2014七年级上第二次月考英语试卷和答卷纸(龚娜) - 副本

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__________________ ??????????

芦花潭中学2014学年七年级第二次月考英语试题卷 )


1 全卷共5页,分听力和笔试两大部分,试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟。 2 答案必须写在答卷纸相应的位置上,写在试题卷,草稿纸上均无效。


_?_号?考 第一部分:听力 (20分)

? ?第一节:听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。 ?( )1.

_?__订___?___?___? . ___?A B C

___?( )2.

_名?姓? ? ?

__?_ A B C __?_

_?__( )3


? A B C ?___装

__( )4.


学? A B C ?

?( )5.





学校________________ 班级_______________ 姓名___________________ 考号____________________ ??????????装??????????????????订????????????????第二节:请听问句,选出与其对应的答语。听两遍(5分)

( )6. A. Yes, I do. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, she does. ( )7. A. That sounds good. B. Yes, you can. C. Thanks a lot. ( )8. A. Yes, we can. B. No, I’m not. C. I like it. ( )9. A. How do you do? B. I’m fine. C .I’m a boy. ( )10. A.It’s 357846. B.$30 C. At 7:00.

第三节:听短文,回答问题。短文读两遍。(10分) ( )11. Jim Green is___________.

A. 14 B. 12 C. 13 ( )12. Jim Green is in ______ now.

A. America B. China C. England ( )13. ________ is Jim’s Green’s teacher.

A. Li Lei B. David Smith C. Gao Hui ( )14. Who is Jim’s friend?

A. Li Lei B. David Smith C. Both A and B ( )15. Jim’s phone number is _________.

A. 68218301 B. 63828201 C. 62818301

第二部分:笔试 (80分)


( ) 16. Look! I like that nice skirt ________ purple.

A. in B. of C. on D. to ( ) 17. _____ , are you Lucy?

A. Hello B. I’m sorry C. Excuse me D. Hi ( ) 18. ---__________ is the sweater? ---It’s 100 yuan.

A. How many B How old C How much D What ( ) 19. Can you play soccer? ________.

A. Yes, I do B. No, I can’t C. Yes, I can D. B and C ( ) 20. We eat hamburgers and chicken______ lunch? A. in B. for C. on D. with ( ) 21. ---- _________ is your shirt ? ----- It’s red.

A. What B. Where C. What color D. Who ( ) 22. Please call Jim _____ 555-1236.

A. in B. with C. at D. / ( ) 23. My skirt red and my shoes white . A. is ,are B. are,are C. are,is D. is,is

( ) 24. ---Can you _________ these things to me ? I need my notebook ,watch and ID card.


A. bring B boring C. brings D. takes ( ) 25. After class I often ________ music, because it’s relaxing.

A. watch B. listen to C. listen D. hear

( ) 26. This pair of shoes________ 5 dollars.

A. be B. is C. am D. are


_____ 学校________________ 班级_______________ 姓名___________________ 考号____________________ ????????????????装??????????????????订????????????????( ) 27. ---- How about _________ coffee? ---- That _________ good!

A. drink; sounds B. drinking; sound C. drink; sound D. drinking; sounds ( ) 28. Do you want _________ healthy?

A. be B. to be C. to being D. being

( ) 29. Bill likes playing _________ ping-pong, but he doesn’t like playing _________ guitar.

A. a; a B. /; the C. the; the D. the; / ( ) 30. — Can I help you?

— _________.I want a watch for my son.

A. Yes, please. B. I’m sorry. C. No, thanks. D. You’re welcome.

Ⅲ 完形填空。(10分)

I’m Jim . I’m a _31_. My _32_ name is Smith. This is my pencil box. _33_ is very nice. I put(放) my pen, ruler and _34_ in my pencil box. I like it very much. That is my bookcase. My books and CDs _35_ in it. I’m very healthy. I _36_ many fruits and vegetables every day. I _37_ chicken or ice cream . They’re not good for my health. I have a great(很棒的) sports _38_. I have 8 tennis rackets , 9 basketballs and 12 baseballs. And I play _39_ every day. I like _40_ sports games on TV , too. 31. A. girl B boy C. English D. Chinese 32 A. first B. one C. friend D. family 33. A. It’s B. It C. She D. He

34. A. math book B. eraser C. computer D.basketball 35. A. is B. am C. are D. be 36. A. eat B. eats C. eating D. has 37. A. like B. likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like 38. A. club B. fun C. collection D. class 39. A .sports B computer games C. sport D. CD 40. A. looking B. meeting C. seeing D. watching Ⅳ.阅读理解。(30分)


I want to see a movie with my friends this weekend. We like movies, but we like different(不同的) movies. I like action movies and comedies, my friend Zhang Wei likes thrillers, but Lin Tao likes romances. Because we like different kinds of movies, it’s difficult to choose(选择) one to see. So we usually take turn (轮流) to choose the movie. It’s my turn to choose this weekend, so we go to see “Hero(英雄)”, it’s an action movie. It’s interesting and funny. ( ) 41. The writer(作者) likes__________.

A. documentaries B. action movies and comedies C. romances D. thrillers

( ) 42. Zhang Wei likes .

A. Beijing Opera B. action movies C. thrillers D. comedies

( )43.Who likes romances?

