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27/ yes [第一句话 his successful prediction has hold a new generation of......experts at odac, who worry that the global peak in production with come in the next decade... E段开始的第一句话,说明此人影响力大]

28/ Not Given [oil from that area then becomes less competitive in relation to other fuels, or to oil from other areas.定位D段文章是 less competitive ... other fuels. 指的价格,题目是比其他持续的长。不是一回事,但没有冲突,不能直接驳斥]

29/ NO [末句 Kenneth Deffeyes of Princeton university argues in a lively new book...that global oil production could peak as soon as 2004. E段开始 第一句话,chief among... experts ... worry ...global peak. 但是文章说是ran out,一个高峰,一个用完,相互矛盾。而且文章有next decade, 题目是this decade] 30/ No [末句only around 30-35% industry optimists believe that new techniques on the drawing today could life that figure to 50-605 within a decade.因为题目中 此题有不同的两个答案争持不下。在 J段,而题目是超过50%“正在”被提升,文章是未来的意思。]

31/ YES [he finds evidence of both bias and recurring errors which suggests that methodological mistakes were the problem. H 段中部:a problem.... he faults forecasters ....rely on. 说明至少有问题。]

32/ controversial [倒数第2句 at the time ,his forecast was controversial, and many rubbished it.]

33/ tapped/(new)[第一句that oil production in a new area typically rises quickly

at first, as the easiest and cheapest reserves are tapped.]

34/ expensive [第三句 over time reservoirs age and go into decline ,and so lifting oil becomes more expensive.]

35/ competitive [倒数第二句 oil from area then becomes less competitive in relation to other fuels, or to oil from other areas.]

36/ E [Michael lynch of DrI-WEFA, an economic consultancy, is one of the few oil forecasters who has got things...]

37/ D [Rene Dahan one of ExxonMobil?s stop managers. goes further: with an assurance characteristic of the world's largest energy company ...]

38/ B [M. king Hubbert ,a Shell geologist of legendary status among depletion experts...]

39/ A [末句 Colin Campbell even derided the amazing display of ignorance, denial and by government, industry and academics on this topic.] 40/ C [Dr Deffeyes captures this end-of-technology development.]

2. 复印机的发明

1/ False [When the Sumerians transposed spoken words into stylus marks on clay tablets more than 5,000 years ago, they hugely extended the human network that language had created.]

2/ Not Given [文中B段前半部分提及Johann Gutenberg发明了复印机,但并未提及使用前需要如何培训的内容。]

3/ Not Given [The first true mechanical copier was manufactured in 1780, when James Watt, who is better known as the inventor of the modern steam engine, created the copying press. 注意这一题修饰James Watt的定语从句中使用的是“is”,说明“better known as the inventor of the modern steam engine”是一个客观事实,是为了将James Watt介绍给读者的一种方式,而不是指1780年时他

已经因发明蒸汽机而著名。如果要表达“在1780年,James Watt已经因为发明蒸汽机而著名”应该将“is”改为“was”。因此原文并未明确表示1780年Watt已经发明了蒸汽机。]

4/ True [Competing manufacturers soon introduced other copying technologies and marketed machines called Dupliton, Dial-A-Matic Autostat, Verifax, Copease and Copymation. ... All required expensive chemically treated papers.]

5/ False [The machines were displaced, beginning in the late 1800s, by a combination of two 19th century inventions: the typewriter and carbon paper. For those reasons, copying presses were standard equipment in offices for nearly a century and a half. ......None of those machines are still manufactured today. 文中指出typewriter and carbon paper是standard equipment(标准设备),且存活了一个半世纪,如此一来,就不可能因卖的不好而很快淘汰。其次,根据D段首句的原文可知,它确实已经被取代了。因此,题干前半部分是对的,但后半部分与原文不符。]

6/ False [In 1959, it introduced an office copier called the Haloid Xerox 914, a machine that, unlike its numerous competitors, made sharp, permanent copies on ordinary paper -- a huge breakthrough. 题干说Haloid Xerox 914需要特殊的纸张,而文中说该机器只需“ordinary paper”,题干意思与原文不符。] 7/ (normal) inventor [Compare with competitors, Carlson was not a normal inventor in 20-century.]

8/ corporations [He made his discovery in solitude in 1937 and offered it to more than 20 major corporations, among them IBM, General Electric, Eastman Kodak and RCA.]

9/ turned him down [All of them turned him down, expressing what he later called “an enthusiastic lack of interest” and thereby passing up the opportunity to manufacture what Fortune magazine would describe as “the most successful

product ever marketed in America”.]

10/ commercial triumph [Carlson?s invention was indeed a commercial triumph.] 11/ wealthy [Xerography eventually made Carlson a very wealthy man.] 12/ possessions [His possessions seemed to be composed of the number of things he could easily do without.]

