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Chapter 9 计算机安全

9.1.1 Warm-up:

Label the following pictures with the terms in the box:

A. 8

B. 1

C. 3

D. 9

E. 5

F. 7

G. 4

9.1.2 Translation of the text:


H. 6

I. 2



Ⅰ. 硬件安全分为物理安全和发射安全。前者涉及到保护计算机硬件及相关设备(如计算机、服务器、网络设备、外围设备等)免受外来物理威胁(如篡改、偷窃、地震和水等)。后者应对系统电子设备发出的杂散信号,如来自于显示器的电磁辐射和音频发射(如来于打印机的声音等)。


Ⅲ. 管理安全包含人事管理安全和操作管理安全。人事管理安全指采取步骤,确保单位内所有人员遵守安全制度。操作管理安全规定如何贯彻落实其它所有安全措施及系统应当如何运行。

为了更好了解计算机安全,最好了解一下当前计算机所面对的两种主要攻击。 一种是外部攻击。只要计算机上网,它就易受这类攻击。运行恶意代码的远程计算机找到你的计算机后,监控它,试图找到薄弱处。一旦成功,远程计算机以你的电脑为基地,向别人发起进攻,或获取机密信息,对你电脑造成损失。



9.1.3 Key to Exercises :

I. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. ( T ) 1. Computer security is closely related to the development of technology.

( F ) 2. Computer security mainly deals with credit card numbers, social security numbers, and

other personal information.

( F ) 3. Information security and administration security are involved with personnel

management in an organization.

( T ) 4. External attack and internal attack are a bit similar in terms of malicious codes.

( T ) 5. That computer security is a process means that we must always keep guard against any

danger to our computer.

II. Match the words or expressions in the left column with the Chinese equivalents in the

right column.

1. remote users

2. intrusion detection 3. corruption

4. anti-virus software 5. port number 6. unauthorized use 7. countermeasures 8. updated version 9. e-mail attachments 10. backdoor

A. 损毁

B. 电子邮件附件 C. 应对措施 D. 远程用户 E. 越权使用 F. 入侵检测 G. 端口号 H. 升级版 I. 后门

J. 杀毒软件

1. D 2. F 3. A 4. J 5. G 6. E 7.C 8.H 9. B 10.I

III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words in the box, making changes if necessary:

annoying scanner

Spyware can be installed on your computer in many different ways. Oftentimes you may __(1) the web when a popup window (弹出窗口), which looks convincingly like a Windows system message, says that your computer is ____(2), and to click here to protect it. This is a popup ad to ______ (3) software that you most assuredly don’t want. Spyware can also be installed along with other programs that are ______ (4). For example, WeatherBug seems very good because it can ______ (5) live weather data after it is downloaded and installed. However, it installs all kinds of ______ (6) software along with itself. Other ___ (7) include the MSN Search toolbar.

All kinds of spyware are ______ (8), as well as potentially dangerous. Identity ____ (9)is becoming more and more common lately, and we definitely need to protect ourselves. Thankfully, there are many spyware ______ (10) on the market today, and a good number of them are free.

1. be browsing 2. unprotected 3. install 4. downloaded 5. display 6. problematic 7. examples 8. annoying 9. theft 10. scanners

IV. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese.

1. Whenever a computer is connected to the Internet, it is “open to attack” from intruders or



2. Whilst software manufacturers regularly release updates or “patches” to their software, it is

usually up to the individual to apply this software update.

example Theft

unprotected download

browse problematic

install display


3. Computer security means protecting yourself and your organization from involvement in

costly and possibly illegal activity on the Internet.

计算机安全意味着保护你和你的单位不卷入互联网上费神费钱,可能是非法的活动。 4. Over the last 25 years or so, a number of networks and network protocols have been defined

and used.


5. The risk a computer is facing is never zero, but if you ignore it, neither will it be small.


9.2.1 Translation of the text:




扩散是病毒的感染阶段。如果病毒所作所为只是自我复制,那它就不会被人们如此厌恶。大多数病毒具有攻击性,造成破坏。某种形式的触发能激活病毒进行攻击。病毒然后显山露水 —






能窃取钱财的病毒就属于第二代网络计算机病毒。它被设计出来,安置在某些网络机器里。当你的计算机连接上这些机器,病毒就会侵入硬盘,搜索Intuit Quicken理财软件是否安装。该理财软件的功能之一是自动转帐。一旦被感染,你的钱就会神不知鬼不觉地被转移到病毒软件开设的另外一个账户上去。

9.2.2 Key to Exercises :

I. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.

( T ) 1. Computer viruses are called viruses because they have something in common with

biological viruses.

( F ) 2. Computer viruses often infect other programs because the latter readily trusts the former. ( F ) 3. The main reason why computer users bitterly hate computer viruses lies in that viruses

replicate themselves in the computer.

(T ) 4. Infecting the boot sector is an important form of attack made by computer viruses.

