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Lesson 1-2


1. 指示代词: this that

2. Be动词: am is are

3. 文具类:pen pencil book school teacher

4. 服饰类:watch dress skirt shirt T-shirt handbag coat cloakroom suit 5. 其他:excuse pardon thank you thanks house car 二、语法:

1、指示代词this that 的用法 指示代词this that表示“这个”、“那个”。是指单个的人或物。this 表示时间和空间上较接近说话人的人或物。That表示时间和空间上离说话人较远的人或物。 使用this that时注意以下两点:

1. 1 this that只和单数连用,如This is a dog. That is a pencil.

1.2以this that作主语的疑问句,其答语通常用it指代。如: Is that a cap? Yes, it is. 1.3 初次见面介绍某人时常用this. Mum, this is my friend, Mary. 1.4打电话时,用this表示“我”,用 that表示“你”。如: Hello, this is Mary, Who’s that? 你好!我是玛丽,你是谁? 2、be动词的用法

Be动词通常在句中做谓语,基本形式有is/am/are (以下是对应人称代词的固定搭配)

I am=I’m You are = You’re He is = He’s She is = She’s It is = It’s We are = We’re They are = They’re 3、陈述句、一般疑问句

陈述句:This is your handbag. 陈述句变一般疑问句:Is this your handbag? 陈述句变一般疑问句方法四步:

3.1 找出陈述句中的助动词,如is am are 3.2 助动词大写提前至句首。 3.3 主语小写紧随其后。 3.4 句末加问号。 三、作业



Lesson 1-2 小测试 Read and choose.

My name ____ Lisa. I _____ from china.

A. is / am B. are / is C. is / are _____this a car?

A. am B. is C. are Is this your bag?

A. No, it is. B. Yes, it isn’t. C. Yes, it is. Read and change.

1. This is my house. (变一般疑问句) 2. Is this her dress? (否定回答) 3. Is this his car? (肯定回答) Read and Translate

1. 劳驾。这是您的手表吗? 2. 非常感谢。

Lesson 1-2 小测试 Read and choose.

My name ____ Lisa. I _____ from china.

A. is / am B. are / is C. is / are _____this a car?

A. am B. is C. are Is this your bag?

A. No, it is. B. Yes, it isn’t. C. Yes, it is. Read and change.

1.This is my house. (变一般疑问句) 2.Is this her dress? (否定回答) 3.Is this his car? (肯定回答) Read and Translate

1. 劳驾。这是您的手表吗? 2. 非常感谢。

Lesson 1-2 小测试 Read and choose.

My name ____ Lisa. I _____ from china.

A. is / am B. are / is C. is / are _____this a car?

A. am B. is C. are Is this your bag?

A. No, it is. B. Yes, it isn’t. C. Yes, it is. Read and change.

1.This is my house. (变一般疑问句) 2.Is this her dress? (否定回答) 3.Is this his car? (肯定回答) Read and Translate

1. 劳驾。这是您的手表吗? 2. 非常感谢。

Lesson 3-4 一、词汇

形容词性物主代词: my your his her its our your 名词: umbrella ticket number son daughter student 形容词:new good nice


morning afternoon evening 副词:here too 动词:please meet

英语中对男性及女性的称呼: Mr. Sir Miss Mrs. Ms. Madam 二、语法:


形容词性物主代词只能作定语修饰其后面的名词,表示所有关系。一般在句子中不能独立存在。 人称 词义 形容词性物主代词 一(单数) 二(单数) 我的 my 你的 your 第三人称(单数) 他的 his 她的 her 它的 its 一(复数) 二(复数) 三(复数) 我们的 our 你们的 your 他们的 their 如: This is her dress. That is his coat. 2、英语中各种称呼

Sir 先生 英美人学用sir来称呼所有自己不认识的男性,也用来称呼年长者或职位高于自己的人,在英语国家男老师统一为Sir 它用在姓名的前面或名字前面,但不能用在姓氏的前面,这一点和其他称呼不同。如:Bill Clinton (比尔.克林顿) 可以说Sir Bill Clinton 或Sir Bill Mr. 先生 是英语中对所有男性的普通称呼。一般放在姓名的前面或者只放在姓氏的前面,但绝不可以只放在名字前面。如可以说Mr. Bill Clinton或Mr. Clinton.

Miss 小姐 对所有未婚女性的常用称呼。用法与Mr.相同。 如Miss Helen Keller或Miss Keller Mrs. 夫人 对所有已婚女性的称呼。用法和上面相同。如Mrs. Helen Keller或Mrs. Keller

Ms. 小姐、夫人 对所有女性的称呼,看不出该女子的婚姻状况。使用方法同上。如Ms. Helen Keller或Ms. Keller Madam 女士、夫人 表示对女性的尊称。如Madam. Helen Keller或Madam. Keller 3、英语中常见的打招呼用语

3.1 Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening / Good night (早上好!下午好! 晚上好! 晚安!) 3.2 A:Nice to meet you. / Nice to see you. Glad to meet you.

B:Nice to meet you, too. Nice to see you, too. Glad to meet you, too.


3.3 How do you do? 用于正式场合。答: How do you do?

3.4问A: How are you? How are you doing? 答 B: Fine, thank you. / I’m very well. Thanks. / I’m OK. Thank you. 这是朋友见面时候用得最多的寒暄话。 三、作业


2.所学单词每词一行,要求熟练掌握。 3.背诵第三课课文。

Lesson 3-4 小测试 Read and Complete

A: ______________________________. B: Yes?

A: Is this your pencil? B:_________?

A: Is this your pencil?

B: Yes, Thank you very much. A: _________________. Read and choose

1. Is this a school? ______.

A. Yes, it isn’t. B. Yes, it’s. C. No, it isn’t. 2. How old are you? _________, it is a secret.(秘密) A. OK. B. Sorry C. No 3. _______is our daughter.

A. You B. He C. Here 4. Is that her dress?

A. Yes, this is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. Read and Change

1. I am Rice. (改否定句)

2. His son is a teacher. (改否定句)

3. Mr. Clinton and his wife are busy. (改为否定句) 4. Lily is seven. (改一般疑问句) 5. Are your son a student?(改错) Lesson 3-4 小测试 Read and Complete

A: ______________________________. B: Yes?

A: Is this your pencil? B:_________?

A: Is this your pencil?

B: Yes, Thank you very much. A: _________________. Read and choose

1.Is this a school? ______.

A. Yes, it isn’t. B. Yes, it’s. C. No, it isn’t. 2. How old are you? _________, it is a secret.(秘密) A. OK. B. Sorry C. No 3. _______is our daughter.

A. You B. He C. Here 4. Is that her dress?

A. Yes, this is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. Read and Change

1. I am Rice. (改否定句)

2. His son is a teacher. (改否定句)

3. Mr. Clinton and his wife are busy. (改为否定句) 4. Lily is seven. (改一般疑问句) 5. Are your son a student?(改错)

Lesson 5-6 一、词汇

表示国籍的名词:French German Japanese Korean Chinese Swedish(新增) American Italian English 以上所有表示国籍的名字还可以做形容词,表示某国的。如Chinese既可以是中国人,还可以是中国的。

表示国家的名词:France(新增) Germany(新增) Japan Korea China Sweden America Italy(新增) England

副词:too either(新加的) 二、语法:


冠词不能独立使用,通常像“帽子”一样戴在名词前面,帮助说明名词的词义。冠词在英语中只有三个,a , an , the,这三个又分成两类,其中a , an属于不定冠词;the属于定冠词。不定冠词a , an表示“一”,“一个”的意思,通常放在可数名词单数前面,用法如下:

1.1 an用在以元音音标开头的单词前,如:

It is an egg. It is an umbrella. That is an old car. This is an American car. 1.2 其他情况下用a

如: He is a student. This is a handbag. That is a German car. It is a Japanese car. Here is an Italian car. 2、英语中表示国籍的名词用法

2.1 英语中,表示国籍的名词前通常不用冠词。我们常说 She is Chinese. 不说She is a Chinese. He is German. She is Japanese. He’s Korean. 三、作业



3.模仿第五课的课文用以下三句话介绍一新人。如:This is Xiao Ming. He is a new student. He is Chinese.

Lesson 5-6 小测试 Read and Choose

1. Look! ______eraser is on your desk. A. A B. An C. The 2. My student is ________ English man.

A. / B. a C. the D. an 3. Joe is from France. He is ________.

A. France B. French C. a French D. the French Read and Complete

Rose is _______ American. _______ name is beautiful. ______is ______English teacher. Her father and mother are in _______Germany now. Read and Translate


B: 不,不是。我的手表是红色的。 A:这是王小明,他是中国人。 B:见到你很高兴。 A:我也是。

Read and Correct.

1. Here your umbrella and your coat. 2. This not is my skirt.

3. This is my school. (变否定句)

4. This is your house. (改为一般疑问句) 5. Is this your watch? (改为陈述句)

Lesson 7-8 一、词汇

表示职业的名词: job operator engineer teacher taxi driver policeman policewoman postman milkman airhostess nurse mechanic hairdresser housewife 其他名词:nationality keyboard 疑问代词、形容词:what 二、语法:

1、What 构成的两种特殊疑问句


What 既可做疑问代词又可做疑问形容词.What 做疑问代词时可单独放在句子的开头构成特殊疑问句,不用和名词连用。作疑问形容词时,不能单独放在句子的开头,而是一定要和一个名词构成特殊疑问短语,一起来构成特殊疑问句。 疑问代词例句:What is your job?

疑问形容词例句:What nationality are you? 2、本课主要交际句型 2.1 询问国籍:A:What nationality are you (is he/ is she)? / Where are you from? /Where do you come from? B:I am (He is/ She is) Chinese. (Japanese/Korean----) (三个问句意思相同) 2.2 询问职业:A:What is your (his her ) job? What do you do? (What does he/she do? What are you? What is he? What is she? B: I am a teacher. He is a policeman. She is a nurse.

