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Part I Listening (30 marks)

1. What does the conversation imply? A. Great minds think alike. B. You are what you wear. C. A contented mind is a perpetual feast. D. Actions speak louder than words. 2. How does the man identify a disease gene? A. He uses a special instrument. B. He analyses the gene carefully. C. He bases his finding on his previous research. D. He sends the results of his analysis to biologists for confirmation. 3. Why is the man planning to fly to Singapore? A. The weather there is quite nice for a holiday. B. He wants to watch a basketball match to be held there. C. NBA tickets there are much cheaper than those in New York. D. Air tickets from the USA to Singapore are cheap now. 4. What is the man’s opinion of seeing movies in a theatre? A. He doesn’t like the big screen in the theatre. B It is not as comfortable as seeing movies at home. C. It is much more expensive than seeing movies at home. D. He thinks travelling a long way to the theatre is a waste of time. 5. What are the speakers talking about? A. Importance of saving water. B. Ways to improve farming. C. The city’s nasty weather. D. Water shortage in the city.

Section B (10 marks) Long Conversations Conversation one

6.What does the man want tickets for?

A. For a May Flower choir performance. B. For an opera performance. C. For the Mozart Piano Concerto. D. For the Beethoven Symphony 7.When will he attend the performance? A. On Sunday, May 21. B. On Monday, May 22. C. On Thursday, May 25 D. On Sunday, May 26 8.What kind of music dose the man like? A. Piano concerto. B. Rhythm &Blues(R&B). C. Jazz. D. Symphony. 9.What is the man’s telephone number? A.648 7967 B.647 7968 C.646 7988 D.649 7948 10.When is the man expected to pick up his tickets? A. Before 7:30 on the night of the performance. B. Any time on the day of the performance. C. Between 7:30 and 8:00 any night. D. Any time before the performance. Conversation Two

11.What are the two kinds of people mentioned in the quote of Marlo’s father? A. The rich and the poor. B. Givers and takers. C. Eaters and sleepers. D. The old and young. 12.Why is the St.Jude Hospital special? A. It serves children from certain communities only. B. It was founded by some big companies . C. It collects donations for sick children. D. It provides excellent service for patients. 13. What is the motto of the Thanks & Giving Campaign? A. Give thanks to both sick and healthy kids. B. Cherish the traditional holidays. C. Honour the donating companies. D. Give money to people in need. 14. What does Marlo remind people to do when they are in a happy mood? A. Always help those who are in need on the streets. B. Stop purchasing and save money for the future. C. Think of the families who are fighting for their child’s life. D. Look after old parents and young children in the family. 15. What do some big companies cooperate with St. Jude Hospital? A. They donate large amounts of money to the hospital. B. They send sick employees to the hospital for treatment. C. They promote the Thanks & Giving Campaign regularly. D. They collect donations and send them to the hospital. Section C (5 marks)

16. Why was scientific satellite MAVEN sent to space? A. To find out if there are any living creatures or plants on Mars. B. To collect water samples from Mars and learn what is happening on Mars. C. To learn what happened to the atmosphere and water on Mars. D. To study the geological and geographical conditions on Mars. 17. What is scientists’ latest research on robots? A. Robots that can run quickly on four legs. B. Robots that can carry heavy loads as pack animals do.


C. Robots that are less expensive to build. D. Robots that can operate on batteries. 18. What is the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) accused of? A. Its influence on U.S. movies and TV shows. B. Its attempt to spread American culture. C. Its tough demands on overseas students. D. Its exclusion of American values. 19. What does Ritu Sharma want to show in her book Teach a Woman to Fish? A. How woman in poor conditions can break the cycle of poverty. B. Her extraordinary travel experience in four countries. C. The challenge and opportunities facing woman in Sri Lanka. D. Different ways of finishing that are suitable for women. 20. What does ‘Black Friday’ in this conversion refer to? A. A special day in memory of people who died in a tragic stampede. B. A shopping discount service available only on Fridays. C. A new TV show to be held in New York and California. D. A big day in a holiday shopping season with lots of goods in discount.

Section D There are 10 missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with exact words or phrases you hear.

At movie preview, reporters are often searched before entering a theatre. If cameras or camcorders are found, security guards take them until the preview in finished. The guards do this because people might 21.___________ the movie before it is released. They are trying to protect the right of intellectual property (IP).

