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By Deborah A. Yonick

Part I Text

? August Mayer, Idar Oberstein

? Vianna, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

? Nafco Gems, AZ, USA

When the leaves change colors and drop from the trees, fashionistas everywhere relish in the start of their richest season. Getting dressed in the fall is just more fun with all the luxurious fabrics to choose from and the many ways you can layer them. You probably already own more of the season’s hot items than you think, as virtually every decade of the 20th century is in fashion. So, to update your look, mix more than match, and accessorize.

This fall the name of the game is adornment and accessories, which are fine jewelry. Vibrant, eye-popping jewels can transform your look and make even the most modest outfit spectacular!

Jeweler James Taffin de Givenchy best captures the movement among women to wear more jewelry when he told Vogue: “It’s a reaction to globalization, a response to everything looking the same. You can really make a look your own with the jewelry that you wear.” And, there is no better expression of your own personality than gem-set jewelry.

The momentum for small delicate things is dead, say designers. “People now have

the courage to wear designs that are bigger, bolder, and more colorful in scope,” describes Karla Antones of Vianna in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. This fall, gems in cool tones such as purple, green and blue are in vogue. Greens in particular are coming on strong, she says: \ doing a lot in beryl, tourmaline, quartz, and peridot.\amethyst, sapphire, and tourmaline to take center stage. For blues, sapphire, tourmaline, and aquamarine are favorites.

With yellow gold styles back in fashion this season, there are more warm-toned gems in the limelight such as citrine, spessartite garnet, Mexican fire opal, and orange sapphire, reports Cheryl Kronenberger for Leopard Watches & Fine Jewelry by Al Zain, Medford, New Jersey. “We’ve created some great woven gold bracelets and pendants with yellow sapphire, cognac and white diamonds interspersed that are very popular among our collectors.”

Designers are featuring many combinations of these colors, including multiple gems or the same gem in different shades mixed in mosaic patterns. Constantine Wild of W. Constantine Wild & Co., Germany says gems are trendy in any vibrant color. “What’s nice and unusual is in — whether pastel or jewel tone. Nowadays, it’s more about what you like than following one major trend.”

In this anything goes environment however, there are four key gem-set jewelry design directions worth noting — but what styles and colors you choose are totally up to you:

1. The Brooch is the “it” jewel — vintage-like and gem encrusted in nature inspired motifs like flowers and wildlife. “Subjects like butterflies, dragonflies and fish offer endless design and color options,” describes Miriam Naftule Whitney for the Scottsdale, Arizona-based Nafco Gems regarding its “Nature Beauty” collection.

Beyond a lapel ornament, brooches are being worn in more avant-garde ways at the waist or base of a neckline; to wrap a cardigan; on hats, shoes and bags; even in your hair. And not just one, but groups of two, three or more! Says Helena Krodel for the Jewelry Information Center in New York City: “One large brooch with a conglomeration of gems in a geometric shape does well on a tweed jacket. Or, try two matching gem pavé brooches on the straps of an evening dress. This season is all about dressing up dames.”

? Nafco Gems,AZ, USA

? Wild & Petsch,Idar-Oberstein

2. Gem Bead Necklaces, often mixed with chain and/or pearls, make a bold statement in long lariats or multiple strands of various lengths that layer color. Design options are endless with the array of gems available and the range of prices offer something for everyone. “People thought it would be a quick fashion fling, but gem beads have gone main stream with no end in sight,” reports Alexander Wild for the Idar-Oberstein gem house Wild & Petsch. “What are really moving best are unusual, festive combinations, which are not necessarily expensive.”

Although Peter Rohm of Rohm KG, Linz, Austria, notes that fine necklaces in coral, aquamarine and tourmaline also are important, and turquoise is back in a big way.

According to Roberto Sutter, president of the gem bead house Horizonte of Büren, Switzerland, designers are more open to unusual materials such as large, chunky nugget-style gems or high quality shell and lava beads.

3. Gem Clusters in Linear Earrings of different lengths bring a splash of color to the face by dangling yummy briolette or beads interspersed with chains or precious metal details. Styles, which often mix gems and colors, are varied — from frilly and feminine to bohemian and ethnic. But don’t bury those chandelier earrings in your jewelry box just yet. Any earring dangling gems is in! “Women love the way dangle earrings make them feel feminine and festive,” explains Krodel. “Some winners to watch for including long and lovely rows of gems or pearls suspended on a thin chain thread, whimsical and mobile gem or pearl tassel earrings, and pendulum earrings with slim bodies and round gems or pearl as finales.”

4. a Big Bold Gemmy Ring, Pendant or Cuff Bracelet can add magic to a low-key outfit. The trend for over-the-top jewels recalls old Hollywood glamour, but is

translated in colorful, fun gem-set designs ideal before, as much as after, 5 p.m. — with one large center stone, often surrounded by micro pavé, or mosaics of smaller gems popular.

