高一英语课文知识点 - 杭十四中

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1.put forward


put away收起放好

*Put your books away when you finish them.

put down放下;写下;镇压

*You should put down everything he said.

*The rebellion was at last put down.

put forward提出;拨快

*Are you serious in putting forward such a view.

put forward a suggestion/plan/a new theory

*Put the clock forward by five minutes.

put off 推迟

*They put off the picnic because of the rain.

*We had to put off the meeting till next Monday.

*Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

put on 穿上;上演

put out 扑灭

*Put the fire out.

put up 举起;张贴;搭起;(留…)过夜

*We put up for the night at a farmhouse.

*Can you put us up for the night?

put up with忍受

2.draw a conclusion



*What do you conclude from the facts?

*The judge concluded that the prisoner was innocent.

B.vt. vi.结束

*He concluded his speech.

*The meeting concluded after 3 hours.

conclusion n.结论

draw/come to/reach a conclusion得出结论

3.expert n.专家 adj.经过专门训练的

*He is an expert in engineering.

=He is an engineering expert.

*He is an expert engineer.

4.attend Queen Victoria

*attend a meeting/a conference/a lecture出席/参加

attend a class/school上课/上学

*Two doctors attended the patient.(照料/看护)


*Don’t expose it to the sun.(暴露)

*He exposed the crime in the newspaper.(揭露)

*Don’t expose the children to the infectious disease. (使…受到危险)

*They are exposed to the infectious disease.

*the children (who are) exposed to the infectious disease(过去分词作定语)

6.cure vt.治愈 n.治疗方法

*The medicine cured my fever.

*The medicine cured me of my fever.

*There is no certain cure for cancer.

cure 和treat的区别

cure 表示―治愈‖,treat只表示―治疗‖

7.people dies every time there was an outbreak

此处every time作连词连接句子

关于every time等作连词的用法如下:

A.every time/each time每次

*She demands sweets every time she sees me

B.(the) last time上次

*(The)last time I went to see him, he happened to be out.

C.next time下次

*Next time you come in, please knock at the door first.

D.the first /second time第一/二次

*The second time I went to see him, he happened to be out.

=When I went to see him for the second time, he happened to be out.

E.this/it is the first time(that) sb. have done

*This is the first time I have been abroad.

*This was the first time I had been abroad.

F.for the first/second time作状语用,不能连句子

*Last year I went abroad for the second time.

I thought him kind and honest __ I met him.

A.for the first time B.the first time

C.every time D.the last time


*Ozone absorbs heat from the sun.

*The clever boy absorbed all that the teacher taught him

be absorbed in被…吸引住;专注于

*He was absorbed in a book.

*He is completely absorbed in his work.

9.suspect v.怀疑,猜测 n.嫌疑犯

*We suspected that it was a trick to get our money.

*I suspect him to be a liar.

=I suspect that he is a liar.

*The office boy is the suspected thief.

*The suspect is being questioned by the police 10.blame


A. blame sb. for sth. /doing sth.


*Many children are afraid of being blamed for making mistakes in speaking English.

*He blamed me for his failure.

*We blamed him for being late.

*He was blamed for being late.

B.blame sth.on sb.把某事怪到到某人身上 *He blamed his failure on me.

*The police blamed the traffic accident on Jack'.

*It's no use blaming our defeat on him. C.be to blame (for)该(为…)受责备。


*The children were not to blame for the accident.

*He is more to blame than you.

*Who is to blame for starting the fire? *You are to blame for that.

*He is the person who is to blame.

*He is not the one to blame.

*The mother didn't know ____ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out. (NMET2002)

A. who B. when C. how D. what

*I feel it is your husband who ____ for the spoiled child.(2002上海)

A. is to blame B. is going to blame

C. is to be blamed D. should blame



*I suggest we have the meeting at once.

*I suggest the meeting be held at once.

*John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.

*The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air.

*The look on his face suggested that he was disappointed.

12.apart from 除..之外(分别等于except 和besides)

*Apart from that, all goes well.

*Apart from English, we have other subjects.

13.positive adj.确定的;积极的;正的

*There is positive proof that he did it.

*I’m positive/sure that he did it.

*What we need is positive thinking.

