CPSM M1模拟试题(3)

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EXAM1 供应管理基础

A contracting & negotiation 合同与谈判

TASK 1- A-1 6题


1、 An organization desires to obtain suggested changes or additions to its preliminary

specifications from potential suppliers .The BEST course of action would be for this organization to employ

A、a pre-bid conference B、two-step bidding

C、a pre-solicitation conference D、informal bidding

公司希望从潜在的供应商处获得针对初步的规格书的变化和调整的建议,下面哪个是对公司采取行为最适合的描述? A标前会议 B两步招标

C一个询价前的会议 D非正式招标 Answer: C

Guide P2-4知识点:规格书的定义

一部分定义了必须的外观和功能,可能包括设计蓝图,材料规格书 性能规格书和工作说明书 二部分定义了量化指标.如百万分之3 等. 投标的种类 要约:


一种为电话,书面和电子报价 合同金额低于预先规定的财务限额. 一种是为了收集预算的信息作为估计. 电子的请求 竞争性方案

密封招标或正式招标公告 受限制的竞争

非竞争谈判 当规格书不清楚或不完全时,采用 两步招标


批量战略 包括反向拍卖与线上投标

2、 Which of the following should have the MOST influence in determining end product

specifications, so as to minimize the potential for returns? A、marketing

B、supply management C、engineering D、manufacturing

下面哪个将对决定产品的规格的影响最大,以最小化减少被退回的潜在风险? A 市场 B 供应管理 C 工程 D 制造 Answer: A


3、 When developing specifications, a buyer may consider information from which of the following?

Ⅰ、Suppliers Ⅱ、Industry standards Ⅲ、Professional organizations Ⅳ、Competitors A、Ⅰand Ⅳ only B、Ⅱand Ⅲ only C、Ⅰ,Ⅱand Ⅲ only D、Ⅰ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ

当开发一个规格书时,采购员需要考虑哪些因素? 1 供应商 2 工业标准 3 专业组织 4 竞争者 Answer D

4、A supply manager completes a category profile and identifies services provided by multiple service

providers. A market and industry analysis shows that the service providers are growing their businesses by acquiring competitors, thus enabling them to provide a greater range of services. Which of the following techniques will BEST enable the supply manager to leverage market competition? A、 Lotting strategy B、 Market-basket model C、 Market segmentation D、 Sole sourcing

一名采购经理完成了品类文件,发现有很多的服务供应商,一个市场和行业分析表明通过并购竞争者,服务提供商的业务在增长,使得他们可以提供更广泛的服务。下面哪个采购技术能够使采购经理充分的利用市场的竞争。 A 批量采购战略 B市场篮子模式 C市场细分 D独家供应 Answer A

市场篮子模式,查阅了ISM 的解释,是用来衡量一段时间内的选定的产品或服务的成本变化的范围。 比如2007年MRO 的50项相关产品的平均价格为US$8,959,比2007年几乎高了9%

5、A supply manager implements a system whereby the potential supplier names are hidden until final contract awards are made. This is an example of ensuring that A、confidential information is protected B、diversity initiatives are met C、total costs are minimized D、collusion will not occur


A 保护保密信息

B 满足多样性的措施 C 总成本减少 D 腐败不会发生 Answer A

6、A supply manager for a privately held manufacturing company is preparing an RFP for raw materials. None of the RFP recipients is an incumbent, and the award resulting from the RFP is expected to be of significant dollar value. The supply manager is concerned that the lack of publicly available financial information could impact willingness of the prospective suppliers to submit proposals. Which of the following will BEST address the concerns of the prospective bidders? A、Escrow account B、Letter of credit C、Payment bond D、Surety bond\\

一家私有企业的采购经理在准备原材料的RFP,没有一个接受RFP的供应商是现任的供应商,而且最后的结果会是很大的美圆价值,供应经理担心由于缺乏公共的可以获得的财务信息,可能会影响潜在供应商的提交建议书的意愿,下面哪个最恰当的描述了潜在竞标者的担心? A 第三方托管帐户 B 信用证

C 付款保证金

D 担保债券,履约保证 Answer B Guide p 7


TASK 1-A-2 8


7、Which of the following is the LEAST critical element in a best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA)?

A、Alternate products B、In-house capabilities C、Source options

D、Supplier capabilities

在谈判的最佳替代方案中,下面哪个是最不关键的要素? A 可以替代的产品 B 内部制造的能力 C 来源的选择 D 供应商的产能 Answer D Guide P14

买方的 BATNA 依次为,可以替代的来源. 可以替代的产品,内部制造

卖方的典型有,可能是唯一的,资源 稀缺,质量高.拥有专利,可以提供小批量,等,

8、A supply manager is negotiating with a critical supplier. The parties have relatively equal bargaining power. Which of the following would MOST likely occur in ?win-win” negotiation between these parties? A、The supply manager and supplier conclude the negotiation by splitting the difference between their respective positions.

B、The supply manager and supplier each find concessions which equal weight/value to provide a balanced outcome

C、The supply manager and supplier find it necessary to share confidential information.

D、The supply manager and supplier establish an appropriate settlement range for the continuation of negotiations.


A双方在存在各自分歧的情况下谈判 B双方在让步的前提下达成一致

C 双方发现分享一些保密信息是必要的

D 双方建立了一个适合的协商区间来保持谈判的继续进行. Answer: C

谈判部分在学习指南上介绍的偏少,建议参考BOOK P110-135

9、An in-depth analysis of a supplier?s proposal is useful because it is important to understand the A、SOW throughout the evaluation process

B、SOW throughout the proposal development process C、supplier?s proposal throughout the negotiation process D、supplier?s firm-fixed price

深度分析供应商的建议书是有用的,因为 对于了解下面的内容很重要: A工作说明书贯穿整个评估流程 B工作说明书贯穿整个提案流程 C供应商提案贯穿整个谈判流程 D供应商的固定价格 Answer: C

参考Book P120

第一个在谈判计划中要考虑的因素就是供应商的提案,供应商的提案通常是谈判的开始,常称为乐观立场 谈判的四个主要因素,构成了谈判计划, 供应商的提案,

供应管理人员的目标,是价格?质量?还是交货进程? 采购产品和服务的本质 供应市场动力

10、Which of the following is LEAST appropriate as an objective for negotiations? A、Meeting the minimum essential needs of the organization B、Maintaining control over contract performance C、Determining the negotiation site

D、Ensuring the correct ratio of contract administrators to workers

下面哪个是最不适合的谈判目标? A 满足组织最低的基本需求 B合同履行的控制 C 决定谈判的地点


Answer: D

参考Book P112 最常见的谈判目标 公平合理的价格, 及时的履行

满足企业的最低要求 控制合同执行 达成互利互惠协议

11、All of the following are generally true about global (as opposed to domestic) negotiations EXCEPT

A、 the implications of gift-giving are different

B 、it usually takes less time to negotiate a contract C、 an interpreter may required

D 、buyers and sellers become acquainted on s social basis 下列哪个不是国际谈判的特点 A 对赠予的含义不同

B通常比国内采购花更少的时间 C需要一个翻译

D双方对于社交有同一性的认识 Answer: B Guide 13


12、A supply manager for XYZ Corp. is planning for negotiations with Supplier A, a provider of software critical for use on XYZ?s production line.XYZ likes the software, but was recently alerted by Supplier A that they are dropping support for the version that XYZ uses. The supply manager learns that an upgrade is cost prohibitive for XYZ.

Prior to negotiations, the supply manager asks the IT department to detail its requirements for support of the software, and to assign an IT employee to attend the negotiations. The day before the negotiation, the IT employee calls the supply manager and states that he is unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict. He further states that he is confident the supply manager can represent the IT department?s needs in the negotiations. Given this scenario, which of the following should the supply manager do? A Follow the advice of the IT employee and represent IT in the negotiations B Escalate the issue to the IT director, ensuring that they send a representative

C Conduct the negotiations with the agreement that support issues will be dealt with at a later time D Postpone the negotiations until an IT representative becomes available

XYZ公司采购计划与A供应商谈判,A向XYZ提供一款用于生产线关键的软件,但被告之A公司对于这款软件的技术支持由于版本的原因会有所减弱,XYZ公司软件升级的费用不会被批准。谈判之前,采购要求IT部门明确的列出需求清单,但IT恰好有其他会议安排并且声称相信采购能够代表IT部门进行谈判。在这种情况下,采购经理应该 A代表IT进行谈判

B向IT总监提出以保证他们在派一名代表 C进行谈判并且同意以后再谈支持问题 D推迟谈判时间直到IT部门能够参与 Answer: B

本题目考的是谈判团队的部分,Guide,P12,IT 在此谈判中是非常重要的角色.

