KB2 - Unit 3- Play time 3

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Module: unit 3 Play time Planned periods:6 Periods taught:6 教学目标与评估细则 项目 content Vocabulary Spelling Phonics 知识 Sentences Knowledge Wendy whale, Where’s the woman with the white watch? 发音/w/ 目标 goal ? Know the name and most common sound associated with letter O P Q R T ? Hear, read and copy vocabulary: camera, computer game, kite, lorry, robot, watch, numbers 1-20 ? 复数名词,this, these, Whose (kite) is this? Whose (robots) are these? Whose is it? It’s / They’re his/hers/(Suzy’s). that/those ? ? ? ? These are dolls. This is a robot. Whose is this? Whose are these? ? No, it isn’t Listening 技能 skills speaking Reading and ? 能够听懂谈论关于教室的对话和带有Whose () is this / are these?和所有格?s的句子,能够将字母w和wh与/w/音联系起来 ? 能够说出玩具的名称和谈论玩具,会用whose和所有格?s来提问和回答 ? ? 能够认读玩具的名称,能够识别带有Whose () is this / are these?和所有格?s的句子 These are dolls. This is a robot. Whose is this? Whose are these? No, it isn’t

Writing 态度 Attitude 行动 Action 教学资源 teaching resource 书面资源 written resource 实物资源 Objects ? 能够写出玩具的名称 Show respect to teachers and peers during and class through attentive listening. ? Can recognize the words about color. ? Can answer and respond to teachers’ questions. ? Initiate to practice and speak English during and after class Activity book,Worksheets, 1.(lesson 1 )表示玩具的单词卡片42-47,表示玩具的单词条(教师资源包P92),展示第14页的教学挂图,强化练习1(每人一份) 2. (lesson 2 )表示玩具的单词卡片42-37,自制一个玩具箱(toy box),颜色单词卡片,数字单词卡片,可复印活动3(教师用书P94,2人一份,裁剪成套,装在信封里) 3.(lesson 3 )表示玩具的单词卡片42-47,自制一个能够展示给全班的表格(共两列,每列的分别写有表示学过的玩具单词的前一半和后一半,让学生连线并写出单词),一个不透明的袋子,强化练习2(每人一份) 4.(lesson 4 )表示衣服的卡片(第一册jacket, skirt, shoes, trousers, socks, T-shirt),几张大的白纸(便于画画并能在黑板上展示细节) 5.(lesson 5)在lesson 2使用的可复印的活动3,(第一册)CD1, 17磁带1, A,数字卡片1-20

6.(lesson 6)一个不透明的袋子,玩具卡片42-47,故事卡片,对话单词条(每段台词用一条,需自己制作),拓展练习2(教师资源包P24,每人一页) 校内资源 In school resource 校外资源 Out school resource 多媒体资源 Media resources 网络资源 CD 探究过程(知识习得、问题探究、知识巩固、完成作业、成果展示)和评估程序(过程性评估:自评、互评、组评、师评、总结性评估:分作业评估、综合总评) Target Period Teaching process 说出玩具的名称,并谈论玩具 The design objective The 1 period Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes) 1. 说:Let?s say hello to the toys. 在黑板上画一个大圈(建立思维导图mind map的形式),在圆圈中间写上”toys”,说:Say a toy, please. 让学生说出学过的玩具的名称。可通过做动作提示玩具名称,如双手做拍球状(ball)、环抱双臂做抱孩子状(doll)、做蹬自行车的动作(bike)、做开车的动作(car/lorry)、双臂在身体两侧夹紧向前划圈(train)、做划船状(boat)等。 st