*Positive suggestions will always be welcomed.

*The positive sign is +.

*The blood tests were positive.

positive pole阳极,正极


14.be strict with和be strict in

be strict with sb.

be strict in sth.

*His parents are strict with him.

*He is strict in his work.

15.make sense vi.说得通,有意义,

有道理, 被理解

*Your whole account of the incidents doesn’t make sense.

*No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn’t make (any) sense.

make sense of vt.理解,懂

*Can you make sense of what he said?

16.with the planets going round it

这是with +宾语+宾语补足语的结构,在句中作状语。这一结构在句中常作定语或状语,作宾补的可以是形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式以及分词(—ing和—ed)等。现将其基本形式归纳如下:

A.with + n./pron. + 形容词/副词

*He wore a shirt, with the neck open.

*With the noise so loud outside, I can’t sleep.

*With Mr Smith away, we’ve got more room.

B.with + n./pron. + 介词短语

*He sat there with a smile on his face.

*It’s a village with mountains around it.

*He came in with a ball under his arm.

C.with + n./pron. + 不定式

*With so much work to do, he could not go

*With so many problems to solve, the newly-elected president had a hard time.

D.with + n./pron. + 现在分词

*The street was quiet with no buses running.

*With him leading the way, I had no trouble finding the station.

*With so many people watching me, I felt nervous.

*With the room being decorated, it smells terrible.

*I can’t go on holiday with my mother being ill.

*With Christmas approaching, shops became crowded.

*With time going by(As time went by), I realized my mistakes.

E.with + n./pron. + 过去分词

*The thief was brought in with his hands tied back.

*With so many problems solved, the newly-elected president felt relieved.

*He slept with all the windows closed.

*The boy left with his homework unfinished.

17.contribute vt. vi. 捐献,捐赠;贡献;投稿

*He contributed to the Red Cross.

*He contributed $5 to the charity every payday.

*He didn’t contribute one idea to the discussion.

*He contributed an article to the Daily Post.

*He often contributes to the magazine.

contribute to 经常作“有助于,导致”解

*Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.

*His carelessness contributed to the accident.

*His singing will contribute greatly to the success of the party.

*Bad eating habits contributed to his illness.

make a contribution 做贡献

Useful expressions

physical characteristics 身体特征

scientific research 科学研究

infectious diseases 传染病

solve the problem 解决问题

be determined to do 决心做…

look into 调查

soon afterwards 之后不久

slow down 慢下来,减缓

die of 死于

make a suggestion 提建议

make a plan 制定计划

make a speech 发表演讲

make a change 做出改变

make a investigation 进行调查

make a decision 做决定

make a contribution 做贡献

make a noise 发出响声

make a description 进行描述

make a face 做鬼脸

make friends 交朋友

make money 赚钱

make dinner 做饭

make sure 确保

make the bed 铺床

make room for 给…让地方

make one’s way to 向…走去

make up one’s mind 下决心

lead to 导致

1.consist of和make up

make up(vt.)组成,构成

consist of =be made up of由…组成/构成

*Women make up 60 percent of the workers in this factory.

*Different qualities make up a person’s character.

*Nine players make up a team.

*Fifty students make up the class.

在上述句子中不能用consist of,只有当上述句子改为被动后才能换成consist of。

=*A person’s character =A person’s character 所以,consist of无被动态,也不能用进行时,而make up是及物的,它的被动形式是be made up of。在用分词做定语时,consist of用现在分词,be made up of用过去分词。

*a team consisting of nine players

=a team made up of nine players


*The children are dividing the cake.

*Let’s divide the class into four groups.

*The class is divided into four groups.

*Let’s divide the work between/among us.


divide sth. between/among sb.




*Please divide the apples into two parts.

*Please separate the good apples from the bad ones.

The apple was _______ into two.

We _______the money equally.

Oxygen can be ________ from water.

The Taiwan Strait ____ Taiwan from Fujian.

The two boys are fighting. Go and _____ them.

3….you find Wales included as well


*Many people were injured, including two children.

= Many people were injured, two children included.

*All of us laughed, including me.

=All of us laughed, me included

4.break away(from)



C.改掉(习惯), 破除(旧做法)

*The criminal broke away from the policeman who was holding him.