13、A supply manager is negotiating a contract with a supplier to purchase one million components. To determine a pricing arrangement satisfactory to both parties, which of the following is LEAST appropriate?

A Evaluating the supplier?s current cost data B Establishing a cost goal

C Reviewing the supplier? anticipated costs D Performing a make-buy analysis


A 评价供应商当前的成本数据 B建立一个成本目标

C 回顾供应商期望的成本 D进行自制/购买分析 Answer: D

参考Book P127


14、Supplier B is one of two global manufacturers of a certain commodity chemical. During a time of supply constraint, Supplier B constructs a new manufacturing facility, which doubles its capacity. Just as the new facility is ready to commence operations, global demand for the commodity drops construction of the new facility, Company A?s negotiating position relative to that of Supplier B became A、much stronger

B、somewhat stronger dramatically, due to the development of a superior substitute. From the moment that Supplier B begins C、somewhat weaker D、much weaker

供应商B 是某一化学品的全球两大主要制造商之一,在一段时间,供应能力有限,B 供应商建设了新的设施,能力翻倍,就在新的设施准备投入运营的时候,全球的产品需求由于一种更高级的替代品的出现变得戏剧性的下滑,和供应商开始投入建设新的设施相比,公司A相比与供应商B的谈判地位变的 A 非常强 B 有些强 C 有些弱 D 非常弱 Answer: A Book 125


TASK 1-A-3 8


15、All of the following are considered to be errors made by a buyer at the negotiation table EXCEPT A、failing to be thoroughly

B、disclosing an offer from a competitor C、breaking off the negotiations

D、committing to an agreement very early 以下哪个是采购正确的谈判技巧 A彻底谈判失败

B从竞争对手处泄露报价 C暂停谈判

D谈判开始就达成协议 Answer: C

参考Guide p 19 采购战术

16、Which of the following is the MOST effective method for negotiating with the sole supplier of a unique item?

A、Price analysis negotiations B、Price comparison negotiations C、Cost analysis negotiations D、Adversarial negotiations

要从唯一供应商处采购单一的产品,以下哪个方法最有效 A价格分析 B价格比较 C成本分析 D对抗性谈判 Answer: C

参考Book p134

在没有其他来源是,没法做 A,B. 建议从长期关系,共享成本,风险和成本节约上获得双赢

17 Shortly after contract negotiations have begun, a supplier makes an offer with a price well above the expected range. Which of the following tactics is the supplier using? A foot in the door B high ball

C strong initial offer D phantom quote

合同谈判刚开始,供应商就提出了比预计范围高出很多的报价。供应商运用的是以下哪种战术 A 先诱敌上钩法 B 先高 后低

C强有力的初始报价 D虚伪的报价 Answer: B

18 Both parties leave the room during a negotiation with the understanding that they will reconvene at a later time. this is known as a A stalemate B recess C caucus D conference

双方在谈判中离席,并且之后会继续谈判的称为 A僵局 B休会

C秘密会议 D会议

Answer: B Guide 19


19 All of the following are appropriate tactics for a purchaser to use during negotiations EXCEPT the revealing of

A minimum position B minimum objectives C maximum position D no position

以下哪个不是谈判中采购运用的合理战术 A最低限度的立场 B最低限度的目标 C最高限度的立场 D没有立场 Answer: C Book 132

20 Under which of the following negotiation circumstances would it be MOST appropriate for the buying organization to reveal :”no position”?

A when the supplier?s proposal is long and complex

B when the supplier employs various probing techniques C when the negotiation ranges has been established

D when the supply manager does not want to discuss the organization?s position 在没有立场的情况下,以下哪个对于采购组织来说最合适 A当供应商的提案很复杂 B当供应商探求技巧


D当供应经理不想讨论组织的立场 Answer: C Book 132


21 A supply manager determines that only one supplier possesses the process capabilities to make a custom-designee part. In this situation, which of the following negotiation strategies would be appropriate?

Ⅰ Advising the potential supplier that substitute parts are under consideration Ⅱ Advising the supplier that the part may be manufactured in-house A Ⅰ only B Ⅱonly C both Ⅰand Ⅱ D neither Ⅰor Ⅱ

采购经理确认只有一家供应商有工艺能力制造定制的零件, 在这种情况下哪中谈判战略是合适的 1告之正在考虑潜在供应商制造替代产品

2告之供应商,采购方能在自己的工厂生产这款零件 A 1 B 2 C 1,2 D 都不是 Answer: C Book 134

和单一供应商谈判策略 :内部制造,寻找替代,


22 A hospital purchases glass laboratory suppliers through a co-op because of the volume prices paid by the consortium, the supplier will only offer generic suppliers. as a result, there is considerable variation in quality, which has led to complaints from internal customers. In this situation, which of the following should the supply manager do FIRST? A instruct the co-op to change suppliers

B determine if other members of the co-op have the same problem

C join the co-op?s commodity team to increase pressure on the supplier

D inform the supplier that co-op payments may be with held if quality does not improve

一家医院从 co-op采购实验玻璃器皿,因为货款由多家联合支付,供应商表示只能提供用一般的产品,由此导致质量上出现很大的分歧,内部客户抱怨很多。在这种情况下,采购经理首先要 A更换此供应商

B确认其它兄弟公司有无同样的问题 C参与到产品采购团队向供应商施压

D告诉供应商如果质量再不改进将拖延支付 Answer: B Book 134 -135


TASK 1-A-4 6

准备和发放合同 /采购定单/协议的管理

23 U.S. federal E-SIGN law applies to which of the following? Ⅰ intrastate contracts Ⅱ interstate contracts Ⅲ international contracts A Ⅰ only B Ⅱonly C Ⅰand Ⅱonly D Ⅱand Ⅲonly

美国联邦的电子签名运用于 州内合同 州际合同 国际合同 Answer: D Book 95


24 A company hires a supplier to launch a Web site for a new product. The implementation is very successful, and the supplier would like to publicize its efforts in advertising and on its Web site, with testimonials from the buying company?s employees. however, the contract prohibits this. Which of the Following is the LEAST likely to be the reason for the company?s position on this matter?

A other suppliers may seek endorsement from the company sales pitches by the supplier?s competitors B employees might be targeted for sales pitches by the supplier?s competitors. C the company has a policy of not endorsing suppliers

D the company plans to launch additional Web sites on its own.

一公司聘请供应商为新产品制作网页,效果很好,供应商决定在他们的网页上公开这个作品作为广告, 但是和买方签定的合同禁止这种做法,下列哪项最不是公司禁止的原因 A指其他供应商就是该供应商的竞争对手会要求公司给予支持或者认可 (就是说担心其他供应商也会提出类似要求)

B供应商竞争对手的雇员会进行有针对性的推销 C公司政策不准许给供应商提供这样的做法 D公司计划自己做个额外的网站 Answer: D

Question 25-27 refer to the following contract terms (a) assignment (b) confidentiality (c) indemnification (d) severability

Choose from the above terms the one BEST described or illustrated by each of the following. A choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 25-27题参照以下合同条款 A转让条款 b保密 c赔偿


25The obligation of one party to cover the loss or damage suffered by another party 一方就损失赔偿另一方 Answer: C Guide p36

26 A provision to restrict the disclosure of proprietary information 保护不泄露所有权信息 Answer: B Guide p31

27 the transfer by one party of their right or obligations to another party 将一方的权利义务转让给另一方 Answer: A Guide p34

28 A company plans to hire a consulting firm to implement a new employee benefits Web site. Which of the following is MOST appropriate for this contract? A cost plus pricing B loss leader pricing C market based pricing D time and material pricing

一个公司计划聘请一个咨询公司完成一个新的员工福利网站。 以下哪个是最合理的合同类型

A成本加成定价 属于固定价格合同类

B缺乏领导定价 通常是提出一个非常低的报价,可能低于成本,来吸引客户,为了销售其他的产品或服务 C基于市场定价 干扰项 不是一种合同类型

D时间材料定价 属于不确定交付 合同,通常按一规定的小时价格来支付人工和制造费用. Answer: D Guide p26 合同的种类: 固定价格合同, 成本补偿合同

交付结果不确定合同 书信合同 经销商协议 服务协议 主采购协议 建筑合同

TASK 1-A-5 4


29 A supply manager holds a pre-performance conference with a chosen supplier. This event falls under which of the following areas of responsibility? A contract administration B contract closeout

C earned value management D project planning

一个供应经理和一个选定的供应商就绩效标准的制定举行一会议,这个事项是下面哪个领域的职责? A 合同管理 B 合同关闭 C 挣值管理 D 项目计划 Answer: A Guide 39

