
更新时间:2024-07-01 20:33:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Part one .Interview

Can you tell me a little about your work or studies and

-----what you find most interesting things about your job or course

-----future career plan -----why you learn English -----ideal employer -----why you choose career -----where is the place

Can you tell me

-----what influence you think TV advertisement has on consumers in China

-----how important you think the import and export are to China -----what you think the advantage are for people in China of spending time on abroad

-----whether you think the use of mobile phones for business is always positive in China

-----how important you think language training will be in China in the future.

Part two Mini-presentation Group 1

A: Customer care:

The factors involved in maintaining customer loyalty to a company B: Recruitment:

How to assess the performance of a job applicant in their first interview C: Finance:

The importance of providing consumers with detailed financial information Group 2

A: Manufacturing:

The importance of ensuring that production workers take regular breaks B: Public relations:

How to evaluate the benefits to company of sponsoring social events

C: Staff training:

The factors involved in introducing an effective mentoring system to support new recruits

Group 3

A: Customer payment:

The importance to a company of ensuring that customers pay on time

B: Human resource:

How to introduce new staff effecting to a company’s office practices C: Purchasing:

The factors involved in deciding whether a company should purchase services or supplier from aboard. Group 4

A: Staff training:

How to select suitable language training courses for staff B: Business planning:

The importance in businesses of an awareness of environmental issues

C: Information technology

The factors involved in successfully delivering services via the internet

Group 5

A: Product packaging:

The importance of packaging retail goods attractively B: Product management:

The importance to a company of monitoring the sale of its products

C: Transport management:

The factors involved in ensuring that goods reach destination on time Group 6

A: Time management:

The importance of keeping a diary in order to manage time effectively B: Business travel:

How to prepare for different customers when planning a business trip abroad C: Cash flow:

The importance of tackling potential cash flow problems in a business

Group 7 A: Interview:

The factors involved in performing well in a job interview B: Project management:

How to ensure that staff in different departments work together well on new projects C: Business planning:

The importance of considering economic factors when producing a business strategy Group 8 A: Exhibitions

How to ensure that a company’s presence at an exhibition is positive B: R&D:

The importance to a business to a business in investing R&D C: Recruitment:

The importance of setting realistic time schedules in recruitment processes

Part Three: Discussion

Task 1: Performance-related Pay Scheme

Your company is investigating the possibility of adjusting salaries accounting to how well employees perform in their jobs. You have been asked to give your opinions about this proposal.

Discuss and decide together:

-----what the advantages of the scheme would be for the coup -----whether all employees should be included in this scheme

Task 2: Recruitment Fair

The company you work for has been invited to take part in a recruitment fair for students who are interested in business career. You have been asked to offer your suggestions about your company’s participation in the fair.

Discuss and decide together:

-----what information about business careers would be interesting to students

-----what the benefits could be for the company of taking part in the fair

Task 3: Job descriptions

The manufacturing company you work for wants to provide all employees with accurate job descriptions. You have been asked for your opinion on reviewing job description

Discuss and decide together:

-----what the benefits to the company would be of having up-to-date job description

-----how staff might react to a review of their job description

Task 4: Tele-sales Staff

The company you work for, which has a large Tele-sales Dept, has recently received some complaints about the Tele-sales staff. You have been asked to suggest procedures for dealing with this situation.

Discuss and decide together:

-----what immediate actions should be taken about the complaints

-----how the performance of Tele-sales staff could be monitored in the future

Task 5: TV Business Documentaries

The TV production company you work for is considering making a series of documentaries about a range of businesses. You have been asked to make recommendations about the programs.

Discuss and decide together:

-----what the best way is select suitable businesses to take part -----how to ensure that the programs are interesting for the viewers

Task 6: Stress Management

The managing director you work for is concerned about rising levels of stress among staff. You have been asked to suggest ways of dealing with the situation.

Discuss and decide together:

-----what the causes of stress among staff might be -----what steps should be taken to reduce stress levels

Task 7: A Large Unexpected Order

The small manufacturing company you work for has approached by a new customer to discuss a very large order. You have been

asked for suggestions on how to deal with the situation

Discuss and decide together:

-----what information your company should obtain about the new customer

-----how to ensure that the company could meet the order

Task 8: Development in the Tourist Market

You work for a major holiday tour operator that plans to target potential customers over the age of fifty. You have been asked to make suggestion about this proposal.

Discuss and decide together:

-----how to find out the particular requirements that these potential customers might be

-----what kind of promotional activities would be situable to target these potential customers


1. ask for opinions from sb. 2. Express your own ideas 3. Agree & disagree with sb.

4. Supplementing your own ideas 1:

I was wondering where you stood on …? I’d like to know what your ideas on …?

I wonder if you could tell me …? How you find … ? Would you mind telling me …? If I asked you … ? I’d be grateful if you could tell me…? 2.

From my point of view, I must say … ( limited knowledge ; personal experiences; own comprehension)

Based on what I know, I’d put it this way./like this. To the best of my experiences, I’d better say … So far as I’m able to judge, I’d say … Passed experiences tell us (that) … 3(agree)

I quite agree with what you said That is exactly what I was going to say. You took the words right out of my month. What you said was quite to the point. There you go.

I just cannot agree more. 3(disagree)

Sorry, I just cannot go with you there. Maybe you were right, but who knows? I wish you were right there. I hope I could go with U there.

There’s sth. In what you said. But the fact is …/Facts speak louder than words. 4

Besides what I said, there are sth. more. For example,… To go a step further

Besides/moreover/furthermore/what’s more Pardon:

I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch what you said. Can you say it again?

I wonder if U could say it again.

Would U mind saying it again? I didn’t quite get your meant. I beg your pardon?

Sorry, I just cannot go with you there. Maybe you were right, but who knows? I wish you were right there. I hope I could go with U there.

There’s sth. In what you said. But the fact is …/Facts speak louder than words. 4

Besides what I said, there are sth. more. For example,… To go a step further

Besides/moreover/furthermore/what’s more Pardon:

I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch what you said. Can you say it again?

I wonder if U could say it again.

Would U mind saying it again? I didn’t quite get your meant. I beg your pardon?

