
更新时间:2023-07-19 15:41:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




Next, Facebook and other tech firms need to open up to out-siders, safely and methodically. They should create an industry ombudsman—call it the Data Rights Board. Part of its job would be to set and enforce the rules by which accredited independent researchers look inside platforms without threatening users’privacy. Software is being developed with this in mind. The likes of Facebook raise big questions. How does micro-targeting skew political campaigns?

What biases infect facial-recognition algorithms? Better they be answered with evidence instead of outrage.



Which word is used INCORRECTLY in the following sentences?

A. The group aims to infect their salespeople with their enthusiasm.

B. He raised a proposal with the manager.

C. They were accused of affecting the facts to fit their theory.

D. The reform was quietly mooted by British colonial officers in the 1950s.


?The likes of Facebook


the likes of (someone or something) 该习语表示“像这样的”或“这一类

的” (Anything comparable to someone or something. Typically used in a negative construction to indicate that something is unique or rare.)

o Meteorologists think that blizzard was the storm of the century, so we shouldn't be seeing the likes of it again anytime soon.

o That acrobat show was incredible. I've never seen the likes of it.

?raise big questions

raise这里表示“提出” (to put forward for consideration),同义于broach, introduce, moot

o raised an important question 提出一个重要的问题

o raised the problem of dropouts with the faculty. 巧妙地提到退出的问题

o He broached the subject of a loan with his bank manager. 他向银行经理提出贷款问题

o It's a good chance to broach the subject. 这是开始提出那个问题的好机会

o introduce a subject into a conversation 在谈话中加进一个话题

o introduce a question for debate 提出一个问题供讨论

o The question was first mooted many years ago. 这个问题是许多年前就提出的

o moot a case 提出一个案件供讨论

?skew, infect


skew本指“使歪斜”,也可以表示“歪曲”或者“曲解”(to affect or influence someone's ideas, actions, or judgment, especially in a way that makes the ideas etc not correct or fair)

o These assumptions about Communism skewed American foreign policy for decades.

infect本指“感染”或“传染”,还可以做比喻引申表示“以感染的方式来影响”(to affect in acontagious way):

infect可以是贬义的,表示“用坏思想感染(某人的思想)”(fill (sb's mind) with undesirable ideas)

o a mind infected with racial prejudice 受到种族偏见影响的头脑infect也可以是褒义的,表示“用快乐的﹑好的思想感情感染(某人的心灵)” (fill (sb's mind or spirit) with happy and positive ideas or feelings)

o Her cheerful spirits and bubbling laughter infected the whole class, ie They became happy too. 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班.



构词成分:词缀micro- 表示“微小”(verysmall)

示例补充:microchip, microfiche


Better they be answered with evidence / instead of outrage.

?提取主干:They (had) better be answered.(详见疑难解析)


①with evidence作状语。

②instead ofoutrage是介宾短语,因为修饰的是动词,所以可理解为状语。

?疑难解析:had better do sth. 的省略用法

had better意为“最好”,用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或愿望,其后跟动词原形(即不带to的不定式)do,是固定用法,不受主语人称的限制。其否定形式是had better not do。


o Better not do it. 最好别做那事。

o Better not wait for them. 最好不要等他们。




?Next, Facebook and other tech firms need to open up to out-siders, safely and methodically. 然后,Facebook和其他科技公司需要安全而讲求方法地向外界开放。

?set and enforce the rules 制定并执行规则

?Software is being developed with this in mind. 顾及这一点的软件正在研发中。

?The likes of Facebook raise big questions. How does

micro-targeting skew political campaigns? What

biases infect facial-recognition algorithms? Facebook这类公司引发了一些重


?Better they be answered with evidence instead of outrage. 这些问题最好是用证据而不是怒火来回答。

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