注:在表示职业前必须加不定冠词a / an。 而在国籍前什么也不加,要牢记在心。 三、作业


2.所学单词每词一行,要求熟练掌握。 3.做课课练。

4.背诵第七课课文。 Lesson 7-8 小测试 Read and Choose

2. Who is she? She’s _________.

A. a policeman B. a mechanic C. Mrs. Tracy D. an airhostess 2. What is your job?

A. I am nurse. B. Yes, I am C. I am the teacher. D. I am a policewoman. Complete the sentences with “am”, “is” or “are”. 1. I ______ a new student. My name _______Alice. 2. _______you a student ,too? Yes, I _______.

3. ________ Sophie German, too? No, she _______not. She ______French. 4. You ______my friend. She _______my friend, too. 5. What ______your job? I _____a keyboard operator.

6. ______his brother an engineer, too? No, he ______not. He ______a teacher. Read and Translate

A:他是教师吗? B: 不,不是。他是一名警察。

A:你是做什么工作的? B:我是一名护士。A:我也是。 A: 您是哪国人? B: 我是意大利人。 Read and Correct. 就划线部分提问。

1. He is a keyboard operator. 2. The lady is Tracy. 3. She is Swedish. 写出学过的所有国家及国籍。 Lesson 9-10 一、词汇

表示问候相关的词: hello hi well fine see goodbye thanks how today 名词:woman

形容词:fat---thin tall-short clean---dirty hot---cold old---young busy---lazy 二、语法:


1. 形容词在句中最主要的用法是放在名词或代词前面,对它们起修饰或限定作用,作定语。它用于说明人或事物的质量、大小、新旧、温度、形状、颜色或产地等。如: a fat man a fine day a lazy boy an old man 2. 形容词也在句中放在be动词之后,作句子的表语。如: She is tall. This window is clean. 2、本课主要交际句型

2.1 问候语:

问:How are you today?

答:Fine, thanks. / I’m very well. Thanks. / I’m OK. Thank you. 问:How is Tony?

答:He is very well. Thanks. / He is OK.

2.2 形容人的形容词用法。(以下形容词可以替换) 问:Look at that man! (祈使句) Is that man fat or thin? 答:He isn’t thin. He is fat.

2.3 用法区别:see look at watch

Look 用于强调看的动作。如:Look at the blackboard. See 用于强调看的结果。如:I can see a blackboard. Watch 观看,画面是移动的。如:I’m watching TV. 三、作业


2.所学单词每词一行,要求熟练掌握。 3.做课课练。

Lesson 9-10 小测试 Read and Choose

1. How _________ your father today? He ______fine, thanks.. A. is /is B. are / is C. am / are D. are / are 2. What nationality _____your wife? _____is French.

A. is / He B. is / She C. are / I D. are / You Complete the dialogue.

Mr. Ford: Good afternoon, Mrs Davis. Mrs. Davis: _________________________. Mr. Ford: How ___________you today? Mrs. Davis: Fine, ______ ______?

Mr. Ford: I’m fine, thanks. _____________ Mr. Davis? Mrs. Davis: He is fine, thanks. __________Mrs. Ford?

Mr. Ford: She’s very well too, Mrs. Davis. Goodbye, Mrs Davis. Nice to see you. Mrs. Davis: ______________, too, Mr. Ford. Goodbye. Read and Change

1. The young policeman is busy. (改为一般疑问句) 2. The busy nurse is lazy.(改为否定句) 3. Helen is fine. (特殊疑问句)

4. fat, mechanic, the , is, hot, cold?(连词成句,选择疑问句) Lesson 11-12 一、词汇

形容词性物主代词:my his her your our their its whose 服饰类名词:blouse tie

家底成员名词:father mother sister brother

表示颜色名词:blue white (red pink green brown purple orange?) 以前学过的可能再复习一下。 副词:perhaps 动词:catch 二、语法:


1. 用法和what类似,既可以作疑问代词,也可以作疑问形容词。

1.1 做疑问代词:在做疑问代词时,单独放在句子开头构成特殊疑问句,不和名词连用。如:Whose is your favourite? 注意:whose一定要在下下文环境中使用,即前面提到的一些话题使用,否则听话的人不知其从哪儿来。

1.2 做疑问形容词:在做疑问形容词时,不能单独放在句子开头,而是一定要和一个名词构成特殊疑问短语,一起来构成特殊疑问句。 Whose watch is this?

Whose umbrella is that? 2、名词所有格


A teacher’s book 老师的一本书

注意:单数名词后加’s ,复数名词后没有s,也要加’s。The Children’s classroom 孩子们的教室 如果名词已有复数词尾又是s,只加“’”。如: the workers’ boss 工人们的老板 ’s的名词所有格多用于有生命的东西。但表示天体的名词除外。如:the sun’s heat 三、作业:

1、背写第九课课文。2、背诵第十一课课文。3、每个单词写一行。4、做课课练。 Lesson 11-12 一、词汇

形容词性物主代词:my his her your our their its whose 服饰类名词:blouse tie

家底成员名词:father mother sister brother

表示颜色名词:blue white (red pink green brown purple orange?) 以前学过的可能再复习一下。 副词:perhaps 动词:catch 二、语法:


1. 用法和what类似,既可以作疑问代词,也可以作疑问形容词。

1.1 做疑问代词:在做疑问代词时,单独放在句子开头构成特殊疑问句,不和名词连用。如:Whose is your favourite? 注意:whose一定要在下下文环境中使用,即前面提到的一些话题使用,否则听话的人不知其从哪儿来。

1.2 做疑问形容词:在做疑问形容词时,不能单独放在句子开头,而是一定要和一个名词构成特殊疑问短语,一起来构成特殊疑问句。 Whose watch is this? Whose umbrella is that? 2、名词所有格


A teacher’s book 老师的一本书

注意:单数名词后加’s ,复数名词后没有s,也要加’s。The Children’s classroom 孩子们的教室 如果名词已有复数词尾又是s,只加“’”。如: the workers’ boss 工人们的老板 ’s的名词所有格多用于有生命的东西。但表示天体的名词除外。如:the sun’s heat

三、作业:1、背写第九课课文。2、背诵第十一课课文。3、每个单词写一行。4、做课课练。 Lesson 11-12小测试

Answer the questions, using the words given according to the examples. 例:Is this your sister? (no / Tim’s)

No, she isn’t. She isn’t my sister. She’s Tim’s sister. 1. Is this Sophie’s dress? (no/Emma’s) 2. Is this his umbrella? (no / her) 3. Is this your father? (no / Helen’s)

Complete the sentences with “my”, “your”, “his” or “her”. 1. This is Mary’s book. It’s ________book. 2. I am French. _______name is Sophie. 3. What is ______job? I am a hairdresser.

4. Emma is a teacher. ______sister is a teacher, too. 5. Excuse me, Tony. Is this _______tie? 6. This isn’t Steven’s car. ____car is blue.

7. Is your sister’s dress yellow, too? Yes, ________ dress is yellow. Translate the following sentences.

1. 那件蓝色的女衬衫是谁的?它是我妈妈的。

2. 这是Steven的雨伞。

3. 那是一个白色的小手提包。

4. Sam’s tie is white. (就划线部分提问)

5. 这是Mary的手表吗? 不,不是,它是Tom的。

Lesson 11-12小测试

Answer the questions, using the words given according to the examples. 例:Is this your sister? (no / Tim’s)

No, she isn’t. She isn’t my sister. She’s Tim’s sister. 1. Is this Sophie’s dress? (no/Emma’s) 2. Is this his umbrella? (no / her) 3. Is this your father? (no / Helen’s)

Complete the sentences with “my”, “your”, “his” or “her”. 1 This is Mary’s book. It’s_______book. 2. I am French. _______name is Sophie. 3. What is ______job? I am a hairdresser.

4. Emma is a teacher. ______sister is a teacher, too. 5. Excuse me, Tony. Is this _______tie? 6. This isn’t Steven’s car. ____car is blue.

7. Is your sister’s dress yellow, too? Yes, ________ dress is yellow. Translate the following sentences.

1. 那件蓝色的女衬衫是谁的?它是我妈妈的。 2. 这是Steven的雨伞。

3. 那是一个白色的小手提包。

4. Sam’s tie is white. (就划线部分提问)

5.这是Mary的手表吗? 不,不是,它是Tom的。

Lesson 13-16 一、词汇

1. 表示颜色的名词:white blue (Lesson 11出现) green brown red grey yellow black orange 2. 指示代词:these (this的复数形式) those(that的复数形式) 3. 表示国籍的名词:Danish Norwegian Russian Dutch

以上所有表示国籍的名字还可以做形容词,表示某国的。如Chinese既可以是中国人,还可以是中国的,汉语。 表示国家的名词:

4. 其他名词:colour (=color) hat (和cap有区别,cap指前面带沿的帽子) case carpet dog customs officer girl friend passport brown tourist 5. 形容词:smart lovely same 6. 动词:come 副词:upstairs 二、语法:


名词从大体上可以分为普通名词和专有名词,如China the Changjiang River 都是世界独一无二的,我们称之为专有名词。


1.1 多数名词在词尾加-s。读音为,结尾是清辅音读/s/ ,结尾是浊辅音读/z/

例: girl-girls tree-trees dog-dogs teacher –teachers shirt-shirts

1.2 以s, sh, ch, x结尾的名词,加-es。读音为/iz/。 例:watch-watches class-classes box-boxes bus-buses

1.3 以f 或fe结尾的名词,需要把f或fe变成v再加-es。读音为/vz/. 例:housewife-housewives leaf-leaves knife-knives

但也有个别单词虽以f或fe结尾,但是直接加s,需要特别记忆。roof-roofs gulf-gulfs belief-beliefs 以“辅音+y”结尾的名词,要将y变为i,再加-es。读音为/vz/. 例:family-families city-cities sky-skies

以“元音+y”结尾的名词,直接加-s。 例:boy-boys day-days monkey-monkeys 1.5 以o结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es,否则加s

+es的几个单词:tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes hero-heroes Negro-Negroes echo-echoes (这几个单词特殊记忆)

其他+s。用 zoo-zoos radio-radios kilo-kilos piano-pianos photo-photos bamboo-bamboos video-videos 1.6 部分单词的单复数是一样的。

例:fish-fish sheep-sheep cattle-cattle deer-deer means-means Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese 1.7 改变单数名词的元音字母。

例:man-men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-mice goose-geese 1.8 改变单数名词的词局。

例:child-children ox-oxen 1.9 有些名词只有复数没有单数。如:

Trousers (裤子) glasses (眼镜) clothes (布) scissors(剪子) 除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、欧元等都有复数形式。 dollar-dollars 2、主要交际句型:

What colour’s your shirt? It’s blue.