项目的挣值管理(Earned Value Management,EVM),是用与进度计划、成本预算和实际成本相联系的三个独立的变量,进行项目绩效测量的一种方法。它比较计划工作量、WBS的实际完成量(挣得)与实际成本花费,以决定成本和进度绩效是否符合原定计划。

30 Risk monitoring as implemented under the process of contract administration, is MOST likely to take place under the phase or step known as A performance measurement B performance reporting

C pre-performance conference D project closeout Answer: A

合同管理过程中,实施的风险监控最有可能发生的阶段是 A 绩效衡量

B 绩效进度报告 C绩效确定的会议 D 项目结束 Answer: A Guide 44

31 If a supplier does not respond to a buyer?s reject or rework notice of nonconforming goods within a reasonable amount of time, the LEAST appropriate course of action for the buyer to take would be to A store the goods and file a claim for storage charges B ship the goods and file a claim for storage charges C accept the goods

D sell the goods and charge the supplier for the sales costs

如果供应商没有在一定时间范围内回应采购方的不合格报告,下面采购最不可能采取的行动是 A保存该货物并要求赔偿 B运输该货物并要求赔偿 C接受该货物

D卖出该货物并向供应商要求销售价格 Answer: C

32 After the notice period specified in a “termination for convenience “clause, the buying organization may no longer

A employ that contractor for providing goods or services B request damages for any default under the contract C seek certain deliverable in the contract D provide payments to the contractor

一旦被告之出于便利的结束也就意味了采购组织不再 A雇佣合同方提供产品和服务 B要求损害赔偿

C寻求某些交付 D提供支付 Answer: C Guide P46

cost & finance 成本与财务 TASK 1-B-1 5


33 Which of the following types of budgets is MOST likely to be used for logistics financial controllership? A Capital B fixed C flexible D zero-based

下面哪项最有可能做为物流的财务控制 资本 固定 灵活 零基

Answer: B Guide P47-49


34 Funding for purchases is usually made available through all of the following EXCEPT the A operating budget B materials budget C capital budget D MRO budget

下面哪项不是采购资金的预算来源 A 运营预算 B 材料预算 C 资本预算 D MRO预算 Answer: A

参见书P16 供应相关的预算类型,

35 A supply manager is evaluating a departmental budget and notices that there is no comparison between established goals and actual results. this indicates an omission in which of the following? A controlling B executing C organizing D planning

供应经理在评估一个部门预算发现没有实际结果和目标的比较,这个问题显示哪个环节出疏漏 A控制

B执行 C组织 D计划 Answer: A Guide P48


1 每个预算 应列出一组和将来运做相关的特定指标,


36 After the evaluation of cost data and the determination of the budget figures, what is the NEXT step in the budgeting process?

A identifying financial resources allocated to each department B negotiating with suppliers

C defining processes for comparing goals to actual results D analyzing contract pricing

在评估成本数据和确定预算要素后,预算的下一步流程是什么? A确认财务部门的资源分配到每个部门 B和供应商谈判

C定义目标和实际的结果相比较的流程 D分析合同价格 Answer: C Guide P48 预算的步骤

37 A supply manager?s goals for the upcoming year include plans to create an offshore office, in order to optimize sourcing efforts in low-cost countries. To achieve this goal, the supply manager needs to hire additional employees and increase the travel budget. The supply manager should do all of the following to develop and manage the new budget EXCEPT A estimate the cost of offshore operations B identify the ROI of offshore

C conduct comparisons of goals versus actual results D decrease funding to lower priority goals and activities

为了优化低成本国家的采购,供应经理明年的目标包括建立一个海外办公室,为了达成目标他需要招募人员增加差旅预算,他需要做下面除了 A海外办公室的成本预测 B确定海外办公室的ROI C目标和实际是一致性比较 D降低资金降低目标优先级 Answer: B

TASK 1-B-2 6


38 A firm in the automotive industry is primarily decentralized, with a small corporate purchasing staff. The staff coordinates steel purchases across all of its buying organizations by inviting participation from each buying unit. This coordinated approach is BEST described as A a commodity council B lead divisional buying C pool buying

D a regional buying group

一个是分散的组织结构的汽车行业的公司,拥有一个小的公司的采购团队,这个团队负责协调钢材的采购 方式是邀请每个业务购买单元的参与,这个方法被成为什么? A 商品委员会 B领导部门采购 C池购买

D一个区域采购集团 Answer: A 参见书49页

39 A buying organization has the greatest opportunity to experience cost efficiencies when it A understands the supplier?s manufacturing processes B shares the business forecasting model C secures confidentiality

D promises the supplier shared responsibility in managing inventory 采购组织在下面哪个情况下成本节省机会? A 了解供应商的生产工艺 B 分享预测 C保密

D承诺供应商承担管理库存的责任 Answer: A

40 A supply manager has been asked to participate in a cost management program to help her organization generate more working capital. which of the following is the BEST way for the supply manager to contribute to that goal? A establishing a standard cost system B employing a cost modeling tool

C focusing on a standardization program

D implementing a contribution to margin analysis

供应经理被要求参与一个成本管理项目为了增加组织的运营资本,下面哪个是他能运用的最好的? A建立标准成本体系 B运用成本模型工具 C专注在标准化项目上 D实行利润分析 Answer: C

学习指南P52 P55 P56

41 ABC corporation has a centralized supply management organization. The CEO directs that the organization must lower costs and expenses, and that performance appraisals will be based on results achieved. Given this scenario, which of the following should be given the LEAST attention? A E-procurement B spend analysis C supplier integration D strategic sourcing

ABC公司是集中供应管理的组织,总裁要求组织降低成本和费用,通过结果评估绩效。下面哪个最不需要被重视 A电子采购 B花费分析

C供应商一体化 在企业的产品创新过程中,经常会遇到供应商集成的问题。 D战略寻源 Answer: C

42 All of the following are considerations within value engineering EXCEPT A elimination of the item B reduction in package price C classification for shipping

D tightening of the deign specifications 下面都是价值工程除了 A去除多余的项目 B降低包装价格 C运输的分类 D更严格规格设计 Answer: D



43 A sourcing specialist working on a project improvement team identifies a product line for which both profit margins and sales volumes have declined. Although the end product is a staple in the industry, customers have resisted price increases and have sought alternatives . the product is also subject to sharp fluctuations in demand due to consumer trends. resultant stockouts have led to lost sales.

Through value analysis, the team identifies a ball bearing component that is single sourced from a supplier to the aerospace industry. The supplier was chosen years back, because of its ability to provide the precise overall dimensions required for the component. Discussions with the supplier reveal that 3 weeks of the 6-week lead time for the product are spent in a precision polishing operation for a smooth surface condition. The process also accounts for one-third of the product cost. Product quality and reliability from the supplier have been exceptional, although there are other suppliers for ball bearings. Which of the project team recommend to recoup shrinking margins and volume for this product line? A change to a lower priced supplier with shorter lead times

B work with the current supplier to reconsider the high-polish finish C provide better demand information to the supplier to reduce lead time D negotiate with the supplier to provide supplier-managed inventories

为识别某产品线利润和销售量下降的问题,一采购专家正和一个项目改进的团队协同工作。尽管最终的产品是主要的工业品。客户已经拒绝了价格增加和寻求替代,该产品也由于消费者需求的变化受到严重的波动。其结果是缺货导致销售机会的丧失,通过价值分析,团队认识到,其中的一个球轴承组件是由一个的航天工业的单一供应商所提供。这个供应商已经被多年选用,因为它有能力提供组件需要的精确的外型尺寸,通过和供应商的讨论发现,在6周的交期中有3周花费为光滑的表面的精密抛光作业上面,并且这个流程要花费产品的三分之一的成本,产品的质量和可靠度大大超过了要求,尽管还有其他的供应商可以做球轴承,为了恢复缩减的利润率和销量,下面哪个是项目团队的建议? A 更换一个短交期的低价格的供应商

B 和现有的供应商一同重新考虑高水平的抛光工艺 C 给供应商提供更准确的需求信息以便减少交期 D 和供应商谈判让供应商来管理库存 Answer:B

参见学习指南54 还是考价值分析

TASK 1-B-3 7


44 In order to guarantee supply of a component appears in the critical quadrant of the supplier segmentation model, a supply manager should A join a consortium

B issue a long-term contract

C use supplier-managed inventory D utilize a systems contract

为保证在关键象限内零部件的供应,供应经理应该 A加入联营采购 B长期合同

C用供应商管理库存 D用系统定单 Answer: B

45 All of the following are examples of operational purchase EXCEPT A office supplies B payroll processing C raw materials D utilities

下面哪个不是运营采购 A办公用品 B薪金的处理 C原材料

D公用事业是水电气等 Answer: C

46 Using a sole sourced supplier with significant transparency of costs between buyer and seller in order to leverage each firm?s comparative advantage is an example of a strategy for what category of spend? A critical B leverage C strategic D tactical

选用唯一供应商高的成本透明度,被定义为下面矩阵中的哪种 A关键 B杠杆 C战略 D战术 Answer: C

47 which of the following market factors would be plotted on the low end of the market complexity axis on a spend analysis matrix?