? Horizonte, Büren, Switzerland, with

Roberto Sutter (center)


? Tamir Pinchasi for Harpaz Gem Inc,

? Vianna, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Women who are fashionable, flamboyant, and open minded can wear big gem jewelry,” describes New York City designer Tamir Pinchasi for Harpaz Gems. “I design rings and pendants to be dreamlike, fantastic and attention grabbing, with lots of interesting details in unique settings that highlight the gem.” In addition to big faceted gems, carvings in symbolic shapes like the heart, cross and star are trendy as a jewelry centerpiece.

With the broad range of gemstones available in type and color, you can find elements of style within your budget. And when dressing, accessorize outside the box says Krodel. “Jewelry is layered on with certain nonchalance that looks less contrived. Multi strand pearl bracelets are worn with sport watches; timepieces with colored gemstones are worn with chain or charm bracelets; and organic materials, like crocodile and leather bracelets are set with fancy gems. Interesting combinations evoke creativity and individuality” — the true exclamation point to any fashion statement!

From ICA

Part II Words and Expressions

fashionista [?fa??n?i:st?] n. 非常时髦的人 relish [?reli?] n. 滋味, 美味; 乐趣; (大量

的)享受; 快乐; 味品, 香料, 佐料; vt. 欣赏, 享受, 爱好

fabric [?f?brik] n. 织物, 布; (编织物的)质地; 构造, 组织;【地质】组构

layer [?lei?] n. 层, 地层vt. 分层砌; 用压条法培植(新植物); vi. (庄稼)倒伏; 分层堆积

virtually [?v?:t?u?li] adv. 实际上; 事实上 accessorize [?k?ses??raiz] v. 装饰, 补充 穿戴装饰品

accessory [?k?ses?ri] n. 附件, 配件; 同谋, 帮凶, 包庇犯

vibrant [?vaibr?nt] adj.振动的; 颤动的; 响亮的; 充满生气的; 精力充沛的; 兴奋的; (尤指颜色)鲜明的, 醒目的

eye-popping[?ai?p?pi?] adj.使人瞠目(吃惊)的

outfit [?autfit] n. 全套装备, 全套工具; 一套服装; 集体; 组织vt. 装备; 供应 spectacular [spek?t?kjul?] adj. 引人注目的; 壮观的; 场面富丽的, 蔚为奇观的; 引人入胜的, 轰动一时的 n. 盛大的场面, 壮观; 展览品

vogue [v?uɡ] n. 时髦; 时兴; 流行; 普遍使用[接受]; 时髦的事物[人物], 流行物adj. 时髦的, 流行的

momentum [m?u?ment?m] n. 动力, 冲力, 势头; <物>动量

bold [b?uld] adj. 勇敢的, 无畏的; 冒失的, 鲁莽的; 明显的, 醒目的; 粗体的, 黑体的 amethyst [??miθist] n.【矿】紫晶 limelight [?laim?lait] n. 众人注目的中心; 聚光灯; 水银灯

spessartite [?spes?tait] n. 锰铝榴石; 【地质】闪斜煌岩

bracelet [?breislit] n. 手镯, 臂镯

pendant [?pend?nt] n. (装在项链等上的)垂饰, 坠儿; 吊挂, 悬置; adj. 下垂的, 吊悬的

cognac [?k?unj?k, ?k?n-] n. (法国)柯纳克(Cognac)产的上等白兰地酒

intersperse [?int?(:)?sp?:s] vt. 散布, 散置;点缀; 装饰

feature [?fi:t??] n. 特征, 特色; 面貌, 相貌; 特写, 专题节目; (电影的)正片, 故事片vt. 以...为特色; 以...为号召; 与...相貌相似; vi. 占主要位置; 扮演角色

mosaic [m??zeiik] n. 镶嵌细工, 拼花工艺(品);拼花图样; 拼制品; 镶嵌图案;【建】镶嵌砖(音译马赛克); adj. 马赛克式的, 镶嵌细工的; 用拼花方式制成的vt. 用拼花图案装饰

pastel [p??stel] n. 彩色粉笔; 彩色粉笔(蜡笔)画; 小品文, 散文诗; 轻淡柔和的色彩adj. 彩色粉笔[蜡笔]的; 彩色粉笔[蜡笔]画的; (色彩)柔和的, 轻淡的

vintage [?vintid?] n. (优良品牌的)葡萄酒;收获葡萄酿酒(的期间或季节) ; 酿酒; 酿造年份adj.(葡萄酒)上等的; 最佳的; 最典型的; 古色古香的; 古老的vt. 为酿酒而收(葡萄)

encrust [in?kr?st] vt. 包上外壳; (用宝石等)镶饰

motif [m?u?ti:f] n. [法](艺术作品的)主题, 主旨, 特色; 动机; 衣服的花边; (图案的)基本花纹; 基本色彩;

dragonfly [?dr?g?n?flai] n. 蜻蜓 lapel [l??pel] n. (西服上衣的)翻领 lapel-watch绅士表

avant-garde [??v:??ɡɑ:d] n. 革新者, (尤指)