What colour are your handbags? Our handbags are red. 或 They are red. Are these your books? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 三、作业

1. 当堂课所学单词每词一行。2. 背诵并背写13课课文。 3. 学会复数变化规则,并会变复数。4. 背诵并背写15课课文。

Lesson 13-14小测试

Group the following words.将下列单词分类。

smart coat suit yellow policeman teacher nice lovely mother engineer shirt grey blue father fine black brother postman sister blouse

1. smart _______ ________ ________ 2. coat _________ __________ __________ 3. yellow ________ _________ ________ 4. teacher __________ _________ __________ 5. mother _________ _________ _________

Complete the questions with “what” “whose” “how” .( 用以上三个特殊疑问句填空,完成下列特殊疑问句) 1. _________ is this white car? 2. __________nationality is he? 3. __________is your name?

4. ___________colour is your new dress? 5. __________is this nice watch? 6. __________is your mother?

7. _________is your daughter’s name? 8. _________colour is Sophie’s hair? Read and Choose.

1. Tom Hanks is a very _______actor.

A. pretty B. cute C. handsome D. smart 2. _______! Two girls are under the tree.

A. look B. see C. Watch D. Look 3. ________? ----Yes, it looks very smart.

A. Is your new dress nice B. How is your dress C. Where is your new dress Choose the best word for each blank.

1. Look at that ____ _( lovely/same) woman. 2. Come and see my _________(young/new) dress. 3. Her brother is _______.(nice/lovely). 4. Peter’s _______(shirt/blouse) is dirty.

5. _______ colour is your car? (Whose/What) 6. Tim, here is your coat. ________! (Catch/See)

7. Come upstairs and _______the new carpet. (look/see) 8. _______(Whose/What) is that red car? It’s my father’s. Read and Translate

1. 你的地毯是什么颜色?

2. 萨莉的行李箱也是同样的颜色。 3. 这是谁的连衣裙? 它是我姐姐的。 4. My blouse is red. (就划线部分提问)

Lesson 15-16小测试 用am, is, are填空。

1. _______your girl friend fat or thin? 2. We _______all very well, thank you. 3. Our house _______big and clean.

4. Look! Here ______my dress. It ______very smart. 5. _________you Dutch tourists?

6. We _______not German. We ______Norwegian. 7. ______you an engineer or a taxi driver?

8. These _______my books. Whose _______these pens and pencils? 9. My friend ______a teacher. His two brothers _______teachers, too. 10. Here _______our passports. 把下列句子变为复数。 1.It’s an umbrella. 2. Here it is.

3. This is my son.

4. What colour’s your tie? 5. Are you a Customs officer? 6. This pen is Paul’s. Read and Choose.

1. She must look after those _________.

A. cock B. sheep C. horse D. child 2. Ten _____is not too much money.

A. dollars B. dollar C. Yuans D. pound


friend--- officer--- passport--- orange--- tomato--- watch--- boss--- roof--- child--- woman--- family--- shirt--- deer--- sheep--- police---

连词成句:注意语序,首字母大写。 1. too, Swedish, our, bosses, are

2. their, cousins, from Norway, aren’t 3. colors, favorite, what , your , are 4. the passports, or, brown, grey, are

5. hardworking, police, the handsome, are 用括号内所给音讯的适当形式填空。

1. Are there any _______(bird) on the tree?

2. Those are some English _________(bus), I think. 3. He says their fathers are all ________(policeman). 4. The _______(baby) look the same!

5. I’m sorry. That’s not my dictionary, but ______(Sally). 6. We saw some ________(Japanese) in the museum that day.

Lesson 17-18 一、词汇

1. 表示职业的名词:sales reps assistant

2. 其他: employee hard-working man office 二、语法:

1、进一步复习可数名词复数用法。 2、主要交际句型: A: What are their jobs?

B: They are milkmen (policemen, postmen, engineers------) A: Are they mechanics or sales reps?

B: They aren’t mechanics. They’re sales reps. 3、几种特殊疑问句的区别讲解。

Who is ----? Who are ----? 开头的特殊疑问句通常是用来询问一个人的姓名或身份。如: Who is this young man? He’s our office assistant. Who are those men? They are my brothers.

Who, how, what 对人提问的区别是:Who 用于对人的姓名、身份提问; What 用于对人的职业提问,而how则是问人的状态或特征。 请对照以下例句理解。

Who is the man ? He is Mr. Wang.

What is the man ? He is a teacher. What are you? I am a doctor.

How are you? I am fine, thank you. How is that woman? She is old and lazy.

Lesson 17-18小测试

Read and Choose(中考真题)

1. That girl is new in our class. Do you know ________name? A. her B. she C. he D. his

2. Italy is _______European country.

A. a B. an C. / D. one

Complete the sentences with the plural form of the nouns given. 1. These ________(policewoman) are very hard-working. 2. The _________(hairdresser) is very busy.

3. What are their jobs? They are ___________(milkman). 4. Come and see these nice _________(watch).

5. These ________(man) aren’t engineers. They are ________(postman). 6. These _______(air hostess) are very nice.

7. These Japanese tourists are _________(housewife). 8. These two _________(Customs officer) are tall. 9. What ________(nationality) are they? Read and Change

1. She is a woman doctor. (改为复数句) 2. That policeman is tall. (改为复数句) 3. That housewife is fat. (改为复数句) 4. That is a bus. (用car改为选择疑问句)

5. Their chairs are all white.(就划线部分提问)

Lesson 19-20 一、词汇

1. 形容词:big- small open-shut heavy-light long-shout thirsty tired

2. 其他: matter children sit down ice cream shoe grandfather grandmother 二、语法:

1、在第10课基础上,进一步学习主语为复数的形容词做表语的用法。 Look at them! They are heavy.

2、初步接触There be 句型:There is an ice cream man. (第25课重点讲)

3、两个重要句型:What’s the matter with you? 是一个用于询问别人遭遇什么不愉快或不舒服之类的专用语。如果要问“你怎么了”或“他怎么了”可以在后面加上“with”连接。 What’s the matter with you? What’s the matter with you dog? 4、进一步学习选择疑问句。

Are his shoes dirty or clean? They’re not dirty. They’re clean.

Lesson 19-20小测试 Read and Choose

2. What’s the matter ________the children?

A. for B. with C. at D. to

2.There are few _______in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some apples, oranges and cabbages. (中考真题) A. vegetables B. fruits C. meat D. eggs Answer the questions about yourself. 1. What’s your name?

2. What nationality are you? 3. Are you old or young? 4. Are your parents old? 5. Are they busy?

6. What are your father’s and mother’s job? 7. How are you and your parents?

8. Are the boys and girls in your class tall or short? 9. Are they thin or fat?

10. Are you teachers young or old? 名词变复数

milkman sheep mouse foot watch man teacher ox photo Hero sky day leaf roof dollar

Try to write a short according to the sentences we’ve learned.(请根据所学的句型画一位你喜欢的人并写一个简短的短文,建议从以下几个方面考虑并整理)

Name/ age/ nationality/ job/ fat-thin/ lovely- smart/ 等.

Lesson 21-22 一、词汇

形容词:empty full large little sharp blunt small big 餐具类名词:glass cup bottle tin knife fork spoon 特殊疑问词:which 代词:one 二、语法: 1、祈使句

1. 祈使句分肯定祈使句和否定祈使句两种,本课涉及肯定祈使句。

1.1 以动词原形开头的祈使句是祈使句中的一种。祈使句是用来表达命令、请求或建议等意义的句子,主语you常常省略,谓语动词为动词原形,句末用叹号或句号。 Give me a book please, Jane. Give her two oranges. Give them five pears.

以上三个例句中有一个共同特点,即谓语动词后面跟了两个宾语,一个是人称代词的宾格(me you him her it us you them one),表示人,另一个是book oranges pears 等表示物,这种现象叫双宾语。其中表人的宾语叫间接宾语,表物的宾语叫直接宾语。通常的表达顺序是间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后。 1.2 祈使句的否定形式在前面加Don’t. Don’t play football on the road. 2、主格人称代词和宾格人称代词

主格人称是在句中作主语或主语补语的代词,而宾格人称代词则是在句中作宾语的代词形式。基本形式对比为: 主格 宾格 I me you you he him she her it it we us you you they them one one 例句:

He is a teacher. 作主语

Give him a book. 作动词的间接宾语 3、形容词用法区别 large big

large 主要指体积、面积、形状、数量方面的大。比如: This is a large blackboard. 这是一块大黑板。 large 也可以用于指人,表示块头大。比如:

This large man is her husband. 这个大块头的男人是她的丈夫。 big着重表示又大又重,比如:

There is a big box in the bed.床上有一个又大又重的盒子。 big 用于指人,表示大人物。比如:

She is big in this school. 她是这个学校里一个大人物。 Small little

Small和large对应,表示体积面积形状数量方面的“小”。比如:This is a small car. Little 表示“小”这个概念时,带有很浓重的感情色彩,强调“小而可爱”。比如: This is a little cat in her handbag. 三、作业:


Lesson21-22小测试 Read and Choose

1. Peter went camping (去野营) yesterday. ________had a great time. A. She B. He C. They D. We 2.S.H.E is _________favorite group. I like them very much.