2. 问:Can you spell a toy? 给学生思考的时间,然后提示说:Give me a b.学生喊出单词后,教师在黑板上圆圈的位置写下b,让(喊出单词的)学生拼读单词,并在黑板上将单词写完整。以此方式让学生写出学过的玩具的名称。 Step 2: Presentation ( 10 minutes) 1. 说:I?ve got some new toys. 逐一展示单词卡片42-47,并贴在玩具思维导图的圆圈位置。每展 示一张,说出单词,让学生齐声重复单词,然后大声读、小声读。 2. 将学生分为两列纵队,说:I say a toy, and you touch.让学生轮流触摸教师说出的单词,摸对了 得分,摸不对不得分。保持队形,继续游戏。 3. 将单词卡翻过来,使有字的一面冲外,贴在黑板上。指着单词问:What?s this? 让学生凭记忆说 出单词,说对的在卡片下方拼写出单词。 4. 撤掉单词卡片,黑板上留下的是玩具思维导图,玩具名称都是文字形式。说:Now I say a toy, and you touch the word. 继续游戏。 5. 说:Open your pupil?s book at page 14, please. Where?s the star? Who can you see? Point to (玩具). 问:How many kites are there? (5 kites.) 将学生的回答写在黑板上。说:I?ve got only 播放录音: 1 kite.在5 kites的下方写下1 kite。问:What?s different? 自答:5 kites are a lot.并再次在s下CD1, 27磁带1, A 划线。引起学生注意到名词的复数形式。 6. 说:Listen and point.播放录音,学生听录音,指出图片里的物品。

Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes) 1. 提出听力问题:Where are the kites? What color is the watch? What is Stella?s favorite toy? Listen again and answer the questions.再次播放录音,学生听录音找答案。和全班学生一起核对答案。 2. 展示第14页的教学挂图,进一步问问题,检查听力理解情况。如:What are these? Who?s this? What color?s this? Where are the watches? (next to the robots) What?s Suzy looking at? (kites) 3. 说:Let?s do activity 2. Listen, point and repeat.播放录音,学生齐声跟读单词。注意听camera(双音节)的正确发音和computer game的正确重音。 4. 说:Let?s play a guess game. 示范,偷偷看一下一个玩具的单词条,说:What?s this? It?s a toy. 做出描述该玩具的动作,如:做出打字的动作(computer game)。让学生说出单词,并请一个学生从老师的单词条中挑出相应的单词。 5. 耳语游戏。说:What?s this? 到一个学生耳边低声说出一个玩具单词的拼写,这个学生再继续向下一个学生耳语单词拼写,一直传到最后一个学生。对最后一个学生说:Come and pick out the word. 让最后一个学生走到老师面前,从单词挑中挑出听到的单词,并告诉全班。 播放录音: CD1, 28磁带1, A Step 4: Production ( 10 minutes) 1. 活动用书第14页,活动1。说:Open your activity book at page 14, please. Look at activity 1. 把短文的第一句话写在黑板上:Suzy?s got a kite and a doll.和学生一起读这个句子,问:Can

you see any toy words? What are they? 让学生说出kite 和doll。把这两个词圈起来。举起书说:Can you see a picture of kite? 指向风筝图片下方的横线说:Write the word “kite” here.以同样的方式写出doll。 2. 说:Now you do the same.学生独立完成练习,默读短文并全出单词,找到相应的图片,并在图片下方的横线上抄写单词。教师监督。完成后,全班一起核对答案,让学生拼读出单词。 3. 问:What has Suzy / Simon / Lenny / Meera / Stella / Alex got? 让学生根据短文和图片回答问题。 4. 说:Look at activity 2. Listen and tick the box. (在黑板上画一个大对勾)播放录音,做第一个题为示例。让学生说出句子(或者在播放一遍第一句的录音)。播放录音的其余部分,学生完成练习。两人一组核对后,再次播放录音,全班核对。 5. 说:Stella?s favorite toy is Marie. She?s beautiful. Simon?s favorite toy is Maskman. He?s a hero. 问学生:What?s Suzy?s favorite toy? (Monty) Is he short?(No, he?s small.)What?s your favorite toy? Draw a picture of it. And talk about it to your friend. 让学生在纸上画出自己最心爱的玩具的图片。请学生向同学(两人一组)介绍他/她的玩具。 6. 请学生与别的组的同学互换自己的玩具图画,说:Talk about your favorite toy. And guess! What?s your friend?s favorite toy? 7. 收回学生自己画的玩具图画,在黑板上展示出来,请学生数出相同的玩具来,并且在黑板上写出数量来,如:11 kites。最后宣布全班最喜欢玩的玩具是什么,说:Our favorite toys are …。 播放录音: CD1, 29磁带1, A Homework 听CD1,28或磁带1,A三遍。

