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1.对不能抵抗的动物进行实验是不道德的。 Key words: resist, morally wrong
2.在家庭和工作之间寻找平衡的职业妇女会感到进退两难。 Key words: career women, dilemma
3.家长必须教育孩子不要模仿某些某些是负面榜样的明星。 Key words: imitate, negative role model
4.不成熟的青少年容易盲从并误入歧途。 Key words: follow like sheep, go astray
5.知道真相的病人可能会失去活下去的勇气。 Key words: truth, the courage to survive
6.有孝心的孩子不会让自己的父母住到敬老院去。 Key words: with obedience, nursing home
Key words: abortion, corruption of social ethics
8.雇主更愿意雇用那些重视诚信和忠心的员工。 Key words: integrity, loyalty
9.作为最常用的电子设备,电脑经常被利用来做犯罪工具。 Key words: electronic facility, crime tool
10.众所周知,安乐死是让病人和他们的家人迅速摆脱痛苦的方法。 Key words: euthanasia, get rid of
1、人们可以在家上班,以避免交通阻塞以及拥挤的公共交通。 Key words: traffic jam, public transport
2、在家工作让人们可以花更多时间提高个人能力和接受教育。 Key words: personal skills
Key words: job-hopping, yearning
4、经常跳槽的人的诚信和忠诚容易受到质疑。 Key words: integrity, loyalty, be prone to, doubt
5、如果你是一位癌症患者的医生,你忍心告诉他真相,还是保守秘密? Key words: have the heart, keep…a secret
6、尽管说白色谎言是出于良好的目的,但说谎还是不诚实、不道德的。 Key words: out of good intentions, dishonest, immoral
Key words: work stress,mental and physical health, working efficiency, life quality
Key words: impose…on…, mandatory retirement, the right to work
9、看太多电视节目会对孩子的智力发展造成伤害。 Key words: intellectual growth, cause damage to
10、商业广告中充斥各种误导人、欺骗人的信息。 Key words: flood, misleading, cheating
Key words: meet cultural demands, carry forward national culture, realize the sustainable development
2、据报道,旅游业提供全世界收入的10%,雇佣全世界劳动力的1/10。 Key words: workforce
3、文化保护取决于许多难以控制的因素。 Key words: depend on, complicated factors
4、政府有必要、有义务帮组并维持一种鼓励思想自由的氛围。 Key words: create, sustain, climate, freedom of thought
5、濒危语言就是那些因为科技进步或文化同化而慢慢消失的语言。 Key words: endangered, technological advances, cultural assimilation
Key words: economic and cultural globalization, cultural legacy
7、专家估计,随着英语全球化,世界上有一半语言会在100年内消失。 Key words: English globalization, extinct
8、我们把传统食品的消失视为快餐文化成功进入中国的一个标志。 Key words: fast food culture
9、在跨国婚姻中,人们因为要面临文化差异,会感到更孤独,所以必须要有充分心理准备。 Key words: international marriage,cultural difference, isolated
10、追求潮流的人认为不应该鼓励穿传统服装,因为这些服装已经过时。 Key words: fashion followers, traditional costumes, out-of date
1、动物园也是理想的研究中心,在那里科学家找出疾病的原因。 Key words: ideal, conduct scientific experiments
2、有些人选择吃素,这样就可以减少动物的痛苦 Key words: have a vegetarian diet, animal suffering
3、虽然在动物园里保护濒危物种有些问题,但是我们已经尽力了。 Key words: there is some problem with, conserve, endangered species
4、我们应该好好对待野生动植物,因为他们是生态系统中不可缺少的一部分。 Key words: the wildlife, indispensable, ecosystem
5、无论动物实验有什么样好处,都不可以被接受。 Key words: animal testing, unacceptable
6、斗牛和斗狗非常残忍,人们把它们视为野蛮、不文明的运动。 Key words: bull fighting, dog fighting, barbaric, uncivilized
7、如果一个孩子学会友善、耐心的对待宠物,那么他也能学会这样对人。 Key words: kindly, patiently, treat, in the same way
8、养宠物有伤感情,因为人们会忽略家庭成员的感情需求。 Key words: emotionally detrimental, neglect, emotional needs
9、人类活动严重危害动物的栖息地,所以如果动物继续呆在栖息地,就会面临灭绝的危险。 Key words: human activities, animal habitats, extinction
10、自从达尔文提出了适者生存这一原则,剥削动物的人就找到了借口。 Key words: Darwin, the principle of Survival of the Fittest, exploit
1. It is morally wrong that experiments are conducted on animals which cannot resist.
2. Career women who try to find a balance between their family and career will be caught in a dilemma.
3. Parents should educate children not to imitate some stars who are negative role models. 4. Teenagers who are immature are likely to follow like sheep and go astray. 5. Patients who know the truth are likely to lose the courage to survive.
6. Children with obedience will not allow their children to live in a nursing home. 7. Quite a few people firmly believe that abortion leads to corruption.
8. Employers are more willing to employ employees who attach importance to integrity and loyalty.
9. Computers, which are the most frequently used electronic facility, are used as crime tools.
10. It is well known that euthanasia is the way for patients and their families to get rid of pain quickly.
1. People can work at home to avoid traffic jam and crowded public transportation.
2. Telework enables people to spend more time improving personal skills and education.
3. Job hopping is a yearning for working with different people, shouldering different job responsibilities and living in different cities.
4. Frequent job-hoppers' integrity and loyalty are prone to be doubted.
5. If you are the doctor of a cancer patient, do you have the heart to tell him the truth or keep it a secret?
6. Though telling white lies is out of good intentions, lies are still dishonest and immoral.
7. Heavy working pressure leads to the decrease in mental and physical health,working efficiency and life quality.
8. To impose mandatory retirement on the elderly is to violate their right to work. 9. Too much TV viewing causes damage to children's intellectual growth.
10. All kinds of misleading and cheating information flood commercial advertisement.
1. Statistics show that tourism helps meet cultural demands, carry forward national culture and realize the sustainable development.
2. It is reported that tourism provides 10% of the world's income and employs one tenth of the world's workforce.
3. Cultural protection depends on many complicated factors which are hard to control.
4. The government has the obligation to sustain an atmosphere which encourages freedom of thought.
5. Endangered languages are those which disappear slowly due to technological advances or cultural assimilation.
6. Along with economic and cultural globalization, cultural legacy is disappearing, which is especially serious in developing countries.
7. Experts estimate that, with English globalization, half of the world's languages will die out in 100 years.
8. Disappearance of traditional food is a symbol that the fast food culture succeeds.
9. Facing cultural differences, people feel more isolated in international marriages; therefore people should be psychologically prepared.
10. Fashion followers believe that wearing traditional costumes should not be encouraged because they are already out of date
1. Zoos are the ideal research center where scientists find causes for diseases.
2. Some people choose to have a vegetarian diet so that animal suffering can be reduced.
3. Although there is some problem with conserving endangered species in zoos, we have tried our best.
4. We should treat the wildlife kindly because they are an indispensable part of the ecosystem. 5. No matter what benefits animal test has, it is unacceptable.
6. Bull fighting and dog fighting are so cruel that people consider them barbaric and uncivilized sports.
7. If a child learns how to treat pets kindly and patiently, he/she will treat people in the same way. 8. Pet-raising is emotional needs.
9. Human activities impair animal habitats seriously,so animals will face extinction if they keep staying in the habitats.
10. Since Darwin proposed the principle of Survival of the Fittest, people who exploit animals have found their excuses.

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