同传、翻译、Tesol 专业与院校解析

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同传、翻译、Tesol 专业解析与院校推荐 University of Durham 杜伦大学 2015年TIMES排名:6 nTESOL MA ?IELTS:7.0(7.0) ?录取要求:

A good first degree (UK 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent). nTranslation Studies MA ?IELTS:7.0(6.5) ?录取要求:

Applicants must have: an upper-second class degree or equivalent in a relevant subject, such as language, literature, translation,interpreting, or linguistics. University of Exeter 埃克塞特大学 2015年TIMES排名:7

nMEd/PgDip/PgCert Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ?IELTS:6.5(6.0) ?录取要求:

For admission to the programme, we would normally expect a first degree in language or in education equivalent to a UK Second Class Honours. nMA Translation

?IELTS:7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in the writing component and all other sections no less than 6.0. ?录取要求:

A first degree, equivalent to a UK 2.1 Honours degree, in English, Linguistics, Translation, or a similar subject.

Exceptions may be made if you are already working within the translation industry. Chinese must be your mother tongue, or you must be able to demonstrate a native-equivalent knowledge of Chinese, in addition to a clear interest in translation theory and practice. nMA English Literary Studies ?IELTS:7.0(6.0) ?录取要求:

Normally a 2:1, preferably in English, although other subjects are considered.

We also welcome applications from industry professionals interested in the academic study of the subject or looking to enhance your CV with an academic qualification. We also welcome applications from individuals with suitable skills and experience of writing creative works.

Candidates may be called for interview (which may be by telephone or video link). University of Warwick 华威大学 2015年TIMES排名:8

n MA/PGDip in English Language Teaching ?IELTS:6.5(6.0) ?录取要求:

Successful applicants will normally have a good undergraduate degree, or the equivalent, in any field of study.

nMAin Translation and Transcultural Studies ?IELTS:7.5(two at 6.5/7.0 & rest 7.5+) ?录取要求:

2:1 or First Class undergraduate degree in English Literature or related subject. nMA/PG Diploma in English Literature ?IELTS:7.5(two at 6.5/7.0 & rest 7.5+)

?录取要求: 2:1 or First Class undergraduate degree in English Literature or related subject. nMA in Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference

?IELTS:7.0(two at 6.0/6.5 & rest 7.0+ ) ?录取要求:

A good degree (2:1 or equivalent) in English, French,German, Italian, or in a suitable humanities subject with linguistic competence in English and one other of the above languages.

Applicants may be invited to interview and/or to submit a sample of academic writing. University College London 伦敦大学学院 2015年TIMES排名:9 nEnglish Linguistics MA ?IELTS:7.0(6.0) ?录取要求:

Applications are welcome from candidates who have at least a second-class Bachelor's degree in English Language or Literature from a UK university, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Some prior knowledge of English language studies (specifically English grammar)is expected for the programme.

nTranslation Theory and Practice MA ?IELTS :7.0(6.0) ?录取要求:

A minimum of an upper second-class Honours degree in a relevant discipline from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. nTransnational Studies MA ?IELTS:7.5(6.5) ?录取要求:

A minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. University of Bath 巴斯大学 2015年TIMES排名:10

nMA Interpreting & Translating Pathways

Students may follow one of two possible paths:

Path 1: allows students with English as their ‘A’language to offer two other languages - from Chinese, French, German, Italian,Russian and Spanish - working only into English.

Path 2: allows students to work in both direction sbetween Chinese/English or Russian/English. English Language requirements (for Path 1 applicants only)

?Candidates with English as their first language are considered if they have complete dprimary and secondary education in an English-speaking country (other criteria may be applied on a case by case basis, such as bi-lingual ability).