A many suppliers, excess capacity, unique specifications ,no substitutes

B standard specifications, possible substitutes ,few suppliers, restricted capacity C many suppliers, excess capacity , standard specifications, possible substitutes D few suppliers, restricted capacity, unique specifications, no substitutes 下面哪种特性被定位在市场成本矩阵中的低端市场 A很多供应,产品独特,无替代,设备过剩 B标准产品,可替代,一些供应,限制产能 C很多供应,标准产品可替代,设备过剩 D一些供应,限制产能,产品独特,无替代 Answer: C

48 In anticipation of an upcoming price increase by its current supplier, a supply manager in charge of purchasing corrugated boxes conducts a competitive prices. The supplier who will meet the current supplier?s price, and will also hold pricing firm for a second year. The actions of the supply manager can BEST be described as A cost avoidance B cost containment C cost reduction D cost savings

面对现有供应商的涨价,采购经理为了保证该瓦楞纸箱的价格有竞争力,寻到一家与现有供应商一样价格水平的新供应者,并保持价格第2年不变。 采购经理的行为被定义为 A成本避免

B成本包围,抑制 范围控制 C成本减少 D成本节约 Answer: A

参见 学习指南P61

49 Which of the following sources of spend analysis data is likely to contain the GREATEST level of detail?

A accounts payable B general ledger C supplier data

D supply management

下面哪个支出分析数据的来源包含最多的明细 A应付帐款 B总帐

C供应商数据 D供应管理 Answer:C C 参见 学习指南P60

50 Several items are identified as ?critical? in a supply segmentation analysis. In order to add value, the supply management professional should look to A issue long-term contracts B issue short-term contracts C join a consortium D leverage buy

供应分析中有一些产品被定位为关键产品,为了增值,供应管理专家应该专注于 A长期合同 B短期合同 C联营 D杠杆采购 Answer: A


TASK 1-B-4 8


51 Which of the following provides the MOST comprehensive view when determining the total cost of procured materials?

A product ,transportation, and delivery

B product ,process. network, source, and security C product, logistics, storage, and handling D product, indirect costs, and profit

下面哪个对于确定总的采购材料成本最全面 A产品,运输,发货成本

B产品,流程,网络,来源,安全成本 C产品,物流,保存,处置成本 D产品,间接成本,利润成本 Answer: B


52 Consider the following financial data for XYZ,Inc. Long-term debt $ 400,000 Preferred stock $ 300,000 Common equity $ 600,000 Total capital $ 1,300,000

Weighted cost of long-term debt 6.2% After-tax cost of preferred stock10.5% Weighted cost of common equity 12.4%

Based on these data, what is the weighted average cost of capital? A 9.75% B 9.90% C 10.05% D 18.70%

考虑XYZ 公司的下列财务数据 长期负债 $ 400,000 优先股 $ 300,000 普通股 $ 600,000 总资本 $ 1,300,000 长期债务的加权成本6.2% 优先股的税后成本 10.5% 普通股的加权成本 12.4%

根据上述数据,总资本的平均加权成本是多少? Answer: C

53 Which of the following cost analysis methods would be LEAST useful in selecting and negotiating With a domestic supplier of capital equipment to be used in a production facility? A landed cost B life-cycle cost

C purchase-related cost D total cost of ownership

下面哪个成本分析工具在与国内供应商选择和谈判采购资本机器最没有用 A落地成本 B生命周期

C采购相关成本 D总拥有成本 Answer: A


54 Which of the following information is needed to perform a simplified breakeven ROI analysis calculation? Ⅰ purchase price Ⅱ time value of money Ⅲ life expectancy of the equipment Ⅳ annual savings A Ⅰand Ⅲ only B Ⅰand Ⅳ only C Ⅱand Ⅲ only D Ⅰ. Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ

在进行最简单盈亏平衡和投资回报分析时,需要下面哪个信息? Ⅰ采购价格

Ⅱ货币的时间价值 Ⅲ设备的预期寿命 Ⅳ每年的节约 Answer: B

55 All of the following statements are true of an operating lease EXCEPT; A It is a total financial commitment by the lessor

B It has a non-cancelable term varying from hours to years C The payments are fixed payments per period. D Such leases may include service. 下面对运营租赁的描述是不正确的 A出租人的全面的财务承诺 B不可撤消条款,小时和年限 C付款在一定时间内是固定的 D租赁可以包括服务 Answer: A


56 A supply manager contracts with an offshore supplier to manufacture widgets The cost data are as follows: Item cost =$1.00 Freight cost =$.12 Duties=$.11

In-transit storage =$.10

What is the landed cost for a widget? A $1.12 B $1.22 C $1.23 D $1.33

一供应经理与一个离岸的供应商联系生产小机械,成本数据如下 每件成本$1.00 运费 $.12 关税 $.11 在途存储费$.10

问每件的落地成本是多少? Answer: D


57 A supply manager for an apparel company must decide whether to change suppliers of polyurethane hangers for the finished products that are shipped to retailers. It will cost approximately $20,000 to make all of the necessary changes to the company?s operation in order to take a new supplier. the current supplier is priced $0.05 per unit higher than the lowest competitor. The lowest competitor?s quality and service are equal to that of the current supplier. What quantity of hangers will the supply manager need to buy to justify making the change on a cost basis? A 40,001 B 50,001 C 400,001 D 500,001

一个成衣制作公司的供应经理必须决定是否更换聚氨酯衣架的供应商,该产品是为了把最后的制成品运送给零售商的,为了采用一个新的供应商,并为公司运营带来的必要的变化大约要花费20,000$,现有的供应商的价格比最低的竞争者每件高$0.05,低价供应商的质量和服务和现有的相当,供应经理要采购多少量能平衡支出? Answer: C

58 A supply manager is negotiating a cost-plus incentive fee contract with a training services provider. The negotiated terms are as follows: Ceiling price $ 350,000 最高价 Target price $325,000 目标价 Target cost $300,000 目标成本 Target profit $25,000 目标利润 Share ratio 60/40 (supplier/buyer) 分成

If the supplier?s cost is $280,000, what would be the supplier?s profit? A $18,000 B $27,000 C $30,000 D $45,000


供应商成本是280000美元,供应商的利润是? Answer: B 学习指南66页 目标成本:

TASK 1-B-5 6


Questions 59 to 61 refer to the following methods off depreciation: A declining balance method B straight line method

C sum of years digits method D units of activity method

Select from the above options the one BEST described by each of the following. A choice may be used once, more than once, or nota at all. 问题59-61参照如下折旧方法 A余额递减法 B直线折旧法 C年数总和法 D单位的活动方法




59 This method assumes that an item?s utility declines over time resulting in significantly higher depreciation in the earlier years.

该方法假定一个项目随时间的推移的效用下降是由于在前几年的高的折旧。 Answer: C

60 This method is compatible with the matching principle where the higher depreciation expense in earlier years parallels the asset?s greater earning power.

这种方法是基于早年的高的折旧是和高的资产赢利能力相平衡的 Answer: A

61 This method is the simplest to calculate and makes the assumption that it is a function of time rather than use.

这是一最简单的计算方法,假定它是时间的函数而不是使用的函数。 Answer: B

62 The interest rate levels are most directly affected by fluctuations in which of the following? A international currency exchange rates B the Dow Jones Industrial Average C the rate of business failures D the money supply

利率的变化最有可能是直接被以下哪个影响 A 国际汇率

B道琼斯工业指数 C商业失败指数 D货币供应 Answer: D

63 Commodity purchases fluctuate in a spot market primarily because the demand is A dependent B independent C price elastic D price inelastic

在现货市场上商品采购的波动主要因为需求是 A独立 B不独立 C价格弹性 D价格无弹性 Answer: C


有关 商品市场的描述,现货市场特点

64 The consolidation of requirements from multiple buying organizations quantity discounts is called A hybrid buying B center-led buying C commodity buying D cooperative buying

合并多个采购组织的量称为 A混合采购 B集中采购 C商品采购

D合作采购 不同公司之间 Answer: D

参见学习指南80页 有关 合作采购的描述

C international 国际化 TASK 1-C-1 7


65 A supply manager is evaluating several potential overseas suppliers, and the degree of risk each would bring to the supply chain. Which of the following employment characteristics would be MOST favorable in a manufacturing relationship? A employment-for-life practices

