主题14 文明礼仪-2021年中考英语作文素材大全

更新时间:2023-05-03 16:25:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





say bad words to others ,express my anger ,disturb ,interrupt(打扰), come to an end ,be in trouble ,attitude decides everything (态度决定一切),play an important part, get into a good habit

II. 常用句型

1.To be a student with god manners, I shouldn’t...

2.Here are some suggestions...

3.On the other hand , I should not...

4.In order to be a student with good manners...

5.Learning to say sorry is a sure way to learn how to respect yourself and others.

6.Another very important reason of saying you’re sorry is that...

7.That’s what a student with good manners should do.

8.In my opinion, a good student in middle school should be good at both studying and being a good person.

III. 模拟试题

To be a student with good manners

A.Are you a student with good manners or bad manners?

B.Why do you think so?

C.To be a student with good manners, what should/shouldn’t you do in public?








1、I think that I’m a student with good manners because...

2、As we all know, good manners play an important part i daily life.

3、There is no denying that it’s important for students to have good manners.

4、Good manners are necessary to us.


1.Though sometimes I’m angry, I never say bad words to others to express my anger.

2.It’s good to queue up when we are waiting.

3.We must litter the food which we don’t need in the rubbish.

4.Others’ opinion about you depends on your manners.

5.We should speak in a low voice in public . What’s more, we ought to keep smiling.

6.To give others a good impression ,we should have good manners first. For example, we ought to be friendly to others in public. Besides ,we shouldn’t be rude to others. In a word, “better manners ,better life.”

7.To be a student with good manners, I shouldn’t talk with others loudly . When other people are talking, I shouldn’t interrupt them. I should wait until their conversation comes to an end.

8.To be a student with good manners. We should greet the old and help them to show our respect. We should queue while waiting for the bus and paying in the supermarket.

9.Here’re some suggestions. We shouldn’t throw rubbish or talk loudly in public. We must keep quiet in the school library. We shouldn’t make any noise there. Let’s be students with good manners.

10.To be a student with good manners, we shouldn’t walk across the road when the traffic light is red. We ought to throw rubbish into the bin. We should help the people who need our help. That’s

what a student with good manners should do.



Nowadays , it’s important to be a student with good manners. Why? I’ll give you some reasons. First, good manners can make other people be friendly to you. Second ,if you are a student with bad manners,teachers and other students won’t like you. What’s more, to be a student with good manners, we shouldn’t speak loudly in public. Therefore , if everyone has good manners, the world will be more beautiful.




2.What’s more 连接词用错。这里不是表示递进的关系,而是第三个问题的开始



Nowadays ,it’s important to be a student with good manners. I think I am a student with good manners. First, I never interrupt teachers in class. I talk about the questions with teachers after class. Second , I usually help my teachers and classmates if they need any help. To be a student with good manners, we should talk to other people politely . We shouldn’t speak loudly in public. What’s more ,we should queue while waiting for the bus and paying in the supermarket . Therefore, if everyone has good manners, the world will be more beautiful.


1.I think I am a student with good manners. When I see my teachers and classmates . I will say “hello”to them. When we have different ideas, I never argue with my classmates. When my friends

are in trouble, I will help them at once.

But these are not enough. It is our duty to never speak loudly in public and leave rubbish into rubbish bins. We should help people when they need help though they are strangers. How nice to be a student with good manners.

2.I think that I’m a student with good manners because I’m never rude. Though sometimes I ‘m angry, I never say bad words to others to express my anger. To be a student with good manners, I shouldn’t interrupt them. I should wait until their conversation comes to an end. Why not be s student with good manners?

3.As we all know, good manners play an important part in daily life. I am a student with good manners because I always greet my teachers when I meet them. As a famous saying goes, “Attitude decides everything.” We must learn to be students loudly in public . We must keep quiet in the school library. We shouldn’t make any noise there. Let’s be students with good manners.