强化练习1(每人一份),制作转盘玩具,玩转盘游戏,转到那个玩具图片,就在1-6的错位词中找到相应的单词,并用正确拼写出来。 Design blackboard of the Present the knowledge clearly and vividly. Feedback of the period With attached document

Target Period 学会用this和these谈论玩具 The 2nd period The design objective

Teaching process Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes) 1. 让每个学生自己制作一个小纸条,上面写上一个1-20的阿拉伯数字,团成团。举起玩具箱,说:Look! This is a toy box. (对一个学生) 说: What?s your number? Put your paper ball in the toy box, please. 把所有的纸团放入玩具箱。 2. 拿出表示玩具的单词卡片快速展示,问:What?s this? 学生说出单词后,教师将单词写在黑板上,注意写成a (watch)的形式。 3. 问:How many (watches, etc.) are there? 请一个学生到前面来,从玩具箱中摸出一个纸团,展示给大家看,并回答问题。将数字和单词的复数形式写在a watch下方,并以缓慢清晰的声音念出来,让学生注意到单复数形式和发音的不同。以此方式练习所学数字与玩具名词的组合。 Step 2: Presentation ( 10 minutes) 1. 拿出三套卡片(玩具、颜色、数字),分为三摞摆放。先从数字中拿出数字1和一个玩具,贴在黑板上,问:What?s this? 如果学生回答过于简短,教师可做出完整回答(This is a …)。再从颜色卡片中拿出一张,贴在数字和玩具卡片之间,说:This is a …等待学生组织语言,做出This is a red kite.形式的回答。请学生分别替换颜色和玩具卡片,并提问(What?s this?)请其他同学回答。 2. 说:Let?s make it harder.用别的数字卡片替换数字1,提问:What are these?(语速要慢,与what?s this?有区别),让学生回答,并做出These are …的回答。以前面的方式继续活动。 3. 说:Open your pupil?s book at page 15, please. Look at the picture. What can you see? (Can you see the numbers? What are they?) Now, listen, and point. 播放录音。 播放录音: CD1, 30磁带1, A

4. 说:Listen again. Say the numbers.再次播放录音,每句话后暂停,让学生回答。 5. 举起书,手指图片,说:I say a number, and you say a picture. Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes) 1. 从学生那里收集一些铅笔,分作两堆摆放,一边只有一支笔,另一边有多支笔。伸出一个手指,指向一支笔说:What?s this? This is a pencil.再指向多支笔,用另一只手做手势表示数目,说:What are these? These are pencils. 问:What?s different? 重复前面两句话多次,让学生明确感 播放录音: 到不同后,回答。 CD1, 31磁带1, A 2. 用教室里的其他物品(橡皮、尺子),问:What?s this? What are these? 让学生练习回答。 3. 说:Open your pupil?s book at page 15, please. Look at the picture. 就图片内容提问:What?s on the bookcase? How many lorries are there?就每种玩具提出问题。 4. 说:Look at the picture. Listen.播放录音第一句,暂停,给学生时间核对图片内容,做出反应(说no或摇头)。播放其他录音的句子,每句话之后暂停,让学生做出反应。 播放录音: 5. 再次播放录音,每句话之后暂停,和全班学生核对答案。如果是no,让学生说出正确的句子。 CD1, 31磁带1, A Step 4: Production (___10_____minutes) 1. 给每2个学生一套可复印活动3,说:Color the toys with different colors.邀请一名学生来和老师一起示范玩法。两人各分得六张内容不同的卡片,背面冲外贴在黑板上,各自随机翻开一张单词卡片,描述卡片内容,说:A:This is a brown lorry. B:This is an orange kite. 如果卡片是一样的,