(T ) 5. The second network computer viruses are more powerful than its predecessors in terms

of damage.

II. Match the words or expressions in the left column with the Chinese equivalent in the right column.

1. trust technique A. 入侵型病毒 2. intrusive viruses B. 安全编码 3. access authorization C. 溢出 4. virus detection D. 代码注入 5. secure coding E. 信任技术 6. program subversion F. 主文件 7. code injection G. 外壳型病毒 8. shell viruses H. 程序崩溃 9. host file I. 访问授权 10. overflow J. 查毒

1. E 2. A 3. I 4. J 5. B 6. H 7. D 8. G 9. F 10.C III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words or expressions in the box, making

changes if necessary:

design throughout

Once attached to the host program, the viruses then look for other programs to infect. In this way, the virus can spread quickly ______ (1) a hard disk or an entire organization when it ______ (2) a LAN or a multi-user system. The virus attacks are ______ (3) by how the virus was programmed. The timing of the attack can be linked to a number of ____ (4), including a certain time or date, the presence of a particular file, the security privilege ______ (5) of the user, and the number of times a file is used. ______ (6), the mode of attack varies. So-called benign viruses might ______ (7) display a message, like the one that infected IBM’s main computer system last Christmas with a season’s greeting. Malignant (恶性的) viruses ______ (8) to damage the system. The attack is to ______ (9) data, to delete files, or to ______ (10) the hard disk.

Format Likewise

level infect

wipe out situation

simply determine

1. throughout 2. infects 6. Likewise 7. simply 3. determined 8. are designed 4. situations 9. wipe out 5. level 10. format

IV. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese.:

1. On one hand, viruses show us how vulnerable we are; On the other hand, they show us how

sophisticated and interconnected human beings have become.


2. Microsoft applications have a feature called Macro Virus Protection built into them to prevent

this sort of virus.

微软应用软件内置名为“宏病毒防护”的功能,以防止这种病毒侵害。 3. Using a network, a worm can expand from a single copy incredibly quickly.

通过网络,一个蠕虫病毒能以不可思议的速度快速繁殖。 4. You never hear about viruses on these operating systems because the security features keep

viruses away from your hard disk.

你从未听说过病毒出现这些操作系统上,因为它们的安全功能使病毒远离您的硬盘。 5. You should never double-click on an e-mail attachment that contains an executable.


9.3.1 Translation of the text:








Ⅲ. 安装防火墙










在工作环境内,你可采取以下行动,防止他人进入你的计算机系统: 1.锁好办公室,掌控对多维数据集的访问。

2.在电脑无人照看时,对屏幕保护加锁,锁住屏幕和键盘。 3.无论何时离开办公桌,哪怕一会儿,也要锁定电脑。 4.显示器远离公共视线。 Ⅷ.小心打开电子邮件和网页


9.3.2 Key to Exercises :

I. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.

( F ) 1. An unbreakable password of a computer means that security of the computer is not

likely to be broken into.

( T ) 2. Keeping antivirus software updated is a good way to cope with viruses that have been

developing and changing.

( F ) 3. If your computer is installed with the latest firewall and antivirus software, it is not

necessary to disconnect the computer from the Internet.

( F ) 4. Physical security of a computer means that do not let anybody except you touch your


( T ) 5. If the components are thought to come from an unknown source in web pages, do not

download them.

II. Match the words or expressions in the left column with the Chinese equivalents in the

right column.

1. phishing A. 加密通道 2. adware B. 磁盘镜像 3. subnet mask C. 系统崩溃 4. network monitor software D. 入侵者 5. local security E. 广告软件 6. backup browser F. 子网掩码 7. system crash G. 后备浏览器 8. encrypted tunnel H. 网络监控软件 9. disk mirroring I. 网络钓鱼 10. intruder J. 局部安全性

1. I 2. E 3. F 4. H 5. J 6. G 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D

III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words or expressions in the box, making

changes if necessary:

response depend on

There are ways hackers attack others’ computers. Port scanning is one of the most popular reconnaissance(侦察) techniques hackers use to discover services they can ______ (1). All machines connected to a LAN or connected to the Internet via a ______ (2) run many services that listen to well-known and not so well-known ______ (3). By port scanning the attacker finds which ports are ______ (4) (i.e., being listened to by a service). ___(5), a port scan consists of ______ (6) a message to each port, one at a time. The kind of ______ (7) received indicates whether the port is used and can therefore _____ (8) further for weakness. The various ______ (9) in scanning are summarized below. A full understanding of these _____ (10) understanding IP filtering and other firewall techniques.

1. break into 2. modem 3. ports 4. available 5. essentially 6. sending 7. response 8. be probed 9. techniques 10. depends on

IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese

1. If your computer is operating slowly and seems to be crashing, report it at once to your IT



2. All the operating systems now honor the tradition of permitting that only the super users open

the ports numbered 0 to 1023.


