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初二英语讲义Unit 4


翻翻翻。。。(高效学习法P111) 1. 2. 3. 4.



这家超市的东西最便宜。 靠近我家的这家商店的服务比那家好多了。


1. The restaurant has the best service __________________ (在镇上)。 2. __________________ (欢迎来) Beijing! It is really a beautiful city.


3. I have learned more than 200 English words ______________ (到目前为止) 4. Is there any ___________________ (新鲜食品) in the supermarket? 5. I ___________________ like noodles _____________________ (根本不)。 6. There are many good students _______________________ (例如) you.

7. The two boys __________________________________________(毫无共同之处)。

8. We discussed everything –when to go, what to see ________________________________(等等)。 9. It _________________________________________ (由你决定)。 10. He _________________________ (起作用) in this movie. 11. He _____________________ (编造) an excuse and left.

12. You should ____________________________________________ (认真对待每件事)。 13. I believe my dream will _______________________________________ (实现)。



形容词和副词最高级的用法 1. 最高级的构成: 1. tall—taller---__________ 2. nice---nicer----____________ 3. big---bigger---______________

4. happy---happier---_______________

6.good/well---better----___________ far---farther/further---_________________ bad/ill—worse---_________ little—less---_____________ old---older/elder---____________ much/many---more---______________

2. 用法:三者及三者以上范围内的比较用―the+ 最高级+比较范围‖。表示范围的词有in,of。形容

词最高级前要加the,副词的最高级前the可以省略。 例:Zhang Yong jumped farthest in our sports meeting.

Jenny is the most outgoing of the three girls.


He runs (the) fastest in our class.

in一般表示_____________________________________________________ of一般表示_____________________________________________________

3. ―序数词+ 最高级‖的结构

例:The Yellow River is the second longest in China.

Have a try


1. Who writes __________________(careful), Tom, Kate or Jack? 2. She was ill yesterday. She‘s even ______________(ill)today. 3. Of the three boys, he is _____________(strong).

4. His ________________(old)sister is 2 years ___________(old)than he.

5. Of the two toys, the child chose (选择)____________________(expensive)one. 6. Paris is one of __________________(great) countries in the world.

7. I like math ________________(well) than Chinese, but Chinese

__________________(useful). 8. This hotel has _________________________(friendly) service in the town. 二、单项选择

( ) 1.He is athletic than my teacher.

A. much A. think over

B. more B. think about

C. most

C. think

( ) 2. It was very interesting to hear what my friends my novel. ( ) 3.Where is the place in the world? I want to go there in summer.

A. cooler B. coolest C. hottest

( ) 4.My neighbor is kind and A. calmest B. funnier

C. positive

( ) 5.She is so , but she is very .

A. younger; intellectual B. young; more intellectual C. young ; intellectual

( ) 6. The distance between my home and the park is enough.

A. far

B. farther C. farthest

( ) 7. The radio station plays music in China.

A. the best B. better C. good

( ) 8. Traveling by train is not the most comfortable, but it isexpensive.

A. more B. less C. the least


We did a survey of our readers and this is .

表语从句就是用一个句子作为表语,位于主语的系动词后。连接表语从句的词有:that, what, who, when, where, which, why, whether, how等。

is much


E.g. That‘那不是我想要的。

That‘那就是我来了的原因。 Have a try

1. it used to be.

A. that B. which C. what D. where

2. 那就是我为什么上学迟到。That‘school. 3. 那就是我想做的事。4. 他说的和做的不一致。isn‘



花花一:too, also, either“也”有区别

too 通常用于肯定句,且通常放在句末,前面用逗号隔开。 also 通常用于肯定句,遵守“行前是后”原则。 either 用于否定句,且放在句末,前面用逗号隔开。 Have a try 一、


1. like going for walks.

2. My uncle doesn‘t smoke. My father doesn‘t, . 3.

4. like English.

花花二:wear, in, put on与dress“穿衣戴帽”各有所好

wear 作动词,表示状态,可以穿“衣帽、饰物、奖章”,可以戴“眼镜”。 in 作介词,后接衣服或颜色,

put on “穿上,戴上”,强调穿、戴的动作。

dress 作动词, dress oneself 表示“给自己穿衣服”。be dressed in Have a try 一、

选词填空(wear/in/put on/ dress)

1. ---It‘s time for sports.