Intellectual property is 22.__________ of intangible things likes music, film, computer programmes, techniques and books. Counties like United State have a strict system of patents, copyrights and trademark rights. When a person produces something new, they 23.___________ one of these from the government to prove he or she is the owner of the invention and that it is illegal for others to copy it. Patents are needed for new inventions. Copyright are used for materials like books, music,

computer progammes and movies. Trademark rights are used for 24._________. You can tell if something is copyrighted or trademarked by looking on the package for a small encircled C or T respectively.

As international trade increases, problems 25.___________ regarding IP . Some counties have less strict laws for IP than others. In counties like Vietnam, where laws for IP are not very strict, products 26.__________ other counties are often copied and sold for a cheaper price. For example, it is common to find copies of U.S. movies 27.___________ in these counties. The United States and other counties with strict IP laws want all counties to have strict IP laws so that 28.__________. So, they pressure other countries to strengthen IP laws. For example, before Vietnam could join the World Trade Organisation in 2006, they had to strengthen their IP laws.

Not everyone believes that laws protecting IP 29._________.Some believe it is wrong for others to have a monopoly on an idea or invention that could serve the public good. For example, some poor countries have many people 30._______ diseases but do not have the infrastructure needed to produce drugs to help the patients . Other richer countries have produced the drugs but are selling them at too high a price for the poor countries to afford, which may cause people to die.

Part II Vocabulary, Grammar & Culture (15 marks) Section A Vocabulary and Grammar (10 marks)

31. Animals are one of the most important resources for human beings, however , by 2030 ,many species will have ______

according to recent research . A. used up B. died out C. gone up D. got rid of 32. If the government refused to appropriate funds, the slum-clearance programme might be ______. A. rejected B. contended C. abused D. terminated 33. We are in the full ______ that the current situation will improve sooner or later. A. understanding B. appreciation C. consciousness D. conviction

34. The reporters exposed the corruption of several high officials in the government; ______, they were asked to resign from

office . A. constantly B. consistently C. consequently D. consecutively 35. Helping his little daughter with her physics homework reminded him of things he had long ______.

A. cared about B. forgotten about C. dreamed about D. complained about 36. You should never provide your personal information ______ a request you did not ask for over the Internet . A. in response to B. according to C. prior to D. thanks to

37. The new chairman urged the members of the committee to ______ their differences and settle down to work . A. wear out B. break up C. calm down D. set aside 38. Why so many students graduate from high school with inadequate skills in reading and

mathematics is a question that continues to ______American educators. A. harass B. intimidate C. trouble D. oppress 39.— I need some help with my homework!

—______ I’ve got lots of work to do myself, and besides, it’s your problem, not mine!


A. No problems, just a moment! B. Sorry, I can’t help you right now. C. Yes, I need your help as well. D. Wait, it’s a piece of cake for me. 40.—I spilled some coffee on my jacket! ______.

—You’ll see a place on Madison Avenue between the First Street and the Second Street. It’s Beside the bank.

A. How can you get it ironed? B. Do you know the way to the factory? C. Who is to blame for the accident? D. Where can I get it cleaned?

Section B Culture (5 marks)

41. ______ felt that society forced too many rules on people and kept them from living a full, natural life. His forceful writing on daring themes shocked many. Sons and Lovers, based partly on his own life, is one of his finest novels. A. James Joyce. B. D. H. Lawrence. C. George Bernard Shaw D. Thomas Hardy. 42. Which of the following is the national flag of the United States of America? 43. Which of the following is the famous theory developed by Albert Einstein? A. The Theory of Mechanics. B. The Natural Selection. C. The Theory of Relativity. D. Quantum Gravity. 44. Which country is famous for the statue of the Little Mermaid? A. Finland. B. Sweden. C. Denmark. D. Norway. 45. ______ was an English comic actor and filmmaker who rose to fame in the silent film era. A. Marlon Brando. B. Charlie Chaplin. C. Steven Allan Spielberg D. Dustin Hoffman.

Part Ⅲ Cloze(10 marks)

Fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letter(s) of the word.

Is paragliding more dangerous than parachuting?There are three elements that support the argument that through

46.________ of them is safe, one is far less dangerous than the other. Those three elements are training, preparation, and skill level.

Training for the first parachute jump is a 47.rel ________ simple process. Commonly a morning of instruction and practice can result 48.________ a person’s first jump the same afternoon. In contrast, paragliding training is much more involved, taking anywhere from one to three months before the first flight occurs. It is 49.________ (legal) to fly without a license, and various competence levels must be passed to be able to move from soaring to something more involved such as cross-country flying.

