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The Role of Reading in SLA 1 Three Models of Reading Process

The reading process involves the text, the reader, and the interaction between the two. Theorists have proposed three basic models of how reading

occurs: bottom-up, top-down, and interactive.

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The Comparison between the Three Models:

Top-Down Models 1970s - 1980s Interactive Models late 1980s - present - Reading is a process of constructing meaning from text through theuse of both bottom-up and top-down processes, strategies, and skills (focus on the interaction). - The balanced approach to teaching reading is used. Bottom-Up Models 1960s - 1970s - Reading is - Reading is a decoding procea psycholinguistic ss (focus on guessing game (focus on the text). thereader). - - The \whole language\The phonics apprapproach to teaching oach to teaching reading is used. reading is used. 1) alphabet letters 1) The reader receives input 1) Both bottom-up and + from the top-down processes sounds ?words text, makespredictions (occur simultaneously fobased on conceptual r the reader to 2) words + abilities, background comprehend the grammar rules knowledge, and language meaning of the text. ? sentences processing 2) Two levels of 3) sentences + skills),tests and confirmsinteraction: discourse or revisesthose rules ?paragrap - the interaction prediction. hs ? longer between the 2) Use a holistic approach to discourse reader and the text. reading and writing that - the interaction advocates the use of between two kinds of children's literature and cognitive authentic reading skills: identificationand materials. interpretation.

2 Teaching Reading Skills and the Use of Computers Grabe (1991) identified six component skills and knowledge areas essential for reading fluency:

1. automatic word recognition skills 2. vocabulary and structure knowledge 3. formal discourse structure knowledge 4. content/world background knowledge 5. synthesis综合 and evaluation skills

2.1 Automatic Word Recognition Skills

1. ) Automatic recognition skills allow readers to identify letters and words without being consciously aware of the process. Good readers are able to read rapidly because they can recognize most words automatically, and therefore process this information very efficiently. The combination of rapid and precise word

recognition has proven to be an effective predictor of reading ability, particularly of young readers.

2. )The use of computers to facilitate the development of recognition skills

Examples of using the phonics approach: - Learn to Read at Starfall - BBC Words and Pictures Examples for Speed Reading:

- AceReader (download the AceReader Original Demo) - Best Reader (download the trial version)

2.2 Vocabulary and Structural Knowledge

1. )The importance of vocabulary learning for reading comprehension:

a. Readers need to know a large percentage

(approximately 95%) of the words in any given text in order to comprehend the meaning of the reading or to guess the meaning of words unfamiliar to them. b. Vocabulary is not acquired in quick doses, but rather is a process of incremental learning and constant reinforcement. Readers need to know not just one meaning of a word in a particular context but also its

alternative meanings in different contexts and other aspects of the word such as its grammatical properties.

2. )Things needed to be included in vocabulary lessons (Zimmerman, 1997):

a. multiple exposure to words

b. exposure to words in meaningful contexts c. rich and varied information about each word d. establishment of ties between instructed words student experience, and prior knowledge e. active participation by students in the learning process

3. )The use of computers to facilitate vocabulary development: Examples:

- Online dictionaries

Pay particular attention to the following websites and find how they differ from other dictionary sites. List special features that each of these five sites has.

- Answers.com - Language Tools - TheFreeDictionary.com - OneLook Dictionary Search - Dictionary.com


Word games: Word Based Games for ESL Students

Vocabulary for K-12 and ESL Kids ESL games in EnglishClub.com 4. )The importance of grammar learning for reading comprehension: Grammatical structures provide readers significant information that allows them to understand the meaning relationships among words and among sentences in a reading text.

5. )The use of computers to facilitate the development of structural skills:

Grammar Website Examples: - English Grammar from EnglishClub.com - Grammar from EFLnet.com - Guide to Grammar and Writing - Guide to Grammar and Style - English Grammar

2.3 Formal Discourse Structure Knowledge

1. )Knowledge of the structure of formal discourse / rhetorical organizational patterns (i.e. formal schemata) assists the learner in understanding and remembering the text. Research indicated that explicit teaching of rhetorical organization of text facilitated ESL students' reading comprehension.

2. )The use of computers to facilitate the development of discourse structure knowledge: Examples:

- Advice on Academic Writing (from the University of Toronto)

- Professional Writing Handouts and Resources (from Purdue University)

2.4 Content / World Background Knowledge

1. )Activating the reader's knowledge of the subject matter and cultural content of the text is a significant factor in both reading comprehension and

recall. Research shows that L2 learners can better recall information from text on topics familiar to them than readings of equivalent difficulty level on subjects with which they are less familiar. Moreover, readers can more easily comprehend and recall texts of which the content is based on their own culture than texts based on unfamiliar and more remote cultures.

2. )The use of computers to facilitate the development of content/world knowledge: Examples: - BBC Learning English - BBC Schools (for ages 4-11, ages 11-16, and ages 16+) - CNN International and CNN Student News - Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and PBS Kids - Discovery.com and Discovery Kids.com - New York Times Learning Network 2.5 Synthesis and Evaluation Skills

1. )Fluent readers are able not only to comprehend the text, but to make judgments about the information, the author's purpose, andthe usefulness of the text. They usually use strategies like predicting to assist them in anticipating text development andevaluating the author's perspective as they read.

2. )The use of computers to encourage students learning to synthesize and evaluate reading text: Examples:

- Ace Detectives (mystery-solving game) -