B flexibility in hiring and firing employees C high unemployment rates

D high union membership of skilled labor

一个采购经理正在评估几个潜在国外供应商,以及评估对供应链的影响风险。下面哪个用工情况在生产关系中最好的 A终生雇佣

B弹性雇佣和解雇 C高失业率

D技术工人的强大的工会组织 Answer: B

66 A supply manager is evaluating potential overseas suppliers located in underdeveloped countries. In examining the infrastructure of each country, which of the following considerations is LEAST important? A currency exchange rate B stability of the government C technology availability D transportation systems

一个供应经理正在评价一个位于不发达国家的潜在海外供应商,在检验每个国家的基础设施时,下面哪个因素最不重要? A 汇率

B 政府的稳定性 C 技术的可得性 D 运输系统 Answer: A

67 A US supply manager is reviewing outsourcing proposals from several overseas firms. Which of the following is LEAST likely to apply in this situation? A European union requirements

B financial statements from policy held companies

C international accounting standards board requirements D Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirement

美国采购经理正在审核国外供应商的提案,下面哪个是不可能运用在这种情况下的 A欧盟的要求 B财务政策

C国际财务标准 DSARBANES法案 Answer: D

参见学习指南 85页

评价基础结构的四个主要方面 经济,社会,财务和市场

68 In which of the following areas is the movement into offshore markets and global sourcing MOST likely to create risks? A business continuity

B scaling of procurement C strategic execution D market expansion

下面哪项是将业务移到海外和全球采购可能产生的最大的风险? A业务的持续性 B采购的规模化 C战略实施 D市场扩张 Answer: A

参见学习指南 83页

69 When assessing international markets for suppliers, the MOST important item supply management should consider is the A culture of the supplier

B risk of the extended supply chain C broadening supply base

D expansion of the customer base

当评估国际市场的供应商, 供应管理最重要的考虑是 A供应商的文化 B扩展供应链的风险 C增加供应基础 D增加客户基础 Answer: B

70 Areas of ideological difference often faced by US negotiators when dealing internationally include all of the following EXCEPT A individual rights B private investment C product quality D profit

美国人在进行国际谈判中的意识差异不包括下面哪个? A人权 B私有投资 C产品质量 D利润 Answer: C

71 A supply manager is conducting a competitive RFP for outsourced services. The supply manager constructs a scorecard to evaluate the cultures of prospective supplier countries. All of the following are appropriate as evaluation criteria in this scorecard EXCEPT A language

B customs and manners C education system D labor practices

一采购经理正寻求有竞争力外包服务的提案,并准备用记分表评估供应国家的文化情况,下面哪个不适合用来作为评价的指标? A语言 B习俗

C教育程度 D劳动力实践 Answer: D

TASK 1-C-2 6


72 When sourcing internationally, all of the following are considered reliable starting points EXCEPT the A general agreement on tariffs and trade B international chamber of commerce C Sarbanes –Oxley act D world fact book

在开展国际寻源,下面哪个被认为是不可靠的起点? A关税贸易总协定 B国际商会

C SARBAN法案 D世界年鉴 Answer: C

国际商会 (成立于1919年, 总部设在巴黎, 它是一个世界性的商会组织, 是联合国的一级咨询机构. 国际商会的宗旨是推动国际经济的发展, 促进自由企业和市场经济的繁荣, 促进会员之间经济贸易往来. 关贸总协定是关税与贸易总协定的简称,英文为GATT。它是1947年10月30日由23个国家所签订的于1948年1月1日生效的临时性的政府协定,其主要目的的是协调缔经国之间的贸易关系,促进世界贸易自由化、加强世界贸易环境的稳定性和透明度。关贸总协定在发展中已成为一个国际贸易组织,与国际货币基金,世界银行并列世界经济的三大支柱。 世界年鉴是美国中央情报局提供的世界范围的国家文献

73 All of the following serve as international corporate intermediaries EXCEPT A Agents

B commission houses

C department of commerce D trading companies

以下都是国际公司中间人除了 A 代理

B 提取佣金的商行 C 商务部 D 贸易公司 Answer: C


74 A Latin American consumer products company produces and sells computer keyboards to a British electronics retailer. The Latin American company purchases European marketing assistance from the British retailer. Both trading partners agree to pay for the majority of their purchases in cash, and fulfill their individual sales obligations to each other over a three-year period. This arrangement is BEST described as

A bilateral contract B barter

C counterpurchase D offset

拉丁美州的消费品生产的供应商生产和销售键盘给英国的电子零售企业,而其从欧洲的采购由该英国公司协助。双方同意大部分采购产品用现金支付, 并履行他们在三年的时期的各自的销售义务, 这种做法被称为

A双边合同 国家 间 B以货换货,易货贸易 C互购贸易 D抵消贸易

91 Which of the following government departments /agencies defines categories of materials that are considered hazardous in waste disposal? A department of commerce

B department of homeland security C department of transportation

D environmental protect ion agency

下列哪个政府部门或机构定义了在废物清理中认定为危害性的材料的分类 A 商务部门 B 国内安全部门 C 交通部门 D 环保部门 Answer: D

TASK 1-D-3 4


92 Which of the following involves legislation that require employers to provide a safe and healthful workplace and work practices?

A occupational safety and health Act (OSHA)

B Comprehensive environmental responsibility compensation and liability Act (CERCLA) C Resource conservation and recovery act ( RCRA) D Hazardous Materials Transportation Act( HMTA)

下面哪项涉及到法律要求雇主提供一个安全健康的工作场所和操作条例? A 职业安全与卫生条例

B 综合环境反应,补偿与责任法案 C 资源保护与恢复法 D 危险品运输条例 Answer: A

93 Which of the following government departments /agencies sets guidelines for documentation and approved shippers of hazardous materials? A department of commerce

B department of homeland security C department of transportation D environmental protection agency

下列哪些政府部门或机构为提供文件和合格的危险品承运商制定指导方针 A 商务部门 B 国内安全部门 C 交通部门 D 环保部门 Answer: C

94 In complying with laws and regulations such as OSHA and the Consumer Product Safety Act Throughout the supply chain, supply managers should consider A safety precautions required of the manufacturer

B safety precautions required of the buying organization

C the environmental impact of items the supply manager buys D appropriate legal counsel for guidance on these laws

在遵守法规例如OSHA和消费产品安全法在整个供应链中,供应经理应该考虑 A生产厂家要求的安全措施 B购买企业要求的安全措施

C供应经理所购买的对环境有影响的项目 D合适的法律顾问来指导法律文件 Answer: D

这题目没有太理解, 书209页

95 A supply manager is trying to improve employee safety at an organization that is mandated to do so. Which of the following actions is LEAST likely to be of benefit to this objective?

A reviewing and revising records retention policies as needed to maintain an ongoing picture of the environment

B reviewing training programs annually to ensure all required information is included

C working with suppliers of protective equipment to obtain the best combination of reasonable price and value added service.

D confirming with suppliers that material safety data sheets are kept current

供应经理必须试图改善员工在公司的安全性。下面的行动最不可能有益于这个目标。 A有必要检阅,修订记录的保留政策 ,来保持可持续发展的环境 B 每年审查训练方案来保障所有必要信息涵盖在里面。

C 和保护设备的供应商合作来获得合理的价格与增值服务的最好结合。 D 和供货商确认产品的安全数据是不断更新的 Answer: A


E Sourcing

TASK 1-E-1 6


96 When selecting a particular source of supply , which of the following action is LEAST likely to result in a significant impact on cost?