就说:These are watches. This is blue and this is yellow.如果卡片上的是相同的物品,就摘下(保留)这两张卡片;如果不相同,就再把卡片背面冲外贴回黑板,继续游戏,直到把所有卡片都配上对。游戏结束,让学生把卡片收入信封,交回给老师。 2. 活动用书第15页,活动3。说:Open your activity book at page 15, please. Look at activity 3. 指向飞机的图片和第一个句子,读出来This (竖起一个手指表示单数) is a red plane. 问:What color is the plane? (red.) Color the plane red.以同样的方式做第二个句子,这次竖起三个手指表示these和watches的用法。示范完毕,问:What colors do you need? 手指每句中的颜色让学生念出来,说:Get ready with the colors. 让学生独立完成练习。教师监督,如有必要,帮助学生拼写单词。 3.两人一组,核对答案,说:Compare with your friend?s book. 然后全班一起说出答案。 4. 活动用书第15页,活动4。说:Now, look at activity 4. Can you find a camera? 如果学生做不了,可以让学生两人一组完成。练习时,教师监督,给与必要的指导。 5. 让学生大声说出单词,并拼读,教师在黑板上记下单词,检查学生是否理解单词含义。 Homework 听CD1,30,磁带1,A三遍。 回家把自己的玩具摆出几样,介绍给家长。 Design blackboard of the Feedback of the period With attached document

Target Period Teaching process 用whose和所有格?s来提问和回答 The design objective 播放录音: CD1, 21磁带1, A The 3rd period Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes) 1.把自制表格展示在黑板上,说:What are these? Can you make a watch? Join the halves and write the words.先让学生独立在纸上完成,再请几个学生在黑板上完成。活动完成后,擦干净黑板。 2. 说:Open your pupil?s book at page 11, please. Let?s sing the classroom again. 3. 在教室里来回走动,指向或拿起教室里的物品问:What?s this? What are these? 让学生回答。 4. 说:Now who can ask a question? 请学生轮流到前面来,模仿例子提问,别的同学回答。 播放录音: Step 2: Presentation ( 15 minutes) 1. 说:Open your pupil?s book at page 16, please. Look at the picture. Who can you see? What can you see? 2. 说:Listen and point. CD1, 32磁带1, A 3. 提出听力问题,说:Whose is the basketball? Whose is the robot? Whose is the computer game? Listen again. 再次播放录音。两人一组核对答案,然后全班一起核对答案。教师注意给出 完成的回答形式:It?s Simon?s basketball. It?s Simon?s robot. It?s Stella?s computer game. 4. 提出进一步听力问题,说:Listen again. What?s Suzy?s toy? Is it dirty? Is its tail short? What

color is it? What?s Simon?s new toy? What?s its name? What can he do? What can Maskman do? 等。再次播放录音。 播放录音: CD1, 33磁带1, A Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes) 1. 说:Look at the picture. Listen, point, and repeat. 播放录音,在每句话后停顿,让学生跟读。 2. 说:Close your books. Let?s play a memory game. I say a sentence about a toy, and you say whose is it.确保学生明白如何做游戏。慢慢说出三个玩具的某个特点(如颜色、特征、名称)但不说是什么,给学生思考的时间,让学生说出这是谁的玩具。 3. 请一个学生来说细节,继续游戏。 4. 用一个不透明的袋子从学生那里收集一些东西,如笔、尺、书等,装在袋里。从中摸出一个物品,说:A long pencil. Whose is this long pencil? 请全班同学猜,物品的主人不能认领物品。猜对了的,可将物品还给主人。用几件物品进行练习。 5. 同样的游戏,由同学来提问,考全班。 Step 4: Production (___5_____minutes) 1. 活动用书第16页,活动5。说:Open your activity book at page 16, please. Listen and color. Get ready with the colors. What colors? 举起书,指着题目中的颜色形容词,让学生说出颜色。当学生把颜色都备齐后,问:Are you ready? Let?s listen. 播放第一题,说:Whose is the black kite? 让学生回答。说:Listen and color other kites. 播放录音,每句后停顿。两人一组核对答案。再次播放录音。和全班一起核对答案。可以问:Whose is the pink kite? 播放录音:CD1, 34磁带1, A