4.I think I am a student with good manners .when my classmates help me, I always say “thanks”to them, and I often help my friends who are in trouble. I always help my teachers,too. To be a student with good manners, we shouldn’t walk across the road when the traffic light is red. We ought to throw rubbish into the bin. We should help the people who need our help. That’s what a student with good manners should do.

5.There is no doubt that I’m strict with myself especially with my manners. For example, I usually help others and take good care of the old in my daily life. And at school, teachers always praise me for my good manners. In order to be a student with good manners, we should be polite while taking to others. As a citizen, we shouldn’t leave rubbish and shout loudly in public . In a word, if we are students with good manners, our country will be proud of us.

6.I remember being punished by Dad when I was a little girl because of bad manners. Dad thinks rules are made to better our behaviors and purify our inside. With the help of Dad, I have become a

student with good manners. I greet others warmly, keep my mouth closed while chewing, and am never late for an appointment. To be a student with good manners, I should dress neatly ,and keep my voice low. On the other hand, I should not interrupt others when they are talking or use rude words. It may take a long time to really get into a habit,and there’s still so much to learn even if I think I’m doing well, but I believe sincerity has its rewards.

7.There’s no doubt that China is a country with good manners. In order to keep this wonderful tradition on , we students should have good manners. Personally I think I am a student with good manners because I behave properly in public.

To be good-mannered students, we should respect everybody equally. We need to say “please” and “thank you”more often. That’s a display of your good manners. Second, we shouldn’t be mean to the poor or the disabled. If we always give them a helping hand ,even the air will be filled with love.

I believe that good manners show a person’s inner beauty as well as make the world more beautiful!


1.How to behave well?

In my opinion, a good middle school should be good at both study and being a good person. As middle school students ,we are not children at all. We ought to be responsible for ourselves. So what should we do? First of all,we should study hard for it is a student ‘s duty. Next, we should make friends with our classmates . Nobody can be successful alone. We should have team work. Finally, it’s also important to find a way involved in social activities . Let’s try our best to behave well.

2.Learning to say sorry

Learning to say sorry is a good manner in our life. Life does not always run smoothly for us and mistakes often happen. What happens when you make a mistake? Do you try to hide the fact,or deny any responsibilities?

In my opinion, when you’ve made a mistake ,say you’re sorry. It allows several good things to

happen . It helps people believe you again, and it helps repair any damage that was caused by the mistake . Another very important reason of saying you’re sorry is that it helps you gain respect for yourself again. It allows you to leave the mistakes behind you, and to move on with your life. Learning to say sorry is a sure way to learn how to respect yourself and others.

3.how to use body language properly?

Body language is a special language for sending messages to others without any words.

Body language is very useful. People in different countries can understand it easily. In some special places ,it is very necessary ton use body language , for example,greeting to our friends far away, speaking in a very noisy place,talking with some disabled people.

Do you know how to use some body languages? For example, waving one’s hand is to say “goodbye” . A smile and a handshake show welcome. Nodding the head means agreement ,but shaking the head means disagreement .

To sum up,if you can use body language properly , it will make your life convenient and meaningful.

4.School manners

Every school has its own set of rules to keep students disciplined. The rules change from one school to another. Some schools are much stricter than others. It is useful to make students become polite.

At first, schools also demand that students wear uniforms ,such as sports suits or skirts.

Second ,schools also tell students that they may not be late for school. They must go to school on time.

Third ,for manners at school. Gum chewing is not allowed in school buildings, as it is difficult to clean up.

Finally, strange hairstyles are not allowed in school.

In short, every student must obey school rules. It’s good for them.

5.Being a good youth of today

Being a youth is one thing, and being a good one is another. A good youth should have these qualities . First of all,health . A healthy body is the best wealth. Without it, nothing can be done well.

