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Module 6 第六单元

6.1 Recruitment


recruitment 招聘

migraine (headache) 周期性偏头痛

body-piercing studio 人体穿环工作室(一种从事人体美容地方)take a sick day 请一天病假

sales position 销售职务

sales figures 销售数据

apply for 申请

go in for an interview 参加面试

arrange an interview 安排面试

automated messages 自动应答信息

lottery 彩票win~中彩票,中奖

pay off the rest of his mortgage 付清贷款余额

mortgage 抵押,按揭

disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序

take someone on 录取某人

walk out 离职,罢工


sack 解雇,炒鱿鱼

fire 解雇

lay off 使下岗(暂时)解雇

resign 辞职

take voluntary redundancy 自愿裁人,自愿接受裁退

make redundant 裁人

give notice 预先告知(解雇、辞职等)applicant 申请人

flexible 灵活,善于变通

stationery 文具

personal correspondence 私人信件

pension 养老金

retirement 退休



inbox 收件箱

check the inbox 检查收件箱

recipient 接受人,收件人

CC the email 转发邮件

email addict 电子邮件狂(指过度频繁收发电子邮件人)save emails 保存电子邮件

file emails 给电子邮件归档

delete emails 删除电子邮件

subject line 主题栏

charity 慈善机构,慈善组织

tribunal 法庭,裁判机关

in the loop 在圈内

fire off 发送(信件、电子邮件等)

internal communication 内部交流

warehouse 仓库,大商店



click on点击,点击鼠标


shut down one’s blog关闭博客

check your inbox/email检查收件箱/查收邮件

click on a link/ an icon点击链接/ 点击图标

send/ copy an email to (someone)给(某人)发/复制邮件

log on to a computer/ website登录电脑/网站

restart/ register the computer重启/注册电脑

back up/save a document备份/保存文档

fire off/send a reply发送回答

attach a file/document 添加附件

type in your username/ address输入你顾客名/地址

Switch on the computer with this button here.用此处按钮开机。

Double click on the icon. 双击这个图标。

Shut down the computer and restart it. 关机重启。

Use the mouse to move the cursor.用鼠标移动光标。

I deleted email by mistake.误删邮件。

Put a page break in here. 在此分页。

Our company dismisses people who send personal emails.我公司辞退发私人邮件员工。This email doesn’t say who the sender is.该邮件未标明发件人名称。

Run the game by clicking on the icon. 点击这个图标玩游戏


规定理解信息:Please give me…请告诉我……

I’d like to…我想要……

发出告知:Would all staff note…请所有员工注意……

Please note…请注意……

规定行动: Please/ I’d be grateful if…请/如果……我将十分感谢I’d like to request that…我但愿可以理解……

提出建议: Why don’t you…你们为什么不……

How about………怎么样?

表达感谢: We appreciate…咱们感谢……

We thank you for…咱们感谢你……

提及事物: With regard to…至于……

With reference to…关于…….,就……而言

解释因素: The reason is…因素是….

This is because…这是由于……

提供协助: Would you like to…你想……吗?

Can I…我能……吗?

表达歉意:I’m afraid…恐怕……

I am sorry but…很抱歉,可是……

Using E-mail

How to Write a Business Email

How to Write a Formal Email

A formal Email should be written as if it is a business letter. You should have a clear understanding of to whom it should be addressed to and how you plan to communicate your clear intentions throughout the Email correspondence. The following are the list of steps for writing a formal E-mail.

1.Begin with the full name,title,business and email address of the person to whom

you are writing.