*He tried to break away from me.

*The southern states wanted to break away from the union.

*You should break away from these bad habits.

break down坏掉,垮掉

*The engine broke down.

*Our car broke down halfway

*His health broken down.


credit card信用卡

*It takes 124 credits to graduate.(学分)

to one’s credit值得赞扬的是,对某人有利的是

*It is greatly to your credit that you have passed such a difficult examination.

6.the four countries do work together

助动词do/does/did除用来构成否定句和疑问句外,还可用于肯定句或祈使句表示强调,译作 ―的确,确实,务必‖.

*He does speak fluent English.

*He did attend the lecture that day.

*Do be quiet.

7.for convenience为方便起见

*I keep my dictionary near my desk for convenience.

*The house has all modern conveniences.

convenience food方便食品

convenience store便利店

convenient adj.方便的,便利的

*When would it be convenient for you to begin?

*Come whenever it is convenient to you.

切记:convenient 不能以人作主语,如不能说when you are convenient(当你方便的时候),而必须说when it is convenient to you.

*Will Monday be convenient for you?

*Let’s meet at a convenient place.

8.rough adj.

*The surface is not smooth; it’s rough.(粗糙)

*Don’t be so rough with him.(粗野)

*Boxing is a rough sport.

*The sea was rough.(波涛汹涌)

*It’s just a rough plan.(粗略的,大概的)

roughly adv.粗略地,大致

*I’ll tell you roughly what I think of it.

*____ speaking, about 300 people attended the meeting.

A. Generally B. Roughly C. Frankly

those 可代替前面出现的特指的复数名词,如果是特指的单数名词,则用that代替。

*The book on the desk is more interesting than that under the desk.

*The books on the desk are more interesting than those under the desk.

*The population in Shanghai is larger than that in Hangzhou.

*The students in their class is cleverer than those in our class.

10.leave out遗漏,漏掉;删去

*You made a spelling mistake –you left out the letter t.

*Your name is not in the list. You’ve been left out.

*This sentence is useless, Leave it out.


*Don’t leave your bike out at night.

11.quarrel vi. n.争吵

quarrel with sb. about sth.

*They are quarreling now.

*They are quarreling about money.

*He sometimes quarrels with his brother.

*What was the cause of their quarrel?

12.alike adj.(只用作表语)一个样子,模样相同

*He and his brother are exactly alike.

*The two buildings are alike in size and shape.

*All music is alike to him.

*The two twins are so alike that I can’t tell which is which.


*He treats everyone alike.

*They are dressed alike.

13.take the place of代替,接替

*Who’s taking my place in my absence?

*Plastics have taken the place of many materials.

take place(vi.)举行,发生

*Great changes have taken place in my hometown.

*The wedding will take place next Saturday.

14.fold vt.折叠,合拢(双手、翅膀等)

*He folded the paper and put it into his pocket.

*The blanket was folded up and put in the box.

*The paper must be folded in half.

*The little child folded her hands in prayer.

*A bird folds its wings.


A. arrange sth.安排

*I will arrange everything.

*I have arranged a car for you.

*The meeting was arranged for May 10.

B. arrange( for sb.) to do sth.安排

*Martin arranged to meet him next week.

*I’ve arranged for a car to pick you up at the airport.


*Please arrange the books on the desk.

arrangement n.

15.available adj.找得到/买得到/可得到

*The doctor is not available now.

*The new product is available everywhere.

*There are no tickets available for Friday’s concert.

16.delight vt.使…高兴 n.高兴,喜悦

*His performance delighted everyone.

*His performance was delightful (delighting).

*Everyone was delighted with his performance.

*I have read your letter with delight.

17.remain standing仍然站着


*They remained good friends.(名词)

*It remained a mystery how he died.

*Most shops here remain open till midnight.(形容词)

*The door remained closed.(过去分词)

*The work remained unfinished.

*They remained listening.(现在分词)

*Whether it is good remains to be seen.(不定式被动)

18.the man should have lived in London


*It seems so unfair that this should happen to me.

*It is strange that such near neighbors should not know one another.

*I can’t understand why he should have said this.