A. your B. her C. his D. my 3. _________piano is this? It might be Mary’s. She plays the piano. A. Whose B. Who C. What D. Which Read and Complete

A: _________ __________ a glass, please. B: Which glass? The empty _______? A: No, not the empty one. I want the full one. B: _________ _________ _________. A: Thanks. B: __________ __________ __________. 翻译

请给我拿个杯子。 哪一个? 是这个吗?


Add “a” “an” or “the” where necessary. 在必要的空白处填写上以上三个词。 1. Here is ______cup and ______glass. ______cup is small and ______glass is big. 2. Give me ______ book, please. Which one? ______red one, please.

3. Look! There’s ______policeman. Yes, and there’s ______engineer. ______policeman is young, but _____engineer is old. 4. Mr. Jones isn’t _______ student. He’s ______teacher. He’s ______very good teacher! 5. Sophie is _______French and she is _______air hostess. 6. This Robert. He is _______new student. 7. What ______make is your car?

8. Give me _______umbrella, please.

9. Who is ______man in ______park? ______man in _____park is _____ice cream man. 用所给的代词填空。

1. Give _____ (I) an ice cream, please.

2. This is _______(I) new assistant. Come and meet _______(she). 3. What’s _______(you) job?

4. Look at that man. ______ (he) is very tall.

5. Are these the boys’ books? No, they aren’t. ______ (they) books are new. 6. Give ______ (they) tea. _______ (they) are thirsty. 7. Are _______ (you) office assistants?

8. ______(we) are hot. Please give ______ (we) an ice cream. 仿照例句造祈使句。

I want a ticket. Give me a ticket, please. I want a coffee.

She wants this book. We want two pencils. Tony wants his book.

Those tourists want two train tickets. They want their passports.

Lesson 23-24 一、词汇

家具类及其他名词:desk table plate dish cupboard cigarette television floor dressing table magazine bed newspaper stereo shelf 介词:on 代词:ones 二、语法:

本课无新的语法知识点,是在21课基础上将原单数祈使句转换成复数。 Give me a book please, Jane. ------- Give me some books. Jane Which book?------ Which glasses This one? ------- These ones?

No, not that one. The red one. ------ No, not those ones. The red ones. This one? ------- These ones? Yes, please. ------Yes, please

Here you are. ----- Here you are. Thank you. ------Thank you. 3、形容词用法区别 desk table


There is a new computer on his desk.

table 通常指由几条腿支撑起来的平板,通常是没有抽屉,一般翻译成中文的“餐桌”、“会议桌”、“操作台”、“手术台”等。如:

There are two spoons on the table. plate dish

plate 是指大盘子。dish是指小盘子,通常指放在自己面前供自己临时存放菜的小盘子。另外dish还可以指菜。 a plate of vegetable 一盘子蔬菜

I like this dish. 我喜欢这道菜。 These dishes are delicious.这些菜很好吃。



Lesson23-24小测试 翻译

请给我几个勺子。 哪些?这些大的吗?

不,不是那些。我要碗柜里的那些。 用所给的代词填空。

1. John is here. Give _____ (he) his passport.

2. That’s my coat. Give me _______(I) coat, please. 3. Those are _______(they) pens on the floor? 4. This is Anna’s. It’s _____(she) dress.

5. These are ______ (we) magazines. Give _____ (we) our magazines. 6. Is this ______(I) desk or is it Stella’s?

Lesson 25-28 一、词汇

名词(厨房及居室用品):kitchen refrigerator cooker living room window armchair door wall picture trousers

介词:of in near on

固定短语:on the right on the left in the middle of 疑问副词:where 二、语法:

1、There be 句型

1. 英语中表示“某时/某处有某人/物”时常用There be +主语+状语这一句型表示。它表示一种存在关系,译为在某时/某处有某人/物。 如There is an apple on the table. There be结构需掌握几个原则:

1.1 在此结构中there是引导词,没有实义。be是谓语动词,它的单复数形式取决于be后面的主语名词。其后面的名词是单数可数名词或不可数名词时,be用第三人称单数形式,即用there is. be后面的名词是复数可数名词时,be用are,即用there are.

如:There is a lovely girl in the room. There are three red apples on the table.

1.2 如果there be句式的主语是由几个名词并列构成,则按就近原则处理,即靠近be动词的第一个主语保持一致,第一个主语是单数用is,第一个主语是复数名词用are。 如:There is a book, two pens on the desk.

There are two pens, a book on the desk. 1.3 There be结构的否定句及一般疑问句的句式构成。 否定句要在be后面直接加not. 其结构为:There be +not或no+主语+状语。(主语部分有some 时要将其改为any)。

一般疑问句结构 Be+there +主语+状语?(主语部分有some 时要将其改为any)肯定回答为Yes, there be. No, there ben’t. (be 可以是is或 are)

There is an eraser in the pencil-box. ---- Is there an eraser in the pencil-box? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. There are some bird in the picture. ----- Are there any birds in the picture? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. 2、There be 句型与Have区别

2.1 Have侧重表示主观所有,具有整体与局部的“含有”;而there be侧重客观存在,表示“某时/某处有某人/物”。 Mary has big eyes. I have a good friend. There are two bikes under the tree.

2.2 当have表示“存在”时可以与there be替换。

如: The year has four seasons. There are four seasons in a year. 3、some any用法(形容词, 译成一些、若干、几个)

3.1 some和any都有“一些”之意,是某些但不是全部。都能修饰可数名词和不可数名词。但some用于肯定句中,而any 用在否定句和疑问句中。 如:There are some girls in our class.

Are there any boys in our class? There aren’t trees behind the house. 3.2 some在下列场合下可用于疑问句。

表示劝请或期望得到肯定回答。Will you have some tea? 你要喝点茶吗? Can you give me some milk? 请给我一些牛奶好吗?

表示请示、命令。 Will you buy some apples? 请买一些苹果好吗? 三、作业:


Lesson25-28小测试 Read and Choose

2. I have to work 8 hours________day.

A. another B. a C. an D. the

2 Alice likes playing _____ piano, while her brother likes listening to ______music. A. /, the B. the, the C.the, / D. /, / 3. What did Tom do? He turned off ______.

A. television B. radio C. the television D. stereo 4. There ______ two books, a pen on the desk.

A. is B. are C. have D. / 5. Are there ______ juice in the bottle?

A. some B. a C. any D. the Read and change

1. There are some American buses.(改为单数句子)

2. There are some armchairs in the living room. (改为一般疑问句) 3. There are some cigarettes on the dressing table.(就划线部分提问) 4. There is some juice in the bottle.(改为否定句? Fill in the blanks 用some /any填空。 1. Can I have ______milk?

2. There aren’t _______shops near here.

3. She hasn’t got ________juice in the fridge. 4. There are ______ vegetables on the table. 5. Would you like _______noodles?

6. I can see ______boys in the classroom. 7. There isn’t ______milk on the table. Read and Correct

1. There are many large building near the river. 2. There are some knifes on the table. 3. There are some newspaper on the sofa. 4. There is a knife and a fork on the plate. 5. The chair is in middle of the classroom.

6. There aren’t some magazines on the television. 7. Will you drink any coffee?

8. The fridge is in the left of the door.

Read and Translate

1. 史密斯太太的厨房里有一台绿色的电冰箱。 2. 这个白色的电炉子是在厨房的右边吗?

3. 棕色的餐桌上有一空瓶和一个干净的玻璃杯。 4. 墙上有图画吗?

5. 请将这瓶牛奶给她。

6. 在大门附近的年轻人是他的哥哥。

Lesson 29-30 一、词汇

动词:shut open air put dust sweep empty read sharpen 名词:bedroom clothes wardrobe dustbin dustman 固定短语: put on take off turn on turn off 情态动词:must 二、语法:


1. 情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,或表示主观设想。关于情态助动词需注意以下几点: 1.1 情态动词有自己的词义。

1.2 情态动词不能单独作谓语动词,必须和后面的动词原形共同构成句子的谓语。 1.3 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。 用法:

must 表示必须、应该,它的否定回答一般都用needn’t 或don’t have to。如: Must I finish the work before six? No, you needn’t. No, you don’t have to. 如果must加 not后表示“禁止”,或绝对不可能的意思。如: You mustn’t get to school late. You mustn’t smoke in the room.

2、turn on与open turn off 与 shut区别

2.1 turn on 一般指接通电源或者打开水龙头。如:turn on the electric cooker turn on the TV turn on the tap 而open是指打开一个物件的门或者封面之类的东西。turn off 与shut的区别与前者一致。 比较以下用法区别:

turn on the refrigerator 打开冰箱(指接通电源) open the refrigerator 打开冰箱(指打开冰箱之门) 三、作业:




1. They _____ (must) water the flowers on the window. 2. ______ I _______(dust) the dressing table?

3. You _______(drink) the wine because you are too young. 4. You _____ (eat up) the food if you don’t like it. 选择

1. What _____we do for you this afternoon?

A. are B. may C. must D. do 2. A computer ______think for itself.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. isn’t 3. They want to go to bed. Could you please ______stereo?