A consolidating business with a local supplier B selecting a single source of supply

C purchasing an alternative to a sole-sourced product D negotiating an exclusive purchase agreement

当选出一个特定的供应源,下面的那种行为最不可能对价格产生重大变化? A同当地的供应商巩固业务 B选择单一的供应源

C购买一个替代品,替代唯一来源 D商定一个独家购买协议 Answer: A 学习指南 120

97 Which of the following is MOST useful in identifying supply opportunities? A market intelligence B PMI

C Risk analysis

D visionary supply chains

下列哪项判定供应时机最有用? A市场情报

B PMI 采购经理指数 C风险分析

D 有远见的供应链 Answer: A 参见书63页

98 Partnerships and strategic alliances are typically characteristics of A local sourcing B multiple sourcing C single sourcing D sole sourcing

伙伴的与战略联盟通常是下列哪项的特征的 A当地的货源 B多种渠道的货源 C单一的货源 D唯一的货源 Answer: C

99 In supply base analysis, what degree of competition exists when there are only a few local suppliers, and they are similar in behavior and pricing? A technical B limited C multiple

D fair and open

在供应基础分析中,当只有少数当地供货商可供选择并且价格和表现相似时,存在什么样程度的竞争 A技术的 B有限的 C多样的 D公平开放的 Answer: B 书66页,


100 A $ 0.12 per barrel tax on imported oil is an example of which of the following? A Ad valorem duty

B Goods and services tax C Specific duty D Value-added tax

每进口一桶石油缴纳$0.12,这是下列哪项的例子 A从价税

B商品及服务税 C从量税 D增值税 Answer: C 书73页,

101 A hospital within a major city joins a consortium of other hospitals and healthcare providers. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be an outcome of this membership? A lower prices B better quality C antitrust issues D standardization

一个大城市的医院加入了一个由其他的医院和保健机构组成的联营企业。下列哪项最不可能是这个团体产生的结果? A低价格 B更好的质量 C反垄断问题 D标准化 Answer: C

TASK 1-E-2 7


102 A supply management analyst is evaluating performance data from two potential call center suppliers ,which of the following would be the BEST tool to employ in order to measure the performance of the suppliers? A histogram

B fishbone diagram C scatter diagram D X-bar and R chart

供应管理分析是对两个潜在的呼叫中心供应商的业绩数据进行分析评估。为了确保供应商的业绩,下列哪项是最好的应用工具? A柱状图 B鱼骨图 C散点图

D平均值和全距管制图 质量控制方面 Answer: C

书152 分析两个变量之间的关系,

103 All of the following are typical steps used in the decision analysis process for supplier proposal evaluation EXCEPT

A defining the scoring metrics

B weighing the evaluation categories C defining necessary requirements

D reviewing cost-reduction specifications

下列的选项都是通常用于为供应商建议书评估过程的步骤除了 A定义考核机制 B权衡评估类别

C定义必要的要求条件 D审查降价说明 Answer: D P129 guide

104 A supply manager has sent out an RFP for consulting services for the development of a new Web site. Which of the following is LEAST likely to assist the manager in the evaluation of US respondents? A Edgar B google C hoovers D moody?s


A Edgar 如10Q和10K等的公共文件 B google 谷歌

C hoovers 公共的组织列表包括季度的赢利报告,年报,组织概况和绩效分析 D moody?s 穆迪在线 提供信用比率,风险分析 Answer: B

参见guide 174页

还有邓白氏提供行业标准和业务比率 邓白氏供应商评价报告

105 Supplier B is a manufacturer of exhaust systems for passenger trucks and sport utility vehicles. Company A is one of its many customers .supplier B asks for a 20% price increase ,using a 33% rise in the price of nickel as justification. Company A estimates that the material cost is 50% of the total cost of the exhaust systems. What is the maximum price increase the company A should accept from Supplier B? A 16.5% B 22.5% C 33% D 50%


A 16.5% B 22.5% C 33% D 50%

Answer: A

106 A negotiation for the acquisition and maintenance of a piece of equipment that will be used entirely for one service project would best be based on A learning curve B life-cycle costing C profit analysis D savings analysis

为收购和维护一台将完整用于一服务项目的设备的谈判最好基于下列哪项 A学习曲线

B生命周期成本核算 C利润分析 D节省分析 Answer: B

107 An organization outsources its customer service call center. The supplier?s facility is severely damaged by a flood. The FIRST course of action should be to A move the call center activity to another source B bring the call center activity back-in-house C implement the business continuity plan

D hire an insurance inspector to assess damages

公司外包它的客户服务呼叫中心。供应商的设施在一场洪水中严重受到损害。第一行动方针应该是 A为呼叫中心寻找新的来源 B将呼叫中心收回


D雇用一个保险巡视员来评估损失 Answer: C



108 A Supply manager receives proposals from three suppliers for system. The supply manager forms cross-functional team that includes representatives from payroll, human resources ,and operations, with each team member having an equal vote in the selection process. Which of the following factors related to the finalists is LEAST appropriate as a selection criterion? A Business continuity plans B Diversity status C lead time offered D Logistical concerns

供应经理收到来自三个供应商的关于系统的提议。供应经理组建了跨部门团队,团队成员包括了来自工资薪酬,人力资源和运营部门的代表,在决策过程中每一个团队成员都有平等的权利。下列哪个涉及最终结果的因素最不适合作为选择标准? A制定业务连续性方案 B多样化的特征 C提供的前置时间 D物流方面的考虑 Answer: D

TASK 1-E-3 7


Question 109-112 refer to the following buying strategies: A Buying to requirements B Forward buying

C Hand-to-mouth buying D Speculative buying A按需采购 B提前购买 C应急采购 D投机采购

Choose from the above strategies the one BEST described by each of the following A choice may be used once, more than once or not at all

109 Purchases are made to prevent shortage, delays or to stem the impact of rising prices. 为避免短缺,延期或抑制价格上涨的影响而采购 Answer: B

110 Purchases are made with the intent to resell excess quantities at a later date. 企图在以后转卖多余产品的采购 Answer: D

111 Purchases are made for amounts to cover sales forecasts 采购是基于销售预测 Answer: A

112 Purchases are made to meet immediate needs 为应急而采购 Answer: C

113 The role of inventory reduction in JIT is to A reduce overhead

B expose problems in the value-added process C reduce lead time for suppliers

D identify suppliers who tend to be behind schedule 准时制中库存降低的作用是 A减少管理费用

B增值过程中暴露问题 C为供应商减少前置时间 D暴露出落后于计划的供应商 参见学习指南140页

114 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of just –in –time purchasing? A frequent deliveries in small quantities

B fixed delivery quantities from delivery to delivery C use of long term contracts e.g. ,blanket orders

D encouragement of suppliers to package in exact quantities 下列哪个不是准时制购买的特征? A频繁的少量地配送 B固定的配送量

C长期合同的使用,例如总括订单 D鼓励供应商包装准确的数量 Answer: B


115 All of the following are components of an organization?s sourcing strategy EXCEPT A purchasing policy B sourcing policy

C statistical process control D supplier relationship

所有下列选项都是公司采购策略的组成部分除了 A采购政策 B 寻源政策

C 统计过程控制 spc D供应商关系 Answer: C

F Supplier relationship management 供应商关系管理

TASK 1-F-1 6


116 As part of its request for proposal (RFP), an organization requires suppliers to include copies of their manuals. Supplier XYZ does not have a safety policy, and consequently does not include a manual with its RFP response. Based on this information, the buying organization is likely to categorize XYZ as a

A certifiable supplier B certified supplier C de-barred supplier D disqualified supplier

作为RFP的一部分,公司要求供应商提交他们的手册复印本。供应商XYZ没有安全政策,并最终没有在RFP列入说明书手册。鉴于以上内容,购买方可能把XYZ列为 A可以认证的供应商 B认证的供应商 C被禁止的供应商 D不合格的供应商 Answer: D

参见学习指南150页 供应商的种类

117 Which of the following typically distinguishes a certified supplier from preferred, approved .or qualified suppliers?

A tested e-procurement capabilities

B A favorable analysis of financial strength

C A quality control system integrated with that of the purchaser D An agreement on contractual terms and conditions

下列哪项通常能从优先供应商,准入供应商或合格供应商中辨别出认证的供应商? A经鉴定过的电子采购能力 B财务能力的可行分析

C供货商和买方质量控制系统结合在一起 D对合同的条款和条件达成的协议 Answer: C


Questions 118 to 120 refer to the following types of suppliers: A certified supplier B partnered supplier C pre-qualified supplier D preferred supplier A认证的供应商 B伙伴供应商

C预审资格供应商 D首选供应商

Choose from the terms above the one BEST described by each of the following. A choice may be used once, more than once. or not at all.

118This type of supplier relationship is usually built around long-term arrangements or large-volume commitments.

和这类的供应商之间通常有长期安排或大量的承诺 Answer: B

119 This type of supplier relationship, the supplier provides desirable quality, delivery, or prices for a purchaser and reacts positively to unforeseen needs such as changes in business volume.

和这类供应商之间,供应商为采购方提供满意的质量,配送或价格,并且极其配合地满足未预见到的需求,例如业务量等。 Answer: D

120 In this type of supplier relationship the supplier is added to the buying organization?s “approved supplier “list when they have passed a preliminary screening.