Useful expressions

Prime Minister 首相

for convenience 为方便起见

be known as 作为…而出名

on the phone 在电话里

on special occasions 在特殊场合

in memory of 为纪念

have a photo taken 拍照

on show 在陈列中,在展出

fall asleep 入睡

1.Below are some of the main aspects…


*Here/Below are some of the examples.

*In front of the building is a big tree.

*On the wall hangs a beautiful picture.

*Before us lies a bright future.

*Before them lay a great hope.

*Beyond the hill stands an ancient temple.

2.aspect n.方面

*We are considering the plan in all its aspects.

*It’s only one aspect of the problem.

3.take up this prize接受这个奖

*When did you drop medicine and take up physics?(开始学习某门课程)

*I won’t take up much of your time.(占用时间)

*The meeting took up the whole morning.

*The table takes up too much room.(占用空间)

*Do you intend to take up his offer of a job?(接受)

4. previous adj.前一…;以前的

*the previous year/month/day/morning,

the previous page/lesson

*His previous attitude towards it was wrong.

5.guide vt.引导,指导;n.向导,导游;指南

*He guided me to the station.

*He guided the lost tourist back to the hotel.

*We set out with Tom acting as the guide.

*You need a guide to show you around the city.

*This is a guide to the Palace Museum.

6.some green tablets which helped a lot


*This medicine doesn’t work/help.

*Your advice works well/helps a lot.

7.tolerate vt.忍受

*I can’t tolerate the loud noise.

*How can you tolerate that rude fellow?

表示―忍受‖的还有stand, bear, put up with.



*I don’t seem to lack anything.

*What you lack is confidence.

*He doesn’t lack money.


*For lack of money, they can’t afford the big house.

*The plants died because of (a) lack of water.

*A lack of food caused her to become weak.

9.I felt better in no time.

in no time立刻,马上

*I’ll be back in no time.

in no time不是否定词组,在句首时句子不能倒装,但at no time (在任何时候都不,绝不)是否定词组,在句首时句子要倒装。

10.press vt.按,挤;压

*Press the button to start the engine.

*These two pieces of paper will stick if you press them together.

*He got the juice from grapes by pressing them.

*When the car started, we felt pressed against the back of the seat.

11.lose sight of和catch sight of

catch sight of看到,发现

lose sight of 看不见

*If you catch sight of William, ask him to come.

*I lost sight of Smith in the crowd.

12.“we reached what looked like a large market”(我们到了看上去像个大市场的地方)

“into the future of what was still my hometown”


*We arrived at what is Boston now.

*I lived in what you call ―Ancient Greece‖(必修二Unit 2)

*They spoke what we didn’t understand.

*I waited for what seemed a long time.

*He is writing with what looks like a ballpen.

13.provide the room with…

provide A with B=provide B for A


*We provided them with food and clothes.

*The Internet provides us with information.

*We have been provided with what we want.

*Can you provide tents for the campers?

=Can you provide the campers with tents?

offer A B=offer B to A

14.fall fast asleep熟睡

15.desert n.沙漠;adj.荒芜人烟的

*Camels are useful tools in the desert.

*He lived on the desert island for many years.

16.environmentally friendly环保的


17.material n.材料,资料,物质,布料

*Here is a good reading material.

*The price of building materials has gone up.

*He is collecting materials for his article.

*Her dress is made of a woolen material.

Useful expressions

make notes 做笔记

in one thousand years’ time 一千年以后

in all directions 朝四面八方

in no time 立刻,马上

catch sight of 发现,看到

fall (fast) asleep 入睡(熟睡)

overcome the difficulties 克服困难

a period of time 一段时间

for health reasons 因健康原因

bend the rules 通融

under repair 在修理中

desert island 荒岛

a boarding school 寄宿学校

show sb. around 带某人参观

clear one’s mind 排除杂念

environmentally friendly 环保的

1.involve vt.牵涉;涉及;包括

*This problem involves us all.

*Don’t involve me in your quarrel.

*We are all involved, whether we like it or not.

*The conflict involving six nations was settled.



常以be/get involved in形式出现

*They were deeply involved in debt.