A. turn on B. turn up C. turn D. turn off Read and Change

1.Tom can swim well. (改为一般疑问句)

2.The workers must complete the house.(改为否定句) Read and Translate 请进,关门。

Jack的卧室很不整洁。 打开窗户,给房间通风。

Lesson 31-32 一、词汇

名词:garden tree grass cat letter basket bone tooth milk meal tap 介词:under across after

动词: climb run type eat clean cook drink 疑问代词:who 二、语法:


1. 何时使用现在进行时?

1.1 表示说话时正在发生或进行着的动作。如: He is climbing the tree now.

1.2 表示现阶段正在进行而说话时不一定正在进行的动作。如:I am knitting a sweater for my husband.

1.3 部分动词用现在进行时表示即将发生的动作,尤其是最近按计划安排好要发生的动作。这种用法动词主要限于come, go, leave, start, arrive等动词。如:They are going to Shanghai on Friday. I am coming now.

2. 现在进行时的谓语构成。 Be (am/is/are) + 动词的现在分词 3.现在分词的构成

3.1 普通动词是在词末加-ing, 如:work---working sweep---sweeping eat---eating teach---teaching 3.2 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去掉e再加ing.

如:come---coming type---typing live---living arrive---arriving

3.3 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾为一个辅音字母,辅音字母前只有一个元音字母的,将末的辅音字母双写,再加ing.如:run---running sit---sitting swim-swimming stop---stopping 3.4 以ie结尾的动词构成现在分词时,要变ie为 y,再加ing. Die---dying lie---lying tie—tying 2、现在进行时哪些副词连用?

现在进行时常与now , at the moment, always, continually , constantly等副词连用,表示反复出现的或习惯性的动作。如:She is making the bed now. 三、作业:

1、熟练背诵现在进行时的规则。2新单词每词一行。3、做附后的小测试。 Lesson31-32小测试 Read and choose

1. Look! The lovely girls ______ the grass.

A. water B. are watering C. waters D. watering 2. The students always ______music before they go to bed.

A. listen B. hear C. listen to D. are listening 3. Excuse me, I’m thirsty. Something to drink? _______ some coke? A. What B. What about C. Like D. Do

4.Shall we go shopping now? __Sorry, I can’t. I ______ my shirts. A. wash B. washes C. washed D. am washing 把下列动词转变为现在分词。

Run-- stop-- begin-- swim-- sit-- make-- take-- live-- turn-- open-- empty-- arrive-- type-- put-- shut-- wash-- die-- lie-- drive-- sharpen-- Lesson 33-34


名词:day sky cloud sun family bridge boat ship river aeroplane 介词: with over

动词: shine walk fly sleep cry wash wait jump shave

短语:at home wait for in the sky day and night day after day be with in the same boat 二、易混词辩析:

1、family home house

Family 有两个含义 做家庭讲时是一个单数的可数名词。例:I have a happy family.

表示家庭成员时是一个集合名词,本身表示复数。注意动词的用法。如:My family are all workers. Home 家(主要指家的住宅、处所),是一个比较抽象的概念。My home is in China.

House 房子 (主要指房子,表示家的意味弱)如:He lives in a large house with his wife and children. 2、继续复习现在进行时的用法,尤其是表示复数的代词后面接are注意。 如:They are shaving. We are jumping. 学会现在进行时变否定句及变疑问句。

例: We are talking in the classroom. We aren’t talking in the classroom. She is running after her boss. Is she running after her boss? 三、作业:

1、新单词每词一行。2、将一课一练完成至34课。3、背诵第33课课文。4、做小测试。 Lesson33-34小测试 Read and Choose

1. Who is the man running _____Lucy?

A. after B. behind C. in front D. across 2. Hi, Lee. Why are you in such a hurry(匆忙)? I ______to the party. A. am go B. go C. am going D. am 3. My family _______ all at home this evening.

A. are B. is C. am D. be 4. Look! There are some ________on the table.

A. photos B. photos C. meat D. photo 5. Look! There are some children _____in the park.

A. play B. playing C. plays D. played 按要求完成以下各题。

1. I sweep the floor. (改为进行时)。

2. Are you listening to the music now? (否定回答).

3. Tim and Tina are doing their homework. (就划线部分提问)

4. Sally is sitting under the tree. (就划线部分提问)


1. 你说什么?

2. 那么狗怎么样了?

3. 它正在跑过花园.

4. 她正在做什么? Lesson35-36 一、词汇

名词:photograph village valley hill wife bank water building park

介词: between along into beside off 动词: swim 代词: another

短语:go out of go into jump off sit beside 二、语法



及物动词是指是那些能直接跟宾语的动词,如: She is making the bed. I like apples. Apples是like的宾语。


如: Look at the children. They are singing.

I am putting on my coat. I am going to school.

本课中出现了一些不及物动词带宾语的情况,请记住其固定搭配用法。 2、一些方位介词的区别及用法。

on over above on表示在---上面时有接接触面。而另两个词表示上方时无接触面,The book is on the desk. above在表示---之上时表示可能垂直也可能不垂直上,它表示上下位置关系。如:A lamp hangs over us. He climbed over the mountain. over 表示在---上方多数情况下是垂直地,它的反义词为under. under 不接触表面的在----下方。

in 表示在----里面。有时也表示在---上面,但是必须具有深度,如墙上的门、洞等,用此介词。There is a hole in the wall. 墙上有一个洞。在这里不能用on.

near beside 都有在----附近,有时可以通用。

between 在两者之间。 如:China is between Japan and India.

across 意为穿过,指从一边到另一边,动作在物体表面进行。而through是指动作在某一空间穿行。 along 意为沿着、顺着。Walk along this road, and turn right.

into 该介词通常放在一些动词后面构成动词短语。表示进入。如go into走进去 come into进来 jump into跳进来。 注意区别。 三、作业:

1、新单词每词一行。2、将一课一练完成至35课。3、背诵第35课课文。4、做小测试。5、练习新一前面的单词。 Lesson35-36小测试 Read and Choose

1. Some birds _____to the south before winter. A. run B. swim C. walk D. fly 2. Don’t _______the radio. The baby is sleeping.

A. turn off B. turn on C. turn over D. turn down 翻译句子

1. Lisa 房音窗户很开净吗? 2. 这是我们村庄的一张照片。 3. 我和妻子正沿着河岸走。

4. George在家吗? 不在,他正在河里游泳。

Lesson37-38 一、词汇

名词:bookcase hammer pink homework dish 动词: work make paint listen 副词: hard 形容词:favourite 二、语法

1、一般将来时 be going to 构成的一般将来时 一般将来时在以下情况下使用:

1.1 事先经过考虑、安排近期要做的事情,强调主观意图打算或按计划,安排要做的事,有“打算、就要”的意思。如:They are going to the park this weekend.

1.2 根据目前某种迹象判断某事有可能发生。如:What a bad weather! It is going to snow tomorrow.

1.3 be going to中be是助动词,它有am is are 三种形式,没有什么实际意义; to是动词不定式标志词,后面要跟动词原形,它们三个总在一起,在句中共同表示“计划、打算、准备做---”的意思。比如: I am going to sell this old car, and buy a new one.

1.4 常用于一般将来时的时间信息词有in the future in two weeks next week/month/year/summer some day soon this evening this afternoon tomorrow the day after tomorrow 2、常用词的区别 make do

make 表示“做”这个意思时,更强调“制作某个物件”。

do 更强调做某件事。例: He is making a kite for her sister. I usually do my homework in the evening. listen hear

listen 听 强调听的动作,不显示结果。 They are listening to the teacher.

Hear听见 强调听见这个结果。 I am listening to the singer, but I cannot hear her. 三、作业:


Lesson37-38小测试 Read and Choose

1. Listen! Who _____that piano? My sister

A. plays B. is playing C. plaies D. is playing 2. Where’s your father, Mike? He ______in the kitchen.

A. cooks B. cooked C. is cooking D. has cooked

3. Jim, can you help me to wash the dishes? Sorry, dad. I _____to the shop. A. go B. went C. am going D. have been 4. I don’t think ______rain this afternoon.

A. it won’t B. it’s going to C. if it’s going to D. whether it’s to 5. Hu Ming , my boss, ______Africa next month.

A. visits B. visited C. are visiting D. is going to visit 6. The child ______his mother carefully but he can’t _____anything.

A. listens/hear B. is listening to /hear C. hears/listen D. hears/ listen 组词成句

1. doing, you, what, are, now

2. waiting, am, I, bus, the, for, now 3. going, paint, wall, I, am, to, the 4. going, what, are, do, to, you 5. am, going dishes, to, the, I, wash

Lesson39-40 一、词汇

名词:flower vase

动词: drop show send take 形容词: careful

短语:in front of in the front of be careful 二、语法

1、继续使用一般将来时 be going to 2、双宾语


2.2 如果间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后,那么这两个宾语直接排列就行了,中间不需要任何词将他们分开。比如:Give me a banana, please. 如果直接宾语在前,而间接宾语在后,那么直接宾语与间接宾语间用“to(表示方向),或for(表示目标)隔开。如:Give a banana to me, please. Buy a new skirt for me, please.

2.3 哪些动词能接双宾语:tell make send bring buy show lend find choose pay get teach read sing.

She is telling me a story. She is telling a story to me. 3、常用词的区别

in front of in the front of 在---前面 in front of 在---前面(在---外面的前面)

There is a car in front of the building. 大楼前面有一辆汽车。(汽车在楼外面的前面) A dog is standing in front of the car. 一只狗站在汽车的前面。(狗站在汽车外面的前面) in the front of 在---前面(在---里面的前面)

The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom. 教师正站在教室的前面。(教室里面的前面) A dog is sitting in the front of the car. 一只狗正坐在汽车的前面。(汽车里面的前面) Be careful! 当心 (常用)

Be careful with money 意为从不花钱,吝啬 He is too careful with his money. He never buys a drinking for anyone.