Secondly,one must have a kind heart. Always do something good for others. Help those in trouble and care about the people around you. Thirdly ,one must have the ability to work with others. Cooperation and communication are two important keys to better human relations. Finally, patriotism is also something we should never forget. It means love for one’s country. It is one of the highest qualities of humans.’

I think a good youth of today should also have some training in art. If everyone can enjoy art and be able to make more of it for others, people will live better and enjoy more.


Write at least 60 words about the topic “How can I get along well with my _________". (以《如何与_______ (老师/同学/家人等)友好相处》为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名,校名及其他相关信息,否则不予给分。)

Phrases for reference:(以下短语仅供参考。)·

talk with share ideas care for

give a helping hand learn from show respect to


从作文标题"How can I get along well with my_"中可得知,主要的与作内容应为如何与……融洽相处,接下来再仔细阅读所给提示:talk with, share ideas, care for, give a helping hand, learn from, show respect to。读完后会发现,与第4篇话题所给形式类似,提示中并没有太多的框架引导性问题,对于此类文章,则要结合实际情况,按照传统作文写作的三大段,重新整合思路。新的思路基本上可以围绕以下三方面展开: 1.谁在我们生活中非常重要(Who is very important in our life?) 2.我们该如何与他/她友好相处(How can we get along well with him/her?) 3.结论(Conclusion).

★写( Write)














9.thank 10.thing 11.view










9.happen 10.have 11.love 12.make 13.mention 14.respect 15.say 16.seem 17.should 18.speak 19.talk 20.think

21.try 22.will


















because, due to, therefore, as a result


but, however, on the contrary


for example, for instance


first(ly), second(ly), third(ly)


in summary, in a word, generally speaking


1.When you ask me…, I will.. 当你问我......,我会......

2.It seems that... 似乎......

3.We usually disagree... 我们经常对·有分歧

4.From my point of view,... 依我看,......

5.Try your best to... 尽你的全力去…….



How can I get along well with my parents?

When you ask me who is the most important person in our life, I will say the parents. Because they give us life. And we love them most. However, it seems that some disagreements often arise between us. For example, we usually disagree with each other over some small matters. More seriously, we even complain to our parents about things that have happened. All these that have been mentioned above make both sides with them? From my point of view. tired. But how can we get along well because they're our parents. Firstly, respect them whatever happened Secondly, try to talk with them when we have different opinions about something. Thirdly, never think that everything your parents do for you Is what they should do, express your thanks to them as often as possible. Generally speaking, our parents love us most in this world. Therefore, we should try our best to get along well with them.





How can I get along well with my parents?

When you ask me who is the most important person in our life, I will(1) say the parents. Because they give us life(2). And we love them most. (3)However, it seems that some disagreements often arise between us. For example, we usually disagree with each other over some small matters. More seriously, (4) we even complain to our parents (5)about things that have happened. All these that have been mentioned above(6) make both sides with them? From my point of view. tired. But how can we get along well because(7) they're our parents. Firstly, respect them whatever happened Secondly, try to talk with them when we have different opinions about something. Thirdly, never think that everything your parents do(8) for you Is what they should do, express your thanks to them as often as possible. Generally speaking, our parents love us most in this world. (9)Therefore, we should try our best to get along well with them.





How can I get along well with my parents?

If you ask me who is the most important person in our life ,I will say the parents without hesitation. Because it is our parents who give us life. We love them more than anyone else. However, it seems that some conflicts often arise between us. For instance, we usually quarrel with each other over some small matters. What's worse, we even blame the other side for things that have happened. All these mentioned above make both sides tired. But how can we get along well with them? From

my point of view ,firstly, respect them whatever happened just because they're our parents. Secondly, try to talk with them when we have different opinions about something. Thirdly, never take everything that your parents did for you for granted, and express your gratitude to them as often as possible. Generally speaking, the greatest love in the world is the one from our parents. Therefore, we should try our best to get along well with them.


1. Good table manners

2.What should we do to behave well?