?Contactthe Admissions Officer if you have any questions about yournative/main/home/first language. English Language requirements (for Path 2 applicants only)

?Certificates must be dated to within two years of the start of the programme of study. ?Academic IELTS 7.5 (with no less than 6.5 in each of the four components) 录取要求:

?First or 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in an appropriate subject, from a recognised university. ?Applicants for Path 1 need to offer English as their ‘A’ language and demonstrated egree-level competence in two foreign languages (Chinese, French, German,Italian, Russian and Spanish).Applicants for Path 2 with Chinese or Russian as their ‘A’ language need to demonstrate a degree or equivalent qualification in English. Applicants whose ‘A’ language is English should demonstrate degree level attainment or similar in either Chinese or Russian.

nMA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MA TESOL) ?IELTS: 6.5(with no less than 6 in each component) ?录取要求:

A good undergraduate degree (first or 2:1 Honours degree, or equivalent) in an appropriate subject, from a recognised university.

University of East Anglia 东英吉利大学


nMA APPLIED TRANSLATION STUDIES ?IELTS: 6.5 (minimum 6.0 in all components) ?录取要求:

Degree Subject: Humanities or Social Sciences Degree Classification: UK BA (Hons)2.1 or equivalent nMA FORENSIC LINGUISTICS AND TRANSLATION ?IELTS: 6.5 (minimum 6.0 in all components) ?录取要求:

Degree Subject: Humanities or Social Sciences Degree Classification: UK BA (Hons) 2.1 or equivalent University of York 约克大学 2015年TIMES排名:16

n MA in Applied Linguistics for English Language Teaching

lApplicants' first degree should be in a related subject, such as language, linguistics or education, with a substantial component of English.

lat least one year's full-time English teaching experience by the time the course starts ?IELTS:7.0(minimum score of 6.0 in each of the four sub-scores) ?录取要求:

average degree score 80 or above. The score you will need will depend on which university you attended and which subject you are applying for.

nMAin Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching

lApplicants' first degree should be in a related subject, such as language, linguistics or education. lat least one year's teaching experience by the time the course starts ?IELTS:7.0(minimum score of 6.0 in each of the four sub-scores)

will also consider your application on an individual basis if you have lower or non-standard qualifications and at least two years' full-time experience as a translator or an interpreter.

lIf you meet the entry requirements for stage one, you will be registered on to the MA in Translating and Interpreting, starting at stage one. Upon successful completion of this stage, you will take one of the suitable pathways, according to your academic results and your personal preferences.

lIf you leave the MA after completing stage one, without proceeding to stage two,you will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Translating and Interpreting, subject to your academic results. nStage two entry (advanced)

?IELTS: 7.5 with a minimum of 7.0 in all sub-sections ?录取要求:

A 2:1 honours degree or a degree with a minimum average of 80% (or GPA 3.0) on your transcript. You must also have expert second-language knowledge.

If you leave the MA after completing stage two, without proceeding to a dissertation or project, you will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Interpreting, subject to your academic results. nTranslating and Interpreting MA Stage one

?IELTS: 7.0, with a minimum of 6.5 in speaking and writing and 6.0 in listening and reading ?录取要求:A 2:1 honours degree or a degree with a minimum average of 75% (or GPA 2.75) on your transcript. In addition, we require native English speaking applicants to have good degree-level knowledge of Chinese. When applying,please enclose any evidence you may have to support your second language proficiency qualification. We will also consider your application on an individual basis if you have lower or non-standard qualifications and at least two years' full-time experience as a translator or an interpreter.

?Upon successful completion of this stage, you will take one of the suitable stage two pathways, according to your academic results and your personal preferences.

?If you leave the MA after completing stage one, without proceeding to stage two,you will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Translating and Interpreting, subject to your academic results. Stage two entry (advanced)

?IELTS: 7.5 with a minimum of 7.0 in all sub-sections

?录取要求: A 2:1 honours degree or a degree with a minimum average of 80% (or GPA 3.0) on your transcript. You must also have expert second-language knowledge.

?If you leave the MA after completing stage two, without proceeding to a dissertation or project, you will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Translating and Interpreting,subject to your academic results. University of Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学 2015年TIMES排名:22

nTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MSc ?IELTS:7.0(at least 6.0 in each module and 6.5 in writing) ?录取要求:

1.AUK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, in a relevant discipline is normally required. Alternatively, you may be considered on the basis of employment or relevant experience. 2.No previous teaching experience is required.