There we are! 这是一个英语特有的情景表达,中文里没有相对应的表达形式。通常用在某人经过一定努力终于把某物放在某处之后使用的口头禅。相当于“瞧,放好了”之意。 三、作业:

1、将一课一练完成至40课。2 新词一词一行。3、背诵第39课课文。4、做小测试。 Lesson39-40小测试 Read and Choose

1. Is this your son’s sweater? No. His is on the chair ______desk.

A. in front of B. in the front of C. at the front of D. the front of 2. If you don’t like the bike, Please give _____me.

A. it to B. it for C. to it D. for it 3. I don’t like this sweater. Please _____ me another.

A. show B. try C. put D. look 翻译以下句子。

1. 你打算如何处理这些花。 2. 我打算给我妹妹寄一幅画。 3. 小心点,不要把花瓶掉了。 连词成句。

going, I, to, am, give, my wife, to ,rose, a to, with, do, going, what, you, are, it

the, standing, teacher, in, class, the, of, front, is, the careful, boy, is, he, a Lesson41-42 一、词汇

名词:cheese bread soap chocolate sugar coffee tea tobacco bird 量词:a piece of a loaf of a bar of a bottle of a pound of half a pound of a quarter of a pound of a tin of a cup of a glass of a box of 副词:certainly 二、语法


1.1不可数名词是表示不能一个一个去数的名词,所以它的前面不可以加上表示一个的不定冠词a(an)或数词。绝对不能说a meat two tea.

1.2 但是,不可数名词可以用some any修饰。可以说some milk some water some sugar some coffee some


1.3 不可数名词永远被用作单数,即使是不可数名词和some, any构成的词组也被用作单数。比如: There is some milk in the glass. Some food is on the table. 1.4 实际生活中,不可数名词经常需要量化。如:

A glass of milk a glass of water a pound of sugar a bar of chocolate 1.5 量化之后的不可数名词词组的单复数是由量词来决定的。比如: There is a bar of chocolate on the plate.

There are three bottles of milk in the fridge. 1.6 经常使用的一些量词搭配。

Piece 表示“张” “块” “个” “片” a piece of cheese. three pieces of cheese a piece of paoer a piece of bread Loaf 表示“个”,这个单词本身的意思是“长方形的一大块”,所以它经常表示“一个长方形的大(面包)”。比如:a loaf of bread a loaf of cake

Bar 是个量词,表示“条(长方形或椭圆形的)块”。比如:a bar of gold a bar of chocolate a bar of soap A tin of tobacco

Pound 镑 在英语中一镑相当于0.454公斤 a pound of sugar 三、作业:

1、将一课一练完成至42课。2 新词一词一行。3、背诵第41课课文。4、做小测试。

Lesson41-42小测试 Read and

1. Is there any sugar in the bag ? Yes, there is ________. A.some B. one C. any 2. Here is _____shirt. Whose is this shirt?

A. some B. X C. a 3. I am going to send ______ tea to my father.

A.any pound of B.a pound of C. a pound 翻译以下句子。

1. 盘子上有一块巧克力。 2. 冰箱里有五瓶牛奶。 3. 下周我们去北京。 Read and Answer

George and Sam are going to high school. George wants to be an architect(建筑师). He is going to build roads, bridges and houses. Sam is very much interested in cars, and he wants to be a taxi driver. George’s sister, Lily, is good at music. The smart girl wants to be a singer.

“What are you going to be, Sally?” Lily asks the lovely girl beside her. “Oh, I want to be a teacher when I grow up.” 1. How many students are talking? 2. Who is Lily? 3. What does an architect do?

Lesson43-44 一、词汇

名词:kettle teapot 动词:find boil

短语:of course hurry up over there 二、语法

1、情态动词的用法:can 1.1can的意思是“能”、“会”,常用于表示“能力”或“客观可能性”,还可以表示“请求”和“允许”。它的否定形式是cannot can’t。情态动词不能单独做谓语,必须和后面的动词一起做谓语。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。如: Can you finish this work tonight? Man cannot live without air. Can I go now ? Yes, you can.

1.2 can表示体力或脑力方面的能力。

Sam can play the guitar. Can you sing a song? 1.3 表示可能

A car can be a useful means of transport or a dangerous weapon. 1.4 在否定句和疑问句中有“何至于”,“不可能”之意。 He cannot be a cruel man. 他不可能是冷酷的人。

1.5 Could 也可以表示请求,语气更委婉,用于疑问句,不可用于肯定名,答语应用can, 即could不能用于现在时态的简略答语中,如:

Could I come to see you tomorrow? 明天我可以去看你吗? Yes, you can. 是的,可以来。 2、易混词辩析 Look for find

Look for 表示寻找,是固定用法,表示寻找的动作。 Find表示找到,强调的结果。 I cannot find my watch. 三、作业:

1、将一课一练完成至44课。2 新词一词一行,抄写第43课课文。3 背诵课文。 4做小测试 Lesson43-44 Read and choose

1. Mary is ______the police station, but she can’t ______it.

A.look for /find B. finding/ looking for C. looking for /find D. see/look 2. Can I borrow your dictionary? Yes, of course, you ______. A. might B. will C. can D. should

3. Let’s go dancing tonight. Sorry, I _____. I have to go to a meeting. A.can’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. needn’t

4. Dad, must I finish my homework today? No, you ______. You may do it tomorrow. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t D. won’t 5. Cars, buses and bikes ______go when the traffic light is green. A. can B. must not C. can’t D. needn’t 6. Here is my pen! I _____it, and I finally _____it.

A. am looking for/ find B. am looking for /look for C. am finding /find D. am finding /look for 翻译以下句子。

1. 快点, 公共汽车来了。 2. 我正在找我的字典。

3. 我在床上找到了我的眼镜。 4. 你能帮我搬一下这些书吗? Lesson45-46 一、词汇

名词:boss minute handwriting cake biscuit 动词:ask lift 形容词:terrible 二、语法


学会使用如下句型: I can play football but I can’t play basketball.

Can you put on your coat? Yes, I can. What can you do? I can put on my coat. 2、倒装句

如果句子结构是be动词作助动词,后面紧跟here或there作表语时可以把句子的表语提前,而其他部分不变。 Here it is. 这不是么! There we are! 东西放好了。 Here they are! 他们就在这儿呢! 3、其他

Ask 请求、要求、问

Ask sb to do sth 请某人做某事,让某人做某事 Don’t ask me to type this letter. Cake

A piece of cake 很容易,轻松的事,愉快的事 It’s a piece of cake. 这很容易。 三、作业:

1、将一课一练完成至46课。2 新词一词一行,抄写第45课课文。3 背诵课文。 4做小测试

Lesson44-45 Read and choose

1. Can you answer my question, Lily? Yes, I ______.

A.can B. need C. must D. may

2. Who is the man over there? Is it Mr. Li? No, it _____be him. Mr. Li is much taller. A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. needn’t 3. SARS is such a terrible disease. Yes, it is. We ______be more careful. A.can B. may C. must D. need 4. Look! The cat is eating _____under the chair.

A. some biscuits B. some biscuit C. any biscuits D. any biscuit

5. Boss, must I finish typing this letter today? No, you ______. You may finish it tomorrow. A.needn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t D. won’t


1. a minute, can come, here, you, Bob, for ? 2. in, she, is, office, her

3. she, letter, can, me, this, type, for ? 4. she, of, couse, can 5. here, am, I


1. 你的字太糟糕了。 2. 老板在他的办公室里。 3. 你能到我房间来一下吗? 4. 对不起,我打不了这封信。 5. 老板怎么了?

Lesson47-50 一、词汇

名词:egg 水果类:banana orange apple pear grape peach 蔬菜类 tomato potato cabbage lettuce pea bean 肉类 meat beef lamb steak mince chicken 以下为不可数名词butter honey jam Scotch whisky wine beer 其他名词:blackboard butcher husband truth 形容词:pure ripe sweet choice 动词:like want tell 副词:either

短语:To tell you the truth 或 To tell the truth 老实说、说实话。 二、语法


在学习过一般交来时及现在进行时后,本课一个新的语法是一般现在时。一般现在时要与现在进行时对比记忆。 1.1一般现在时表示现在的事实和存在的状态,它表示经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态。例如: I get up early every day. I leave homw for school at 7 every morning. 1.2 表示客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。如:

There are 24 hours in a day. The sun rises in the east. 2、一般现在时的构成。

一般现在时用动词直接作谓语,而不用像现在进行时及一般将来时那样构成。如:I like apples. I like coffee. 谓语动



频率副词: often [经常] sometimes [有时] always [总是] usually [通常] never [从来不] He often goes to school at 7 o’clock. 这些副词在句子中的位置: 1 在句子中用在be动词之后 2 用在行为动词之前

3 如果是否定句或是疑问句用在助动词和行为动词之间。 4 为表示强调频率副词可以放在句首或者是句尾

表示时间的词:一天中的一段时间in the morning in the afternoon at night every 引导的词

every year every day every month every Monday every Sunday every week 4、一般现在时的否定及疑问的构成。


I go to school every day. Do you go to school every day? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. I don’t go to school every day. 注:若主语是第三人称单数则用does. 如:

She likes bananas. Does she like bananas? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t like bananas. 5、一般现在时句子中主语是第三人称单数时动词变化规则 在一般现在时中如果主语是第三人称单数,且句子是由实义动词作谓语,需把实义动词变为它的第三人称单数形式。(注意别和名词变复数混了)

5.1 一般情况下在实义动词后面加s,如: Live-lives arrive-arrives sit-sits run-runs

5.2 以s,x,sh,ch,o 结尾的,在词末加es. 如:watch-watches do-does 5.3 以辅音+y结尾的单词,变y为i,再加es. Cry-cries 5.4 有一些动词的第三人称变化形式不规则,如have-has 6、选择疑问句

选择疑问句中含or。这种疑问句不能用yes 或no来回答。一般说读句子时前面用升调,后面用降调,有时选择疑问句有缩写形式。如:

Do you want beef or lamb? Tea or coffee? Would you like to go or to stay? 7、名词表示类别

某些复数名词前省略了定冠词the,表示一类人或事物。如: I like coffee. 三、作业:

1、将一课一练完成至50课。2 新词一词一行,抄写第47、49课课文。3 背诵47、49课文。 4做小测试

Lesson47-50 填空

1. Do you _____(想要)a bottle of water? 2. Do you want some ______(果酱)?

3. Would you buy some honey? It’s very _____(纯) ? 4. The little girl’s smile is very _____(甜美)。 5. Peter’s watch is _____ (在下面)the table. Read and choose

1.They _____ their homework in the evening.