13/ charities [He spent the last years of his life quietly giving most of his fortune to charities.]

3. 示例学习法

1/ D [Further elegant experiments showed that naive adults could develop the skill if they were provided with cones from which the first complete spiral of scales had been moved, rather like our new photocopier which you can word out how to use once someone has shown you how to switch it on.通过实验表明,不会剥松果的成年鼠在首次看到沿着纹路边沿完全被分开的松球后,就能够学会剥松果的技能;这就像人们在使用心得影印机时, 一旦有人给你演示怎么打开它,你自己就能弄清楚如何使用。] 2/ A [Learning theory is rooted in the work of ...]

3/ C [第三题题干说的是discovery of who stripped the pine cone一个关于谁剥去松果的发现。C段的研究报告就是为了找出是谁来stripped the pine cone。D段已经不是研究这个问题了。所以选C]

4/ E [A good example of adaptive bearing we might conclude, let's see the economies.]

5/ False [C段前四行“So the investigation started with no....managed to get them out of the cones.”去Israel是为了找出谁在吃这些pine seeds,不是题干中的为了调查black rats如何学习吃pine cones。所以False。] 6 True [“black rat and the technique...in sequence from base to tip...”]

7/ True [D段倒数第四行“rather like our new photocopier which you can work out how to use once someone has shown you how to switch it on.”通过别人的示范习得如何使用复印机,符合题干中的learned from other relevant experiences.]

8/ False [“In the case of rats,...allowing them to acquire the complete stripping skill”原文明显提及这个技能是“acquire”得来,所以不是“instinct”本能。] 9/ less [...the Mexican jay will also cache food but is much less dependent upon this than the nutcracker.]

10/ social [The two species also differ in their structure, the nutcracker being rather solitary while the jay forages unsocial groups.]

11/ watched [The design is slightly somical with a catcher bird wandering about a room with lots of holes in the floor hiding food in some of the holes, while watched by and observer bird perched in a cage.]

12/ observer [题干问扮演哪个角色时,Nutcracker和Mexican Jay不一样。“in the role of catcher, not only....no better than chance.”说catcher角色时,两鸟表现同样出色,但是observer角色时,Jay表现的和catcher角色一样好,Nutcracker表现不如catcher角色,所以两鸟的observer表现不同。应填observer。]

13/ Nutcracker [..., however, jay observers were as successful as jay catchers whereas nutcracker observers did no better than chance.]

4. 儿童概念的发展

28/ FALSE [found no distinction between children and adults as they shared similar leisure activities and often the same type of work]

29/ FALSE [题目问:Aries 认为中世纪时期,小孩要工作这件事意味着小孩不受到喜爱。原文A段前半部分说,中世纪时期,小孩和大人一样都是要工

作的。但是Aries认为(A段第4句话)这不意味着小孩被忽视受遗弃的。可见题目与原文意思相反)且后一句继续支撑解释,表明童年的概念不应与感情混淆,可见中世纪时期小孩工作与love或unlove 无关,此意思与题目相反。A段倒数第4行 The idea of childhood is not to be confused with affection for children] 30/ TRUE

31/ NOT GIVEN [but also through the influence of trade unions and economic changes during the nineteenth century which made some forms of child labour redundant.]

32/ FALSE [Even so, work continued to play a significant, if less central role in children?s lives throughout the later nineteenth and twentieth century. E段第2句 But in the 1840s, a large proportion of children never went to school, and if they did, they left by the age of 10 or 11 .The situation was very different by the end of the nineteenth century in Britain.] 33/ NOT GIVEN 34/ TRUE

35/ history of childhood 36/ (as) miniature adults 37/ (with the) industrialization 38/ The factory Act 39/ play and education 40/ classroom

5. 竹子神奇植物

1/ B [But despite bamboo's importance, we know surprisingly little about it.] 2/ E [Some plants are threatened because they can't survive in the habitat-they aren't strong enough or there aren't enough of them, perhaps. some plant...... But

bamboo 这里对应题目的Comparison第一行有提到other species.]

3/ D [However, bamboo's most immediate significance lies in its economic value .]

4/ A [根据原文段落A第4句话Without it ,says Ian Redmond, chairman of the Ape Alliance, their chairman of the Ape Alliance, their chances of survival would be reduced significantly.猴类同盟会主席伊恩·瑞得蒙德表示,没有竹子,山地大猩猩存活的几率将大大降低。原文内容与题目相符,因此正确答案为A。] 5/ A [but in the past 100 years or so, resources have come under increasing pressure as populations have exploded and large areas of bamboo forest have been cleared …]

6/ B [there are almost 1600 recognised species of bamboo .but the report concentrated on the 1200 or so woody varieties...B提到学习竹子的方法6题 定位 B段的1600 1200 38提及对竹子的研究现状]

7/ C [section C 第10行开始 前面人说A段也有 但A段说的是大猩猩 题目说的是a range of plants 所以不是选A 选C]

8/ A [without it says lan redmond, chairman of the ape Alliance, their chances of survival would be reduced significantly.]

