本科 A卷大学英语一

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青岛大学 级 专业 本科 层次 大学英语1 课程考试试卷A卷 任课教师 考生姓名 学号 分数 闭卷 时间: 90分钟 注意:答案必须写在答题纸上 共 3 页 第 1 页

I. Match the word with its definition. (单词连线) (15%) 1. disagree v. 2. inexact adj. 3. marriage n. 4. mother-in-law 5. bravery n. 6. helpful adj. 7. poisonous adj. 8. smog n. 9. semiannual adj. 10. purchase n. 11. proof n. 12. minimum adj. 13. unfamiliar adj. 14. interpersonal 15. bride n. A. not correct and with mistakes B. to have different opinions C. willing to help; useful D. being brave; courage E. legal union between a man and a woman as husband and wife F. mother of one’s wife or husband G. mixture of smoke and fog H. containing poison I. of half a year J. buying an article that has been bought K. existing or done between two people L. a woman on or just before her wedding-day M. least or smallest in amount, degree, etc. N. evidence that shows that sth. is true O. not well known III. Choose the best answer to finish the sentences.(选择合适选项完成句子) (20%)

1. He would not listen at all to the doctor’s advice that he ___________ smoking immediately.

A. stop B. stops C. stopped D. will stop

2. He feels that his composition is better than ________ in his class.

A. any student’s B. the other students C. any other’s D. the others 3. I _______ you with the funds. Why didn’t you ask me?

A. Should provide B. had provided C. could provide D. could have provided

4. So little _____________ about stock exchange that the lecture was completely beyond me. A. did I know B. I had known C. I knew D. I was known 5. He stayed up finishing the job rather than _______ it for the next day. A. leaving B. to leave C. left D. leave

6. I like to get up early so that I can get plenty of work ___________ before lunch. A. being done B. done C. to D. to be done 7. A tiger can not be tamed unless ________ very young.

A. its being caught B. is caught C. caught D. being caught 8. It’s not polite to ____________ a speaker when he is making a speech. A. interrupt B. cease C. oppose D. inquire

9. Bob had ______ for this man to come whenever needed. A. required B. demanded C. arranged D. invited

10. The fire _____________ two persons’ death as well as the damage of all the store’s property. A. is resulted in B. is resulted from C. resulted in D. resulted from

11.We find it safer and more ______ to put the money in a bank. A. easy B. convenient C. nice D. happy

12.Before you leave the table, ________ your napkin and put it beside your plate. A.open B. fold C. unfold D. refold

13.Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your ___________ attention for four minutes.

A.divided B. dividing C. undivided D. undividing

14.The new technique will ________ them to double their production. A.enable B. make C. increase D. advance

15.More than two substances are _________ in this chemical reaction. A.happened B. participated C. involved D. included

16. Scientists will ____________ new methods of increasing the world’s food supply. A. set aside B. go over C. turn up D. come up with 17. The travelers _____________ 400 miles a day by car. A. passed B. took C. covered D. went

18. The meeting had to be __________ because of the absence of the chairman of the board. A. called off B. called in C. called on D. called out

19. The airplane ___________ over the airport, waiting for the direction to land. A. passed B. stayed C. slid D. circled

20. There were no seats _______ for those who arrived late. A. available B. enough C. sufficient D. supplied

II. Use the right form of the given words to fit into the sentences that follow. (用所给单词填空) (15%)

different contained instead of digest are interested in

e walked down the stairs _______________________ taking the elevator. 2. They ____________________ wha is going on in the art world. 3. My house is _____________ from yours in several ways.

4. Don’t give the baby meat to eat, because he cannot _____________ it. 5. The room was small and ______________ far too much furniture.

1. W

while way helpful measures security 6. George was very __________; we could not have done the job without him. 7. For _________, the door was chined as well as locked.

8. Some people waste food __________ others haven’t enough.

9. The government should take strict ___________ against all forms of corruption. 10. The gate is the only _______ to the school.

snapped issue detected confidential on the other hand 11. Once you have caught me you could easily put me into prison. But ________________________ I am hard to catch. 12. I ________ the odor of gas when i opened the door. 13. The dry wood ____________ and crackled as it burned. 14. Please lock up these ________________ reports.

15. They advised the governor not to ________ him a passport for travel abroad.

继续教育学院 2014 年 6 月

青岛大学 级 专业 本科 层次 大学英语1 课程考试试卷A卷 任课教师 考生姓名 学号 分数 闭卷 时间: 90分钟 注意:答案必须写在答题纸上 共 3 页 第 2 页

IV. Reading comprehension. (阅读理解)(30%) Passage 1

Use the nutritional information for dinner at Veronica’s Vegetarian Restaurant to answer the following questions.

1. How many calories are in a garden calzone? A. 290 B. 300 C. 330 D. 350 2. Which food item has 17 grams of protein?

A. garden calzone B. veggie burger C. white bean salad D. lentil and pasta salad 3. If you eat a veggie burger and tomato soup, what is the total number of calories for the meal? A. 460 calories B. 430 calories B C. 290 calories D. 160 calories 4. Which food item has the most protein?

A. veggie burger B. lentil and pasta salad C. garden calzone D. tomato soup

5. Suppose you had tomato soup and white bean salad, what other food item could you have and still eat fewer than 19 grams of fat?

A. fried rice B. garden calzone C. veggie burger D. bean soup

1. If the Roberts spent $26 at the farmer’s market, how much money was spent on oranges? A. $5.00 B. $5.50 C. $6.00 D. $6.50 2. On which type of food was the most money spent?

A. oranges B. apples C. tomatoes D. cucumbers

3. For which type of food was the amount purchased equal to the amount purchased of peppers? A. cucumbers B. oranges C. apples D. tomatoes

4. If the Roberts spent $26 at the farmer’s market, how much was spent on apples? A. $11.25 B. $9.10 C. $6.50 D. $5.20

5. If the Roberts spent $2.60 for peppers, how much money did they spend on tomatoes? A. $2.60 B. $3.40 C. $4.60 D. $5.20

V. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese. (20%)

1. What conclusions(结论) did you come to ? 2. Do you agree to my plan?

3. They cared for the child day and night.

4. Ginger root was once thought to be able to improve the memory by some magical power. 5. I can’t go ---for one thing I have no money, and for another, I have too much work. 6. He is used to getting up early.

7. The sea air has made a difference to her health. 8. She gave her undivided attention to her son. 9. Will you come for dinner this Saturday?

10. The family have adopted three children as their own.

Passage 2

The Robert family stopped at a local farmer’s market. They purchased some fruits and vegetables. Use the circle graph of their purchases to answer the following questions.


继续教育学院 2014 年 6 月

青岛大学 级 专业 本科 层次 大学英语1 课程考试试卷A卷 任课教师 考生姓名 学号 分数 闭卷 时间: 90分钟 注意:答案必须写在答题纸上 共 3 页 第 3 页



I. Match the word with its definition. (单词连线) (15%)

1 6 11 2 7 12 3 8 13 4 9 14 5 10 15

IV. Reading comprehension. (阅读理解)(30%)

1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10

II. Use the right form of the given words to fit into the sentences that follow. (用所给单词填空) (15%)

1 6 11 2 7 12 3 8 13 4 9 14 5

V. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese. (20%)

1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________

10 4. ________________________________________________________________

15 5. ________________________________________________________________

III. Choose the best answer to finish the sentences.

(选择合适选项完成句子) (20%)

1 6 11 16 2 7 12 17 3 8 13 18 4 9 14 19 5 10 15 20 6. ________________________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________________ 10. ________________________________________________________________

继续教育学院 2014 年 6 月