A. don’t do B. don’t C. no do D. not do 2. Would you like some more milk?

A. Certainly, like B. Yes, please C. Yes, I do D. No, I wouldn’t. 3.I’ve made some coffee. Would you like _____?

A. some B. any C. no D. many 4. Which do you like better? ______ or _____?

A. Biscuits/breads B. Biscuit/bread C. Biscuit/breads D. Biscuits/ bread 5. What do you want to buy? _________.

A. A beer and a jam B. A bottle of beer and a jam C. A bottle of beer and a bottle of jam D. A beer and a bottle of jam 6. I usually ______books in the morning.

A. look B. read C. watch D. see 7. ______she like the strawberries? No, she ______.

A. Does /does B. Do/doesn’t C. Does/doesn’t D. Do/do

8. What does Steven usually do first in the morning? He usually ______his face and hands first. A. washes B. washed C. wash D. washing 9. Carter doesn’t like eating fast food, and I don’t, ______. A. too B. either C. also D. two

10. Is your father a doctor? Yes, he is. He _____in Town Hospital. A. has worked B. had worked C. works D. worked 翻译

1. 你想要一杯咖啡吗?

2. 我不喜欢咖啡里面加牛奶. 3. 你喜欢红茶还是绿茶?

4. 我喜欢黄油,但是我不喜欢蜂蜜。 5. 请把块牛排给我。 6. 我丈夫不喜欢鸡肉。 7. 来磅肉馅怎么样? 8. 天上飘着几朵云。 9. 这卧室太不整洁了。 10. 桌子上有一个瓶子。 连词成句

1. any, want, you, today, do, meat ? 2. lamb, very, good, this, piece, of, is 3. but, my, doesn’t, like, lamb, husband. 4. don’t, either, like, I, lamb 5. please, yes

6. we, vegetables, have, and for, lunch, rice 7. are, there, in, people, my, 3, family

8. usually, we, have, in, milk, and, bread, the, morning.

Lesson51-52 一、词汇

表示国家及国籍类的单词见附表,本课中新出现的有以下几个对应词,即: Brazil—Brazilian Holland—Dutch Spain—Spanish 名词:

季节类:spring summer autumn(fall) winter 注:在表示季节的前面用介词in

月份类:January February March April May June July August September October November

December 在月份前介词也用in

其他名词:climate country weather

动词:snow rain (以上两个词有两个词性,既可做名词也可做动词) 形容词:pleasant windy warm 副词:sometimes


国家 China Japan Korea Australia Russia 国家的人(中) 中国人 日本人 韩国人 澳大利亚人 俄国人 国家的人(英) Chinese Japanese Korean Australian Russian 人的总称 (谓语动词用复数) the Chinese the Japanese the Korean the Australian the Russian 一个人 a Chinese a Japanese a Korean an Australian a Russian 两个人 two Chinese two Japanese two Koreans two Australians two Russians Italy Greece France The U.S. India Canada Germany England Sweden Brazil 意大利人 希腊人 法国人 美国人 印度人 加拿大人 德国人 英国人 瑞典人 巴西人 Italian Greek French American Indian Canadian German Englishman Swedish Brazillian the Italian the Greek the Frenchman the American the Indian the Canadian the German the Englishman the Swedish the Brazillian an Italian a Greek a Frenchman an American an Indian a Canadian a German an Englishman a Swede a Brazillian two Italians two Greeks two Frenchmen two Americans two Indians two Canadian two Germans two Englishmen two Swedes two Brazillian 二、语法

1、本课重点为用一般现在时描述各月份、季节的天气情况。 like 可以做动词,也可以做介词,在本课中做介词。

What’s the weather like in your country? What’s the weather like today?

本句中存在一个英语中非常有用的句式结构,What’s --- like? 意思为---怎么样? 既可以用来询问一个人的情况,也可以用来询问一个事物的情况。用该句问人时,问的是这个人的“容貌或品质”怎么样;询问事物时,问的是这件事物的“基本状况”如何。比如:

What’s Anne like? She is pretty and nice. 安这个人怎么样? 她又漂亮又善良。 What’s the new television like? It is very clear. 新电视怎么样? 很清晰。 除以上意思外like做介词还有两个常用的用法。

A. 比如。 I bought a lot of things, like books and clothes. 我买了很多东西,比如书和衣服。 B. 像—一样 She acted like a child. 她的举动像个孩子一样。 She looks like her father. 她看起来像她的爸爸。

2、sometimes some times sometime some time 四个词的区别 Sometimes是有时,通常和一般现在时连用。 It rains sometimes. some times 几次,有几次 He has been to China some times. sometime 将来的某个时间,与将来时连用 I am going to visit my grandma sometime next week.下周某个时间我要去看我的奶奶。

some time一些时间,一段时间 She is going stay in Beijing for some time. 三、作业:

1、将一课一练完成至52课。2 新词一词一行,抄写第51课课文。3 背诵51课文。 4做小测试 Lesson51-52 填空

1. The climate in our country is mild, but it isn’t always_____(宜人的)。

2. What’s the ______(天气) like in winter? 3. It often _____(下雨) in May. 4. I _____(来自) England。 5. The Labor Day is in _____ (五月). Read and choose

1.What’s the weather _____ in China?

A. / B. like C. do D. feel 2. September 10th is _____in China.

A. Teacher’s Day B. Teachers’ Day C. Teacher Day D. Teachers Day 3.I’m _________. I come from _______People’s Republic of China.

A. Chinese/不填 B. Chinese /the C. Chinese /a D.Chinese/an 4. My mother has gone to Hong Kong, she is going to stay there for _______.

A. sometimes B.some time C. sometime D.some times 转换词汇

France-- Japan-- Korea-- Brazil-- Holland-- Italy— Russia-- Spain-- Sweden-- England-- Norway-- China— 翻译

1. 在你的国家,春天的气候如何? 2. 在我的国家,三月份经常下雨。 3. 他们是希腊人。

4. 他们不是来自西班牙。

Lesson51-52 填空

1. The climate in our country is mild, but it isn’t always_____(宜人的)。

3. What’s the ______(天气) like in winter? 3. It often _____(下雨) in May. 4. I _____(来自) England。 5. The Labor Day is in _____ (五月). Read and choose

1.What’s the weather _____ in China?

A. / B. like C. do D. feel 2. September 10th is _____in China.

A. Teacher’s Day B. Teachers’ Day C. Teacher Day D. Teachers Day 3.I’m _________. I come from _______People’s Republic of China.

A. Chinese/不填 B. Chinese /the C. Chinese /a D.Chinese/an 4. My mother has gone to Hong Kong, she is going to stay there for _______.

A. sometimes B.some time C. sometime D.some times 转换词汇

France-- Japan-- Korea-- Brazil-- Holland-- Italy— Russia-- Spain-- Sweden-- England-- Norway-- China— 翻译

5. 在你的国家,春天的气候如何? 6. 在我的国家,三月份经常下雨。 7. 他们是希腊人。

8. 他们不是来自西班牙。

Lesson53-54 一、词汇


Australia-Australian Austria-Austrian Canada-Canadian Finland-Finnish Inidia-Indian Nigeria-Nigerian Turkey-Turkish Poland-Polish Thailand-Thai

名词:north east west south (表方向的名词,之前介词用in) season night subject conversation 形容词:mild wet dry interesting 副词:always best late early 动词:set rise 二、语法

1、本课重点为仍用一般现在时描述天气情况。 以下几个关键句型需要牢官。 A: Where do you come from? B: I come from ______.

A: What’s the climate like in your country? B: It’s mild, but it’s not always pleasant. (表示转折)

It’s often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South. (表示并列) 注意:这里的West和 South首字母大写是特指文中提到英国的西部和南部。 2、north east west south 四个表示方位的词与介词的搭配关系。

in the (east north west south) 在---内部的东、北、西、南方向。例: China is in the east of Asia. 中国位于亚洲东部。(中国在亚洲内部)

on the (east north west south) 在---(相邻或接壤地方)的东、北、西、南方向。例: China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东临太平洋。

to the (east north west south) 在---(相隔有一段距离)的东、北、西、南方向。例: Japan lies to the east of China. 日本在中国的东部。 3.Interesting interested 区别。

两者都是形容词,表示有趣的。但interesting更强调“令人感兴趣的”,它的主语通常是“物”。而interested更强调感兴趣的,主语常常是人。如:It is an interesting climate.

She is interested in reading books.