9/ B [one of the report's authors and a senior adviser in forest ecology and conservation to the UNFP.]

10/ B [in a lot of places, the people who live with bamboo don't perceive it as being endangered in any way.]

11/ D [bamboo's main function has always been in domestic applications] 12/ Soil erosion [its extensive rhizome systems, which tie in the top layers of the soil, are crucial in preventing soil corrosion.]

13/ paper [定位原文段落D段中间部分“One of the fastest growing bamboo products is paper\这里讲到竹类产品增长最快的是造纸,fastest growing 与题

目中的expansion 相对应,因此正确答案为paper。]

6. 威廉.吉尔伯特与磁场学

1/ v [16th and17th..........pioneers of modern science]

2/ i [从Gilbert的出生-----大学毕业期间,是他早期的一些事情]

3/ vi [题目:专业和社会认知,原文:He was a very successful and eminent doctor.]

4/ x [题目:他的转折点。原文第1句话Gilbert was first interested in chemistry but later changed his focus due to the large portion of mysticism of alchemy involved ...]

5/ ix [gilbert?s discovery was so important to modem physics; He investigated the nature of magnetism and electricity.]

6/ iv [He also questioned the traditional astronomical beliefs.]

7/ ii [his research method was revolutionary in that he used experiments rather than pure logic and reasoning like the ancient Greek philosophers did.] 8/ True [However, he is less well-known than he deserves.] 9/ True [He was a very successful and eminent doctor] 10/ Not Given [文章中没有提到 他对于医学失去信心] 11/ C 12/ D 13/ E

7. 磁疗发展

1/ ii

2/ v [magnetic field是全文主题,在LOH题中主题词最好不要拿来定位,全文都是这个概念。此段首句就明确表明了这段是讲?运作原理?。] 3/ iv

4/ ix [D段说的是magnet现在在各国的发展状况。第四题 其实通过上一段可知道,C段讲的是magnet的早期运用在埃及、中国、印度....,D段接着说到了magnet现今在其他国家的运用流行。注意题目中today指的并不是狭义的?今天?的概念。] 5/ vii 6 /viii

7-8/ CD 定位C段

9-10/ BE [F段末句,just one brief exposure / no follow-up 体现了B选项中的 no further evidence.第九题 F段末句,just one brief exposure / no follow-up 体现了B选项中的 no further evidence. C选项与原文意思相反,肯定不选。D选项说的是 ?实验中的仪器设备坏了,没法正常运作? 此意思在文章中并未提及]

11/ F [B段 11题是在B段倒数第五行,lack of a planetary magnetic field in outer space;]

12/ A [E段12题在E段第七行,low level of magnetic energy is not harmful; ] 13/ C [定位G段13题在G段第二行,more scientifically sound studies are needed in order to…找到对应词就好了]

8. 阅读应该如何教

27/该信息出现于B段, B段说了三种method,第一行“In one, called whole-word instruction”.第八行“second approach to teaching reading-phonics?.第九行“the whole-language method”。介绍了三种方法,因此,对应选项iv. 28/该信息出现于c段,定位于第二行“Why was this so? In short, because

research had clearly demonstrated that understanding how letters related to the component sounds in words is critically important in reading. 对于阅读教学中使用什么样方法,开始出现争议,因此,对应选项i.

29/该信息出现于D段,定位于中间部分“Classroom studies comparing phonics with either whole-word or whole-language instruction are also quite illuminating.”本段举例并且将分组对不同人群进行测试,因此,对应选项vii. 30/该信息出现于E段,第三行“differences between traditional and progressive(or new)approaches, differences that have divided educators for years.”对应题目中的roots of the debate。因此,对应选项ii。

31/该信息出现于F段,中间部分“Using whole-language activities to supplement phonics instruction certainly helps to make reading fun and meaningful for children, so no one would want to see such tools discarded.”本段都在讲三种方法的使用情况。因此,对应选项iii.