2. 指着问题Whose is the green kite?和横线上写的答案Stella?s, 把Stella?s 写在黑板上。用手指着S说:the big s.问:Can you spell the names? 帮助孩子们把名字拼写在黑板上,用手指着首字母说:the big “(首字母)”。说:Answer the other questions. Write the names. 3. 活动用书第16页,活动6。说:Look at activity 6. What can you see? (plane, kite, watch, lorry, doll) These are gifts. 指着写有名字的标签问:Whose is the lorry? 指向标签,说:To Bill. Happy birthday. Oh, it?s Bill?s. Write the other questions. 学生独立完成练习,教师监督。 4. 全班一起口头核对答案。说:Number 1. ask the question.请一个学生念出问题。What about number 2?...把每个问题写在黑板上。 5. 强化练习2. 每人一发份。说:Look at the pictures. What?s her / his name? 帮助学生念出人物名字。手指印在衣服上的玩具问:What?s this? (ball) Look at number 1. The ball is Anna?s. Now do the other pictures.学生独立完成后,两人核对。 6. 全班一起核对答案。问:Whose is the ball? (It?s Anna?s.) 7. 展示表示玩具的单词卡片(有图片的一面朝外)。指卡片,学生齐声读单词。用一张纸盖住一张卡片,学生齐声读出其他单词,最后哼出被盖住的单词,表示出音节和单词的重音,例如:robot, HHHM hhhm。重复练习。 Homework 听CD1,32磁带1,A三遍。 Practice the adverbs of frequency. Design blackboard of the Present the knowledge clearly and vividly.

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Target Period Teaching process 学唱一首歌曲,用this/these和that/those谈论衣服 The 4th period Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes) 1. 说:I say you do. Point to / touch your (shoes, jacket, trousers, socks, T-shirts, skirts). 2. 说:What?s this word? 慢慢在黑板上写出一个表示衣服的单词,让学生快速辨认并说出。 3. 说:A guess game. Who is it? 做出仔细观察每个学生的样子,闭上眼睛,说:I?m thinking, I?m thinking. She?s wearing a red skirt. Who is it? 4. 问:Whose is the yellow T-shirt / are the black shoes? 让学生在彼此身上寻找,说出答案。 The design objective 说出穿着相应衣服同学的名字 Step 2: Presentation ( 15 minutes) 1. 说:Open your pupil?s book at page 17, please. Look at the picture. What clothes can you see? What color is it? What?s his / her name? 让学生说出衣服、颜色、人物名字。Is Tom / Sue / John / Sheila a boy / girl?让学生知道哪些是男孩名、哪些是女孩名。