和这类供应商之间的关系是,当他们通过初步筛选,供应商就被列入采购方的准入供应商。 Answer: C

121 Sourcing procedures for strategic goods and services typically include all of the following EXCEPT A the formation of a partnership with the supplier B the development of alternative suppliers C an aggressive search for substitute products

D the creation of a short-term contract with gains sharing 战略的物资和服务的采购过程通常包括下列内容除了 A和供应商的合伙关系的形式 B 可供选择供应商的发展 C 进取地寻找代替品

D签订收益共享的短期合同 Answer: D

TASK 1-F-2 8


122 Company A receives prototype hinges from Supplier B, As part of the quality testing process, the prototypes are subjected to abuse and destroyed. Which of the following is TRUE in this situation? A supplier B should have been required to sign a non-disclosure agreement B Company A should have been required to sign a non-disclosure agreement C Company A should have paid for the samples D Company A should return the samples


A供应商B应该要求签保密协议 B公司A应该要求签保密协议 C公司A应该支付样品的费用 D公司A应该返还样品 Answer: C


123 A supply manager has several suppliers that use copper in the products they manufacture. However, none of the suppliers is a major buyer of copper. The supply manager decides to purchase the copper on behalf of their suppliers .which of the following BEST describes this type of arrangement? A multi-tier purchasing agreement B process improvement C risk management

D supply chain management

供应经理有若干生产含铜产品的供应商。然而,没有一个供应商是铜的主要购买者。供应经理决定代表他们的供应商购买铜。下列哪项最好地阐述了这类业务? A 多层购买协议 B 程序改进 C 风险管理 D 供应链管理 Answer: A


124 Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to determine the success of a supplier collaboration effort?

A A focus on actual deliverables

B program management from the top C A fixed set of metrics for evaluation D a clear and compelling business case

下列哪个因素最不可能决定供应商合作的成功 A 关注实际交付

B 至上而下的程序管理 C 一套固定的评估标准

D清晰的令人信服的商业案例 Answer: C

125 The design and management of seamless, value-added processing across organizational boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer BEST describes which of the following? A value analysis

B supply chain management C early supplier involvement D just-in-time


A价值分析 B 供应链管理

C 早期供应商介入 D准时制 Answer: B


126 Which of the following BEST illustrates traditional buyer-supplier relationships? A responsiveness and flexibility B suppliers treated as partners C short-term relationships D willingness to take risks

下列哪项最好地阐述了传统买卖双方的合伙关系? A响应和柔性

B把供应商当作拍档 C短期关系 D 愿意冒险 Answer: C

127 While preparing for a new product launch, a supply manager learns that a component will require that the organization?s research and development group and the supplier?s technical staff will need to work together to implement a proprietary technology. The supply manager arranges for an internal team to visit and assist the supplier in developing this component . the supply manager is engaging in A co-located engineering

B development cycle time reduction C reverse marketing D supplier mentorship


A 同场所工程 B压缩周期开发 C反向营销 D供应商顾问 Answer: A

参见学习指南 164

128 When it becomes necessary to share trade secrets with suppliers, which of the following actions provides the BEST protection to the buying organization? A marking information as confidential B patenting critical ideas

C requiring non-disclosure agreements

D pursuing compensation for any disclosures

当变得有必要和供应商分享商业秘密时,下列哪项行为为买方公司提供最好的保护? A让信息机密化 B申请专利


D一旦商机泄漏追讨补偿金 Answer: C

129 Reciprocity is permissible in all of the following situations EXCEPT when A influencing a supplier to become a customer

B offering a specific commitment to buy, in exchange for a specific commitment to sell C using large buying power to restrict competition

D favoring a specific customer in evaluation or selecting a supplier 在下列情形中可以互惠除非当 A影响供应商成为客户



D通过评估或挑选供应商来支持特别客户 Answer: C


TASK 1-F-3 5


130 Which of the following refers to programs designed to identify qualified targeted firms and encourage them to become part of the supply base? A reciprocity

B reverse marketing C supplier partnering D outreach

下列哪个涉及到的程序被设计成鉴定合格的定向的公司并鼓励他们成为供应基础的一部分? A 互利互惠 B 反向营销

C 供应商伙伴关系 D 延伸 Answer: D

131 Which of the following is TRUE with regard to small/disadvantaged businesses? A their capabilities are unknown to most purchasers B they are often overcapitalized

C they are strongly represented in most industry areas

D they continually expand their businesses to meet corporate needs 下列哪个关于小的或劣势的公司的说法是对的? A对大多购买者来说,他们的能力是未知的 B 他们经常生产能力过剩


D 他们持续扩张他们的业务来满足合作需求 Answer: A

132 Which of the following reasons for establishing a supplier diversity program is likely to have the GREATEST benefit to an organization?

A minimizing the threat of economic boycotts

B improving the organization?s position on pass-down provisions C complying with government contract requirements D increasing competition among sources

下列哪些建立供应商多元化的原因可能对公司有最大的利益 A让经济抵制的威胁最小化 B在下发条款中提高公司地位 C 遵守政府合同要求 D 增加供货源中的竞争 Answer: D


133 A new and growing organization has been trying to expand into the government sector, but finds diversity in its supply base as a hurdle to overcome. Which of the following would be the MOST effective course of action to grow their diversity supply base? A Implement a formal training program for supply managers B require a minimum level of diversity spend

C include diversity sourcing criteria in internal performance evaluations

D schedule regular one-on-one meeting with the MBE coordinator and supply managers

新兴的成长中的企业试图扩大业务到政府部门,但是发现供应基础的不够多样性是一个障碍需要来克服。下列哪项将成为最有效的做法来增加他们的多样性供应基础? A为供应经理履行正式训练程序 B 需要一个最低水平的多元花费

C 在内部评估中包含一个多元化寻源的考核标准

D 和MBE统筹人和供应经理安排常规的一对一会议 Answer: C

134 US Public Law 95-507( 1978) mandates that bidders for federal contracts greater than $500,000 submit a plan that includes a

A specific percentage of purchases from minority businesses B program to encourage purchases from minority businesses C summary of current purchases from minority businesses D signed commitment for purchases from minority businesses

美国公共法95-507(1978)规定多于$500000的联邦合同,投标人要提交一份计划包括 A 从少数民族业务中购买特定比例 B 在少数民族业务中鼓励购买

C 从少数民族业务中现有购买的总和 D签订在少数民族业务中购买的承诺 Answer: A

TASK 1-F-4 6


135 A potential supplier presents an attractive proposal for outsourcing critical services.

The supply management team decides to analyze the supplier?s financial condition. Which of the following will be LEAST useful in this analysis? A inventory turns B P/E ratio

C return on assets D return on equity

一个潜在的供应商提交一份有吸引力的关于外包关键服务的建议书。供应管理团队决定分析供应商的财务状况。下列哪项在分析中最没有用? A库存周转率 B市盈率

C资产收益率 D净资产收益率 Answer: A



136 A supply manager is seeking to improve service to stakeholders through a better identification of internal customer needs. All of the following are appropriate methods of acquiring this information EXCEPT

A Process Mapping

B Repetitive requirements gathering C Pilot and redesign

D Describe, define, document and build

供应经理设法通过更好地识别内部客户需求来为利益相关者改进服务。下列选项都是合适的获取信息的方法除了 A流程图

B反复需求采集 C实验和重新设计

D描述,定义,证明,建立 Answer: A

学习指南 174页 要求的收集方法

137 A CPO asks a supply manager to review the quality plan of a new diverse supplier to see that the plan complies with the ISO 9001:2008 standard. In which of the following are the CPO and supply manager engaged? A project planning B quality assurance C quality control D quality planning

采购官要求供应经理回顾一个新的供应商的质量计划是否满足了the ISO 9001:2008的要求,下面哪个是采购官和供应经理要投入的? A项目计划 B质量保证 C质量控制 D质量计划 Answer: B

138 A supply manager in charge of warehouse operations learns that packing lists are missing from a second-tier supplier?s freight deliveries. The supplier is located in another state about 2,000 miles away . which of the following is the FIRST course of action the supply manager should take? A initiate a continuous replenishment program B conduct a supplier visit

C implement a supplier rating system D create a supply chain map

负责仓库管理的供应经理了解到在二级供应商的航空配送过程中装箱单找不到了。供应商位于2000公里以外的另一个州。供应经理首先应该采取哪种措施? A开启补救措施 B组织拜访供应商 C实施供应商评价 D创建供应链地图 Answer: D 学习指南171

139 A supply manager is responsible for a buying company?s telephone service agreements.

In conducting a financial analysis of the current telecom supplier, it is learned that the supplier had submitted negative 10Q reports for the last several quarters, and is having difficulty obtaining loans . In addition to this, both the supplier?s CEO and CFO have resigned in the last year. Although there have been no complaints regarding the supplier?s service levels, costs or quality, the supply manager in instructed to companies and submit an RFI to the most competitive sources . which of the following BEST describes the goal of the following BEST describes the goal of the supply manager?s financial analysis?