A. Lin Tao B. Zhang Wei C. We D. They

( )44. We want to see a movie ________.

A. today B. this weekend C. this week D. On Saturday

( ) 45. What’s the name of the action movie?

A. Hero B. Mr. Bean C. Paul Jackson D. My father’s Birthday



Hello, I’m Kan. I like different kinds of (不同种类的)food. I like hamburgers, ice cream, salad and orange juice. For breakfast, I often have some milk and hamburgers. I don’t like ice-cream. My favorite football star—Ronaldo eats lots of healthy food. He likes eggs and vegetables for breakfast. For lunch, he eats hamburgers, potatoes, chicken, oranges and apple juice. For dinner, he likes meat and French fries. He doesn’t have ice-cream. “ I think football is better( 更好 ).” He says.

46. Kan eats ____ for breakfast.

A. milk and hamburgers B. ice cream and salad C. vegetables D. chicken 47. Kan doesn’t like _____.

A. orange juice B. ice cream C. breakfast D. dessert 48. Ronaldo is _______.

A. a student B. a football star C. basketball star D. runner 49. Ronaldo eats ______ for dinner.

A. meat and French fries B. potatoes and chicken C. eggs and vegetables D. oranges and apple juice 50. Ronaldo thinks ____ is better.

A. dessert B. basketball C. football D. running

(C) Mr Green’s clothes store clothes socks pants sweater T-shirt hat

51.The cheapest(最便宜的) of all is __________.

A . hat B. T—shirt C. socks D. pants 52.How much are two pairs(条/双)of pants and a hat? A.$22 B.$28 C.$14 D.$26 53.You can buy _________in Mr Green’s Clothes Store。

______ ??????color white,blue black,red red,white green,black black,red price $4 $11 $8 $7 $6 A.black pants B.a blue sweater C.a green hat D.a red T—shirt


54.You like red but you only have $7. You can buy_______. A.a sweater B.a hat C.socks D.sock 55.You only have sixteen dollars.You can buy_______.

A.a sweater and a pair of pants B.two T—shirts and a pair of socks C.two sweaters D.a pair of pants and a T—shirt




56. Can I help you? A. Yes, I do.

57. Do you like oranges? B. Yes, please. I need a sweater. 58. Nice to meet you. C. Nice to meet you, too. 59. What’ s your last name? D. E. K-E-Y.

60. How do you spell key? E. My last name is White. 56._________ 57.__________ 58. ___________ 59.____________ 60.____________ Ⅶ.词汇:

用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 61. These are my __________. (key). 62. Can I ______________ (help ) you?

63. Do you like ______________ (strawberry ). 64. Let’s __________ (eat ) ice cream.

65.I have some__________ (chicken)for dinner. 66. I __________ ( not like ) broccoli .

67. How much ______________ (be ) these shorts? 68. Her sweater ______________ (look) nice . 69. Helen wants______________ (be) healthy.

70. We have shorts for 3 ______________ (dollar ).


假如你叫David,请根据所提供的信息,写一篇关于介绍你的三餐饮食的短文。 注意:1. 书写工整;2. 书面表达必须包括下列内容;3. 词数:50—60个词左右。

提示:1. 我的名字叫David。

2.喜爱的食物等: 3.不喜欢的食物:

早餐: 牛奶、鸡蛋 面包 香蕉 汉堡包,冰淇淋 午餐: 米饭 鸡肉 蔬菜 4.爱好运动,不想发胖。 晚餐: 沙拉

提示词:ice-cream, hamburger


学校________________ 班级_______________ 姓名___________________ 考号____________________ ??????????装??????????????????订????????????????



I.本题有15小题,第1-10题每小题1分,第11-15小题每小题2分。(20分) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 序号 1 答案 14 15 笔试部分(80%) Ⅱ.单项选择。(15分) 序号 16 答案 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ⅲ 完形填空。(10分) 序号 答案 序号 答案 序号 答案 31 41 51 32 42 52 33 43 53 34 44 54 35 45 55 36 46 37 47 38 48 39 49 40 50 Ⅳ.阅读理解。(20分) Ⅴ.情景交际。(10分)从II栏中选出与I栏句子正确匹配的答语.(10分)

56.____________57.________________58.____________59.______________ 60.__________


61.___________ 62.______________ 63.______________64.______________65.____________ 66.___________ 67.______________ 68.______________69.______________70.____________


Hi! My name is David. ______________


学校________________ 班级_______________ 姓名___________________ 考号____________________ ??????????装??????????????????订????????????????



I.本题有15小题,第1-10题每小题1分,第11-15小题每小题2分。(20分) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 序号 1 答案 14 15 笔试部分(80%) Ⅱ.单项选择。(15分) 序号 16 答案 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ⅲ 完形填空。(10分) 序号 答案 序号 答案 序号 答案 31 41 51 32 42 52 33 43 53 34 44 54 35 45 55 36 46 37 47 38 48 39 49 40 50 Ⅳ.阅读理解。(20分) Ⅴ.情景交际。(10分)从II栏中选出与I栏句子正确匹配的答语.(10分)

56.____________57.________________58.____________59.______________ 60.__________


61.___________ 62.______________ 63.______________64.______________65.____________ 66.___________ 67.______________ 68.______________69.______________70.____________


Hi! My name is David. ______________