---Let‘2. herself. 3. The twins don‘


4. 二、完成句子

1. 这个孩子太小了,不能自己穿衣服。

. 3. 外面很冷, 你最好穿上大衣。

It‘s cold outside. 4. Lily喜欢穿红色的衣服。

花花三:sound voice noise

1. She heard the _______________ of argument outside.

A. voice B. sound C. noise D. sounds 2. The boy answered my question in a low _____________.

A. voice B. sound C. noise D. noises 3. 房间里传来奇怪的声音。

There was strange _______________ coming from the room. 花花四:popular be popular with sb.


Fast food _________________________________________________________________. Shu how Lin is now one of ______________ basketball players in the NBA. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular 花花五:“衣”来“衣”往 clothes: 复数名词;

clothing: 不可数名词;总称。衣服、衣着。 cloth: 不可数名词;布料。

1. He bought a piece of _____________ and made a bag.

A. cloth B. clothing C. clothes D. cloths 2. Her new ___________ are in style. She looks very cool.

A. cloth B. clothing C. clothes D. clothings 3. The weather is colder and colder. You can buy winter __________. A. cloth B. clothing C. clothes D. clothings

花花六:“谨”小慎“微” carefully

careful: be careful of; be careful with care: take care; care for/about


1. Do your homework as _______ as you can.

A. care B. cares C. careful D. carefully 2. How __________ the boy was! He made a lot of mistakes.

A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly 花花七:慧眼找不同 look for, find, find out

总结:look for 寻找; find 找到,发现; find out: 查明; 1. ---What are you doing?

---I‘m _________ my English book. A. finding B. finding out C. looking D. looking for

2. On my way home, I ____________ a small dog running after me! A. finds B. looked for C. found out D. found

3. Did you __________ the answer to this question? A. find B. look for C. find out D. look


句型一:How do you like…..=What do you think of…

你认为这部电影怎么样?______________________________________________________ 你认为去散步怎么样?________________________________________________________

你认为你们学校的规定怎么样?_________________________________________________________ 你喜欢这个英语歌吗?_________________________________________________________________ 句型二:How far is it from your home?

对画线部分提问) ____________________ is it from the supermarket to the hospital? 2. ___________ is the coat?

A. How far B. How much C. How soon D. How often 3. 从上海到北京有多远?

_______________________________________________________________. 句型三:比较级+and+比较级 1. 我们的国家越来越强大。

Our country is getting ______________________________________.


2. 我对学英语越来越感兴趣了。

I am __________________________________________ in learning English.

----------------------------------------------我是华丽丽的分割线--------------------------------------------------- 一、根据要求改写句子

3. The red jacket is cheaper than that blue one.(改为同义句)

That blue jacket is ______________________________ than this red one. 4. Jim is taller than the other two.(改为同义句)

Jim is _______________________________ of the three. 二、用所给词组的正确形式填空

1. I ______________my little sister at home last Sunday. 2. We‘re __________________Shanghai tonight.

3. Don‘t stand at the door. Come in or ___________________. 4. Are you ______________________in Hong Kong 5. Our trip was terrible. It ________________.


Bruce is a truck driver. He works in a clothes factory. His job is the clothes from the factory to the airport.

party until late at night. He slept for only three hours. On Monday morning, he had to get up on time and went to work. That afternoon, at about two o‘clock, he to the roadside and stopped it under a big tree. on the chair and went to minutes later, a man came to the truck. He looked at the door and asked, Excuse me, sir, what time is it now?‘

Bruce had to sit up and answered, ―Ten past two.‖ ―Thank you very much.‖ The man said and went away.

Bruce went on loud voice, ―would you tell me the time, please?‖ .Bruce sat up again and saidAfter the woman went away, Bruce brought out a piece of paper and wrote. ―I don‘t know The Time!‖ on several minutes later, an


old lady passed there and found the note on the window. She knocked at the door and shouted, ―Wake up, young man. It‘s half past two now!‖ ( ) 1.A. carry ( ) 2.A. friends‘ ( ) 3. A. too ( ) 4 .A. lied ( ) 5. A. A little ( ) 6. A. sleeping ( ) 7. A. at ( ) 8. A. angry ( ) 9. A. the ( ) 10. A. But


A: Where do you want to go ?

