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Unit 1 Seasons and Weather

一、Vocabulary :

sunny cloudy

①有“y”结尾的天气形容词。 晴朗的 多云的

1.Weather: rainy下雨的 windy有风的 Cold 反义词 hot ②没有“y”结尾的天气形容词。 冷的 热的

Warm反义词 cool 暖和的 凉爽的

① 季节单词: spring summer fall (=autumn) winter 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 2. Seasons:

小学 ②季节短语:in spring in summer in fall in winter 英语 在春天 在夏天 在 秋天 在冬天 期

末【注意】记住书本上第10页Practice 1 和Activity 天气图标。 复习二、Sentences:

宝1. 对天气提问的句型:

典------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ①提问:What’s the weather like in +季节...?

①有“y”结尾的天气形容词。 ②回答:It’s /It is +天气(形容词)


There’s /There is +天气(名词)→去掉有“y”结尾的天气形容词。


1.Rain comes from clouds . There are many kinds of clouds 雨来自于云 有很多种类的云。

【解析】1. come from “来自于”相当于be(is/am/are) from 2.cloud 复数 clouds

3.There are +名词(复数)表示“有”. 如:There are books on the desk . 4.kinds of+名词 表示“多种类的”. 如:There are kinds of clouds . 2.There is water in a cloud 云里有水。

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------小学英语期末复习宝典------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------【解析】1. There is +可数名词(单数)+ 其它 如:There is a book on the desk 2.There is +不可数名词(单数)+ 其它

如:There is water in the bottle 3.There is a lot of water 有很多的水。

【解析】a lot of =much 许多。它后接不可数名词。如:There is a lot of rice in the bag

4.There is too much water in a cloud .在云里有太多的水。 【解析】too much +不可数名词(单数)

如:There is too much water in the bottle

5.The water falls down 水掉下来了 【解析】“fall down”掉下 落下

如:The leaves on the trees fall down in fall 秋天树上的叶子掉下了。

Unit 2 Months

一、Vocabulary :

January Frebuary 一月 二月 1.Months : March April 三月 四月 May June 五月 六月

2. preposition:before 在…之前 反义词 after 在…之后



① 提问:When’s + 节日...?

② 回答:It’s/It is in +月份 and月份 【注意】in +月份 它表示在“在…月”

2.用介词来介绍月份的顺序,它们是:before 在…之前 反义词 after 在…之后 ① 提问:Is +月份 after/before+月份 ? Yes,it is

② 回答:

No ,it isn’t 或No, 月份 + after/before +月份


1.The Chinese New Year is in January or February 中国新年是在一月或二月。 【解析】1.in +月份 如:in March 在三月

2.The Chinese New Year 中国新年

【注意】The Chinese New Year在Chinese New Year这三个词中各自单词首字母要大写。

----------------------------------------------------------------2. The Children Day is in June儿童节是在六月

【解析】 The Children Day is on June 1st儿童节是在六月 in +月份

on +月份 +日 in +年

on +月份+日,年

3.Remember the following Months that have 31 days 记住下面有31天的月份单词。 a)January b)March c)May d)July 一月 三月 五月 七月 e)August f)October g)Deceber 八月 十月 十二月

Unit 3 Dates

一、Vocabulary :

July August September October November December 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 1.月份:

January Frebuary March April May June 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 a)1.2.3.序数词要死记。如:1st 2nd 3rd 2.日:


b)4...31等序数词都在后加“th” 如:4th,5th, ...31th


(1)对“日期”提问要用“What’s the date ...?或What date is ...?” 提问:What’s the date ...?或What date is ...? 回答:It’s/It is +月份+日

( 2 )对“生日”提问要用“When’s + ...+ birthday?”

提问:When’s+ ...+ birthday? 回答:It’s/It is +月份+日


1.people in Australia often have parties on the night of Deceber 31th 在澳大利亚的人们经常在12月份31日的晚上举行聚会。 【解析】1.in +大地点:如:in China 在中国

2.on the night of ...在...晚上 (但这里“on”不能用in或at替换。 3.Deceber 31th 12月31日


2.Just before 12:00 midnight ,They shout “”,Happy New Year . 正好在半夜12点钟。他们呐喊着数字“”,新年快乐。 【解析】1. before 12:00在12点钟。

2. midnight “mid+night”简称为“半夜”。

3.The New Year’s Day in Thailand is in April 在泰国的新年在四月份。 【解析】

大地点: 如:in Shanghai 在上海 In + 月: 如:in January 在一月份 3. The New Year’s Day has another name ...the water Festival . 在泰国的新年有另外一个名字,它是泼水节。


1. another “另外一个”+名词单数 如:another day 另一天

2. the water Festival “泼水节” 如:on the water Festival“在泼水节”

5.Rember the following date of New Year’s Day in the different countries . ① The New Year’s Day in Thailand is in April .在泰国的新年在四月。

②The New Year’s Day in Autralia is on January 1st 在澳大利亚新年在一月一日。

③The people in Australia eat great Chinese food ,listen to music and see the colorful lanterns .在澳大利亚的人们常吃中国的食物,听音乐和看五颜六色的灯笼。 Review 1


1. The Lufan is in Xinjiang .It is very dry .It’s near the Gobi Desert. 吐鲁番在新疆。 天气很干燥 它靠近戈壁沙漠。

2.Huangshan is a famous moutain in Anhui .It is very cloudy .It’s beautiful,too. 黄山是安徽一个著名的山 那里天气多云 山也是漂亮的。

3.It’s often wet in Guangdong .There are typhoons When there’s a typhoon.there’s thunder ,lightning ,wind and rain.It’s safe to be inside . 在广东天气常是潮湿的。 这儿常有台风。当台风来时,有打雷,闪电,风和雨。待在房子里面是安全的。



1. What’s the weather like in summer ?

-------------------------------------------------------------- A. B. C.

2. There is cloud today

A. B. C.

3.Today is sunny .

A. B. C.

4. The Chinese New Year is in January or February

A. B. C.

5. The New Year’s Day in Thailand is in April

A. B. C.


red cloud January Nurses’Day go swimming June sunny orange May Day go ice–skating cold yellow March fly kites Chinese New Year 1.It’s rainy today .

A. B. C.

2.The leaves are green .

A. B. C.

3.When’s the Children’s Day ?

A. B. C.

4.Her birthday is in April .

A. B. C.

5.Let’s go to the beach.

A. B. C.


( )1. There is water in a cloud .

A.many B.much C. no ( )2. There is in a cloud

A.stone B.paper C. water

( )3. There is water in a cloud .

A.too many B.too much C. much too

( )5. What’s the weather like summer ?

A.in B.on C. at


