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A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第56—65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 ..

The main characteristic of a bird is feathers. No other animal has feathers. Other important features for birds are wings and hollow bones. Birds fly by flapping their wings and using air pressure(压力)to create lift under their wings. Just like airplanes do. The peregrine falcon is one of the fastest birds. It can reach speeds of over 100 miles per hour when diving. Feathers are important to birds because they keep

them warm, help them to fly, and provide camouflage(伪装). Hollow bones also help in flying because they help make the bird light enough to fly.

Although an important characteristic of frost birds is flying. not all birds fly. Some birds that don't fly are penguins, kiwis and ostriches. Penguins actually spend much time in the water where they are swimmers. Ostriches on the other hand are very fast runners. An ostrich can outrun a horse!

There are all sizes of birds. Hummingbirds are some of the smallest birds, while ostriches are some of the biggest. Different types of birds eat different things. Some birds feed on plants, some birds eat insects. and still others eat other, animals like fish, snakes, mice or rats. Birds are also known for their migrating(迁徙)patterns to large groups. Some birds will travel tong instances each season to stay in a climate that is good for their survival. Birds are sometimes kept as pets. The most popular birds for pets are tropical (热带的) birds like parrots. Birds also have a history of helping out humans in different tasks. They can carry messages (homing pigeons) and help hunt (falcons).

Read more about birds.

? An ostrich can run as fast as 43 miles per hour and grow as tall as 9 feet. ? Blue birds can't see the colour blue.

? The hummingbird can fly backwards, but it can't walk.

? The egg of a kiwi can weigh as much, as 20% of the mother's body weight. Birds ? What makes birds 56 from other animals is feathers, wings and Features of birds hollow bones. ? Birds flap their wings and 57 air pressure to fly. How birds fly ? Birds are light enough to fly 58 of hollow bones. ? Penguins. are good at 59 . Not all birds fly ? Ostriches are fast runners. ? Hummingbirds are very small while ostriches are very big. ? Different birds eat different things. Plants, insects and other animals can 60 of birds be on the 61 of birds' food. ? Some birds travel 62 to find a better place to stay. ? Some birds are kept as 63 and some are trained as helpers. Fun 64 ? An ostrich Stan run at a 65 of 43 miles per hour. about birds ? Blue birds can't see blue and hummingbirds can't walk.


五、阅读短文(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)

A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第 56~65 小题的空格里入一个最恰当的单 词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 56~65 的相应位置上。 注意:每个空格只填 1个单词。

A rain forest gets huge amounts of rain. That’s why it’s called a rain forest! More than 100 inches of rain fall there each year. In contrast, Los Angeles, California, gets only about 15 inches of rain per year.

Rain Forest Plants and Animals

A rain forest has hundreds of kinds of trees and flowers. Under your feet is a carpet of leaves. Moisture (水气) is dripping everywhere. Hardly any light reaches the ground because tall trees form a canopy (树冠), or upper layer, high above. It hides the sky and provides shade.

A rain forest is noisy! Bird squawk. Thousands of insects buzz and hum. Monkeys chatter in the trees. Beetles grow as big as your hand. Some frogs grow as big as a milk carton!

Why Are Rain Forest in Trouble?

Rain forests are very important to life on Earth. They recycle. Tree roots use dead plants as food. Rain turns into clouds that make more rain. Trees take in carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) and gives off the air we breathe.

Yet rain forests are in trouble. People cut down trees to get wood and land to farm. Most trees are not replaced. Many scientists think this may be a cause of global warming. Loggers also may leave rubbish behind. This is a kind of pollution.

The balance of life in a rain forest is complicated (复杂的). Plants and animals depend on one another. If one dies out, others do, too.

The Children’s Rain Forest

Children in a Swedish school were studying rain forests. They learned that rain forests were in trouble. The class stated a project to save a rain forest in Costa Rica. The class bought about 15 acres of land. They paid 525 per acre. The students hoped that the land they bought would be protected and not destroyed.

The students became so interested in rain forests that they decided to get a closer look at a real river. They saw alligators (短吻鳄) crocodiles. A guide took Myers and his students into the rain forest. “The monkeys were not happy that we were in their forest. They broke small branches on the trees and threw them at as.” One of the students said. “It was a great learning experience for all of us,” said Myers. This was the start of the children’s Rain Forest. This project works to save rain forest all over the world.

Tide: Rain Forest ● Because of a great deal of rain, the rain forest gets its 56 . Introduction ● Compared with the rain fall in Los Angeles, the rain fall in the rain forest gets over 57 times the amount of rain per year. ● With tall trees hiding the sky, the forest is very 58 and wet. Wildlife in rain forests ● Many animals like birds, insects and monkeys make a lot of noise. ● Beetles and frogs are much 59 than the ones we usually see.