B: I want to go to Jasper‘s. They have the best quality. A: I don‘t expensive. B: Well, we could go to Funk Fashions.

A: It‘s a good store, but it‘s five miles . your mother let you use the car? B: No, she has to go to work. We can ride the . A: I the bus.

B: Let‘s walk to theA: OK. They have more stores, too.

B: We can get some pizza at the mall. Dave‘s Restaurant has the cheapest . 1.____________2._____________3._____________4.___________5.____________ 6.____________7._____________8._____________9.___________10.____________


B. to carry B. friend B. very B. laid B. A few B. to sleep B. on B. angrily B. / B. And

C. carried C. friends C. so C. lay C. Little C. sleep C. with C. sad C. a C. So

It snowed heavily last week in northern China. Big_____1______fall on Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Ningxia and Xinjiang. For many cities, it ____2______the biggest snowfall in 50 years. The snow made traveling hard. Many schools had to close ______3_____days.

Jia Aizhen, 14, lives in Taiyuan, Shanxi. She should have a mid-term(中期) test on Wednesday. Because of the snow, they ____4______the test on Sunday instead(代替).

―It was good because we had ______5______time to review our lessons,‖ said Jia. She enjoyed snow. It was as deep as 15cm and came to half way up her leg. ―I felt peaceful(和平的) and _____6_____to see white snowy world.‖


Kang Xinyi, 13, and Wang Danyang 13, are classmates at Shijiazhuang No. 43 Middle School in Hebei.Their school stopped on Wednesday. Kang said the snow in the yard was as deep as 40 cm.

―It was so good we ____7______have to go to school!‖ said Kang. Kang, Wang and another friend had a snowball fight and made snowmen. They ______8_______helped clear snow off the roads.

―I never ____9_____ such a big snow,‖ said Wang. ―Last year we only made a small snow panda, but this year our snowman is as _______10_____as 1 meter!‖

―If the snow didn‘t make trouble for traffic(交通), we would hope it would never stop!‖ said the girls.

1.____________2._____________3._____________4.___________5.____________ 6.____________7._____________8._____________9.___________10.____________



( ( (


---Three days ago.


( ) 5. ----__________do you write to your parents?

---Twice a week.

A. How long B. How soon C. How often

( ) 6. The result __________the students activity survey __________interesting.

A. of, are B. to, are C. of, is

( ) 7. A lot of vegetables help you to keep ________good ____________. A. in, healthy B. in, health C. on, health ( ) 8. ----The milk looks _____________. Drink some, my boy?

----No, thanks. I don‘t feel __________today.

A. good, good B. good, well C. well, well ( ) 9. it‘s about fifteen ____________ride from the school to the station.

A. minutes B. minutes‘ C. minute‘s

( ) 10. When is Tom ____________ Shanghai.

A. leaving to B. leaving for C. leave away

) 11. In the city, not all students go to school __________their school bus.

A. on B. in C. by ) 12. ---Can you __________me in playing basketball?---Good idea. A. take part in B. join C. with ) 13. In our city, it‘s ___________in July, but it‘s even __________in August. A. hotter, hottest B. hot, hot C. hot, hotter


( ) 14. Computer are very popular now and they are not as __________as before. A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive ( ) 15. May I have ___________cakes. I am very hungry.

A. two another B. another two C. two other ( ) 16. ---Could you tell us something about this city? We are new here.

---Sorry, I don‘t know much about it__________.

A. also B. too C. either ( ) 17. ----___________did he become a football player?

---He became a football player when he was 18 years old.

A. How long B. When C. What time ( ) 18. It‘s ______________boating in the river in spring.

A. fun to go B. a fun going C. fun to go to

( ) 19. Can you build the bridge with _________money and ____________people? A. less, less B. fewer, less C. less, fewer ( ) 20. It often ___________us thirty minutes to walk to school. A. takes B. spends C. pays

