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自考英语二包过班 yingyu.edu0808.cn

1. You may use my bike( )you give it back to me tomorrow morning A:unless B:provided C:though D:because

选A unless

2.He could not ( )his tears on hearing that he was not admitted to tluniversity A:hold up B:hold back C:get over D:get through

选B,hold back 意思是“当他听到自己没有被大学录用的消息时他无法抑制自己的泪水”

3.Good parents have the abiity to communicate messages of love,trust,an self-worth ()their children

A:on B:for C:with D:to

选C communicate with 趋向于双方的互动

4.The teacher required that all errors should be ()before the studenturn in their term paper

A;deported B;eliminated C:deprived D:implemented 选 B eliminated

5.A person is lucky if his career ()with his interest and hobby A:concerns B:competes C;coincides D:compares



6.Our sleep influences our mood ,Our mood,()affects on performance A;in return B:in vain Cin short D:in turn

选 D in turn

7.It was ()of you not to disturb us while we were sleeping

A:considerate B:considering C:considerable D:considered

答案:A。considerate 意思是“考虑周到的,体贴的”。句子意思是:在我们睡觉的时候你不打扰我们你很体贴。

8.I,d appreciate it very much if you could make some ()on my recent article at the conference

A:requestsB:references C:remarks D:restrictions

选C,make some remarks 发表一些评论

自考英语二包过班 yingyu.edu0808.cn

9 He is ()absorbed in his own thoughts that he seems unaware of what,s going on in the room

A;so B:such C:very D:much

选so so ..... that....如此。。。以至于。。。


10 No sooner ()home than Michael arrived with jane in his car A;did i reach B;I had reached C:had i reached D i reached

选C。had I reached

No sooner??句式用过去完成式的倒装结构!

完型填空 11 to 12 .at 13 years 14 costs 15 original 16 written 17 that 18 .requires 19 whose 20 effort 阅读 ONE

21 he sold..wine to his guests without a license

22 made his restaurant well-known around the world(使他的餐厅以及周围的世界知名)

23 it turned out that Mr and mrs smith were police officers(原来史密斯夫妇是警察) 24 no money

25 the records from the farmhouse TWO 讲暴力

26 six out of one hundred couples experience severe domestic violence(六百个夫妇中遇到严重的家庭暴力)

27 domestic violence exists regardless of age race and social status(家庭暴力的存在,不论年龄种族和社会地位)

28 violence may be a reflection of one's past experience(暴力可能是一个人的过去经验反思)

29 making something illegal(使事情变得非法)

30 violence is not accepted as a solution to problems(暴力是不能视为一个解决问题的方法)

自考英语二包过班 yingyu.edu0808.cn

第三篇,讲未来手机 文章开头第一句话:

American scientists are developing an “intelligent” mobile phone capable of blocking calls depending on the owner mood?

31. According to the passage, the “Sensay” phone is capable of 选C. detecting the owner’s mood(检测业主的情绪) 32.Second paragraph mainly tells us

选B how the new phone is going to function (手机的新功能) 33.According to professor Smailagic ,the light detector will show

选A.where the mobile phone is.(据教授Smailagic,光检测器将显示在移动电话) 34. The word “it” in line 5 of paragraph 4 refers to 选A.the phone

35.The best title for this passage is 选D.Sensay:The Future Mobile phone


36 容易地 乐意地readily 37 前景 prospect 38 永恒的 不断的 constant 39 有益的beneficial 40进口 import 41 预报 forecast

42 元素 element 43 缩短,减少Shortened 44诚实 honesty 45.有规律的 Regular 46改变 使不同 vary 47 坦率的Frank 48 减轻 relief 49 和谐harmony 50 倒塌 崩溃collapse 51 有效率的Efficient 52 真诚的 sincere 53 建设Construction 54.市长 mayor 55 好奇心的Curiosity


56 it will be interesting to see what's going to happen at the next election (elect)大选 57 for those involved the scandal has been a very painful (pain)experience(对有关人员的丑闻一直是一个非常痛苦的经历)

58 safety(safe) needs to be improved on the railways in that country (在该国需要改进的地方铁路)

59 the present crisis bears some similarities (similar )to the oil crisis of the 1970s (目前的危机负有一些相似之处,上世纪70年代石油危机)

60 his mother becomes disappointed whenever he fails to live up to her expectation (expect)( 他的母亲变成失望时,他没有辜负她的期望 61 being a highly (high)motivated language learner he takes every opportunity to improve his english (作为一个高度积极性的语言学习者,他利用一切机会来提高自己的英语)

62 our most successful (success)product is based on a very simple idea(我们最成功的产品是基于一个非常简单的想法)

自考英语二包过班 yingyu.edu0808.cn

63 local people are questioning the wisdom (wise)of spending so much money on the new road (当地居民也质疑钱花在新的道路这么多钱)

64 do not worry this is the desired (desire)weight range for your health不要担心,这是对您的健康所需的重量范围

65 this scientist was awarded with several titles for his accomplishment (accomplish)in biology 这位科学家荣获冠军,他与几个在生物学的成就

Ⅵ.将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。 66 尽管有困难,他们始终还是把工作完成了。 They finally finished the job in spite of the difficulty. 67 这次会议在促进两国友谊方面起了重要作用。

This conference plays an important role in pormoting the relationship between the two countries.

68 他长久以来梦想着成为一名足球运动员。 He has been dreaming of being a football player.

69 在过去的20年中,用于科学实验的动物数量大大减少了。

In the past 20 yeas ,the number of animals for experiment greatly reduced. 70 这次英语考试比我们预想的要容易得多。

The english test was much easier than we had expected. Ⅶ.将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题卡上。

shy people are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. they are very sensitive to criticism, they also find it difficult to be pleased by prasises, because they believe they are unworthy of them .A shy person may respond to a praise with a statement like this :\is clear that while self-awareness is a good quality overdoing it is harmful Can shyness be completely gotten rid of or at least

reduced fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-confidence