1、将一课一练完成至54课。2 新词一词一行,抄写第53课课文。3 背诵53课文。 4做小测试 Lesson53-54 Read and choose

1.Climate is our favorite subject _____conversation

A. to B. of C. at D. in 2. Lucy ____English in our school.

A. teach B. teachs C. teaches D. talks 3.Mother usually goes to bed late ______night.

A. in B.in C. at D.to

4. I enjoyed the scenery of the Huangpu River ______the night of May 1st. A. at B.in C. on D.over

5. I don’t like the _____in Beijing, especially the ______in this spring.

A.weather/weather B. climate/weather C. weather/climate D. climate/climate 翻译

1. 你最喜欢北京的哪些季节? 2. 气候是我们最喜欢的话题。 3. 太阳升起得早,落下得晚。 4. 在夏天,白昼长夜晚短。

5. 东部总是潮湿,而西部总是多风。 6. 王炎总是骑自行车上班。

Lesson55-56 一、词汇

名词:home housework lunch afternoon evening night 动词:live stay arrive 副词:usually together 二、语法



Jane works very hard most of the time. Jane is working hard today.

进行时只用于表示正在进行的动作或偶尔发生的事件(We are eating, it is raining等)。有些动词不是动作动词,因此不能用进行时态。如:like want know

一般现在时表示某个习惯动作,通常与时间频度副词连用,如: usually, always, often, sometimes, never等连用,而现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,一般与now, at the moment, today, this afternoon, this evening,tonight等连用。如:We usually watch television at night. But we are listening to the stereo tonight. 三、作业:

1、将一课一练完成至56课。2 新词一词一行,抄写第55课课文。3 背诵55课文。 4做小测试 Lesson55-56

i. Fill the blanks withsuitable words.

1. ________ you________ (clean) your bedroomby yourself? Yes, I do. But now I ________ ________ ________ (not, clean)

2. She often ________ (swim) in the river. Look, she ________ ________ (swim) there. 3. ________ he ________ (watch) TV? No, he isn't. But he ________ (watch) TV every day.

4. ________ Li Lei ________ (do) his homework every night? Of course. ________ ________ you? 5. ________ you ________ (can, read) this book for me? Yes, I ________. Let's

6. In the morning, Mr. Jones ________ (go to work) at seven O'clock. At noon, he ________ (have) his lunch in the dining hall. In the afternoon, he ________ (type) some files for the boss. At about five o'clock in the afternoon, he ________ (can,

leave) his office. Mr. Jones and his wife ________ (have) supper together every night.

7. In the evening, my mother usually ________ (write) her research paper. But tonight she ________ (not, write) her paper. ii. Fill in the blanks:

1. ________ do you want, beef or lamb? Lamb, please. 2. ________ coat is this? It's Jim's. 3. ________ does she have lunch? Twelve o'clock. 4. ________ can help Kate? I can. 5. ________ colour do you like best? 6. ________ nationality are they? 用动词的适当形式填空

1. Mr. Smith _________(live) with his family at 125 King Street. 2. My father often _______(listen) to the radio in the evening.

3. The children _______(do) their homework now. they usually ______(go) to bed at nine o’clock. 4. It is ten o’clock now. I _____(go) to bed. I usually _____(go) to bed at nine o’clock. 5. She often _____(wash) the dishes after supper, but now she _____(watch ) television. 6. Mr. Smith ________(shave) at seven every day.

7. Mrs. Sawyer always _______(stay) at home in the morning. Now she _____(do) the housework. She _____(go) to see her

friends in the afternoon.

8. What _____you usually _____(do) in the evening?式9. When _______ he _____(eat) his lunch every day? 10. What _______she _____(do) now? ______she ______(read) a magazine in the living-room? 介词填空

1. The Smiths live _______125 King Street. 2. My sister often takes me _____school _____ the morning. 3. We often eat our lunch together _____ noon. 4. They usually type letters ______ the afternoon.

5. She usually stays _____home _____the evening. 6.The children usually go _______bed early _____night. 7.When do you usually come home ______work ______the afternoon? Lesson57-60 一、词汇

名词: envelope writing paper shop assistant size pad glue chalk change 短语: at the moment(多和进行时态连用) 二、主要掌握内容 1、时间表达法

英语中常用时间表达有两种,一是顺读法,先说时针所指数字,后说分针所指数字。二是倒读法,即先说分针所指的数字,再说时针所指的数字。我们将钟分为两半,前半小时用past, 后半小时用to 在表达45分钟及15分钟时,可以用quarter。

9:20 nine twenty twenty past nine 8:48 eight forty eight twelve to nine 4:15 a quarter past 4 5:45 a quarter to 6 2 询问时间的几种问法。

What time is it? What’s the time? Could you tell me the time? Excuse me, have you got the time? What time is it by your watch? 3、have的用法


Do you have a pen? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

He has a book. Does he have a book? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. 三、作业:

1、将一课一练完成至60课。2 新词一词一行,抄写第59课课文。3 背诵59课文。 4做小测试 Lesson57-60 选择题:

1. How to say 6:35 in English? It’s ________.

A. twenty five to six B. twenty five to seven C. thirty past six D. thirty five to six 2. We are having a party ______eight o’clock _____the afternoon ______New Year’s Day. A. at/in/in B. at /on/in C. in/at/on D. at /in/on 3. Does Lily ________many foreign friends?

A. have B. has C. having D. had 4. Excuse me. ________ you _______ an eraser?

A. are/there B. Do/have C. Are/there D. Do/has

Have has填空。

1. I _____an old friend. His name is Allan. 2. Kangkang _____a panda. It is very cute. 3. You ______a nice house. I like it very much. 4. Bruce Lee ________many books. 5. Do they ______ fiftenn apples? 6. Jerry ______a big nose.

7. Does your father ____a big mouth? 8. My friend _____only one sister. 翻译句子。

1. 但今天上午,她要去商店买东西。 2. 今天晚上他没看报纸。 3. 此刻,她正在花园里喝茶。

4. 我没有小本的信纸,只有大本的。 5. 就这些,谢谢! 6. 您还要买什么?

7. 您要大号的还是小号的?

Lesson61-62 一、词汇

表示疾病的名词: headache earache toothache stomach ache flu measles mumps cold 其他名词: doctor telephone tougue news aspirin dentist medicine temperature fever 表示感官系动词: feel look 动词:remember 二、语法

1、Have 用法


头痛have a headache 胃病 have a stomachache 牙痛 have a toothache 咳嗽have a cough 感冒 have a cold 发烧 have a fever

2 look feel 系动词用法(在这里是表示感官的系动词)

系动词是动词的一种它不能单独作谓语,本身有词义,后面必须跟着表语构成系表结构,一起来充当谓语。am is are这三个系动词通常表示状态。 如:He feels thirsty and sleepy. 3 本课主要交际句型

What’s the matter with Jimmy? Does he have a stomach ache? No, he doesn’t have a stomach ache. He has a headache. So he must take an aspirin. 三、作业:

1、将一课一练完成至62课。2 新词一词一行,抄写第61课课文。3 背诵61课文。 4做小测试

Lesson 61-62 选择题:

1. Cars ______stop when the traffic lights are red. A. need B. mustn’t C. may D. can 2. Jim _______go to school because he has a cold.

A. can’t B. don’t C. hasn’t D. doesn’t need 3. ________the Smiths remember the doctor’s telephone number? A. Must B. Need C. Can D. Are 4. What’s the matter with Joe? He has _______.

A. cold B. bad cold C. a bad cold D. colds

5. Where can we get Doctor Carter? He is ________.

A. at home B. in home C. work D. on work 翻译题:

1. 他发烧了,因此他必须去看医生。 2. 吉米胃疼,他必须吃药。

3. 我必须吃一片阿司匹林因为我头痛。

Lesson63-64 一、词汇

动词:remain play talk drive break 名词: food match library noise 副词: certainly yet so

固定短语:come upstaires, stay in bed, eat rich food, have a temperature, remain in bed, keep the room warm, play with matches, take some aspirins, take this medicine, call the doctor, break that vase, lean out of the window, drive so quickly, talk in the library, make a noise, 二、语法 无


1、将一课一练完成至64课。2 新词一词一行,抄写第63课课文。3 背诵63课文。 4做小测试 Lesson 63-64

1. 用适当的动词形态填空

1)What ____ you _____(look) for, Tom? 2) _______ he ____(get) up at 6 every day?

3) I _______(do) my homework now. I’m going to _____(finish) it soon. 4) There ________(be) 365 days in a year.

5) It _________(be) always hot in Shanghai in summer.

Jimmy ______(look) very well today. He ______(be) better. He ______(have) not a temperature. But he still can not _____(go) to school. He must _______(remain) in bed for about another two days and he must not ______(eat) rich food. He _______(can) get up for about two hours every day when his mother ______(keep) the room warm. At the moment, his father., Mr. Williams ______(be) also in bed. He _____(have) a bad cold, too. 2. 将下列句子变成否定句 1)Please speak fast.

2) You must say it in English . 3) You must talk in the library. 4) Com early tomorrow.

5) I can see someone under the tree. 3. 单项选择

1)He is _____, but he still cannot get up yet.

A very well B ill C better

2) Mr. Blake reads his newspaper _____.

A two hours every day B two hour every day C every day two hours 3) Don’t shut the windows _________.

A keep it open B keep them open C keep they open 4) You mustn’t get up. You must____.

A in bed B stay in the bed C stay in bed 5) ______ in the library. Keep quiet please. A Don’t talk B Not talk C Talk 6) Don’t lean ________ the window. A out of B out C from 7) Children mustn’t _______ fire. A play B play with C play on 8) Has he a headache? No, he ____.. A doesn’t B isn’t C hasn’t

A very well B ill C better

2) Mr. Blake reads his newspaper _____.

A two hours every day B two hour every day C every day two hours 3) Don’t shut the windows _________.

A keep it open B keep them open C keep they open 4) You mustn’t get up. You must____.

A in bed B stay in the bed C stay in bed 5) ______ in the library. Keep quiet please. A Don’t talk B Not talk C Talk 6) Don’t lean ________ the window. A out of B out C from 7) Children mustn’t _______ fire. A play B play with C play on 8) Has he a headache? No, he ____.. A doesn’t B isn’t C hasn’t

