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?June 2011 Littelfuse
1c7358d489eb172ded63b768 1
150/250/500/600/700 VAC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 1 – 1200 Amperes
?June 2011 Littelfuse
2L15S Series, 150 Volts AC
L25S Series, 250 Volts AC
L50S Series, 500 Volts AC / 450 Volts DC
150/250/500/600/700 VAC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 1-1000 Amperes
?June 2011 Littelfuse
1c7358d489eb172ded63b768 3
150/250/500/600/700 VAC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 1-1000 Amperes
KLC Series, 600 Volts AC
L70S Series, 700 Volts AC/600 Volts DC
L60S Series, 600 Volts AC
?June 2011 Littelfuse
1c7358d489eb172ded63b768 4Specifications
Voltage Rating: AC: 150 V
DC: 150 V Interrupting Rating: 100 kA Ampere Range: 1 – 6000 A Approvals:
UL Recognized
150 VAC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 1-6000 Amperes
Figure 1Figure 2
Figure 3Figure 4Figure 5
Dimensions for reference only.
Web Resources
TC Curves, downloadable CAD drawings and other technical information: 1c7358d489eb172ded63b768/la15qs
LA15QS Series
?June 2011 Littelfuse
1c7358d489eb172ded63b768 5300 VAC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 35-4500 Amperes Specifications
Voltage Rating:
AC: 300 V
DC: 300 V Interrupting Rating: 200 kA Ampere Range: 35 – 4500 A Approvals:
UL Recognized
Figure 1Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Dimensions for reference only .Web Resources
TC Curves, downloadable CAD drawings and other technical information: 1c7358d489eb172ded63b768/la30qs
LA30QS Series
?June 2011 Littelfuse
1c7358d489eb172ded63b768 6500 VAC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 35-1200 Amperes Specifications
Voltage Rating:
AC: 500 V
DC: 500 V Interrupting Rating: AC: 200 kA DC: 100 kA Ampere Range: 35 – 1200 A Approvals: UL Recognized
CSA Certified
LA50QS Series
?June 2011 Littelfuse
1c7358d489eb172ded63b768 7
600 VAC/DC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 5-40 Amperes 690 VAC/700 VDC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 10-100 Amperes Specifications
Voltage Rating: AC: 600 V DC: 600 V Interrupting Rating: AC: 200 kA DC: 100 kA Ampere Range: 5 – 40 A Approvals:
UL Recognized
Littelfuse LA60Q semiconductor protection fuses feature a 600 volt AC/DC rating in a compact size (1 1?2” x 13?32”). LA60Q also has the lowest I 2t of all similar fuses and
excellent cycling ability. Applications include inverters and small equipment requiring extremely fast response to
faults, without the need to carry sustained heavy overloads.
Dimensions in inches
Contact Littelfuse for characteristic curves.
Littelfuse LA70QS semiconductor fuses were developed to provide improved performance required by today’s new equipment. The LA70QS features lower I 2t, improved cycling, and lower watts loss. It is the best choice for the protection of dynamic solid-state equipment.
Dimensions in inches (mm)
Please see website for dimensions:
Voltage Rating: AC: 690 V
DC: 700 V Interrupting Rating: AC: 200 kA DC: 100 kA Ampere Range: 10 – 100 A Approvals: UL Recognized
CSA Certified
Web Resources
TC Curves, downloadable CAD drawings and other technical information: 1c7358d489eb172ded63b768/la70qs
Recommended Fuseholders
CYH series for non-striker fuses LA70QS(amp)22F ..pg. 173 CYH1451 series for LA70QS(amp)14F ......................pg. 173
Web Resources
TC Curves, downloadable CAD drawings and other technical
LA60Q Series Semiconductor Fuses
LA70QS Series French Cylindrical Fuses
?June 2011 Littelfuse
1c7358d489eb172ded63b768 8
700 VAC/VDC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 35-800 Amperes
?June 2011 Littelfuse
1c7358d489eb172ded63b768 91000 VAC ? Very Fast-Acting ? 15 – 1000 Amperes
Voltage Rating: AC: 1000 V DC: 750 V Interrupting Rating: 100 kA Ampere Range: 15 – 1000 A Approvals:
UL Recognized
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 4
Web Resources
TC Curves, downloadable CAD drawings and other technical
information: 1c7358d489eb172ded63b768/la100p
Dimensions in inches (mm)
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