A ensuring supplier quality

B maintaining continuity of service C mitigating supply risk D seeking cost reductions

供应经理负责买方公司的电话服务协议。对现有的电信供应商进行财务分析后,了解到在过去的几个季度里供应商仅仅提交了10Q报告,并且连获得贷款都有困难。不仅如此,供应商的CEO和CFO在去年跳槽了。尽管至今尚未有关于供应商服务水平,价格或质量的抱怨,供应经理让公司给最有竞争力来源的供应商提交了RFI。下列哪项最好地描述了供应商的财政分析的目的 A保证供应商质量 B保持服务的连续性 C减轻供应风险 D试图降低价格 Answer: C

140 A senior buyer has been having difficulty meeting internal customer requirements on a specialized, extended-use product. Manufacturing has been dissatisfied with the product?s performance, although they fail to elaborate on exactly how it is unsatisfactory. Which of the following would be LEAST applicable in order t obtain better feedback? A pilot and redesign approach B effective capture of key metrics

C describe, design, document and build approach D repetitive requirements gathering and testing

面对内部客户要求产品专业的,多用途的需求,某高级采购员很难满足。生产已不能满足该产品的绩效要求,尽管他们不能详细说明如何不能满足。为了得到更好的反馈,下列哪项最不适用? A实验和重新设计方案 B有效获得关键指标

C描述,定义,证明,建立方案 D收集需求并测试 Answer: B



TASK 1-F-5 6 进行供应商的绩效评价

141 What are the two primary functions performed by a supplier evaluation system? Ⅰ to ensure that the supplier will meet specifications defined in the solicitation Ⅱ to maintain ongoing records of supplier performance for use in selecting a supplier for a requirement Ⅲ to aid the purchaser in assessing the supplier?s equipment, processes ,and labor, as well as control systems for production planning and quality during an on-site visit Ⅳ to monitor suppliers in order to identify and address problems before they become critical A Ⅰ and Ⅲ B Ⅰ and Ⅳ C Ⅱ and Ⅲ D Ⅱand Ⅳ

供应商评估系统的两大主要的作用是什么 Ⅰ保障供应商满足规格要求


Ⅲ 帮助购买者在现场访问时,评估供应商的设备,流程,劳动力以及生产计划和质量的控制系统 Ⅳ监督供应商及时发现和找到问题 Answer: D

142 Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to be among those appraised during a site visit to a potential supplier? A financial condition B process/material flow C employee morale D housekeeping

下列哪个因素最不可能在现场拜访时对潜在供应商进行评估? A财政状况

B工艺流程和物料流 C员工士气 D现场整洁程度 Answer: A

参见学习指南180页 现场参观的评价因素

143 Of the following the selection of a potential new supplier of capital equipment would MOST likely be affected by the

A supplier?s lead time

B supplier?s ability to produce reliable equipment C location of the supplier?s plant

D supplier?s willingness to negotiate quoted prices

在下列选项中,一个新的潜在供应商的资本设备的选择最重要的影响因素是哪个? A供应商的交期

B供应商生产可靠设备的能力 C供应商工厂的位置 D供应商谈判报价的意愿 Answer: B

144 Which of the following members of a manufacturing organization is LEAST likely to be a member of a supplier analysis team? A the controller

B the design engineer

C the quality assurance manager D the production engineer

下列哪个生产公司的成员最不可能成为供应商分析团队的成员 A 财务方面的控制人员 B设计工程师 C质量经理 D生产工程师 Answer: A

145 Which of the following is a PRIMARY supplier performance measurement? A delivery B forecasting C stability D support

下列哪个是评估一个供应商表现的主要因素? A交付 B预测 C稳定性 D支持 Answer: A

146 Which of the following supplier characteristics should be reviewed on a regular basis? Ⅰ financial strength Ⅱ pricing methods Ⅲ inventory methods Ⅳ delivery performance Ⅴ quality history A ⅠandⅡ only B Ⅲ and Ⅳ only CⅠ,Ⅱ, Ⅳand Ⅴ only DⅠ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ , Ⅳ and Ⅴ


Ⅰ 财务能力 Ⅱ 定价方法 Ⅲ 库存方法 Ⅳ 配送表现 Ⅴ 质量历史 Answer: D


TASK 1-F-6 4


Questions 147-149 refer to the following situation:

Buyer Smith works for TNF Tech, a Japanese Keiretsu electronics company in the United States. Part of Smith?s job duties is to purchase electronic control units (ECUs) for TNF Tech?s product line from Saitou, a Japanese-based affiliated supplier within the keiretsu alliance. Many of the companies within the alliance are vertically integrated, and purchase electronic components from one another. Smith reports to Supply Manager Miles, who suggests that Smith contact the supply management of Saitou and request that the cost of the ECUs be reduced for the coming year. The request is transmitted via fax, and is met with a curt refusal. Smith discusses the situation with the TNF Tech engineering department. The engineering department needs a particular ECU and has no alternative components on the approved parts list. The engineers explain that their management has mandated that the ECUs be procured from Saitou. Consequently, no effort was made to quality ECUs from any other sources of supply. Smith meets again with Supply Manager Miles and explains the situation. Miles has been assigned specific cost reduction targets, and the ECUs were an important element in this effort. Miles therefore insists that Smith find a way to reduce the cost of the ECUs.

采购员Smith在TNF技术公司上班,TNF是位于美国一家日本大财团电子公司。Smith的部分职能是为TNF公司的生产线购买电子控制部件(ECU),该产品来自Saitou公司, 它是一个大财团联盟里日本子公司的供应商。联盟中许多公司是垂直整合型经营的,都是从别家购买电子部件的。


Smith和TNF的工程部讨论这个形势。工程部需要特定的ECU并且从认可的零件目录表上没有其他可供选择的零件。工程师解释说他们的管理层已经指定了ECU必须由Saitou那提供。最终,没办法从其他任何供应来源采购ECU。Smith再次会见供应经理Miles并解释了当前情况。Miles制定了具体的成本节省的目标,并ECU 是其中的重要部分,因此,Miles 坚持要Smith 找到一个降低ECU成本的方法.

147 Company X is transitioning a single sourced commodity from Supplier A to Supplier B. These are the only items that Supplier A sells to the company, so the relationship with Supplier A is ending. Internal considerations that must be managed as part of the exit strategy for Supplier A include all of the following EXCEPT

A impacts to stakeholders B timing of the change-over

C protection of the change-over D supplier certification status

公司X正在转换某单一货源的产品从供货商A到供货商B。只有一项货物是供应商A卖给公司的,所以和供应商A的合伙关系正在终结中。作为实施一个供应商的退出战略的一个部分,必须考虑内部因素,下面哪个不包含在内? A 对利益相关方的影响 B 转变的时机 C转变的保护

D供应商认证的状态 Answer: D

参见学习指南182 内部考虑 外部考虑 相应风险 社区影响

148 If TNF Tech created and owns the rights to the design of the ECUs, Miles should A discuss the ECU design with his engineering department B determine how Saitou sets pricing

C have other suppliers bid on producing the ECU

D have other suppliers create a new ECU specification 如果TNF公司发明并拥有ECU的设计的专利,Miles应该

A和工程部讨论ECU的设计 B决定Saitou是如何定价

C有其他供应商竞标生产ECU D有其他供应商创造一个新的ECU规格 Answer: C

149 If Saitou created and owns the rights to the design of the ECUs, Miles may be able to have A a US –based component supplier company bid on the ECUs B the US affiliate of Saitou bid on the ECUs

C another Japan-based company within the keiretsu alliance bid on the ECUs D another Japan –based component supplier company bid on the ECUs 如果Saitou发明和拥有设计ECU的权利,Miles也许能够有 A一个美国供应商公司投标ECU B Saitou的美国分公司投标ECU

C大财团联盟里的另一个日本公司投标ECU D另一个日本供应商公司投标ECU Answer: B

150 A supply manager is evaluating proposals for a critical commodity. Although there is nothing substantively wrong with the low bidder?s proposal, and it is likely to result in significant cost savings, the supply manager is concerned about the low bidder?s financial stability. Which of the following is the BEST course of action in this situation?

A Award the contract to the next lowest bidder to assure supply B Split the award between the low bidder and the next lowest bidder

C Award the contract to the low bidder and ensure that the contract has appropriate protection from default

D Award the contract to the low bidder and develop a reasonable contract termination plan

供应经理正在进行一关键性的商品建议书的评估。尽管低价标价供应商的建议书没有实质上错误,但可能导致大笔的节省费用,供应经理担心投标者的财务稳定性。在这种情况下,下列哪个是最好的方案? A把合同授予下一个最低标价商来保证供应 B在低价标价商和最低标价商之间分割

C把合同授予低价标价商并确保合同中有适当的违约保护。 D把合同授予低价标价商并开发一个合理的合同终止计划 Answer: D