Rain forests in 60 The Children’s Rain Forest 任务型阅读 56. name 61. importance

Rain forests are of great 61 to life on Earth by recycling. ● People cut down trees to get wood and land to farm. ● Scientists believe it may cause global warming. ● The rubbish which is left behind also 62 rain forests. ● Plants and animals have a close 63 . One dies out and others do, too. ● Children in a Swedish school started a project by 64 15 acres of land. ● The monkeys in the rain forest were 65 about their arrival. ● This project works to save rain forest around the world. 58. dark 63. relationship

59. bigger 64. buying

60. trouble 65. unhappy

57. 6 62. pollutes


A)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后56…65小题的空格 里填入一个最恰当的单词。

注意:毎个空格只填1个单词。并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56…65的横 线上。

China, the homeland of tea? is the birthplace of tea culture. The tradition of making and drinking tea has been thousands of years. The Chinese tea culture has been famous all over the world. China had tea as early as five to six thousand years ago, and Chinese people started to plant tea two thousand years ago.

Province, from Tibet to Taiwan. There are four major areas in China:

The Jiangnan area

It lies south of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The largest number of

green tea comes from here. Some black tea is also produced here.

The Jiangbei area

This refers to a large area north of the same river, where the temperature is usually

2°C-3°C lower than that in the Jiangnan area. Green tea is the major variety (nu^h there, but Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, which are also parts of this area, produce compressed tea.

The Southwest area

This area covers Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Tibet, producing black, green and

compressed teas. Pu?er tea of Yunnan Province enjoys a good sale in China and abroad.

The Lingnan area

This area includes the southern provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Taiwan. It

produces Wulong tea, which is well known both at home and abroad.

Now the number of tea drinkers in the world is large and is still going up. The habits of tea

drinking are different from country to country. In China, tea is often served when people get together. The Chinese drink it at any time of the day at home or in tea houses. They prefer their tea plain, with nothing else in it.

In England, the late afternoon is “tea time”. Almost everyone has a cup of tea with cream and sugar. They also eat cakes, cookies and sandwiches at tea time. In the USA, people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals.

56.long 57.with 58..produces 59.well 60.sells 61.famous 62.Habits 63.nothing 64.late 65.America


A) 阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后第 56-65 小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的 单词,并将答案填写在答题卡号为 56-65 的相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。

If you are like millions of people around the world, you may have new goals(目标) from time to time. Perhaps you want to save money, lose weight or learn a new skill. But then you get busy. Before you know it, weeks, then months have gone by, and you are no closer to your goal. When we do not work on our goals, we may end up feeling guilty or not successful.

So, how can we work on these larger life goals? Set specific goals

As you set your goals, be specific. If a goal is too general, it may be hard to achieve.

Let's say your goal is to get in better physical shape. That's a fine idea—but scientists might

say as a goal, it is too general. To make the goal more specific, you could say your goal is to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time.

Write your goals down

Experts say writing down your goal is a very important step. It gets the goal out of your brain and into the real world.

Some scientists suggest that writing a goal on paper is better than typing it on your computer or saying it into your phone. Your brain receives information differently when it comes from handwriting. Writing things down seems to say to the brain, “I am important! Remember me!”

Tell a friend

Telling someone your goal is also helpful.

If someone else knows about your goals, you are held accountable for any progress or lack of progress. Your friend might ask, “So, how many pages of your novel have you written?” If you keep saying “none,” you might feel bad.

Break down BIG goals into small ones

Not all goals are created equal. Some can be quite big. And for those bigger goals, experts suggest breaking them down into smaller ones.

So, let's say you want to work for yourself. You love cooking. So, you decide to start your own company that supplies food for special events. Now, that is a very big goal. But it is made up of many smaller goals. So, identify them, write them down and set time limits for yourself.

These suggestions all help to realize your goals. Your way to your goal makes up the weeks, days and hours of your lives. So make sure to have fun along the way! Ways to (56) your goals You may have new goals from time to time. Sometimes you are too (57) work on it. Then you may feel (58) or unsuccessful. Set specific goals ◆If a goal is too general, you may (59) ◆Make your goal more specific. to achieve it. to Write your goals ◆It gets the goal out of your brain and into the real world. down ◆Write a goal on paper (60) of typing it on your computer or saying it into your phone. Tell a friend ◆It may be of much (61) to tell someone your goal. ◆If you keep saying “none,” you might not feel (62) . (63) big ◆Not all goals are created equal. goals into small ◆You make up your (64) to start your own food company. ones ◆It consists of many smaller goals. All the(65) above helps make your goals come true. A)根据所读内容,在文章后空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。每空一词。 56. achieve/ realize 57. busy 58. guilty 59. fail 60. instead 61. help 62. good 63. Divide/ Separate 64. mind 65. advice