2. 说:Whose clothes are they? Let?s listen to the song and point.播放录音。学生听录音,每次都指出衣服和衣服的主人是谁。 3. 展示歌曲挂图,指向褐色夹克,问:Whose is this black jacket? 让全班学生说出信息(It?s John?s.),如果回答不完整,教师给出回答的完整形式。就图片中的每件衣服提问,学生回答。 4. 举起书,指着歌词说:Listen again. Read the words.播放录音。 播放录音: CD1, 35磁带1, A 播放录音: Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes) 1. 把学生分为四个小组,说:Your group, sing the black jacket (/ blue shoes / purple skirt / CD1, 35磁带1, A brown trousers). Now listen and sing the song.播放录音。 播放录音: 2. 把学生分为两组,说:Group A, you are the teacher. Group B, you are the pupils. Let?s sing CD1, 36磁带1, A the song again.播放录音。 (或DVD的The music room) 3. 问:Let?s sing the song together.播放录音卡拉OK版(有条件的,可以播放DVD, The music room)。 4. 说:Close your books. Let?s play a memory game. Whose is the black jacket? 让学生凭记忆回答。注意让学生逐渐习惯用完整的形式(It?s / They?re …)回答。 5. 两人一组,A问B答,强调让学生模仿歌曲里那个老师的夸张语气。然后两人互换角色,重复上面的游戏。教师监督,注意让学生用到whose are …? Step 4: Production (___5_____minutes)

1. 活动用书第17页,活动7。说:Open your activity book at page 17, please. 问:What can you see? 让学生说出物品名称。指着四个小孩说出他们的名字(都是新名字),让学生跟读。向全班示范如何做这个活动:Choose three gifts for every pupil. Join the pupil and the gifts. Don?t show your book to others. 指示学生悄悄为每个小孩选定三件物品,并连线表示所属关系。做活动时,教师监督,以确保他们选的数目是正确的。 2. 把学生分为两人一组。让两人面对面拿起书,不让对方看到自己的信息。举起书,指着对话说:Ask your friend. Whose is the robot? Your friend answers. (It?s Nick?s.) Then you join the gift and Nick. OK? 请两个学生示范。提醒学生使用Sorry. Repeat, please? Can you say that again? 完成后,互相参照书本,检查对方是否正确记录的信息。 3. 将学生分为几个小组,每组一张大白纸。说:Draw a picture of a doll. Color its clothes. Give the doll a name. Write the name under the doll. 教师监督,让学生尽量使用服装词汇里的衣服。 4. 请一个学生当老师,向小组同学提问:Whose is the … (颜色+衣服)? 同学回答。帮助同学记忆图画内容。 5. 记忆游戏。将几张学生自画图画贴在黑板上,让学生自己观察记忆其他组的图画内容。两分钟后,请几个学生到前面来背对黑板,由在座的学生提问:Whose is / are …? 前面几个学生轮流回答,都打完后,全班把正确答案说出来,答对的同学得分,答错的不得分。得分最高者为胜利。 6. 说:Let?s make a new song with toys. 帮学生将歌曲里的衣服及其修饰语换成带修饰语的玩具。 Homework 听CD1,35磁带1,A三遍,唱给家长听。 自己编一支whose is this(玩具)的主题歌 Practice the adverbs of frequency.

Design blackboard of the Present the knowledge clearly and vividly. Feedback of the period With attached document

Target Period Teaching process 识别/w/音,进一步练习whose和所有格?s The 5th period Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes) 1. 说:Let?s listen to a chant. 播放(或由教师模仿)第一册CD1,17磁带1,A:Head, shoulders, knees and toes, eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose, head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.同时教师示范做动作(说到什么指相应的部位)。 2. 说:Let?s say the chant and do the action.可以第一遍速度慢点,后面逐渐加快,也可变化语速,调整动作速度。 The design objective 播放录音:(第一册)CD1, 17磁带1, A