3. The spyware sends your personal information to a third party without your permission or


间谍软件在未经你许可或知道的情况下,将你的个人信息发往第三方。 4. The information stolen from your computer may include information about web sites you visit

or something more sensitive like your user name and password.

你电脑的失窃资料可能包括你访问网站的信息或如你的用户名、密码等更为敏感的信息。 5. The firewall is usually the first line of defense for preventing intrusion and defending against

viruses, worms, Trojan horses.


9.4.1 Translation of the text:



Probe Port

technique available

break into essentially

modem send




更令俄罗斯人满足的征服是贝宝带来的,即使这次征服不是利润更丰厚的。伊万诺夫宣称是他一手策划了贝宝欺诈案。他们首先把脚本置入电子湾网站,收集贝宝客户的电邮地址。然后,伊万诺夫创建一个镜像网站,完全是贝宝网站的翻版。他使用“PayPaI”的域名(注意:该域名用的是大写“I” ,而不是小写“L”)。接着,伊万诺夫和他的同伙给贝宝客户发电邮,许诺只要往这冒牌贝宝网站上输入密码,就会得到50美元的礼品。然后,这些骗子只需悠闲坐下,便迎来了密码大丰收。





两位长期战无不胜的黑客就这样被来自警界的“黑客”给“黑”掉了。 究竟谁是“黑客界”的绝顶高手?

9.4.2 Key to Exercises :

I. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. ( F ) 1. Ivanov had been very familiar with the “carding” before he joined a hacker group.

( T ) 2. Nothing is more rewarding for Ivanov than beating a security system that was made by

the smartest computer talents in a country.

( T ) 3. The replica of PayPal and cracking the security of an online casino brought Ivanov not

only untold challenges but also great riches.

( T ) 4. The invitation made by Invita Security to Ivanov was a trap of FBI.

( F ) 5. The reason why Ivanov and Gorshkov were arrested was they were betrayed by their


II. Match the words or expressions in the left column with the Chinese equivalents in the

right column.

1. administrator account A. 网购 2. access control list B. 强口令 3. default share C. 独立服务器 4. data-driven attack D. 访问控制列表 5. logon E. 管理员帐号 6. mirror site F. 缺省共享 7. strong password G. 数据驱动攻击 8. hub H. 登录 9. net purchase I. 镜像站点 10. standalone server J. 集线器

1. E 2. D 3. F 4. G 5. H 6. I 7. B 8. J 9.A 10. C

III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words or expressions in the box, making changes if necessary:

hack however

DOS here means Denial Of Service (拒绝服务).Its attack consists of ______ (1) the server so that it is unable to fulfill requests. This can lead to other users being unable to ___(2) it or even to crashing the machine.

Then there is DDOS attack, which is even ______ (3) if it is done correctly. DDOS stands for Distributed Denial Of Service (分布式拒绝服务). In this type of attack, many machines, which often are ______ (4) or virus infected computers without owners actually knowing it, are used to send the overloading _____ (5). This can obviously ______ (6) something much more damaging than a simple DOS attack.

You can defend against a DOS attack by not ______ (7) too many requests in short time from one computer. _____ (8), defending against a DDOS attack is very difficult if not impossible. You can simply _____ (9) requests that the server is unable to answer, but

allow overload

handle request

drop dangerous

lead to access

this harms innocent users who are trying to access your server. Or, of course, you can get some kind of super-server that will ______ (10) almost any amount of requests, but that takes a lot of money.

1. overloading 2. access 3. more dangerous 4. hacked 5. requests 6. lead to 7. allowing 8. However 9. drop 10. handle

IV. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese.

1. Macro viruses are embedded in data files, such as files produced by Microsoft Office.


2. Sometimes, users’ overconfidence plays an important role in allowing networks to be intruded



3. As more and more people become “wired”, an increasing number of people need to

understand the basics of security in a networked world. 随着越来越多的人“触网”,越来越多的人需要了解网络安全常识。

4. 90% of security safeguards rely on the computer user to adhere to good computing practices.


5. Remember that information and passwords sent via standard, unencrypted wireless are

especially easy for hackers to intercept.


this harms innocent users who are trying to access your server. Or, of course, you can get some kind of super-server that will ______ (10) almost any amount of requests, but that takes a lot of money.

1. overloading 2. access 3. more dangerous 4. hacked 5. requests 6. lead to 7. allowing 8. However 9. drop 10. handle

IV. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese.

1. Macro viruses are embedded in data files, such as files produced by Microsoft Office.


2. Sometimes, users’ overconfidence plays an important role in allowing networks to be intruded



3. As more and more people become “wired”, an increasing number of people need to

understand the basics of security in a networked world. 随着越来越多的人“触网”,越来越多的人需要了解网络安全常识。

4. 90% of security safeguards rely on the computer user to adhere to good computing practices.


5. Remember that information and passwords sent via standard, unencrypted wireless are

especially easy for hackers to intercept.