32/利用题目细节信息“whole-language approach”定位于B第十行“The strategy here relies on the child?s experience with language”。题目中说的是”relates letters to sounds.”因此,答案为FALSE。

33/利用顺序原则,定位于原文B段倒数第6行,“Many teachers adopted the whole-language approach because of its intuitive(直觉) appeal….depends more on what the student does than on what the teacher does.”本文介绍了三种方法,但whole-language说是有乐趣的方法,但其他方法并没有说,因此,是与其他方法比较过的,所以这题有一点小难点。因此正确答案为TRUE。 34/利用顺序原则,定位于原文C段末句“this supports the idea that readers convert strings of letters to sounds.这句话说这个支持者的观点是阅读者将阅

读中的字母转化为读音。但题目中说的是“without linking words to sounds”。因此,正确答案为FALSE。 35/在原文中无法对应

36/利用顺序原则定位于F段,第7行,“Indeed, recent work has indicated that the combination of literature-based instruction and phonics is more powerful than either method used alone.” 事实上,最近的研究表明以文字为基础的指导与声学阅读法相结合,将会比任何单独使用的方法更加有用。题目内容与原文内容相符,因此,正确答案为TRUE。37-40定位于E和F段。

9. 新型交通系统--去哪儿都快不了

14.TRUE [We can talk to people anywhere in the world or fly to meet them in a few hours. We can even send probes to other planets. But when it comes to getting around our cities, we depend on systems that have scarcely changed since the days of Gottlieb Daimler.]

15. NOT GIVEN [The problem has even persuaded California that home of car culture to curb traffic growth.从原文这句话中,我们可以知道加利福尼亚-汽车文化之乡-开始限制交通量的增长。但是美国许多州是否限制交通量的增长却不得而知。]

16. TRUE [In recent years, the pollution belched out by millions of vehicles has dominated the debate about transport.]

17. NOT GIVEN [And persuading people to use train and buses will always be an uphill struggle.这句话只是表明说服人们乘坐火车和巴士一直收效甚微,而并没有给出信息说明火车和巴士不适合走上坡路。]

18. A [...and hop into a computer-controlled car.....along a network of guideways.] 19. A [What's more, any transport system that threatened the car's dominance

would be up against all those with a stake in maintaining the status quo, from private car owners to manufacturers and oil multinationals.]

20. C [PRT: ...which can whisk you to your destination along a network of guideways. [whisk有飞奔、疾驰的意思,形容数度之快] PUF:PUF vehicle the term comes from a Danish saying meaning to \car.]

21. C [PRT: You wouldn't have to share your space with strangers, and with no traffic lights, pedestrians or parked cars to slow things down. PUF: ...resembles PRT but with one key difference: vehicles have wheels as well as a slot allowing them to travel on monorail, so... [从这句话可以看出,RUF系统与PUF非常相似,他们的区别在于RUF有轮子,......,因此不用共享空间也是两者共同特性] 22. B [...:vehicles have wheels as well as a slot allowing them to travel on monorail, so they can drive off the rail onto a normal road.]

23. B [Build a fast network of guideways in a busy city centre and people would have a strong incentive not just to use public RUF vehicles, but also to buy their own dual-mode vehicle.]

24. B [...: vehicles have wheels as well as a slot allowing them to travel on monorail, so they can drive off the rail onto a normal road. Once on a road, the occupant would take over from computer…可以看出在轨道上,PUF系统的车受电脑控制,一旦到了路面上,驾驶员就会接替电脑,因此PUF还可以手动操作。]

25-27 CDG [C-The vehicles in a RUF system ''ride'' very safely on top of a triangular monorail.

D-The RUF system can reduce the energy consumption from individual traffic. The main factor is the reduction of air resistance due to close coupling of vehicles.

G-PUF vehicle the term comes from a Danish saying meaning to \become an electric car.]

10. 定量研究

14/ B [B段末句的实验末尾Mehan 实验的证明。Mehan points out how test questions may be interpreted in ways different from those intended by the researcher......the score sheet showing a wrong answer does not document a child's lack of reasoning ability, it only documents that child indicated an answer different from the one the tester expected.]

15 /A [A段前一半推理,关键词“cognitive development\这个piaget的标志用词定位A段第四句。原文表达 because their cognitive development had not reached the necessary stage]

16/ C [unwilling to 对应题目reluctance to]

17/ B [“Mehan,believe them to be not simply problems with particular experiments or test, but serious threats to validity that potentially affect all research of this kind.”不仅仅是特点的实验可以解决的,正确性有严重问] 18/ valid [The first area of criticism concerns the extent to which the results of 'scientific' educational research are valid.]

19/ liquid [A famous experiment of his required children to compare the amount of liquid held by different shaped containers.]

20/ picture [...children are presented with a picture of a medieval fortress. ] 21/ schools [towards qualitative research in the sociology of education began in the UK in the 1960s with studies of a boys' grammar school. ]

22/ B [video-record what happens or write detailed open-ended field-notes] 23/ C [In fact, qualitative interview are often designed to be close in character to casual conversations.]

24/ E [that is ,data that have not been coded at the point of collection in terms of a closed set analytical categories.]

25. C [本文主要意旨:定性研究与定量比较完美的方法]


