white stone beautiful bridge


