
更新时间:2023-09-16 10:27:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:刘金晶 曹文洁


摘要:大数据时代信息呈指数级爆炸式增长,不同的数据采集、处理和存储方式使得这些海量数据具有来源复杂、结构异构的特点,难以共享和互操作。传统的数据集成方式已经不能适应企业获取信息、使用信息需求。为解决多源异构的数据集成效率和质量问题,基于本体论概念和语言,借鉴本体识别和表达方式,设计了一种领域内表达数据属性与关系的元模型。基于该元模型,对领域内数据建立相应的模型并形成规则,规范和约束了多源异构数据集成过程和质量,提高了数据集成的效率和数据利用率。 关键词:多源;异构;数据集成;本体 DOIDOI:10.11907/rjdk.172462 中图分类号:TP391


英文摘要Abstract:The arrival of large data age makes the information exponentially explosive, and different data collection, processing and storage methods make these massive data have the characteristics of complex source structure, it is difficult to share and interoperate. The traditional way of data integration has been unable to apply to the enterprise to obtain information, the use of information needs. In order to solve the efficiency and quality of multisource heterogeneous data integration, this paper designs a metamodel that expresses the attributes and relationships of data in the field based on the concept and language of ontology and the recognition and expression of ontology. Based on this metamodel, the corresponding models are established in the data infield, the rules are formed, and the process and quality of multisource heterogeneous data integration are constrained, and the efficiency of data integration and data utilization are improved. 英文关键词Key Words:multisource;heterogeneous; data integration; ontology 0引言