3. 说:Let?s draw a toy. 让学生在笔记本上根据指令画。It?s got two big eyes, a small nose, a big mouth, big teeth, two long ears, and long purple hair. What the name? (Trevor) 播放录音: CD1, 37磁带1, B Step 2: Presentation ( 15 minutes) 1. 说:Open your pupil?s book at page 18, please. Look at the picture. 举起书,指着鲸鱼说:What?s this? It?s a whale. What?s her name? Wendy. It?s Wendy whale. 重读每个单词开头的/w/音,说:Today?s sound is …等着学生说出/w/,Yes, it?s /w/.用手指书上的“W”。 2. 举起书说:Say “Hi, Wendy whale.” 全班学生回答。多次读Wendy whale,让学生跟读,并注意看教师口型。 3. 举起书手指右边的图说:Look at the other picture. This is a woman. Look, she?s got long hair. What?s this? (a watch) Is it a red watch? (a white watch) 4. 说:Say it with Monty. 播放录音,学生听录音跟读。 Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes) 1. Say the chant again. 教师拍手表示节奏,节奏可由慢到快,多次练习。 2. 说:Can you read the words? 把学生们念的绕口令写在黑板上,问:Where?s the /w/ sound?可让学生说,也可自己在在相应的字母下划线。Wendy whale. Where?s the woman with the white watch? 3. 问:Can you say more words with /w/? (what, when, whiteboard, etc.)将学生说到的词写在

黑板上,并请说出该词的学生划出发/w/音的字母。 4. 说:Open your pupil?s book at page 18, please. Look at activity 10. Look at picture 11(12-18). What is it (are they)? 举起书,指着图片11问: Whose is this nose? 让学生看提示(可用手指出)或凭记忆回答。如不能答出,可请学生把书翻到第2页,参考图片进行辨认。(说: Look at page 2, please. Whose is this nose?)再用同样的方式,由教师引导就第12幅图片进行问答,让学生注意到单复数的不同之处。可以问:How many noses? One nose. Whose is this nose? How many eyes? Two eyes. Whose are these eyes? 5. 两人一组,轮流指图片问答,完成其它图片。 6. 让人意两名学生站起来,一问一答,全班学生核对答案。 Step 4: Production (___5_____minutes) 1. 说:Let?s play a game. Whose is this toy? 将可复印的活动3(在lesson 2中曾使用过)装在信封里,每人一套发给学生。让学生在3张小纸条上分别写下Stella, Simon, Suzy等名字。两人一组。学生A按自己的意愿把信封里的卡片放在人物旁边(表示所属关系),用书盖住,不让伙伴看到。学生B举起一张卡片问:Whose is it? A看看自己摆放的位置,告诉B答案,B按照A说的摆放自己的卡片。两人继续问答,直到所有的卡片都放在人物旁边了。A移开书,与B核对答案。 2. 说:Look at the board. 指着绕口令的每一个词,让学生念出单词,并说出这个单词是否以/w/音开头。例如,让学生说where?s,问:/w/? 学生回答yes。以同样的方式练习the,学生说no。练习绕口令中其他的单词。 3. 活动用书第18页,活动8。说:Open your activity book at page 18, please. Look at activity

8.举起书,指着椅子的图片,再指向问号,问:What?s the word? 让学生说出单词where。并判断是否以/w/音开头。(yes)再指向方框中的对勾。让学生说出其它图片的单词,但不问问题。说:Now do the activity, please.完成后,两人一组核对答案。最后全班一起核对答案。请学生念出单词,并说yes或no。 4. 请8名学生到前面,从数字卡片(1-20)中任意抽出8张,每人一张,发给个学生。说:Look at your numbers. Put them in order. 让学生看到自己拿的数字,举起数字卡片,面向全班按顺序站好。换另一组8个人做这个游戏。 5. 活动用书第18页,活动9说:Open your activity book at page 18, please. Look at activity 9. 6. 说:Take a pencil. Listen and join the dots.播放录音。学生听录音并按照顺序把听到的数字连起来。两人一组核对答案。再全班核对答案。让学生完成图片下方的句子,说:Read the sentence. Answer the question. (What is it? A lorry)。Can you spell the toy? (l-o-r-r-y) 播放录音: CD1, 38磁带1, B Homework 给家长说三遍绕口令。 Practice the adverbs of frequency. Design blackboard of the Present the knowledge clearly and vividly. Feedback of the period With attached document