Preparation for a parachute jump is minimal 50.________ best. Most jumpers have their chutes packed for them, so all they have to do is climb into the plane. Some pack their own chutes, but still, this is minor. In paragliding the pilot lays out their canopy on the ground, checks it and the lines, and then must wait for the right wind conditions before launching. The fact that the chute and lines can be seen makes a 51.tre________ difference as any problems can be seen before launch, something that is impossible with parachuting. This is a very important difference because almost all parachuting 52. acc________ are the result of equipment failure. Jumpers rely almost totally on their equipment and not their skill, the reverse of the paragliding pilot.

It is this difference in skill levels that makes paragliding the safer option. The 53. ________ (great) the skill the pilot

develops, the less chance they might get into a dangerous situation when flying. Also, if they do get into a dangerous situation, it is far more likely that they will be able to escape. With parachuting it is the 54. opp ________. Ultimately skill does not matter. Even the most experienced jumper will be 55. ________ (able) to do anything in the event of major equipment failure. Like Russian roulette, the question is how many times a person jumps before statistics catch up with them.

Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 marks)

Section A (5 marks) Questions 56-60 are based on the following passage.

Hallward Library supports the learning, teaching and research needs of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences. This includes the subject areas of arts, humanities, law and social sciences, and a European Documentation Centre.

You may be able to use our libraries for reference or borrowing through membership of the SCONUL Access scheme. Please apply to join the scheme online. You may also wish to complete our University of Nottingham registration from before you come. On arrival at one of our libraries, please go to the reception or lending desk with your SCONUL introductory email and library card from your home institution, where we will issue you a University of Nottingham library card with immediate borrowing rights (a photograph is not required). Please check our lending desk opening times.

If your SCONUL Access membership entitles you to borrow, you may take up to six ordinary loan books for up to four weeks. Items from our Short Loan collection are not available to borrow under this scheme and there will be lead time in

accessing items stored off site or at a different University of Nottingham library. Study rooms are left open for general use, but room keys cannot be borrowed by SCONUL Access users and room bookings cannot be made.

Please also consult our information on how to access electronic resources and the Internet via the eduroam wireless service. If your institution is not a member of SCONUL Access you may use our libraries for reference during our libraries for reference


during our vacations. Please ensure that you bring your library card or some other means of confirming your current student status.

You are welcome to visit any of our libraries and use them for reference purposes. Please go to the reception or lending desk on arrival and bring identification with you.

We are members of INSPIRE and welcome visitors referred from public libraries under this scheme.If you would like to borrow books then you can become an external borrower.

We can arrange school visits through our service Step into University Libraries: Visits for Local Schools. In order to be able to offer schools a good experience, we would encourage arrangements to be made well in advance and for visits to be scheduled outside of University terms. Groups should be accompanied by leaders or teachers who will adhere to their responsibilities as detailed in Section 2 of the University’s Guidance on Arrangements for Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults.

Question 56-60 Decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 56. The Hallward Library serves students in all majors of the University of Nottingham.

57. Anyone who wants to borrow books through the SCONUL scheme must register online before they come to the reception of the library and get a library card.

58. Through the SCONUL scheme no more than 6 ordinary loan books can be borrowed while none of Short Loan books can be borrowed.

59. Electronic resources and Internet cannot be used in the library without permission. 60. Visitors can come to the library for reference purposes and even borrow books.

Section B (10 marks) Question 61-65 are based on the following passage.

Tony Wheeler is the man behind the Lonely Planet guidebooks, books which are loved and hated in equal measure. It’s hard to pin down why they provoke such violent emotion; once it was simply because they lied—you don’t turn up for the weekly Wednesday ferry to find that actually it goes on Tuesdays. Nowadays they are carefully researched, the information is generally true, and the maps are accurate.

(61) ______ Arrive in a place and out comes the book: Places to Stay, Things to See, Getting Around, Places to Eat—all of which is undeniably useful. But you end up living a life dictated by Wheeler, and that life might not be right for you. On top of that, everyone else has got one too, so instead of being the independent traveller you thought you were, you end up being just another tourist.

(62) ______ His wife Maureen, who runs the company with him, is equally to blame. It all started in 1972 when, bored with Britain, they see off for Australia. They arrived in Sydney three months later with 27 cents between them. Tony sold his camera, then sat down and wrote about the trip. They put the pages together and took it around the local bookshops and one of the bookshops sold thousands of copies.