*I got involved in the quarrel between them

2.cover a story进行报道

3.eager adj.渴望的

be eager to do渴望做某事

*The boy is eager to visit the museum.

be eager for sth.渴望得到某物

*The boy is eager for the candy.

be anxious to do 急于想做某事

be anxious for sth. 急于想得到

anxious和eager 的意思很接近,前者指焦急的情绪,后者指热切的情绪。在用eager 的地方有时可用anxious代替,而用anxious的地方不宜用eager。

4.concentrate (…) on sth./doing sth

*I tried to concentrate my attention on what he was saying.

*Please concentrate on the lesson.

rm vt.通知,告诉

A. inform sb. that

*He informed me that there would be a meeting tomorrow

=I was informed that there would be a meeting tomorrow

B. inform sb. of sth

*He returned and informed us of his decision.

*Has he been informed of our decision?

*Please keep me informed of fresh development.

information n.



*Jack ran for a doctor; meanwhile we stayed with the patient.

in the meanwhile/meantime=


7.depend on/upon

*These young people don’t depend on their parents.(依靠)

*The price depends on the quality.(取决于,得看)

*Whether we’ll have a picnic depends on the weather.

*―Are you going?‖

―It all depends./That depends‖(得看情况)

8.case n.情况;事例;案件;病例; 箱子

*I put my books in a leather case.


*Take my case for example.以我的情况为例

*There were six cases of cholera here.

*The police decided to look into the case.



*This is the case (that/which) the police decided to look into.

*Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?

*I can think of many cases ____ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay.(2003上海)

A. why B. which C. as D. where


*Can you think out a context ____ the word is used?

A. which B. that C. where

*That’s the situation (that/which) we have to take into consideration.

*That’s the situation in which/where we must act quickly.


*This is the room (which/that) he bought.

*This is the room in which/where he lives.

9.accuse vt.指控(of)

*The police accused him (of murder).

=The police charged him with murder.

*He was wrongly accused.

*The accused(被告) asked the judge for mercy.



A.accuse sb. of 指控/指责某人(做)某事(必修五4)

*He accused his father of not keeping his word.

*He was accused of murder.

B.convince sb. of使某人相信某事(必修四3)

*He convinced me of the difficulty of the work.

*I was convinced of their innocence.

C.cure sb. of治好某人的…(必修五1)

*The medicine can cure you of your fever.

*He cured the child of his bad habits.

rm sb. of通知某人某事(必修五4)

*He informed me of his arrival.

*I was informed of their decision.

E.remind sb. of使人想起某事/提醒某人某事(必修三1)

*This picture always reminds me of my childhood.

*Thank you for reminding me of my meeting the manager.

F.rid…of使…摆脱/去掉(必修四2 )

*Can you rid the room of the bad smell?

*The dentist rid him of his pain by pulling out the tooth.

G.rob ... of 抢走/偷走某人/某地的东西

*Thieves robbed the bank of thousands of dollars.

*The bank was robbed of thousands of dollars.

*The robber robbed the woman of her bag.

*The woman was robbed of her bag.

H.suspect sb. of怀疑某人干某事(必修五1)

*They suspected him of murder.

*We suspected the thief of lying.

*He was suspected of stealing.

I.warn sb. of事先告诉某人可能有某情况

*We warned them of the possible danger.

*The black clouds warned us of the approaching storm.

10.This is how the story goes.


*The story goes that he was once very rich.

*As the saying goes,

*How does the story go?(故事怎么说的)

*How does the song go?(这歌怎么唱的?)

11.so as to…

so as to do=in order to do,作目的状语;so that=in order that,后接句子

in order that和in order to可位于主句之前或主句之后,so that和so as to只能在主句之后。 *He got up early so that(in order that) he could catch the early bus.

*He got up early so as to(in order to) catch the early bus.

*In order that he could catch the early bus, he got up early.

*In order to catch the early bus, he got up early.


*He got up early so as not to(in order not to) miss the early bus.

*He spoke in a low voice so as not to be(in order not to be) heard

12.guilty adj.有罪的;内疚的

*We found him guilty.(He was found guilty.)

*He felt guilty at/for not giving me help.

*His guilty look gave him away.

guilt n.犯罪感;内疚感

*The prisoner admitted his guilt.