3.Students studying at Chinese 211 institutions require a minimum overall average of 80%for courses and at least 80% on the dissertation; for non-211 institutions, an average of 85% is required for courses with 80% on the dissertation.

nApplied Linguistics MSc

?IELTS:7.0 (at least 6.5 in each module) ?录取要求:

A UK 2:1 degree or its international equivalent,preferably in linguistics, or substantial practical experience as a language professional. nTranslation Studies MSc

?IELTS:7.0 (at least 6.5 in each module) ?录取要求:

A UK 2:1 degree, or its international equivalent, in a relevant discipline, plus a research interest or professional experience in translation or another relevant field. University of Nottingham 诺丁汉大学 2015年TIMES排名:22 nApplied Linguistics MA

?IELTS:7.0 (no less than 6.0 in any element) ?录取要求:

2.1 (Upper 2nd class hons degree from British University or international equivalent) nTranslation Studies MA

?IELTS:7.0 (no less than 6.5 in any element) ?录取要求:

2.1 (Upper 2nd class honours degree or international equivalent) Native speakers of English should hold an honours degree in the foreign language they wish to study at MA level, at 2:1 level or above or an international equivalent.

nTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA ?IELTS:6.5overall with a minimum of 6.0 in all elements. ?录取要求:

lNormally an Hons degree at 2:2 level or above/international equivalent. Applicants without a first degree but with an approved, relevant professional qualification, or those with non-standard applications, will be considered on an individual basis.Other requirements: Work experience:Applicants with a first degree that does NOT include a focus on language teaching theory and methodology must have a minimum of nine months’full-time classroom English language teaching experience (650 hours of part-time experience). University of Sussex 苏塞克斯大学 2015年TIMES排名:25 nEnglishLanguage Teaching ?IELTS:7.0(6.5) ?录取要求:

A first- or upper second-class undergraduate honours degree in a linguistics, English language or a modern languages degree involving a significant linguistic component. Alternatively, a first- or upper second-class undergraduate honours degree in any subject plus substantial work experience(two years full time or equivalent) in a language-related profession (eg language teacher, language support assistant, translator) nAppliedLinguistics ?IELTS:7.0(6.5)


A first- or upper second-class undergraduate honours degree in a linguistics, English language or modern languages degree with a significant linguistics component. Applicants from other disciplines and with relevant experience in the field of teaching will be considered but may be asked to produce/ submit a sample of academic writing(1,200-1,500 words) to prove they are able to cope with the demands of the MA University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学 2015年TIMES排名:26

nTESOL: Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages MSc ?IELTS:6.5(6.5) ?录取要求:

Normally a 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent (eg GPA of 3.0 or above) in English, education or similar subject.

nTranslation Studies: Translation & Professional Practice MSc/PgCert/PgDip ?IELTS:7.5(7.5) ?录取要求:

You should normally have a 2.1 Honours degree, or an equivalent qualification in a Modern European language or in a related discipline and be able to demonstrate competence in a second language equivalent to European Common Framework C1.

Applicants who wish to study translation into Mandarin should be native Mandarin speakers with a 2.1 Honours degree, or an equivalent in English. University of Liverpool 利物浦大学 2015年TIMES排名:36 nAppliedLinguistics MA

?IELTS:6.5 (with a minimum of 6.0 in each component) ?录取要求:

lForentry to our Masters programmes a good 2:1 class Bachelors degree in English studies ora similar subject is required.

lApplicantswill have a first degree, usually in English, Linguistics or Education (but wewill consider candidates who have studied other subjects).

lTeacherswith more than one year relevant experience are eligible for this MA. Ifapplicants do not have teaching experience they should apply for the MA inTESOL. nTeachingEnglish to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA ?IELTS: 6.5(with a minimum of 6.0 in each component) ?录取要求:

lForentry to our Masters programmes a good 2:1 class Bachelors degree in English studies or a similar subject is required.

lApplicantswill have a first degree, usually in English, Linguistics or Education (but wewill consider candidates who have studied other subjects).

lTeacherswith teaching experience (more than one year full-time) are not normallyeligible for this MA: instead they should apply for the MA in AppliedLinguistics.

