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英语II (1)考核说明 本课程的测试由形成性考核和课程终结考试两部分组成,形成性考核占总成绩30%,课程终结考试占70%。 形成性考核包括对―形成性考核册‖中作业的完成情况,参加面授辅导的情况以及个人学习记录情况(具体要求和评分标准参见《英语II (1)形成性考核册》)。 课程终结考试内容包括大纲规定掌握的基本语言知识和技能。形式为闭卷,笔答。考试时间为120分钟。具体命题内容及形式参照英语II (1)考核说明。


一、交际用语 二、词汇与结构 三、完型填空题 四、阅读理解

题型 选择题 选择题 选择题




英语II (1)期末考试样题

第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)

1 – 5小题: 阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1. I think the Internet is very helpful. -- ___________________. A. Yes, so do I B. That’s a very good idea C. Neither do I 2. I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. -- ____________________. A. The appointment is put off B. You look sick and




题量 5 10 10 10

分值 2 2 2 3

总分数 10 20 20 30

weak C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now 3. Afternoon, sir. Where to? -- ___________________. A. Please get me to the airport B.

please pick me up next time C. I’ve been to the airport

4. — Can I help you to get it down? — . A. No problem B. Yes. Let’s get it C. Thanks. It’s so nice of you 5. — I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer. — . A. I didn’t realize that B. Really? Maybe she’s out C. I’m really sorry

about it

第二部分 词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分)

6 – 15小题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选

项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6. It’s not safe ______ in the street. A. to play B. play C, playing 7. We __________ every day

when we were children. A. used to swim B. used to swimming C. use to swimming 8. He spends a quarter of the day ___________. A. to sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps 9. __________ for the

Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance. A. Bid B. To bid

C. Bidding 10. Ann is studying ______ at university. A. politic B. politics C. politician 11. After __________the bid,

major construction began in Beijing. A. won B. wining C. winning 12. You look _______. What ______ you ________? A. tire, did…do B. tiring, have…done C. tired, have…been doing 13. She has lived here ______________ three years. A. since B.

for C. during 14. I have given ______________ eating meat.

A. over B. down C. up 15. He is the man

______________ dog bit me. A. that B. whose C. who’s 第三部分 完形填空(共计20分,每题2分) 16-25小题: 阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 Jules Verne’s most famous book is ―Twenty Thousand Leagues under

the Sea‖. (A ―league‖ is an old word 16 about three miles.) In those days submarines (潜水艇) had not been 17 , but he describes an underwater ship very like a modern submarine. The captain of the submarine, called Captain Nemo, and his men have many strange adventures and find many strange things 18 the bottom of the ocean. He was a very good 19 . His characters often did surprising and sometimes impossible things, but they always seemed 20 real people.In another book, ―Around the World in Eighty Days‖, Jules Verne creates Mr. Fogg, the

hero, 21 made a bet that he would travel around the world in eighty days. Nowadays this may seem 22 to you, but in those days there were no planes or even cars. Mr. Fogg and his servant traveled in many different 23 , even on an elephant at one time! If you want to know their result, you should read the book.In all his books Jules Verne used his scientific knowledge 24 his imagination in describing future inventions. 25 he was wrong, of course, but often the accuracy

of his descriptions is very clever. 16. A. meaning B. including

C. means 17. A. made B. discovered C. invented 18. A. in B. beneath C. at 19. A. story-teller B.

sailor C. captain 20. A. are B. to be C.

as if 21. A. who B. which C. what 22. A. easy B. difficult C. comfortable 23. A. roads B. paths

C. ways 24 .A. except B. as well C. as well as

25. A. Always B. Sometimes C. Some times

第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分,每小题3分) 26-30小题: 阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 短文理解


Crime Prevention Initiatives

The chances that you will be a victim of violent crime are low. But you can avoid

risk in the following ways. AT HOME· You should make sure your house or flat is secure. Always lock the door from the inside at night, but you must keep the key nearby, so that you can use it to get out quickly if there is a fire. · You must never give keys to workmen as they can easily make copies. · If you wake up and hear a burglar, stay quietly in bed. Pretend you are asleep. If you feel more confident, switch on the light and make a lot of noise; even if you are on your own you should call out loudly to an imaginary companion, so that the burglar thinks you are not alone and runs away. You should have a phone or a mobile in your bedroom to alert the police immediately. · If you come home and think you see signs of a break-in, you shouldn’t go in, the burglar may be inside. You should go

to a neighbour and call the police. ON THE STREETAt

night:· Always walk facing the traffic, so that a car cannot pull up behind you. · You mustn’t go through parks or woods. · If you think someone is following you, cross the road one or two times. If he or she continues to follow you, go to a pub or other public place. · Always carry your bag close to you, but carry your house keys in your pocket so that you can open the door quickly. If someone attacks you - remember your safety is more important than your property. 26. This passage mainly focuses on ________.A. how to avoid the crimes both at home and in the streetB. where to stay if you want to be safeC. what you should do at home if there is a burglary 27. If you want to guarantee you are secure at home, you should _________. A. always lock the door and put the key in a secret place far away from the doorB. never leave the keys to workmen since they can easily make copiesC. keep silent all the time even if you are on your own when a burglar steals into your house 28. Based on the passage, if you notice someone following you, it’s better for you to _________.A. shout loudly B. go to public placesC. stop, turn around and look at him 29. Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom?A. Because we might use it to alert the burglary.B. Because it’s convenient for us to talk to our friends while lying on bed.C. Because it’s convenient for us to report to the police in case there is a burglary. 30. From the passage, we can infer that we might be victims if _________.A. we cannot part with the money when