(63) ______Their 200-odd guidebooks cover nearly everywhere and there are phrasebooks, atlases, walking guides. They sell more than three million books a year and employ around 200 people. The Lonely Planet website is visited a million times a day and the Wheelers have replaced the van with a red Ferrari.

(64) ______ ‘My children have travelled all over the world so they’re aware of a lot of things,’ says Maureen and Tony agrees. ‘It helps you grow up a lot, just knowing how other people live and what happens in their countries. Secondly, being on your own, having to make your way from one place to the next and work out how you do that, gives you a self-sufficiency that I think is very important.’

(65) ______There are people who say that by encouraging people to go places they’re destroying them-an accusation they both deny, claiming that people would go there anyway. They admit that none of this is bad for business, ‘All the publicity has sold our books.’

Questions 61-65 Complete the article with the following sentences. There are two extra sentences that you do not need to use. A.Twenty-five years on, Lonely Planet has, quite literally, taken over the world. B.There has been controversy surrounding the guidebooks.

C.Getting a guidebook like the Lonely Planet right can be a tricky business.

D.No, it’s something about the way they take you over-you become a slave to the guidebook. E.Tony Wheel is still very actively involved in the Lonely Planet guidebooks. F.So what do they think about travel in general? G.It’s not entirely fair to blame only Tony.

Section C (10marks) Questions 66-70 are based on the following passage.

Situated at the heart of Beijing, the Palace Museum is approached through the Gate of Heavenly Peace (Tian’an men). Because of its centrality as well as restricted access, the palace was called the Forbidden City, It was built from 1406 to 1420 by the third emperor of the Ming dynasty, the Yongle Emperor who, upon usurping the throne, determined to move his capital northward from Nanjing to Beijing. The Ming dynasty fell to the Manchu Qing in 1644 and in 1911 the Qing dynasty was


overthrown by the republican revolutionaries. During nearly six hundred years, twenty-four emperors lived in and ruled from this palace.

The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10-metre-high walls and a 52-meter-wide moat. Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, it covers an area of 1110000 square meters. Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate: the Meridian Gate (Wu men) on the south, the Gate of Divine Prowess(Shenwu men) on the north, the Eastern and Western Prosperity Gates (Donghua men and Xihua men).Once inside, visitors will see a succession of halls and palaces spreading out on either side of an invisible central axis. The buildings’ glowing yellow roofs levitating above vermilion walls is a magnificent sight. The painted ridges and carved beams all contribute to the sumptuous effect.

Known as the Outer Court, the southern portion of the Forbidden City centers on three main halls -- Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihedian),Hall of Central Harmony (Zhonghedian),and Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohedian). It was here in the Outer Court that the emperor held court and conducted grand audiences. Mirroring this arrangement is the Inner Court comprising the northern portion of the Forbidden City. The Inner Court is comprised of not only the residences of the emperor and his consorts but also venues for religious rituals and administrative activities.

In total, the buildings of the two courts account for an area of some 163000 square meters. These were precisely designed in accordance with a code of architectural hierarchy, which designated specific features to reflect the paramount authority and status of the emperor. No ordinary mortal would have been allowed or would even have dared to come within close proximity to these buildings.

The Forbidden City, the culmination of the two-thousand-year development of classical Chinese and East Asian

architecture, has been influential in the subsequent development of Chinese architecture, as well as providing inspiration for many artistic works. Questions 66-70

66. Why was the Palace given the name as “The Forbidden City”? 67. Who was the first emperor that lived in the Palace? 68. How long is the Forbidden City?

69. What is the total area of the Forbidden City?

70. What is the main function of the Inner Court of the Forbidden City?

Section D (10 marks) Questions 71-75 are based on the following passage.

Ancient Greeks thought the brain wasn’t the basis for intellect. It was the home for the soul. They believed that the process of thinking happened somewhere near lungs. The brain wasn’t seen as an organ of intellect and thought until the 17th and 18th centuries. In order to measure intelligence, the IQ test, or the intelligence quotient test, was invented. The Standford-Binet Intelligence Scale was created in Paris in the early 1900s. The scale was used in Alfred Binet’s efforts to educate children with learning difficulties. Those with scores less than their respective ages were considered mentally challenged. The MENSA IQ test has also become popular. A person who scores 150 or higher on this test is considered to have exceptional intelligence. More than 10,000 people take the test every year.