Target Period Teaching process 读故事,复习本单元语言点 The 6th period Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes) 1. 说:Let?s play a “WHOSE” game. 从学生手里收集一些物品,装在不透明的袋子里,拿回教室前面。再从中主意拿出来展示,问:Whose is this? Whose are these? 请学生回答。 2. 让学生轮流收集物品,并提问。 3. 才艺比赛。说:This is a talent show. What are your talents? Can you sing the “Whose is it” The design objective 根据自身情况回答 song? (Yes, I can. / No, I can ?t.) 问学生是否会更多才艺,可让学生一边回答一边做动作。问题例 如:Can you draw a star / monster, swim, play tennis, ride a bike, play the guitar, fly a kite, fly a plane / helicopter, drive a car, jump on the water, write Maskman / Monty / Marie, spell blue / red / green / ugly, read a story …。注意如果学生回答过于简单(yes),教师应给予完整对答形 式(yes, I can.) Step 2: Presentation ( 15 minutes) 1. 说:Open your pupil?s book at page 19, please. Who can you see? … Listen to the story. 播放录音: What can Maskman spell? 播放录音。 CD1, 39磁带1, B 2. 说:listen and point to the picture.播放录音。 3. 将全班分为6组,每组关注一幅图片。问:Listen again and answer the questions. Group 1

answer question 1. Whose is the robot? Group 2 answer question 2. What?s his name? Group 3 answer question 3. What can he do? Group 4 answer question 4. Can Maskman spell? Group 5 answer question 5. Can the robot fly? Group 6 answer question 6. Whose Simon?s favorite toy? 播放录音。学生听录音,看图片。小组内核对答案,和全班学生一起核对答案。 4. 说:Let?s enjoy the story. 播放录音。有条件的地方,可以播放DVD(Suzy?s room, story of the unit),并完成后面的问题。 播放录音: Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes) 1. 让学生合上书。打乱顺序摆放故事卡片,播放录音,请学生按照故事情节调整到正确的顺序。说:Close your books. Here are some pictures. Listen again and put them in order. 2. 问:Who?s talking? 说出某人的话,请同学告之说话的角色是谁。 3. 将故事卡贴在黑板上,说:Stick the words to the pictures. 把对话台词条逐条念出,每念一条,请同学把该条贴在故事卡上。 4. 小组活动。打乱所有台词条,每个小组发两个台词条,请他们朗诵台词,并将台词归位。说:Read the notes. And put the notes to the pictures. 5. 说:let?s act out the story.将学生分为五人一组,学生选择各自的角色。再播放一遍录音,在每张图之后停顿,让学生按角色跟读。 CD1, 39磁带1, B

Step 4: Production (___5_____minutes) 1. 邀请两三组学生给大家表演这个故事。(如果背不下台词,可以放录音,演哑剧)。 2. 全班分为5,每组分配一角色。练习该角色的台词,并模仿角色的语气朗读。最后可从每组中请一个人,共五人给全班表演。 3. 发拓展练习2(见教师资源包第24页),说:Look at the pictures. The words are not in order. Write the right sentence. …Put the pictures in order. Let?s make a story book. 4. 活动用书第19页,my picture dictionary。说:Open your Activity Books at page 19, please. Look at the picture dictionary. 举起书,让学生准备好贴纸。让学生指出说出图片中物品的名称,并把贴纸贴在正确的位置,并在图片下面的横线上写出单词。 5. 活动用书第7页,my progress。说:Look at the sentences. What?s your favorite toy? Can you talk about it? Can you write “toy” words? Ask each other and tick or cross the sentences.然后让学生告诉同伴他心爱的玩具是什么,有什么特点,并在句子后面的方框里打钩。 Practice the adverbs of frequency. Present the knowledge clearly and vividly. Homework 听CD1,12,磁带1,A三遍,边听边指图。 给父母讲这个故事,夸张地学某色角色的语言。 Design blackboard of the Feedback of the period With attached document

