
更新时间:2023-09-17 21:17:01 阅读量: 幼儿教育 文档下载


四级水平词汇测试-- 1

1.What visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain because painters __________ their experiences into shapes and colors, not words.

所选答案: B. translate

2.The teacher’s praise __________ the girl to try even harder and soon she caught up with her classmates.

所选答案: B. encouraged

3.He applied his skill to the __________ use of words, the brief but vivid description. 所选答案: A. economical

4.The adult, with trained powers, has an immense __________ over the child in the acquisition of information. 所选答案: A. advantage

5.We all __________ greatly by lighthouses, even those of us who have never seen the sea and never expect to. 所选答案: C. benefit

6.Remote places with strange-sounding names __________ the traveller with promises of excitement, different forms of entertainment, and new kinds of food. 所选答案: D. attract

7.Oceans clearly play an essential role in life on Earth, yet because of their vastness, humans have tended to use their waters as dumping grounds for many __________ materials.

所选答案: C. waste

8.Unlike Britain and Japan, in the United States there is an additional reason for fashion: Most Americans seem to feel that something is wrong if there isn’t __________ change in their lives. 所选答案: A. frequent

9.Standard language is usually more appropriate in __________ situations because people have come to expect it on those occasions. 所选答案: B. formal

10.Americans have a craze for the sun, a(n) __________ that the sun will cure chronic illnesses, and that where there is sunshine there will be a job – or, if not a job, at least a warm, pleasant place to be unemployed. 所选答案: D. belief

11.Now, most survive. __________, many people have extra cattle to sell, and use the money to pay for school for their children. 所选答案: D. As a result

12.The novel was made into a movie in 1983 and again in 1998. I prefer the __________ version to the former. 所选答案: B. Latter

13.We often read in novels how a __________ respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years. 所选答案: B. seemingly

14.It’s one thing to _____________ with your friends on the phone, but it is quite another to compose a nice letter explaining the same ideas. 所选答案: B. communicate

15.I definitely prefer to live in a big city that offers a rich __________ of manyoptions,whether it be for jobs or leisure or cultural or intellectual activities. 所选答案: C. variety

16.If human beings were always ______ with what they have, we would still be living in Stone Age.

所选答案: A. satisfied

17.Trees cannot heal: they make no repairs. Instead, they defend themselves from the consequences of ______ and infection by walling off the damage. 所选答案: A. injury

18.Physiological theories are based on the idea that we dream to exercise various neural connections that ______ certain types of learning, some researchers think. 所选答案: A. affect

19.According to the __________ in our village, the man and woman should each plant a tree when they get married. 所选答案: A. convention

20.The automobile company says it cannot cut its prices any more because it has a(n) __________ to all its shareholders. 所选答案: A. responsibility

21.Many people are asking whether traditional research universities in fact have any future __________. 所选答案: B. at all

22.He suffered a stroke in 2008, which left him unable to speak, but his mental ___________ was not affected at all. 所选答案: C. capacity

23.Computer technology will __________ a revolution in business administration. 所选答案: C. bring about

24.The saying “__________ killed the cat” can be used to warn someone not to ask too many questions about something. 所选答案: C. Curiosity

25.Inviting James and Ivan to dinner on the same evening was a recipe for __________ -- they always argue with each other. 所选答案: B. disaster

26.Once the project is completed, flood peaks can be controlled on the upper reaches, thus reliving ___________ on the lower reaches of the river. 所选答案: C. pressure

27.Agricultural industrialization is a(n) ___________ course of accomplishing agricultural modernization for China and the world. 所选答案: C. inevitable

28.She was admitted to hospital for __________ so that doctors could watch her and see if anything was wrong with her. 所选答案: D. observation

29.If your equipment is of good quality and we receive a __________ offer, we may be able to place large orders with you. 所选答案: A. Favorable

30.Young as he is, he has got the ____________ to walk into a room of strangers and immediately start a conversation. 所选答案: A. confidence