Some see IQ tests as an assessment of an individual’s problem-solving skills, rather than general intelligence. For example, an individual may have high analytical intelligence that is genetic. This widely held view promoted many prejudiced ideas. Since the IQ test was created from the point of view of Europeans, people of other races scored comparatively lower.

Research suggests that intelligence depends on culture and class. Tests given by the U.S. military showed that blacks scored lower than whites. The difference in scores was attributed to class and education levels, not genetic factors. Black children

adopted into wealthier families scored significantly higher than low-income blacks. Studies have shown that children who grow in a positive learning environment score higher on the IQ tests. Having good nutrition can also affect the scores.

A new type of IQ test has surfaced later on. It's called the EI test, or the emotional intelligence test. The test gauges the individual’s ability to manage his or her emotions. Developed by Daniel Goleman, the test also measures how much self-awareness an individual has. Knowledge and emotional intelligence are different, experts say. A person with high emotional intelligence is able to better understand the feelings of others. Thus, they are better maintaining various relationships. Low emotional intelligence can affect intelligence. Studies have shown that emotional intelligence is connected with memory and concentration. Individuals with low emotional intelligence have more aggressiveness and less self-control. These factors can dramatically reduce IQ scores by as much as 25 percent.

Questions 71-75 Complete the summary with only one word for each blank from the passage, changing the form where necessary.

Since the early 1900s, scientists have attempted to gauge the intelligence of people. Alfred Binet’s intelligence scale and the MENS IQ test have been used frequently over the past centuries in 71.________ intelligence. Some studies suggest that the tests aren’t necessarily a flawless benchmark, arguing that it 72._______ only a person’s problem-solving skills. Others think that intelligence is 73._______ and it varies among races. New findings point to culture, class, education levels and environment as more important intelligence predictors 74._______ genetics. A new test that measures the emotional

intelligence, the ability to monitor one’s emotions, has emerged. Recent findings reveal that one’s emotional intelligence can affect one’s IQ test 75._______.


Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

76. Opera is an art that brings music, singing, and drama together on stage. The first operas were performed in Italy in the early 1600s. These operas were based on ancient Greek myths and accompanied by simple melodies. The early composers of opera called their work “drama through music” because they felt the music was the key to expressing an idea or emotion. Although the first operas were performed for the aristocracy, by the 1700s many operas were being performed for the public.

Section B (10 marks) Translate the following sentences into English by using the hints given in brackets. 77. 他在学校的表现还没有达到他父母的期望。(live up to)

78. 他的伟大之处在于他一生坚持不懈地追求自己的目标。(lie in) 79. 当你以积极的态度对待生活时,生活会呈现新的面貌。(take on) 80. 教育部要求,课外活动应作为学校生活的一部分。(require) 81. 唯一重要的事情就是要平安回家。(matter)

Part VI Error Correction (10 marks)

Scientists claim that in 50 year’s time, there will be computers that 82. ______ are likely to be even more intelligent than humans. This is fascinating 83. ______ idea, but I do not believe it will really happen.

It is true that computer scientists have made up fantastic inventions over 84. ______ the years. They have put tiny chips in people’s brains to help patients 85. ______ in Parkinson’s disease. They have developed computers that can 86. ______ understand things people say, and can now give a meaning answer. 87. ______ But human intelligence is better than having a bad memory. it may be 88. ______ possible to build computers that can remember a lot more than the human 89. ______ brain. So humans can do a lot more. They laugh and cry, they enjoy a 90. ______ good film or an interesting book.

To conclude, in the future, we will probably have computers that can do things that today we cannot even dream. But I believe human intelligence 91. ______ will always be higher than artificial intelligence.

Part VII IQ Test (5 marks)

92. What horse never goes out in the day time?

93. The word is to the sentence what the letter is to the ______. A. mind B. word C. writing D. noun E. alphabet F. number

94. What does ‘a little bird’ mean in the following conversation? Give the answer in Chinese. -- A little bird told me that your mother is having her seventieth birthday soon.