=The prisoner admitted that he was guilty.

*His face showed guilt, though he said that he had done nothing wrong.

13.thorough adj.完全彻底的,

*You should have a thorough rest.

*She gave the house a thorough cleaning.

Useful expressions

assistant journalist 助理记者

cover a story 进行报道

update one’s skill 更新技能

keep in mind 记住

have a good nose for 对…嗅觉灵敏

a trick of the trade 行业的诀窍

get the wrong end of the stick完全误解,弄错

This is how the story goes. 事情是这样的。


score a goal 进球得分

get a scoop 得到独家新闻

1.Temporary adj.临时的,暂时的

*He appointed a temporary editor.

*I’m looking for a flat. This is my temporary address.

2.fall ill


fall asleep, fall sick, fall ill,

*He has fallen asleep.

*He has been asleep for two hours.

*He has fallen asleep for two hours.(错)

3.injure vt. injury n.

*The boy injured the leg.

*No one was injured in the accident.

*The injured were taken to hospital at once.

*Have you got better from your injury?

*I’m glad the injury was not serious.

4.get injured/burned/infected


5.sense of touch触觉

sense of sight视觉;sense of hearing听觉;

sense of taste味觉;sense of smell嗅觉;

sense of humour幽默感

sense of beauty美感

sense of direction 方向感

sense of urgency紧迫感

sense of pride自豪感

sense of achievement成就感

sense of justice正义感

6.variety n.多样化,品种

*We demanded more variety for our food.

*There are several varieties of red rose.

a variety of =various 各种各样 不表示状态,故不能跟一段时间。常见搭配有:

7.mild adj.柔和的,温和的,轻微的

*The weather today is mild.

*He is a mild man; he is not easy to get angry.

*He has got a mild injury.

8.swell (swelled, swollen)

*The insect bite made her finger swell.

*Her leg has swollen badly.

*The heavy rain made the river swell.(上涨)

swollen adj. 肿胀的

*Her finger was swollen with insect bites.

*Her eyes were red and swollen with weeping.

swelling n. 肿

*The ice pack brought the swelling down.

9.scissors n.剪刀

*Give me a pair of scissors (a scissors).

*Where are my scissors?

*These scissors are very sharp.

10.squeeze vt.挤,塞,榨

*He squeezed the last bit from the toothpaste tube.

*She squeezed an extra shirt into her suitcase.

*He is squeezing juice from an orange.

*We squeezed into the crowded bus.

11.keep the heat in



12.Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?

It hurts a lot.

hurt vt.伤害,使受伤;v.疼

*He hurt his back when he fell.

*It hurts me when you talk like that.

*My head hurts.

*Does it hurt?

*His back hurts.

13.pour vt. vi. 倒,灌; 涌;下倾盆雨

*You shouldn’t pour the dirty water in the river.

*He poured me another cup of tea.

*The crowd poured out of the theatre.

*It was pouring all night.

14.ceremony n.仪式,典礼

*The opening ceremony was performed on Monday.

*A graduation ceremony is to be held next week.

15.apply vi.申请(for);适用(to);


A.*I have applied for a passport.

*He has applied for a post in the company.

*I have applied to the bank for a loan.

B.*That argument doesn’t apply in this case.

*The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.

C.*Apply some medicine to the wound.

*I have seen that method applied by many people.

*You didn’t apply what you learned to the experiment.

16.pressure n.压力

blood pressure血压

water pressure水压

air pressure 空气压力

the pressure of life生活的压力

*He couldn’t come because of the pressure of work.

17.It shows that a knowledge of fist aid can

knowledge n.知识(不可数);

*Knowledge is power.

*His knowledge of first aid is quite limited.

*I have no knowledge of astronomy.

a knowledge of 了解,对…懂

*A knowledge of languages is useful.

*He has a poor knowledge of history.

18.make a difference有影响;有差别

*Everybody can do something to protect the environment. That will make a difference. *Your support will certainly make a difference in our work.



make some/little/a little/much difference

Useful expressions

give/perform first aid 施行急救

if possible 如有可能

act as 充当 if necessary 如有必要 running water 自来水 knock over 撞翻

a variety of 各种各样