-- Yes, she is. I was planning to organize a surprise party, but now it is still up in the air. 95. Find the missing number. 4 5 6 8 _?_ 14 18 26 96. (图形略)

Part VIII Writing (30 marks)

I. (10 marks) Write a report in120 words based on the information in the following chart. (图形略)

II. (20 marks)

In order to lessen pollution for the economic forum. Beijing and its neighouring regions imposed tough emissions-reduction measures that greatly improved air quality and the phrase “APEC blue” ws coined on social media to describe the clear sky that came with a heavy price tag. some said that APEC also stands for “Air Pollution Eventually Controlled” while others defined “APEC Blue” as “something that is beautiful but transient, almost like an illusion”. What is your opinion on the issue? Write an article in no less than 160 words.

2015 National English Competition for College Students 参考答案及评分标准

Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) 1—5 BDBCD


Section B (10 marks) 6—10 DADBA 11—15 BCACD Section C (5 marks) 16—20 CDBAD Section D (10 marks) 21. record and share 22. legal ownership 23. apply for 24. distinctive signs 25. are arising 26. imported from 27. being sold cheaply 28. trade is fair 29. should be followed 30. suffering from

Part II Vocabulary, Grammar & Culture (15 marks) Section A Vocabulary and Grammar (10 marks) 31—35 BDDCB 36—40 ADCBD Section B Culture (5 marks) 41—45 BACCB

Part III Cloze (10 marks) 46. neither 47. relatively 48. in 49. illegal 50. at 51. tremendous 52. accidents 53. greater 54. opposite 55. unable

Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 marks) Section A (5 marks) 56. F 57. T 58.T 59.F 60. T Section B (10 marks) 61—65 DGAFB Section C (10 marks)

66. Because of its centrality as well as restricted access.


67. The Yongle Emperor. 68. It is 961 meters (long).

69. It covers an area of 1,110,000 square meters.

70. It is comprised of not only the residences of the emperor and his consorts but also venues for religious rituals and administrative activities. Section D (10 marks)

71. measuring/gauging 72. assesses 73. genetic 74. than 75. scores Part V Translation (15 marks) Section A (5 marks)

76. 歌剧是一种将音乐、歌唱和戏剧融合于舞台的艺术形式。最初的歌剧表演出现在十七世纪初期的意大利。这些表演基于希腊神话,伴有简单的曲调。早期的歌剧编者称他们的工作为“通过音乐表现的戏剧”,因为他们觉得音乐是传递思想和情感的关键。虽然最初的歌剧只为贵族表演,但从十八世纪开始,歌剧也开始为公众表演。 Section B (10 marks)

77. His performance at school has not lived up to his parents’ expectations. 78. His greatness lies in his life-long perseverance in the pursuit of his goal. 79. When you take a positive attitude towards life, life will take on a new look.

80. The Ministry of Education requires that extra-curricular activities be made part of school life. 81. The only thing that matters is to return home safe (and sound). Part VI Error Correction (10 marks) 82.year’s→years’ 83. 在is后加a 84. 去掉up 85. √ 86. in→with

87. meaning→meaningful 88. bad→good 89. possibly→possible 90. So→But 91. dream后加of Part VII IQ Test (5 marks)

92. A night mare.(双关,一匹“夜马”,即“噩梦”一词。) 93. B(单词构成了有意义的句子;字母构成了有意义的单词。) 94. 小道消息;传言

95. 10。(本题为两组数据:4、6、10、18和5、8、14、26;每个数字系由前一个数字乘2 后再减2 获得。如4X2=8-2=6;5X2=10-2=8。)

96. B(前图与后图的区别均是方向对调,最后一行小图颜色对换。) Part VIII Writing

I. (10 marks) II. (20 marks) (Omitted)


作文评分标准 一、评分原则:

1. 本题满分为I 10分;II 20 分,按四个档次给分。

2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。

3. I 词数少于80 或多于120的,II 词数少于120或多于160的,从总分中减去2分。 4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。

二、各档次给分范围和要求: 第四档(很好):I 9-10分;II 16-20 分完全符合写作格式的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性很好,基本上无词汇和语法错误。

第三档(好):I 6-8 分;II 11-15 分 基本符合写作格式的要求,有个别地方表达思想不够清楚,文字基本通顺、连贯,有少量词汇和语法错误。

第二档(一般):I 3-5 分;II 6-10 分 未恰当完成写作格式的要求,漏掉内容要点,表达思想不清楚,文字多处出现词汇和语法错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。

第一档(差):I 1-2 分;II 1-5 分 未完成写作格式的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,表达思想紊乱,有较多词汇和语法的重大错误,未能将信息传达给读者。0分 白卷;作文与题目毫不相关;内容太少,无法评判;所写内容无法看清。


